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Real Ghost Stories

1 Hand... 2 Ghosts... 3 Lessons


What mother doesn't take advantage of every opportunity to teach her children a lesson?

As I have said before, I grew up within a family that accepts the existence of ghosts and, as a kid, it was common to hear my family members talking about their experiences with the paranormal and the unexplained. As a child, it was always fascinating to listen to those stories that, sometimes were scary and others that were even funny.

Out of my Mother's experiences, the following three are, perhaps, my favorite ones; not only because they happened to my mother, but because she managed to used them as a tool for giving her children a positive perspective about ghosts and the paranormal world.

First Lesson: Sometimes they just want to finish an unfinished task.

Before getting married, my mother used to work as a secretary at a lawyer's office during the late 1950's.

One day Mr. T (the lawyer) and her were walking on a street in downtown Mexico City after spending the morning visiting the courts and some clients, at some point they stopped after a woman of humble appearance came walking towards them calling the lawyer.

When the woman reached them, Mr T asked why she hadn't come to the office to bring the documents so he could start the legal process to get a deed to her house.

The lady said that she had been very busy and it wasn't easy for her to get away from home, to which Mr T agreed to go to her place and pick up the documents. They said good-bye to the woman and saw her walking toward the tram stop.

A couple of days later, Mr T and Mom went looking for the woman at her place, only to be told that the woman had passed away about two months earlier.

Only after learning this information they both realized that they had been talking to a ghost and felt goosebumps all over their bodies.

Convinced that the woman was worried about getting the deed in order, even after her death, Mr T finished the process free of charged for the family.

Second Lesson: They mean no harm.

Mom underwent a surgery on her right hand in early October 1982 and had to spend few days at the hospital. She shared the room with five other patients. My mother was not only the youngest, but the only one with minor mobility restrictions since her hand had to stay in a vertical position by securing it to the bed-rail with a string. The rest were elderly ladies recovering from orthopedic operations like knee and hip replacement. One of them, "L", was able to get up from bed with great difficulty and the help of crutches.

The layout of the hospital is three long hallways, each of them with one side covered by windows and the rooms on the opposite side. The room my mom was staying at was at the end of the hallway, after the washrooms - one for men, one for women - and a utility room.

Mom's bed was the first one on the left side of the door, and the six beds were divided in two rows.

One night she woke up with the feeling of being watched and, under the dim light coming from the hallway, she saw a woman standing at the side of her bed and staring at her. She thought it was "L" needing some help, perhaps to go to the washroom, and turned around to untie her hand from the bed-rail hearing the woman painfully walking around her bed.

When she had set her hand free and turned around, the woman wasn't there anymore and, not only that but "L" was sleeping peacefully in her bed at the end of the opposite row and her crutches were leaning on the wall.

Puzzled, my mother got up and walked to the hallway and to the ladies' washrooms, thinking that whoever the woman was couldn't have gone too far considering the way she was walking, but there was no one in the hallway nor in the washrooms.

She went back to the room, aware that there was no way she hadn't seen the woman if she had left the room through the door and, after much thinking and reasoning, she came to the conclusion that the woman wasn't a living person.

Third Lesson: Take the time to investigate... Not everything is what it seems.

This last experience took place during a windy night in the early 60's while my mother was waiting for my dad to come home from work.

They lived in a suburban area in a neighborhood still under construction with few scattered houses and not many street lights. Mom was standing by the window watching the nearby avenue in hopes to see Dad getting off from the bus.

At some point she saw a small form moving erratically on the sidewalk, at first she thought it was a fat and rather large rat but, as it approached the nearest street light, she realized that it was not a rat but a horrible, spectral hand slowly crawling in her direction.

Terrified, she was ready to run to bed and cover her head under the blanket but on second thought, she decided that since it was an eyeless hand surely it couldn't see her, - could it?

So she stayed put watching the spooky limb find its way on the dark street. When it got closer, Mom became fully aware that that was not a hand but a rubber glove the wind had picked up somewhere.

Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, lady-glow, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-13)
Aaah Greetings, lady-glow

I'm working my way through the stories and I have to say, thus far this is my favourite one - especially lesson 3. Kudos to your mother for applying reason and keeping an eye on that 'hand'. I had a good laugh though.

Lawyers often get a bad rep, hence was very pleased to see your mom's employer completing that deed work pro bono. He had a heart where it should be, not an over-stuFfed wallet.

I must say, I'd wet myself if I woke up to find someone watching over me, so I'm thankful I'm a deep sleeper. Considering that experience took place in a hospital is as normal as the sun rising in the east, right. So much life starts and ends at hospitals.

Great read and I've learned some. Thanks for sharing. Sending this narrative to my favourites.

Oy, and just because this is a ghost site does not mean we need the props of trolls and the like. SMH This is one of those times when the phrase 'sometimes animals make better humans than humans' apply.

Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-11)
Argh! What have I missed?! If I see one karma troll, I'm on it, LG! 😜
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-10)
Msforgetmenot - I wish you the best. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Lady-glow - love the article. Rally loved the disembodied hand. Had to laugh, sounds like me...

PS I'm new to this board, and just recently started to vote - if I don't like a thing I ignore it.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-10)
In my opinion, whoever this person is, he is doing nothing but only "WHEEDLING HIMSELF".
Very intelligent 😭 😭 😭
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-10)
Dear Lady-glow,

It must be frustrating for you having troll following you around, but maybe knowing that he/she is down voting because that might be the only way of bringing some little tiny bit of happiness to his/her life might bring you some comfort, or even make you pitty her/him. 😉

Take care and try to get some good and deserved rest. ❤
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-10)
SWS - good night, it's almost 1:00 am at my little corner of the world and I shouldn't be here... My imagination tends to run too wild and, sometimes, makes me say very goofy things!😝
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-10)

That's funny... Little do the trolls know MacDonalds don't accept karma points only $$$$'s. Lol

I tried to 'up vote' you again but it said,'vote for someone else'. I must have 'up voted' your comments too many times today. 😟

Anyway, goodnight from Australia. It's dinner time here.

😘 ❤ 😘
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-10)
SWS & Rex-T.

Thanks for the up-votes. The truth is, if KarmaTroll is trying to make me mad by down voting my comments, they are getting the opposite reaction because it makes me laugh every time they give me their attention. 😁

It makes me wonder what they do with all those karma points... Perhaps they can exchange them for a happy meal at McDonald's?😕
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-10)
Hello Lady-Glow and Rex-T

I have been on a mission to 'up vote' comments left right and center.

It feels good to give. I read comments every day and 'up vote' until I've used up my daily limit.

I'm not sure how many votes we get but I just keep going until it says, 'daily votes exceeded' lol

I've voted for you both so hopefully it helps.

SWS 😘 ❤ 😘
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-09)
Yes lady-glow you're right. The good news is that over the last couple of weeks, the positive fairies have done a good job looking after all the great comments out there.

What I am trying to say is that I believe that the positive YGS people (the majority) will continue to pump out the great comments and stories.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-09)
Hello Mr karma-troll, I see you are active right now 😂

Here, have this comment and down-vote it, it's a COMMAND. 😜
Hamza_arshad (1 stories) (5 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
Hi Lady-glow,
The third lesson 'Not everything is what it seems', is really impressive. And we can put it other way round. All that seems natural, may not be so. In the first lesson, the lady, dead or alive, certainly needed a helping hand. I am happy that the lawyer did so without further scare. Good Grace.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-27)
sush - I deleted your comment because it wasn't necessary. All you were doing to accomplish was antagonizing someone. Also, you've been around here long enough to know threats, no matter how intended, are not tolerated.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-27)

Don't let it bother you my friend. I think Val said it best: "a karma troll is no different than any other troll, if you don't feed it, it goes away, because it isn't getting what it wants - attention."

