A few days after the 'incident' with the entity, (read Possession or Poltergeist) I decided to cleanse the house a few times. The entity went away for a day, and then came back. Soon I began hearing voices whispering in the house. I decided to cleanse the house again, as I thought the entity was weakening, but it came back again! I repeated the procedure a few more times, and soon it went away completely. Or so I thought.
Two days later the entity came back and caused more trouble than before, so I cleansed the house again, but it always came back much angrier than the last. The last time I dared to cleanse the house it came back and scratched me endlessly, and the next morning my body felt so sore and ached all over, there was also a huge bruise on my shin.
I then thought of how to remove the entity. Going inside the room, I trashed it then left, hoping that the entity would leave that place. Just as I thought, that idea did not work.
Last night I woke up and began walking towards the bookshelf in my room slowly. Just then I began to speak in a language that was not familiar to me for a few hours, then walked back towards my bed and lay there for a while before going to sleep. Could that have been a demonic incantation I just completed?
Today, on waking up, the toilet door was opening and shutting rhythmically. I walked over and I was scratched again! I have a feeling that the entity is getting stronger, and it might be.
I need help on this, please give me your ideas.