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Possession Or Poltergeist?


This happened when the hauntings had become very frequent, however none of them of much significance. I had tried making the ghost that had followed me from the holiday go away, (read Holiday from Hell), but the ghost still wouldn't leave in spite of cleansings and threatenings. Especially when I was trying to rest it would disturb me. As a result, I did not get much rest and soon became very annoyed at it. To make it stop, I went to the room that the ghost was seemingly 'inhabiting', (read The Room) and cleansed the place.

The day after, in the afternoon I felt a weird tingling in my hand and I tried to lift it up to look at it, but it wouldn't budge! Then I heard a hiss and my hand slapped my face! I decided to attempt the cleansing again, but after it was completed a hiss was heard and a chair moved, indicating that the ghost was still there.

That night, I woke up and for no reason at all went downstairs. However I was thinking that it was perfectly normal! I would never do that in my life and not suspect there was something weird going on. Then I sat down in a chair and went to sleep for a long time. I woke up to my father shaking me and telling me that I should sleep and I said I had. But my father told me that my eyes were open. That made me think that, after musing it over for a while, that I had been possessed by a poltergeist, as they are the only ones that can do this.

Perhaps, it is possible that the ghost that I picked up on my holiday is not the only ghost in this house. I have come to this conclusion because, if you have not noticed, I did not hear the hiss when I went downstairs in the night. But there is something that does not make sense: why did I hear the hiss when my hand slapped my face? Surely that must have been a possession.

This does not make sense!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, CF, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

lizziebee1992 (2 stories) (37 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
maybe that spirit that hissed was the one that possessed you. Only because it did a phisycal contact to you.
CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-23)
The room currently does feel like that. And I've seen many doctors in my time, so I think I can bear with you 😁

And you don't have to stop asking questions, I'm fine with it!

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-23)

The room currently feels like that... Or it did before you 'used' the cleansing/shielding method?

As far as the sleep walking goes... The person it happens to is often experiencing a stressful period in their life and if it happens to them they often have little or no memory of the incident, as they are not truly conscious. Although their eyes are open, their expression is dim and glazed over (Kinda like you described the way your Dad found you). Sleepwalking may last as little as 30 seconds or as long as 30 minutes. So it may have been an isolated case of Sleepwalking/REM Disorder brought on by the stress that this continuing experience is putting on you.

Thank you for bearing with me...It's kind of like going to the doctor the more information the better the diagnosis... Lol 😁.

Or I can stop asking questions and try another method, this one more psychic in nature, and see if I can gather information in such a way... However if you wish me to do that please do not 'feed' me any more information as it could influence any effort on my part and I will be unable to validate anything I may discover. The choice is yours... We banter back and forth and figure this thing out or I attempt to 'reach out' and 'see' what I can 'see'. I hope that makes some kind of sense.


CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-23)
The room feels like there is something inside it, like a presence, and sometimes you can hear footsteps.

And when I was going downstairs: why were my eyes open when I thought I fell asleep, and I also felt a presence? (Sorry I didn't write that down). Could that be REM sleep as well?

And I know that you are just trying to provide non paranormal possibilities... But something doesn't feel right here.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-23)

Thank you for the quick feedback...

As far as your hand and the sleepwalking I am mearly offering non-paranormal possibilities because everything has to be considered before we call it 'paranormal'.

As far as the Room goes... My method is a cleansing/shielding method so 'in theory' that room should be 'protected'. Before we call it that I want to ask you this...

Does that room feel 'different' from the rest of your home? If so in what way (s)?

Like anything new it may take a bit of time to get it just right... Another member here on site used a version of the method I offered you and it took a couple of attempts to get it to work.

I do find it intresting that you have not experienced anything in the room in question sense useing the method.


CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-23)
Oh and I didn't experience anything in that particular room sense using your method. Was there supposed to be?
CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-23)
I guess it may not be a poltergeist at all. However, a few friends of mine think that poltergeists may be capable of possession. However, I will consider your idea.
CF 😁
CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-23)
I am sure I had nothing on my hand.
CF 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-23)

Thanks for your reply.

Thank you as well for trying my method of cleasnsing/sheilding...A question about that... Have you experienced anything in that particular room sense using that method in there?

