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Possession Or Poltergeist? 2


A few days after the 'incident' with the entity, (read Possession or Poltergeist) I decided to cleanse the house a few times. The entity went away for a day, and then came back. Soon I began hearing voices whispering in the house. I decided to cleanse the house again, as I thought the entity was weakening, but it came back again! I repeated the procedure a few more times, and soon it went away completely. Or so I thought.

Two days later the entity came back and caused more trouble than before, so I cleansed the house again, but it always came back much angrier than the last. The last time I dared to cleanse the house it came back and scratched me endlessly, and the next morning my body felt so sore and ached all over, there was also a huge bruise on my shin.

I then thought of how to remove the entity. Going inside the room, I trashed it then left, hoping that the entity would leave that place. Just as I thought, that idea did not work.

Last night I woke up and began walking towards the bookshelf in my room slowly. Just then I began to speak in a language that was not familiar to me for a few hours, then walked back towards my bed and lay there for a while before going to sleep. Could that have been a demonic incantation I just completed?

Today, on waking up, the toilet door was opening and shutting rhythmically. I walked over and I was scratched again! I have a feeling that the entity is getting stronger, and it might be.

I need help on this, please give me your ideas.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, CF, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

AH (8 posts)
12 years ago (2013-08-12)
away from my last post I searched the words you said and I made this out in the post"mirror writing" there were six so I made this out from that sentence "rise of le,don,h'a,leofer brothers thele, merecin resurrection to life,resurrection" creepy isn't it I think le,don,h'a,leofer,thele and merecin are all names of spirits and they are trying to resurrect themselves
AH (8 posts)
12 years ago (2013-08-12)
hey cf where ever you live get out of there the entity is a demon a demon is something which never walked the surface of the earth its not and never was human but the thing is a demon can't possess things or rooms it just moves things and do weird stuff to make it look like it possessed the room but really it wants to freak you out, crush your will and the bruises its all a sign of possession it doesn't want you to leave, it doesn't want to share the place with you, it wants to get in you like possess you, get a pro, do a cleansing and get every last bit of evil out of that place and move out
lizziebee1992 (2 stories) (37 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
if you are frightend or angry or even sad it will make the entity stronger. Have a preist come in and bless your home before something really bad happens to you or your family.
Mannerizms (10 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-27)
I agree with Rook as well, if it isn't anything that can be translated one way or another your brain could just be (while asleep mind you) just jumping sections in your brain because whether a person knows it or not people are programmed with many languages you just have to tap into them. There are also many cases out there of people who would just wake up one day speaking a language and have no idea what they are saying, it's rare but probably (in my personal opinion) more common when we are asleep especially if we are in another state of mind while being unconscious. 😳
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-25)
I went back to read all of your stories before coming back to this one. Also, I just scanned the comments left by the other posters so I'm not sure if they mentioned it or asked if you talked to your parents about this. I thinking that they might guess at what's going on as you are doing the cleansing in the house. What does your parents have to say about this? Also, you said that you have done cleansing many times and it always comes back. Have you tried bring in a medium to see what is going on? Also, my personal belief is the this spirit / demon is strong than you (or at least getting strong). I can think of two things right now. Rook has posted his cleansing ritual. I think you should follow that cleansing ritual BUT with more than just you. Have a friend or two to come over to help you out or have both of your parents help you out (strength in numbers doesn't hurt). My second suggestion would be to talk to a religious leader from your faith to help you out and see if s/he can do a blessing of your residences.
CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-25)
No, I didn't...
And how dare you say that I babbled (just kidding 😜)
But I'll try to see whether I can remember anything out of place.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-25)

No, not at all... I mean I understand what you are saying and you do not sound 'stupid' at all. Not asking about these experiences... Now that would be 'stupid'...LoL. 😲

There is a chance that it was an OBE... Out of Body Experience... You say you got up walked a short distance... Babbled (😉) Then returned to your bed. Did you 'see' anything on/in your bed? Think back and really try to remember... There may be something about that 'return' walk that gives us a clue as to what you may have been experienceing.


CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-25)
Yes, I am considering it.

However it just didn't feel like sleepwalking. Have you ever known that you were awake wham you actually were? It just felt all too real.

I could feel the wind blowing past my face (the air conditioning and the fan), you know what I mean?
Hope I'm making sense because this sounds stupid lol 😁


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-25)

The rest seems to be made up of non-words...well with the exception of this phrase...

De ural Le Don... I found something in French for that but it really doesn't make much sense...

De = Of

Ural = Either a river or Moutian range in Russia

Le = the

Don = Don (didn't translate in French)...In Spanish it is a title affixed to male forname... (Don Deagio for an example) In English, as a noun, a university teacher, a senior member of a college at Oxford or Cambridge. As a verb... To put something on...

So a complete sentence works out to be...

'Of' 'a river or mountian in Russia' 'the' 'boss/senior member/title'

Or if one really tries to make something out of it...
The 'leader' of a river or mountian in Russia.


