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Forewarnings Of Family Members Deaths


Starting in my early twenties, once in awhile a live blood relative would come to me in a dream. They would insist that I take them to either the train, cruise ship, or airport. They would insist that I stay with them until they departed. Within a week to ten days later that person died.

One night when I was sleeping I had a dream, or rather it felt more like an OBE, my grandfather was in the hospital dying and he made me promise I would take care of my grandmother. This night I was in his room and he grabbed my hands and asked me if I remembered my promise. I assured him I had, then I jolted awake and just made a mental note to call my grandmother later. I had to call the hospital and my grandmother was mad at me and told me it wasn't a good time and hung up on me. I knew that day was the day he would die. I got the phone call a few hours later that he died.

One time a very old crotchety woman came to me in a dream. Her accent was rather odd and she was very abrupt so I asked her who she was. She said to me, "Don't you recognize your own grandmother?" I had not seen my paternal grandparents since I was about three. My grandmother had made my grandfather move back to Switzerland, he did not want to go. The reason her accent sounded strange is she grew up in the German speaking section and my grandfather grew up in the French speaking section (Bern to be exact). My father was the first one in his family to be born here, he has an older brother. She died a few days later.

Another night I had a dream that my Uncle George, who is my maternal grandfather's brother, visited me in a dream but didn't speak to me but he has had at least two strokes that I know of. I called my mother the next day and told her to call Aunt Ruth and told her why. My mother got annoyed and told me he was just fine. A week later my mother called me to tell me he died of a massive stroke the night before.

There were a few relatives that did not come to me in a dream. Neither of my parents did, but I was holding my mother's hands when she died. My maternal grandmother didn't come to me either but she was dying from a massive stoke.

Now onto my Uncle Frank, my mother's brother. One night I had a very vivid dream of being at a Rangers Hockey game just before Thanksgiving. I like hockey but I've never been to a Rangers game, only an Islanders game one time. I was confused but also enjoyed the game. I went to get a soda or something and saw my Uncle Frank standing about fifteen feet away from me. He was smiling and had orbs floating around him. The Saturday after Thanksgiving I got a call from my sister asking me if I knew Uncle Frank had died. I called my Aunt a little while later to give my condolences and to find out when the wake would be. She told me they were only having him layed out on Sunday then have the service on Monday. My husband, daughter and I went to the wake on Sunday. I looked at my Uncle and rather than wearing the traditional suit he was layed out wearing a Rangers jacket!

I know this is long but I hope you enjoyed.


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sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-13)
Red, thanks for sharing. But still parting is always sad and difficult even though we know the day we are born, we should die one day or another. Still as Rook said that the people, who came on your dreams may be we sensitve.

Rook, I was moved to hear about Patty. I know the feeling because my wife had abortion and it happened at home. And only we two had the feelings about the loss more than anyone and it was the first pregnancy. So I do understand how you might have felt.

Red, once again, I read today excellent discussions because of your write-up. Got myseld enlightened.

Thanks again.

Regards and respects to all.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-13)

It's hard to say because not 'all' of your relatives have visited with you, pre-death. However I have the thought that those that did may have been sensitive's...and perhaps you were the closest relation to them that was also sensitive... So they managed a 'pre-death projection' of some type.

I would go on to say that your Mother knew you were close, physically close, so that she had no need to project to you... However you may, if possible, ask around the family and see if anyone did have a dream about her before she passed... Someone who could not be there.


RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-13)
Thank you for reading my story. Some times I get stressed because there is no one that I can tell. I have only 1 blood relative elderly aunt left and my children,cousins,siblings then nieces nephews and their children (3 so far). It would get really depressing if I had a dream of someone younger than 75 dieing. Devastating if I had a dream of a sibling or one of their children dieing.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-13)
Your telling us about your daughter Patty brought tears to my eyes. My older sister was pregnant in in late 1987 she wasn't supposed to get pregnant at that time. I got a phone call from my mother saying my sister had lost the baby in November but the twins were fine. In February 1987 I got a call that my sister was in labor at 22 weeks. Both boys one boy died shortly after but the other boy survived longer and as they decided to out him in an incubater and life support he also passed away. Since they were live births they had to be named for the birth and death certificates Brian and Daniel. I had two crosses engraved with their names. When asked if I wanted their birth dates it hit me. I had been strong for my sister and brother in-laws sake that I hadn't dealt with my own grief of their loss and I just started crying and informed them that they didn't make it. So the sales people started crying.

