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Real Ghost Stories

He Saw Her


This story is about my uncle's (Father's Brother) first encounter with ghosts.

It was Year 2007; My Uncle Anil (Name changed) was young 22 years old guy (Now 31), He was working in Mumbai that time at a "Call Center". The company provided a Guest house to my uncle and also other boys who worked with him. That guest house was of only two floors, ground and first, the kitchen and bathroom was in the ground floor and sleeping settlement was in first, first floor also had a balcony with a stair which leads to the roof. (Roof was not so sliding; people can sit or sleep on it) There were total 20 boys including my uncle. They had morning shift and night shifts and it was not permanent which boys would get morning or night shift, sometimes they had to do double shifts, morning and night both. They didn't know that something bad was coming for them.

It was mid-winter, maybe October, 15 boys were gone for their night shift and the rest of 5 were almost asleep when they heard a loud noise of utensils falling. They when down to the kitchen to find out, what they saw made them surprise, all the utensils were down on floor, rolling here and there, they kept them properly, and came back to their room. But, when they were about to enter their room, they saw something disgusting. They saw a rat, sliced in three, just between the doors of their room. However, in disgust they cleaned that placed and went to sleep. But after few minutes they heard some noises from the roof, like someone was running up of their head. They went looking up the roof but nothing was to be found.

It repeated for a week, then one day all the boys had night shift leaving my uncle alone in that guest house. He was scared to be alone in that house, when suddenly the power got cut and the whole house was in darkness, when uncle lit a candle, he felt something weird, like someone was with him in the bedroom. He went looking and just when he saw a figure visible due to moonlight and candle went off like someone had blew air to it.

He was paranoid, ran to the roof, and was relaxed. It was quite, and the moon was looking too beautiful. He slept on the roof. But after an hour maybe, he woke up feeling cold and scared, he smelled something like rotting flesh, he suddenly felt like someone was breathing to his right, and when he turn to his horror he saw a women, dressed in full black (Muslim dress) and also her face was covered with "NIQAB" (Muslim women wear it) only her eyes visible which was red like blood, looking at him. He just screamed and fell off from the roof and got unconscious.

When he woke up, he was surrounded by his friends. He said what he saw and they went searching for an answer about this horror happening. There was a tea stall in front of that guest house, who knew about this.

He said that a doctor lived here with his wife 15 years ago. One day the doctor disappeared, and after a week weird smell was coming out of that house, police came and they found a woman dead, almost decomposed. She was murdered. No one knows why did her husband kill her and until date her husband is still missing.

My uncle and his friend left that place and went to some other accommodation. And until now, no one is allowed to live in that guest house.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, maggirockz13, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-30)
Thanks for reading my story.
Well you are right! That dress is called "BURQA"
Take Care Dear

Elina_ghostly (3 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-23)
Actually it is not the dress but called as "BURQA" to cover the body when women are out of the house and cover them as so also called "parda" from strangers and mens. By the way it was a creepy experience " her soul rest in peace "
Take care
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-20)
Yes, let's move on.
Thank you for your understanding.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-20)
Forget about trying to explain the dimensions of the walls and roof of that house, it's too late for that... And let's move on.

Take----care. πŸ˜‰
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-19)
Hi roylynx,
I would keep in mind that next time when I submit any story it is experienced by me only and if I have been in that situation. Sorry for any trouble created by me. I apologize.

Hi Miracles,
Thanks for your help and sorry if you felt annoyed, but I was just explaining thing I want to say. I apologize for my behaviour.

Hi Ladyglow,
Honestly you are now my fav because you are blunt and ask question very frankly.
Sorry as I couldn't mention many information in my stories and confusing you all.
And about the morgue, After that incident I have never visited. I have just heard that due to some problems its obvious to change the place. Why they did that I don't know. Why and how much money they have spend to change that I don't know. All I know is the morgue in not in 6th floor anymore.
And about this story its obvious that to go to the balcony you have to go through a door right? I have not mentioned any door that doesn't mean without any door they can't go to the balcony. My uncle didn't fell from the top of the door. Read the explanation Carefully and slowly again, maybe you have missed something.
And Sorry for trouble.

Regards to all
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-10)
Meghna: I'm sorry if my present comment comes too harsh and blunt but, just like you, English is not my first language. Nevertheless, I do not think that the problem with your stories is about your command of the English language because you are very good at writing it and, I'm sure, speaking it.

