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Normal Sp? Or Something Paranormal?


This one is not about my experience, but about my husbands. I hope that I can get some input about what exactly is happening to him.

I want to start by adding a few thing's, that might help out some.

1) My husband has had SP since he was in high school. He's 29 now.

2) When I was a child, before I moved into my brothers old room, I stayed in my original room. I would have a lot of "things" happen to me in there. Things that I couldn't make sense of. (I'm not going to get into the details of my experiences in this room, because I want to use those for another submission).

But I will say this much, since I feel it may help out on what could be happening to my husband. I use to sleep walk when I stayed in that room. But never did again, after moving out of that room. Meaning, I'm not one to sleep walk. I had at most, 5 episodes of that happening in that room. Which would leave me waking up confused, and unable to exit my room, or turn the lights on. (Again, details more on that, for another submission)

Now like I said, my husband has had SP since he was in High school. We've been together for almost 5 years, so I've learned when he is having a SP moment, and know to wake him out of it.

He use to have them maybe twice a month. Keyword, maybe. But since we've had to move back into my childhood home, and back into the room I previously mentioned, he started to get them more often. I'd say what use to be about twice a month, has now become every other night.

Now I'm aware of what SP is, and why people get it (for the most part), but I also believe that not all the ones my husband has, is just a dream. They're different then what he's use to, and has started to take a more sinister turn.

His first one he had here, not long after moving in, he saw what looked like a dark shadow figure, walk into our room, and stand at the end of the bed, and watch him. Which like I said before, I know when he is having a SP moment, and woke him out of it. After telling me about what he had saw, he couldn't shake the feeling that it was still standing at the foot of the bed.

He was really freaked out about that one, since it wasn't like any other one he has had. I will mention that he's had plenty of SP where he's felt held down, and even choked. As well as other typical SP, but he couldn't stop thinking about how different this one felt, and had trouble going back to sleep after it. Which normally he has no problem with going back to sleep after having SP, but this is one of the reasons why I feel this may be different.

He's had others where he saw shadow figures, on our bedroom walls. There's been a good bit of those. Which he has said to have seen this happen while awake too. But would write it off.

He has said that he feels like they're taunting him in a way. The most recent one he has had, he says was the worst so far, and why I have come to believe that there might be more to this, than just SP.

The other night, he was asleep, and I was almost asleep, when I heard him having another SP, so I woke him up. He was very freaked out about this one. I asked him what was wrong, and he said that it felt so real. That he could see me laying next to him, watching TV, and could even see, and hear what I was watching. (I was laying next to him, and was watching what he saw, and heard, as I was trying to go to sleep).

Then he said that I started talking to him, sexually, (obviously I'm not going to go into details of this part) and was about to have relations (hope that's more of an appropriate word), as I go into kiss him (still apart of his "dream"), I change into a dark shadowy figure. He couldn't make out the face, because it looked like a dark shadow, laying where I was just at, staring at him.

Before anything else happened, that's when he said I woke him up. This one had him even more freaked out then the other one. And again, he was unable to go back to sleep.

Like I said, these aren't the ones he's use to having before.

He does believe in the paranormal like me, as well as being very interested in that subject. But he's also a rational person, that will try to think logically about what he's seen, and what it could be, before he calls it paranormal.

I'm just starting to wonder if this really is more then just SP, and how to stop it. It's never been this bad, or like this, until we moved into my childhood home/room. If anyone knows what could possibly be happening, I'd really appreciate your thought's. Also, I'm aware that you're not able to stop SP from happening, but I don't believe that's what this is. He's been able to deal, and even was use to SP, but this feels different.

Also, not sure what this could mean, but since this has been happening more often (about a year fyi), he's felt angry a lot, and short tempered, mostly at work, but I can see a change at home as well. This is not his usual behavior.

