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Real Ghost Stories

Autonomous Toy Creatures


Decided to submit two stories back to back, as they happened in around the same year and at the same house. Autonomous Toy Creatures are the second entities I remember in this house.


There's a story in my favourites list called "Puppet People". This person's experience echoed with striking similarity something I long assumed were a couple of childhood dreams.

Ever since reading "Puppet People", and a few similar experiences in the comments, I've been fascinated with these odd toy, puppet-like creatures.

Recently I did a bit of digging and one detail has thrown the dream theory sideways.

Approximately 1985

I was around 4-5 years old living in the same house where I saw my first ghost, my guardian. I could write an entire volume about my love for that house and garden, it was the best place to grow up in.

One of my favourite nightly activities (bedtime procrastination techniques) was to climb onto my parents bed while they were kicking back in the lounge room. I was pretty proud of this accomplishment because it was a water bed. Thus seemed near impossible to climb the shiny solid wood block fortress walls which chambered the water mattress. With the bed conquered I could reach and switch on the bedside lamps. From here I would pretend to be a panther prowling around the slow moving surface until I eventually fell asleep. Fun times.

One such night I conked out and curled up to have a doze. I noticed a spider on the wall and recognised it as a huntsman.

The huntsman (huntsmen, plural) is a large Australian spider which looks like a brownish hairy tree tarantula. I'm convinced they are tree tarantulas. But for some reason in Australia they're called 'huntsmen'.

Fun fact; the title of the movie 'Snow White and the Huntsman' is highly amusing. But I digress.

This huntsman on the wall was different. It was, for lack of a better description, colourful. I recall red and yellow patterns and a slightly different brown. Its legs were thin and tapered. It had only 4 legs and was striking a star pose. There was something very strange about this huntsman. I stared at it in wonder.

Another odd thing about Australian culture worth mentioning: Roughly 90% of Australians will tell you: "Huntsmen don't bite, they're harmless".

Fact: They do bite.

Fact: They're harmless in the sense they want to get away from you, after or before biting you. Either option is cool with Mr Huntsman.

My pay no mind reaction to the huntsman was based on wacky Australian conditioning.

As I gazed upon this peculiar huntsman my attention broke to a sound of murmuring voices. Clear and deep but muffled. At first I thought it was Dad, from the lounge, but the muffled voices were coming from a much closer source. I glanced around, nothing. I looked at the huntsman, he's still there, chilling out.

I was looking to the left when I saw out of the corner of my eye my parent's 'curtain wardrobe' move. The curtain wardrobe was a wardrobe without a door. Dad put a curtain on the front as a makeshift door. This fabric had moved.

I looked to the wardrobe curtain. The voices were still murmuring. Then came light quick footsteps on the sea grass matting floor. I don't know if I could hear or understand what these voices were saying. What I can remember is one saying "Quick" and "Hurry up". These two statements were particularly clear and deep, they sounded closest.

I was in the middle of the bed, slowly I etched to the end of the bed, to where the wardrobe and voices were. I peeked over the end of the bed and saw what looked like an animalistic doll sized toy looking out of the wardrobe, toward the bedroom door.* More murmuring. I looked to the door, where this entity was looking, and saw another similar looking entity running out of the bedroom. I only saw this one from behind, didn't see his face. He was wearing a yellow striped t-shirt and blue shorts. I looked back to the first one. He slowly slid behind the wardrobe curtain.** Could swear he was looking at me as he did this. Then I heard something I still get the creeps thinking about: "Ssshhhhhhhh!" The loudest shooshing I've ever heard! It decayed like the acoustics of a church, not a furnished average sized suburban bedroom. Everything fell silent. But for the TV in the lounge.

I made haste to the other end of the bed, as far away as possible, and hid under the covers. I wanted to yell for my parents but I knew they'd just put me in my bed. The one running had turned the corner in the direction of my room. I definitely wasn't going in there. I peeked out from the covers and stared at the huntsman again. For some reason this was comforting, like having company. I continued to stare at fancy pants huntsman until Mum came in and carried me to my room. I demanded Mum remove all the dolls from my bedroom. I don't know why, but I had an aversion to dolls after this. These critters didn't look like dolls though, they looked more akin to soft toys. So I don't know why I didn't freak out about the soft toys instead.

