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Are Candles A Calling


I have not slept with candles on for a long long time. I got fed up sleeping with the television on at night to block out noises that were making me feel uneasy and I got moaned at by my son for leaving the hallway light on all night. The other fact is I was getting fed up with the flashes of light from the TV as well. Coupled with the fact what I needed was light not volume. I don't know why I decided to light the candles and leave them burning all night, but for whatever reason I did, they seemed to do the trick. I could switch of the television, the hallway light, and lie down with the candles burning and the quartz looking beautiful as it glows and lights of the room enough for me to fall asleep. There are still those taps, clicks and knocks going on around the TV and the system, no noises from there for now.

I have been burning the candles for maybe two weeks. And in the two weeks I have slept like a baby until a few nights ago.

I got up bright and early Saturday morning. I had my coffee, showered and off I went shopping. I got back around 1230pm. Put shopping away, cleaned up before I started to cook. The cooking took me around an hour. In between I would go sit down in the living room flick through the channels, but I also kept looking out of the window into the garden. I would stare out of the window for a good 30 to 40 seconds almost as if I was expecting to see something or someone. I turned my attention back to the telly could find nothing to watch. Switched it off and went back into the kitchen to finish of cooking.

After the cooking was done, I decided to go see my neighbor and my God Daughter. I told my partner I would be about an hour or so. So I checked all the windows starting in my son's room. I closed his window then stood staring out into the garden. Just felt like someone or something was there. Seeing nothing I proceeded to the living room. Checked windows, all shut and locked. I did life the nets up and stare at the daffodils that are blooming in the garden. I think I looked at them for maybe 15 seconds before looking around the rest of the garden then putting the net down I got my keys took one more look around and off I went.

I got back home around 5ish. Let my partner know I was back; he was working the studio; and made my way into the living room where I plunked myself on the sofa and decided to watch a film. Before I knew it, it was gone well past 7 and the doorbell rang. My brother had come around. We all sat around talking watched Shutter Island and he left around 11pm. I was exhausted so my partner got me three candles placed them in the candle holder, lit them for me, checked the windows to make sure all were closed. I was already lying down. He switched the telly off kissed me good night and went back into the studio.

As I was lying there, I felt that uneasiness feeling come over me. I reluctantly looked towards the window as I had done earlier. I just stared at it for how long I do not know. The candles started to flicker which was a first in the two weeks I had been lighting them. I put that to a draft coming from somewhere, where from I cannot say. From lying on my back, I felt the need to lie on my side facing the candles and to have the window in full view as well. Heaven knows why, but I actually felt afraid to turn my back on the window and the candles. The urge to switch the TV on strong. I lay there staring at the shadows as the candles flickered. I was actually lying there trying to work out what shadow belonged to what thinking this would ease my feeling. Did it, no. I felt worse. My eyes went from candles to window to door to corner. I was so tired I felt my head start tom pound as well.

I closed my eyes and in my mind I said "I am really tired, please just leave me alone, go play with someone else". With that I closed my eyes. The dreading feeling still going through me. I don't know exactly how long my eyes were closed for, but I opened them very suddenly, I was freezing. I mean this cold was going through my bones, starting from my toes right up to my head. There were definitely no windows open. I had the cold biting at my bones and I felt like a draft coming from the hallway. I lay there absolutely petrified. The candles were flickering faster now and as I stared at the shadows going from left to right I heard three knocks on the window at which point I bolted up switched the telly on and the hallway light and blew the candles out.