Now I don't know if you read the story that lead to the debate. What is your take on how my relatives came to me in my dreams and then died a week to ten days later.

Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-12)
Rook--I have not been a part of this discussion but I just quickly wanted to write that the story of your stillborn daughter that you used as an example of your theory was both extremely moving and affirming. Thanks for sharing your very personal experience.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-12)
Mack, Red and anyone else who may be following along, here is my take on it...

Let's start with a quote: (from Mack)

"Death, to me, is simply what happens when the soul / spirit exits the body. Without spirit, the body returns to dust. Spirit is the life-force. Matter exists because of spirit."

I agree with this definition of 'death'. It matters not if the body is that of a man, woman or animal and possibly even plants... It is the 'soul/spirit that provides the 'spark of life' that each individual living thing needs so that it is not an empty, lifeless shell, seed... Call the physical form what you will.

Until the 'spirit/soul' enters that seed/shell there is no life... No growth... Example (this may sound a bit religious, I do not think that can be helped...)

My second child, Patty, was stillborn during the 40th week of my wife's pregnancy... We had seen her stretch out her leg just before we went to the hospital because my wife was in labor... However once there the doctors and nurses found she had no heartbeat, because my wife was at full term it was decided that she would still deliver 'naturally'. After completing labor we both were able to hold Patty, to say our goodbyes... I remember, thinking and praying about...WHY? WHY Tease us with a full term pregnancy only for us to have an empty shell?

My wife and I shared a dream two nights later... We saw Patty, not as a child, but as a grown adult, waving at us. She was standing under a tree that was covered in White Fruit and she thanked us for being her parents. That without us 'her' path would have been 'cut' short because she needed a physical body so that her spirit/soul and it could be rejoined 'at the end' and she would join our Family then. My wife and I spoke about this dream and some Church teachings... It boils down to this... She was needed in our lives briefly, very briefly, her spirit/her soul needed a physical body more so that certain teaching of the Church could be fulfilled and her 'spirit/soul' could be rejoined with her 'Perfected' Physical body at the 'End of Time' so that we could become an Eternal Family.

That's about as 'unreligious' as I can explain it. If anyone has questions please feel free to ask them.


Mystic25 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-12)
Redwolf,Thankyou for sharing this I can relate to a degree. While you dream of them, I smell earth around the family member. Like the scent that hits you while digging a hole or after it rains or the notorious smell of a funeral parlor. It's both a blessing and a curse, it helps to mentally prepare for the loss but the fact of not knowing when and not being able to do anything really bites.

I wish you the best
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-12)
Mack, I think we need Rooks help here.
You say that "on some higher consciousness level, when these blood relatives are asleep, and their spirits are free from their bodies,
That are then aware their death is imminent, and at THAT point, they communicate to you"
If,when you say "the person" and you are referring the physical body and personality, I suggest the spirit, which is the vehicle for the soul, (just as the physical body is the vehicle for the spirit) the body simply does not (can not) exist.

I say that the soul is the vehicle for the spirit, and the physical body is the vehicle for the soul. A body can not exist with out a soul, but in sleep or meditation the spirit is free to roam.

Rook may disagree with both of us, but as a psychic/medium with a few other gifts I have to be getting this information from somewhere or someone.

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-11)
Hi Red

It's interesting that you say: "But the way I look at it is the person may not know they were going to die but their soul/spirit did."

In my humble opinion, (and I'm not trying to be argumentative - just putting another viewpoint forward 😊) the soul/spirit IS the person.

