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Grim Reaper In A Photo


I want to share my story that happened around the month of April 2014. This took place at this building in downtown Houston called the Warehouse Live. This was my first time going there and I was going to a Marianas Trench concert.

This night was so amazing and I had such a great time seeing 4 guys from Canada sing at their best. There really is not much to this story as I would have liked it to be.

That night I took many photographs of the band, all the people having fun and me, nothing could ruin my night. I went home and a few days passed and I remembered the images I had took. I was looking through all the pictures and all. That's when I noticed that in one of the images there it was the grim reaper and it was just his face. It was clearly marked as if it wanted to be seen or as it was passing by. You could only see his face; you could see his big dark deep eyes and the mouth and teeth as it grinned. The grim reaper looked like it was in the crowd maybe not too far me from seeing that in the image its face took almost the whole frame.

As seeing this image I got really scared because at the moment I was having some health problems so maybe I though oh no it's here as a warning sign. At the time I was having bad chest pains but the doctors never found a reason for them but they said my heart was fine. Me, as an individual, I'm scared and my body is telling me otherwise. So yes of course I am going to be scared.

I was actually so freaked out by this image that I had to delete it I couldn't bear to look at it. Now that I think about it I cannot believe I did that. At this point I wish I could have kept the image to show. Well really I just want some advice, what do you guys think the grim wanted that night? And do you think it took someone with them later on?

Ever since that night I have been there one other time to see the band Alesana. Now I am going right down the road of that venue to see the band Marianas Trench once again and the guys of the band are so nice and do talk to me; do you guys think I should mention to them what happened that night or no? Thanks in advance.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, loneybone, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

loneybone (8 stories) (78 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-31)
Plus if you take a good look at the photo and look at it's features you will notice that it does not look flat therefore could not be the shirt.
loneybone (8 stories) (78 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-31)
Otter- thanks for your suggestion but that day he was not wearing that shirt I know because they are my favorite band ever and I remember every detail. But thank you. All suggestions are welcome and I do understand some things can seem what there not.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-09)
I found a link with one of the singers of this band actually wearing a t shirt w/this image on it. Another had an ad with all the band members looking down at skulls. Sorry, I think you got a picture of that image most likely on someones body wearing the same shirt.UNLESS...dun dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun... A bad entity decided to mess with your mind and inserted this to rattle you. To many media image connections to the band in my opinion though.

Peace887 (guest)
9 years ago (2016-02-09)
The picture does look very strange. Would be swell to find the image in its entirety but it is still good that you have found something for us to look at here. Looking forward to reading your next story.
loneybone (8 stories) (78 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-04)
Thank you for all your comments guys. I'm glad you guys liked the photo. I know my image is not clear and yes I have contacted some people from that night, no ones seems to respond to my message. BloodEman for sure I will post more stories when I get the chance, I have more to tell.
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-03)
Lady glow: That's alright... I just saw the link after I typed the previous comment... 😊

I was just telling that it'll be more easy for the readers if the photo is submitted in this website...

lady-glow (16 stories) (3178 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-03)
Oops! Forget what I just posted, I was typing and didn't see your last comment. 😲

Loneybone: the pic is interesting though not conclusive. Is there a chance you could contact any other person attending the concert (perhaps a friend) and ask if they captured the same image?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3178 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-03)
BloodEman: uh?
Have you checked the latest comments to this thread? -The link to the picture has been shared already. 😉
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-03)
It seems like a T-shirt to me either, but it would be much possible to recognize it if you had the full photo. 😉

Anyway I'm glad you even got a such photo...

Thanks for responding to my suggestions...
And I kindly request you for more such stories...
(Your stories ROCK!)

With respect,
BloodEman 😊
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-03)
You can submit the photo in this website... No wonder everyone will be surprised after seeing it...

Please be quick!
😊 😊
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-03)
Hi Loneybone - thanks for posting the photo, it's great you found it, but to me, at first glance it looks like a t-shirt.

Can you remember why you cropped it? It would be a lot clearer if it was shown in the context of the surroundings.