Hopefully I was able to explain all of this, to where it makes since. I just hope someone knows what's happening, and can help out on stopping this. Thank you for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Twilight1011, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-23)
Darkstar, I apologize for not getting back to you until now, I read your comment on the day my one I thought I submitted on here, disappeared (now I'm just sure I never hit submit lol) and got very annoyed, making me forget to write you back. As for your theory on the noise we heard, I'd like to say that I'm not implying that it was definitely something supernatural, as I know living out in the middle of the woods, especially at night time, that we're going to hear a lot of weird animal noises. Just the other week, I heard what sounded like something making a weird screaming noise in our backyard, and looked up on what animals make that kind of noise, to find out it was a deer. But the noise we heard wasn't a loud noise. At that time, we had to strain our ears just to try and hear what it was, and where exactly it was coming from. Our daughter telling us to hurry and run didn't help us on trying to get a good listen on what that noise was lol so I highly doubt it was the owl you mentioned. Although I'm aware owls can make low noises as well. I hate I can't really describe the noise we heard, better than comparing it to those weird alien like noises we've heard in movies. A few nights after that night, I heard that noise again in our front yard, by my moms vehicle. It doesn't seem to be coming from a tree though. My husband has heard it again too. I'm sure it most likely is some animal or even insect that is the corporate, but not knowing what it is, and being outside at night hearing it, makes it hard for your mind not to think scary thoughts lol
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-23)
Hello Twighkight1011,

You've got so much more to tell, I can wait to read all about it. I've just been reading 3 of Havens posts. I really enjoyed them too.

Your kids are very gifted. It's great that they aren't scared. 😨

I'm going to go through your other posts and start reading them. I'm still looking forward to reading about your dear Mamaw and memory lane. I will keep an eye out for those posts.

😘 ❤ 😘
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-22)
SWS, thank you, and yes she's my little baby, but lord does she have my attitude lol we call her a sour patch kid, like the commercials for the candy 😁 I forgot to write this in my rewritten comment, and had written it in my first one I lost, but when my oldest son was my daughters age, he too would speak about seeing ghost around him. One of my submissions I wrote on here, called "living with a light house", had a few experiences from my oldest son. He eventually grew out of seeing them luckily, and as for my middle son, he never said anything about seeing anything, so as far as I know, he didn't see ghost. So my husband and I wondered if our daughter would be able to see them, and after the other night, we believe she can. Hopefully she'll grow out of seeing them like my oldest son did, because I know it can be scary to constantly see ghost around you. Just feeling them around me is scary enough, I couldn't handle having to see them too. As for the karma points, I don't see the one's I gave you taken away 😕 or any of mine that I can notice. I remember after a certain point, I was unable to give you anymore, are you sure you're not mixing those up? Oh and also, I brought up the little boy ghost that I'll soon post on here that was at our place on memory lane, to my oldest son, asking if he remembers anything about him, because as a child, he would complain to me how the ghost boy would wake him up in the night, wanting to play, and my son not scared over it, but just tired and wanting to go to sleep, would tell me to get him to leave him alone. Well he told me that all he remembers about the little boy now, was that he had dark black hair. I was shocked that he remembers that, and thought it was weird because I suspected this to be a Mexican child for some reason. I don't remember why I thought that, but when he told me the little boys hair color, it made me remember thinking that. I really need to finish writing that experience, so I can finally post it on here. Come to think of it, I want to say that when I had my friend come over that I said was a light house to spirits, I'm pretty sure she's the one that told me the little boy was Spanish.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-22)
Hello Twighlight,

Your daughter sounds adorable and really gifted. They say kids are more sensitive when it comes to seeing entities.

I hope she's okay and it doesn't affect her sleep. Because she's so young, hopefully She'll forget all about it, unless of course as an adult she maintains her ability to see spirit's.

Have you noticed the karma points I've given you and that you've given me have disappeared? Very strange. The troll is back.

Hello Melda,

Thank you for that.