*I was curious yet calm, initially, to witness these beings.

**When the creature appeared to stare at me, while slowly slipping behind the curtain, all calmness was replaced with fear. A fear I had been seen by it.

The other time I saw one of these guys was in the backyard. This time is less vivid and less eventful. I was around the same age, it wasn't too long after the first time. I was playing on the lawn and I heard a deep resonate voice again. It wasn't my guardian, who I used to hear sometimes. Immediately I remembered the colourful huntsman night. I looked to the direction of the voice which was coming from a part in the backyard which was completely overgrown and gnarly. In the direct sunlight I saw a light pink skinned toy-like thing with black eyes, nose and frizzy sort of hair wearing a sweater scamper into the wandering dew. Didn't hear or see anything more than that.

The appearance of these creatures were similar but each had their own unique look. The two whose face I saw both had black beady eyes, black noses and red lips. Their skin looked like it was made of smooth cloth. Their hair was frizzy, as if it had been teased. I'd guess they were around 1ft tall. Varying in height and build.

The one peering from the curtain wardrobe had dark brownish orangey 'skin' and bright red lips. I think this is the one that said "Sshhhhhh!" I didn't get a look at his body, just his face poking out of the curtain. I'd say he was slight of build, going by his gaunt face. His nose was pointed.

The one running out of the bedroom had darker brown skin. He had a heavier build and a much larger head. Didn't get a look at his face.

The one outside was much lighter skinned, very pale pink. With a droopy red mouth and flatter nose.

These weren't toys of mine, never seen them before or since. I'm sure they weren't no howdy doody 'possessed' toys either. These guys had limb mobility, expressive faces, dexterity and motor skills.

The murmurs I'm not sure about. It could have been a language or just groans, my memory is vague on that. They all sounded male to me, all very deep. Not what you'd expect from a small cute 'toy'.

While I read "Puppet People" I shouted at the screen "No way! This can't be true! Those were dreams I had!" and similar self affirming statements. Because that encounter echoed mine and both seemed insane.

I've thought about those toy like creatures a lot ever since. Teetering on obsession, really. I decided to look into the huntsman from the first time. There's no such thing as a colourful 4 legged huntsman. I took to the internet in a quest for answers.

After many bungled queries and ridiculous search results I found the spider in question really does exist. (So did more perplexed yelling at the screen!)

According to the internet the St Andrews Cross spider is the Australian subspecies of a global genus of bizarre looking spiders. The St Andrews Cross spider is similar in appearance to a thin wispy legged huntsman with bright yellow and red markings. The St Andrews Cross spider rests by placing its front and rear legs together resulting in the appearance of a 4 legged pose: X, like that. That's where it gets its name. That's how it looked on the wall.

There was more info on a matching 'X' design which it builds into its circular web and rests upon as a matching center pattern. Awe, lil' spider got flare.

As a side note, the moment I clapped eyes on photos of this St Andrews Cross spider, that night came flooding back in a torrent of profound snapshots. It's been quite the momentous payoff finding this unique arachnid and staring at it again, all these years later.

Now I credit autonomous toy/puppet weirdos as more than an odd dream or two. Of all the entities these guys fascinate me the most.

Big shout out to YGS for making this possible, huge thank you to Clarence the author of Puppet People, and much thanks to the St Andrews Cross spider. Such a tangled web we weave.

Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tweed, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-04)
Hi CuriousDee, they're pretty freaky that's for sure. It's interesting how many people find this sort of thing extremely unsettling. It's not a spooky memory to recall back on, but at the time it was very much so. I don't know how I'd react if I ever saw anything like them again. I'd kind of like to, they're so bizarre.
Here's the other person's encounter I referenced:
His encounter was far more confronting than mine, be warned!

