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Worry Transcends The Living And The Dead


This past week, I had experiences with each of the three entities residing in my house. Communication was made possible by Tim, as per usual, even though he never was physically in my house.

Gran - I have been suffering from pain for a few months now, but as the weeks wear on, it becomes more prominent and more frequent. Last Wednesday, 14 November 2012, it became so intense that I felt I needed to pull my car off to the side of the road, as I was on my way home from work. However, the roads I have to drive are not safe, especially for a woman alone. So I kept going. I had to take pain medication when I got home, something I hate to do unless I really feel half-incapacitated. Later that evening I went to take a shower, and I could clearly feel that I was not alone in the bathroom. The shower is located in my mom's en-suite bathroom, so I immediately knew it was Gran with me. I thought to myself "maybe she wants to have a little girl talk". So I babbled for a while but I could not draw the shower out too long due to the pain. She left the bathroom as I turned of the water.

The next evening, same type of scenario. Prominent pain, but this time I was lying in my bath. As I lay there, very aware of the pain, I heard what sounded like someone grabbing hold of the towel rail above my head. It is plastic and makes a noise when you touch it. Then I distinctly felt pressure on my right arm, I knew someone was touching me, trying to soothe me as I actually started to cry from the pain. I finished my bath and got out. Wound a towel around my body and headed for my bedroom. As I walked in, I closed the door, and then immediately had the sensation that I was being hugged. I had tingles around my shoulders where the arms would be, and all across the front of my body, right through the towel. It unnerved me a little, because right then, I had no idea who this was. Was it Gran or was it Charlie. I grabbed my phone and sent Tim a message, asking him who was in my room right at that moment.

He answered with a question of his own.

"What's up with you? I'm sensing very strong emotions."

I proceeded to tell him what I was experiencing and he answered my question, saying that both Gran and Charlie were worried, so both were around me, but whereas Gran was the one in the bathroom and with me in the room, Charlie stood right outside the door. He said, the person Charlie was before he died, made him not push boundaries, so he would never enter a room when privacy was needed. I felt quite overwhelmed. He told me they both could sense my pain and are very worried. Later he told me to make sure and tell Gran what the doctor says, as I had promised to phone and make an appointment, and I promised, again, that I would.

Kiddo - On Thursday evening, at 9:06PM (I'm looking at the date stamp on the picture) I walked into Kiddo's room with my phone set to camera, and said "Smile Kiddo!" and I took a snap shot of the room. I actually did it because Tim told me he got the feeling that Kiddo was unhappy about something. I thought it was because the kids had dumped a lot of stuff in the room and it looked very messy, so I wanted to show Tim the state of the room. I sent the picture to him. He told me that the little guy kept showing him the boxes stacked to the right of where I put the toys for him, and I immediately realized what he would be upset about. The previous Sunday I had taken a piece of paper to his room. I had written KIDDO on it and put a little heart below it, corny, I know, but I'm a girl and he is a "baby", have a heart. I had taken this to his room and made the piece of paper stand on the rim of the bottom box, balancing on the second one. I had told him that, until he told us his name, I would call him Kiddo, everyone deserves to have a name, and that was why I put the paper in there. On Wednesday evening, one of my boys came to me with that exact piece of paper. I had taken it from him and put it down on the kitchen counter, and there was a water spill so the paper got wet. I left it.

When I realized he was looking for his paper, I went to the kitchen and made a new one, then went and put it in his room, but this time I stuck the paper to the box. But Tim said he was still a little unhappy. Then he said Kiddo showed him a colouring book. At this point I was sitting in the TV room and as I received this message, one of my boys walked to the coffee table and flipped through a colouring book that I had put together for them. It hit me that this was the book he wanted, as I had seen it in his room earlier in the week. So I took the book back to his room and put it down next to the boxes. He explained to me that the book was in the toy crate I had put in the room for Kiddo, so the little guy felt it was his. He doesn't mind sharing, but he doesn't like it if "his toys" are taken and not brought back.

