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Will He Ever Leave Me Alone?


In February of this year, a group of my friends and I all went out motorbike riding. Late last year I had just bought a brand new Yamaha yz450f and took it out every chance I got.

So February, wet season was still around but it hadn't rained in a few days, which I was particularly excited about No DUST!

Anyway, the day had gone great. We were just about to start packing up when my brother, who is a touch younger than me, asks if he can take my bike out. I never have a problem with it as it 'fits' him better. He's taller and can handle it better. Me, I just hang on and hope for the best. So my point is, he can really ride. It annoys the shiat out of me but he is a better rider.

I said no worries and off he goes, 10 minutes later and I ask my partner if he can hear the bike, none of us could. Then a friend of mine who I used to race with offered to go and have a look for Josh. He takes off in one direction, then turns around and roars off in the other direction. We all run in the direction he's roared off in and see Joshua up ahead pushing my bike towards us. As we get closer and my friend grabs the bike off Josh, he drops to his hands and knees screaming "I'm so sorry".

I looked at my totaled bike and quickly dismiss it and focus on my brother who is holding his chest, covered in dirt and blood. There were about 9 of us there. They all ran frantically grabbing water, ice and something to stop the bleeding on his arm. I asked him what happened he only said, "The man in black stepped out in front of me. I didn't see him, Alexandra. I swear."

The boys loaded him in the car and my bike on their trailer and we headed off to Hospital. He was put in a neck brace and sent for spinal x-rays, everything came back clear. But what he said out there haunted me. The nurses sedated him and he fell asleep. My mother arrived and my partner and I went outside so he could have a smoke. Sitting outside we both had blood on our shirts and pants, I looked over to where a taxi was picking someone up and saw my "Hat Man" stalker looking at us. My heart sank. Was this the man who made my brother crash? My partner could not see him and told me that I was stressed from the day's events.

A week later whilst ordering parts to fix the bike, Joshua confessed that he was, in fact, doing a wheelie, and lost control when a man or something with unnatural speed shot itself into the middle of the track. "Close enough to touch" is all he kept saying.

My brother is now fine, only real damage was the bike and his ego. I'm really getting tired of this bloke... He made me crash during a motocross race two years back but now my brother? What does this thing want with me?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, AussieChick95, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

AussieChick95 (10 stories) (40 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-30)
Miracles51031- I believe moving on would be a wise decision.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-06-30)
AussieChick - believe it or not, unless you are a lot older than 18, I've been dealing with skepticism, disbelief and deception a whole lot longer than you have. I simply asked a couple of questions, trying to get clarification because there was some confusion.

I'll move on now 😊
AussieChick95 (10 stories) (40 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-30)
Miracles51031- Yes I do believe that my brother saw him. To this day he is unsure as to what he actually saw whether it be Natural or Supernatural... Something with Supernatural Speed ran at him and stopped in the middle of the track if you recall from my previous story entitled " I Think He Is Back " I mentioned this 'being' doing a similar thing to me whilst I was driving home from my partners...

At the end of the day Miracles... I think a few members will agree with me when I say that it is hard enough talking about experiences in which we've been forced to endure especially opening up to complete strangers. And Skepticism is truly uncalled for when a simple question to clear up any and all doubts is sufficient. 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-06-30)
AussieChick - thank you for clearing up those concerns. Maybe you could also clear this up for me. Then I might be able to put aside any doubts that you haven't shared your Hat Man with anyone outside of YGS. You've mentioned before that "you don't tell many people." Now, I realize this can be taken two ways and I'm sure which way you are going to go.

The thing is, no one here cares whether or not you've talked about the Hat Man to other people. Dear God, it would be weird if you hadn't said anything to your brother, your boyfriend, mom, best friend, mates, or whomever.

What we are trying to establish is whether or not Josh actually saw your Hat Man and that's what caused him to wreck, or if he just wrecked. End of story. Nothing more, nothing less.

But if you aren't being honest with us, then it's hard for us to determine what is real and what isn't.

