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Clara and the Nursing Home


All names in this story, are not the person's real names. I had been taking care of an elderly lady in her home. Once she passed on I was looking for another job. I seen in the paper this nursing home not far from me, was hiring people to work there. I applied and got the job.

I had four people to care for, Fred and older man who was in a wheel chair (remember this), Clara an older woman left there by her kids, she was in great health, Candy a 20 year old mentally impaired, and Bill a yeller and screamer, never happy about anything.

Candy had the mind of an 6 or 7 year old. She tell me people came into her room, and beat her up a lot. I do know she had many nightmares.

Clara told me people got beaten and killed in this nursing home, people they got tired of taking care of, or people that told to much what was going on here, in the nursing home.

Bill said he often was beaten up, when he was sleeping.

Fred said some of his friends just went missing and they weren't even sick.

I met Bonniesue, a nurses aide she was very nice and she would be the one to train me, on the job routine. After two weeks of training I was on my own. That twice a month everyone worked the grave yard shift. I usually worked days or afternoons.

The first night of working the grave yard shift. I hear screaming down the hallway. I went down the hallway to see what is going on. I can't find where the screaming is coming from. I checked all the rooms in my area. Everyone seemed to be sleeping. The screaming noise seemed to blend into the hallway walls. I went back to the desk. When Audrey came back from her end of the hallway. I told her what happen. She told me she hears that all the time.

The next time I worked the grave yard shift not only where there noises of screaming, but I could see people walking the hallways. As I watched them they seems to either disappear into the walls or just vanish. I got the shivers and hoped I never have to work the grave yard shift by myself.

I told Bonniesue about this she told me "Many times you see, feel, smell, and something touch you, that you just can't explain". She told me this happens in the day time hours too. The screaming she said she has not been able to find, out where it comes from. But she is sure it's from someone being hurt.

I was off a day came back to find Bill with bruises on his face and arms and a cast on his leg. I asked what happen to him. I was told "He fell out of his bed last night". My gut feeling didn't tell me that. I told that to Bonniesue, she said he didn't fall out of bed. I said so what happen? She told me for my own good, it's best I didn't know.

Candy had just had her 22nd birthday and was found dead in her bed. She was in good health. Down the hallway the other way, another person was also found dead in there bed. I never knew that man. He was not on the hallway, where I worked.

I often took Clara out to eat lunch, get her hair down and do some shopping. She said "People that know too much or are a burden to the people that work there, are killed or beaten up. It happens a lot of the time. Can you please let me live at your house?" I did look into if she could, but her kids were her guardian and they had to give permission and they couldn't be found.

I was with Clara all day on my day off. We had fun, she didn't want to go back to the nursing home, and was crying. She said someone tried to suffocate her last night. I was beginning to believe what was going on there. I wanted to protect her she became a great friend to me. But I couldn't take her home with me for the night. She could be gone from 9am but had to be back by 4pm.

I bought food for us and we ate at the picnic tables on the grounds for dinner time. She liked that. I just felt that I wanted to stay with her forever.

The next day when I went to work, I went to check on Clara. She was not in her room. Just then I seen her coming down the hallway. "Hi Clara how are you today?" It felt as if she walked right through me. I got the shivers. I looked back and didn't see her. I went to the desk ask Audrey, what happen to Clara? "Oh you didn't hear from Bonniesue?" I said no. "What happen to her." "Oh when Bonniesue went to her room to check on her, she was having hard time to breath, she died".

I seen Clara all day that day, down the hallways, in the bathroom, outside by the tree. It was as if she wanted me to know something. But I just couldn't' figure it out and I was frighten too. I gave my two week notice I would be quitting there.

Not long after that Bonniesue called me up. It was not quite 4am. I heard her voice "Come quick to the store NOW". I knew she was either frighten or excited by her voice. I got there she told me this "I went to check on my patients, Fred is one of them along with three others. The others were in there bed sleeping. I couldn't find Fred". I asked Audrey if she seen Fred. She said "not tonight. I walked down the hallway of screaming, into the cafeteria. I flipped on the light and there was Fred hanging". "What? He can't get out of his chair by himself!. Who helped him?". She said she phoned the police. Now they believe me when I say something is going on here.

