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Thuds Under My Bed


When I was 21, my first husband, Gary, and I bought a new trailer and set it up on a piece of property owned by his mom and dad. Many Saturdays I would be woken by the sounds of woman and children. The voices were so loud and so clear it was almost like they were in my front yard. I could hear the women talking, and the children talking and laughing but I couldn't decipher what they were saying.

The first couple of times this happened, I assumed Gary's sister had company and, since we lived about 50 feet apart, I was hearing them. For several Saturdays, I would get up and check but no one would be outside and a couple of those Saturdays, Gary's sister wasn't even home. I continued to hear these voices as long as we lived there. When I mentioned it to Gary, he told me I was just hearing voices carrying from over the hill.

There were many nights that I would feel a very hard THUD underneath the bed. At that time, waterbeds were the craze and we had one. The first really serious time it happened, this THUD was so hard it made the waterbed do that sloshing thing. I woke Gary and asked him if he felt that. He didn't. Gary drank, a lot, every night, so it would have had to have been a major event to wake him. I asked Gary what he thought it was and he told me it was just dogs under the trailer and went back to sleep.

Okay...couple of things wrong with that explanation: 1) We didn't have dogs, 2) his sister didn't have any dogs (yes, there were dogs in the area) and... Wait for it...3) the trailer was completely underpinned with a small door, which was kept padlocked!

Dogs, to my knowledge, do not typically relock a door once they've unlocked the said door, then opened it, went through, hit the belly of the trailer hard enough to wake me AND make the waterbed do that sloshing thing, and then turn around, shut the door after exiting, and politely relock the door. Thank you very much! And yes, the next morning I looked to see whether or not the door had been messed with. It was locked. Smart doggy!

About a week after this incident, I was asleep in bed, hard THUD, woke me, waterbed sloshed (serious déjà vu here), and what do you know? This time it was a major event; hard enough to wake Gary. He said "Did you feel that? What the "heck" (word substitution here) was that?"

Seriously now, what would you have said? So, smart aleck that I can be, I very seriously said, "Go back to sleep. It's just dogs under the trailer." Needless to say, Gary did not find that amusing. Next morning he checked the door and found it to be locked. He refused to talk about it after that.

That was the last time that happened while we lived there. When we decided to move, we sold the trailer to Gary's brother and his wife. This same thing happened to them. She, too, heard the women and children's voices. She also experienced something else that I did, but I feel that one deserves its own submission.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Miracles51031, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-06-11)
Kiego - I look forward to reading your next story. This one was definitely something "different" for me. I'm just glad my ex finally experienced it 😆 And yes, there is just a bit of evilness in that thought 😉
Kiego (2 stories) (52 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-11)
I have had the same thing happen to me, except I was sleeping alone and had no one to throw onto the floor so I could make a quick get away... I mean... I had no one to snuggle up to. =)
Miracle, you have just sparked my memory for my next good ghost story, I will write it soon and hopefully it will be published.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-02-18)
Casper - thank you for reading my story and commenting. I have to admit, it was pretty shocking. I guess this is a case of "if I had known then what I know now." Instead of waking him, I'd have gotten up to see if I could figure out what it was.

Odd thing about the "thuds" was I experienced it other places I lived too, so I'm pretty darn sure it wasn't tied to that place. Unless it was just a coincidence. And I'm not a big believer in coincidences 😉.
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-18)
Wow, great story poor you and Gary! 😨 And good job in giving him his explanation back! 😆 I wouldn't of slept there again after the first thud so I think you are very brave!
Ms-Foresight (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-24)
Wow! That must be scary. At my old house I would wake up at 3:20 am every morning from a thudding under my bead. It wasn't just one. I was a rhythm. I was very fast too. Now I sleep on a mattress on the floor, so that doesn't happen anymore... Now its on my walls! I always get very frightened and run into my mom's room and sleep there.


