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Ghost stories from United States: Page 1

Carol Street Has Some Reflecting To Do by MichelleS

I moved in the brick home on Carol Street in 2012 not long after my divorce. I didn't meet the folks while we negotiated the deal, but I did work out plans for me to keep several rooms of furniture and many pieces of pictures and art work that were on the walls. One particular art piece was a thre...

Haunted In The Desert by Kathyfugatt

Back in 2006, I decided to move out of the Inland Empire. It proved to be a mistake due to numerous issues. I found a decent home that was Spanish style built in 1993. In the City of Adelanto in the high Desert. Shortly after moving in odd things began happening. My black and white cat, Sylvia,...

Timothy's Story by xxANARCHISTSxx

Ever since I was about four years old, I have believed that there is a little boy named Timothy that lives in my house. At first it was just an excuse I used whenever things went missing, but as I got older, I realized it was much more than that. I started to become more and more interested in the p...

Our Pet Poodle Barked At An Apparition by Keeperofpeace64

This occurred back in the late 1960s in a old shotgun framed house we lived at in Houston, Texas when I was a little boy. My father worked nights and I had a case of the chicken pox. My mother let me stay up late and watch TV on the couch since I couldn't go to school. We had a pet toy poodle nam...

The Hippie Stared At My Brother by Keeperofpeace64

This true event occurred back when I was in high school at a house my parents were renting in Houston, Texas back in the early 1980's. One day my brother Joel and I were home alone while my parents were out. I was sitting on the couch watching TV while my brother was in his bedroom asleep. To ...

Possible Airbnb Ghost? by Dee-J

This incident happened just this morning (6-9-2024) around 6. I really don't know if it was anything paranormal, but it sure was awfully strange... This is going to be pretty lengthy and the story itself isn't "scary", so I just wanted to clarify this first before you proceed. This weekend my...

Finding Their Way Home by MFoutch

This ghost story entails the start of trauma and sadness regarding some of my best feathered friends. My husband and I moved to our current home in 2022. My dream once owning our own home was to start a little homestead with a garden. After we went through our first winter, the following spring I ...

Unexplained Pillow Tapping by Manafon1

I haven't posted in quite a while, but I am hoping for some help from the great YGS community. In the past week, I have begun hearing a very odd tapping sound coming from under my pillow, something like a finger tapping but with a "popping" quality. At first, I assumed it was an inner ear muscular s...

Spirit At Child Care Center by honey91

I used to work with this amazing woman who I called the baby whisperer. She had been working in early education since she was a teenager and had 60 plus years of experience in this field. Two years ago, she fell ill and we lost her. She was the heart of our center, she was everybody's Grandma, and e...

Haunted Property Inside And Outside by lwgrn4real66

Again, the people who read some of my other experiences on this site, or are first timers to reading my experiences, you can go back to my first published experience, "Very Unexplained Experiences". This is a mix of some of the other crazy Unexplained experiences I've had at my sister's property ...

2nd Story Window Ghost by martyani

This happened about 3 years (specifically in 2015) after my family members and I moved into our new home from Canada. I was in middle school (7th grade specifically) at this time of year. I was chilling on the couch in the game room on the 2nd floor of the house. I was in the dark because it was alm...

Invisible But Solid by lwgrn4real66

I was living on my sister's property in Denison, Texas in a 30 ft camper at the time. I was outside one day during mid day. I was on the side of my sister's house. I had been doing some clearing of brush/vines on her property. I got finished for the day, and walked over to one side of her house ...

The Ghost Nurse I Met That Night by Wandering24fox

I was 11 years old and it was hours after surgery, I woke up. Of course, I was in pain so I stayed in the hospital for some days. I had a hard time breathing because there was nothing to blow my nose with so I tried to call a nurse. After all, I needed tissues but since it was nighttime there were r...

Hypnagogic Hallucinations? by Self

I have had many different types of "visitations" from my point of view. From dark figures in my bedroom doorway that I couldn't really see no matter how hard I tried, to being picked up off my bed by an unseen person/entity, having someone or something grab my ankles while in bed and try to pull me ...