The YGS community is great at 'fixing' this problem anyway.

All the best ❤
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-26)
The down voting doesn't bother me, I was just pointing out that LG and others aren't alone in experiencing this. I figured it was someone getting a kick out of voting comments down. I feel like it's someone who doesn't comment or participate much (not a regular member), but who knows? Meh. What are you going to do? 😜 They'll get bored eventually. There are so many wonderful people here, they outweigh the troublemaker's. 😉

I'm voting up as much as I can to 'fix it'. Thanks Val and Miracles for having our backs. ❤

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-26)
I don't think that Karma points holds that much of bigger values then the hard core objective of this site to help people selflessly in their need, to share thoughts, to share ideologies, to share believes and above all binding them in tight family values so that if anyone gets deviated towards wrong, they could be guided on the right path.

Whoever this person is down voting and creating doubts amongst each other is that person who is on the wrong side seeking vengeance and spreading negativity in the family.

Now the practical part is that we should find that gentalmen and should reward him by kick him in his buttock as hard as we could do as repayment of his hard work. 😁

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-26)
I know val has already addressed the karma points issue but I wanted to add my two cents as well.

Some of you believe you know who the culprit is, and you may be right. However, there is still the possibility you are wrong.

Years ago there was some seriously intense drama on site and we had a karma bandit playing games then. One of our members at that time accused me of knocking down her karma points. It wasn't. But she was certain it was and claimed to have proof. During that same time period I lost 27 points in one day. It had become a game, seeing how many points I lost each day.

The karma points have never mattered to me. I could spend my time wondering who I had offended and how but it really doesn't matter. I'm always going to say something that someone doesn't like; if not here, in my personal life. I can just imagine those negative karma points if they flashed over my head 🙄

My point is, although you may be certain you know who is knocking off your points, the reality may be surprising. One of the best things about the karma points is there is no way to know for certain who is doing it. And no, I haven't knocked anyone down lately 😭
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-26)
Melda,I'm going to double check, but I believe a member needs to make a few comments before they can vote.
I'm not denying that there sure has been a rash of the negatives lately (I know you didn't suggest such a thing, luv) and even the mods haven't been exempt from this latest epidemic. It's normal to wonder who down voted a comment you made, even when it contained nothing negative in it (could be someone clicked the wrong arrow, or simply disagreed with what you said), and yes, now and then there is the disgruntled (censored word) that will try to use it as a revenge tool. Which as I pointed out in a previous post, is a waste of time on their behalf.
BUT, a karma troll is no different than any other troll, if you don't feed it it goes away, because it isn't getting what it wants - attention.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-26)
lady-glow - I have been having precisely the same experience. Guess who it is?

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-26)
Val - I know I'm falling into the same trap here again. Bring on the down-votes troll - I actually know who you are.

To be quite honest, I don't care how many positive karma points I have. What I do care about is when there is a vendetta against certain members. I myself am a very good example. I've lost about 20 karma points. (In fact more.)

Strange that it happened when certain members joined, changed names, etc. (Multiple personalities) Perhaps people should not be allowed to vote immediately when they join. I think that might prevent some of the nastiness.

Regards, Melda
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-25)
Ladies (and gents),
Don't let the karma points mess with your minds, it seems many are experiencing the negative karma troll lately. Probably just some silly, pathetic bugger trying to stir a pot, hoping to bring forth some disharmony within the group, or an idjit who believes one down vote actually carries any weight. Those members worth their salt will read your comments and judge for themselves to agree or not. So no worries, they'll get bored sooner or later and move on.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-25)
My comments are kind and I'm being voted down.

So who's voting me down? What do they have against me?

Hmmmmm, amusing that I'm disliked and no one actually knows me. Lol. 😟
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-25)
LG, you aren't alone, the same thing has been happening to me too. Ehhhh... 😕
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-25)
To the person who patiently has been voting me down five points every day for the last week or so.

