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Two Experiences While Traveling


I don't know why I chose not to send the following two experiences or encounters for submission earlier. I was continuously thinking of how to stretch each of the stories to 1500 characters but until now never thought to sending it to the site together.

Both the experiences I had while I was working at Coonoor. First one happened while traveling to a village near Salem to attend the marriage of one of our colleagues. The second encounter was while I was traveling from Coimbatore to Ooty in the night by car along with 2 other colleagues.

I was posted to work at hill station branch of my bank in Coonoor, the moment I joined. It was the usual practice because new entrants would be generally bachelors and hence, they would go to difficult, hardship places for work including those with extreme weather conditions. During my stay at Coonoor, one of our colleagues, Rajalingam, got married and his marriage was fixed and scheduled to take place during second half of January, 1987. I do not exactly remember the date. It was to take place in a village Mookanoor, a village near Salem. 3 of us, myself, Sivaprakash and Samson, went to attend the marriage and after getting down at village bus stop, it was around 0100 hours. Rajalingam's brother was waiting for us with a horse drawn cart. It was called "Jatka". We huddled together in the Jatka and were traveling. We were to travel about 3 kilometres to reach the marriage hall. We were going in a quite reasonable pace. There was nothing on either side for a while and nearly a kilometre into the route, suddenly the horse stopped. We felt the jolt because of the horse stopping suddenly.

It refused to move and was dragging its feet a little backwards. The horseman was frantically trying to make it go forward. Then he said "Kathu" to us, meaning that some paranormal entity was present and that was the reason why the horse was refusing to move. He asked us to just look forward along the left side. I was sitting just behind him and Samson was sitting on the other side, so that we could see clearly. There was an apparition like a woman standing with her hair untidy. We could make it out clearly. She was like gazing beyond us, facing us. We were really shocked and I was scared to the point of getting fainted. Rajalingam's brother was not so perturbed as he was used to living in villages and Sivaprakash was also visibly upset. We were just seeing this apparition, definitely a woman but was like we were able to see through her. It was definitely a paranormal entity. It would have been nearly 5 minutes but to me it appeared as if it was hours.

Then suddenly horseman, Munuswamy, asked me to move a little bit. Beneath my seat, he was having a little bit of a branch of Neem leaves. He was also having slack lime. He just jumped from the front with the branch with Neem leaves and with slack lime used for beetle leaves, he was just proceeding towards it, shouting at the top of his voice to get away. I was really scared because if something happens to him, I was worried how we would be doing to save our lives. He went almost near to the apparition. It would have been around 3 feet between them and suddenly, the apparition vanished. He stood there for nearly 2-3 minutes and came back. He was telling that these kinds of entities often come but only thing he advised, especially me that we have to be courageous. He also said that since Neem leaves are favourite of Goddess Kali, it would ward off evil spirits. By the time we reached, I was terribly shaken and it took nearly 2 days for me to recover from the shock even though we returned immediately after the marriage next day to Salem in daylight.

The second incident was during May, 1989. Myself, Samson and Deenadayal Naidu were proceeding from Coimbatore to Ooty in the night. The time was around 10. 30 p.m. It was a normal summer night and we were returning to Ooty after seeing our friend, Mr. Raju, who met with an accident and was hospitalised in Coimbatore. It was a hilly terrain and Samson was the driver. Deenadayal Naidu was sitting next to Samson and I was sitting in the back seat.

Suddenly Naidu and Samson were yelling, "What is this". I was half asleep and asked them irritatingly what was up. Samson just showed his fingers to the front. There was a old lady walking in the middle of the road, he was honking his horn as she was almost walking in the middle of the road. She never seemed to care. We were quite near to her. Suddenly she vanished. Trust me, in less 10 seconds, we would have hit her, but she vanished. But again it appeared to us that the lady was walking nearly 50 feet down further in front. Again when we were quite near to her, she vanished and again appeared 50 feet away.

