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Here We Go Again Family Visitors


In the later part of mid February my mother in-law called me a little after 9 AM. She told me that our doctor called her to get to the hospital and that she needed a blood transfusion. I had about 2 1/2 hours sleep that night because pain and hadn't gone to bed until 6 AM and didn't have nearly enough caffeine in my system. I gulped down a cup of coffee and was rushing to my room to get dressed. I hear my father in-law tell me to slow down, she'll be fine. If I could charge a spirit rent, my mortgage would be paid off. It seems like he's here all the time. I woke my kids to let them know, then I called my husband to tell him he might want to come home and why.

I get my mother in-law to the ER. The nurse calls her up and asks her why she is there, when my mother in-law said she needed a blood transfusion. The nurse was a bit snotty and said that THEY will decide that. I know that nurses have a hard job but there was no reason for her to be like that.

When they called her into the exam area they started going over what she told them in the waiting room, I told my mother in-law I was going out for a cigarette. Just as I was walking out past the nursing station I felt like I walked through something thick. As I was walking out the ER doors I mumbled to myself, "Great. I walked through a spirit I didn't see or sense because I am so tired." As I finished my cigarette I see my husband walking towards the entrance to the ER so we walk in together.

When we get to her stretcher she tells us to go home and come back later. They had her in the hospital from Thursday until Tuesday and never found a definitive answer about what was wrong with her.

In the meantime my dog D was having more trouble with his arthritis. At 13 1/2 he also had fatty tumors and one was growing under his front leg. He was pretty old for a big dog and my heart was sinking. I waited until after my youngest son's birthday to tell my husband it was D's time. He told me to give it a few days. I thought here we go again because he kept telling me to wait with Jethro. I told him by the end of the week because D could barely walk. By this time he wouldn't go out without being led out on a leash.

My son Eric is off on Mondays and Thursdays. Monday night was cold so my husband started a fire in the wood stove. Awhile after he went to bed. My son and I both jumped because the arm to the top damper went down as if someone mad had opened it. My son looks at me and I said my grandfather was mad. I said to my youngest son that Thursday we had to take D because he was barely getting up by then. My son told me he wanted to be in the room with D when it was time. I asked if he was sure and he said yes.

Thursday came around and I made an appointment. When we brought him to the vet they took him to put a catheter in his leg and they told us what room to go in. They brought him to us and he laid down, I craddled his head in my lap, the vet gave him the injection, I stroked his head and told him what a great dog he was and kissed him. After he was gone my son and I stayed with him for awhile, crying and petting him. At one point I felt warmth on my back as if someone was comforting me. I knew it was my grandfather and he had come to take him over the Rainbow Bridge.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, RedWolf, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
I don't remember the event you are talking about but thank you for the apology and for saying you like to read my stories.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
I e-mailed Miracles a sincere apology for being an idiot, I hope she got it.
francyne1031 (49 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-17)
No offense Redwolf,
But the only thing I have taken away from your story and comments is you have a terrible back that you hurts you all the time... And you constantly suffer from lack of sleep because for other people.
Could this story/comments get anymore off topic and un- paranormal?
If you don't agree with the mods and or other members just move on. Now, back to reading real experiences. 😉

This comment from francyne1031 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-17)
Red, I think the general consensus from mods is that there are no concessions. The comment guidelines and submission guidelines are upheld by mods, regardless of who steps out of line. Having a bad day or facing hardships doesn't give any of us leeway. Nor does being on good terms with the mods bring with it any extra rights over other members.

I don't know how many times I've posted a (often humourous) comment toward a troublemaker and thought 'heh, I'll probably get in a bit of strife for this, n'mind.' Point is I know I won't be treated any different to the troublemaker because we all have the same posting rights and responsibilities, no exceptions under no circumstances, so I never take it personally. It's just the comings and goings of running a website based on equality.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-16)
I don't want to make things worse here but if I can't get emotional after having a bad fall that made me feel like I got hit by a Mack Truck last night and had another bad fall a couple of days ago which I had to twist so I didn't land on the protruding screws, on top of being sleep deprived because a 9 week old Malamute howls if left alone before he goes to sleep between 4-6 a.m. On top of a doctor wanting a biopsy because s/he he thinks you have a pretty large breast tumor and it turns out to be an infection and I had several days of having to be strong for the family until we got the results that it's an abscess then I'm sorry. Not to mention I have a 30 year old daughter who refuses to get surgery to repair a herniated disk or a abdominal hernia she's been leeching off my husband and I for years. She had been bugging me all day. She refuses to get a J.O.B.
I've had a story returned like you said no big deal. But this particular story I realized I forgot to put something in so I re-submitted it with the part I forgot to put in not to make it sound more supernatural just a mistake because my father in law was messing with my tablet again and I had to re-write the story
At least 5 times. It was an honest mistake, not a lie or fabrication to make the story better. I think the mods know me better then that.
I too have defended the mods. I know this isn't their job and they do this on their own time. They BOTH do a terrific job.