I did not get to sleep until well past 330 in the morning. I checked the time on the TV. I lay on the sofa eyes wide open deprived of sleep hoping my cat would come in at some point so I could get some kip. I am unsure what time after 330 I did fall asleep but I awoke and saw smoky (my cat) lying near the doorway not too far from me I got up switched the hallway light off and the TV and fell asleep.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Surya, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-26)
mine to is belated but a good few years back a friend and I stayed up for 3 nights without going to sleep and drank coffee cup after cup and I ended up going to my mym and dads house and told them jason vorhees from camp crytstal lake was coming to get us all but not me because I got away... So yeh lack of sleep can make you think of crazy things lol.
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-08)
Just to add here as belated as it is, my cats do in fact knock on my door, they hook their claws into the security screen wire and rattle it a few times so it sounds like a knocking on the door, not all suggestions on this thread are ridiculous or impossible 😊
avikhaunted (1 stories) (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-21)

Our mind plays games with us when we come near to anything we fear... And if I am not wrong you do fear the dark, don't you?

When I was small, I used to light candles to go to sleep... Candles are full of positive energy... But when sleep does not come and the mind games start, then the candle light becomes damn eerie... So now I switch on the light and play hymns and prayers on my ipod... It works like wonders
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
Surya - I wasn't going to comment on this story because I didn't feel I had anything to offer until BadJuuJuu mentioned how her mind makes things seem a bit different than they might actually be.

I've been experiencing something similar lately. I've been using a DVR and when I listen to it at night, I swear I feel like there is someone standing behind me. Every time I listen to it, I feel like this. I know it's pyschological, but can't help it. I look over my shoulder all the while I'm listening to the DVR. When I take the earbuds out, that feeling goes away. It's just odd how our minds do that.

Anyway, back to your story. You were already feeling that bit of uneasiness, so your mind was already on that path and then you watched Shutter Island. Okay, I've watched that movie, and let me tell you, that movie alone made me paranoid all night 😨 But that's just me. Anyway, the mind plays games and maybe all these things just compounded ontop of each other that night.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
No need to repeat what your candle holder is, I read that part. Sounds like you are content with your situation. Enjoy the insomnia.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
BadJuuJuu - I will not repeat what my tealight holder is but rest assured it is very safe. Secondly I don't have trouble sleeping in general, only when I sense unwelcome vistors/ghosts/spirits.

I'll give the battery operated candles a miss by the way, the real thing or nothing. That's me.

Pills to sleep nah ta very much.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
DeviousAngel if my cat could knock on the window evrytime he wanted to come in he would be the happiest little cat as I am pretty sure when I do sleep he is meowing for quite a while before I hear him. Bless him. I have a picture of him knocking on the window yes a very funny site. 😆
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-16)
Not to beat a dead horse here, but...
I used to know this woman who slept with candles burning. She claimed she was doing it safely, but still managed to burn her house down. Sleeping with lit candles has never been my idea of safe. They make battery operated candles now that are pretty darn realistic. Maybe look into those.
How long have you been having trouble sleeping? As a long time insomniac, I gotta say when you get tired enough, everything becomes more frightening than it actually is. When I go through a sleepless phase, I'm scared of my own shadow. To be honest, what you're describing doesn't sound paranormal. It sounds like a tired mind making a mountain out of a mole hill. That's not meant to be snarky, I've just learned over the years what sleeplessness can do to objective thinking.
They do make prescription sleeping medication that is non-addictive. It's safe. If you just have occasional insomnia, it's worth looking in to.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-16)
lol, I have NEVER heard of a cat knocking to get in. They scratch on the door or rub against it maybe but I'm trying to imagine a curled up kitty paw knocking on the window and I can only come up with a comical and completely nonsensical image.

And I've slept with candles going too... My house hasn't caught fire yet. Especially if you keep your windows closed and they aren't near anything that easily catches fire (like curtains, newspaper, clothes, etc) then it's fine.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-16)
XDGabRDJAXD - wow I realy don't know whether to laugh out loud.

Your theory is a very very bad one.

Number one - you go that right TV for lights and the hallway lights for you to get sleep
Number two - yep got that one right.
Number three & number four - well what to say except maybe you should re-read my last paragraph again.

Firstly I never sleep with any windows open. I only very quickly open the window to let my cat in and then shut it and lock it. If my cat came in he would have done so through the kitchen window which is on the other side of the apartment.