The problem I see, is that you have been following a pattern of morphing your original stories according to the comments and questions of the readers... And you are very crafty at twisting the information in such a way that can confuse anyone not paying enough attention.

By now you should be aware that YGS is not a site where people come just to get scared and ready to believe whatever they are told. Some members will be fine accepting anything they read, but not everyone will do the same.

I cannot speak for everybody else but one of your comments in one of your other stories (He gave me an eerie smile) made me decide what to think about your experiences.

"That hospital was made a year ago before this experience, and that time the morgue was in 6th floor, but now the morgue is in that dead end in which the old man was headed in my story."

Do you have an idea about the cost of moving the morgue from the sixth floor to ground level? I'm sure it'd be several tens of thousands -if not hundreds of thousands- of dollars! Do you really think a private society would be happy to make that unnecessary expense only to suit your story?
No way, Jose!

Look at the way this story has changed from the roof being 5' tall, to the wall being 7' in height and now a never before mentioned door being the one that's 5'...which makes me wonder if your uncle fell from the top of the door?! πŸ€”

Is this story true? I don't know, I'm the kind of reader that needs to believe the background of a story in order to believe the paranormal aspects in the narrative.
That's the reason for my questions.

If you have more experiences to share in the future, be sure to include as much information as possible to avoid misunderstandings and assumptions, or get ready to answer a lot of questions... With the way you write in English, you can do better. πŸ˜‰
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-01-10)
Maggirockz - I believe I tried to offer a possible explanation for the difference in the ceiling heights. I don't mind when somwone gets upset over something I have said, but when it's not justified it annoys me.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-01-10)
Maggirockz13; Sorry, if you felt that we were calling you a liar. Well, your story was not the only one that I felt frustrated on at, so "please bear with me".

And hey guess what my first language is Portuguese, and I seldom get harsh questions and sharp questions as well, and I too will feel a cultural gap between commentators as well in my some of my stories.

The only difference is that every story I submitted is original and was encountered by me or at least I am there, so I know every details, that's why I am readied for every kind of questions that people might have.

I want to ask one question, you don't have to answer it if you don't want to. Have you ever play "the pass the message game"? I suggest you to read the rules again before submitting your stories in the future. There are reasons for every single rule here. (Am I sounding harsh?)
Your stories are of course extra ordinary but it would have been better if it was encountered by your own self. We want fresh details and not premade ones.


This comment from maggirockz13 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-01-04)
roylynx - you're not the only one who researches the info πŸ˜‰. I think many of us do that. We've all fallen for at least one story that is complete BS and we aren't very trusting anymore.

When I was a new member, I believed every story on this site was true. I got fooled in a big way. So don't think I meant you were wrong to want to avoid those kind of stories because I don't. It's just everyone has a difference of opinions and what I may not believe, you may. Or I may believe something you feel is complete crap 😊
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-01-04)
Oh, and thanks again for answering my question lol

roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-01-04)
Miracles51031; Since you have explained, I agree too, forget about the rating.

Your advice will be really helpful, I tempt to believe in anything and except any comments since I think I had to be quite open minded for such subjects.

Not just one or 2 comments that I will read to conclude a story, I use the information (additional or in the story) to do research too, maybe I shouldn't be that nosy at all, but I thought that way I can get to understand the story more.

I guess I shouldn't judge that quickly next time, thank you again!

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-01-04)
roylynx - yes, very similar to a Bali style home. I had to Google it LOL
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-01-04)
roylynx - I understand why you would like to have a rating system; however, personally I don't think it is a good idea. I realize no one wants to waste their time reading stories that are untrue. I feel the same and a lot of times I say just that. But just because there are three or four people who agree that a story is made up doesn't mean everyone else feels the same way. It also doesn't mean the story isn't real. We have members who have a very hard time writing their experience and leave out a lot of pertinent details. Sometimes those details come from the comments section when questions are asked by our members and answered by the o/p.

My advice is, if you see comments stating BS Blankie or Ms. Demeanor, use that as your guideline and choose to read the story or not. You can also make a list of members whose stories you believe to be fiction and not read anything else they submit.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-01-04)
Miracles51031; Oh, you mean like those Bali style houses?
Asian houses are structurally different in ways, but measurements... Roof and ceilings... OK, we need help here, my head is heating up.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-01-04)
Unless I don't understand, which is entirely possible, I may have an explanation for the height difference. I will state, however, that my explanation may be wrong πŸ˜†

I have a porch that the distance between floor and roof is 7'. When you walk through my living room door, my ceiling goes from 8' at door to 12' center of the living room. (I have cathedral ceilings.)