SpiritsWindsForever (44 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-01)
I would have said... "WOAH! Those mastermind dogs hit the trailer again! Time to get a new padlock...
Dang dogs... Busting my lock and *walks outside* *see's a ghost* *falls into dog poop* DANG NAB YOU STUPID DOGS..." 😁 I love dogs... But I mean... Masterminds? 😁 Everyone RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! 😁
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-07-26)
EmeraldAngel, I'm not sure there's such as thing as late in the conversation around here LOL! But thank you anyway, I'm glad you appreciate my humor. My "ex" husband (now) certainly didn't! Thanks for enjoying my memory enough to comment.
EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-17)
hahahaha I'm late in the conversation but I gotta say that was hilarious! 😆 I love your humor and how you write your stories. Your husband musta remembered his remark and knew you had gotten back at him. ❤ 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-06-12)
princessLotus, JimD and oldgeorge - I'm sorry for not acknowledging your comments before now. I've been "sidetracked" I guess you could say.

And LSD, I'm glad I could help brighten your day. Sometimes you never know what might make you smile, huh?

Thanks for your comments y'all.
oldgeorge (41 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-06)
[at] JimD - you have a good ministry. They don't have time to get into that kind of stuff in seminary!
JimD (431 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-06)

Princess lotus, if you ever need me, I'm here. It's what I now seem to do. And I'm getting very busy, lately. It was kind of strange lecturing to a bunch of priests about The Work. They're getting busy also.

Do I miss wearing a uniform? Yes, sometimes, but who knew there were other, different battles to fight.

Viva Christo Rey
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-05)
Thanx JIMD all so much. I would like to mention that I've been a pastor for four years & spiritual war fare is not new to me. I've dealt with demons & jerks of the like my whole life growing up a pastors daughter. However I am always seeking advice. Just because I'm ordained & I've a back ground in the Christian church doesn't mean I won't be messed with. Quite the opposite if you ask me. I will keep your e-mail address & hit you up for sure. Thanx again for your response. I think the Lord kind of nudged you my way! 😆 Bless you & yours.

JimD (431 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-05)
Hi RM;

I don't always re check old postings, so I'm glad I did. About 25 posters have contacted me via personal email. Two young ladies came real close to either possession, or serious injury (one was flung across a room and one suffered a brocken arm and collar bone, upon being thrown on the floor upon setting foot in a Catholic Church - could have been a lot worse, by the way). The demon fled literally with a bang, which is common - thank God and Mary.

To your questions, demonic voices tend to be more mechanical; however, it must be remembered that demons love posing as "good ghosts" or "spirit guides", i.e. They're experts at psychological warfare. They know how to embed themselves in our lives. It's thereby that much harder to extricate them. Their foul goals always remain the same: first possession, and second suicide (and hopefully damnation, since the person may not be able to repent). At a recent conference on exorcism, I learned that they are also legalists, i.e. They'll assert their legal rights to remain in someone's life - if they were, even unintentionally, invited in initially.

Yes, Catholics are baptized as infants; that's true, and it's also true that Catholic Holy water is a tremendous weapon vs. Demons. Catholics who religiously receive their sacraments (Mass, confession, Holy Communion, etc.) are far better protected than Catholics who don't practice or non Catholics. However, that is not absolute. Many saints were tormented for decades, and, even if not so holy, Catholics are by no means 100% immune. If one plays with a Ouija board, attends a seance, etc. They become targets.

In summation, frequent receipt of the sacraments is a tremendous shield, but probing, and sometimes worse, does still occur., if you require more, or need to talk.

PS I've been getting VERY busy lately. What's happening to our world?
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-05)
I know this is an old story, but I HAD to comment. When you described the whole "DOGS" under the trailer I laughed so frickin hard! Thank you! (I've had a *hitty day) but I have to say this too. Something every now & again bumps the foot of my bed. I've had MANY different beds AND it happens with ALL of them. It's like some one bumped into the bed at the foot with their thigh it some junk. It still happens to this day. But when I wake of course no one is there. & ONLY when I'm in bed alone. NO PETS. AND I sleep with my hands under my pillows now because (AND YET IT TOOK ME YEARS!) because some invisible force lifts my hand & forearm up like 5 inches off the bed & let's it drop sometimes but let's it down slowly other times. Its so strange & I don't feel scared when that happens there are other more serious things that happen to me in bed that scare me. Trust me. Like last night when it got into bed with me & sighed I thought it was my man at first & then that smell came & I knew what/who it was & told him/her to get out! & after that I heard this short annoyed scream in the parking lot by our house. I knew it was just throwing a fit. ANYWAY sorry for rambling but, this story made me laugh & think. Bless you & yours.


