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Ghost stories from South Dakota, United States: Page 1
The Ghost I Named "feet" by Nastrum
After my older brother left around 2006, I transferred rooms to where his room became my room. For the first few months, it was nice having a larger room. Then one night, I awoke to the sensation of someone standing on my bed. I could feel a shifting weight to my lower left, next to my feet. It step...
My Grandma's Ghost (part 2) by ghostsarecool
So I am back hello once again everybody. This is in kind of the same vein as my last story, as you can tell by the title, but this one is about my other grandma, my mom's mom. She died when my mom was 20 of ovarian cancer, so I never met her. So let's get going, shall we? So earlier this year (Ma...
Katie My Dear With The Bow Come Home by i-have-a-crush-on-firestar
This story is about my beloved cat, Katie, she was a darling, she wore an velvet pink bow collar, and an pink velvet harness with an bell, (no I did NOT walk her, I just put it on her when she went outside, just in case she got lost and her collar fell off, so people knew she had an lovely home) I h...
Am I Cursed? Or Is My Mind Playing Tricks On Me by EJ3the1
Last spring I went on a road trip to Deadwood, SD, with my best friend and his girlfriend. On the way there we drove through Badlands National Park, which is one of the most incredible places I've ever seen. We spent a good 3 hours driving through the Badlands, taking pictures and having a good time...
The Thing By The River by corpseguts
I never really believed in ghosts or anything supernatural before I had this experience with my friends. I have a lot of stories my friends would consider "supernatural". This exact story still scares me to this day, even though it happened months ago; I still think about it all the time. The fact...
The Small Pink Haunted House by rexxxy421
The small pink haunted house was where my best friend, L, lived during high school. Their family bought some land 30 minutes outside of a "big" town in South Dakota. They bought many acres of land and on the land stood the small pink haunted house. They were building a big house on the opposite side...
The Shadow Head by NightsSecrets
I was younger, about 6 or 7. I am not sure exactly how old I was but I just moved to South Dakota months before my incident. I would have been in 1st grade but it happened during the summer. Anyways, I woke up in the middle of the night/ I have no clue what time it really was because I did not h...
The Farm Haunting by nattydreada
The following account took place approximately June of 2002, on a farm west of Hurley, South Dakota. I was 18, and had just began dating a girl I worked with, but there was a lot of driving involved for us to see each other. We lived better than 50 miles apart, and worked in a city in between us....
Unexplainable 2 by njswan7
I posted a story called Unexplainable. Well, after that my boyfriend decided to stay the night with us (my daughter and me). In the morning my daughter jumped into bed with us and we were just talking. My daughter gets up really slowly and starts looking at my dresser and says, "Mommy, a girl." Then...
Unexplainable by njswan7
I used to live in a bigger town, I lived in a mobile home with my family. My mom, dad and brother who is younger then I. Before I had a cell phone which is like 8 years ago, I had a home phone that was cordless. It was very late at night, and usually I would call my bestfriend and we would talk to b...
It Looked Like Me by Lady_Bug81
It was after midnight sometime and everyone was sleeping in their rooms with their doors closed and all of the lights where off except for my room and the bathroom. If you were coming from the living room; the bathroom was the first door on the right, followed by a closet, my parents room, straight ...
The Stomper by Lady_Bug81
When I was in the seventh grade I didn't want to go to school because I hated it. So, despite my mom begging me to go to school I just ignored her which I learned was probably not a good idea. It was a work/school day. My mom was babysitting about five toddlers in our home, we were all in the livi...
A Man Standing Over My Bed, Girl Playing With A Ball by Nativegirl101
I am a current student at Boxelder Job Corp. We have three dorms and within at least two of the dorms there has been physical activity of a little girl or a man. My own personal experience just recently happened. It all started on a Monday night. I woke up at 4:30 am and its always at 4:30 every m...
My Brother's Double by Lady_Bug81
In my first post, I wrote about seeing an unknown entity mimic my mother; in my second post I'm writing about the entity taking on the form of my older brother. One day when I was a teenager, I was at home and I was reading a really good book that I didn't want to put down, but my bladder was ab...
The Occurences In Western Sd by renovatio
I am new here and frankly I don't know where to begin. I live in Rapid City, South Dakota. A lot has transpired here since they found gold here in the black hills a century and a half ago. I am of Native American heritage and a firm believer in the paranormal. My first experience was when I was a...