Restless Spirits by lwgrn4real66

This happened on the property next to the Crater of Diamonds in Murfreesboro, Arkansas. My wife at the time, my two step sons, (one being a big hockey player), and I went to Crater of Diamonds to dig/sift for diamonds. This was in 2002. A big creek separated The Crater of Diamonds and the proper...

Things Happening In Numbers Of Five by lwgrn4real66

Recouped from my fence jobs here at the lake. Sitting and having early a.m. Coffee... Here we go...! As my first two published experiences, of things happening in five's, or including something that happened in five's during an unexplained experience, here's my last experience with things happeni...

More Haunted Hotel Encounters by MOONxCHILD1985

My husband and I and our cat were living in one of the hotel rooms. There's a long metal heating pipe that sticks out of the floor and horizontally stretches across the side wall of the room. Next to where the pipe sticks out, there's a little hole in the floor. When you look down the hole it's pitc...

Haunted Hotel Encounters by MOONxCHILD1985

My husband and I and our cat live in a hotel. As I mentioned in my other stories, the hotel used be an asylum for the criminally insane and the basement was a morgue way back in the day. Out of all the rooms we lived in there was one room in particular that had the most paranormal activity and it wa...

U F Orange by CantunSEEit74

While investigating and contacting many on my Stick Indian encounter, and talking to UFO Washington, I shared my only UFO sighting with him. He assured me the military will not bother people anymore for reporting them so after five years now I will share my only UFO sighting. I told the man who boug...

Black Hooded Shadow Figure And Two Black Cloaked People by Aquamari

On two separate occasions, I have recently seen things. The first thing I saw was on the street around the corner from my street. I was driving and stopped at the stop sign. I looked to the left. Right there on the road but to the side was a shadow like figure. It looked like a stick figure with a h...

I Think I Saw My Father's DoppelgÀnger by theyluvdea

My name is Deasia, I'm 15 but I was 14 when this happened in January or February of 2023. I know I wasn't hallucinating or having delusions, I was sitting on the couch it was around 10 or 11 pm. All my family members have gone to sleep and I'm always the last one to fall asleep in the house. I remem...

Haunted Historic Mansion In Akron by Linjahaha

Last year in 2023, when a lot of the pandemic restrictions were lifted, my two friends, and I went to the beautiful Hower House in Akron, Ohio that sits not too far from Akron University with a Sorority house nearby. I feel I should supply you with some significant background (I know, I know. Here...

Did Something Followed Me? by lwgrn4real66

If you read about my prior published true unexplained experience (sorry, kind of lengthy), but that experience was back to back for about an hour and half, which I had experienced. Long story short, things started happening in numbers of "five". I think something may have followed me to my dad's...

Very Unexplained Experiences by lwgrn4real66

My sister had a property on Des Voignes Road in Denison, Tx. It was recently sold. I had visited her for years, and had even lived there twice. Nothing "unexplained" ever happened until my second time living there. This time, my wife and I lived in a thirty foot camper, under a metal rv cover, besid...

Multiple Haunting Experiences Almost Everyday by MOONxCHILD1985

Long Beach Hotel, Long Beach, NY 1/8/24 9:40 pm My husband and I and our cat are residents at the Long Beach Hotel. One day my cat and I heard a knock on my door in room 325. I called out "who is it?" but nobody answered. I walked towards the door and saw no shadow underneath the door, heard no ...

My Dad's Story by DreamBird

As a little girl growing up in the 1970s, I had a pet guinea pig. My two sisters and I each had our own guinea pigs and we loved these little guys. Mine, unfortunately, got sick and passed away. I was devastated. My Dad got a shoe box, which we decorated, and placed the deceased guinea pig in. Dad e...

Sounds During Solar Eclipse by StarBird

I am unsure if this ties into anything from my last bit I posted. But it's currently 3:13 as I write this, and it's during the Solar Eclipse, and I'm hearing stuff. Way more than usual in the house, and it's not even coming from in the house. I keep hearing knocking on my doors, and no one is here. ...

Wth Case Files 2 by valkricry

A bit of background; I live in an old Victorian house, circa 1875. Obviously, being over a century old a good many have lived and died here. I would not go as far as to say it's haunted, but we do seem to get quite a few otherworldly visitors; random spirits passing through, the occasional relative...

