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Body Invasion


These events happened in 1985, not sure if it was before or after my other story night demon or nightmare. But it was in the same year and does relate to it. One night as my previous girlfriend and I were sleeping in our room, I found myself on the ceiling (out of body experience) looking down at myself and my ex partner. We were both lying on our back, my arm was extended out under her, and her head was slightly tilted resting on my shoulder and our heads gently conjunctured at the same point. (I'll probably never get around to writing about my dreams, but if I had to rate my own physic ability, my dreams are the strongest aspect of them) The reason I say this, is whilst I was on the ceiling I was wondering, if "spiritually" I could some how enter my girlfriends subconscious or dream and communicate to her, as other spirits have done with me in my dreams over the years.

Just like my other story (demon or nightmare) when I grabbed my wife's foot from a (obe, state) looking for validation, I was attempting something similar but with much more complexity. Something by the way, that can't be done from this plane, but at the time I thought I'd give it a go... I'm sure most of you reading this story are probably glad you're not married to me, (I understand) but it wasn't premeditated more of a ""on the spur of the moment, if that makes any sense. As I started to descend from the ceiling, I was heading in the direction of my ex partner. Just at that point of landing on her (once again no idea what I was trying to do) she physically jumped with a moan of discomfort which woke me up instantly, just in time to physically hear and feel myself, the last part of her discomfort. I know it was wrong but if I'm to be honest when sharing my experiences, it serves a better purpose to tell you the whole truth about them.

If you believe in karma, then this next experience may be just what it was. My ex partner tragically lost her then boyfriend in a car accident, about 12 months prior to our relationship. I have no doubt he was hanging around her and from all reports he was an alright type of guy, although somewhat of the jealous type... This one night and it was after my (OBE) previously explained, I was laying in bed" awake this time" my ex-partner was asleep both of us in a similar position as mentioned before. When all of a sudden something jumped straight into my body. I have had quite a few encounters over the years with the paranormal but this was the most threatening and invasive of them all, "an awkward compressed chilling feeling" I remember thinking (no you don't) what ever it was, it was trying to occupy my body... This is the only way I can describe how it felt.

It lasted about 15 to 20 seconds and when it left, a few curse words flew with what ever or who ever it was... I don't know if he was trying to possess my body or whether it was payback for my previous (obe) not sure?... I think it was him, although I can't rule out something else related to my previous story? (Demon or nightmare) One other thing, although I never saw him my ex partner did, one night when I was out of town she saw him standing at the end of the bed it gave her a fright from memory... This experience was over 25 years ago, and I'm at a point in my life now where I can look back at it and others to try and rationalize possible causes. Maybe I deserved it (karma) for attempting something I shouldn't have. I should also mention I've never taken any type of drugs, recreational or prescription that could create this type of illusion. Out of all my experiences this was an undeniably real event. I would only be too happy to boil it down to my imagination, if that were the case, I'll accept any criticism if you do think its karma.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, aussiedaz, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Erebus (18 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-02)
Talking about karma, after my last comment on the other post I started "by chance" reading this one.
More than once in the past (thanks God) I experienced this kind of invasion (or as it is called the mounting): you have the sansetion to be trapped inside your own body, and at the same time somethingeslde is out and speaking through your mouth. It's like choking while drowing, a very awful experience, so I'm glad you resisted to it.
Anyway I don't believe that it was a karma backfire, I have another theory and maybe an easy one: if yuo start "playing" in another world, you have to "play" with the rules of that world. Your attempt to "invade" your ex girlfrind's body is a little disrespectful, but it's more interesting for the ones who live around us is that you were able to enter their world, and that you are alive. It means that you said: "hey is there anyone interested in a body exchange?".
I just wannt to suggest to be more careful in this experimentation, and I suggest the same to me: for example I try to keep as far as I can from mirrors, because I believe that you never know what is looking at you from the other side, and when it happened to me to look at them I didn't like it.

