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Surprises On Two Pictures


Please read my other stories for full background on the spirits in my life/home.

On Friday, 5 September 2014, we celebrated Casual Day here in South Africa. Its an annual charity drive especially for people with disabilities. On casual day you pay for a sticker and then dress up or down as you see fit. This year's theme was "Bring the Bling." My mom and I had both dressed up. Given that we have a family member who is a quadriplegic, this cause is very close to our hearts. Mom was wearing a neon pink wig for the day, and when she got home, the boys were taking turns putting the wig and hat on and we were taking pictures of all of us being silly. My sister was visiting, so the three of us were all sitting in the kitchen and the boys were running in and out as bust kids tend to do. She was sitting on the chair with her back facing the refrigerator. My mom was sitting directly opposite her, back to the stove. And I was standing against the kitchen counter, in-between the two of them, though more to my sister's side, and I was facing the oven.

Surprises On Two Pictures

As we were winding down, my sister looked at her phone then turned it toward us, and asked if we could see people in the reflection of the stove behind her. We looked at the picture, and, sure enough, there were two extra people in the kitchen with us. On the picture, in the top right-hand corner is a very clear male figure. His face is in profile. From where he was standing in the picture, his face was turned in my general direction, though he was looking down at the table. In front of him, seated in the chair that was just in front of where I was standing (I am not in the reflection at all btw), there appears a woman. She is sitting and seems to have her arms resting on the table. Although, I know this sounds strange, but the first time I saw her in the picture, her head was tilted back a bit, like she was leaning back, trying to relax. A few minutes later, her arms were moved up and crossed over her chest. So she somehow moves in the picture.

This is the second picture we have managed to take of Gran Monta, and the first picture EVER (I'm talking in life or death) that Charlie has ever stood still and allowed us to photograph him. Although, granted, we did not ask either of them, they just both decided to pop up that day. I do not know if it had to do with the fact that we were having fun and they wanted us to know that they were a part of it, whatever the reason, this is a big deal for me. It means a lot that they actually allowed this to happen.

Upon realizing that we had caught them on camera, my mom then proceeded to show us pictures she had taken in my bedroom the morning before. She had 2 outfits hanging on my closet doors, and she took the pictures to try and decide which she would wear for this special day - she was going to ask advise from the girls at work. But on all 4 pictures, a blurry halo appears in the bottom of the shot. I sent one of these pictures to Tim, my medium friend, and he answered saying "that's not a trick of light or a flaw. Look closely and you can see the hair strands pulled together. It's the back of Gran's head." She really wanted to be a part of this experience it seems, considering we think of one of her sons when we do this every year.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, triden07, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

MarbleMae (6 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-24)
Man, I can never see any of your ghostly family members in the pictures you take off themπŸ˜…... But maybe that's because I'm a random stranger in the internet who they don't want to see them, which I can understand.😳
Anyways, I'm happy for you!😊
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-23)
Well thanks.
I appreciate the feedback. And everyone s entitled to their opinion, can't get mad about that.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-23)
Triden - I've looked at the pictures you've provided (thanks for that) and I have to be honest, in the first picture all I see is what appears to be a reflection and smudges in the oven door. There clearly is a mark where someone ran their finger down the glass so smudges aren't out of the realm of possibility. In the last picture, the one with the dress, this is like thousands of pictures I've taken. For the longest time I was convinced every picture like that was a ghost. I have them taken outside and inside.

However, in order to be fair and give this my best effort at seeing what you see, I did save the pictures to my computer and used the editing tools to enlarge, enhance, changed the brightness and contrast, all those things to see what I could see. I still see what, to me, is a reflection. Now, I hesitate to say this next part because it clearly is ridiculous but it kind of proves a point I want to make. When I look at what you have outlined in picture, the top one, after enlarging, etc to see something, what I see is a demon with horns LOL But all I did was distort the original picture enough that it became something that I could see. Do I believe that is a demon standing there? Hell no! I changed the appearance of the picture enough that it modified what I originally saw as smudges into a creature out of the TV show Angel. I'm a huge fan even though it's no longer on air, so that was an easy leap for me to make.

