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The Night Sweeper And Window Tapper 2


I wrote about the Night Sweeper and Window Tapper a while back. I was speaking to my youngest son last night, actually I was telling him about the lady I had seen the night before and then straight afterwards how I heard someone walking next to the window.

I then went on to tell him that I hear someone sweeping the garden at night and then someone taps on the window, coupled with the fact that just lately I have been feeling someone touching my back. It is a strange sort of touch. It is like the touch starts on the outside but gets inside. I also feel and sense someone sitting on the edge of the bed. It is not Inca-he sleeps on the right side of the bed. This sense is on the left near the window.

Whilst I was expecting my son to take the piss out of me, he turned around and said, "Oh it is Big Dad".

(Who is Big Dada?) Big Dada is the boys' grandfather who died over a year ago. They call their grand mother big mama. Chirn (my youngest) spends the weekends with his grand mother and then comes home Monday - Thursday. Aren't I lucky I have the weekends to myself?

Chirn then went on to tell me some of the weird happening he has been encountering at the weekends. At around midnight or later he hears someone sweeping the garden. Chirn said he just lays on the sofa thinking it is his imagination but the sweeping goes on and on and on, he eventually says "will you stop the sweeping now Big Dada?" and it stops. Chirn said on two occasions he called his grand mother so she could hear what he was hearing and she could hear nothing.

The Night Sweeper And Window Tapper 1

Chirn also went on to say that some nights he hears heavy breathing near the temple at his grand mother's and again nobody else can hear it. He has described the breathing to me and I have actually told him it is his grand father. It is the same breathing I heard a while back-the story is published under the title Knock- Knock.

My son has also told me that when he goes to bed, the bed starts to shake. I did say it was probably his imagination or his body must have done overtime and was just starting to relax. He has clearly stated that there is someone shaking his bed-he knows the difference, again he said he just ignores it and goes to sleep.

The boys' grand father used to wear this horrible blue and white stripped woolly hat. It was a typical old man's woolly hat. Now I don't know who wears that hat-God I hope it is not Chirn, but this weekend just gone, Chirn said he was laying on the sofa watching television and big dada's hat which was on the table started floating in front of him. Chrin said it kept floating up and down until he told his grand father to stop it. He then told me, a short while after the hat he heard the garden being swept.

The Night Sweeper And Window Tapper 2

My ex father-in-law who I never really got on with but he absolutely adored me, (there is a lot of history which I have no intention of going into) was always sweeping the front and back garden everyday, twice a day, morning and night.

I have told Chirn it is his grand father sweeping the garden over there but could his grand father be sweeping my garden at night and tapping on the window? If it is him why is the question I have?

The boys' grand father being a Braham Priest did a lot of wrong by me but he loved his grand sons, he loved me as well but not as a daughter-in-law (I will leave it at that). Why would he, if it is him, come back to taunt me like that, could he also be one of the four dark entities around me?

What is really strange, and has clearly freaked me out is my elder son experiences nothing, and if he does he has not told me, but the male presence in my re-occurring dreams will use my elder one to get to me.

Now my younger one has shocked me by telling me all this.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Surya, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Cherry (15 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-16)
Surya, I feel you have been through a lot- like you, neither do I have the ability to forgive and forget but don't you think you should give something to your son for protection? I mean I wouldn't like anybody shaking my bed voilently or otherwise when I am sleepy. Whoever it is, this entity gets a kick out of harassing people espcially you and your son. And by the way how clean is your inlaw's temple? A temple should be spick and span and even the Diyas that are lit should be clean. Even I have a friend in whose house the diya is burning 24/7 for the past 16 years but it is very clean. May be it is trying to convey something that you cannot percieve. Have you ever tried doing 'Yagya'or 'Havan' in your house to cleanse it? Include your son in it if you any time do Pooja or Yagya.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-12-02)
It is ALL in your comfort zone. If you are uncomfortable doing it, do not. There is a reason for those feelings. We may not ever really know what that reason IS, but we need to "listen" to it.
Does you BROTHER hear it, as well? Think you could talk someone else in snapping off a few shots, with your direction, while you stay inside?
Thank you.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-01)
Nope hand on heart no, I tried to take a few snaps the other night or early evening and even though my brother was sitting in the living, I ran back inside. I tried again on Saturday, but legged it back in again. I could try again though
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-12-01)
Have you ever, upon hearing the knocking, or the sweeping, just popped your head out and snapped off a photograph? Do you think you COULD?
Thank you.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-27)
You cannot see the wall from the window. You would have to get on a chair to that. Hehehehe don't that enough times. I won't say why 😉
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-27)
The river is over the wall. If you jump over the fence it is literally a 30 second walk. The pictures were taken on the same day.