😘 ❤ 😘
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-22)
Melda, that's what I'm starting to think happened. Which is why I feel crazy lol I remember editing it, and could have swore I submitted it, but now I wonder if I did just hit edit, and thought I was finished, not realizing I didn't actually submit it. I swear I feel like my mind plays games with me lol having 3 kid's will constantly make you second guess yourself unfortunately.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-22)
Well let me try this again. SWS, I wrote you saying how the other night I was playing outside in our backyard with my 3 year old daughter. It was almost dark, and she walks over to a small tree that had fell on the edge of our woods, that she likes to bounce on lol (she's very creative in what she finds to play on), and as I was standing beside her, I got a weird feeling that something was watching us, not far from where we were. I just ignored my feeling, and then my daughter stops and points over to where I felt something watching us, and said "ghost". I freaked out a little, asking if she sees something, and she gets off the tree, and runs to my side, still looking in the same spot, saying there's a ghost. I told her to tell it to go away, so she did, and we walk to the middle of the back yard, and I tried to get her to play with me some more, but she kept looking over to that spot, saying "ghost", and to run. With me freaking out on that, I grab the ball we were playing with, and say let's go to the front yard. As we're playing in the front yard, I got that feeling again, and looked over to the area we walk to and from the back yard, and felt something watching us again. I just ignored it again, until my daughter comes running up to me, looking at the same area, saying "ghost" again. She asked "mommy do you see the ghost"? I asked her if she saw it, and she said "yes". I'd like to add, no she didn't see me looking over to that area, because she was doing something with her back turned to me when I quickly looked over there for a few seconds, then looked back over to her, when she looks over there, and runs to my side again. She kept looking at the same area, saying she sees a ghost, so I told her to tell it to go away, this is my house, and she said it a few times. Then she said the ghost went bye-bye. We go inside, and I tell my husband what happened, and he goes outside with our daughter, as she's telling him that the ghost went bye-bye. I told him that it was so creepy for me to have been feeling something watching us, and for her to say she sees a ghost. At least with me, I can just tell myself that my feelings is getting the best of me, and that nothing is really there, but when your daughter tells you she sees something in the exact same spot you felt something, it makes it harder to ignore. Later that night, when we were cuddling in bed, my daughter tells me something about a ghost in a tree. I didn't know if she was trying to say that the one outside was in a tree when she saw it, or if she was just rambling. But it was still creepy to hear.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-22)
Twilight and SWS - Sorry to interrupt. I have on a few occasions thought that I've pressed "publish" when in fact I've pressed "edit" erroneously. This is more than likely what happened to your comment Twilight. Frustrating, I know.

Regards, Melda
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-22)
SWS, no that's not the comment I'm talking about. I know I posted it to this story of mine, and feel crazy that I can't figure out what happened to it. I was telling you an update on the "thing" outside. My 3 year old daughter had a freaky experience the other night outside, and I wrote you about it, but it's not here. I just hate that I wrote all about it, and now it's gone.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-21)
Hello Twighlight,

I think the comment you're talking about is on my thread, ' I'm back... Steven the ghost'.

I'm not sure if that's the comment you're referring to, but I replied to it. 😘

Finally I can 'up vote' you again without getting that message ' vote for someone else'. Lol 😊

😘 ❤
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-21)
I am at a lost here 😲 I wrote a comment on here, just a few hours ago, updating SWS on what I told her, and for some reason, it is NOT here 😠 now I'm feeling crazy on where it went, and what happened with it, as I know I sent it in. So I don't believe that I didn't hit the submit button. Can anyone answer to what may have happened to my comment on here, as it was a pretty long one I wrote, and rather not have to rewrite it again, especially if it's being deleted for some reason.
DarkStar (1 stories) (25 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-21)
Hi, Twilight...

I've included a link to something that I think may be a candidate for the critter that made the strange sound you described.


As I somewhat seem to recall, the Alien made a sound something like what the Burrowing Owl makes when it is alarmed, which is an unearthly-sounding hiss. And apparently Burrowing Owls can be found in North Carolina, so it's not impossible that you may have heard one or more in the woods near your home.

It is a really jarring sound to come from such a cute, funny-looking little bird (those long legs are just ridiculous!). Some of the weirdest sounds come from the smallest, least-obvious critters.

Please let me know if this sounds close to what you heard. I have a couple of other possibilities that I could run by you if this one isn't it.

Best regards,

Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-20)
Sorry Twighlight,

I just realised I put a reply for curious Dee on your thread instead of mine. Lol. Silly me 😊

I will copy and paste it back to my thread.

Once again my apologies.
😘 ❤ 😘
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-20)
Hello Curious Dee,

Good to see you again.

About Steven, I don't get scared of him, just the situation.

I do the ritual all over the house with the insence and sage and sweeping dirt outside, leaving all the windows and doors open etc, but the last bit you have to light a candle in the center of the room and chant and create a shield of white light around you. I did that in the lounge room and now I do it in the bedroom.

The hag hasn't returned so the ritual is working at keeping her away thank goodness.

