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The Night Sweeper And Window Tapper


I thought this was just my imagination running wild but I am now convinced it is not.

I have been waking up between 11:50 pm and 12:53 am, but not every night. It seems to be the nights I drift of to sleep as soon as I hit the pillow. I wake up to someone sweeping my garden. At first, I thought I was just imagining, due to being tired. The first few times I heard the sweeping, I managed to go back to sleep. Fobbing it off to just hearing things. However, the last couple of times I have woken up, unable to go back to sleep, I have listened carefully and there is definitely someone sweeping my garden. They start by the patio doors and make their way towards the windows near the bedroom. It is one of those gardener brooms, I know this from the sound, very hard. When the sweeper gets to the last window, the sweeping stops.

On a couple of occasions, I have heard the chairs being moved, so the slabs can be swept and then moved back. Just recently I have heard someone tapping on the bedroom window. The tapping goes on for about one minute and then stops. The tapping has been going on for about two weeks.

I thought I was cracking up but I have noticed Inka seems to stare at the window a lot. She will just sit and stare at the window. Having said that, I have been looking at the window a lot as well when night falls, and occasionally during the day. I get a very uneasy feeling.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Surya, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-09-27)
Wonderful, Surya.
I THOUGHT you understood. 😊
I received an e-mail stating that I needed to elaborate as I may not have been too clear in your comment. In the future, I shall refrain from jumping in to explain.😊 You used the correct terms, so I should not have second guessed.
Thank you.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-27)
whitebuffalo I did not misunderstand what you said, I do know what cleansing is, and you did say cleansing and not cleaning. When I said I cleanse the property everyday, I was not joking. I thanked you for the window cleansing idea. The rest I know. Once again Thank you.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-09-27)
I am sorry that I may have been misunderstood, Surya. I did not mean to imply that your home was dirty. By "cleanse" I meant to clear it of all unknown entities, and energies.
A cleansing ritual works on the energy of your house at once, giving it great power. These rituals or ceremonies work on a purely energetic level affecting the invisible elements of the site, which includes spiritual and emotional energies as well as energetic residues left by previous occupants.
Cleansing rituals and ceremonies help to remove negative energies. The difference in the way you feel will be incredible, because it can profoundly impact your physical, mental health and well being. Incense and salt water can be used to cleanse the entire home.
A very common ritual is the burning of sage sticks while using either your hand or a feather to wave the smoke. You do this while you pray for the unclean spirits or negative energy to leave your home, or you command them in the name of your Higher Power to leave your home.
Thank you.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-27)
Thank you Whitebufallo, I will try that. You say about cleansing my room all the rooms in my flat are cleansed everyday, This is a a ritual and it is a must must, otherwise something is not right in my home.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
"When I hear the tapping I know what is in store for me..."
Ok. I get a creepy feel to that.
Cleanse the room that you hear the tapping in. Make sure that you drench the window (as you would with Windex, or whichever glass cleaner that you use) from the inside. Use a fan to dry the window (set it directly in front of the window, blowing straight at it).
On the outside, I would also spray the window. Only, I would let the SUN dry that. Make sure you get the sills.
As it is OUTSIDE, I would think it unable to get in. MAKE SURE it can not by making your intentions clear.
Thank you.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
Thank you for reading my story. Funny enough I did sit in the garden Sunday just gone, between the hours of 12-3pm. It was a beautiful day and it was very quiet, whilst I sat there staring at the clean floor and wondering who and why, I got a really really uneasy feeling, as I said it was strangel very quiet, I kept looking left and right especially towards the windows. Now the knocking is nothing to do with the sweeper, I am positive. When the garden is swept I can lie there and listen and eventually knock of, the window tapper, the feel I get is different, it is not good. Straight after that I had a very bad night, I could write about it but I won't but if I did it would be part 5 & 6 to the re-occurring dream. When I hear the tapping I know what is in store for me.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-09-22)
Honestly, all I have read were your final comment, and your story, Surya. Please forgive me if I post something someone else has.
YEARS ago, when my family had a gardener, he would do all of the tasks that he knew to do, as well as a few that my parents (more often my Mother than my Father) set aside for him. Just simple gardening things. Trim the roses, check out the trellis, those kinds of things.
It was an unspoken rule (probably in that he worked for my parents, they had the right to know) that at the completion of his duties, he were to either meet with one of the folks, or tap on the window of the office that my Father was most generally in.
The reason being that, should my parents have guests, they would not even HEAR of being bothered by one of their employee's. If they were alone, they would go check out the work and be sure that there was not something else for him to do before heading off to a separate place in the grounds.
THAT is EXACTLY the feel I get from reading this story. I feel that you have a gardener who is RESPECTING you enough to let you know that the job is done. I do not think there is the intent to frighten you. If there were, I should think that the garden would be in a shambles, and not clean.
My suggestion to you would be to sit out in the garden in broad daylight and ask that the noise be kept to a minimum. Explain that you are a bit unnerved by the sounds so late at night, and there really is no need for him/her to allow you to know when all is well, you will check it out in the day time. So please, do not tap anymore.
That is just what I would try first. You may have other options set before you, take what you feel comfortable with, and leave behind what you are not.
Thank you.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-22)
Thank you for reading my story.