We could not see her face or the front portion but from the appearance, it was like an old lady. It happened several times continuously. Samson and I were quite scared. But Naidu started reciting some slokas. Samson did not know what to do. He was just driving and I could see his hands shaking. For nearly 2 kilometres or so, we could see the lady appearing and disappearing. Then there was nothing. We were too scared to turn back and see whether the entity was there or not. Samson was driving like a maniac until we reached Ooty. Next day, I had fever and was able to recover only after 4 days. Samson was also scared and he told me that for a long time, he did not drive in the hilly terrain in the nights. But Naidu was as cool as ever.

These were the two experiences I had while I was working at Coonoor.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sds, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-08)
Hi aku-97, glad to see your comment. For quite sometime now, may be for about two months, I have not been able to concentrate on YGS. I intend to do it more regularly from now on. I will read your story and try to help. If I am not able to, there are experienced posters here, to whom I shall definitely lead you.

Thanks for reading my story, which I have posted about 3 years ago.

Regards and respects to you.

aku-97 (3 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-26)
Hello sds
I don't know whether you will be reading my comment or not but I will still write. I have had visitation dreams. Since you are from India I hope you will be able to help. These dreams are posted in detail as comments in my story midnight experience with ghost. Please help me interpret them.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-21)
Hello Dip, thanks for your kind comments. I did carry a talisman for a long time after the May, 1989, experience.

Regards and respects to you.

Dip1904 (115 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-17)
genuine information - hope that it gives you strength within to withstand any future incidents (if any) and carry certain objects of importance seemingly warding off any apparition / paranormal entity (evil or otherwise)
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-07)
Hi Manjit_singh, Thanks for your nice comments. It was scary then as it took place several years ago when I was quite young. As far as the theory of what you said is concerned, there are two varying opinions about it. But on some occasions, the entity/spirit that was going before a person, has been malicious also. I would like to write about an experience of a very close friend shortly.

Regards and respects to you.

Manjit_singh (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
The ghost who follow behind us or stand stationary at a place is considered evil. But the ghost I would rather call it paranormal entity who keeps walking in front of us shows us the path to keep safe from any mishappening. I also once had a similar experiance and was told about it by many brahmins and priests the same thing. So in the second case there was nothing to worry. But yes they are frightening.
chandana (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-13)
nice story and scary. I really like all your stories thanks for posting your story
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-29)
Dear Ari, thanks for your comments. As far as the second incident is concerned, initially I did not make any investigation or ask anyone because I was down with fever and was a laughing stock in the eyes of others. Everyone was having a field day that I was the chicken, who didn't have courage. Samson also did not ply on the roads for a long time in the nights. But he did ask somebody. He was informed by some villagers that accidents happen quite frequently on these roads and sometimes even pedestrians get hurt or killed. Hence, sighting of spirits or entities was a common affair in those roads. But there was no mention about any entity or ghost having an appearance of an old lady.

Regards and respects to you.

Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-25)
Dear sds,
I am literally inexperienced when it comes to paranormal.
I am in unknown waters here since I see no rational cause.
Only here because you scolded meπŸ˜‰

I have only one thing to say;
Faith does a lot of things to humans.Here,the coachman has faith in the tokens of Goddess Kali. Although the neem leaves would not be associated with the Goddess in other regions of India, his immense faith does the trick.
Every place has a different belief, be it religious or regional. It is faith, and not the religious fervour that counts.
And the driver nailed it.

Your second encounter was really scary and I have no idea what that was all about. Did you ask any of the frequent drivers on that road about this strange occurrence? Might have given you some insight.
Frankly,I might have driven again, albeit after gaining composure, through that same stretch to see whether it happens again. Might sound pompous though 😳
Now you won't scold me, right? 😜 (Hope I didn't offend you)

allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-24)
SDS, my bad. Didn't see your earlier response. Sorry for the trouble. But if you get to know anything more about slack lime, I would be all ears/eyes:)
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-24)
Dear allesgute154, I answered this already. In parts of Tamilnadu, especially near Salem, Namakkal, Karur and nearby districts, they have the belief that slacklime has the property to ward off evil spirits. I could ask someone from that area, an elderly and a scholarly person I know of from this place and could give you more details. But anyway, it did work on that day.