I bought a gold cross and necklace. I took it to church and dipped it in holly water and put it around my neck immediately after dipping it.

I've put sage on all the window ledges and salt on doors inside and outside.

Spirits are attracted to me.😨 I have to learn to live with it. I also need to encourage Steven to go to the light. I think he's lost and very lonely.

I will keep you posted.

😘 ❤ 😘
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-20)
Hello Twighlight,

I appreciate you wanting to give me a karma point. Thank you. It's the thought that counts. 😘

I know it must be hard for you without you Mamaw. I'm sorry you feel sad. Try and remember all the good times and talk to your children about them so that they don't forget her.

It's very sad the holidays isn't bringing together the entire family. You have your beautiful children and husband and the holidays can be just as much a celebration without your extended family. They'll come around soon enough hopefully.

I enjoy talking to my new friends here on YGS too and like you said, we can make friends all over the world which is awesome. I'm really happy that you are one of those friends.

Take care and try and get your Mamaw post submitted. I can't wait to read it.

😘 ❤ 😘
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-20)
SWS, thank you, I still miss her, and trying to adjust to life without her, hasn't been easy. My family (specifically my Mamaws kids/my aunts) has only pushed each other away even more since she past. She was the glue to our family, and the reason why they would bother getting all together for the holiday's, but now they refuse to have anything to do with one another. So having to explain to my kids, why our holiday's are no longer the same, isn't easy. But I've tried to just wing it, and write on here one of my stories, and ended up having to back out of it, because I felt so scattered with it. Writing in the small area on here, makes it harder for me to see what all I've written, and having to constantly scroll around to see what I've said, or if I'm still on topic etc, I just couldn't finish it. I feel better to be able to just write it all down first. I wanted to say that apparently I've reached my limits on giving karma points to you now, as the last time I tried to give you one, it told me to vote for someone else. But I wanted you to know that I enjoy our chats 😊 I don't think I've ever talked to anyone from Australia before, so I love that I found someone from there, that I can talk to. It's awesome how you're able to talk to people all over the world on here ❤
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-19)
Hello Twighlight,

I'm sorry to hear you lost your Mamaw. It's very sad when someone special leaves us. I look forward to reading your post on your Mamaw and Memory lane.

I think you write really well and you don't need to put it on paper first. I understand it's a way to make sure you don't forget any details. I never use paper anymore. I use my tablet or phone for everything. It's so much easier.

I can't wait to read your post. I will look out for them.

In the mean time, I hope you have an enjoyable evening. (its morning here in Australia) Time for a cappuccino.

😘 ❤ 😘
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-19)
SWS, I'm glad you enjoyed hearing about it 😊 I have a few stories that I keep meaning to put on here, but I've never been one that can tell a short story. Meaning when I tell people about my experience, I end up writing a book by the time I'm done lol. So with it taking me so long to write what all I want to tell, I end up pushing it off, because I have to many things to do around here, and having 3 very active kids, it's even harder for me to make the time I need to write it all down. Plus, before I submit my experiences on here, I like to write it all down on paper first, so I'm able to go over what all I'm writing, and make sure that I'm not leaving anything out, or if I'm going too off topic, as I tend to do a lot. My ocd doesn't help either lol. I do plan to tell my experience about the thing in our woods though, but before I do, I really wanted to write my experience about my Mamaw that I had last year, after she passed away in June of 2017. But I don't want to submit that experience until I'm able to write it the way I feel it should be told, because she was very special to me, and my writing skills aren't really that great, so I'm being extra hard on myself to make sure that I give her story my best. I want others to be able to read it, and be able to feel just how special she truly was to me. It was an awesome experience of her, but unfortunately, it was one that my husband experienced mostly, so it's from what all he told me about it. I have recently started writing down one of my old experiences I had when I stayed on a street called Memory lane. I still need to finish it, and go over it making sure I'm not leaving out anything, so hopefully I'll be able to submit that one next month. I've titled it "Memory lane", if you would like to read it when I finally submit it. Seeing how I haven't submitted anything since 2016 I think, I'm due for another one. As for the "thing" in our woods, at least it's not something that's an every night thing for us. If I had to go through that on a nightly basis, I would be scared all the time, and most likely would just avoid even going out there at night. Which whenever I do feel something outside, I generally try not to stay out that long, or go back out that much (unfortunately I'm a smoker, so that's why I go outside so much). Recently I've wondered if what I feel outside isn't somehow connected with certain moon cycles. With me not feeling it every night, I have a theory that at certain moon cycles, is when I think it's more active. I'm not sure if I'm right on that theory, as I've just thought about it this past month, so I'm trying to see if that's when I'm feeling it most. Keep me updated on how your cleansing is going with Steve, as I hope your new change in it helps.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-19)
Hello Twighlight,