I have to give credit to your determination and persistence though, to be honest, your life has to be very sad and pathetic if you have time to vote on countless comments in order to be able to vote for me. 🙄

If you're interested on knowing my thoughts, I find your actions amusing and, I hope you are grateful enough as to acknowledge the fun you'll get for the more than 500 days that should take to find my over 2000 comments.

Is it worth it?😁😂
L_Melb (220 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-11)
Thanks lady-glow, a good read AND a laugh! I admire your mother's courage for deciding to investigate and watch the "hand" but I couldn't resist a giggle at the result.
I guess we all need to remember not to judge at first glance or jump to paranormal answers too quickly - good lessons indeed!
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-27)
Lady Glow, this was great, thanks for sharing.
Like others have said it's refreshing to hear of families talking openly about ghosts. It's astounding the amount of ghost encounters had in hospitals. My step mother, the massive non believer, works at a hospital. Sometimes I wonder if not believing helps her sleep at night.😐

The lady your mother and Mr T spoke with, I also wondered if everyone else could see/hear her that day. What a great moment. Gotta dig those shared encounters, they had a real doozy!
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-26)
lady-glow - Thanks for that link. In fact I've read that experience of yours before but have now read it again. You must have felt rather overwhelmed by that, notwithstanding the fact that you were a vampire and all 😁

I might have quite interesting interactions with hospital ghosts, such as them trying to convince me where I belong and me trying to convince them where they belong. 😕

Regards, Melda
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-26)

Even though you were told it is winning it didn't won, and you might still be the last to laugh, so keep strong! It is good to know that we can take confort on our loved ones who have passed, and it is good to know that you are taking that confort in a time like this with your mother. ❤ My prayers and my healing thoughts are with you! ❤


Good question, I think about it many times! I see people being so close to material things they don't even realise who is standing next to them. For instance, wherever I go, I see people being addicted to social networks. It's everywhere! And by that I mean that a family of 3 or 4 can spend the time of a dinner looking at their cells and palying on their tablets that they hardly utter a word during the process... It's sad... I know it can spread important information around very fast but as it is good it is bad too. Sometimes even toxic.

I know we are free to spend our time the way we want, but isn't all this commotion about new technologies a bit too much? Aren't we losing what matters the most? Like humanity, main values and so on?

Undoubtedly, my dear Lady-Glow our world would be a much better place if people were kinder and really cared about each other.
There should be more Mr. Ts! 😉
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-25)

I also wanted to say that I'm sorry you are battling cancer again. I've read a few of your stories and really enjoyed them. I know at least one of them is in my favorites. 😊

Your outlook and perspective on life is so refreshing. I have no doubt that your mother is with you, watching out for you and comforting you.

I'm sending healing energy to you and if it's okay, my prayers too. Stay strong ❤

- Dee ❤

P.S. Your comment about your husband asking that you not visit him, had me laughing! 😁
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-25)
Hello Lady-glow and RC,

Mods...if you feel this conversation is not permitted, I will move to "The Big Old Tray" to continue.

Thank you both for your kindness, if I ever find I have the ability, when gone, I will touch out to several of the old timers of YGS, and a few new ones. But I just hope it isn't tomorrow. You know who you are!

My husband has been with me at each Dr. Visit, strongly requested I not visit him, he has that much fear from living with me for 48 years! Ha Ha!

With the help of the visits with my Mom, I am confident there is some sort of continuing, after this life. I have also have come to think that so many true events I have read on this site, are not, for some reason allowed to be at the place where my Mother is. Ghosts-good or bad do not travel to where my Mom is. I think you have to earn your wings so to speak, and are only able to communicate through special dreams.

For some reason the beds at the cancer center where I am getting the fusion (chemo) are very conductive to conversations with those now passed. Also to remembering the conversation. At this time I will get treatment (4) next week. I have been writing down what I recall from these dreams. I even met two interesting people that I do not recall in this life. I stay completely quiet about this at the C. Center as they will want to MRI my brain. LOL

Thank you again!

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