Bonniesue told me every time someone died, she phoned the police and tell them. But they never believed her. If it weren't for Fred not being able to get out of his chair alone, she said they still not believe her. But he didn't hang himself.

The place was closed down. Audrey was arrested along with some other employees and the owners. They left patients in there beds for days wet and stinking, the kitchen where food was prepared was not up to health standards, people died mysterious deaths, some were not claimed as dead and yet money the nursing home still got.

Bonniesue became a Registered Nurse. She works in a hospital helping accident victims. She loves her job. And told me the last time I seen her. "I protect all my patients the best that I can".

The place was tore down, and a parking lot made in its place. Now that the parking lot is for the nearby Church, a Holy place. Maybe now the spirits of the dead, that died there when it was a nursing home. Maybe they are finally at rest.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Flutterofwings, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

kelbel (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
I was a C.N.A. For about two years in a dementia unit up until recently. I went through every avenue I possibly could other than going to the state to have consistent neglect and abuse addressed. I loved everyone of those people as my family. And to think that this was considered a top facility in the state! There are many different kinds of staff in these facilities beware! I reported to administration, the social worker, the director of nursing, etc. And I was basically blown off.

Many of my recent experiences with seeing things, hearing them, or feeling them were at this facility.

I haven't read any of your other stories as of yet because this one got my attention. So, I'm guessing that you have had other experiences. Do you think that entities gather in these places because of the intensity of what happens to them before the die (in most cases?) I certainly do.
ChildOfTheLotus (10 stories) (133 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-23)
Oh my! How cruel? How the hell could these people have gotten away with threating the patients like that for so long? How awful! It's sick to think that you had to work in such an awful place. But I'm glad you were good to your patients. I'm sure they were very grateful.