Bettina, thanks for the indigenous North American info, very intriguing. I can't help but think these kinds of beings live in some in between realm, wherever, whatever, that may be. I'd love to know why they scoot around peoples homes though. They seem to have a purpose for being there. Wonder how they'd respond if asked lol.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-03)
Hi Tweed,

I realize this is an older story, but I came across it and had to comment. Sorry for the language but Holy sh**! This has got to be the creepiest story on YGS. My opinion may be biased, as I had a healthy fear of dolls as a child. Nothing scary happened to me but for some reason they creeped me out. I probably would have hit the floor if I experienced what you did. 😁

The huntsman spider actually sounds pretty. For some reason spiders don't bother me. Anyway, thanks for sharing! ❀
BettinaMarie (14 stories) (80 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-27)
The running animal doll things seem creepier than the spider, but either way HOLY FRIJOLES!

Indigenious cultures and some early European settlers in North American western plains and northern Rockies describe encounters of very similar looking wee folk if I understand correctly. Maybe not with black noses. Interesting to read similar experiences so far apart in time and distance.
Bee_Beans (6 stories) (41 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-16)
Tweed, your calmness always fascinates me! In each of your posts you seem to react so calmly. I only hope that one day I will be able to match your serenity (no hope with the spider, I'm afraid. That REALLY would have freaked me out).

Thanks for all of your intriguing posts.

ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
Tweed you really write so well. I mean I loved this story and the way it's written and each word speaks out the feeling you had that night 30 years ago. Going to my favorite.

Thanks for Sharing.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-10)
Just re-read this story and thought how creeped out I would be that night. Those creatures would have scared the hell out of me and the spider would have me screaming. πŸ˜†

Many years ago my sister found a spider in my bathtub and refused to use the bathroom until I killed it. I did so and threw the toilet tissue and spider in the toilet. She came out upset saying it was still alive. I said for Pete's sake H if it's still alive it can't crawl out it's an octo-pallegic now.

Years later when my mother was at my house so my niece and nephew could go in the pool at my current address my nephew found a dead Dragon Fly. My mother didn't want to get up from her chair as I was standing she told me to get rid of it. I grabbed it with 2 fingers and walked up to the fence to the front yard all the time repeatedly saying I hate bugs. After I cleaned my hands my mother was laughing at me. I asked her what she was laughing at. She said you will hold snakes,lizards,mice,rats,turtles,etc. Why can you hold all of them but why can you hold them but not bugs? I said snakes etc are not bugs.

roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-05-22)
Spiders are considered as a protector especially when you see one in early morning you should treat them with respect and let them go peacefully, that's what my granny used to say to my father, but my father just hate spiders lol
Spiders especially those huge ones are actually very adorable! Not because I like Spiderman, I always think that spiders are cool creatures. My sister used to have a Green bottle Blue Tarantula; it's a blue spider, huge and hairy. Every time when we are sad we used to talk to it, it acts if it could hear us, it sometime would nod as if it's agreeing on what we are saying lol. My father used to say that it reminds him of grandma's body paints (tribal tattoos?) lol
I Think the deep voiced something was harmless; otherwise I am sure Mr. Huntsman will react to it.
I have heard that spirits are attracted to wardrobe or closets because they have had their life with clothing's most of the time, some says spirits are attracted even to shoes since they will try to remember how they have worn them (spirits are believed to be a floating beings, they hardly will "walk" because most of them cannot form legs). In this case maybe they are something else?
But reading this, I think the spider might have had been telling you that whatever it is, it is safe and let whatever that is happening happen, and you will be fine.

Blessing from SΓ£o Paulo

Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-21)
Dang Tweed that just FREAKS me out! Realize that was long ago but β‚©β‚©β‚©β‚©β‚©!
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-20)
Oh I forgot, I do think the one in the wardrobe was looking at me. The eyes were black and beady, so there was no noticeable pupil for definite eyeline reference. But going by his/it's reaction and this unmistakable sense that we both knew we were visible to each other, I'd say he/it was scoping me out for sure.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-20)
Mazzmarach, that's an interesting observation, I think there's about 6 years between Clarance and my encounter, but there still could have been something of importance happening. Very interesting thought.
Thanks for that. 😊

Haha Wish Not, your reaction reminds me of mine when I first read Puppet People! πŸ˜† Stunned, scared and totally awed at the same time. It's one of the most surreal experiences, faced with the possibility some 'dream' was real.
Perhaps to add to your nightmare themes I will admit to hoping to encounter these little guys again. Even if they scare the crap out of me, they are just too darn fascinating.

