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Haunted Finds In The Woods


When I was a child around the age of 12 me and a group of my friends would mess around in the woods near my mums house. We used to play in there often and build dens and tree houses. Naturally there were many spooky stories about the woods that the other local kids would tell us that we all used to think were true. But we weren't scared - all the kids played in the woods and we had never seen anything. A dried up brook ran through one end of the woods and it was said someone was buried under it. We brushed all the stories off.

One day while messing around in the woods with 1 of my friends we came across a broken piece of pottery on the floor that looked to be part of a china plate - we had an idea (like kids do), why not dig in the woods and see what we would find! Starting in the place we had found our first piece of pottery we began to dig with spades that you would normally use when on the beach making sand castles!

We found quite a collection - hundreds more pieces of China that filled a carrier bag we had with us, a strange looking round object that looked kind of like a ring doughnut, bricks, patterned stone tiles and many other treasures! (I cannot remember exactly what we had found but I remember we could fit some of the pieces together like a jigsaw. All these pieces we retrieved from the same place in the woods (right in the middle where the ground was just mounds of dirt and hardly any trees). According to the local stories this was the area that once was home to a small cottage and a witch... I laugh now thinking back but maybe there was a house here? After all we were digging up a lot of stuff!

We kept hold of the stuff we had found for about 2 weeks - me and my friend had teamed up with a boy who lived on my road. Only the 3 of us had seen what we had found! We thought we had a great idea when we decided the boys shed in his back garden could be used as a Museum (hehe) we cleaned the shed out and placed all the items we had on the shelves. We had a great time and thought we would make a fortune on our 'Museum'. However not long after removing the items from the woods me and the girl who had helped me to dig up the items began to experience strange things happening. I cannot specifically remember what occurrences me and my friend had but we were convinced it was all to do with the pottery and felt it must be returned to the woods. The only experience's that stands out in my mind was...

1. Being at my friend's house late at night when I ran downstairs to get something from her living room - I was stood near her patio doors and the curtains were open. As I turned to run back upstairs I was pulled back as something pulled tightly on my neck. The cord of the curtains had somehow wrapped itself around my neck and it was so tight I could hardly breathe. I managed to pull this off and ran upstairs out of breath! I know I wasn't near enough to the curtain for the cord to reach over my neck.

2. Me and my friend were sat on the field (facing the woods) when a man with a dog appeared out of nowhere. He was stood next to the brook looking down into it. We sensed something was 'wrong' and decided to watch him. He stood for a moment then as though there were stairs leading down into the brook he began to descend until his head vanished - his dog followed behind him. The brook (now just a dried up mess) is around 3ft deep) we guessed he was sat down, but why? We sat and waited for him to come out, and waited and waited. After around 40 minutes we crept over and peered down into the brook - no one was there! And the dog was gone!

After our experiences we bagged up the items and all 3 of us made our way to the woods. Me and my friend stood on the field as the boy who lived on my road, rode through the field on his bike, reached the entrance to the woods and through the bag in a bush.

After that everything felt normal. I always wonder if that bag is still there?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Hanbobs, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-24)
If you want more information, don't focus on that patch of woods, as it's unlikely that the house was right there. These trash piles can be a mile or more away from their sources. You wouldn't want a big pile of trash laying around near your house would you? It would look quite unsightly.
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-24)
It's likely that you found a trash pile from an old house. This does not necessarily mean that the old house was right there on top of all the stuff you found. Back in the old days, there was no garbage collecting service. People often went to any woods near their home and dumped their trash there. These piles can tell a trained eye a great deal about the lives of the people that left those things behind. As for the broken pottery, that is the most common thing to find, along with glass or sometimes even metal items, though the last is quite rare, as broken metal items could often be melted down and recast into new things. Lol sorry I've gone all nerdy on you! Great story by the way, and I have found many similar piles on my family's farm. It can send chills down your spine to think that the things you are digging up are pieces of a dead person's life. It's not uncommon for me to feel like I'm not alone when I'm out there digging things up.
KissMeQuack (7 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-12)
Perhaps the shards of pottery and such were discarded by someone because they were evidence of a crime or something and they didn't like them being dug up? Perhaps evidence relating to the supposed body hidden in the dried up creek? Just speculation but that's what I thought when I read your story.
Xx KissMeQuack
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
15 years ago (2009-12-16)
aww that's a shame.
I think it will be there but buried abit I'm sure it wouldn't have just dissapeared!
Id go digging 😁
Hanbobs (20 stories) (119 posts)
15 years ago (2009-12-16)
Hi, I went over to the edge of the woods directly where the bag was dumped. It was very overgrown since the last time I had been there and full of nettle bushes and thorn bushes, I looked over the bushes for any sign but could see no bag or no pieces of what what we had found. Maybe it's still there just hidden beneath all that or even buried a bit?
Hanbobs x
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
15 years ago (2009-12-15)
hey hanbobs,
Any new findings?
Been down there yet? Keep me posted 😁
Hanbobs (20 stories) (119 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-27)
hmm good idea maybe I should... My nephew would like it but if it was a haunting then I don't want 2 involve my nephew into it... Eek! X
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-26)
WOW! Well let me know what happens! I can't wait to hear all about it... I was thinking that the bag might have disintergrated by now... So the things you found might be alittle buried... You should go on a treasure hunt with him 😊 😁

xXelliemayXx ❤
Hanbobs (20 stories) (119 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-26)
elliemay: I've not been back yet but don't worry I intend to - I'll have 2 do it over the weekend as I work Mon to Fri and by the time I've finnished it seems too dark to go on the field and it's near where my mum lives. When I go to see her on the weekend I might take a walk up with my nephew to check! 😁
Hanbobs x
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-23)
Have you been back in the woods yet to see if you could find the bag?

I'm really interested to see if it is still there. 😊

xXelliemayXx ❤
Hanbobs (20 stories) (119 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-12)
Im not sure how to go about finding out if there really was a cottage in the woods - I'm not very good at researching! My best bet would probably be to ask around but I doubt anyone would know for sure...
If the story about the cottage is true then I would deffinately suggest that the items we found belonged to it and who ever lived there!
Hanbobs x
ParanormalSpectrum (3 stories) (26 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-11)
Huh, that's interesting. Did you ever find out if the rumors were true about the witch house? It's probably good that you returned the items back to the place you dug them up. Depending on how long ago it was, the bag may or may not still be there. Someone could have found it and taken it or dumped it into the nearest garbage can. Or it can still be sitting there.
hobbyholly (11 stories) (572 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-11)
Interesting. Especially with the man just descending into the dried up brook. Were you able to validate if there was a cottage where you found the broken china etc.
Hanbobs (20 stories) (119 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-11)
Well unless someone came across the bag and either took it or threw it in a nearby bin then it should still be there. I'm unsure about the rumours as these were just stories passed down by the local kids and it was over 10 years ago...
I still live quite local and my mum lives in the same house I grew up in which is a 2 minute walk from the woods.
Thanks for your comment - I'll have to have a look the next time I'm at hers. 😁
Hanbobs x
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-11)
I wonder if the old rumours were true?
I would also go back and see if the bag was there... I think it would be very interesting if it was to be there.
Do you live anywhere close to there now?
And I really do think that every little kiddy has decided to make something out of the shed! Hehe... Mine was my den 😁
I loved your story

xXelliemayXx ❤

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