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Ghost stories from Poland: Page 1
My Experiences With Spirits And Energies by Jigoku6Shojo
THE REAL STORY Let me tell you the real story. As a child, I used to see ghosts every day at my house. It was natural to me. Nothing special, just black shadows walking around, showing themselves whenever they wanted to. It started to change when I was a teenager. At the age of 15, I face...
My Mind Playing Tricks...? by shmicky
About 2 years ago, I also used to go on holiday in the summer to Poland. My parents would always leave me at my Nan's house and go back to England, meaning that I would be left with my nan and grandad. The house was massive! I would nearly describe it as a mansion, but it's not quite as big. But any...
Tortured Spirits? by andrewland
This happened in a hilltop schoolhouse in a small village in the country. My best friend lived there with his parents on the top floor. The bottom floor was the school. I knew this friend for about 10 years before this event. He told me numerous stories of paranormal events at his house, some of...
Entity With The Covered Face by Basilissa
The incident I want to write about happened almost exactly six years ago. I spent part of the summer with my relatives in the UK and in August I flew back to Poland, at the other end of Europe. When I reached my parents' home I was dog tired after a night spent in planes and on the airport in betwee...
Grandma Comes To Say Goobye by ChrisB
It's been a long time since I last experienced any paranormal activity, which I think is a good thing for me. My wife has experienced more paranormal things then I have, which I got to see during the years of our marriage. This leads me to my story because this is my wife's experience and not mine. ...
The Night My Grandfather Died by Eva_the_empath
This story is a description of what I experienced in 2000. I was 15 back then (I'm 25 at the moment). I was spending the Easter holidays with my family in my hometown in Poland. During that time my grandfather was in hospital, recovering after a surgery. We were told that it went ok and that he'd so...
Father Christmas Ghost by Magda
I am Magda and now I am 14 years old. When I was seven, I was in Poland with my family (that being where I come from!) I couldn't sleep that night because it was Christmas Eve and like many other children, I was too excited to fall asleep. My mind was going crazy! But after midnight passing by, I de...
Am I Psychic? by Pangie
This is something that gets too met all the time. Even when I was little I was knew things before they happened and I always had weird dreams of the future. I never took notice because I thought it was normal but as soon as I moved to Poland it got worse. There are tons of people who have the sa...
A Voice by Pangie
This happened to me about a week ago and it's really weird. My parents went to another city on a business trip and I was left home alone for two days. The only other thing in our home was my cat so pretty much I was just by myself. Well on the second night, around 9pm I went up to my room to get...
Coughing Girl by Pangie
This happened to me about two weeks ago. I was at school and I was just talking to one of my friends when I realized I had to go the bathroom. We have two girls' bathrooms (I go to a private school) and I decided to use the one upstairs because it was bigger. I went up there did my business and ...
Hypnosis Scare by Pangie
This is the major story I'm going to type about it and I don't want to write this but I guess I should. In my last story I wrote about all those weird things happening but I left out something that I should've written but didn't because I feel all weird typing this. About 2 months ago I had a sl...
Ghost Or Not? by Pangie
I'm 15 years old and have lived in Poland for over two years now. At first it was lonely but I slowly got good friends and have learned good polish. What I'm about to tell you I'm confused about because this has never happened before! About two weeks I got sick and stayed home for two days. Thos...
A Trip Back From Italy by ChrisB
This is a story that is not really scary but for me it is a little confusing. I don't know what we all saw but I hope you all can help me on this one. I really do believe that I was tired and I hope that this is the situation but there is something telling me it might have been something else. But f...
Was It My Imagination? by ChrisB
This is a story that happened when I was seven years old (maybe younger). It is not a scary story but it is something that makes me think. I was very young then but I remember what happened. But I still want to know what you think. Was this my imagination or was this an entity? I lived in a town...
I Want to Peacefully Try to Go Down those Stairs by Pangie
This happened to me here in poland a few months ago. It was on a saturday and I was coming down in my elevator to the front door to go out. (I live in a apartment complex). So I go out of the elevator and right next to me is this long flight of stairs. I'm about to touch the door when I hear the sou...
The Little Shadow Boy by Sany21
I live in Poland and have been living here for about 2 years now. In october my best friend made a birthday party and invited me to it. I decided to ride a bus to her house. The buses here in Poland are all different and I personally like the new ones. So I took a bus and stood in the very front ...
My Haunted House 2 by ChrisB
Hi everyone. This happened to me 2 nights ago but the story goes back to 2 months. Me and my wife live in my fathers house. It is a very big house, 290 m2. We live upstairs and my dad and step mom live downstairs. Well my dad loves antiques. Sometimes we think it is some kind of addiction but he kee...
My Own Experience of Paralysis by Pangie
Last fall I moved to Poland with my parents into an apartment duplex. I adore horror movies and ghost stories but I never in my life experienced it actually until one night. (I have had some small ones but nothing big) It was a school night and I fell asleep around 10 or 9, sometime later I woke up,...
My Haunted House by ChrisB
Hi everybody it's me again. I live in a house in Poland that was built by my father and my grandfather. It is a big house and has a lot of windows and doors and a lot of antiques. I believe in the paranormal and for about two years I have been learning more about the paranormal (a lot from you guys ...
The Unknown by Chris Burczynski
Hi it's me again. I wanted to write about some things that I heard of. When I was at my grandma's place we were watching a TV show about ghosts. I decided to tease my grandmother about ghosts. I actually did not believe in them (then). She kind of looked at me and said "I believe in them". I started...
The Funeral of my Mom by ChrisB
I live in Poland and just about 4 years ago, my mother died. I was 19 at the time. My mother had cancer and a family doctor told us she was going to die in a couple of months, but she kept on fighting for a year. Her funeral was on april 1, just 4 days before her 50th birthday. The whole family was ...
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