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My Engagement Ring


I had to have a hysterectomy at the age of 36 in 1997 so I had to take my rings off before the surgery. When I got home I didn't bother putting the rings back on because my fingers were swollen.

At the time I didn't have a good jewelry box so I had my husband put my wedding and engagement rings in his night stand drawer before the surgery. When I wanted to put my rings bank on my husband could only find my wedding ring. I was devastated that a ring that came off of my finger was when I was pregnant (because for some reason I got a rash from gold during pregnancy) or had surgery was gone.

We tore that drawer apart I don't know how many times and it was nowhere to be found. Of course we looked other places in the bedroom then expanded our search to other rooms knowing my deceased grandfather, or more likely my father in-law who liked to move things, might have hidden it. I don't know how many times I would look for that ring and ask many father in-law to put it back. The funny thing is other things we were looking for would show up but not my ring.

In September of 1998 I had my first neck surgery just to clip 2 disks. At the same time we were looking for a new house because our neighborhood was getting bad. We had a meth dealer on one side of us and a pot dealer on the other side of us. We had to get our kids away from that. Selling our house was as hard as finding a new one.

One day I was on the computer looking at houses and found the one we now reside in and shortly after our realtor found a buyer for our house. The closing on both houses were on the same day a week before Christmas. We still had not found my ring so I was upset to say the least.

On moving day I stayed at the new house after the first load of our old house was brought in. When my husband came with the second load he was smiling and said guess what I found. I was busy unpacking and still upset over the ring so I just said I don't know, what? He pulled my engagement ring out of his pocket. I was so excited I started to cry tears of joy. I asked him where he found it. He said the same drawer we had put it and had even completely emptied looking for the ring and looked for it many times for before.

As I put it on my finger I quietly thanked both my father in-law and grandfather for putting it back, because I didn't know which one had found it. I now have a proper jewelry box to put it in when I have to take my rings off.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, RedWolf, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
A sweet account. Ring finally found.

Nicr story! Thanks for sharing. 😊 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-12-28)
RedWolf - yes, I know about your problems with your back and I understand. Believe me. There are days my back hurts so bad that breathing makes me cry. Those days and my migraine days are the days I feel it's better for everyone if I stay off the computer. If I could stay away from people altogether, I would. It's not fair to anyone else that my pain makes me lash out at someone else.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-23)
Having lived in houses with some sort of paranormal activity since being a teen I've gotten used to it. I was looking for houses on the on the internet and found the house I live in now and told my husband that's the house we would be living in. I just wish that a M.R.I. Disk and report I lost would be found by one of the
"dead dads".
The only time it really bothered me was when my daughter used to go to an alleged haunted road that had a cemetary right by a parkway which 3 teens were said to hung themselves from the Railing of the parkway. Especially when she went with a satanist.
She brought something home twice. It took me and my son awhile to get rid of them.
It's been quite for awhile as for non human entities. So I'm happy about that. But the anniversary of my father in-laws death is coming up so he may be coming by for visits.
It seems like houses like animals pick me. I will visit friends and  be like um who is so and so and it will turn out to be someone they know/knew. Being a medium as well as a psychic gets to be a pain in the butt sometimes. But others it comes in quite handy.
I live in the suburbs east of N.Y.C. And I have quite a few trees in
My yard. If I there are also many parks nearby but there is such a problem with ticks in a couple of them the beaches are a better place to go to clear my head.
I think that I mentioned that John Edwards, Kim Russo,& Theresa Caputo, all come from Long where I'm from. Quite a coincidence that they all cookie from an Island that is 19 only miles wide and 120 miles long.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-21)
Red, as I read your update, I thought along similar lines to Val; but -being British- I went to "Pixie," "Brownie," and "Sprite" (the Fae creatures, not the American snacks/beverages).

I've got to ask, do all of your homes evince this much activity? How do you choose your domiciles; do you just follow Ley Lines until they intersect with "For Sale" signs? Good gracious! After a couple of weeks, I'd get annoyed at the non-stop supernatural merry-go-round...