Sir Tweet. πŸ˜‰
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-20)
Oh wow Tweed- I would have missed this one. And thanks for sharing Clarence's story as well. I defiantly would have missed his as well.

That/this is some crazy stuff. It has my mind going crazy! It's visualizing these little critters walking around like stuffed animals. TOYS! The voices you explained gave me the creeps. It's a sound one wouldn't think would come from something like that. Then again, what would one expect?!?! πŸ˜•

Do you think the one that retreated saw you see him? Oh, that just scares the poo out me. I have to stop thinking about this. It's going to have me having some strange dreams tonight for sure.

I can't stop. The theories are mind boggling. Ok, this is me stopping. Stopping. Have a great weekend Mr Tweet 😊
Mazzmarach (2 stories) (78 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-20)

Well, on the upside, I think I know where the idea of lawn gnomes came from. On the flipside, got zilch on puppets... Except for that haunted one that tried to strangle its owner. As for Bethel's account, the similarities I could find are: eyes of black, and always in twos (except that guy you saw outside). Homonculi are a strange possibility, but I've never dabbled in alchemy so I don't know much about them.

Something tells me that this was a phase - they probably had to go somewhere important enough to risk being seen. If you and the author of People Puppets are the same age, or encountered the entities at around the same time, then something important may have happened - what that would be, though, only they would know. I am very inclined to believe Fae folk now.

Smooth sailing,
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
hehe Mazzmarach, I think lawn gnomes are based on folklore entities. I guess their popularity was an extension of other garden ornaments through history, things like cherubs and mermaids in fountains, gargoyles, even elephants and lions were popular garden fixtures. I have a couple lawn gnomes, they're daggy which is partly why I love themπŸ˜†

These puppet beings are a mystery thus far. Research on them has proved very tricky. So far the best info I've found is by comparing notes with people on YGS. As to what these creatures are I haven't managed to track down a name or anything like that. There are quite a few theories as to what they are in the comments of both encounters. Further down the comments on this page Biblio suggested "Homunculi", we got talking about these entities because of the 'male voice' I described them as having. I feel they're related to gnomes/fairies but the "Homunculi" is another interesting angle to consider.
Mazzmarach (2 stories) (78 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)

πŸ˜† I've been working on a good greeting to use and that seemed like a good one - methinks I've got some romantic pirate in me somewhere. These puppet-folk are very new to me; I've read about a lot of things from across different places but I've never heard of these. Native peoples had stories of little-folk before, and there is at least one archaeological find that supports this:

However, science aside, these folks remind me of brownies... While that one you saw outside reminded me of what we here in the Philippines call: duwende.

Just a crazy thought here, but do you think these puppet-folk (before they started looking like puppets to new kids) are what started the lawn gnome trend?

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
Ahoy Mazzmarach! No one says ahoy anymore, I love how you say that! πŸ˜†
Thanks for reading, glad you enjoyed it.
I'm sure you'll enjoy Puppet People too. 😊
Mazzmarach (2 stories) (78 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
Ahoy, Tweed.

This was a really entertaining read, and now I'm going to look up that story you mentioned. 😊

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
Dan, thanks for reading glad you enjoyed this!

