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Strange Figure Of Animal/creature


This sighting took place not too long ago. From memory it was a Thursday night at around 11pm - 12am (nz time) So let's begin with what happen before the sighting took place. Me and my mate, who is 3 years younger than me, were walking around the town playing Pokemon go (yes at night as there less people around). We have done this many times before and have walked through the location many times before with no encounters happening as other times we have been through at 12am - 2am (roughly).So this time it happened on Thursday can't remember the date or month but to get rough range (end of October - early November 2016) me and my mate were battling the gym as normal. Once we took it we decided to walk to the stop banks at the end of the school grounds, which are roughly 30 meters from where we were battling.

Now other times we did this nothing happened at all but when we got to the new fence that's there (which is at bottom of the stop bank), we stopped to open it. Before I opened the fence I saw something ran out of the sliding door to the classroom and through the fence which is steel and has a small gaps in it. About 5 seconds later the school burglar alarm went off. Which spooked me and my mate out as we were the only ones there and the gate isn't alarmed either as we have opened it many times before. As we got to the top of the stop banks I told my mate what I saw which was a small creature like ghost (white see through well not all the way through as you can see thickness of white. Kind of like a cat size closer to a small possum.) Weird thing is my mate told me he saw a big body like structure of a large dog running and jumping over the chest height gate/fence (the measurement from the door to top of stopbank is impossible).

Once we got to the top we looked towards the road and the creature had already made it to the end. To me it took faster than any normal animal in NZ. My mate said the creature made it to the end (100-150 meters) in four steps/leaps. So me and my mate chose to run down the other direction on the stop bank into the dark which is 200-300 meters worth until we hit a street again as we didn't want to go back through the school which is 148 years old. And the alarms were still going off. The history of the classrooms is that they are new ones (roughly 10 years old), I will never forget that night at all and I'll never forget that thing I saw still locked in my head. It wouldn't be anyone else either as there was no signs of break ins or broken windows or forced entries as these classrooms are well high tech in security firmware with cameras both outside and inside the rooms/hallways.

If anyone had a similar experience or knows what I saw or needs more information feel free to reply or add comment.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sheld999, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-13)
Sheld999, Well yes, spirits do interact with electro-devices no matter if it was an alarm, motion sensor or whatever, they are not just a mist of air with nothing, some people believe that spirits are charged with energies when they are seen.

E. Lynx
sheld999 (14 stories) (74 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-13)
Roylynx thanks but I'm puzzled why it set off the alarm for. Maybe motion sensor picked it up as it left the room. Still puzzled by it and am also curious
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-12)
Indeed, might be spirits of any creatures that was once there, you know animals have spirits too. There is a belief I think in Japan (again, sorry) that animal spirits like when they were still alive make tracks for their everyday living, it's call Kemono-michi, the pathway for beasts. If an animal died unexpectedly, their spirit will stay and appear on the Kemono-michi. No matter if there will be a buildings, the spirit will do their everyday routine on the track.

I don't know if it's a good example, my cat will go to the same spot every day to sun bath lol

Hope that can give you a hint on what you have saw. Cheers!

sheld999 (14 stories) (74 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-12)
roylynx another thing could be related is the river that's 10meters from the classrooms (over stopbank) which is very close to the school boundary line) not sure of any records of death or anything in the river tho _ hope that helps
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-11)
Greetings, Sheld.

Tweed listed a few games, and Augusta mentioned "afterimages" in the eye. While I don't disagree that you and your friend saw something and each interpreted that image/entity a little differently, I would caution you that it is not only the eye which can be affected by immersive-environment games. Back in the summer of '93, or thereabouts, I was walking home from my best friend's girlfriend's house around 5:30-6 a.m. My friend and I had spent about 9 hours playing Myst in his girlfriend's living room (she, quite sensibly, had gone to bed about 30 minutes into the gaming session). As I was walking home in the sunrise, roughly 1 or 1.25 miles, I could see the the damned Planetarium behind the young trees to my left. I knew that these trees were on the boundary line of a farm, and that I could see none of the farm buildings -as they were on the other side of the hill- but if I stared straight ahead, the Planetarium appeared in the peripheral vision of my left eye. The point here is that the computer image had lodged itself into my brain as a fixed point of reference for navigating my way around Myst island, so I continued to see it as I headed home.

Now... Help me. I'm... Bring me... Blue pages to... Forever and ever... Blue pages... I must have the blue pages... Bring them to me, please."

roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-08)
Sorry typo... can think of many more reason like such but for considering...
Not "but for" I was going to say "before" considering...

roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-08)
Sheld999, now it made sense when you said that before the building was build it was an old playground and that there are stray cats and dogs around. There is a belief that spirits sticks to the land and not the building itself. There could be strong thoughts of animals living there or it could even be a home of some kind of animal there too. Possibility is not zero, so you can think of many more reason like such but for considering, spiritual encounters won't have a proper answer.

sheld999 (14 stories) (74 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-07)
Hi tweed yeah I think the reason its animal like is there has been tones of stray cats living at the school and used to be 2 stray/local dogs hanging around the school property/ surrounding area so could been from them but doesn't explain why it came out of a new building (15 years old) as before it was built it was a old playground
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-07)

I'm sure you're aware of mist type figures, these are usually the shape of people. However, yours was an animal, no reason why an animal can't appear as a white mist I guess.