And by the way, your anger and sarcasm are wasted. It's the internet and I'm not a child 😊
AussieChick95 (10 stories) (40 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-29)
Miracles51031- As you said before having younger brothers yourself you'd understand that they are very protective, I probably should have explained that better, when I awoke screaming Josh went outside yelling at nothing but the bush, typical male just proving a point by running out there that he was not afraid of what ever was out there.

Now referring to this comment "However, I don't think I'd send either of my brothers outside without some explanation of what they were going outside after. Animal, human, whatever. They would have to be prepared for what they were going after. And since he said "piss off and leave his sister alone", some explanation was given prior to his going outside"

I would like to clear some things up:

1) I didn't send my brother out there, he took off on his own accord after the someone or something that I was screaming about.
2) As previously Stated Joshua is a big Guy and he often uses his size as an advantage.
3) He didn't know what I was screaming about originally I'm sure that if he did then he would not have gone out there in the first place.
And I can assure you 'Miracles' that no explanation was given if I had time to inform him about what I was afraid of I would have had time to tell him to stay inside... 😠 😠 😠

I do hope this clears up any and all doubts you may have about my experiences...
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-28)
Thanks for the reply AC. My other question (s) still remain about the locket, emotions each time he 'shows up' and do you want/need to 'get rid' of this 'attachment' to you?


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-06-28)
val - LOL I do that all the time and then wonder what in the world? 😉 No worries, though. I just had a couple of "huh?" questions when I read the other stories.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-06-28)
Ah, now I see what you are getting at, Miracles. I really shouldn't attempt to post before coffee lol
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-06-28)
val - I understand that, and believe me that same thought went through my head because I have two younger brothers who would do the same thing. However, I don't think I'd send either of my brothers outside without some explanation of what they were going outside after. Animal, human, whatever. They would have to be prepared for what they were going after. And since he said "piss off and leave his sister alone", some explanation was given prior to his going outside.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-06-28)
Miracles, not to answer for Chick, but in my experiences with four brothers, all it would take is my screaming and pointing for them to 'go after' what-ever, even if they had no clue what they were going after. I hope that makes some sense. And yes they'd be yelling too, even if they didn't actually see anything.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-06-28)
AussieChick - I can see why Rook, and others, wondered. Especially since, in your story "I Think He Is Back", you said and I quote, "Upon my return home after the accident at racing, I was asleep in my room when I woke suddenly to see him outside my window patting the demon from the horror movie on the head. I screamed and my little brother (who is 11 months younger than me and 6ft3) came running in. He grabbed a torch and took off outside. I could see him out there telling this thing to piss off and leave his sister alone. This was a year ago."

Now, that alone led me to believe Josh knew about the Hat Man cause I sure don't understand why he'd be telling something to "piss off" that he can't see or at least have some idea what he was going outside after 🤔
AussieChick95 (10 stories) (40 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-27)
Hello Everyone,

Thanks again for all the comments. I have been riding for many years and are constantly pushing my body and bike to perform better each ride, therefore I do crash a fair bit... So I guess you could say that I do get a bit nervous, Its almost like as soon as I jump on and start it a horror film of all the crashes and hospital visits flies through my mind... So I am quite tense before I even start, I believe that you guys may be right and he could be almost 'feeding' off these emotions...

Its ok Rook, I would have questioned whether or not he actually saw it, But I know he definitly did as I have not told anyone but you guys on this site about this man or even what he looks like.
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-26)
Hi Aussiechick95, I'm sorry you have to go through all this trouble. Did it ever crossed your mind to go and see a good psychic or medium to help you get to the bottom of this horrible man haunting you? I had almost the same problem years ago. I struggled with a man wearing a red shirt and black trousers. It was almost the same like with what's happening to you. But we stopped it completely. The entity that was following me and my family around causing only bad things to happen stopped after I got the church out to my house to bind this thing. This red shirt pest was also seen traveling with my father in his car. On the end of the day we found out it was coming from my mother in law. She was into black magic and witchcraft and she used this entity to cause havoc in me and my families' life. I don't say it's witchcraft I only say it's the best thing to do to get help, because this man is coming from somewhere and his intentions is not good at all. It's affecting your family as well on the end of the day. You don't have to live like this get people to help you get to the root of this and pull it "root and branches" out of your live. I wish you the best my friend. Take care. Trix.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-24)
Pardon the Interuption...