I have no idea what homes are like in India, so I don't know if this is even a probable explanation.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-01-04)
May I ask if it will be possible to make a system so that we (readers) can rate the stories and hide some of those that seem to be "not appropriate"? I mean we do it like the rating system on our comments, thinkable?

The story itself is interesting, but like as said and commented by lady-glow, the information had "busted" the truth. Sorry this comment here does not relate to the story, but I am just frustrated by problematic stories

Love from SΓ£o Paulo
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-01-04)
The only way it makes sense to me is if they measured from the top of the balcony rail, and not the balcony floor... πŸ˜• No idea why someone would measure that way though.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-04)
India... Land of mystery...

"...the distance between the balcony and the roof was 5 feet, you have to go through stairs to reach the roof, and the distance of the ceiling and the room was 7 feet..."

How is it possible to fit a 7 ft wall under a 5 ft roof?...That's a real mystery!
😐 πŸ€” πŸ˜†
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-02)
Hi Lady-glow,
Maybe I have to ask my uncle about the weather, and I'm so sorry as you have been in so much connfusion.
And the distance between the balcony and the roof was 5 feet, you have to go through stairs to reach the roof, and the distance of the ceiling and the room was 7 feet, I think now you can understand.
And not all th 20 people slept at the same time. As I have mentioned they had morning and night duties, so that much space was available for the rest of the poeple.
Im saying you again you have full rights to ask me questions and clear your doubts. Sorry because of some stories you have stopped believing.

Hi ashar,
Thanks for reading my story and clearing the doubts as well.

Hi val,
Thanks for reading
Im sorry because I'm not clear in expressing my story. And my uncle said this story to me 2 years ago. Because of my explanation many are disappointed toward me, I apologize for it again. I promise next time I will be more clear to my stories leaving no doubts for the readers.

HI ygaian.
Thanks for reading my story

Reagards to all
ygaian (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-26)
crying] ohh... Truly horrifying... Feeling like shivering already... Reading the story I just went speechless 😐
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-12-20)
Lady-glow is right. Quite often people try to spin works of fiction as fact, and sometimes, it's the small details that give it away. However, that isn't the only reason we ask questions. Sometimes the problem is a language barrier, sometimes a bit of information with-held that proves to be more vital than the author originally thinking it was for the story to make sense or as lady-glow so eloquently puts it " to avoid your stories to look like big chunks of Swiss cheese."
This is also why it is better to offer YOUR personal experience rather than that of a relative unless you are there to witness. Was the room only 5 feet in height? Or did her uncle miss gauge the distance from roof top to balcony? Did her uncle perhaps exaggerate what happened and in good faith she accepted and recorded it? Who really knows?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-20)
Ashar123: five years ago, when I joined the site, I was trusting and wouldn't question the authenticity of the stories I read, but over those years there have been some stories that changed me into the reader I am now.

I still remember a story in which the poster claimed to have an encounter with three ghosts in Australia during her Christmas vacation in OCTOBER!?

And a set of stories by one of your countrymen did further damage to my willingness to be trusting. I do not know if you were already a member of the forum as to remember "Donut" and his multiple aliases. In case you feel curious about what I have been through, please check the following links:


I, personally, find it difficult to consider the paranormal aspects of a story if the normal and mundane elements of the said story are questionable or unreliable.

OK, perhaps the men in this story slept on the floor of a room that is 5 feet in height and I just need to accept the fact that, in India, it is normal to build houses in which the inhabitants have to crawl instead of walking on an standing position. The problem is, I haven't been there and that's why I am asking. Is it wrong to ask?

Anyway, I promise not to say anything else about this experience. 😐
ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-20)
Well lady glow and SBD, I would like to apologise and don't mind about it. Its rightly said about the roof. It should be called terrace actually but please understand that here many people from around the globe share experiences and definitely some of them don't have English as their mother tongue, so these things can happen. I truly think we should focus on the paranormal incidents shared and not the things like that how a two storey place was fit for 20 people or when did the winter start. Let me tell you that sometimes it happened here within 10 years that winter came soon and at many places even 30 people live in a two storey building.

Coming to the story. It was really really spinechilling. It just gave me goosebumps. The red eyes and women in Niqab. One cannot imagine how your uncle would have thought.