Now the other thing that is interesting, Chirn said he rings the bell and it keeps whoever is shaking his bed at home away. At grandma's keeps the whoever is sweeping away.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-27)
The river. I missed that. Can you see the river through the trees, or is it too far out to be seen until you walk the path?
Theses pictures, did you take them on the same day?
Thank you.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-27)
So there is a metal object, or a window FACING this wall that we can not see in the photo (I think I already know that answer, but I HAVE to ask 😊)?
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-27)
There is a third picture which I did not submit that would have been the middle, the patio doors leading into the garden. That is window and behind the window yeh you guessed it my bedroom. The tapping is from those windows. The fencing seperates my garden from the the river. Between the fence and the river it is all a bit like a path just a lot of green and trees. There is one tree my eyes are always drawn to more so lately, I will take a picture of it or try to take some video and put that up. A bit confusing but I hope you can picture it.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-27)
What is right above the potted plant in the lower left of the second photograph? Is THIS the window that you are experiencing the tapping at the inner building?
In which way were these photographs taken? (I am trying to find the correct wording, please bear with me) Did you take the pic of the area outside the fence, turn around and snap off the one looking at the building itself? Is this (if you put the two photographs side by side) a panoramic view of that area?
The darker shade of shadows, in the second photo, Is that some form of fencing? A gate or something?
Thank you.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-27)
Atherfie, it would be interesting, the night are restless, although things seem to go quiet, they are not quiet if that makes sense. My eyes are drawn to two spots when I go to bed. It is like someone or thing is hiding with in the leaves on the trees. 😕
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-27)
Hey Menie! Glad to see the pictures posted.

Lets wait for the evaluation of those two very special individuals and see if there's progression in the experiences as well.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-25)
To Autumn:Sometimes I have to remind myself that I don't have to paint the whole picture to certain special individuals 😊.

Thanks my friend and thank you for seeking the Elders' guidance for someone else than yourself. You've done it for me, now you do it for my "sister".
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-25)
Thank you for that, and no it was not to long. Lets hope the pictures get published soon.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-25)
😉 I already suggested that there MAY be the possibility of a STRONG presence, Tammy. I think that is what is taking so long in getting an affirmative reply. We used a technique when I was in a similar position (not the same, but similar) and am HOPING that I thought of the correct one to ask for. I MAY be offered a different solution. I am not perfect, so my limited knowledge may have brought me to the wrong rites.