Smiling while slowly shaking my head,
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-18)
Thanks val
I had thoughts along those lines. I think it was an imp and I may have had more than one. I knew we had mice but one day walking past the washer and heard a rather weird noise. Two creatures were trying to climb up the back. I took a flashlight to get a better look. One was brown, no tail, it had scampered up higher, the other was white again no tail. Neither were small enough to be a mouse nor were they large enought to be a rat. I was shocked to see that a huge star nosed mole (vole?) with black eyes and the paws looked strange like the were made more for grasping rather than digging. It was the weirdest thing to see and it was staring at me. Then it began climbing up the back of my washer. I hopped on top of that washer to see where it was going and both were gone.
My son says imps can shape shift too so maybe they took the ring and hid it and my ghost dads had
A heck of a time finding it.

P.S. We didn't have a basement we had a dirt crawl space. My husband
Had never seen mouse poo and when I showed him the stove top he told
Me that it was just burned rice. I cleaned up the "burned rice" and lifted
The stove top and was disgusted. I called him back over and showed him
What I found and I told him it was mouse crap and we were having take
Out that night. 😆
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-18)
The only thing that popped into my head was 'gremlin' or imp. Very mischievous creatures.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-18)
Biblio & val
I'm sorry that it has taken so long for my response. My tablet is a few years old and seems easily manipulated. I have been trying to respond for a few days and each time the tablet went wonky. I'm on a regular computer now.
When we first realized that the ring we took everything out of the drawer.
If it was folded we unfolded it, if it was a booklet we went page by page. After the drawer was empty we took apiece of paper and put it in the spaces where the drawers were put together.
What I didn't mention was the surgeon told me I could do whatever I wanted after a few weeks. I picked up a half empty large dish soap bottle. I felt a sharp pain in my neck and my knees buckled. The surgeon said that I did not undo the surgery. No come to my office so I can check you out, no let's do another C.A.T. Scan to make sure, no empathy at all. So after that my back was so sensitive and painful my husband couldn't even hug me.
I have thought that perhaps something else had taken it and hidden it. It may sound strange but one day a few weeks before the surgery I walked into the bathroom and the cabinet door under the sink was open a bit. I thought how odd, and then I saw this little humanoid creature. I am a very light walker and it looked very surprised and scared to see me and the cabinet door closed. I can't be sure how tall he was because it was a second of us looking at each other, but I would estimate 6-8 inches. When I opened the cabinet door there was no sign of him. The hole in the base of the cabinet for the drain pipe was in no way big enough for him to escape through. I don't know what he was. Any ideas? I think it's possible that he took the ring and my dead dads as Biblio has come to think of them had a hard time finding it. I can't believe that I forgot about this little man and I know I didn't imagine him.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-15)
This was a nice story... I loved reading it 😊 Thanks for sharing 😁
Amzu15 (19 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-14)
I have literally read all of your stories and liked them a lot. Keep sharing more. Take care.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-14)
Reading your story, I had a very odd thought. From what you've told us before your Dads (especially your father in law) generally will hide things only up to when you seem to be getting upset. The ring doesn't fit that. No, it went on way too long for 'funny'. Maybe the misplacing of the ring actually was that; one of those weird things that sometimes happens. Hubby took something else out of the drawer and it hitched a ride, then actually became lost. Perhaps when ghost dads realised that you were leaving, they put forth extra effort and found the ring for you, because they really do love you.
Of course, I've no way of knowing if that odd thought contains any 'reality', I just prefer it to "Well that was mean!"
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-14)
Hi, Red.

I'm just wondering about your reaction at the time. Did you explain to the two gentlemen (I've taken to thinking of them as your 'dead-dads') that this was not a prank, it was hurtful? The difference does need to be pointed out to some people who take jokes too far; I presume that jokes can be taken much further once the limitations of physical boundaries are no longer a consideration. A prank or practical joke is one which the victim *also* finds funny -if not immediately, at least within 5 minutes or so. Hiding the tv remote is a prank, concealing personal jewelry for an extended period simply upsets people.