The fact your mate saw a larger animal than you did reminded me of an odd encounter about a white dog. The person described something which happened to her husband. What's unusual in this is the size of the dog altered as it moved. Here it is, not sure if it applies your to experience or not, but I was reminded of this:
sheld999 (14 stories) (74 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-07)
hi augusta the area was kind of light due to the moon and the light and by the time I was looking up my eyes are already adjusted. But thanks for your comment tho =)
sheld999 (14 stories) (74 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-06)
Roylynx only history of school is that its well over 145years old but only been on the current site for 120. Not sure of any deaths at the school might try to find some info.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-06)
I don't want to sound dismissive but, given that you were out and about in the dark, looking at your cell phone screens, what you saw could have simply been a normal negative afterimage generated by the photoreceptors in your eyes attempting to readjust to the darkness after exposure to your bright cell phone screen. These images can appear to be different colors, white or shadows - they can take on shapes based on the shape of the light source or bright objects on the screen and they can appear to move as your eyes move.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-06)
Hmm... Did a little research, no actually remembered something from some old reports describing a species of spider called the Skull Spider, they tempt to look like a human skull and some people are spooked by its appearance.

Also spiders can travel through air depending on their body weight, the skull spider are one of those species with rather light body weight. Talking about the misty foggy look, in darkness human eyes are not really accurate at all; blurriness sometime confuses us, bring a torch or and LED light next time. Shining glowing sights might just be reflexes of the patterns on the spider or any creatures around, conclusion just from my questions, done lol

OK, noow reading other comments too, there is a possibility that you might be encountering a shape shifter, they usually mimic objects or sometimes even human. Yes they can zoom around and reappear in different locations as some reports have said. Do you know of any history of dead men around your school's location?

Blessing from São Paulo
sheld999 (14 stories) (74 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-06)
Hi tweed

Was off the screen as we were both looing away from phones as we not looking all the time on screen.

It just happened so fast I was looking in the direction waiting for my mate who was few steps behind me. As I was looking away from him I saw it from corner of eye and as I turned that's when I saw whole thing

Thinking about it still gives me hives. Like my memory plays it in slow motion.

Its like on those ghost hunting shows thry sometimes witness a fast movment of a orb or white mist/fog like object going fast pass the screen.

I was last there sunday (4th decemeber) nothing happened but I do get the being watch vibe from that particular area tho
sheld999 (14 stories) (74 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-06)
Hi roylynx

No bats here in my part of the country. There was no lights on the closest light was a head lamp.

No footprints on the area (tiles and small patch of grass and dirt) or the shingle on the stop bank.

To give a more description it was close to my shining glowing sighting but wasn't as much glowing more of misty/fog white but in a shape of something that me and my friend witness
sheld999 (14 stories) (74 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-06)
Hi there no alarm on gate as we used it many times after.

Police werent there as here in my area security companies go and turn it off.

Unlikely for school to show me footage sorry
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-06)
Pokemon is so, so, so, so, sooo lame. Mafia, Hitman, Max Payne, HL, Portal, now there's some games. Freakin oldschool.

Sheld, I must ask, did this creature appear on the screen, or in the environment, like off screen, or both? Pokemon players have a habit of getting in the way out in public because they have little concept of what's going on around them, apart from what's on the screen. If you and your mate are anything like the the wackos I've encountered, only noticing what's on the screen, maybe this creature you both encountered was a graphics glitch.

If not, and you both saw it in the *real* environment, nice one, and congrats on looking up from the screen! 😜

As a side note a most intriguing discussion took place recently on your Glowing Figure encounter. Woot.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-05)
As lady-glow said, there is very little information in this story. I don't know if this is the situation but sometime when flying creatures fly through in dim lights we see illusions. Is there any chance that it could be some kind of bat? I know of some reports explaining how people mistaken fox bats as UMA or zooming spirits.

Since the observation of two of you in the story is very different from each other is hard for us to imagine how the "ghost" looked like. Oh, were there foot prints just in case it was not flying?

Best luck from São Paulo
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-05)
Is there a chance for you to check (ask about, watch) the security video for that night?
Would it be possible that they decided to install an alarm on the school's gate too?
Do you know if the police filed any report over the alarm going off that night at the school?

There's not enough information in your story as to know what you saw, specially since your friend saw something different.

Thanks for sharing.

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