If, when you say "the person" and you are referring to the physical body and personality, I suggest that without the spirit, which is the vehicle for the soul (just as the physical body is the vehicle for the spirit), the the body simply does not (can not) exist.

Death, to me, is simply what happens when the soul / spirit exits the body. Without spirit, the body returns to dust. Spirit is the life-force. Matter exists because of spirit.

So I respectfully disagree that a "person" wouldn't know but they were going to die but their spirit / soul would, as I contend they are one and the same thing.

One possibility is that on some higher consciousness level, maybe when these blood relatives are asleep, and their spirits are free from their bodies, that are then aware that their death is imminent and at THAT point, they communicate to you.

And sorry to hear about your sister, she appears to be very unhappy.


DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-11)
Red, thank you for writing the clarifications. Very interesting.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-11)
What you said is something to think about. But the way I look at it is the person may not know they were going to die but their soul/spirit did. I did not know until I spoke to my sister about a week after my uncle Franks wake that he had lung cancer I thought a stroke had taken him. Ours isn't a warm and fuzzy family, never really were.
As far as my sister being flirty with my son (eww,trying to wash my brain of that thought, again ewww) no she hasn't. She might try but he doesn't visit any of my family and she wouldn't dare come to my house without apologizing to my daughter for threatening to beat her up. This is a woman who had her ex-husband withdraw his parental rights because she thought she was going to move to Scotland and move in with a guy with the same last name as her ex... Now she is living at my sisters
House with her 2 kids in 1 bedroom.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-11)

Please re-read the story. I only had dreams about blood relatives that I DID NOT KNOW were going to die. The only exception was one night I found myself in my grandfathers hospital room, more like an O.B.E.,because he wanted to make sure I would keep my promise to take care of my grandmother as I told him I would a few days before.
My grandmother with the funny accent I had not seen since I was 3 came to me in a dream and less than a week later I answered the phone, it was the nursing home my fathers brother stuck her in to let us know she had died. My uncle George had a few minor strokes awhile before but was as healthy as a man near 90 could be. He died of a major stroke the week after I had a dream. My maternal grandmother did not die suddenly from a stroke. She was in the hospital for at least a week and her Doctor discharged her to home under my mother and aunts care, he came by every evening to check on her, she hung on for 2 more weeks. So you see Dan nobody I didn't dream of people I knew was going to die. My parents didn't come to me in a dream because they had cancer and were going to die and I knew that. My father died in the middle of the night and I held my mothers handsfor hours before she died on Mothers Day. To my recollection no spouses came to me in dreams just blood relatives.

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-11)
Hi Red. If the people who appeared to you were terminally ill and they knew they were going to die, then I could see the connection and the knowing and the passing on of this information to you.
However, if these people died unexpectedly then it seems odd that they would be aware of their imminent passing.
More likely they don't know but you somehow do.
I once dreamed a close family member died, but I couldn't quite see his face; when I awoke I knew he had passed but wasn't sure as there were two people it could have been.
When I returned from holiday a couple of days later, I was informed that in fact one of these gentlemen had passed away.

Now your sister... Two years ago she said your son was "hot". She sounds like real cougar! Has been flirty since then?


RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-11)
So far all I have had dreams about are blood relatives, not their spouses. Weird huh? It's as if their spirits are letting me know they are ready to leave the body they inhabit. I am never distressed because it's all very quiet, almost etheral.

I tried to tell my mother once by telling her to call to find out how my uncle George was because I had a dream he was going to die. She got annoyed with me and said he was fine. About a week later he died.

I didn't tell anyone else because most of my family doesn't believe in anything supernatural. Only my youngest sister does and she is so messed up in the head it's ridiculous. About 2 years ago she told my older son he's "hot" who says that to a nephew?
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-10)
Red, thanks for the interesting story. I do have a few things I wonder about though. First, your dreams involving a family member that died seem to all involve someone that you knew was sick. The family member didn't die immediately, just some time later? I have to wonder if the dreams aren't your mind's way of sorting out what you know is the inevitable.

