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The Evil That Uncle Jake Raised


I feel like I should apologize for jumping all over the place in this story. So, I'm sorry, but please bear with me.

In May of 1978, two months before my 13th birthday, my parents bought the home they currently live in. Before I share my experiences, you probably need some information about my parents' home.

My parents' house flooded in 1997. One afternoon I was the only one still there. Everyone else who was helping clean up the flood damage had already left for the day. I stayed there while my mom and one of her friends had gone up the road to my aunt's house to take showers. This was within days of the flood, so everything was still pretty nasty - mud, water, dirt, trash, etc still in the house. Anyway, there were no working utilities in the house, everything had been shut off. So, while waiting on them to come back, I heard the furnace kick on. Remember... No electric. As soon as I heard it, I hurried to my aunt's and told my mom she needed to come back down or I was leaving. Of course she didn't believe me when I told her the furnace kicked on. Mom said there was "no way, the furnace couldn't have kicked on because there was no electric." I told her I knew that, but when the three of us got back down there, my mom and her friend also heard the furnace. Needless to say, we left.

A few weeks later, an old man and his young grandson stopped by. He said my parents had given him permission to fish, and he also told me his grandparents had lived there a long time ago. When my parents got back, I told them about the old man. As we were talking, the old man and his grandson came back up from the creek. I asked my mom to talk to the old man and see if she could find out anything about the house because of the "odd" things that had been experienced while we'd lived there. So my mom asked the old man about the house. I'm not sure exactly what she asked him, but he told her his Uncle Jake used to "raise tables" in the bedroom my younger sister and I shared when we lived at home, which was also where the furnace was located.

And now my experiences: One night not long after we moved in (I believe it was within the first couple of nights), my sister and I heard a loud crashing sound like something had fallen in the living room. (Our bedroom wall adjoined the living room.) Scared, we ran to our parents' room, but our mom told us it was just the dogs under the house, to go back to bed. I'm not sure why we were so scared, except that it was a really loud, unexplained crashing sound in the middle of the night. We both knew it wasn't the dogs, though, because the dogs couldn't get under the house. When we checked the next morning, nothing had fallen in the living room.

It seemed like I had nightmares every night that I lived there. It was always the same three nightmares. Two of them I remember, but the third one I can't remember anything about. I guess maybe it was so terrifying that I've blocked it out. Whatever, I have never been able to remember anything about it. I just know that I had those same three nightmares over and over.

I was always afraid of that house when it got dark. Even as an adult I would leave before it got dark, just so I wouldn't have to be there, especially if I had to be there by myself.

When I was 16, during my sleep one night, something told me to go to the kitchen and get my mom's knife out of the cabinet drawer and kill my family.

I was a good kid, willingly went to church every time the doors were open. I loved my family and never gave my parents any grief. I was the stereo-typical "good-girl" who never did anything wrong. I didn't go to parties, didn't date, didn't drink or do drugs, had never smoked a cigarette, or had a drink of beer. I didn't watch scary movies or anything like that. I don't think there was any "real crime" TV shows back then either. Even if there were, I didn't watch them. I didn't do anything that wasn't church-related. Go ahead, roll your eyes and laugh, but I was exactly that girl. Yet here I was, ready to kill my entire family.

I never heard a voice, not a "real" voice, telling me to go kill my family, but there was something there. Something that influenced me, made me get up out of my bed, go to the kitchen, open that drawer where I knew that knife was, put my hand on the handle and start to pull that knife out of the drawer. This knife had at least a 12 inch serrated blade.

I "woke up" when I had my hand on the handle. I feel that if God hadn't smacked me upside my head, I'd be in prison, or an insane asylum, for slaughtering my parents and siblings that night. It took me 17 years before I told anyone that. How do you tell your family that you were going to kill them? And you don't know why.

In all that years since that happened, whenever I would allow myself to think about it, I never understood why me? What was it about me that made it choose me? Why was I different than my sister, who shared a room with me? Was there something, even then, that made my sister and me different? That this evil "thing" could sense, because my sister and I have such completely different beliefs where ghosts are concerned?

Up until we rebuilt that house, it terrified me. Funny thing, though, after the flood and we remodeled Mom and Dad's home, whatever evil was there is gone. There is still a woman and a child... But the evil that Uncle Jake raised isn't there. I think God did His own cleansing.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Miracles51031, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-10)
funeralmass - thank you for reading my experience and offering your comments. One of the things I enjoy most about sharing on this site is the alternate views our experiences bring. Even though opinions may differ, as long as the advice (and subsequent comments from all members) is given in sincerity, I appreciate it.