Haha good old huntsmen, I used to get white tips almost daily during the summer in Melbourne's foresty areas. Hate them even more. I once found a huntsman on a real estate listing photo haha, photo of an empty room and in the corner MASSIVE HUNTSMAN πŸ˜†
I did get that impression from the toy creatures, that they were of the fairy ilk and really did not want me knowing they were there. There was a real 'back off' kind of vibe when one of them appeared to look at me. I'd still love to know what they were up to, sneaking around the house like that lol.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-18)
Hi Tweed,

Another great account you have here, firstly bloody Huntsman spiders geez I am not a big spider fan, we live in Margaret River / Augusta which is like 3 hours south of Perth I am sure you would know quite well, being rural we do encounter them probably twice a month huge buggers they can be.
These toy creatures as probably already discussed do come across to me as something from the goblin/gnome/fairy realm, a lot of these if not all of that category are nature based spirits and also are not always nice or have good intentions.
I think with your ability to see and sense them they were quickly on the move as they did not want to be caught or seen by you, does that resonate at all? Thoroughly enjoyed this Tweed will have a read of your Gnome story next. Thank you for sharing.😁

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-02)
Ladydarke, thanks for letting me know about this person's experience, the similarities are very intriguing!
I wonder if Bethel was caught in a semi sleepwalking dream which these entities were able to manipulate and interact with somehow. There's something about his Grandparents not waking up which suggests this.
Of course it's possible Brian Bethel may have embellished some aspects, using a little artistic license. In any case, I believe something happened to him.
It's interesting that in all our encounters we remember how loud they were. I've wondered if, in the case of abnormal volume with ghostly encounters, we receive the acoustics from their realm or atmosphere. Likewise, in the case of 'normal' volume from ghosties, maybe these sounds/voices are transmitted in our physical realm.

The Muppets and Sesame St characters definitely spring to mind when describing the appearance of these beings. However, in my early years I wasn't exposed to these programs in a big way. My parents are very liberal minded and let me watch almost anything. My Dad ran a video store and brought a lot of movies home. I somehow wound up obsessed with American Werewolf In London. Watched it nearly every day, on a loop for a few years. It was that and The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

My Mum's obsessed with nature spirits and collects fairy/goblin trinkets. So there was a lot of that sort of thing in the home at the time too. Years later my friend and I saw what we think was a gnome of some sort in her yard. Her parents were a lot like mine. I wrote about that in another story called 'Gnooome'.

All this magical weird deliciousness has lead me to wonder, in the case of toy and puppet designers, if the human fashions a likeness of pre-existing entities from another realm. That the human (s) manifest this likeness in toy/puppet form from a universal subconscious awareness of such entities. Not the other way around. The contemporary clothing worn by these entities may reflect an awareness by them of our culture.

Based on the behaviour in our accounts, all experienced indoors, with Clarence experiencing them entering from a cupboard, Brian's interacting with the TV and my own entering out of a wardrobe, together with an abnormally loud presence, I can't shake the feeling these guys are an as yet unknown entity unto their own. Like you, I get the impression they're linked to the fairy world.

Glad to know you're fascinated too, much thanks!
ladydarke (113 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-02)

Are you aware of the Brian Bethel account of seeing muppets? I had some trouble finding it online again, but here you go, and maybe consider saving it in case goes from scarce to gone and you ever want to read it again:

Please read for yourself, because any summary won't do it justice. Bethel's creatures are in the TV, not in person like your sighting, and his were nastier than yours, but definitely similar. I've read the Puppet People story too, and thought of Brian Bethel then as well. Note that Bethel is a professional writer, a journalist, and also wrote the true story account that spawned the urban legend/phenomenon of the Black-Eyed Kids. There's always a possibility that he's a gifted storyteller out to see if he could start a meme, and the BEKs certainly caught on like the Slenderman of its day... Except that you and Clarence of the Puppet People have reported seeing much the same thing.

Between the two YGS accounts and Bethel's, I find myself thinking Seelie and Unseelie Court. I also want to point out that fairy lore documents that they copy humans. They wear clothing reminiscent of the human time and culture they're in. Their political structure seems to mimic that of the human nation around them. There is an old account of people seeing them aping out a funeral, carrying a live fairy pretending to be dead on a leaf at the head of a procession. The puppet people you and Clarence saw were all wearing contemporary clothing. Maybe even their very image isn't concrete, but reflects current cultural perception of what "Little People" should look like, shifting from the gobliny creatures of a couple centuries ago to muppets?