For example, you mentioned a grandmother that you did not have a dream about before her death, and she died suddenly, from a stroke.

I'm of the opinion that a premonition is more readily called so when it truly does come out of the blue. Otherwise it seems difficult to discern what our minds are doing with our known inputs from that which really is a leap of knowledge.

Also, have you had dreams of relatives before that were just dreams? How many of those have you had? If is greater than four, the odds now put these in the realm of normal probability.

Just my opinion, but very interesting reading nonetheless.


spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-10)
To have dreams/visitations of your family members coming to you before they pass, would be hard on anyone I would think. Maybe it is a way of giving you time to prepare yourself, or others to prepare for their loved ones passing.

Have you noticed any syncronicities, that come along after you have your dreams?

And awesome validation from your uncle!

Thank you for sharing
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-10)
Hello, Redwolf This was quite an interesting read... I never had any kind of this experience but it is really freaky to get premonition of death of your relative...
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-10)
Thank you for reading my story. The smoking is coming along slowly. It would go better if my daughter would quit too, but she grubs them off of me or my son.

As for my dreams. Hmm. When I first started to get them and the person died I thought it was concidence. But then I realized that it couldn't be, it was just too bizarre. I couldn't tell anyone because they would think I was nuts or making it up. Who would make something like that up?

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-10)
So you sort of know what I am talking about, or rather your mother does. But it still doesn't take the sting out of losing someone really close to you.
sweetsunshine1800 (4 stories) (85 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-09)
Hello RedWolf,

First of all, I really enjoyed the story although it's a sad one and I really feel bad for you, because you have to deal with the warnings of your relative's deaths, must be really stressing for you and depressing too, anyways stay blessed always 😊

Best wishes and,
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-09)
Hi Red. Thanks for sharing. Very interesting. It must be somewhat distressing for you when you dream of loved ones - not knowing whether they are going to pass away or not?

How do you reconcile these dreams of friends, relatives, family, loved ones etc with your waking life? Have you shared the fact you can these prophetic dreams with family? Does anyone else know about it? If so, do they nervously ask whether you've dreamed of them recently? 😉


Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-09)
OMW Red, goosebumps time!

When you were having these dreams, did you know they were premonitions? I mean, when you first started having them.

I'm not sure I should like to have dreams like this, it would scare the crap out of me.

Thanks for sharing Red. BTW, how is the smoking going? 😉
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-09)
First of all thank you for reading my story. Secondly I would rather have notifications of babies over death any day. I did have at least two notifications of babies. But these two stand out in my mind. The first was shortly after I found out I was pregnant with my first child, my daughter. I had a dream about two babies but I knew one wasn't mine. My sister in-law (brothers wife) was pregnant too. In fact they were born the same day, my nephew is 7 hours older than my daughter.

The next time was I had a dream about my friends daughter. I had a dream she was pregnant. They were my neighbors until they moved to Pa... I told my friend about having a dream about her daughter having a second child. My friend said her daughter wasn't even thinking about a baby. A month later my friend called me and told me her daughter was 6 weeks pregnant. 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-03-08)
geetha - welcome back! It's been too long, so good to see your face ❤
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-08)
I haven't been here in awhile but I always like your stories. I have had my maternal grandmother come to me several times to relay messages to me. But whenever she appears to my mother, she usually has someone that we know, beside her. Within hours to about two weeks later, we would find out that they passed away. Like Miracles said, I don't think I could handle it well knowing that the people that come into my dreams are going to pass away.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-03-08)
Red - I've often wondered why different people get different warnings/notices. I get divorces and babies, among other things LOL You get deaths. Not to be rude, but I'd really rather have the babies, and even divorces.

After the first couple warnings came true, I would be so leery of sleep, which would probably turn to aggravation because I couldn't do anything about it. But, like has been said before, I don't believe we are given these premonitions to do anything about them. I think they are just to prepare us. And, eventually, those who believe in us.

Thanks for sharing this. I really enjoyed reading it, even though the subject matter is kind of sad ❤

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