Historic Haunt by Linjahaha

Way back in 1972, I was involved in a Summer Co-ed Work/Job Training Program that was set up through the High School, Willoughby South High, that I attended. I secured a position at the historic Garfield Home Museum in Mentor, Ohio, as a tour guide. I had been to that museum a couple times growing ...

Linkwood House by K8lyn003

I would love to share the several stories I have! I have been trying to tell others my stories my entire life and have gotten looked at like I was nuts. My stories go back to before I was even born, and as far back as I can possibly remember up until I was around 17 when I moved out. In Brack-Ex...

Knocking At My Window? by Sign_Me_up

I still get the creeps when telling this story. About 9 months ago, at the end of July, my family and I went on vacation to a spot in Virginia (We've been going to the same spot for 5 years straight.) It was the middle of the night when I woke up to this light tapping at the window across fro...

Seeing Red Eyes At Night, Need Help by StarBird

Bit of background first, the first time this happened it was a number of years ago and I was probably at least 13 or 14 years old the first time it happened. The area I live in is kind of rural. I live across from an orchard, with one house on a small hill above us right next door, and one slightly ...

The Haunting Of My House by I_love_ducks24

During the first 8 months of me living here in this house that was built in the 1800s. I saw a black shadow figure of a girl that dragged my dog under the bed. My dog was held under my bed for 10 minutes. My parents didn't believe what I saw until they had their own experience. One night my sister...

Unfortunate Events by I_love_ducks24

I'm sorry but this is going to be a long story. In 2017 my family moved into a new house that was built in the 1800s. Our first 8 months were fine even though I felt really uneasy. My parents got me a little dog to help calm my nerves which helped me. Until one night I was bringing food to my room a...

Black Panther, Trying To Get My Foot by Garm99

Before I lived where I do now, I use to live in a neighborhood in the suburbs of Alabama, specifically in Crestwood, on south hall RD. The house was not really old and had been built in 1963 or there about. From what I remember we really did not have any other kids in the neighborhood it was full of...

Two Fiascos, Two Unusual Rescues by Linjahaha

This date of infamy took place in 1972 just two weeks after I turned 18 years old. I became engaged to Bill, my former first husband, and biggest mistake of my life. Unfortunately, that misfortune was not known to me at the time. It took some years to learn. I was dating him for close to a year whe...

Clicking Noises by Dindin

I just moved to Kentucky from Illinois. I've been here a month and until last night I've not experienced a haunting. The place I left had a lot of action that was happening regularly. I even accidentally recorded 2 ghost voices and heard those voices myself afterwards a few times. The reason I'm ...

New House For Rent-the Ghost Is Free by Linjahaha

This incident happened back in 1982. My sister, J told me about it just recently. Matter of fact. She told me about it last week. She 'thought' she told me years ago, but forgot to. Instead her 3 friends know about it. J and one of her friends-call her Lori-were there when it happened. It took place...

Gaping Black Holes For Eyes by Different444

My first paranormal experience happened when I was around 7 years old. I was in my mom's bedroom, snooping through her things. I looked up into the mirror of her vanity and standing in the corner facing and watching me was a young girl, she wore a white dress that was torn. The thing that truly f...

Sinister Smile Of A Black Ghost by Henry

This happened about 40 years ago, I'm 43 now and since I was so young, I don't remember everything that happened, so the first part I will tell you is what I do remember, the rest is what I was told by my parents. My dad had just been stationed at Fort Huachuca, AZ, and while we were waiting for ...

Nursing Home 2nd Experience by Mbcmsj6

So tonight, about 45 minutes or so ago, I was in a residents room, he was talking about how the lady above him wouldn't leave him alone and let him sleep. I asked what she looked like... (he described the same lady that my other residents described in my last post đŸ˜±)! I was trying to ease my mind...

Nursing Home 1st Experience by Mbcmsj6

Hey y'all! I'm new to the group, and wanted to say Thanks for having me! I love reading your stories during my down time! I have one I'd like to share as well. I work in a nursing home. I have a resident who has had a lot of falls recently, so I was told to sit in the hall to his room. (There ar...

My Amazing Mother-in-law by Linjahaha

Not too many people have good things to say about their mother-in-laws, but mine was wonderful. Actually, Mary was like another Mother to me in many respects. She was so thrilled when John met me, and he introduced me to her about four days after we met on our first date. Like I said in previous po...