Again, thank you for your point of view 😊
funeralmass (1 stories) (27 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-10)
Hi Miracles, I realize this story is several years old, but I just found it in the collections and thought I could add to some explanations and offer additional theories as to why it happened and seemed to center on you the most.

As a long time occultist, I have a different understanding of such things, so please don't be offended if my thoughts differ from your upbringing and beliefs. Firstly, I would say that "demons" are not all some forces of evil that were angels, did naughty things, and now are Earth-bound. Are there dark, and/or chaotic entities? Sure. But some are quite beneficial and kind, if treated with respect, and many are patient and enjoy revealing knowledge that would otherwise remain hidden. Examples would be King Paimon, Belial, Azazel, Bune, Bael, and Lucifer.

What most Christians seem to have forgotten is that such entities were often worshiped as gods by various religions that pre-date the Abrahamic religions by hundreds, and even thousands, of years, and have a misconstrued view of what demons actually are. They look at demons in the Biblical sense, agents of "the devil" (no such thing as some grand master of evil who is bent on the destruction of mankind, and everything evil comes from him. True evil resides in the hearts of mankind) and want to trick us out of our souls. Some are dark, some are patient and kind, and some want no human contact. The word demon comes from the Greek daemon, which means spirit. In that sense, all spirits are demons.

As the Judeo-Christian religion became dominant, pagan civilizations were raided and plundered in the name of God, people slaughtered,raped, and survivors enslaved and forced to convert or die. They were told their gods were now evil demons (e.g. The goddess Astarte/Ishtar, who was goddess of love, beauty, and the arts, became the male demon Astaroth). Since you have a strong faith in the religion that displaced them, it may be reasonable to assume that a dark, chaotic entity latched onto you, attracted by the strength of your faith in a religion that caused it to be forgotten, and perhaps wanted some revenge. Sorry about the book I just wrote you, I was merely trying to shed some light on the subject with a point of view you might haven't thought of, and it requires a bit of explaining to even scratch the surface. Regards, funeralmass
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-02-09)
Thanks, SDS, I'm glad you got a chance to read it. I always appreciate your comments and views 😊
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-09)
Hello Miracles51031, first of all apologies for having missed this experience of yours 3 years ago. But I should thank PWTV for making his comments on your narrative that made me read this. Its going to my favs and I enjoyed the way you have written. But as you said, thank God, that you woke up when you touched the handle of the knife.

I am happy to have read it. Thanks for sharing.

Regards and respects to you.


P.S: The way you narrated as to how you were at that point of time as a "good girl" of the family, reminds me of one thing that it was how typical South Indian girls would be then. Not anymore now. Lol. Once again thanks for sharing your experience.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-02-08)
PARANORMALWITNESSTV - thank you for your comment and interest. I'm sorry, but I am not interested in sharing my experiences on TV. Especially considering this involves more people than me.

Also, please contact our administration about putting a notice on our home page for your show. We prefer you don't solicit stories from our members in this manner.

Thank you 😊
9 years ago (2016-02-08)
Thank you so much for sharing this incredible story. Reading some of your other stories it's clear that you have had quite a few experiences with the paranormal. I'm actually a producer on the Syfy series - Paranormal Witness - and I wanted to find out if you would be willing to share your experiences. If so please get in touch with me: olive.king [at] raw.co.uk
Thanks so much,
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-06)
miracles| agreed! Almost lost myself for a second there... Geez never again 😨
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-05-06)
So glad to the site's back up 😆 Was starting to get a little irritated with that 'gator 😉
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-24)
Yeah I will, there is not a great deal more than I have said, but I could explain reasoning etc I guess 😁
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-03-24)
Not that different at all, actually probably a lot more sensitive than I was at that point. You going to put that one in writing for us, more than you did? 😉
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-24)
P.S - I know that is a little different to your house but
it's the only thing I can relate it too 😊
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-24)
It's strange how you can 'just tell' something is off. We moved into a 100 odd year old former railway workers cottage for 6 months, and I in no way claim to be sensetive or 'connected' but I always felt this negative vibe in the middle room, and I kept getting a picture of an old man just staring at me. Like I say, I don't claim to have any gift, other than proberly paranoia, but it got to the point that I had to close the living room door when playing my playstation at night because it got so uncomfortable. It was just a feeling, and it seemed he was a nasty bastard.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-03-24)
You know, Griff, one of the first things my sister and I noticed when we first walked into the house was how dark it was. I remember the people who owned it before we moved into it were still living there when we first saw it and it felt like there was no lighting but I know there was 😊. It was just so dark in the home that it just "felt" oppressive. It had a very "heavy" feeling to it. I don't know whether or not my parents felt it, but my sister and I certainly did. We did not like the house and didn't want to move into it. But what could we do LOL? We were children.