I know you really feel this is paranormal and some of your experiences may truly be, but the more information you provide about this 'walking and speaking' incident the more it sounds like it may have been a case of 'sleepwalking'. That possiblity really needs to be considered.


CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-25)
Creepy! And how about the word 'alive'? Could it be a resurrection spell or something like that? And why did you need to know my age?
CF 😨
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-25)

Thanks for posting the words... The first one that jumps out is...

Reserrecon: I found this much out... Old English (1688) in a translation of a Dutchmans Last Will and Testement. It does mean Resurection... Just very 'old school' English.


The rest of it... I can't seem to find any translation for it... Not in Latin, Dutch, French...

Again, thank you for keeping us updated.


CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-25)
The only word that I knew was alive, and for resereccon, it could be resurrect.
CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-25)
A few of the words were like this: at first it was a moaning, then four words: De ural Le don. Then, h'a leofer fatru, thele merecin reserrecon la alive. That's all I could hear, the rest was a low mumbling, but the last word was reserrecon. Does that sound like Latin?
Mannerizms (10 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-24)
What I would do in this type of situation if it will not interact with you leave a paper and pen out with a question to it on it. As for the language do you know if it could possibly be Latin? If you can pin point or just spell out what some of the words sound like we could help possibly pin point where its origins are and how to get rid of it through its own culture.

Keep safe and God Bless!
isabellahocroft (1 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-24)
Honestly, this thing is getting pissed off with you clensing the house. Have you tried to talk to it? Do you fear this thing? Because if you do it usually gives it more "power" or "strength" like feeding on your fear. I know its stupid telling you to not be scared and I know your thinking " how can I not be?" but you need to be strong, I have been scratched before and I currently am by something so I'm not too sure what to do about that... Try getting a professional to help you? Or to at least tell you what it is.
-_Syeetaque_- (5 stories) (109 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-24)
Okay. Let's see. Have you ever tried to cleanse your house the Islamic way? It's worth a try, and won't hurt. I'm from Malaysia too, so yeah you can ask me where you can get help if you want 😊
CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-24)
I am in my early teens (14 years old)
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-24)

Yes I did read that but that feeling does not say if the scraches were visable or not... Just tells us that your legs hurt as if you had been standing for a long time... 😲 lol.

Again, thank you for the feed back. I'll ask one of my questions in a slightly differnt way... Are you in your early teens, mid teens or late teens? (13/14=early 15/17=mid 18/19=late)


CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-24)
Oh and I didn't understand the language, so no, I have no idea what the language might have been. And the scratches are not happening in my sleep, I just feel a sudden pain and scratch marks appear.
CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-24)
That is a very good idea! I am going to try it. And yes, I am sure it is not a dream. Have you read the first post on this story? It says that when I woke up I found that my legs ached like I was standing in one place for a long time. Sorry that I don't write down everything... My life is getting pretty chaotic.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-24)

I have gone back a re-read all of your 'experiences' it seems the 'hiss' is not being heard anymore and as you mentioned in 'part one' of this partitular experience I also 'feel' something more is going on...

The method I offered and that you have stated you used is 'set up' to work against negative energies/entities. Granted there are times where it has to be 'preformed' more than once before it completely takes hold and works. This may be due to how strong the entity is or how much negative energy is with-in the home...

In this 'instalation' you say this...

"Last night I woke up and began walking towards the bookshelf in my room slowly. Just then I began to speak in a language that was not familiar to me for a few hours, then walked back towards my bed and lay there for a while before going to sleep."

Are you 100% sure this was not a dream? I ask because Monday I woke up from a dream within a dream... Let me explain... I was a CSI we were about to catch the bad guy... Shots were fired... I woke up... Only to go back to sleep again (told myself it had been a dream) the dream repeated... I woke up went back to sleep... Again the dream repeated... I woke up... This time I got out of bed as my alarm sounded off just after I was awake and I realized that I had been dreaming of waking up in my dream... It took a while to work that one out as I took a shower... Very strange.

Anyway, back to your 'experience'...You say you spoke in a language that was unfamiliar to you... Any idea what language it may have been?

If this is indeed a haunting the spirit may not be negative, but getting angry at the repeated attempts to get rid of it. Perhaps it's time to get a digital recorder and conduct an EVP session... Turn on the recorder, begin recording and ask questions... Who are you? (Pause) What do you want? (Pause) Why are you hurting me? (Pause)...You can see how this works, when you have asked all your questions play back the recording and see if your 'guest' replied to any of your qustions.

Another question... I don't mean to get personal... Have you started puberty? I ask because puberty and poltergiest seem to have a close relationship...

Are the scraches happening in your sleep?

That ends my questions for now... Thanks for the feed back.


chloexyay (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-23)
Okay, if you have not yet seen an Exorcist or however you spell it, do so. They will help, and if you are uncomfortable with that, get a family member, and get a priest to visit your house to scare it off.

That's all I got...
snowhite (203 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-23)
I think it is demonic and I don't think you are powerful enough to get rid of it. It is harder to get rid of demon than a regular entity.
CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-23)
At first I thought this was a dream. But then when I woke up my legs ached as I had been standing in one place for a long time!

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