I've really enjoyed reading your reply and finding out more about the 'thing' in the woods. I would be beside myself in fear. I don't know how you and your husband manage.

I think your right, your father and brother are looking over you.

Have you thought about submitting another post about this 'thing'? Its such an interesting situation.

About Steven, I don't get scared of him, just the situation. I do the ritual all over the house with the insence and sage etc, but the last bit you have to light a candle in the center of the room and chant and create a shield of white light around you. I did that in the lounge room and now I do it in the bedroom.

I'm really sensitive to entities. I have been from a very young age. I'm just glad the scary hag hasn't returned. The ritual is working on keeping her away.

Once again, I've really enjoyed reading about your experiences with the 'thing' in the woods. I'd love to see a post soon. Others will enjoy it too.

😘 ❤ 😘
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-19)
SWS, fortunately where we live, bears aren't one of our worries about being in the woods. I would hate to live somewhere that I had to worry about coming outside, and seeing a bear in my yard 😨 our main wild animal problem around our place, is coyotes. We hear them almost on a nightly basis. But luckily they don't cause us any problems. As for the weird noise my husband and I heard, the best I can describe it, and this really freaks me out in its comparison, is that weird noise that aliens make in those alien vs predator movies. It's such an odd noise to hear, and we've only heard it a few times now. I've been wondering if I'm sensitive to a certain point with spirits, because of how I can feel where I feel I'm being watched at, all the way down to knowing if it's moving, and getting closer to me. The worst is feeling something come right up on your back, whenever I get freaked out, and try to hurry up and get near my husband. But I'm fine with feeling this though. I would hate if I was actually able to see whatever I feel. You can't make those kind of images go away, once you've seen it. Just from what I see on horror movies, is enough to unnerve me, so I don't need to see them in real life. Ever since I could remember when I was very little, I've always been able to feel whatever was around me. I know where it's standing, and one experience from the submission I wrote called "Living with a light house", I was taking a shower in that house, and could feel something peep it's head through the shower curtains at me. It freaked me out to take showers there. No matter what time of day I took a shower, I always felt watched. I'd hate to know what all I feel watching me, actually looks like. I'm glad that at least Steve isn't bothering you like he was. When you do your cleansing method, do you not go through all your rooms in your home? I thought that's how you're supposed to do it, but not sure if I'm correct. Hopefully you'll be able to get rid of him again soon. As for the hag, I'm glad you still no longer see her. I think I would be constantly afraid if I saw something like that. I know I've read how scientifically speaking, people claim that seeing the old hag is just a state of sleep paralysis, but I can't help but think that in some cases, that's not always true. I get not jumping to paranormal over every little weird thing that happens, but I also know that scientists are always wanting to find a logical reason for everything, when sometimes there just isn't one. I'm not saying that I believe that seeing things like an old hag during SP, is definitely paranormal, but that I believe in some cases it is paranormal. Either way though, real or not, it's still scary to me. I hope that made since lol I wish you the best with updating your cleansing 😊
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-18)
Hello Twighlight,

Wow! What a scary experience you and your husband have been going through with the 'thing' in the woods.

The fact that it wasn't windy and there was movement in the trees where you sensed something was just goes to show your instincts were right and you weren't imagining it.

Being in the woods, it could be anything. What came to mind first was a bear or some sort animal. But the way you described it, It could be anything.

Have you thought about getting a couple of big guard dogs? If it's an entity, dogs won't help. 😨

About Steven the ghost, he wasn't there long enough to cause me harm. What I don't understand is how he got through Rookdygins cleansing ritual. I'm focusing the cleansing ritual in my bedroom now instead of the lounge room. Hopefully that will keep him at bay. The hag hasn't returned. THANK GOODNESS.