I sure hope those people responsible are suffering for what they've done.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-14)
I would like to thank you jmcgill for making a comment to my story. Yes things you can't see can hurt you sometimes.
jmcgill (17 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-23)
Yes girlie I don't know where you are getting your info from but that was when we were children and told ghosts can't hurt you. Tell that to the may people who have encounter demonic like entities. I was watching a program of a real investigation several years ago and as they setting up the equipment a rope wrapped around the gentlmans neck setting it up and had to scream for help or he would have choked to death. I know first hand that the unseen CAN hurt you.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-14)
girlie, you need to read up on ghost to what they can and can't do. Watch Discovery Channel between 2 and 3pm and then tell me the same thing.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-14)
Jasmin314 thank you for the comment you made to my story. When I had to go to a nursing home for two months to recuperate from my fall, not long ago. I didn't want to go, but I couldn't help myself so had to go. I told some of the people in this nursing home about when I worked in one. They said it's an alful thing to happen but does happen. But this gal said the state is more involved with nursing homes then they were when this took place.
girlie (15 stories) (426 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-07)
Hi, So you think that ghost killed some of these people well guess what, GHOST CAN'T HURT YOU. If they did whouldn't you think that one ghost whould have killed though people that started 911. Maybe it was some sick killer.
Jasmin314 (13 stories) (210 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-03)
This is a sad story. After reading the story, I was like "is this a ghost story?" Then I realized I forgot about the screaming and how your friend was walking around but really she was dead. I guess I had forgotten about all of that because of all of the horrible abuse in the story. I am really sorry that you had to go through this and I'm sorry these things happened to you friends/patients. I use to volunteer at a nursing home to keep them company because I knew they hated being there. Those people were so miserable. ❤ Be strong ❤Jaz
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-25)
[at] cupcake, I don't see Clara any longer. I would like to think she is at peace now.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-22)
[at] whitebufflo, I didn't think of that. Where you stated "Obviously if the employees were allowing funds to come in assigned to persons who had already passed on, then I would assume that their meds were also lifted..." That had to happen to, and where did they go to? Your right there are meds for the "screamers, yellers" to keep them quiet. Wonder where their meds went to, that suppose to help them!. Sure makes one wonder.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-22)
[at] babyfranz, thanks for your comment to my story. Yes it is sad that people get abused in places like this. I think all states have some place, within them that have bad people working, that abuse people. When I read in the newspaper or see on tv, another place(not always in my state) that someone has been charged with abuse. To people in a home it makes me cry and cry, and takes me back to this nursing home. People who are killed in these places, all I can do is pray for them, to find peace on the other side.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-22)
[at] mustang, thanks for your comment to my story. It's a shame that people who work in places like this, can't be good workers and take care of the people, whom can't take care of themselves in there own homes any longer.
If they get over stressed with working with people like this, then they shouldn't work there. It takes a speical person to work, with people in homes like this. And I hate to say there are not enough of these special people around, to work in them. This is the reason people are abused in these places.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-22)
[at] essieJ thanks for your comment to my story. It's sad that there are still group homes, adult foster homes, nursing homes that still have people that abuse others. My daughter just reported a care taker in a group home she works in. Of abuse. This lady has worked in that group home for more then five years.
The owner of the place stated" I can't believe that B--- done anything to anyone here". Well "wake up lady" people abuse others.
Thanks again for your comment.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-22)
[at] whitebufflo, thanks for your comments to this story. When you live in a town that the police is slack in, doing stuff, or maybe they knew the oweners, who knows. But when Bonniesue told them about stuff she thought was going on, and they didn't do anything just shows they didn't care either. It makes me cry each time someone post there comments on here. As I see the people who were my charge, happy and content with where they were, and then they were gone.
Now where I live, there is always people being arrested for abuse of people in care homes, nursing homes. It's on the radio about these places and the people and the newspaper so we know.
However back then it wasn't at all. It was like the community, put these ptople there and just forgot about them. Really sad.
babyfranz (3 stories) (36 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-21)
It' terrible. It's awful. I can't believe some people would do such a cruel thing to others who especially needs special caring and attention. To be honest with you, my eyes where in tears when I read your story. It was really really sad. I just hope that the people responsible with this would get what they deserve. I just pray that all the patients who died in there would find their eternal rest.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
Hi Flutter. This is a very sad story. I know that abuse goes on at nursing homes all of the time, but if you were not the one who wrote this story I wouldn't have believed it. The main reason for that would be that it is hard to believe that the people who ran this facility would let such things continue and that the police didn't believe it and didn't want to do any investigating into the matter. How can ANYONE let abuse and death go on like that without an investigation? It bothers me that the staff nor the police cared enough to do anything about this. I am sad for the poor, innocent people who suffered but glad that the place is torn down so no one else will be hurt or killed.

