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She Visited The Office For The Last Time


We had an office mate who died late last year because of Lupus. She was one of our QA and it was so sudden that when the people in the office learned what happened, we were all shocked. Out of respect, I will not give her full name but I will just give an initial of her, D.

D was a lively girl though we were never introduced properly. She was one of our QA and a friend of my team leader. The day she died everybody who knew her was full of sadness. I understand because I already lost a friend. My boyfriend texted me that she died and I just replied to him, "May she rest in peace."

Later that night I went to the office for my shift. I took in calls as usual but when I glanced on my right side I saw D walking near our station and looking at other agents taking calls. She was transparent though so I knew that it was her spirit roaming in the office. I ignored it thinking that she is a soul that will not inflict any harm to someone and besides, she was a nice girl when she was still alive.

I went on my first break. I waited for the elevator and when I rode the lift I saw her step in and the lift closed. I was spooked to be honest but not to the point that I got scared and screamed. After my break, I sent a private message to my TL and told him what I saw. Here is our chat log. This is not the exact log since our chat logs are purged at the end of our shift. I just changed the name of my TL.

Raven: Ron, you there?

RP: yes. Why?

Raven: I saw D

RP: Really?

Raven: yes

RP: you sure?

Raven: yes.

RP: you really sure it is her?

Raven: yes

RP: ok. Sorry but I don't believe you. Tell me what is she wearing?

Raven: she is wearing a sleep wear that looks like the uniform or costume of a choir and it is colored white.

RP: no $#%^! She was wearing that on her death bed! Last question if you answered this question I will believe you. How long was that sleep wear?

RP: it is just knee length.

RP: HOLY $%#&! You really saw her!

He emailed our chat log to his QA friend and it was confirmed that it really was the dress she was wearing the day she died.

My TL and our QA was actually spooked and the QA got out of the QA pod because he was scared. I don't know why she made me see her or it was just an instance.

Please give me any input on this. Thank you.

God Bless.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, blue_raven80, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

JazzRaym (36 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-10)
i think maybe she just came back, because she has something to complete.
blue_raven80 (13 stories) (338 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-06)
Thanks for explaining the QA and TL part. 😊
As per my TL she actually had an agrument with one of her colleagues so it might be the reason why she went back here.
blue_raven80 (13 stories) (338 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-06)

Thanks for your explanation. That was the last time I saw her come here in the office.


A QA is a quality analyst and you mean TL not TA, TL means team lead.
kamui (1 stories) (56 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-05)
whoa nice spooky story there, you got your TL over there guess he was so scared:D been wanting to have a friend with third eye.
spiritual_twinkie (28 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-05)
It was spooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkyyyyyyyyyyy! 😭 😨
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-04)
Kay gotcha thanx! [at] x10. But as far as unfinished business at work just sounds silly to me. Sorry I won't change my mind & that does NOT mean I believe this story to be bunk. Much love.

x10 (6 stories) (46 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-04)
She might have some unfinished issues at work...

And blue_raven80:

Maybe she let you see her because she knows you can see her... I liked your reaction (cool) on the elevator... If that was me... Maybe I peed in my pants... 😭
x10 (6 stories) (46 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-04)

QA and TL are job designations in call centers here in the Phils. (I work in 1 too) 😊

QA is short for quality assurance specialist and TL means team leader.

Hope I was able to help you on that one... 😁
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-04)
Thank you so much, George. These all sound truly interesting & I'm sure I'll get a lot out of them! Bless you & yours! Much love.

oldgeorge (41 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-04)
[at] princessLotus - one of the better articles from a historical perspective is this one:
The professor goes through the various Eastern ideas of the soul's state after death. Another is here:

There are also "The Memorial Services" by Hieromonk Benedict and "The Mystery of Death" by N. Vassiliades. These two are hard to find because they are published in Greece and they were never given an ISBN, so you have to check with theological bookstores with an Orthodox bend in order to find them.

I had a really good book on St. Mark of Ephesus and his teachings regarding the 'middle state,' but it is lost somewhere in my library.

There are other materials forthcoming, but it has been a slow process getting them translated into English. Hope this helps.
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-04)
George, where can I find more about the ancient Christian tradition? I've not heard of this & it sounds very interesting to me being a pastor for only about 4 years but I did grow up in the church. A Christian church which was at first called Calvery Chapel but John Wimber founded The Vineyard Christian Fellowship which my father was a pastor & worship leader at. But now that I am ordained & even the years leading to now, I really want to know ALL I can about all different religions, beliefs & the occult. I believe the more educated I am in the entire spectrum of religion & all else; it will make me a better leader. Do you know what I mean? Thank you. 😊

princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-04)
What is a QA & a TA? Thanks for sharing. I know that I wouldn't go to work after I died.

katiejohnandmary (1 stories) (8 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-04)
This story actually gave me chills, I don't usually when I read these (or at least notice), but I did with this one. Up and down my legs and arms.
Thank you for sharing. George's comment is interesting to me too. I don't have much experience with Christianity personally (I was raised Unitarian when I was younger, so we just learned a little of this and that, but I haven't yet read the Bible myself), I've heard of purgatory, etc, but never heard that part about the 3 days after death.

Kinda confirms my beliefs on my experiences. I assume they happened during the first few days after the people had passed, even multiple times, but not again over more time. I thought maybe it didn't happen anymore because their soul was at rest along with their bodies after their funerals, but this adds to what I had already assumed.

Sorry I have nothing really to add, but thank you again for the story.
oldgeorge (41 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-04)
The ancient Christian tradition is that souls generally have three days after death to remain and 'visit' certain place or people (escorted by the guardian angel and messenger angel). Then, the soul begins to embark on its 'spiritual journey' to rest until the Last Judgment. In the West, the journey is referred to a 'purgatory,' where the soul undergoes temporal punishment for sins not repented of in life. In the East, the Orthodox believe that the soul goes through what is figuratively described as the "40 Days" in which the conscience is wrestled with until one is prepared to rest. Both sides teach that prayers for the dead are helpful to them in this process. In the Philippines, you have lots of churches, so you can ask for masses to be said for your associate. If she continues to appear, it is a sign that she desires prayer, unless it is a demonic delusion, in which case the apparition will usually ask for something else, which will eventually lead to an invitation to remain. This opens a door to demonic attack. One-time apparitions are common, but repeated visits means that you will need to get a priest involved (I assume you are Catholic) because it could be something else. I hope this helps.

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