Being forceful and 'meaning' what you say are key in using threats against entities/spirits...but if this 'thrives' in that type of enviorment then this approach only supports 'it' hanging around.

Blessings can be tricky... Did you use a 'ritual' from a Religion you follow? Faith goes a long way to adding strength and conviction to a Blessing which in turn gives 'power' to the Ritual and that is what will 'drive out' the entity/ least that's how I understand it.

I mentioned sleepwalking as a possible explination for you going 'downstairs' even though you were conscious during the event. It may have been a mild 'case' of something called REM Sleep Behavior Disorder ( Basiclly your body is able to move during REM Sleep and you are able to 'act out' your dreams... In this case you dreamt you were going downstairs, so it seemed natural that you did so...

As far as your slapping yourself and not being able to move your arm just before doing so... If your hand/arm had 'fallen asleep' (pressure, from some source, has cut off blood flow to a particular extremity of the body. This will cause your hand/arm...foot/leg... To tingle as a 'warning' that it is 'starved' for oxygen) When this happens it's hard to move the effected part of the body and there is a chance that your arm spasmed as blood flow returned to it... This caused you to strike yourself on accident. (Just a theory)

Now I have one last question...I'll just quote myself from my last post for this...

"I'm admit that I am not Familiar with folklore... What spirits are called and their given 'powers' Malaysia are. But I understand a Poltergeist is a supposed supernatural spirit that reveals its presence by creating disturbances, e.g. By knocking over objects, tapping on walls and things of that nature... I have never heard of a case of possession caused by a Poltergeist." So why do you think it's a Poltergeist that 'posssed' you?

Again thank you for sharing this experience with us and thank you for your continued feedback...


CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-23)
For the cleansings I used your advice in the room ghost story and tried to look at other ghost stories to see what advice they gave. I also salted my windows and doors, saged my house and waited.

For the threatenings, I did 'yell' at the entity but I said the words with conviction, another piece of advice someone gave me.

The blessings were performed by myself.

And if I was sleepwalking how could I have been conscious and thinking that everything was fine? And when I hit myself it didn't feel like a muscle spasm, and why couldn't I lift my arm when I tried to.

CF 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-23)

Thank you for your response.

You just said...

"Cleansings, threatenings, blessings... That's basically it."

So which 'Cleansings'...anything offered by other posters here? Or methods recomended or preformed by 'ghost hunters'?

Theatenings? From yourself, directed towards this 'entity'? Was there a 'format' used or did you just 'yell' at it?

Blessings? Preformed by yourself, a Priest/Priestess of the Faith of your choice?

As far as this statement of yours...

"possessed by a poltergeist, as they are the only ones that can do this."

I'm admit that I am not Familiar with folklore... What spirits are called and their given 'powers' Malaysia are. But I understand a Poltergeist is a supposed supernatural spirit that reveals its presence by creating disturbances, e.g. By knocking over objects, tapping on walls and things of that nature... I have never heard of a case of possession caused by a Poltergeist.

The more you post about your experience the more questions it seems to bring up. I know I would like to help you as would/do others here on the site. I will re-read all your experiences but if 'EVERYTHING' that 'WORKS' agaisnt the PARANORMAL has been tried then perhaps it's time to see a Doctor about these visitations/sleep walking and involuntary spasms that casue you to hit yourself...

Just saying.


CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
Cleansings, threatenings, blessings... That's basically it.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)

You say you have tried everything... Could you let us know just what everything is, we wouldn't want to repeat ourselves in any effort to aid you.


CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
I have no idea how to get rid of it. I don't know what to try anymore, this spirit seems to be very resistant to anything I do.
jeffosirius (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
I think the problem with spirits is once one gets in more follow 😢
CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-21)
Me neither, I've tried everything. And you may be right about the spirits being the same. But at least I knew when something was going to happen when the hiss was heard!
MoonLovedRose (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-21)
Honestly, this spirit is definitely connected to you, and it may even be a connection strong enough for possession. It could be the same spirit, not more than one. Just because it doesn't hiss every time doesn't mean its a different spirit.
I don't know what you should do about it, though. 😕

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