Thanks for replying.
😘 ❤ 😘
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-18)
SWS, I hate to hear that Steve is back again. I couldn't imagine dealing with a spirit like that. I thought Rooks cleansing method was doing good at keeping him away, do you know what may have changed? As for our shadows, I'm fine with dealing with them, as they're easy to just ignore. Occasionally there's times at night that can feel a little uncomfortable, but with this being my childhood home, that my parents built back in the mid 80's, I believe that my dad and brother are what keeps us safe here. I lost my dad before I was born, and as a child, I remember feeling being watched in the same room my husband are in now, that he sees the shadows in, and also remember feeling something sit at the foot of my bed, as it feels as clear as day, someone just sat down. I was later told by my uncle (my dads brother), that he believed it was my dad checking in on me, and if I was bothered by it, to just speak up and tell him that he's scaring me. After doing so, I never felt someone sit on the foot of my bed afterwards. So I believe that my dad keeps a watch over our home. Not meaning he's a ghost, but I believe he's like a guardian over me. I've had little signs of my brother watching over me as well while here. Back when I was 18, and my first husband and friend were sitting on my bed with me, in what was my brother's room (after he passed, I moved into his room), we all noticed that a old teddy bear coat hanger, that hung on the wall, near a corner (the coat hanger had belonged to my brother), that I had a belt hanging from the buckle part, the belt started to sway back and forth. As we all staired at it in disbelief over witnessing this, it started to come to a slow stop, and officially stopped moving. I went to try to figure out how this was possible, but with me trying to recreate what we all saw, I could NOT make it sway out as far as we all saw it do. With it being in a corner, it would hit the other wall, and mess up on swaying side to side. There was nothing that should have made it move either, as windows were shut, and no fans or anything that could blow air to it, on or near it. There was no logical reason for what we saw happen, to happen on its own. I've never seen this happen since either. We all believed that it was most likely my brother stopping in to say hey to me. So with me feeling them by my side here, I'm able to ignore all the little things around here easier, that makes me uncomfortable. As for outside though, I'm very curious as well as to what it could be too. I've tried asking my mom about our property, but unfortunately she doesn't know anything other than our property, as well as the rest of my other family that lives out here, all use to be woods. So as far as anything being here in the past, nothing really adds up. I am curious with the history of Indians that once use to be around this area, and if some may have been here. I remember as a child, we found arrow heads in the ground before, so even if it was just them passing through, it seems they were on this property at one time. Not sure if they somehow lived on it, or like I said, were just traveling through. But after dark out here, during certain times, (not every night) it feels like someone is watching you by the wood side, sometimes closer than my comfort likes. A few weeks ago, me being on our porch was too much to bear alone, as I could feel something getting closer to me, and noticed a part of a bush branch started to move, like someone bumped it as they walked by it (mind you there was no breeze, or anything else moving), and this was near the bottom of the steps of the porch. I just felt something screaming in me to get inside now, so I did. I tried to lock my door, but it was messed up at the time. I told myself that even if I did lock it though, I don't see how that would stop whatever is out there, as I couldn't actually see it, only feel it. I started to feel even more uncomfortable inside, as the curtain that was over the window to the porch, (also beside the door) was opened a little, leaving me to see the darkness of outside. I felt something was right out that window, looking at me! Meaning it was now on the porch! Freaked out, I go to my room, where my husband was sleeping, and thank God he just happened to wake up, for me to tell him that I couldn't lock the door, but felt something was out there. I did not tell him that I felt something watching me from the window. He goes and locked the door, and tells me that for some reason, he felt something watching him from the window beside the door, so turned the porch light on to look, and saw nothing. He closed the curtain afterwards. That's when I told him that I too felt something watching me from it. You could just feel something staring at you from it, it was so creepy. I wondered if I hadn't ran in as fast as I did, what could have happened, as apparently whatever I saw bump the bush at the bottom of the steps, was walking up onto the porch whenever I felt the urge to run. Around this time, my husband and I were also hearing weird noises outside, that we never heard before from any animal around here, and both of us felt at that time to get inside. So I don't know what's outside, but it does not feel friendly, and luckily it's not around all the time.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-14)
Hello Twighlight1011,

Thank you for getting back to me.