How were you supposed to find this in any way amusing? While you have a positive relationship with them both, at least one of them needs to be reminded that there are boundaries which should not be crossed; they are, after all, rent-free residents in your home. In all of your narratives which come to mind, I can't recall an event in which you were strict; your writing always indicates your taking a gentle (possibly too-lenient) attitude with conflict or confrontation. Some of us find it useful to adopt stern personae when dealing with unpleasant circumstances or unreasonable behavior. We're not always as severe as we appear to be, but we do this to prevent a bad situation from escalating to one which will move us to explosive retaliation. I'm not proposing that you go that far, but making the boundaries of acceptable behavior clear is part of self-protection. If you don't take steps to indicate your level of tolerance, you'll feel traumatised and imposed upon. I wouldn't go threatening an exorcism the first time they upset you, but don't put up with more malarkey than you can bear.

otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-14)
Redwolf, I have had my phone disappear but lol, I know it was cause I mindlessly put it down. I don't like phones so never have invested in anything more than a flip phone. I have had to call it on my sons cell phone many, many times... And if it was on, always found it. I can just imagine your non believer son struggling internally with this one lol!

My kindle fire hd reader is gold to me, at 4x7 its big enough that its easy to locate in my house with a glance and I keep it close like people would their iphone... Thought I was losing my mind when it went bye bye lol. (I was reading this site on it the night before lol... Think that means anything?)
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-13)
Hi Red,

Of course I'm glad the ring was returned, but I'm also very annoyed at the idea someone took it! Honestly I don't see any reason to. Whoever took it deserves a backhander! 😆
earthangel67 (4 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-13)
Red, I'm glad your ring was finally returned by the prankster! This happens quite a bit in my house too, although it's been quiet of late. I was always told as a child to respectfully ask the Archangel Chamuel to locate lost items. It works too! 😊
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-13)
I know you didn't think it was funny at the time but I got a chuckle that your phone went missing. Earlier this evening my oldest son could'nt find his phone. He doesn't believe in anything supernatural but he had to call it a couple of times before we heard it ringing under the couch and he was right next to the couch so he should have heard it ring the first time he called it. He claims it must have slipped out of his pocket and gotten between the cushions before falling to the floor. Yeah right that's why he had to call it a couple of times before we could hear it ring. 😆
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-13)
Thank you Caz. Sorry I didn't answer sooner. For our 15th anniversary in 2001 my husband wanted to surprise me with new wedding rings for the both of us. I don't remember why but I was not wearing my rings. Anyway instead of just taking my ring to be sized he traced the inside of my wedding ring. When he brought the rings home his fit just fine but mine was way too small. I got it on but my finger was turning blue so I had to first try soap then lotion to get it off. We all had a good laugh when he admitted he traced the inside of the ring. I told him he could have just taken the ring and had it sized and I wouldn't have noticed. 😆
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-12)
Just after I had posted that I have not had any paranormal experiences in the past two years I had a relocation episode yesterday, my kindle fire disappeared from the kitchen counter, I searched all the usual spots (my house is more apartment sized and, in layout) Ended at the big L shaped red couch, started all over again wondering if indeed I did bring it home from work, but remembered I took a bath the night before and was reading in the tub. Circled 3 times and ended at the couch, there it was, in the middle of the lounge cushion, like a big ole black beacon. I thanked whomever decided to give it back, and off to work I went, smiling. So glad you got your ring back! Thanks for sharing!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-12)
Things have been moved from one place to the other for years.
First my grandfather made me promise to take care of my grandmother and if I didn't call by Thursday of every week that I hadn't called yet he would move things too. My father in-law and I got along great so after he died he would drive me very crazy with his beyond the grave pranks. I told them no fair tag teaming me 😆
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-12)
Lovely ending to an interesting story Redwolf! I'm so glad you got your ring back... Even though you had to wait awhile! 😊
kaykay3313 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-11-12)
RedWolf this happens to me all the time! It's so frustrating because you know you put it in a specific spot and then later after you search for it and finally give up, it's right back where you had it to begin with! I guess being a ghost can get boring and they must find something to do to entertain themselves. Atleast that's what I think. 😁

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