Anyway, as to whether or not the house was restored to its original condition after the flood, I don't know. I would like to think that we made it happier than it had been in a long time and maybe that's all that mattered 😊
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-24)
I didn't mean as a reaction to your strict up bringing. My wife was very similar to yourself, didn't smoke, drink, do drugs, do parties, and enjoyed school (I know, unheard of) but she has often told me she often wanted to do things she knew were 'bad' such as take drugs and cause trouble, just to almost see what it felt like.

I know it no where near taking knife and killing your family Amityville style, but I was just thinking along them lines. But as you have said, there is a lot more to this than we know, and quite rightly you have only divulged what you felt comfortable with. Your childhood house sounds horrendous, and it is strange that after the re modelling, it all changed, its usually the cause of activity escalating rather than diminishing. Maybe the activity was the cause of previous re modelling, and your parents somehow, unintentionally, changed it to its original state?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-03-24)
Guess I should have mentioned that I never resented being raised the way I was. Even as a young kid and teenager, I never wanted to go to parties, etc. I was... I guess socially awkward would be the best way to describe me 😉 Going to parties and sporting events wasn't what I wanted to do, so it never bothered me not to go to them 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-03-24)
Griff - it's a very good theory and if it weren't for what my brothers experienced, I would be inclined to think it has more than a little "hmmm...maybe that could be it" to it.

Both my brothers had terrible experiences in that home while growing up. I don't feel comfortable sharing them since they aren't my experiences, and I'm also pretty sure they wouldn't want me to 😉 If I had been the only one to experience something, I would be less likely to believe it was paranormal and more likely to think I was crazy 😆 or, as you suggested, reacting to the strict upbringing.
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-24)
I wonder with this experience could be put down to the subconscious wanting to 'rebel' against its usual boundaries. Now I know it seems an extreme way to rebel, but I personally can not think of anything that is further opposite to the way you have described yourself at the time. This sort of thing seems to occur at the time between sleep and being awake, almost like its a time you are most vulnerable.

Its hard to explain without it sounding like I'm saying you subconsciously wanted to take that knife and commit those crimes, which of course you never would have, but when I read experiences like this, it makes me wonder where the devil on one shoulder, angel on the other idea comes from.
missy-ryton (5 stories) (13 posts)
11 years ago (2014-02-04)
miracles- Thanks for getting back to me. I have to say it feels great to meet someone who has a similar gift to me as everyone I know doesn't believe me when I tell them about it, they just look at me like i'm mad lol.

Most of my premonitions happen in dreams too, most of which are just like a deja-vou really, I'll dream that iv'e walked into a room, sat down and said something to someone then the next day, or a few days later it will happen. I have had some which have been quite significant aswel but they are kind of rare. Although I have never had a vision while I was awake I have had a couple of experiences were I have suddenly had a feeling, sometimes good sometimes bad, and iv'e said something and then in time it came true. One example would be around three years ago I was spending the day with my mum doing girly things, doing our hair painting our nails ect, when suddenly I had a terrible feeling that she wasn't in the best health, even though she looked fine, and she said she felt fine and at the time she had no health worries then I just turned to her and told her to go get a blood test, she didn't question me and did it, turned out she's diabetic. She later told me when I was a small child I often said odd, and sometimes creepy things to her and after a while she realized it was a gift.

I'm going to take your advice and keep a diary of things from now on. Thanks a lot 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-02-04)
missy-ryton - thank you so much for reading my stories 😊 The first premonition I can remember having was a dream when I was a senior in high school. At that time I didn't realize what a "premonition" was. I just thought it was weird that I'd had a dream that came true 😆

There was a period of many years where I shut everything off because I freaked out my first ex and because the things he said made me feel bad about myself. I guess when I got over that I started opening back up.