Supernatural services,

Advice and feedback are best served as an Interactive dialog and not a cut and paste 'advertisement' style form letter.

More than that most of these experiences have happened OUTDOORS and its kind of hard to set up many of your suggestions. They may work if a 'manifestation' is occurring in a localized position... Say the same corner of a living room/den.

Please if you really want to help... Ask questions that may help identify what the O/P is experiencing or why they are experiencing it.

The generic advertisement for the cure all is sounding more and more like a snake oil salesman trying to convince the crowd that thier medicine really works.


samdew518 (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-24)
I also have experienced the same I just want to tell that you have to ignore it after a few days vanished so be prepared
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-24)
Hi Aussie, I go with Rook in this. What happened in the motocross race two years ago and what were your feelings then when you saw the Hat man then? And did you see the Hat man before the crash or after? Because in this case, you have seen the Hat man after your brother was hospitalized and also you are not so sure that it was the Hat man, whom your brother saw. It might just be that he was a bit careless and really didn't see the other rider. It could be, and I don't say that it has to be, the reason for the accident your brother suffered.

Regards and respects to you.

supernaturalservices (86 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-24)
I wanted to give you some quick tips that will cut down on supernatural manifestation drastically.

1. Get a bowl of white vinegar and mix it with sea salt. Let it evaporate in the area where the manifestations are occuring.

2. Burn some sage in the area twice a week. You can youtube how.

3. If there is a direct manifestation right in front of you, you can shine an LED light at it and it will diminish. Also passing things made of Iron through manifestations work well to dispel things.

4. Saying psalm 91 or a protective prayer before bed works for many people.

If you have any more questions feel free to email me at [at]
Argette (guest)
10 years ago (2014-06-24)
Rook makes a good point. And then another one.

As I mentioned in another comment, I've got family members and friends who claim to have seen the Hat Man. I did not know of his existence until two years ago.

Is there any possibility he shows up to make sure you are OK?
supernatural11 (8 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-23)
Wow these events with the hat man is getting crazier! I hope you are able to make it stop, I know you must be frightened by it but I think the hat man may need to go into the light so next time it appears to you try talking to it again, reason with it maybe. I actually have no clue how to stop this hat man but I sure hope you find a way!
Good Luck and I hope your okay

- Supernatural11
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-23)

When this 'hat man' is seen are you in a situation that makes you anxious in any way, shape or form... In this experience you describe yourself as being 'just fine' with your brother borrowing your bike... You seem to be trying to convince, not only us, but yourself you are fine with it... This makes me want to ask you this... What were your emotions during the motocross race... Was there a particular feature that 'bothered' you... Or that you were not comfortable with?

This particular 'shadow' seems to 'enjoy' your... Angziaty (sp?) He may or may not be attached to the locket you mentioned before... Or perhaps that is how it started but 'he' is now somehow attached to you.

Just a few thoughts on what you have shared wih us... One last question... Could (would) your brother make up the story about seeing the 'hat man' so you would not be angry with him... I know he may have seen 'it' once... But could he be fibbing because he trashed your bike and didn't want your anger focused on him? (sorry have to ask that question)

There are ways you can be helped, but knowing how/where/why and with what this started will make it easier to 'deal' with.


Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-23)
Jeezomio, not again! Aren't there -here we call them shahmans- indiginous healers, that could help with this? Sometimes it can help. Sometimes spiritual things can be old, going back to pre-colonial times, and they're stuborn. There's probably a better way to explain it, but some healers specialize in making peace, harmony. Wow this guy is tenacious. Love and light to you.
ArlahAngel (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-23)
Wow that is terrifying. I seen lots of people saying about these 'hat men' but I've never dealt with one. I hope some one here can help you, sorry for not being helpful.

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