NO, Surya, I DO NOT say that he would want forgiveness. For WHAT? HE feels that he did nothing wrong. HE feels that there was no impropriety whatsoever on his part. YOU were the "stubborn one". No, forgiveness is not what he is after.
These types of personalities seem to skim over the morality gene. They posses it, but it is more directed toward OTHERS. Example: Quick to point out that the waitress at the local diner is having an illicit affair with a big business person in the town (and THAT will "ruin them both), WHILE at the same time THEY are carrying on with a school teacher who is married. Certain situations, those types of personalities feel are bad for others, but "just fine" for themselves.
SOMETIMES they, when trying to deceive you into believing their side of this tangled web, come to you under the cloak of humility to show you how wrong they have been. They tell you their story and stand before you seemingly to beg forgiveness, when all they TRULY desire is... (NOT going to type it here)
They have a community deceived as they have been this way for as long as anyone can remember. NO one can "touch" them, as they are "pillars" no matter how small that pillar stands (and it may only be a pillar to ONE member of the family). They destroy lives in their wake, and never look back to see if there is help needed in picking up the pieces.
They do not care, as it has no direct effect ON THEM.
People are just supposed bend to their will. These types of people make awesome politicians (if they can keep their composure long enough to keep the charade up), judges, big business leaders, etc as they ARE strong willed people.
They have just never learned what BALANCE is.
Please DO NOT give this person "gifts". I feel that HE would take it the wrong way.
I tell you, the similarities... (frowning and shaking my head)
When the family member died, that I hinted at previously, his entire family refused to set out his clothes, have him cleaned up, the whole ball of respect. It was my DUTY to go in, after he passed (OK, for those of you reading this that have NO IDEA where I am coming from, YES, he WAS embalmed. If a person passes in extreme poverty, where he passed, there is no make-up artist, there is no one to put clothes on the deceased and there is no one to give a fig on whether or not they are presentable to the public) to make him presentable.
I had to wash him. Dress him. Lay him on the table. And drape him. As the family burned all of his clothes, I had to purchase him some. As the family wanted him cremated, there was no casket. As the family did not care if he Crossed or not, there was only a few hours for others to come in and pay their respects.
And there he lay, on a wheeled table (much like that from the morgue), and a white covering over him, as propriety would mandate. <Shrug> I did my best. I had a STRONG dislike for the man. I had chills just TOUCHING him, much less all the rest I needed to do.
Surya, I know. I KNOW the emotions that run rabid (yes, that IS what I meant) through you when you sit and look on. I KNOW the tears that threaten are from a pain, and not from sorrow. I KNOW that NO ONE can seem to lessen that, no matter HOW close they seem to be to you. I know in hiding the thoughts going through my head, I was trying to PROTECT the memory of this man for those WHO DID NOT have the same "relationship" with him. I was TRYING to make him seem HUMAN.
I also know that in doing what was mandated, I DID my duty. NO ONE could ask any more of me, as I HAD nothing else to give. I COULD NOT love this man. I WOULD NOT.
But I could, and did, care for his soul. THAT is why I am not shamed any longer over the crud that he put me through. I learned to be stronger, and I learned to keep MY back to the wall.
I just realized how long this got. Sorry. I just wanted you to know that you DO NOT have to explain further. It is a painful journey to go back to that place, and you DO NOT have to.
Thank you.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-25)
When he died, I was in two frames of mind whether to go to the hospital or not, in the end I went not for the kids or my mother-in-law, but it was to see if he really was dead, sort of confirmation for me. I know it is horrible, I have my reasons. The day of the funeral, I did my bit as the mother of their grand children. I bought a beautiful pure white shawl which I laid on him with the boys. You know what mine and boys gift was the one the priest used to cover his body and it was the one that stood out. So all said and done, I still kept tradition. Unfortunately I cannot forgive or forget. Now you may say maybe he wants forgiveness, I would not accept that given the history. He has also appeared in two of my visions. I have posted the posted the pictures hopefully they will appear at some point and will wait for your response.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-25)
I felt I needed to add something here as I 'm afraid (and that is just my opinion) that things will not be that simple to persuade the Elder to cross over.

I hope the photographs will be posted soon as I really really want that special someone to look at them and say what he sees and feels. I can hardly describe the emotions I got from one single picture in particular. It was as if that single shot was taken "the right time". I have not told Menie what the precise emotions were or what exactly I saw simply because I want them "confirmed" by this person.

I 'm afraid that her Visitor is unwilling to go-period! He still feeds on his old fascination of Surya and manipulates all he can to "complete his masterpiece"!

He feels that his physical death has deprived him of a particular "right" and "privilege" so by "sneaking into" her life and becoming part of her "household" (I'm not referring only to her surroundings but mainly to the significant people in her life) he gains what is rightfully "his".

I'm afraid this is what makes him feel at home and he's very territorial so moving him out of there will not be a simple task.

To Autumn: I was wondering if you could warn your people of how powerful and risky this energy is before you ask them for guidance. I'm sure they know ways of dealing with this.

whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-24)
15 and 17. Good, strong boys, I hope.😊
The reason I asked was more in seeing if there was a vast difference (like in MY case, my "last two" are eleven years apart). I KNOW all children, and their relationships with one another, are different, but I was thinking on my "babies" just the same.
When I learned of my daughters abilities, it was like I took a step BACK into my past. Memories flooded me of all that I had been subjected to. And I fiercely defended her at all cost. When my little man started showing similar signs, I tell you, I was relieved. Sounds crazy, but I thought I had a handle on the situation, and things would be easier.
What I did not realize was that the two of them would be VASTLY different in their abilities. Strike that. I did not think that two children, with the same talents could BE any more diverse. She hears and heals. He sees, communicates and teaches.
Knowing that not BOTH of them share these experiences is a bit less daunting (to me) only in that BOTH are not being "harassed" (for lack of a better word, sorry).
In that there was a possibility of a brainwashing going on, IF this is your former Father-in-Law, I think you need to stop him (here you are thinking. I KNOW that 😊).
We give "gifts" to the ancestors to please (or appease) them. It really is one of those things that not everyone does, it is just a "protection" type thing (If you can cut it off before it begins, then that would be great, type of thing). All we really do is give something that they cherished. Like tobacco, or a certain music to be played, or photographs, occasionally I have known people to give jewelry and the like. When giving these gifts we say something to the effect of "I know you can not use these in the Hunting Grounds, but I can give you nothing that you can. Cross Over and be One with the Creator." MEANING- return to where you came from. NOT meaning to BE AS the Creator (had to explain that. LOTS of "outsiders" think that means we want our ancestors to BE the Creator. Nope).
I do not know if that would work in this situation, but it may be worth a try.
I am also working on getting some acceptance for a request I gave to share some "family secrets" with you. They have helped MANY in the past with purging our spaces with those who just want to nag.
Thank you.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-24)
No harm done, it is just something I do not wish to talk about, but either way it has nothing to do what I was made to go through. 😢
Luca (1 stories) (83 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-24)
No, Surya, I do not know what you went through, that is why I "guessed" or perceived from reading. It wasn't so far-fetched, though. What I do know, is that you are still hurt and afraid.