But...and this is the honest truth... This site and the friends I have made here have been what has helped me the most. Having people who believe in me and listen without judgment and condemnation, knowing that no matter what I tell, even if they can't understand it, they accept me and believe in me. That is what has helped my gifts increase.

I know I got off track there, but it is relevant LOL. You asked me if I regularly have premonitions. Yes, I do, but those have only been regular within the past 2-3 years. Sometimes they are clear, without a doubt about the information. Other times it's like wth does that mean? But eventually it makes sense. Some of the premonitions are dreams, some are visions.

I honestly didn't mean to go on like that. Sorry 😳 but before I go one piece of advice I'd like to give that has saved my sanity LOL. If you don't keep a journal, diary, something like that, I highly recommend it.
missy-ryton (5 stories) (13 posts)
11 years ago (2014-02-04)
Hi miracles, I have read all your stories and all could think was wow, you sure have had some truly amazing and scary experiences. I was particularly drawn to the "i need my mommy". The main reason for my comment is the story about your diamond earrings. I was wondering if premonitions are something that regularly happen to you? I only ask because ever since I can remember I have had them myself.
yellowbelle (3 stories) (20 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-12)
This reminds me why I am here. I need help...: (I tried to post my story, but due to many submissions, I am not allowed yet.: (
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-08-04)
I don't let it get to me anymore. It was over 30 years ago. I know what saved my family, and me, and I thank God for it. Guess I had a lesson to learn, and I did. Thanks 😊
Theonewhoknows (17 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-04)
In case, the thought of you trying to butcher your family ever haunts you, make your mind, your conscience believe that it was the purity of your good soul that overpowered the evil triggered in you, and that it was Gods will for you and your family, to be safe, so it is. Continue to believe that you are strong enough to face the same situation again, if ever evil stands in your path. Its the mind that runs the town Miracles... 😊 God bless!
darkassassin92 (119 posts)
11 years ago (2013-06-10)
Sorry if I sound rude which I am trying not to be I am so shocked and puzzled about these stories in a way I would like to meet a ghost in another I don't it just seems so unbelievable how could something move stuff what I mean is I don't want to think they exist in another way I do not as I said sorry of it sounds rude I am so surprised in all of this.
darkassassin92 (119 posts)
11 years ago (2013-06-10)
I used to believe in a god but quit believing in 3rd then 6th grade I fully quit believing. Since I love ghost stories a lot I don't know if they exist or not like I used to believe but I do think something is going on but can't explain it someone else in oregon where I live I read his or hers the person said I personally don't believe in ghost but I think there's something going on that's what I think well I believe in ghost more tham this person though. It sounds scary though
gerdz10 (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-16)
Hey Miracles kudos to you for being a "good girl". Only a handful of women are like you. On your story, maybe the devil was testing your faith? I will be praying for you and your family. Keep up the faith. God bless.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-02-19)
Frederick - I just now saw your comment on my story. I'm sorry about your uncle 😢. There is more that I would like to say, but no matter how I phrase the words, they won't come out right, and I backspace over them. So, I will just leave it this way.
Frederick (1 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-05)
The same thing happened to my uncle, Denny. He hanged himself a few years ago. Before the day he died, he had repeatedly told his wife that he'd been hearing voices that told him to end his life. This is strange since he had no history of mental breakdown whatsoever and they had a wonderful happy marriage. His family told him to brush it off and pray more often to drive nightmares away. But one day, (I assume) the voice had started to get really annoying and frightening, my uncle was alone. We were all attending a relative's birthday party. I was the first to find him hanging from the ceiling. Afte the funeral, his wife remembered him telling her about the voices that had kept telling him to end his life. We got so scared and then she decided to move out of the house.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-07)
Lol Miracles, Strange? Odd? Coincidence? Or all of the above?

Never mind, we have days like that...don't we?

Great account, any way you look at it! 😐
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-12-07)
Fergie - how's this for even odder? LOL, I was putting on my make-up and realized I needed to correct something I said to you and came in the Living Room to do that and here you are 😆

So, my correction... I said both my brothers had pretty much moved out before they were 18. That's not exactly true. My youngest brother lived at home until he was probably closer to 19. It's been a few years 😉 😆 but I know he didn't move out before he graduated and I'm pretty sure he hung around a little while longer. Mom's baby and all that LOL. But the flood happened 4 or 5 years after he graduated, depending upon when he left.

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