Sui (2 stories) (9 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-31)
I cannot fathom being able to astral project or even control yourself while doing so. Not saying I don't believe in it, I'm very open minded and I believe what you say to be a genuine experience. I'm just amazed you where able to control yourself out of body and also that when coming into contact with your ex partner she moved and the shock woke you up. Thanks so much for sharing your experience!
Felix11-12yrs (3 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-28)
Hey this happen to my once but it tingled my body and it tingled my rightside... I write with my right side so I was kind of nervous about school.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-05)
I am so glad you feel that way, and I am also pleasantly surprised about the connections I have made on this site as well. 😊 It doesn't matter how many years of schooling you had because you are an intelligent person. I believe people can go to school for 20 years, graduate with the highest GPA and still not have one shred of common sense in their big heads. I acutally know people like that LOL! 😆 That book sounds like something I would be very interested in. I'm going to check it out. Can't wait to read your next story.
Take care of yourself.
Jenn ❤
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-04)
cosmogal,I do feel I'm part of the community here and I'm amazed how we all can connect with each other on this spiritual stage, the thing about me is, I grew up on the land and dropped out of school when I was 14, I have done more reading and writing here at this site, than in the last 30 years, actually beside the bible the only book I have read that I can remember is, (EDGAR CAYCE ON DREAMS) huge fan of his, come to think of it he also had educational problems as well when younger,I'm not as gifted as him, but I can certainly relate to his experiences... So my writing skill and grammar at the best of times needs help and my children and wife have scoured over my stories and sometimes comments fixing them up, so when I refer to a finish its letting them know, this process which is important to me for different reasons, is almost over, I think you'll find my next story really interesting, maybe the most fascinating... Even when I do stop, I will visit and post from time to time, it took me 45 minutes to write this,
Thank you again my friend.
Lol darren

❤ ❤ ❤
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-04)
Aussie, it is my pleasure. I enjoy reading about your experiences. I was not disappointed at all, in fact your abilities fascinate me. You write from your heart which shows that you are a genuine person. I hope you will stick around after submitting your last couple of stories as I feel there is a lot more to learn from you. Thank you, and all the best 😊
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-04)
Thanks granny, I may even open my own and submit a story as well,I'm just not real quick when writing stories, let me know!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-03-04)
Aussie: I just created an account and submitted a story on the sister site...I'll let you know if it gets published... 😊
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-04)
Sister, I have already looked over there and when I'm finished here, I intend to submit my other stories there, let me know if your story is published, I'm sure others would want to read it as well and I think we can comment as guest with this account.
Thank you ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-03-04)
Aussie: you know there's a sister site called psychic experiences... I think a few of us should try to post some stories there also... Is there anyone here who is on the other site or who would be interested in reading each other's other stories?...I say LET'S DO IT!... 😆
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-04)
Thats the spirit sister, if they do reject it send it to me via email, as you know I'm keen on stories regarding dreams and the way you express your stories I'm sure it will make good reading.
Aussie 😁
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-03-03)
Aussie: You can call me sister if you want!...Okay, I will try to submit the story, but I'm warning you now, they may reject it for "no evidence that this was a haunting"...Or some such stuff LOL...I've had two stories rejected already, I'm getting a complex 😆...By the way, your stories aren't depressing!...Getting rejected is 😆
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-03)
Granny,pen to paper please that sounds like a story we all need to hear,I'm just sorry my stories are so depressing, but then again I'm a blues musician what would you expect, buy the way I should refer to you as sister not granny, were almost the same age, thanks for your reply all the best mate.
Aussie 😁
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-03)
cosmogal,thanks again for your reply, I do appreciate it and hope your not disappointed by my actions in any way, I have 3 or 4 more stories to write before I'm finished, this has not only being a outlet of grief for the lost of my mother, but I have also learned a thing or two from others like you, I have a feeling a few of us will catch up another time and place, I think if its not karma then you could be right about him taking a shot at possession, thanks again take care 😁
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-03-03)
Yea, I agree with cosmo, that's kind of creepy that he tried to take over and push you out!...I think he tried to possess you...EEEEWWWWW! 😨...It's a good thing you woke up when you did!...You know, I experimented on my daughter once... I get up early, and she sleeps a lot later, and I meditated to try to get her to dream about me... Later on in the day she had to call me to tell me that she had a dream about me... Nothing bad, just me smiling and calling her name, which is what I was aiming for 😆...The things we do for validation!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-03)
DA,Thinking about it now, back then I was really pushing the limits of my ability, as I was trying to achieve the ultimate prize of proof, (validation from another person) although as I stated in my story this was not a premeditated action... Only twice out of perhaps 100 (obe) experiences do I believe I receive some sort of conformation, although in this experience perhaps I crossed a spiritual boundary and got what I deserved, I dare not laugh about it, as the laws of karma might just give me another slap in the face, thanks for your reply and as usual your comments offer logical reason.
Aussie 😳
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-03)
I kind of got the impression that the deceased boyfriend was around when you tried your experiment, and saw an opportunity to jump in your body while you were out. However, when he decided to take that chance he didn't realize you were awake and of full mind and body at the time. Thanks for sharing this with us. 😊
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-03)
Thank you for sharing another of your experiences with us! I have to admit, I had a little bit of a laugh over how karma got you back on this one, although I might have done the same, just to prove I could! Because your ex girlfriend saw her deceased boyfriend, I think it's very possible that it was he who kind of "got you back" for attempting to do the same to "his" girl. What goes around, comes around, as they say! I'm just glad no one was hurt here. 😊

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