Something occurred to me as I was reading certain comments. Now when I moved in as I said it took me a while to actually get out into the garden and cut the weeds and dried grass, there was a lot of mess. Now everybody wants a nice garden don't they! My mum bought her fork over so I could dig the soil and plant some flowers, grass. Do you know what that fork would not go into the ground as hard as I tried it was a mission it was almost like there was concrete under there. Five years down the line, I managed to dig the garden plant some flowers, I was not convinced anything would grown, but after a couple of weeks, I saw grass and flowers amazing.

So who know maybe I have made someone happy.

I have not placed the coin outside yet but will. I still sense someone outside, but who, I have no idea,

The previous owners I knnow where evicited from the property, they neglected it really badly as well as the Garden, I don't know anymore about the gardens.
Easykiel (1 stories) (35 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-22)
What an intriguing story. I'm not really sure if I can say anything here that hasn't already been said by other posters, but I'll say something anyway. You stated that when you moved in the garden was a mess, but that eventually you got around to tidying it up and sorting it out. It could be that this mystery sweeper is a previous resident of the house, or a gardener or caretaker who worked the land, and that the sweeping is their way of thanking you for sorting out the mess!

I know that you don't want to look outside, but I don't know how you can not, then again, that's just me, I almost always let curiosity get the better of me! 😁
Kecoughtan (1 stories) (211 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-20)
Surya, bully for you for rescuing and remaking your beautiful garden! Maybe the mysterious sweeper disliked the demise of the garden and is deeply appreciative of your hard work. If the garden is already clean and doesn't need to be swept then perhaps the action is symbolic. Maybe they are lending their broom in an effort to "assist" you and communicate their approval. The tapping may be an attempt to draw your attention to their contribution so that you are aware that both of you are on the same team working towards a shared goal. Have you considered a special planting in the garden (and a few words) to recognize and honor the sweeper? Maybe all they want is recognition.

By the way, I love the image of Inka pausing at the door and cautiously looking both ways before returning to the garden. 😊
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-19)
That is a sad story but amazing story. When I moved in the garden was how can I puu a jungle, it took me months to get out there and tackle the way it had been neglected. We used to get a lot of faoxes in the garden but now none, not even the cats as I said. My cat does of course play in the garden but every now and then she bolts in side, and then before she goes back out she will look outside almost to see if it is safe
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-19)
Inka is my cat. No I am not going to look out of the window, For what I am currently going through it is the last thing I want to do. If anything I avoid looking out of the window after 10pm and it definitely is not children that I am 100% positive about.
MOTHERPANN (10 stories) (77 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-19)
this reminds me of the story I wrote awhile back how my fiance heard sweeping in the showroom where he worked. He took a flash- light and looked around but the sweeping stopped and he didn't see anything.

It did seem a bit evil because of the banging it did later and then the presence stood outside the bedroom door and stared at him. (he lived in an apartment in the back of the store.)

Hope yours is more friendly
troyarn (5 stories) (479 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-18)
first, who the heck is Inca? And second, why not look out when this is going on and see what is up? For all we know this could be a few kids.
Kecoughtan (1 stories) (211 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-18)
Evidently, the foxes and cats now stay beyond broom range. I am excited that you are going to leave a tip. Please let us posted on developments.

Surya, thinking about your situation reminded me of an incident I experienced 11-12 years ago. A friend moved into a tiny nineteenth-century townhouse in the historic Old Town neighborhood of Alexandria, Virginia. She invited me for a tour, but as soon as I entered, my attention was drawn to a door at the rear of house that opened into a walled garden. The door made me feel exceptionally uncomfortable. Initially, I thought it was nerves, but as the evening progressed I became increasingly uneasy. At length my friend caught me staring warily at the door. Not wanting to frighten her, it was only after prodding that I reluctantly told her I had an overwhelming sensation that a very gaunt, middle-aged man was standing in the garden staring at us through the door. He wasn't threatening, but seemed sad and excluded. That's when my friend told me how she came to rent the house. Two friends of hers had previously lived there. One of the men contracted AIDS and died upstairs. He was an exceptional gardener and, until incapacitated, spent as much time as possible in the garden. Following this death, his partner saw him standing at the door peering into the house on several occassions. It unnerved him, so he moved. After that evening neither my friend nor I ever saw or sensed him again. My friend thought he had made his presence known because he was disappointed that the garden was neglected in his absence.