Regards and respects to you.

allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-24)
Thanks for the response SDS and SmokenMirrors. I'm a little wiser now 😁

One more doubt just occurred to me: why did the carriage driver also use slaked lime to drive away the spirit? Does it also have any ghostbusting properties?
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-24)
Thanks for explaining slack lime to me.
Smoken, your 'theory' on why people might feel sick after an encounter makes sense to me.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-24)
Dear allesgute154 and SmokenMirrors, thanks for your nice comments.

I think Smokenmirrors is right. But, I feel the fear drains out the energy, which I felt even before I reached Ooty. In fact, I was shivering with fear. May be that might be one of the reasons and the other was that I was drained out of energy owing to the incident. Thirdly, I travelled from Ooty to Coimbatore, from a cool climate to a very hot and humid weather and then was back on the same night. That could be the cause. But, I think it is due to the fear and draining out of energy that many people fall ill or down with fever when they encounter paranormal stuff.

Regards and respects to you.

SmokenMirrors (6 stories) (78 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-24)
Two very well written stories SDS. I'm not sure I would of approached the entity Slack Lime or not.

(at) allesgute My theory on sickness after a sighting is this.
To manifest an entity needs energy, they will take this from the most available source person or not.
My theory is that this draining of energy can leave a person felling exhausted and in some cases ill.
This is just my theory and could be wrong.
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-24)
Loved both the stories SDS. Good to see an Indian story after a long time. I have finished reading all Indian stories on this site and was waiting for something from back home. Really good narrative. I have just one query: I see in most narratives here that people fall sick after a spirit sighting. Could you tell me if there's any particular reason for that? I'm really curious to know. I'm new to this site and this question has been nagging me for quite some time.
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-24)
Val, slack/slaked lime (Calcium hydroxide, aka limewater, pickling lime, hydrated lime, or 'chuna' in Hindi) is usually used to bind the betel leaves (paan) that Indians here consume. Paan is a stimulating preparation of betel leaf combined with areca nut and/or cured tobacco. Paan is chewed and finally spitted out or swallowed. One of its varieties, the Meetha (sweet) Paan is considered to be a digestive/mouthfreshener. Meetha paan has a stuffing of coconut, fruit preserves, gulkand (rose petal preserves), various spices. Alternatively, South Asian sweet paan may contain candied fruits and/or candy-coated fennel seeds. Sorry for the lengthy explanation.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-24)
Hello Pragya, thanks for your comments. We expect your write-up on your experiences.

Regards and respects to you.

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-24)
Dear Val, thanks for your comments. It is a sentimental belief here that 'slack lime' used for chewing beetle leaves, would ward off the evil spirits.

Hey Joshua, yes, the second one while we traveled from Coimbatore to Ooty was indeed a scary encounter. I fell ill.

From the childhood, I was interested in paranormal but was very scared, in fact, until I was 25 years old.

Thanks again for your comments guys.

Regards and respects to you.

Pragya (5 stories) (68 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-24)
Your stories are really nice and scary... The scariest part being my husband has got posted to ooty... 😭...i had my share of paranormal incidents in last 3 months which I want to share on this platform but probably submissions are not being accepted currently... For now I hope and pray we do not meet any old lady... 😁
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-23)
Those encounters are very scary indeed! What is 'slack lime'? Does it aid in warding off spirits?
The second encounter was very nerve wracking indeed! Holy moley!
Thank you for sharing these!
joshuakeys (7 stories) (45 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-23)
hi sds,

Good to see your write up after a long time, the second encounter is very spooky...

Thanks for sharing


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