essiej (guest)
16 years ago (2008-03-17)
And just so you know, if it meant loosing her job she would have taken that chance. People are valueable, and missions are open for those who need a place to sleep.
essiej (guest)
16 years ago (2008-03-17)
Now I see why Mom got mad. She would of done all those things that she said to. She has this saying that she is always telling us when we feel like going against someone. You only fight for those who can't fight for themself. Sounds like there was a whole apartment building there that needed the fight.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-03-16)
You know, me being in the profession that I am, this story just pissed me off. If it were within my power, job or no job, these are PEOPLE, NOT just AN INCOME. What the crap?!
If ANY of this would have happened in the retirement community that I work in... At the sign of the first bruise there would have been a full scale investigation. That is unless the caregiver admitted to the abuse before the investigation had a chance to get underway.
Were the employee's also stealing the mood altering drugs that it is obvious that some of the persons in their charge required? Yellers and screamers have specific meds to calm them down. Obviously if the employees were allowing funds to come in assigned to persons who had already passed on, then I would assume that their meds were also lifted.
I am going to be straight up honest with you here. IF this had happened in the town that I was living in (whether I worked in the place or not), or if it happened in the place that I worked, I would have called the police to file a report at the FIRST sign that something was off.
If the police did not show up, I would have been camping out either in the room of the person that I feared for their safety, or down at the police station.
If they STILL did not show up, I would be calling the state police.
If they did not show up, every person holding any kind of government appointed position would have been hearing from me.
If this DID happen in the retirement community that I DO work in, I can stake my life on the fact that there would have been no time to arrest Audrey or any of the other one of her demons. She would not have had a life to rearrange around a rent free existence. Any number of us would have protected our charges down to our last free breath.
I think a more appropriate title for this particular story may have been "The Devil Lived Up In Michigan" or even "The Devil and Her Demons..."
Thank you.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-15)
[at] NightGoddes are you trying to say he is Schizophrenia? These people may know more then you think. They do see things in their minds, and hear people talking in there heads, I am married to one of these kind.
But people like this in nursing homes, often actually do see things happen, to others and it frightens them. Then they get things mixed up in their own minds what really happen.
Just listen to him, watch him and your senses will pick up on anything, that is out of place and then look into it. If he is off the wall about something he says, ask him what he is trying to say. You may be supprised.
Nightgoddess (14 stories) (54 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-15)
There is no way he would be sitting. He had skitoprina, have no idea how to spell it, so he always on the go and talking. But I will be looking
Nightgoddess (14 stories) (54 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-15)
Yeah I go a see him every week or he stays the night at our place. Me my mom, sister, brother, and dad are the only ones who really take the time. My aunt owns a place like that up in washinton and I think she took care of it because the lady isn't working there anymore
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-15)
[at] NightgGoddest, if your uncle complains about his bottom hurting, it could be he has bed sores. They can be caused from sitting to long and not being moved, or being in wet diapers to long, or a wet bed to long. These were common things that happen, to the people where I worked at. So just keep an ear open if he talks with you. Even if it don't make sense ration it out, he may be trying to tell you something.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-15)
I can tell you in place like that, it's not uncommon for those people, to be medicated to much, or not enough. And with someone who is not all there, it makes it worse for them. At this one I worked at if they got to loud, they medicated them. Not that it was wrote down that way, just the people got tired of them being bothered. Gosh darn people work there, they should do there job the right way. Sorry to know your uncle is in a place like this. You could check the place out, if you visit him, and if you suspect anything report to the health department or a social worker. I am sure they would look into it.
Nightgoddess (14 stories) (54 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-15)
It makes me mad and worried because I have an uncle who is not all there, but lives in a place like that. Actully a lady working there started giving him too much meds and then took him off it without doctors orders and it started making him sick and worse then he already was.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-15)
[at] Nightgoddest, I am with you there. They should be checked out more often, by the health department and social services. But there are many places like this still, running and still mistreating people, more then we know.
Nightgoddess (14 stories) (54 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-15)
I'm sorry but that is Sick! How can anyone do that to people, especally people who can't defend themself. I think those types of places should be checked out every month
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-14)
I would like to say, anyone that is looking for a place like this, for there loved ones. PLEASE investiage the people who own it, the people who are working there. Make sure they don't have any criminal, back ground with abuse with, animals, people and especially children. Maybe a person can be saved from this kind of crap happening to them. So investiage.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-14)
[at] Kimsouth0 thanks for your remarks to this story. I wish it was only this one place doing this, and no others. But there are still many more that needs, closed down too.
[at] cupcake thanks for your remarks to thi. It's sad that people have to suffer from another human being, but it happens all the time.
Once again thanks for your comments to this story. Will up date on this story after I go back in that area in the summer time.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-14)
Thanks all for your comments here. It was hard for me to write this story. I cried, as my friend Clara she was such a sweet person there, and all the people I took care of were good in their own ways.
[at] Martin there are many care homes for people that, are still not being treated right. And in time I hope they are found out too.
[at] rhodes68, people who work in places like this should be screened more, then they are. Maybe helpless people wouldn' be treated in this manner, if they were.
[at] Tonith, I hope these people who were resposible for these crimes were locked up and the key threw away, never to enter into society again, to hurt others.
[at] Jennifer40, I agree it's very appalling that people who serve our country or any other kind acts in their life time, have to be treated, in this fashion.
I was so glad to hear it was being tornen down.
This summer I will be making the four hour trip that way, where the parking lot is now, and will go and see if I feel anything there now. Also will check out the haunted baby grave, I wrote about and a few other places. TO see if I can get any other feed back.
Once again thanks for all your comments to this story.

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