Thanks for sharing! 😊
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-19)
Fortunately we can ask the internet for the weather records for that October and the answer is:

"The longest warm spell was from October 10 to October 28, constituting 19 consecutive days with warmer than average high temperatures. The month of June had the largest fraction of warmer than average days with 67% days with higher than average high temperatures."

Refer to the following link for complete information:


"... My uncle said that year mumbai was having winter to soon for the first time..." I guess this information is not reliable.

Maggi: thanks for replying. You know, when I read a story I'm not only reading words but more like visualizing what I read and, sometimes, the images that I "see" just don't make sense. I guess that's the reason behind my many times silly questions.

Like you, English is not my first language and it's not uncommon for me to use words that mean something different to what I'm trying to say.

I have to ask what you exactly mean by " (Roof was not so sliding; people can sit or sleep on it)..."
The image that pops in my mind is the one of a modest dwelling with a flat rooftop or,perhaps, with a slight slope but definitely not a roof with the outline of the Taj Mahal.

Then you say "...when my uncle fell from the roof he actually fell on the first floor balcony not the ground. If he fell on the ground floor he was to be hospitalized. As he fell on the balcony, roof was 5 feet tall from the height of the balcony..."
And "... There were total 20 boys including my uncle. They had morning shift and night shifts and it was not permanent which boys would get morning or night shift..."

May I ask if there were any beds in the sleeping quarters? I know the 20 men wouldn't likely be together at any given moment, but what I 'see' is the possibility of some bunk beds in order to maximize the space in the bedroom... The problem is, there's no way a bunk bed would fit in a room that is less than 5 feet tall!πŸ˜•
Not to mention how uncomfortable it would have been for the guys waking up and, still in a half asleep state, not forgetting to hunch their back to avoid hitting their head on the ceiling.
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-19)
Hi SDB1987,
Thanks for reading my story.
And yes, maybe you are right, bacause in india if it's a little cold then we call it a winter. But in this case (as according to my uncle) that year winter came soon. I don't remember because it was year 2007, almost 9 years back. I don't have any much memory of that year.
Thanks again.

SDB1987 (2 stories) (11 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-19)
Fascinating story! Creepy though! I just wanted to add something about the winter months that is not clear here, that can be in advantage of Maggie:-) I am from Belgium, winter starts 21 dec. So Fall (or Automn) starts 21 sept. But from the moment it's getting colder in Oct-Nov, we talk about Winter already. I don't know if it is the case in India though, just thought to add this remark:-)
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-19)
Hi prashantkumar,
Thanks for reading my story.
And yes, my uncle is fine now.

Hi lady-glow,
Thanks for reading my story.
Dont worry, as again you are just clearing your thoughts that all and I'm clearing your doubts again.
First winter on october,
It was year 2007, my uncle said that year mumbai was having winter to soon for the first time (as said by my uncle, I don't really remember if it was) or I mentioned mid-winter that's why.
Second Uncle fell from the roof,
"...That guest house was of only two floors, ground and first, the kitchen and bathroom was in the ground floor and sleeping settlement was in first, first floor also had a balcony with a stair which leads to the roof. (Roof was not so sliding; people can sit or sleep on it) "-i have mentioned it this way, when my uncle fell from the roof he actually fell on the first floor balcony not the ground. If he fell on the ground floor he was to be hospitalized. As he fell on the balcony, roof was 5 feet tall from the height of the balcony. He only got hurt a little not that much to visit a doctor. (As said by my uncle again)
Hope I have cleared your doubts properly.
You can ask me anything not to worry.

Hi Miracles,
Thanks for reading my story
Heard from you after a long time.
How are you? Hope everything is fine.
I think I have cleared your doubts too.

Hi Paranormal_SN,
Thanks for reading my story.
Sorry for not giving so much details and missing half of the story.
Hope I have cleared your doubts

Hi Jessicqqqq,
Thanks for reading my story.
Maybe not only demons has red eyes.

Thanks and Regards to all
Jessicqqqq (5 stories) (56 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-18)
That's scary! I haven't seen any ghost that has read eyes yet. Only demons.
Paranormal_SN (8 stories) (25 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-18)
reading overall was pretty good initially, but later what I felt was there were actually such things in the story which are so very hard to take in, like what lady-glow pointed. [at] lady-glow, yes! India does experience winters within Dec-Feb, while I just fail to understand how or why our author has mentioned with October while mid-winters are going on. What I could just conclude is that the entire thing is being too spooky put up with loose and unfinished remarks, I guess... Anyway great reading
With Regards,
Paranormal_SN 😁

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