P.S. If anyone can guess on what the bumping & hand thing is let me know? Hit me up e-mail style

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-05-21)
whitebuffalo - I might not be your honey,😆 but I do know where the hot water tank was. Master bedroom was at the end of the trailer with the hot water tank in the closet against the wall adjoining the laundry area (which is a nice way of saying hallway!)

Welcome back. 😉
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-05-21)
Racemustang - Sorry I didn't get back to my story sooner. I've been enjoying myself (that sounds really funny, doesn't it?) with the Loonies on aussiedaz's latest story.

D name could be Dalton's dad - David or Jerrica's dad. I have EXTREME issues there; hate even saying his name. But he was known by a name that begins with "D".

And, yes, I know that my issues with him give him power. I'm working on it. Not doing well, but working on it.

My sister-in-law also heard the women and children. If you get a chance, bounce over to my Orange T-shirt story. It explains a little more.

I agree with you on the children's voices. I don't in any way think they were demonic. No reason for me to believe that.

Thank you!
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-21)
Huh. So what did we come up with?
Racemustang (14 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-14)
I hope you don't mind, Miracles, I should like to reword my questions to him, making it easier to answer.
"It's within my belief that a childs spiritual voice is as a childs and a demonic interpretation of a child is more as a "boxed in" voice. There is an added, or missing quality that seperates it from an actual childs voice..." Is this your thoughts to?
You've me thinking for these many days. In Catholicism, isn't it customary for the babe to be baptised at an early age? I'm wondering why it is that Catholics who have gone through their sacraments still have visitations of what are being tagged as demonic? Shouldn't that Holy Water work to dispel AND repel?
Racemustang (14 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-14)
Also. Last child still not born, but male. Who is this "D" name I keep getting, not Dalton, NOT your husband. Only women heard the womens and childrens voices. Did your sister/sister-in-laws husband ever hear the voices?
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-14)
No "man" of the house, and all the thuds came from below...
COULD be...
Honey, WHERE is the water heater?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-05-07)
Hey y'all - normally I wouldn't do this and I'd think "you've got to be kidding" if I read this from someone else.

But, I posted another story that took place in this same trailer. I'd really like some feedback on it. It got lost in the mix when I submitted it so, if you have time and you have any opinions, as always, I'll welcome them. It's called "Ghost in the Orange T-Shirt."

Thanks and I apologize for asking you to read my stories. Sounds like I'm seeking attention, huh? 😆

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-05-06)
whitebuffalo - all incidents after leaving Jerrica's dad... No adult male living in the home with us. Just Little Man.

Take your time. I'm curious.

Oh yeah - "Hollah!"

XxL4L0xX (2 stories) (11 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-06)
Hmmmm. That is very wierd. But hey you never know lol maybe it was a big rat 😜
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-06)
If yah hear me say "Hollah!" (K-- now YOU say "HOLLAH!") 😁.
Keep wondering girl-- still working through this 😆.
The first one you say you just left her Dad.
The next one-- There is no mention. Was there a "man of the house" LIVING in the house?
Third one, little man of the house was asleep ("big" man?).
Fourth, again, no mention.
Do not over analyse the questions, dear. I can almost see the gears in your head spinning crazily. NO second guesses, just write it out.
JimD (431 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-05)
Hi Narcissa;

I'll answer from a case of demonic infestation, which my partner and I stopped via Our Lord, Catholic Holy water, etc. Of course, in a Muslim's home. Muslims call them Gin, by the way. The cause was the same, so, ergo, the solution was too. They do respond to those names. I've read this, but much more importantly, I've observed this.