I know you feel a bit ill at ease, but perhaps that's due to the newness of this experience. Perhaps a previous occupant had a great passion for the garden. Are you familiar with the history of your house and garden? Have you made any changes to house or garden that might have stirred up the past sentiments of previous caretakers?
Joie (1 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-18)
Not for nothing, but have you ever looked to see if your garden was actually clean the next morning? Maybe you have a fan?! That's a pretty cool story. Keep us updated.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-18)
Hi Chris,
Thank you for reading my story. See what happens when I leave the coin ooutside.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-18)
Hi Surya. Thanks for sharring another interesting story with us. I realy enjoyed reading it. I thought that I had already left a commenet here but I think I erased it by mistake 😭.Im glad that you want to check this out and try to confirm this. It is better to know what this is then not knowing anything. It might be scary but it seems to me that you will know what to do when you find out more. Thanks again. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-18)
Ok I will leave a pound out and see what happens. I'll leave it near the window, if I don't every reply again you will know I have a heart attack from fear of what I may have seen. 😜
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-18)
I have been at the property 5 years, the sweeping started a couple of months ago and the tapping on the window over a month ago, the reason I am convinced it is not my imagination is because of my kitty's reaction,
Grinder (5 stories) (22 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-17)
A very interesting story... I'm wondering what would happen if you left a coin on your window sill, whether the tapping would stop (in case it's the request for payment that some have mentioned). I'm also in agreement with Kecoughtan in that perhaps purposely leaving a small mess before going to bed would result in a clean up during the sweeping noise you hear.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-17)
You know..."sek" in Ancient Egyptian means "sweep" but also "perish"...like perish evil (?)
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-17)
I am inclined to think by your comments to your posters that since the garden is clean it is intelligent. Thus, the tapping-to let you know the job was done. I have to wonder though, is it simply a past caretaker of the property or someone else trying to imply that they're there to assist? You know sweeping away "the "dirt"?

When did you first hear the sweeper and how long have you been living in this house Meena?
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-17)
Inka is my sweet little Kitten. Actually it was my youngest son and my partner who wanted the kitten, she is more attached to me.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-17)
The garden always seems to be clean, we used to get foxes coming into the garden we don't anymore, There are a few stray cats but they do not pass beyond the fence, the just sit and stare. We do have an outdoor light but I will be buggered if I am going to look outside. It is more scary when the full moon is out. The light of the moon lights up the whole bedroom, when this happens I do not even look at th window in the fear I may see someone.
TigerLily (3 stories) (145 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-17)
Hello Surya, Creepy Story!
Whilst I was reading your story I tried putting myself in your shoes...😨
By the time I had finished the story I was shaking like a leaf!
I think the sweeping might be a workaholic garderner who passed away but his/her spirit still works. As for the tapping, I'm not sre on that...
But that's just my thoughts. 😊
Thanks Again, Lily x
P.S. Who or what is Inca?
Kecoughtan (1 stories) (211 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-17)
This is fascinating! Surya, have you noticed if there is evidence that your garden has acutally been swept in the morning? I think it would help to know if you are hearing an actual sweeping or if it is merely the sound. You might experiment and deliberately leave a bit of a mess--pulled weeds or soil--to see if your thoughtful gardener makes it tidy. Do you have an outdoor light so you can see into the garden at night?
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-17)
Well if it was not in the very early hours of the morning I would gladly leave the tip. The other thing is the garden is clean. 😕
Tonith (1136 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-17)
Uneasy? I would be thankful and leave a tip lol. But seriously it has to be a bit unsettling for this to be happening. If you were hearing all this and the garden wasn't actually cleaned I would say this is just residual. If the garden is clean and even under the chairs it's clean then this entity is not residual but interactive and no doubt intelligent. The tapping may just be it's way of letting you know the work got done. If it was going to haunt you I think it would have been inside the house by now moving things about. As long as it stays outside and does the work I don't think it's all that concerned about other than caring for the garden. If you are going to be haunted I would think this is the kind of haunting most people could live with. I don't know if you should establish contact other than saying "thankyou" because that may intice it to come closer. If you are feeling uneasy about it being outside you certainly don't want it coming inside. It may behoove you to ask one of the neighbors if someone before you lived there liked a clean garden. Great story. Please keep us posted.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-17)
Well yes there are those factors. Seriouly it is freaking me out big time.

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