Fascinated And Shook by Linjahaha

I just 'had' to submit this as it happened this past Tuesday on 2/6/2024. I was driving to the credit union early in the morning. I had just gotten off of work, and wanted to take care of a bill, and draw a little money out. The road I take is called Rocky River Drive. It takes me to Brookpark roa...

The Shadow I Saw At A Hotel I Was At by Wandering24fox

Last month I was staying in a hotel and I couldn't sleep. I went to sleep at 1am and as I was waking up, I saw a shadow peeking from the bathroom and I decided to use the toilet. Although I saw a shadow there peeking from the bathroom I just used it because I really needed to use it As I turne...

The Auto Bus Ghost Girl by Wandering24fox

Last month I was traveling and I decided to come back by a public bus like a auto bus where it travels to other states. It was apparently a luxury bus. It was the 2nd day of being in the bus and I was getting ready to sleep as it was a long drive and we were in the middle of the desert, I know how t...

The Hangry Ghost, Strange Sounds And The Shadow Hand by 8-bitDemigod

These first couple of events happened a few years ago at work. I should have included them in my previous story about the hospital, but they were so minor I forgot about them until a few days ago so I figured I'd include them here to help pad out the character limit for the actual story at the end. ...

The Senior Nursing Facility by Linjahaha

This particular incident happened within the last year, and it just occurred to me to post it. I worked for eighteen years as a Medic. After that time period it was beginning to take a toll on my back (there are more back injuries in the EMS field than 'any' other occupation.). After I withdrew from...

What Did The Dog See? by Midd23

This is incident happened to me when I was about 17 years old, around 1980, give or take. Timelines start running together as one grows older, but the details of this story are as fresh as the afternoon it happened. My father, being in the military, was stationed at the large Air Force Base in San...

Thinning The Veil by Kksharp71

My Dad was an independent owner operator for 41 years. He, I and his Mom, my Grandma Vada were very close. So close, in fact, we knew what the other was thinking without even asking. I call it being "akin" to somebody. So my Dad falls out of his truck in 2010, breaks his neck, is a quadriplegic fo...

Room 113 by CantunSEEit74

We were watching the news one night and they were showing the Twin Falls all lit up with changing lights in Twin Falls Idaho and we decided to go. It is almost 2 hours away, so wife books a room at a dog friendly motel and wait for our day to go. Me, wifey and year-old pup hit the road and it is a...

Disturbing Audio Evidence by AnonMirrorBoard

I'd like to start off by saying that I am a fan of this website. Seeing there was a recent update in the town I grew up in, I had to dive in. I researched a bit and eventually, my girlfriend and I decided we had to check it out for ourselves. I don't intend to bore you, reader, with my background or...

The Old Maternity Hospital Part 2 by Linjahaha

This is a continuation of my last post regarding a very old maternity hospital, built in 1902, and was operated by the Salvation Army named after their founder, William Booth. The hospital operated until it closed in 1991. I worked there as a housekeeper in 1977. They, apparently, had a female gho...

The Old Maternity Hospital by Linjahaha

This particular account took place in the mid to late 1970's. I was still a relatively newlywed to my first husband, Bill. Bill worked on and off, but 'mostly' off. Therefore, I 'had' to work. I found employment as a Nurse Aide in a fairly large hospital (leaving out the name) in Willoughby, Ohio. I...

Our Haunted First Apartment by Linjahaha

Way back in 1972 I was a newlywed to my first husband; Bill, the bum (Feel the love here). We ran away to Kentucky to get married because you could get married there at 16 years old without parental consent. It was 2 weeks after I turned 18 and I could leave Ohio at 18 as 'that' was, then, considere...

A Life Saved By My Mother - 3 Years After Passing by Pegasus593

I just recently came across this website and I love it. I've always believed in the paranormal (I think it's because my mother was so fascinated by paranormal and true crime). I wouldn't call myself a psychic, but I have had dreams that have come true and 'gut feelings' that were correct. This is...

Larry, Looking For Trouble And Finding It by Linjahaha

Here is another account that happened to my late husband, John, when he was between 16-18 years old. He had this friend named Larry. He thought Larry was a bit of a lamebrain, but they shared an interest in working on cars back when you 'could' work on a car before they became so computerized. They ...