Antu (1 stories) (27 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-03)
Heya Loneybone,

Cool pic! Glad you were able to resurrect it! To me, the photo almost has a water colour type quality to it, or perhaps some sort of drawing, so I wonder, if in the hype of the concert, you caught part of a poster or sign which may have been there or someone was holding up? It's so difficult to say. The other thought I had is at concerts there are many types of specialty lighting too, so the lighting could distort photos and such--not saying you didn't photograph some sort of figure with a skull, just that it affects the quality of the photo and makes it harder to discern what we are actually seeing in the photo.

Personally, in my opinion, I think you photographed some sort of graphic representation of a reaperish figure. Could be a sign, poster, tee shirt, who knows. None the less, very cool pic and story!

loneybone (8 stories) (78 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-03)
Thanks for your comments and miracles51031 the band marianas trench burly started to use skulls for there new album Astoria the were doing a goonies theme and this album came out October 13 of 2015 and I saw them 3 years ago before they ever started using skulls. The concert they were doing was sponsored by journeys so the journeys logo was all over the place. I do understand where guys are coming from and maybe I was just to excited to notice thanks once again.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-02-03)
loneybone - maybe even a poster or some other advertisement for the band? After consulting my friend, Google 😉, I see that the band uses skulls so I'm thinking it was a mask or something like that. But that is only my opinion. Here's what I'm talking about

I do want to thank you for finding the picture and submitting it 😊
Helena123 (25 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-03)
Agree with Miracles its cool 😊 Thanks for searching and sharing it with us x
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-02-03)
loneybone - I understand why you would think it was Grim Reaper. I can see eye sockets and teeth. Looks like a skull to me. But it could also be someone in a mask that you weren't aware of when you were taking the picture. A photobomb moment. The picture is very cool, regardless if it is real or not.
loneybone (8 stories) (78 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-03)

Hopefully you are able to see it off my facebook. Somehow the photo got cropped a bit but hopefully you are able to make what it is. It looks more like a skeleton face now since the photo was cropped. I showed people at work and they seem to think it looks like a dog one of my other co workers said it does look like a skeleton.
Helena123 (25 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-03)
Loneybone oh wow - now I want to see it despite my comment below lol 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-02-03)
loneybone - you have a couple of options. 1) send it to the administrator and it will get in queue with other pictures to be uploaded on here, or 2) use Photobucket or something and provide a link in the Comments section of this story.
loneybone (8 stories) (78 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-03)
OMG OMG OMG GUYS! I found the picture where can I submit it? I found it on my facebook in one of my albums...
loneybone (8 stories) (78 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-03)
BloodEman thanks for your comments and suggestions I am truly disappointed that I did delete that photo I tried to see if I can find it in the recycle bin. I will take one more look to see if I can find it but I make no promises. I was sure that it wasn't a ghost. I don't think I ever mentioned a ghost. Like I have mentioned before the place it's self was very small and you could see everyone around you.

Helena thanks for your comment I'm glad you liked the story.

Red wolf I don't only believe in one grim reaper I believe that there is many and in some words some would be called catrina. I have seen this being called "catrina" in plain day light it was dressed in a long black dress and had flowers on it's head. I it saw passing by in a street in Mexico unto someone's house, truly terrifying. I don't like to be attracted to these things but sometimes you cross them without meaning to.
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-03)
I want to say another thing-
#You must be so sad for missing your ONLY proof...
If you had it you may have recieved thousands of suggestions by now... 😐

With respects,
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-03)
I just want to say... If you find that kind of stuff again please keep them instead of deleting them... Because it is the only proof...

And another thing is are you sure of what you saw... Because at first when you identify it as a ghost, your mind just keep telling that" it's probably a ghost... Just delete it... I am pretty sure...don't look at it again... It just makes you nervous..."

So you should have kept it for a while and after, you should have watched it again as when you are calmed down you can think

So my suggestion is it was a man wearing a mask and because you were shocked your mind saw it as the grim reaper...