My point to that is this: sometimes people see what they want to see, or they see what has been suggested to them. For instance, someone shows 12 people the same picture of something supposedly paranormal. Out of the 12 people, only 1 sees something the first time. But that 1 person shows everyone what s/he sees and you get 2 or more who suddenly see the same thing. Eventually, out of the 12, you'll have at least 6-7 people who see the alleged evidence. Is it because there really is something there? Maybe. Is it because of the power of suggestion? Maybe. Is it because the other half of the group just can't see anything? Could be that as well.

If you're convinced there is something there, then no one is going to tell you differently. Especially when you have a friend who is helping you.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-23)
Well, you're probably going to be mad, but I don't really see anything ghostly. Reflections in the oven door and what looks like dust on the lens in the bedroom pic. Sorry, but that's all I'm seeing.
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-23)
Hi all

I have uploaded 2 versions of the picture in the kitchen. One where I encircled Charlie and Gran and one where I did not. Charlie is standing up, with his face turned to his left, and Gran is sitting in front of him. Most people can see the outline of her head and shoulders, but not much of her face, I could actually glimpse how much my mom looks like her. My sister saw her face and said to me "she looks scary and stern".


And then the one in the bedroom

valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-22)
Triden, I can't wait to see those pictures! (Very excited.) I can't help but think that maybe Charlie and Gran have just reached the point of wanting to give you physical proof of their existence. Who knows, perhaps Adam will grow bolder and start appearing more too.:)
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-22)
Thanks Miracles. I think I will just stick to what has worked for me before. I replied to the mail that my story had been submitted, even double checked my mail now to make sure. I sent it 5 hours ago, i'm going to resend that mail, perhaps something else was going on with technology. As I was not able to access the site for nearly a month
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-22)
Must be a glitch on the submission page. I edited this one, saw no indication of pictures attached. /shrug
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-22)
triden - okay, apparently there is something amiss with the submission's page because I reviewed your story even though I didn't edit/publish it. I saw no indication that there were pictures attached. I read through the story twice to make sure.

The only suggestion I have, to you and everyone else, is this: if you are submitting pictures with story, put in the story (see attached) when referencing the pictures. That way we, the mods editing your story, know for sure that there should be pictures. If we don't see the attachments, we can notify administration.
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-22)
Hi all. Just to clarify, I have sent the pictures with my submission today, but the pictures were not loaded as yet. It is not my fault that they were not loaded, and I most certainly did not neglect to add something after tantalizing anyone. But to appease everyone I will load it on my profile as well. As I have done with both the other pictures I have.

Secondly, I have always added whatever I get on here. Have had great help in the past debunking and authenticating my pictures. Besides, my best friend is a medium. He gave us the detail that we could not see at first. I have shown the picture in the kitchen to 6 different people, all of whom could see one or both of the spirits. Whilst advice is always greatly appreciated, i'd rather share with this community than to be called crazy by taking it to someone who does not understand.

I will post when the pictures are on my profile, as I have no idea if/when they will be loaded on to my story.
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-22)
Hello Triden07 - thanks for the story. I agree with BJJ with both her see the pictures would definitely be a treat. I'm very curious about Charlie and what he could look like.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-22)
I agree that if you have evidence like pictures, it is best to present it.

I would love to see them.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-22)
triden07- That must have been something. I would love to see the pictures as well. Thanks for sharing.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-22)
Ok, two things.
One, I always feel disappointed when people talk about these amazing pictures they've taken, but don't show us. That kind of evidence would be awesome to see. Saying you have it but not showing it is a bit like offering an ice cream sundae, but without sprinkles. Any chance you'd be willing to share those photos?
Two, have you shown these photos to a photography expert to get their opinion? It might be nice for you to consider another perspective. Its always good to give the mundane explanation a chance, you know?

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