Many faiths do address these hiddeous things. Several Protestant ministers, who were never Catholic, referred case to "the Catholics, because they do know about those things" - was the exact quote. God bless you, also. Narcissa, and I like that name.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-05-05)
whitebuffalo - Okay, just remember you asked for this.

The next time I experienced the thuds was in 2000, after I left Jerrica's dad. She and I lived in a 2-story apartment. This is from my journal "Every 2 or 3 months I would feel the thump under my bed. It was hard enough that it shook my bed. No one can knock on the ceiling downstairs because it has a drop ceiling. And that would also mean someone would have to be in the apartment besides us." This first entry was before I started keeping event-by-event records, so I can't really be any more specific timewise. We lived there from January 3, 2000 through October 27, 2002.

I wasn't yet pregnant with Dalton when the thumps started, but I did have 3 miscarriages while we lived there. Don't know if that has anything to do with anything else or not, but... My kids and I moved from there the week Dalton turned 1.

Just checked farther in my journal and found this "October 15, 2006 - Last night I went to bed around 11:30. It was really quiet; I didn't have the fan or radio on. Just quiet. When I had almost fallen asleep, I heard thumps on the floor all around my bed. Sounded like the thumping came from near my closet on the right (the one that opened on its own) and went all around my bed. Kind of like a semi-circle, back and forth." and this entry followed "This thumping sound, though, went on for over an hour before I decided I'd had enough. I finally turned on the radio and decided to go to sleep and forget about it. I still heard it every time I woke up, though." This was in the trailer where Peter Pan got shut up in the Pantry. This next entry took place there, too.

"February 20, 2007 - After Dalton had fallen asleep and I was trying to decide whether he was asleep enough for me to get out of his bed without waking him, I felt a hard thump right in the middle of his bed. It came from underneath his bed, not underneath the trailer. This has happened often enough that I can definitely tell the difference."

"March 15, 2007 - This morning, the 15th, there were 2 very hard thumps against my bed. Not on it, but against it. I woke up and thought "what the heck" and glanced at the clock. Then I realized what was going on. I had overslept (again), but this time "they" were making sure I didn't oversleep any worse than I had. Thank you!"

Okay - I've found all those entries that had to do with the thumping. Are you going to let me in on what you think was going on? 😆 I haven't felt anything at all like that since March 2007.

whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-05)
Oh, Nah! You gettin' tag teamed, sista!
Did the "thud" ALWAYS come from below?
How many, if ANY children were in your home, or BORN at that time? And any OTHER time you experienced the "thud"?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-05-05)
whitebuffalo - okay,'s the rest of the story. Gary only experienced (felt) the thud (in this story) and only the one time. I, however, experienced it numerous times, but here's the weird part for me. I never felt it again after he did. (Not there, anyway.)

Gary never heard the women and children, but since he worked Saturday mornings and I didn't that may be why. Then again, who knows? Maybe if he'd been home on Saturday mornings, he wouldn't have heard them anyway. I did ask my sister-in-law who lived in the other trailer about the voices, but she never heard anything.

Now, the women and children's voices? I've heard them since moving from there and after that marriage ended. I can't tell you they are the same women and children. All I can definitely say is I heard women and children's voices after moving from that trailer. The last time I heard the women and children (as a group) was March 2006.

This is for Race - January 24, 2007 is when I heard the men the first time (other than the radio). Food for thought... After my second divorce and his subsequent death (that part was just so you have all the information).

Thank you!

narcissa (4 stories) (77 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-05)
on another note, I agree with the views here that suggest that this was residual energy... It certainly seems so to me... Dunno why 😆 ❤
narcissa (4 stories) (77 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-05)
okay jim, seeing that this convo has actually gotten this far, I would love to pose some more questions on "demonic " phenomenon.

Whenever you think that a haunting is a demonic causation, you recommend Holy Water and St Mary and Jesus' names to ward it off. But my question is that what would you suggest to someone who is under a Demon assault and who is a Non-Christian? And also, the definition of "demon" you provided to me was from the Christian Catholic POV... Do you think that these phenomena could posssibly be explained legitimately by even other faiths' Scriptures?

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