I'm truly sorry if my former comment irritated you in any way, I did not mean any harm.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-24)
Luca you don't know what I went through, it is very hard for me to talk about what this man put me through. Yes the emotions are still with me, and the wounds have not healed and probably never will. He does not want my forgiveness Why am I so sure about this?
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-24)
The youngest is 15 years old, the eldest is 17 in january. Their relationship with the in laws was good, afer all they were the gransdons. There is a lot and always was jealousy as I had two sons and their daughter had three girls. The relationship was strong, however the old man did try to brain wash them.
Luca (1 stories) (83 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-24)
I just had this feeling, when reading your story. I'm guessing you were in a situation you couldn't control, but you did not overreact for your kids' sakes.
The emotions you had during that situation are still with you, whether you feel them or not. As long as you recall it, you will have them.
You need to forgive him, and talk to your children about what happened.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-24)
I feel I have to say that you NEVER were to blame. For anything.
Do you have ANY clue what I am talking about?
I do not.
You DO NOT have to post the answer here. In fact, if the similarities of the former family members is as close as it FEELS to me, I would implore you NOT to, as others on this site COULD (and probably WOULD) jump to some really off conclusions.
How old is your youngest? What is the time difference between the two children? How was THEIR relationship with Big Dada? I know that he loved them, and they loved him, but how was the relationship? Rocky? Strong?
Thank you.

Excuse me, please.
Hey Tammy!
Thanks for the vote of confidence, though I have a feeling that you are waiting on what the OTHER one can come up with 😊. I am excited. SHOW me the PHOTO's!
Thank you.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-24)
Autumn, sorry the interruption Menie, you are one of those I wanted to check on the photos. You know who the other one is.

The photos will be posted soon I hope. I have them and I'm sending them back to Surya to submit them tonight.

I hope I'm not pressuring you my friend!
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-24)
The ex laws house is a 10 minute / 40 minute walk max. My ex in laws only came to my home twice, once when I vewed the property and the second when I did a birthday party for my eldest son. The old man just sat in the living room on the one seater. He never visited after that. So to answer your question no he never even went into my garden. Chrin is my youngest son. I will get the pictures of the garden bedroom window included tonight. I cleanse the garden once a week as well, as I do Yoga in the garden so you can imagine what the incense smells like blowing in all directions it is magical. Any suggestions I am up for it.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-24)
Wow, your former Father-in -Law sounds a LOT like a person in my husbands family past (I, also, will not get into that. The past, is the past, and so has this family member).
Interesting twist in your experience, Surya. Confirmation from your son could give a lesser person a lightheaded giddiness of support to the thought you already had formed, but it REALLY seems as if it opened a new door with an onslaught of new questions, now, has it not?
How far away does Big Mama live from your home? Did Big Dada visit your home often and sweep the garden for you?
I see what you mean about the oldest sons experiences being strange. I would also think it odd if one of my children experienced some things, and the other was completely oblivious to anything out of the ordinary.
I really hesitate to type in what my first impression of this story gave me. I think you already have an inkling of what that might be.
Cleanse the garden, Surya. I know you do a daily cleansing of your spaces, just do not miss the garden.
What do your beliefs state about appeasing ancestors?
Thank you.
cupcake10132 (4 stories) (193 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-24)
Another intresting story! Well, I think you should get a recorder or something that records audio to take an EVP. Why not asking questions now? Seems like a good time to me! Oh, and try cleansing your house. That may help lower some of the activity or some of the presences. I hope you have good luck in your later experinces!
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-24)
As you wish atherfee I will email the pictures of my garden and window. I look forward to comments.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-24)
Menie, I will restrain from commenting as I don't want to talk about too personal things. Please check your e-mail and please post the photos of your garden. I wish certain members to have a good look at them. I'm curious to see what they will feel.

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