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Grandma Finally Answered


So going off of the last post I had placed about hearing my grandma and not knowing why, I have had to learn the hard way when she talks... LISTEN. I ended up sending a personal message to Rook (thank you again by the way!) explaining the situation so here we go:

Friday morning I get a call from my mom at 7 a.m. Now her KNOWING the time difference between us, she never calls this early unless there is some sort of emergency. My heart sank into my stomach. I answered. She was bawling and telling me my uncle had to be rushed into the ER because of some stomach pain. At this time I was thinking, "Okay, why the call and what the heck is the big deal?!" She proceeded to tell me that he had just come back from an MRI or something of that nature (sorry it's going to get jumbled) and she said his colon had ruptured. It took me a minute to think because, hey I had only been asleep for a few hours (I'm young, give me a break! Lol) Anyways, it finally sank in and I asked what happened, and she said, "The lower part of his abdomen is FLOODED with puss and abscesses and they do not think he will make it."

I am not going to lie, this was a crushing blow because he is my favorite uncle. But the weird part is I was totally calm. Mind you, I am literally the biggest spaz in my family when these things happen and I will cry and hate the world, no joke when this happens. I just felt a hug then a smack to the back of the head, THIS IS WHY SHE WAS YELLING AT ME! And honestly, instead of guilt I just got, "It's okay, next time you'll get it."

So while all of this has been going on, I have been openly letting her in and just soaking in what precious time I have with her (I have not seen her since I was 4.)

Now luckily, and by the grace of my grandma, my uncle is doing well and just finished up his second surgery and now they are pretty sure they will be able to save some, if not at least half, of his colon! This is really exciting for our family, but last night I will say I spent most of my night sitting on the side of my uncle's bed (with my grandma and he's in Maine so that's 3,000 miles away) and we talked over him last night just watching him and talking about life. Talk about tiring! But I did find out today he didn't sleep too much last night because he kept hearing talking (sorry!) But our entire family has never been so happy to see someone come out of that, especially him.

Now that I have opened up to her, I told her as long as she wants to talk, it needs to be through thoughts, because I am unable to talk aloud to her right now. And we are still talking now and I am calmer than ever thanks to her!

Another special thanks to Rook when I needed help the most!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Mannerizms, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Mannerizms (10 stories) (172 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-01)
Thank you me too! I am hoping to have some new stories posted up here in the next few days or so...
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-01)
I am glad to hear thar your uncle will be getting moved to another facility in preparation for his colon repairs. That is a very good sign! ❤

Mannerizms (10 stories) (172 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-01)
Oh trust me I know, but I think my grandmother left me with some sort of filter, because I can only hear those who really need to talk, not just because they can.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-01)
Oh geeez! Have fun with that! I hope they take it slow, the highway can get crowded once the word gets out of a new off ramp. 😆 😆

Jav ❤
Mannerizms (10 stories) (172 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-01)
Not a problem! Actually another update is he is still open but out of ICU and will be moved into something similar to rehab/nursing home until he is totally drained clean and they can repair his colon. I am just mad I had to learn the hard way lol.

But my grandma has since quieted down, now I'm just listening for others!

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-30)
What can I say? This is absolutely fabulous! I am so happy to hear that your uncle is doing better.
But this communication with your Grandmother is fascinating! I am loving this!
And our guy Rook? Do you see why so many of us will gladly go to bat for that man? ❤
Thank you for steering me to this one, it was soooo worth it!

Jav 😊
Mannerizms (10 stories) (172 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-29)
Adsouza - thank you for putting the effort to read! I really appreciate it and all comments/suggestions are welcome anytime!

Blessed Be ❤
adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-04-27)
I actually followed this account through a series of links and I have to say the 'effort' was worth it. Thank you Mannerizms and Rook for reminding us that stuff can be done if the intentions are right!

Mannerizms (10 stories) (172 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-25)
Well she knows that I LOVE cotton candy smells so she told me she could smell it. She said that she was able to go to sleep and more comfortable for it.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-25)

Out of curiosity what did your Mom experience? Was it a smell that reminded her of you. Did she 'feel' you give her a hug? Or did she just feel her 'worries' lift and think of you as this happened?


Mannerizms (10 stories) (172 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-25)
Okay, here are the e-mails in hopes to clear things up for you guys:)

I just had a quick question,

On the site I posted about hearing my grandmother trying to talk to me and I brushed it aside. I am now learning that I shouldn't have; my uncle is currently in the ICU his colon has ruptured and they had to take him out of surgery still open and keep him in coma until his next surgery this Sunday.

My question is this, is there anything that I may be able to do for him (other than pray or send good healing vibes?) I live 3,000 miles away and just want to help ease my mom's stress because I have nothing but calming feeling from my grandmother saying that he will be fine and back with us in no time. I just need to be able to rush it a little or something to help my mom. Is there anyway you are able to help with this?

Thank you so much for listening to my rambling.




Thank you for asking this question... As far as 'Direct Help' there is little I can do but put you and yours in my Prayers. Unless your Mother asks me directly.

Having said that... Once you are done praying for your Uncle include a prayer for your Mother... And then visualize yourself in a room of her house... Hold that image in your mind... Do you best to 'feel' the room...'smell' the room and hold this image in your mind (this should be the room your mother takes the most comfort in). Once you 'feel' your there... Focus on something about you that makes your Mother think of you... A soap you use... A particular flower... (you understand) then holding all these thoughts and images in your mind 'HUG' your Mother. Make it a Comforting Hug... One that let's her know you are 'there' for her despite the distance. Then picture yourself back in you home... In your body. Please do all this after you have SHIELDED yourself and you know you will not be disturbed. Then let me know if your Mother has a dream about you giving her a hug... Or if she had an odd thought about you being 'close' to her. This will be your Validation...

Be safe I'll keep you and yours in my Prayers.

Garret (Rook from YGS)

Hopefully this helps where I was not clear, thank you!
Mannerizms (10 stories) (172 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-24)
[at] Rook, yes she did and she was happy that I did that for her. Oh no it does not bother me at all thank you! Saves me time from explaining it lol.

[at] geetha50 thank you, I'm looking forward to sharing more.

**Update** He is out of ICU and the doctors are saying it is a MIRACLE how fast he is healing (I know it is my grandma helping him ❤)
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-24)
Hello Mannerizms,
Since I haven't been to this site in awhile because of work, I didn't get a change to read any of your stories. I actually went back and read all of your stories before commenting.

I guess some of us had to learn the hard way to listen to our elders (even if they are dead)!

I see that you have had an interesting life and I would like to hear more of your stories.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-24)
Her Uncle needed an Operation... While getting it his Colon ruptured and they needed to keep him in a medical coma for a couple of days while they cleaned up the bile.

While this was going on Mannerizms was visited/talked to by her grandmother (who has passed away) but she was shutting her out until she received the phone call telling her how a simple operation had taken a turn for the worse.

After contacting me, Mannerizms was better able to 'hear' what her Grandmother was telling her.

Does that 'clear' things up?

Sorry Mannerizms I hope you don't mind that I fielded that question.


aamo_29 (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-24)
I still don't get the story sorry I really want to understand... 😆 ❤ 😉
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-24)

Always glad to help. I'm glad he is doing better. What about your Mother... Did she ever get that 'hug'?



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