Miracles,I owe you an apology but please realize that if I'm all upset like I was last night I probably had too much stress and my daughter is probably lurking to nag me for something. Again I apologize and will keep a check on my emotions.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-05-16)
Tweed - thanks for the show of support 😊 It is very much appreciated, considering I know I've "smacked your hands" a time or two too LOL 😆 I truly am grateful you don't take it personally.
Jessie12 (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-16)
Miracles I am sorry people are hurting your feelings today. I hope your day goes better.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-05-16)
msforgetmenott - I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you are talking about. Mods cannot change comments. All we can do is delete them 😕

Anyone else want to chime in on how I've hurt your feelings? It appears today is the day 😉
Jessie12 (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-16)
Dear Red,

I am very sorry I acted like a 5 year old a few days ago. I really enjoy your stories.

-Jessie 😊
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-16)
Talk about off topic... I stopped submitting my events because you changed my comment, and also was very hurtful to me. I admit I am very sensitive.
Yet here we go again, and I get it. We all have bad days... When you have pain or are hurtful, perhaps you could just let Granny take over, and not take it out on others.
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-16)
lol that should've said 'descendants' but my typo turned out rather amusing.
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-16)
Goodness me Red, I've only ever got the warmest of vibes from all the mods here. I really think you're taking everything too personally and too seriously again. So what if a story got returned, big deal, not the end of the world.

As for being taken to task I just read that thread again and Miracles was addressing everyone, as well as you, we all got a 'stern talking to'. Again, big deal, not the end of the world.

You're reading too much into everything, there's no conspiracy against you.

It's hard being a mod, harder than you'd think. If mods don't put us in our place from time to time, we'd be surrounded by decedents of Rasputin and that freaking yellow snow in the Himalayas.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-16)
I admire how passionate you are about these phone scams. Had I not been woken up by the telephone I would have been sharper. My son has a friend whose mother arrests people that do tax fraud. So that was a definite DUH moment. Thank you for the work you do.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-16)
I know you don't give 2 Shiats about me. You've made that abundantly clear. You take me to task about a comment I make then you don't say ANYTHING to the other people when they make comments. In fact you took me to task over a conversation I did not even start on someone else's story one time if I had started the conversation I could understand but I didn't.

You once told me that you understood about the pain of a bad back and how it makes you pi$$ed off when you are in pain because you are the same way. I had taken a bad fall shortly before logging in and then I see you put a -1 and then take me to task and then rather than e-mailing me your thoughts you put it out here saying I act like a 12 year old. There's an old saying I KNOW you've heard and that's the pot shouldn't call the kettle black

For your information I added the part about walking through the spirit because I didn't think anyone believe it the first time so now you are publicly making me look like a liar. I didn't know that was a mods job description was.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-05-16)
RedWolf - I had typed a response to your comment and then deleted it because, frankly, I don't give two cents whether or not you are a member here. And I care even less that you take everything personally. I responded to a comment you made, and you turn it around and act like a 12 year old.

This is the last time I will ever respond to any of your comments. And the next time I return a story of yours, I won't turn around and publish it when you revise it to make it appear more paranormal than the original submission.
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-06)
Such matters fill me with so much rage. I've dealt with many hundreds of victims of these crimes. People underestimate the feeling of violation and shame. The public ridicule and scorn the victims.

I must confess that before I became actively involved in crimes of this nature I had the impression that the victims must be stupid. Now I know better. It's all about the right vulnerability at the right time. From fake taxman scams to advance fee fraud to lottery scams, romance scams fake investments and the rest of it.
The right scam at the right time can take anyone. It's all about the vulnerabilities of the victim at the time.
Ive seen successful business people, experienced lawyers and accountants, a university professor, a former member of parliament, several police officers and (most awkwardly) a very senior police officer with over 25 years service (over half of it in a fraud unit) fall victim to various basic transnational scam types.