Later that evening, before we said goodnight, Tim sent a message and said, "Oh, you took a picture of Kiddo". I answered saying that I know I sent him a picture of the room. He corrected me, saying I took a picture of him. Honestly, I flipped out right then. I sent him a message and told him, in all honesty, if I sent him a picture of the passageway he'd see Gran too. So he answered and told me "Elaine sees him too. She says it looks like he is posing for you." I clamped my hand over my mouth, I was shocked and I told him "I told him to smile". Tim answered that I got what I asked for. I was far too afraid to look at the picture, so I asked if he looks ok. Tim answered that he mostly looked fine, but he could see the burn marks on the left side of his face. I told him that I was on overload and that it was a bit too much to take in, and the poor guy apologized for making me uncomfortable. I went to bed and struggled to sleep, I was actually afraid of what I would find on the picture.

Friday morning I went to work and only looked at the picture when I got there. I could not see anything. The night before I had sent the picture off to Shlain as well, and as I was trying to see she sent me a sketch she had made of what she saw. She could clearly see Kiddo looking over his shoulder. I sent Tim a message and asked him where he saw the little guy and he said "in the blue crate, in front of the curtain" and as Shlain told me that was where she saw him as well, I suddenly could see him. He sat in the crate, with his back to the wall, his left shoulder toward me, looking over his left shoulder and with his left leg casually thrown over the side of the crate. I was (and still am) absolutely astounded. I can see his face, but no marks (Tim is very sure that the little guy does not want me to see the marks). He looks so tiny sitting in a toy crate, and it really does seem he chose to pose for me. I have loaded the picture onto my profile. Tell me if you see him.

Charlie - We had gone to a picnic at the botanical gardens on Saturday; this was in celebration of my cousin's baby turning one. We spent most of the day there, enjoying the sun and got home just after 5PM. On the boy's request, we ordered pizza and sat watching a DVD. I was in bed before 10PM and just as I lay down, I got a message from Tim, asking, "What did you do that was unhealthy?" I answered saying, "Nothing that I know of. I grabbed a bottle of water and just got into bed". He then asked what I had eaten that was unhealthy, and I answered that we had had pizza and coke. He asked if there was extra cheese on and I said yes. He then sent me a message saying "big brother is watching, he says next time, go for the salad, like you wanted to and remember that Feta cheese is much healthier". I laughed out loud at this. I was being chewed out for unhealthy eating by Charlie. Tim also said that I had initially wanted to take another type of beverage as well, which I should have done. I, in fact, considered buying a "Dry Lemon" soft drink; Charlie felt I should have too.

I asked Tim if Charlie enjoyed the dam today (its part of the botanical gardens), how he felt, and Tim answered "sad and longing". I asked him why and he said it had something to do with an experience at a dam, not long before he died. I told him I did not know as I had not seen him in 2 years at that point. So we both figured, if and when Charlie decided to give more information, we would take things from there. I asked Tim where Charlie was and he said he was in the dining room, he knew I was tired and he also knew I would sense his emotions, and he didn't want to burden me with that. He also said Charlie felt I needed to put cream on where I had gotten sun burnt. I did not think much of it but put lotion on and I could feel the burn.

Tim then told me I might want to go and give my mom a foot rub as her feet were very sore. So I grabbed some body lotion and walked to the TV room. I told mom that Tim had sent me a message and Charlie had sent me to rub her feet because he knew they were very sore. The look on her face was priceless. When I was done and headed back to my room, I thanked Charlie for telling me to help mom. I keep the envelope with his pictures on my vanity and through the night on Saturday I woke up twice feeling him sitting on the edge of my bed, pressing against my legs. And as I opened my eyes, I saw the envelope had been moved. I left Charlie to his musings, falling right back asleep. When I woke up on Sunday morning the pictures were half-pulled out of the envelope and the picture on top was one of him at a dam. I sent Tim a message on Sunday and told him that I had felt Charlie sitting on the bed and he had opened up the envelope of pictures to show me the picture at the dam. Tim said what he picked up from Charlie was that there was something to do with a dam that I knew about, but I'm still struggling to figure this little problem out. I asked him out loud to give us more information, and Tim told me, yet again, to be patient.