Mimic by Lady_Bug81
My dad worked for Bureau of Indian Affairs so we lived in Government housing. I'm not sure how old the houses where, but I always had this uneasy feeling like I was being watched in that house and that I was never completely alone. Growing up in that house as a child I was afraid, I felt like so...
The Girl In The Bathroom Part Ii by jenniferlynn95
Chelsee has been getting more violent, she will come into my room at night and stand there and just watch with her blurred out face. I am about to turn 19 and am getting ready to move out, maybe after I leave she will leave me alone. Chelsee has also given me scratches on my back that are unexplaina...
The Girl In The Bathroom by jenniferlynn95
Since I was the age of thirteen I have been haunted by a ghost/demon. I have seen her so often in the last 6 years that I have given her a name. Chelsee. Chelsee is a paranormal entity who haunts my bathroom in my house. I live with my parents and even though I tell them my stories, they don't belie...
The One Inside My House by basketballlove7
It all started in the summer of 2009. It was my uncle, aunty, a friend, and I home. My uncle was down stairs in the basement playing video games and I was upstairs with my aunty and my uncles friend. I was watching TV when I felt something hit my head... It was my uncle who asked me to come with him...
Having My Baby Girl by LakotaWinyan
Some background here: It's Dec 5th, 2012. I was due to deliver my second baby girl yesterday via C-Section, with tubal ligation afterward. It wasn't meant to be. I ended up coming down with a "cold" with coughing up phlegm. Turned out to develop into mild pneumonia, so I was prescribed antibiotics a...
Old Graveyard Ghosts by SDSandy
We moved into our house in 1977. It was a two-year-old modular home. No one has ever died in our house. However, we live on property that once was the "Evergreen Cemetery." Our lot, actually, is on part of the cemetery that was called "Potters Field" and was for people who were too poor to have regu...
Get Up Now by LakotaWinyan
This happened 2 weeks ago. Thought you all could use a chuckle. I am a mother of two babies, born 11 months apart. My eldest will be 2 in October. My youngest turns 1 next month, already! As you can guess, I am exhausted all the time but I am very happy to be! For what transpired to make sens...
Is There A Female Spirit In My House? by Kitt3nKat
About 1-2 years ago we moved from our beautiful farmhouse to a small house in a small South Dakota town. I don't know if I really experienced anything before then when me and my younger brother had our bedrooms, bathroom, and television/computer room upstairs. At night I would hear something like fo...
White Smoke by dene72
I have lived in my house for 7 years now (it is a very old house) and have always had a "weird" feeling that I wasn't alone. There have been several instances that I have heard noises, that I can only compare to a baking sheet being hit, or a bag of chips falling. Most were investigated by me, to fi...
Strange Dream by BlueFyre11
My name is Madyson. Here is my story. I was asleep and having the strangest dream... I was in a room. The door was locked with chains, the window was boarded shut, and the light bulb was smashed. I sat up and looked around. There was 10 people sitting around me with there heads down and there eyes...
Unexplainable Things Happened To Me Since I Was A Child by tej1210
Since I was a small child, all kinds of strange things seem to have happened in my life. As a small child, I was playing in my room in the evening. When I looked at my bedroom window, I screamed for my mom... What I saw there was a face like the ones you see today of aliens. It had huge eyes; I rem...
Evil Angel by Amber
Me and my family once lived in a small town called Red Shirt. We had a new house that was built when I was little. We would do a lot of things in the house when it was done. My cousins would come over to play, we would play in the basement. Playing "Hide and Seek", playing in the dark. Before my sis...
Ella by Kira E. Horner
My Mom and my Mom's Mom (Nanny) and her Mom all have had the ability to feel energy of sprits. It is amazing to hear their stories about what they have experienced. I do not think that it is inherited to be able to feel spirits but I do think that families that do not discredit what they are feeling...
Grandma's Birthday by Brittany The Strange
Let me start by saying me and my bestest life long friend are closer then sisters and we go to all of each others family events because that's just how close we are, her family is like my family my family is like her family and a couple of years ago, my grandma passed away due to cancer and every ye...
My Night Attacks by juliet777
I've had attacks all my life. As long as I could remember. It sort of became a part of my life I guess. These nightly attacks affected my everyday life. Sometimes I was too scared to go to sleep. I never told anyone. When an attack happened, I awoke suddenly, knowing the attack was going to occur, w...
Golden Lady by Autumn1983
First of all, I must tell you that this story is not totally mine. I am a member of a ghost hunting group out of South Dakota. One of my group member's son had this experience in his old house. He is young, probably about 7 or 8 at the time. He would often wake up in the night and see a shadow perso...
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