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Strange Noise On Bottom Bunk


This encounter happened when I was 12. It was a week before Thanksgiving, 1997 and I had gotten suspended from school for about 3-4 days for something petty. On the first day of my suspension I was awakened by the sound of the plastic cover moving on the bottom bunk (The plastic protective covering was never taken off of it at the time.). I looked at the clock on the dresser and was thinking that my little sister (Who slept on the bottom bunk at the time) was going to be late for school. I dozed back off for a few minutes until the sound woke me up again. I told my sister she better get up or she's going to be late, but I noticed she didn't answer.

The noise continued on in intervals. It was exactly as if someone were taking their hands and rubbing it across the plastic, but the noise was only coming from the part towards the foot of the bed and nowhere else. What was also strange was that there was absolutely NO body movement behind it. Just noise.

Directly across from the bunk bed about 5 feet away is a large dresser with a large mirror built into it. I looked at the clock then sat up in the bed and moved over to look into the mirror down onto the bottom bunk to tell my sister to wake up. I was only confused briefly when I looked down and noticed that no one was there. At that very moment the plastic made the noise again from the same spot I was looking at. I got so scared that I literally leaped off the top bunk and ran out the room, leaving the door open and ran into my parent's room where my dad was still sleep (my mom was gone to work).

I was so scared that I got in the bed with my dad and woke him up telling him what happened, but he just kind of shook it off and went back to sleep. After some time I could still hear the noise carrying on in my bedroom at different intervals and eventually it stopped completely. I was still scared but I felt comfortable being around my dad, so I was finally able to get some more sleep.

Around about 11am he woke up and woke me up as well, telling me to get ready as we were going uptown for a while before he had to leave for work. That took my mind off things and eventually I had forgotten about what happened earlier. Around about 1pm or so we came back home and he had to leave for work, so. I was left home alone until my mom and little sister came back home at 4.

I was having fun playing with one of my hand held games in the den (If anyone remembers those 'R-Zone' things from back in the mid-late 90s) while watching tv on the couch. Time went on and I was just chilling, then out of nowhere that exact same noise from down in my bedroom had started up again. I turned the tv down and just froze. This time around the noise was more loud, intense, and more continuous. I mean it was as if something was deliberately trying to scare me or get my attention. It was only the plastic covering on the bed making noise. Nothing else.

I was literally scared stiff but I tried to lean back slowly on the couch to look down the hallway towards the bedroom to see if I could see anyone moving in the room, but I didn't see anything, and the bedroom was well lit from the sunlight shining through one of the windows. It took every bit of courage for me to slowly get off the couch and hide behind it so that who or whatever was down in the room wouldn't eventually come out and see me.

I was so scared that I was almost crying. I had to use the bathroom badly but all I could do was hold it and stay froze behind the couch in one position. The noise continued on for hours up until about 30 minutes or so before my mom and little sister came home, which was around 4:30 or so. I have never in my life been so glad to see them. I didn't think I told my mom about what happened, but later on that night I told her that I wanted the plastic cover taken off the bottom bunk, so we did just that. I checked the plastic carefully for holes just in case MAYBE a small animal or something may have gotten in it and was moving around, but there were no holes to be found. I checked under the bed also but found nothing. The ceiling fan and air vent wasn't on and had no way of blowing air on the bottom bunk anyway, so that was out of the question altogether.

The rest of my days home from suspension went on without event. Though I was still wary, I wasn't as scared anymore. At the time during the encounter I wasn't even thinking about a ghost, but it had dawned on me later that it may have been one. The question that plagued me was why was it trying to scare me, and why was it focusing only on the plastic covering on the bed? Whatever it was or it's reason, it was the most terrifying thing I ever went through to date.

Nowadays as I reflect back on it, I definitely believe it was a possible poltergeist and not just an average spirit passing through.

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lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-07)

Thank you for clearing that up I never really thought of it that way, I did read the guidelines about the abrieviations on words I just didn't even think about the word in that term at the time 😕 but I do understand people could take offense to that word

My apoligies 😳
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-07)
Hi all, just a quick note on karma points and a possible reason why it happened on this occasion.
I wouldn't normally prolong this kind of thing on an older story but it may help clear up a misunderstanding.

The reason for bad karma on this occasion *may* be because of the British slang word for cigarette, which is 'fag'. Yeup, it really is. When used to mean cigarette it literally means that, with no prejudice or homophobic overtones. Of course 'fag' is also used as a homophobic insult. It's even used by gay people as a sarcastic term of endearment. The point is the word is interchangeable within British culture and no one bats an eyelid at anyone saying 'fag' in relation to a cigarette.