So, as he gives me more information I will update.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, triden07, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-08)
He is very small yes. But, if I compare his size to that of my twins, he's around their size. They were premies, so a bit smaller in stature to other kids
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
11 years ago (2013-06-26)
Yaay, finally I saw kiddo! Thanks to tzekai's description!
tzekai (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-06-19)
after an hour of looking for Kiddo, I can now finally see him, in the lower part of the curtain, first I saw the legs, why is he so small?
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
Sorry triden07, I couldn't see kiddo in the picture. Maybe he doesn't want to be seen by everybody: (
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-01)
I wanted to upload the picture of Charlie at the dam, but it keeps failing no matter what I do. I'm guessing Mr. Camera shy doesn't want to be seen...
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-21)
I can't see anything unusual about this picture either, sorry. Looking at it normal size, I see nothing at all. Expanding the photo, I can almost make out something, but I have to expand it quite a bit, it gets very pixelated, and I think what I'm seeing in the expanded pic is matrixing. Sorry. 😭
squareface101 (1 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-21)
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-21)
That really is a shame, I'm so sorry you can't see him
squareface101 (1 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-21)
Sorry Triden07 I even tried zooming in on the picture nothings workin? 😢 😢 😢
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-21)
trusted soul
That's him. He is so tiny you can't even see his shoulders sticking out. Its funny, but I can "feel" him smiling when other kids are playing in his room.
trusted_soul (1 stories) (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-21)
I can only see a little face took me ages to find it: (...
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-21)
Hi there, I'm so glad you could see him. At first I thought I also saw a second one, hiding half behind the washing basket next to the chest of drawers. But after Tim and Shlain told me where to look, I only see Kiddo now.
MindiSue (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-21)
I looked at your picture for a long time. At first, I didn't want to see anything. After a while, I decided I wanted to see. My boyfriend walked behind me and gave me a kiss on his way out to smoke a cigarette and I felt safe enough to relax a bit and look again. (I only told you that part so you would understand he makes me feel safe.) I read some comments to try to find the exact place to see Kiddo and after enlarging the photo, I saw nothing. When I put it back to normal size, I was very surprised. You said you see Kiddo in the blue tote with his leg hanging over the side, but I see something different. I see two people/beings. One is Kiddo? Looking over the left shoulder towards the camera; with what looks like their right arm and hand raised, like giving someone a high five. The other person looks like a toddler looking over their right shoulder towards the camera; with the right hand raised, palm against the hand of the first ghost. At first, I thought Kiddo was the one on the left. But then I reread what you wrote and I see I'm mistaken. My question though, is why do I see two people, and everyone else see's one? I would also like to say, the person/ghost on the left is younger than the person/ghost on the right.
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-20)
Its a real shame you can't see the little scamp. Trust me, I struggled with it too at first. I wish I could take the picture and make it clearer for you.
squareface101 (1 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-20)
I still can't see it sorry I looked really closly at the curtain and where you told me to look but I can't see it
squareface101 (1 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-20)
I have seen ghosts before its just this one I'm finding hard to find
😊 😊
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-20)
Have you ever seen a ghost in a picture before? He kind of blends in with the curtain. Look directly at the blue crate in the far right corner of the room. He is sitting with his back to that wall, so his right shoulder is facing the curtain, and looking over his left shoulder, you can basically see his head sticking out over the rim of the crate, and his left leg over the side.
squareface101 (1 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-20)
im really confused I spent an hour looking 4 kiddo in that picture 😕
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-20)
I look at that picture every day now, lol. Its incredible. Tim says he estimates it was some time between 1880 and 1903. The flashes Kiddo has given him of his life shows farm life. He died in the spot he inhabits, but Tim has not seen if it was inside or outside of their home at this point. Kempton used to be farmland until 25 August 1903 (Reference, though the little guy was so young, Tim can't pinpoint it exactly.

Haha, I'm thinking Charlie might do something to make me see he doesn't like the wrong foods. Like he did to Tim, nudging his hand to make him put his cigarette out. Or just slapping a countertop or something. Besides, now I have so many things on my mind, I'll listen to "Big Brother"
Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-20)
Kiddo was definitely posing. Cheeky little bugger. How long ago did Tim say he passed? And next time make sure to add feta to your extra helping of cheese pizza 😜
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-19)
Please read my other stories (ie. It feeds on panic and fear, granny and little boy, charlie's anguish, ward 4b room 210 - that one was about where I met Tim and Elaine), I have explained about Tim in just about every one of them.
marvis (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-19)
could you please tell me who Tim is as he helped you in communications in this piece. An un usual experience.

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