The Slumber Party Incident by Linjahaha

This happened a long time ago in my teen years. You know. The years when you're daring and reckless! However, I was the one who 'knew' better during this particular incident. My two best friends-call them Dee and Val-wanted to have a slumber party. We had a previous one at Dee's house and had a lot...

Dog Doesn't Believe That There's Nothing There by RussLesco

We moved into a historic home in Diamond Hill neighborhood of Lynchburg, VA in 2019 With us were our 2 dogs, one large bouvier with arthritis and the other an active, but older hound dog. The bouvier couldn't make up the stairs, so he slept downstairs whereas the hound dog followed us up every ...

The Old Parma Train Station Secretary by Linjahaha

This event didn't happen to me, but to my late husband, John, back when he was 15 years old, and I have no reason to doubt the validity of his account. He and I have, both, had paranormal encounters throughout our lives. He was quite psychic himself, having gotten that ability from his mother's side...

Too Cold For Comfort by flyboy72

Recently I placed a trail camera in my backyard to capture the deer feeding at night as well as to see what other animals may be around. Usually I turn it off during the day but being in a rush that morning I had left it on. The camera was focused from one corner of the yard so it cover the entire a...

The Gettysburg Soldier by Linjahaha

This incident occurred way back when I was 12 years old in the 8th grade in Junior High School (That's what it was called back then in the 60's.) when our history teacher, Mrs. K., arranged a field trip to historic Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, for the entire class. Our parents filled out the necessary ...

The Speakeasy Ghost by KnightRaven

There was an old store in Pueblo, CO that had some paranormal activity. My girlfriend's mother had a religious store and leased the building next door for storage. They were small storefronts so she needed them both to make it work. My girlfriend and I needed an emergency place to live so her mom le...

The Haunting On Midway by KnightRaven

In January 2001 I rented a studio apartment in an old Victorian style house in Pueblo, CO. When you entered the front door there were 2 one bedroom apartments on the main floor, and a winding staircase that went to 2 studios upstairs. It was cool because I became friends with the couple that lived d...

Philbert The Pizza Ghost by Hezza000

So, this started a few years ago at my old job at a pizza place. I don't have great memory so this won't be a fluent story, more like disorganized highlights. It started not long after we began working there. Stuff thrown, things missing, but I didn't think much about until I noticed the footprint...

A Ghostly Farmer by Shounzee

This goes back to 1995. I was 13 years old and with me were my 2 younger bothers. The field was sold and developed soon after my experience also, which further hints that the farmer passed away and the land was sold at the last harvest (which was cut at this point in time of my incident). The stre...

Out Of The Gloom In Gladstone by BettinaMarie

In Multnohmah County, the city of Gladstone on the whole has a very weird vibe, like a bomb site or a slave plantation. When I lived there it was a pretty neighborhood on the riverbank, with big yards and nice trees. I believe this lingering gloom is because of some forty thousand Multnohmah people ...

The Strange Crash In The Kitchen by virulentpeach

My friend recently moved into the attic of a home in suburban Rhode Island, not far away from Providence. The home is that same Folk Victorian style you see all throughout the northeastern United States. The home consists of of three levels: the ground level, the second floor, and the third floor/at...

Spooked In Portland by BettinaMarie

Many years ago I was part of the Portland restaurant scene, working and partying after hours in haunted buildings around the PDX- Metro area. It would be very interesting to see if anyone else had similar haunting experiences, back in the day. In Portland, my favorite haunted place you could sti...

It's The Little Things by applerose1964

We moved into this trailer almost 10 years ago and while we have not experienced a huge spook, we have had a little bite here and there. The first few months of living in the trailer were the norm. One day, I was extremely tired and decided to go lay across the bed. I had been having an uneasy feeli...

Little Gifts Out Of Nowhere by Linjahaha

Those of you whom have read my accounts are aware of the fact that I am a widow that was married to a truly wonderful man. The love of my life. However, I realize that I'm not the first, nor will I be the last widow on this planet, but on with this account. It was only a couple months after my dear...