Hope this helps. Sorry Dee-J it seems we had a smoke break. 😉
lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-05)
OMG bad karma again for giving my opinions or advice... Ill admit my comments the last few nights have been a bit wavy but when it gets to the point where you think someone has a vendetta against you it gets a little boring and I find myself saying get a grip grow up and get ahold of yourself if you do not like my advice then do comment on it please and say what it is that you do not like about my posts rather than just follow me about hijacking my karma GET A HOBBY because it is now seriously pissing me off!
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-05)
Dee-J, it does sound like is was a spirit messing with you. The fact that it ended after a short time is a bit odd because poltergeist are usually very persistent in reeking havoc. But at least it did end. I agree with Redwolf a cleansing would be a good idea and Rook has an excellent one on his page.
Best of luck to you.
lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-05)
some people in school have personalitys which teachers just take a dislike to, I was suspended from school for stupid reasons like stopping two of my friends having a fight, being outside the school grounds with a group of friends smoking although my fag (cigarette) wasn't even lit, giving a teacher a few choice words because she wouldn't let me go to the bathroom... I agree with tweed I feel like some teachers do thrive on power rather than responsability...

Back to the point of the story if it was still happening my advice would be to just simply ask it to go away and see where things went from there

P.S it doesn't make you a bad person if you get suspended from school as my cousins son is only in primary 1 (5 years old) and has just been suspended from school, do you think a 5 year old would deem worthy of a haunting because hes a little mischivous, And I also think the education system sucks when they think there only option for a 5 year old is to suspend them.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-13)
I'm glad you did mention it because when I got to that part in your story I had a feeling there was a piece missing. Not that you had left it out intentionally, but that perhaps there was something in that moment you'd missed due to the fear and great need to exit the room.
Dee-J (14 stories) (81 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-12)
One detail I forgot to mention in the story though, is that at the moment when I sat up in the bed and looked in the mirror onto the bottom bunk, I saw the movement on the sheet as I heard the noise. It was going in a slow waving motion like a hand was rubbing on it. I had ran out of the room in such a hurry that I forgot about that small detail. I really didn't have time to process it.

At the time all of this was going on I wasn't even thinking about it being a "ghost". It was more like, "why is this happening?". It was scary still.

Anyway, I didn't want to bump the comments on this but just thought I'd mention that part.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-12)
Red, I got numerous detentions and threats with suspension for not having a uniform. My parents didn't have the money for one (they were expensive in my school), and they didn't see a uniform as being beneficial to my education. So getting suspended for turning up late to class is not a far stretch. Unfortunately a minority are motivated by power, not a willingness to help and educate. 😢
Dee-J (14 stories) (81 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-11)
RedWolf: I see what you're saying, but yet, it happened. I was late for class on numerous occasions. Just a few minutes tardy and it was all due to my classmates and I giving ourselves "extended play time" during recess. We hated that class. I should've gotten ISS but they suspended me instead. Why, I don't know but now I could care less. That was then.

Anyway, it took years but my family (well, my father and I) did manage to get rid of the problem. The cleansing did work temporarily but I later found and brought it to the family's attention that the main cleansing had to be done within ourselves so that the poltergeists didn't have any negative energy to feed off of. After a while the activity died down. Every now and then we would still feel cold spots and "presences" around the house but eventually it ceased altogether.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-11)
Having worked in a school district I know that you don't get suspended for 3-4 days for a minor offence. You would have had to be in so late that you were counted as absent. If that's the case the school losses money. You must have done this numerous times or you would only get detention or I.S.S. (In School Suspension).
In any case what has your family done to stop the escallation of spiritual problems? Try Rookdygins cleansing/shielding method. If it is as bad as you say then you are going to have to do this several times. A lot of people on this site have used his method with great success. It is on his his profile page.
Dee-J (14 stories) (81 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-09)
Larkin: I still remember it exactly the way it happened, just as if it were a few days ago. I do agree with what you're saying though.
Larkin (guest)
10 years ago (2015-07-09)
I'm with lady glow on this one. To add, a lot of childhood memories because fuzzy or even amplified as we get older, so it could possibly appear worse then it was at the time.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-09)
Dee-J: thanks for replying; it makes more sense put that way.
I wish I could borrow that poltergeist for waking up my son at a reasonable time every morning! 😜
Dee-J (14 stories) (81 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-08)
Parabol: I totally agree with your sentiments. It was most definitely poltergeist activity.
Parabol (8 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-08)
That sounds like a poltergeist to me. I'm not sure if they cause cold spots (but it seems plausible), but the rest of your experiences seem to point to a poltergeist type of haunting.

