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Jessica The Doll And The Children Behind The Walls


When I was in 7th grade, my reading class was in a room separated from the school building. We didn't have classrooms that where close by, and the door was very thick. Anyways, on the first day, our teacher introduced us to her 15 year old doll, which her very first class had decided to name Jessica.

The doll had two pony tails, each at the side of her head. Her orange hair yarn hair was held up in a pair of marine blue bows. All her facial features were sewed on, just stamped in her face. Her eyes were a sort of brown and I am not very sure of her height, but I think she was somewhere as tall as a 4 year old to a first grader and she was dressed in the school uniform, with shoes and all.

In the first few days, I sat in a spot where the doll's gaze was directed at me. It always gave me an uncomfortable sensation, but, thankfully, we were moved in ABC order. However, when I took my seat, I realized that I was now next to the doll itself, which sat on top of a stacked pile of fake, plastic books. Since the doll was on a corner of the room, that meant that, by sitting next to her, I was also against the wall. The walls were all so thick that nothing could be heard from the other side.

At first, I would forget that the doll was there, but, when I accidentally heard into a conversation, I heard someone mention Jessica. Since then, I would catch myself thinking about her throughout the day, and I looked up to see her randomly and daily.

One day, I leaned against the wall, my ear meeting with it. I began to hear faint giggles and child-like laughter. I went to the restroom to chill out and think about it. It could be someone passing by...but, such laughter? It couldn't have been a 6th, 7th, much less an 8th grader with that childish laugh. It would probably belong to a 1st grader, if not a younger child.

When I came back, I heard the sound again, louder. Then there was a blood curdling scream that made me jump up, and then I looked around, making sure nobody saw my strange reaction. I heard the laughter to the end of the year, and I never figured out what it could have been.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Roxanne090, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

MaryAnneTHEdoll (23 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-26)
You are hearing different noises from a thick wall? It's impossible to hear different noises from a thick wall...

❤ MaryAnne
Indigo (263 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-23)
Ok...now I don't know about the rest of y'all, but a jr high teacher with a giant doll in her class is creepy in and of itself! 7th grade is a little past the giant ugly doll stage, in my opinion, and the doll needs to go. I personally would have refused to go into that room as long as the doll was there, noises or not. Not that I'm afraid of dolls, but being treated like a preschooler at 13 would've made me flip OUT. As for the sounds themselves, the doll may have been seated on a register or something that made or conducted sound. Has anyone else ever mentioned the doll to you? Also, if you've had fillings, certain fillings can and do receive sound waves. You can sometimes pick up whole radio stations!
SirAader (2 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-23)
[at] sirander "The author, Roxanne090, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion."

Well (at) dustyisdead I never said she din't want feedback in fact I said and I qoute "I do not believe she asked you to believe her only to read what she has posted. At least show her a bit of respect." I know she posted I also am sure she wanted respect.
islandflower66 (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-23)
I happen to be one of those who hates those life sized dolls. I had them growing up and even have pics with them. It was the eyes. Not all dolls creep me out, just the ones where their eyes opened and closed, even the ones that talked. Hated them! I would never dismiss someone's scary experience as their imagination but I do try to approach things logically and I agree that we can misinterpret things we hear. I actually saw a movie that addressed this point called The Skeptic last night. There was a name for the theory. But whether it was real or imagined it was real for you. My grandmother always told me I had a crazy imagination and the worst thing to experience is having someone not believe you when you know you experienced something. It's in our nature to try to rationalize things we are unsure of... I tend to go by the saying nowadays of GH when in doubt throw it out. I have plenty of stories with dolls and whispers through walls, I don't dismiss them all as my imagination. Can I ask if you've ever experienced anything like that again?
hardcoregeneral (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
you were in a school full of loud, and noisy kids. Is it so hard to believe it was another kid? Get real. This story is a joke. 😠 😠 😠
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
I must admit that I find it quite strange for a teacher of middle-school students to have a four-foot doll in the classroom.

