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New Office, New Spirit


I started working at a new company on 24 August 2015. The job and the people are great, and I am very happy. But I'm starting to notice things in the office...

We work in an old house that was converted in to offices. We have a show room that takes up a third of the building, it's open and well lit and very inviting. The showroom is directly to your right as you walk in to the front door. To the left are the desks where 5 of us sit in an open plan area. As I sit in front of my computer, a doorway leading to the mid section of the showroom is to my left. Heading further down the passage is the owner's office/kitchen to your left, and the passage grows dark. Just past his office is a gate in the passageway. The gate closes off the store room, to the right, a caged storage area to the left for the high-end export products, and a toilet right at the end of the room, dead ahead.

Since Monday, 28 September 2015, 2 days ago, I have noticed someone walking up behind me as I sit and work. It has happened at least three times since Monday. I can hear soft steps starting at the filing cabinet that is behind me, if I sit back and turn my chair around I can open the cabinet door, walking past me to my right. From my vantage point I can clearly see if someone comes walking to me from the reception side and from the showroom, so no one can come up behind me without me noticing it. I can feel someone standing just behind my right shoulder, and I have caught a shadow in my peripheral vision, but when I look around, no one is there.

Any time I enter the store room area I have the urge to not look left or right. I keep my eyes focused on the bathroom door and close the door without turning around. At first I thought it must just be because I am not used to the building, but now I'm wondering. I get a strong feeling that someone is watching me as I move through the room. My intuition kicks in and I feel like I should not look toward any boxes, like I'm going to see something I don't necessarily want to see.

On one trip to the bathroom today I walked in, closed the door and just as I got to the toilet the door jumped open. I walked back and closed it again, giving it a shake to make sure the lock caught properly. Again, just as I got to the toilet it happened again. I grabbed the door handle, pushed the door and locked it from the inside. This is a bathroom door, so a lock and key, not a commercial toilet door with a sliding lock.

I feel slightly nervous; the feel I get is that this is a stranger. As I am sitting at my desk now I have that prickling feeling like someone is standing right behind me. The urge I get is to run, like I get when Adam walks next to me. It's not out of fear; it feels more like a natural instinct my body is trying to react to. I have goose bumps everywhere. I am getting the feeling that whoever this is wants me to know they know I am sensitive. Any posters particularly attuned to sensing spirits, like valkricry, please tell me what you are sensing. I want to know if my intuition is correct.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, triden07, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-09)
I am quite alright at the moment. I know I am protected so I am not too concerned. I also know to trust my intuition when it comes to the spirits around me, though I am curious as to who this spirit is, I know he is not a threat. He is not a negative entity. He realized I am aware of him and he really wants to make contact with someone. So being over-eager and getting in my space is just excitement from him.

The building was renovated years before our company bought it, so no one here has too many details on this. But I'm curious, so I'll keep digging
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-08)
Rook, I'm secretly YGSing in a meeting. Your comment made me start laughing. Awkward. 😢
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-08)

Ah a wee bit Preachy (This coming from a Priesthood holder)...

Besides Heavenly Father does not really shield us from High EMF levels.

Thanks for shareing though...


Pragya (5 stories) (68 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-08)
is it happening because of high emf around. Check for some wires and cables behind the cabinet. See if there are plugpoints, switchboards. Also You can do one thing close your eye and visualise a white light covering you from head to toe and make an affirmation that only God and His angels surround you there are so many angels around you that the spirit doesn't even have space to stand around you. That you Love God and only the angels and spirits who love God can be around you. No body else is allowed. Also thank God and His Angels for protecting you and being around you all the time... Nothing will touch you if you get this in your mind and heart... This works.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-07)
Sent you my impressions. Hope they're of some help.
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
Hi samtillie
At this stage I am testing the waters as it were. I don't want to open up too much, experiencing things on this level is very new to me.
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
Hi Trident, I enjoyed your story. Would you ever attempt to communicate with this spirit? Just being abut nosey
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
Be 'left-handed' in the asking. Like, when you come back from the restroom, say something like, "What's up with that door? Kept popping open on me. Weird," and let them take it from there.
Hey, I got the pics you sent. Right now I'm getting ready for work, but I'll pull them up later and see if I get anything from them. Since I was on pain meds yesterday (strong ones) I didn't trust myself with it.
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
Hi Tweed
The feeling I am getting is that the spirit may be compelled to get my attention because it realizes I am sensitive to it. I don't feel threatened, just overwhelmed, because it stays in my space, a lot. The "wanting to run" - let me explain, I think it is an impulse my brain sends. I get the exact same urge when Adam leaves his room and walks with me. It's like my mind tells me "something you can't see is following you, RUN". I don't get it when one of my gran's or Charlie does it, but definitely with Adam and now with this one. The bathroom door, to me, I think this spirit cottoned on to the fact that I was avoiding looking around. So, how do you get someone's attention? Do something they won't expect.

Hi Val!
Ooh I'll keep an eye out. I have also thought about getting Tim to come and just walk through. Seeing as how this cheeky spirit comes all the way to my desk, I'm sure Tim will pick him up. I actually want to talk to Tim and ask him what he picks up from his side. I have not asked anyone here about this, seeing as how I have only been here a little over a month I'm afraid someone will think I'm crazy.

Hi dreamer01!
You definitely did not over step the mark. I have been trying to rationalize the door jumping open as well, but very little variants came in to play the day it happened, and this spirit seemed to be bent on getting my attention for two days prior to this. This is the first time that an unknown spirit is this bent on getting me to notice it.
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
hi triden,
I felt compelled to read you account once more.
Can you get a carpenter to check that toilet door and lock?
I am all for trying to debunk things before putting them on the shelf for further contemplation.
an old tooth brush I keep in a jar with pens and rubber bands moved suddenly the other day and took me by surprise. Then I remembered I took a rubber band out of it 2 days earlier. I guess it moved up and a vibration of me putting something on the bench made it fall a second later.
I had the blowing on the neck thing happen as well so I know how you feel on that.
But, your spirit stalker, strange vibe you have. I feel abit remiss about saying anything as I do not wish to make you think either way but I feel I must.
I think you do have someone there that wants to be noticed. I feel he is a reasonably young man but not a teenager. Something happened to him and he feels it wasn, t his time to leave and may need help.
hope I haven, t over stepped the mark in my comments. For some reason the name " felix " just popped into my mind.


valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
You mentioned a showroom, so I assume it's open to the public? If that's so you might have Tim make a walk through.
Have any of the others mentioned anything? Weird vibes, the toilet door or the like?
I'm going to email you some thoughts, I'm having. But, if possible you might want to poke into the past of the house, back when it was a home. Might help get a handle on some things.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
Hi Triden,

Sometimes when I feel watched by an unknown I consciously don't 'look' to where I feel their presence as a means to 'ignore', or to (hopefully) not be bothered by anyone. Whether their intentions are pure or not, sometimes I simply don't want to be 'bothered' by ghosts! So I can relate to you watching where you look so to speak going to the bathroom. This toilet door nonsense is bothering me a bit. I hope I'm wrong but it seems like someone wanted you to know they were there. I hope they weren't doing this in a creepy way. There's a possibility they were being playful and cheeky.
I'm not getting a 'sense' about the presence at your office. You described wanting to run, is that wanting to run away from this presence? Could this be your instincts telling you something isn't right with this presence?
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
It is Monday, 5 October 2015, 4:21PM here is sunny South Africa. And as I sit here at my desk, this spirit is here. It feels like it is blowing in to my neck and touching my hair. I still don't feel scared, just curious.

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