That's just in my opinion though, based on what you've said in your posts here. I'm only just now starting to research the different types of hauntings, so I'm not in any way an expert.
Dee-J (14 stories) (81 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-08)
Tweed: Thanks for your response! I am sure lady-glow meant well. I didn't intend to come off as harsh if I did.

Regarding your response, it was pretty funny. I was actually suspended for something rather minor though. I think it was being late too many times or something petty like that. I wasn't in any way a trouble maker in school.

Regarding the spirit itself, it definitely did not mean well. Lol. Though I've had a few smaller encounters before this one, this event in particular was actually the start of many other malicious encounters that followed during that time frame in my home (1997-1998), but it was BY FAR the worst. Not long after this encounter happened, we started feeling cold spots moving throughout the house, the master bedroom would be so cold and had a strong sense of "dread" and eeriness that we couldn't go in there for months, my little sister's Dachshund would bark and even jump back scared at something that we couldn't see, my mother had stuff thrown at her, etc... We went through a lot.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-08)
Hi Dee,

Lady Glow means well, I thought of an insect trapped too. Until it progressed further, and lead into daytime activity. Which made me think of a possible motive for scaring you: It was reprimanding you for getting suspended!
However unjust your suspension was, maybe this entity was rather strict and didn't take kindly to you playing hand held games. I loved those little games too btw! Or maybe the entity didn't know why you were suspended, and just *assumed* you deserved it. As you didn't enjoy the rest of your time alone during suspension, maybe this ghost/entity was satisfied with its efforts and decided to leave you be. But that it's overall motive was, in a way, well intended. Maybe. I don't know, this just sprang to mind while I was reading.

I would have crapped myself both times too!
Thanks for sharing.
Take care.
Dee-J (14 stories) (81 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-08)
lady-glow: I see what you are saying from your perspective. However, at the time of the event it was only the fitted sheet that was on the mattress, and it was tightly fit onto it. The actual sheet (The one that you actually lay under) and the blanket were left balled up at the other end of the bed (In other words, my little sister didn't make up the bed before she left for school).

My little sister and I slept in opposite positions, which is probably different than most people would sleep on bunk beds, I don't know. My head would always be positioned normally, but my little sister always slept with her head positioned to the foot of the bed. When I was hearing the noise, it was only coming from where my sister's head would've been, and nowhere else.

The way how the event happened also suggested that it was a spirit deliberately trying to get my attention or scare me. When I first heard it, I was kind of ignoring it just thinking it was my sister still asleep. It kept on a little bit more and I thought it was my sister tossing and turning, but like I said, there was no bed movement. When I called her name and told her to get up or she's going to be late for school, the noise stopped at that moment. When I sat up in the bed and looked into the mirror to see onto the bottom bunk, the noise started again at that very moment and stopped. It was then that I ran out of the room. To me, that suggested an intelligent haunting.

You say that you find it hard to think a ghost would have enough energy to do something like this, but spirits can have more energy than one may realize. We've had a lot of STRONG activity in our home over the years, and if I told you the root cause of it all, this story would actually make a lot more sense. However, I will not go too much into details on this because it is really a little too personal to be honest (I actually posted some of it on a comment I left on someone else's story on this site just for the sake of trying to help with their situation, but again, I didn't go in too deep).

I'm with you, I'm all for trying to rule out mundane possibilities before declaring something as being ghost activity, especially nowadays that I've become a lot more logical minded than I used to be; However, just know that I know first hand just what spirits can do.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-07)
Dee-J: I'm thinking more like something BETWEEN the plastic cover and the bed sheet.

Personally, I find it hard to think that a ghost would have enough energy as to spend several hours rubbing the plastic cover for no reason and then for this activity not to happen again.

I'm not trying to say that you didn't experience something, I understand that this would frighten you considering your age and the fact that you were alone at that time; but it is important to try to find more mundane possible causes for your experience. Of course, after such a long time it is too late now to look for what could had been in the bed that day.
Dee-J (14 stories) (81 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-07)
[at] lady-glow I checked the plastic sheet for any holes actually before it was taken off, so there was nothing in there.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-07)
Dee-J: perhaps it was a mouse or an insect trapped between the bed sheet and the plastic cover and it escaped when your mother removed the plastic off the mattress... It is amazing how much noise a fly can make with its little wings.

Good story!

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