I know I am repeating myself, but the fact is it's all about hitting the right vulnerability at the right time.

I've dealt with victims who have lost everything, sold their houses, taken out massive loans, unwittingly been co opted into the laundering of tainted funds, all to keep paying the scammer. The romance scams are the worst for duration, monetary loss and emotional impact. I had one elderly victim who attempted suicide with a kitchen knife after learning that the man shed been in an online relationship with (and who was draining her entire savings) for a couple of years was a basic false identity. The emotional impact often outstrips the physical.

I've fought a determined fight in the scam space, managed to save a lot of victims from losing more. But it's a microscopic drop in the bucket. For real progress, a serious change of attitude in law enforcement is needed. The mentality is that if you can't lock anyone up or recover the funds we don't want to know. Victims are turned away at the police station counter. Not just here, but across the developed world the attitude is the same (although the UK have recently showed a marked improvement resulting from a significant policy change).
The fact is, this is fraud. If we arent capturing the data to allow us to assess the extent of the problem, we can't influence the higher ups to change their policy towards addressing the problem.

Sorry, I realise this is something of a thread de railment. I could literally talk on this subject all day and still have more to say. But I'm typing this one fingered on a tiny iphone.

Long story short, I am very very passionate on this subject and will take any opportunity to raise awareness.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-05)
Here in oklahoma the news reports those types of calls everyweek.

Its incredible the lengths they go to, to try and steal money, amongst many other things.

Mainly the older community here, are the ones being taken advantage of.

Now on my old phone, I would get calls from supposidly Florida,Indiana,Illinois,Georgia,amongst many other states. All people with an accent, not a country accent like us okies, or country people by the way. BUT out of the country accents.

I blocked so many numbers, and yet they kept calling from the same number with the last digit being different.

Ugh what a disgrace!
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-05)
Ugh! How despicable! My mother works for a retirement home and they evidently target such establishments assuming that the residents won't be quick to find them out...and, all to often, they're right. My mother has learned of them trying everything from selling a new Mercedes to pretending to be a sherif calling because their daughter needs to be bailed out of jail. There was also one that called the facility's front desk demanding $10,000 (eventually more) or else they would tie up the phones - they threatened my mother's life - they threatened kidnappings - they called her all manner of ugly things and kept all the facility phone lines tied up constantly ringing for five days. The police told them that this has happened a lot all over the country but since the guilty parties are located out of the country, they can't do anything.
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-05)
Hi red, sorry I only just noticed your post about the phone scam. Very common scenario and happens everywhere.

Giving you a tight limit to comply is to capitalise on surprise and not give you time to think things through. The phone number appearing on your caller is will be spoofed. If they called you in the US they will not be in the US. Chafing cross jurisdiction fraud offenders is very difficult, particularly if they are located in jurisdictions with no interest in co operating, such as India.
Asking below 10k has nothing to do with their taxes.
Many jurisdictions have transactional thresholds to trigger higher levels of due diligence or mandatory reporting (in the case of the US to FinCen if memory serves). The aim will be to structure transactions beneath jurisdictional thresholds likely to raise red flags.
Furthermore, whatever the form or immediate destination of the payments, the first receiver will NOT be the offender. I've never seen a transnational scam In which the offender takes direct payment. The initial receivers are mules whom in all cases have no idea they are laundering the proceeds of crime. Fake work from home jobs seem to be the most common means of mule recruitment in the US these days.

If anyone contacts you claiming to be a government agency, take their details. Call the agency itself as per their number in the phone book and have them transfer you via their internal phone system to the person who is allegedly calling you. Never take their word for it over the phone.
I've seem countless people fall for these things and it drives me bananas.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-04)

Its sounds more like a vengeful spirit/ghost haunting with the spirit/ghost of the individual who was tortured and killed being 'focused on' or 'attached to' the location in question.

If that is the case then the answer to your question...

"Now the question is he bound to this house forever or because the house was kind of blessed was he released even though the house still has some activity?

Is (or it is MY OPINION) this...