I mean, cultural saturation of Sesame Street characters since childhood must be pretty darn near 100% over several still-living generations across the developed world by now. One might argue that on the one hand, fairy folk looked much the same for hundreds of years. Why change now? On the other hand, every aspect of our world has changed with cascading speed unmatched in any other era. Why wouldn't the image of Little People in our collective consciousness change just as quickly and just as thoroughly, especially with heavy media indoctrination targeting the young?

As to who determines how fairies would look, us or them, idk. Another question is whether more traditional-looking gobliny things are still sighted, implying these two concepts exist concurrently. If they do, it begs the question as to whether that proves they are a different thing versus whether they could be the same creature with a shifting appearance? If so, would that be evidence that the lens of the viewer determines their appearance? Do only children see them as muppets, because they're the ones with recent exposure to Sesame Street, and adults see goblins again because they just don't picture muppets as real or whatnot anymore? If only it were possible to track sightings and graph results by generation and by frequency, looking for cross-correlations such as whether goblins sightings are declining as muppet ones increase. Unfortunately, when only three instances are known - you, Clarence, Bethel - all that can be done is a case study and there's just not enough information to conclude much of anything.

So, yeah, I have no answers, only more uncertainties. This is a fascinating account. I will remember your experience, as I have Clarence's and Bethel's, and continue waiting for more pieces of the puzzle. Thanks for sharing.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-27)
Manafon, nice to see you here! That sucks about the account issues. My inbox issue is sorted now. It just wouldn't load, but people were still sending me emails no problems. I'll keep an eye out for yours. That's weird it didn't send properly or something.πŸ˜•
I'm assuming your email is different now?

Very cool stuff with the radio show, hells yeah!
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-27)
Hi Tweed--Just tried to email you but there still seems to be a problem. Just wanted to let you know (and anyone else who might care) that I switched servers recently and wasn't able to access my old Manafon account. I am now Manafon1. I wrote to the YGS "contact" page twice but never received a reply.

I was also on vacation and co-hosted a three hour radio show on two consecutive Fridays. Talked quite a bit about apparitions (and other paranormal phenomena) on the second of the shows. The DJ was super interested in the subject. Fun, fun stuff. Anyway, I am glad to be back.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-24)
Hecate, Val, Manafon, Willow, Jan, Razor, Rook and anyone else for that matter,
This is a note to let ya'll know that my stupid email inbox simply will not load. No idea why, it's frustrating. If anyone's sent me an email in the last day or so I haven't been able to read it yet, sorry about that. I'll get it sorted one way or another, bear with me and soz for the delay. 😳
lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
oh don't I was on the bus a few weeks ago and a girl got on and sat right in front of me and she had the tiniest tiniest spider in her hair, I would not take my eyes of her hair until I got of the bus
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
Ergh yeah, having to clean spider guts off something makes me want to puke. For some reason holding one in a jar isn't that bad. But they're territorial and they come back! 😭
lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
no no no no not outside they go... Outside id go lol I sat and watched the movie arachnophobia with my hands over my eyes so I have no idea how I even know what the movies about
lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
lol yup I deffo agree with you and I also agree with miracles mum with "kill it kill it" although I wouldn't have the guts to get close enough to kill it... I remember when I was younger I used to try throwing heavy books half way across the room to kill one

I need an exreminators number on speed dial from now on haha
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
Tweed - I have a very healthy respect for, and subconscious fear of, spiders LOL Every time I step on one, I'm always afraid they're going to retaliate. So outside they gently go πŸ˜†
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
You, Lexi, are perfectly sane.

You, Miracles and Lady Glow, are certifiably insane! Just like my Grandmother who used to do EXACTLY the same thing with freaking huntsmen! Even more worthy of an exclamation mark is she never got bitten!

Lexi, I'm with you all the way, flailing around like a bunch of pansies is the way to go. πŸ˜†
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
lady-glow - πŸ˜† so do I. My mom just doesn't understand that 😊 Kill it! Kill it! Is my mom's motto LOL

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