Please respond...
And don't think it is a threat for your life...
Helena123 (25 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-30)
Despite clear problems with lack of evidence to look over, *in a way* if it was paranormal, I am glad you got rid of the picture as I believe that sometimes negative energies want to spread fear or get your attention for darker reasons via video/EVP or photo evidence, so maybe your initial gut instinct to delete was the right one! Thanks for sharing though, really enjoyed this story. Take care, Helena 😊
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-29)
Hey Red 😆 very true, I hadn't thought about that one. Maybe he will show up in some photos soon!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-29)
I don't believe that there is just one Grim Reaper nor do I believe that it looks like the boney skelatal creature of stories.
I used to watch that television show Dead Like Me and I liked the shows premise that Reapers looked like regular people, who knows maybe they do. Those graveling creatures I could do without though.

They kind of do have a guy that celebrates the coming of a baby. The anestheseologist, you know the guy with the epidurals and a bunch of other good drugs 😆.
loneybone (8 stories) (78 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-29)
Thank you guys for all your comments. RANDYM I'm not living in fear I was just a little scared, mainly it was just the image that scared me. I am doing fine know I haven't had any chest pains. THANK GOD on that, and I don't recall that anyone got injured that night. I actually went and saw the same band last week. I don't really know how to make of the situation because I didn't see anyone dressed up as the grim or anything like that. The place was really small so I could see everyone that was there. Like I said before I am a big believer I have seen some things to believe the grim does exist.
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-29)
Hello Loneybone,

While Death comes to us all at some point I do not believe there is a being that takes up that role and goes around collecting people.
I'm willing to bet there were no reports of anyone actually dying at the concert. So would that mean the Reaper just showed up for the music?
Word of caution when it comes to the paranormal. It is a subject that can be very easy to "see something" when we believe.
Certainly be cautious with your health but be careful not to read to much into something. Wouldn't want you to start living in fear.
It sounds like you enjoy the band so I would go and do just that.
Enjoy! That's one reason we're alive.
Best to you
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-29)
Hi Loneybone,

Do follow your gut regarding your health. Sometimes our anxiety takes over and our gut reactions get muddled up with our own fear. Anxiety can cause chest pains too, not saying you should ignore chest pains (don't ignore chest pains ever!), but sometimes they are caused by anxiety.
I really love what Mack says, especially about the exchange rate. 😆

The Grim Reaper's existence seems a bit like Santa Clause to me. That said, Santa and the Easter Bunny have historic origins and in a sense they do exist or have existed. Just not in their fictitious versions as we know them today.
People encounter Grim Reaper type figures but not Santa and the Easter Bunny. So this may mean Mr Reaper is real, but I doubt he's one individual who goes around scaring people the world over. There's probably so many entities out there we don't know about, I highly doubt whoever showed up in your photo was the Reaper. As others have suggested it could've been a concert goer.

I got freaked and deleted a photo once (REALLY regretted it ever since!) so I relate to that. I have another two photos, I did NOT delete which have a Grim Reaper sort of figure. It's very noisy and the image could well be nothing but pixelated rubbish. Well, the figure in my pictures (there's two, one shows the figure more clearly), this figure wears white get up. If the figure in my pictures is an entity or pixelation, I'm not bothered either way.
I advise you to feel the same. If there was an entity in your photo it could've been connected to the venue or someone at the venue. Unless the figure was looming over you or doing something threatening in the picture, I wouldn't worry about it. Remember, it could have been an concert goer!
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-29)
Hi loneybone, it is a pity that you don't have the picture of the Grim Reaper. I have seen your reply comments to Mack and you said that you know what you saw. I am also having the same feeling that a person might have come to the concert dressed like a Grim Reaper, may be it was so realistic and while taking photographs especially in the nights, we will feel like that it was real. Despite your opinion, where you have asserted that you know what you saw, I still think it might be a person in that outfit but can't be sure. Anyway, we can't go further on theory without the photo on hand. But, you got the accolade from the Mod, Miracles about the correction/s in your stories at the instance of the Mods.

Thanks for sharing.

Regards and respects to you.


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