Thank you all the same.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-16)
Cassyt89 my tealigh candles are in a very deep rose quartz candle holder. Rest assured I am fine with the candle. My partner makes no difference if he is lying with me. I am still hearing and seeing things.
XDGabRDJAXD (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-16)
cassyt89: I agree with the first paragraph. You shouldn't be leaving the candles on at night, it could cause an accident.
Furthermore, I could somewhat sum the problem up for you. You said you have a cat right? And if you hear it meow outside the window you would open it for him to get inside, right? Well, I formed some of this evidence into a theory.

First: You usually turn on the TV for lights and the hallway lights for you to get sleep.
Second: Even with your partner, you still can't sleep.
Third: On the second week, you said your candles suddenly started flickering.
Fourth: You said you have a cat with you.
My conclusion is: The day this situation happened, it could be because of the window not being closed firmly that's why cold wind from outside maybe coursing in.
And, your cat maybe outside and knocked at your windows 3 times so it could enter. (Cat could knock just like my cat here)
Also, your mind suddenly started to think that presence because of the rapid happenings including the mysterious candle flicker that somewhat turns out to be, being blown by the wind being able to get in and your cat knocking for it to get in.

I hope you would answer... 😊
cassyt89 (2 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-15)
First thing I have to say please don't leave candles lit over night. That is so dangerous!

Secondly it does definitely sound like some one is trying to communicate you but it is clearly scary. Have you tried asking out loud for them to leave you alone and make sure when you go to bed your boy friend is with you so you aren't alone? Xx
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-15)
DeviousAngel- Thank your for reading my story. I don't usually suffer from insomia, and if I do it is when I am scared to the core. I can go to the GP what will he give sleeping Tabs, nah don't want to go down that road. 😉
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-15)
Thank you all for your comments.

Aya22 - I have lit the candles a few times after this buu blow them out, and switch the hallway light on instead and leave the TV on. Basically back to what I have always done. The candles flicker no matter where I put them and I never leave the window open. However if my cat is meowing outside I will quickly open it to let him in.

I still am very aware of a strong presence, more so inside now next to my plant which is by the window as well as outside.

Lilady4- If me and my partner go to bed together it makes no difference, he can fall asleep without a problem. I am always wide awake listening and sensing. It is Crazy.
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-15)
I've had similar experiences with the dark. I cannot be in the dark completely. My husband normally stays up after I go to bed, and he leaves the hallway light on, so I can go to sleep. If my husband goes to bed with me, we have to shut the door so I can hear if it is being opened. I hear creaks, voices, and see shadows in the dark. If I am home alone, I will flick the tv on until I get sleepy and then attempt to get some sleep.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-14)
I, too, have experienced some rather oddly misplaced tapping and popping sounds around my room, even when the TV has been off for a long time. I've used every outlet in my room in the two dozen or so times I've moved it around (OCD much...) and I know there's no faults in the wiring that would cause it. I know how you feel in sensing that weird feeling of dread. Just try your best to relax and meditate on something that makes you feel good. I hope this feeling goes away and you can finally get some sleep.

Also, it might not be a bad idea to ask your doctor about medication for insomnia if you start having regular troubles sleeping.
aya22 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-14)
Sorry, I forgot to address one more thing, just the title of your story. If you are asking if candles are a calling, I believe I've heard before that candles can sometimes be used to announce a spirit's presence. I don't know why, or where I've heard this from, otherwise I don't know (sorry). Perhaps someone in your house opened a window that night, which might account for the flickering candle and how cold you felt. This situation doesn't sound like it could've been that, however. I hope that since this incident you've felt better about your house and your garden! ❤
aya22 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-14)
I know what you mean by that feeling of 'dread.' I believe that (some) people have a built in sense of being able to tell when things aren't 'right.' It sounds like something was lurking in your garden that day and you were tuning into it. I wonder what it was, or if it just wanted some of your attention? The three knocks on the window would definitely be disconcerting. Has anything happened to you since then? Has it also stayed in the garden?

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