Many people are freaked out by dolls. I know a young girl that has never wanted dolls for birthdays or Christmas because they freaked her out so. Something about the eyes. So I think it would be very natural for you to be freaked out by this doll and maybe imagine some of the voices that you were hearing. Just a guess. However, I would say that you are the best judge of that and maybe there was some paranormal activity going on. Hope you are long gone from that classroom. Good luck, zeta.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
I know that in a state of uneasiness our mind can create noises. For example sometimes when I lay down at night I can hear talking between two people or more. But this is not real. It is just because I have a fan that goes on in my room and while laying in the dark my mind is making sense of things that it is hearing and associating it with common noises. So if you are already scared and you hear the wind rattling against the outside of the building your mind could scew the signal and make your brain interpret the noise as laughter. Hearing is just a function that we do. If something between the signals is tampered with our brain can make us think we are hearing things. If that makes sense. I don't think this was paranormal. I think that the doll creeped you out and you started to get paranoia and anxiety which caused your brain to mis-interpret noises.
dustyisdead (2 stories) (90 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
i'm unclear on just a couple things,

- you said you were put in ABC order and now the doll was next to you. So did the teacher move the doll, or do you mean that once you moved to your new spot in the class, that the doll suddenly moved as well on it's own?

-why would "such laughter" be a problem? You said it was giggles and childlike laughter. Well, I would think a middle school would be the perfect place to hear children's laughter. And I know plenty of 6th-7th graders with childlike laughter, so it's not that unusual IMO. Same thing with the scream. You hear kids screaming around school all the time.

-why would you care if someone saw your reaction? I would WANT someone to see me, and hopefully have experienced the same thing. Did you just not think anyone else heard it?

My theory is that the doll creeped you out a lot, as exampled by how you felt it was "watching you". So it made you a little paranoid to begin with. So once you heard a few giggles and yells, you just tied this in with the doll and your imagination went a little wild. I don't think there's anything paranormal there, nor do I see what the connection is between the doll or the noises. You heard the noises coming from outside the wall, not coming from the doll itself.

[at] sirander "The author, Roxanne090, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion."

I think she did want reader feedback, not just read it and then move on.
SirAader (2 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
i think there may be a slight chance for paranormal ocurances with dolls. But in my expirence younger kids never go on older halls unless needed.

To champion:

"Roxanne090- sorry but I think you have a vivid imagination and that's about it. I might give you a little bit of credit if you didn't have ten stories and only eighteen comments. You will have to do better for me to believe you.


I do not believe she asked you to believe her only to read what she has posted. At least show her a bit of respect.

BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
Big dolls are scary, at least for me, but that's it. It could have been children passing by your class room and with an overactive imagination, it could have turned into giggling and a scream coming from the walls. There could've been echoes, distant giggling/laughing (it's a school)... And having a creepy doll standing near you, wow that would do the work.

God bless ❤
champion (3 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
Roxanne090- sorry but I think you have a vivid imagination and that's about it. I might give you a little bit of credit if you didn't have ten stories and only eighteen comments. You will have to do better for me to believe you.

BlueTurtle (3 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
My class used to have a doll like this, though I forget which grade, and it freaked me out all the time. I think it was mainly due to its height. If it had been the size of a normal doll rather than an actual child, I would have felt better. The wall you were sitting against... Did it have windows in it, or was it a solid wall? Was it made of brick or wood? How do you know how thick it was? I only ask these questions because the sounds you heard could very well have been children outside and I know from experience that little kids often make loud screams that can be near painful to listen to, almost like the kid's in pain, but they're really just throwing a temper tantrum.
I hope that what you heard was one of these and not a mysterious spiritual hot-spot. Do you recall during the time of day you would hear these sounds? Was there a kindergarten class nearby that would let out during half the day? I know in my school there was a morning class that let out around lunch and an afternoon class.
jak89 (1 stories) (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-21)
I'm also unsure of how the doll is connected to the sounds either. Its just my opinion but I think since you heard the sounds and couldn't see what caused them that you kind of jumped to the conclusion that they came from the doll. Just an opinion and nothing more. Cool story though...
reneespring (148 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-21)
You said: "Then there was a blood curdling scream that made me jump up, and then I looked around, making sure nobody saw my strange reaction."...Why were you trying to hide your reaction to a scream? Did you for some reason just *know* that nobody else could hear it? If so, how did you know? Did you ask anyone else if they could hear the scream?
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-21)
Could one of the teachers have had a young child that they brought to work with them sometimes? My teachers bring their young children to school with them sometimes, when they can't find or don't want a sitter.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-21)
I am not sure I see how the doll is connected to the sounds you heard, except that the doll kind of creeped you out & might have been what fueled your imagination.

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