The strong feelings of terror, pain and hatred at those who betrayed him as well as the desire for revenge imprinted onto this location, so much so that his spirit/ghost was drawn back to the place this happened at. The spirit/ghost is so focused on getting revenge where this event took place it became bound there.

The blessing may have been strong enough that the emotional energy strength and the spirit/ghosts focus was reduced (broken) enough that he became a roving spirit/ghost, able to travel and seek his revenge or dissipate as he chose. So my question to you is this...

Sense the blessing has anything 'odd' happened to the individual (s) that did this to him, if so what and was there a 'natural cause' for it to happen?


RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-04)
I have a question for you. Many years ago a friend of my daughters' had gang affiliations and was ratted out as the person who shot up a house owned by a person high up in the gang by the person who actually did the shooting.
He was tortured for days before being killed not too far from me and his body was dumped in some woods again not too far from me.
The house he was tortured and killed is now haunted. Now the question is he bound to this house forever or because the house was kind of blessed was he released even though the house still has some activity?
I know this has nothing to do with my story but I didn't want to ask on someone elses story.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-27)
Thanks for the bear hugs. I know D is having fun playing with all of my dogs that have passed I know he and Jethro are happy to be together again.

My mother in-law is doing well but she's 86 and I think she's back to over doing things for her friend again. She gets tired driving her around. We have a running joke about her though. If we say her name 3 times she'll show up even in lousy weather.

It is awesome that my father in-law is around, pulled a prank on my mother in-law here. How funny is that?

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-27)

I thought I might have had some problems after walking through that spirit but I just had a couple of migraines which were more than likely due to stress.

I know my grandfather is watching over me and has all of my dogs that have passed. He was a great dog lover.

If you have ever read any of my other stories you know that my deceased father in-law hangs around my house quite a bit. He likes messing with my tablets. He has also been known to play pranks on people.

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
Lots of Bear hugs for you and your family.
It's hard letting go of a beloved furry family member.
He's deifinitely doing great,happy, healthyand running like a puppy now! ❤

Hope your mother-in-law is doing better, and getting better.

I think its awesome that your father-in-law hangs around too! Although you may not some of the time hehe.

Anyhow thanks for sharing.

Mhannerism (2 stories) (82 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
I was expecting to be spooked but my heart broke after reading this! I hate when pets die especially dogs! 😭
I'm sorry to hear about D. I'm sure D and your grandfather are looking after you and your family.:)

I agree with Tweed 120%. I can't imagine such cute pets will leave us one day. 😭

Thank you for sharing this touching story of yours!
Mhanne ❤
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-22)

It's terrible that someone would do that. Can't the Feds find these guys through the account the money is transferred to?

I wish that someone would invent a microchip type thing that would show the I.D. #. The I.D. # would be in a central database whereas the persons name and next of kin (that could be changed when the person gets married,divorced,etc) medical information could be accessed through the central database. It would be great if it could also have a sensor that if a child or person with medical problems such as dementia could be found. A few years ago I was talking to my ex Neurosurgeon and he told me they were working on this minus the sensor to find people but I have no idea why it never came to fruition. I mean they've had microchips for animals for many years and have readers to get the I.D. #s which they put in a computer to find the owners.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-21)
Thanks for the hugs. I needed them. Had I been awake and alert I would have picked up that it was a scam. Thank God my daughter checked and found out it was a scam. She yelled it loud enough that they heard it over the phone and they hung up. 😆

Red ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-04-21)
That's okay, Red. There's also a newer scam called "virtual kidnapping". The caller says they have your family member (usually a child) and demand a ransom. They won't let you hang up. They tell you to do a money transfer while they're on the phone with you, or they'll kill your loved one. They even go as far as to have a child in the background, yelling or crying for Mommy or Daddy.

The best thing to do prior to these scams is do not answer calls from someone you don't know. If it's someone important they'll be sure to leave a message. They're smart enough to not leave a message because that would give you time to report them to the authorities.

As far as the scammers who called you, I had a call like that once. I told them I'd wait in the driveway for the cops LMAO He called me a few choice names (nothing I haven't heard before 😆 😆) and hung up.
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-21)
Red, so sorry you went through that (( (big hugs to you)) )

I would've sounded off about it on here if it happened to me for sure. God, what a horrible way to wake up! Well, their future isn't so great. 😐

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