The Old Mansion By The Side Of The Road by Linjahaha

A very long time ago in the Summer of 1966-67, we were visiting with my grandparents, and other family members that came in from Louisiana. My Uncle Eddy, and Aunt Rosemary came with six of their twelve kids for an overnight visit. We were there for a weekend hiatus also. Of the six of the cousins,...

Staying At Grandpa's House by The_Lost_Voyage_11

When I was a boy, one of my favorite places to spend at least part of the weekend was with my grandpa! He was my mom's father and lived in a bigger town less than 10 miles away from us in upstate NY. I have fond memories of family reunions and spending time as kids up there. He had an old toy box of...

Fathers Passing... And Return by ScareTale

Hey everyone, It's been quite sometime time since I've been on here. I kind of stepped away from the paranormal for a while when my dad's cancer came back. That's the reason I'm writing this, to share the experiences I've had during and after the dying process. For anyone that's been next to a...

Esther's Boarding House by Linjahaha

Back in 1972 about 2 weeks after I turned 18, I eloped with Bill, my first husband, to Catlettsburg, KY. My parents didn't approve of him to begin with. I have to 'agree' many years after the fact that 'they' were 'right'. I 'thought' I knew everything at that young age, but most 18-year olds 'think...

The Haunted Mantel Clock by Linjahaha

This didn't happen to me, but to my late husband, John, back when he was 16 years old. In 1962 his Mother, Mary, was recently widowed for a couple years when she remarried Tom. They moved into a house in Eastlake, Ohio. Your average, normal-sized house with 3 bedrooms. Of course, Mary had a lot of p...

Get Frightened-learn A Lesson by Linjahaha

This happened many years ago when I was a dumb kid, & messed with something I shouldn't have only to regret it later. My cousins, C., & K. (Just using the initials for privacy reasons.) lived in Cleveland. My folks would take us to visit with them quite frequently through the years when we were grow...

The Door Bell by BitterSweet78801

I have three dogs. Skye, River, and Lavender. Skye went to heaven several years ago. So it is my daughter, River, Lavender and I in this house. At the end of 2018, my daughter and I moved to a small town. We live a couple blocks away from my middle sister. River is a Husky and has a deep bark. Laven...

My Friend's House by Kest

A couple of years ago a coworker/friend was stressing out. Her husband and son wanted to go on a hunting/camping trip and she had no one to watch her cat. I told her I love kitties and I would be very happy to watch the kitty! The night before she left I went to her house to see where the cat food w...

Grandma Came To Visit Me by Kest

Grandma came to visit me one last time. This story is very personal for me. It occurred a little over a year today but I still remember it so clearly. I feel as if I took a little paranormal break for a little while. I worked through some personal things. Some job things that led to depression. Then...

Quaint Wasn't So Quaint by Desdemona

Many years ago, my husband and I moved to southern Colorado for his job. We settled into this quaint little two-bedroom apartment in a 75-year-old house in an old mining town. At first everything seemed so nice. It was small but quaint, lots of windows, a nice little fenced in yard for our dogs to p...

Grandma's Creepy Closet by Mikey85

Growing up, my Grandma lived in the apartment upstairs in the same complex where my family and I lived. It was an old building with only twelve apartments in total. She resided in apartment 2874, while we lived in 2868. Since before I was born, Grandma had been living alone. However, she had thi...

T-hill Light by Weirdchick_97

This story took place in Thermopolis, Wyoming. At the beginning of June '23, my girlfriend and I were staying there on a week-long vacation. One night after dinner, we went on a walk by the river in Hot Springs State Park. Across the river and up the bank, a road goes past T-Hill. It is named for th...

A Haunted Afternoon by Troja68

This happened about three years ago at my parent's rented home; an older one story with a basement that sits on the edge of a small town. There's not much to the main floor- two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, the kitchen, and a utility room in the back. The basement consists of an entertai...

High Vibration Spiritual Energy Portal by The_Lost_Voyage_11

This is something I'm still trying to make sense of and like a huge jigsaw puzzle, I continue to get more and more pieces to help me form a bigger picture. To give some background it involves an abandoned building near the small town I live near. The building is part of a sprawling complex that c...

