This story took place when I was 5-6 years old. It was weekend and summer, I was outside playing with a friend of mine (who I no longer talk to). The day was quiet and still. Warmish breeze. I was outside with mate playing then I stopped for some reason. I then went to the gate by the footpath. To what got my attention was a Jaguar, a big black animal like cat (way too big for a house cat) sitting on a triangular traffic island looking left to right with its long tail wagging in happiness. Behind the cat is the graveyard. My friend at the time was saying do you see that it's massive. It was strange seeing it so being young and silly, I choose to say Woof Woof at it, Which then got its attention. When it looked into my direction it started to leap towards me and my friend.
When I noticed it leaping towards my path I automatically fled down to the side door and hid in the tent. My mate soon followed after and came into the tent by the side door and said its getting closer. After that I don't got much memory of what happened afterwards. But it wasn't the last I seen of it for a few weeks I was getting nightmares of a black cat trying to drown me in a water drain and I'm screaming and people beside me not listening. The bad dreams ended after a month or two. Shortly after in the newspaper there were reports of people in same town seeing the large cat walking or being in their paddocks. From memory it even hit the news media on late night. Not sure if they both connected or not.
So has anyone experience Phantom encounters or close to it?