I'm glad you and your husband don't fear the shadows you see. The dark shadow outside is a concern. What do you think it is?

I couldn't live in the woods. I get scared as it is living in my unit.

Steven the ghost came back the other night. I pushed him off and told him to get lost several times in my head until he left. (That's why I was asking what your husband is doing to keep the spirits away)

Keep me posted on the dark shadow outside your home.

😘 ❤ 😘
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-14)
SWS, sorry to take so long to get back to you, I never really check my comments on my stories anymore. I guess I should look in on them more often. As for your question, my husband didn't do anything to help out his problem, but it hasn't really been something that disturbs him enough to feel the need to do anything about it. With our constant busy days with kids, it just gets ignored. My husband likes to think that if he pays it no attention, it won't bother him. He still has sleep paralysis, I'd say a few times a month, and has still brought up seeing shadows moving around our room at night. I guess with nothing really causing any harm towards us, he rather just ignore it for now. We're able to ignore the little things that happen in our home, but lately I've been more concerned about what's outside. I've been wanting to submit some more of our experiences, but I haven't found the time to put it all down. I still believe there's something dark on our property, as we live way out in the woods, on a big family owned property, but other than getting scared while being outside by myself, at least for now, nothing is actually causing problems with us.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-10)
Hello Twighlight1011,

I know this is an old post, however I was curious to know if your husband is still struggling with this situation. Whether it be sleep paralysis or a spirit, only he knows. I completely understand the strong feeling of it being real and scary and finding it extremely difficult to get back to sleep. I've experienced very similar encounters. Here's the link to my post.


I got really good advice from members here on YGS and I followed their advice. I've been doing Rookdygins cleansing ritual every second week. I haven't seen the hag since the 9th August, however Steven the ghost came back to me a couple of nights ago. I struggled him off. I kept my eyes half closed because I was scared and told him to get lost in my head over and over until he left. I'm going to do the cleansing ritual in my bedroom this weekend instead of my lounge room and hopefully that will shut him out. 😨

I'm interested to know what your husband is doing to keep the shadow figure away. Maybe I can give it a try.

I look forward to your reply.
😘 ❤ 😘
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
Thanks for the heads up. It seems to have been a random thing. Pretty weird though.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
Gotcha, that is strange. Thank you for giving us a heads up 😊
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
Curiousdee, I've had that happen before a good bit, but this wasn't one of those times 😕 that's what confused me. When it first happened, that's what I assumed happened, but after logging back out of YGS, and going back to that same story, it happened again, and that's when I realized it had not just redirected me, but took over the whole page. Normally when it's just an ad, I'm able to click out of it, and get back to my story, without having to log out all together. That's why I'm wondering if something was going on with the privacy settings on this site. It didn't do it a third time though, so I'm not having that problem now at least. My main reason for mentioning it is to let whoever handles this site, to be aware, and possibly check if a hacker has messed with the site.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-04)

I've had that happen before. Usually, it's because you accidentally clicked on an ad on the story page. It redirects you to another page with a 'pop up', and hitting the back button doesn't work. You have to close out the pages/windows and start over again.

Hope this helps
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
Correction on the story name, it's called "the man in my bathroom". Incase the story name is important to know.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
To the mods, as I hope ya'll see this! I clicked on a story I read last night, to read if there were any update in the comments, and for some reason it kept getting a pop up thing under this story, that read congratulations, you're a winner for some random spin, promo thing 😕 I kept trying to get back to the comment of the story I was under, but it took over the page all together, where I had to completely log out of YGS all together. I then proceeded to go back to that same story, and again had it happen. Now I'm writing under one of my old stories, with no problems, in hopes that one of ya'll would know why this is happening on here, as I'd assume it would be a type of virus or something? Incase ya'll need to know which story I'm referring to, that I had this problem with, it was a recent one that was put up just yesterday on here, called there's a ghost in my bathroom or something like that, I'll relook to correct myself on the name. I know Martin has said before how he keeps this site updated, so hackers etc don't get on here, so I wasn't sure what to think of what just happened. Like I said, it claimed a prize was won, and asked for me to click accept on the prize. I highly doubt it was a real prize. I wanted to know is there a virus or something on this site now? Not sure what to think 😕 sorry for any troubles

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