Ironing Board & Drowning by valkricry

I'm going to tell of two separate recent incidents that I don't believe to be related. The first is the case of the disappearing ironing board. The board itself is rather unremarkable; an old table top version, roughly 3 feet long and 1.5 feet wide, constructed of metal. I've had it roughly 18 ye...

Ghost Disappears Thru Closet Door by pastryguy

At the time, I was 14, and did a great amount of babysitting. One of the families I babysat for were very close neighbors that lived diagonally across the street from my house; Edith and Frank. They were foster parents of 4 children at the time. It was Monday, June 17, 1968, again, I was 14 at th...

Bad Dream Or Sleep Paralysis? by Rattler27

I recently stumbled on this website and I'd like to get your take on an experience I had two years ago. First a little back ground. I'm a twenty-seven year old construction worker. I've never done drugs and at the time of the story I had and still have stopped drinking alcohol. I'm what my mot...

Meditation Encounter by Spirit2022

I'm not sure how to start this really. But here goes... A little back history for this experience. My mother's upbringing was quite tumultuous. Very chaotic, abusive etc. She brought that with her as she lived. She always had a dark cloud just lingering above her, and she never knew quite how...

My Baby Son And The Open Closet Doors by TranscendingTales

May 9, 2023, at 12:40 a.m. In the dead of night, I retreated into my quarters after securing the doors. As I was updating one of my ongoing stories on my Kindle, I left my wife to tend to our baby boy, who is not even three months old; he will be three months old on May 22, 2023. My wife put my so...

The Day My Father Died by phear_xiong

I don't know if this story falls under ghost stories or paranormal experiences, but I am sharing a very personal experience for me. As the title states it is a day I will never forget! My father was in hospice care at home. He laid motionless on his deathbed struggling and gasping for every brea...

A Premonition And His Voice by DreamBird

Almost a year ago I woke from a strange dream. I dreamt that my partner's dresser was missing from our bedroom and I was staring at an empty space. I awoke with a very uncomfortable feeling and tried my best to rationalize the dream as being more related to the fact we had new bedroom furniture on l...

A Few Experiances by kowalkoj

I will start by saying that I have always believed in ghosts but never thought I would experience anything, until recently. The biggest experience I had started after my brother unfortunately passed away. I think he visited me a few times after he died for the following reasons. 1) I let my br...

Stick Indians? by CantunSEEit74

In 1987, I was looking for and purchased a 1+ acre lot for $3,000 off of an Indian Reservation in Mason County, Washington (30 minutes from my work). I was making payments as I lived there, and I paid the property off in 1989. I would go out to the property whenever I had time. It was a beautiful dr...

Is Something Paranormal Happening To Me? by gugglemolly19

Firstly, I would like to say that I have been reading stories on this website for 10+ years and like to consider myself knowledgeable about the paranormal. I'm not very good with grammar/correct sentences so please bare with me. I've had various paranormal encounters throughout my life that I plan o...

7 Times Pull My Feet, Still Happening Today by x21bafraid

I will make my story short so you are not reading all day. My brother passed away in July 2020. After he passed away, say about a month later I was visited in my dream by what appeared to be him. He said, "Bruce come see where I am at, its a great place", and started to pull my feet. I said, "...

Incredible Orb Footage by Granny-Flats

I have been recording hundreds of orbs in my yard the last few nights. Can only be seen on infrared. Too cold for bugs. No precipitation or wind. I don't think they are artifacts. I have 4 cameras showing the same anomalies. I walked out into the yard numerous times thinking I should be able to...

Why Did It Come To Me? by Spirit2022

First let me begin by saying Thank you for taking the time to read this. It's greatly appreciated. A little back story to before this experience happened. My husband and I had recently reconciled after 11 months long separation. Which has almost resulted in a divorce. We have 4 children toget...

Water Street by SteveW

There is a neighborhood called Peaceful Valley not far from downtown Spokane, Washington. It is indeed a valley, in the lowest part of the city downstream from the famous "Falls" of the Spokane river. It was established in the late 1800's as an area of modest, small affordable houses built primarily...

Tap On The Leg? by Pelatiah

I wasn't going to write about this, but can't NOT, as I would love your input. This happened just last night at 3am almost exactly. My bedroom is just down a very short hall from the front foyer of our suburban home, which is in a very quiet subdivision in an ATL suburb. There are two outdooo...

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