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Something Dark


I'm not sure if any of my stories will be posted, but this is now my second one.

This happened to me about 5 years ago. It was around 2012. It all started around summer time. My first marriage had ended, and I was about to lose my place.

It first started with dreams. I know that unless it's related to the story, it's not important, but I believe it is. I've always had a connection with ghosts. I've been told that I'm followed by them, since everywhere I've ever lived, I've always had something happen.

So like I said, it all started with a recurring dream. It would take place in my childhood home, that is deep in the woods, on my family's property. I would feel like something evil was calling me from my old childhood room. I say childhood room, because when I was a young teen, I moved into my older brother's room, after he had passed away over a long battle of a rare disease.

In my dream, I could feel this evil presence in my old room. It was the first room on your left, when you went down the hallway. I knew it felt dark and evil. It also felt big, and had more of a male presence to it. Nothing happened in the dream, other then the fact that it seemed to want to make itself known. I would be in the house in my dream, talking to my mom, standing near the hallway, and could feel it start to approach me. I could also feel it stand at my old bedroom window, like it had so much hate. It felt like it took up most of the window, which is one of the reasons why I said it felt big.

I knew it would be a matter of time before I'd eventually have to move back there with my 2 kids. I did bring it up to my mom, who does not have a connection with ghost/spirit's, but knew that I did, and luckily believed me when I told her about what I'd hear, or have happen to me. But she said she had no problem's there. Which wasn't surprising to me.

Due to my older brothers illness growing up, as well as my dads unexpected death before I was born, there was a lot of negative energy that we created in that house. Which is what I believe made the dark spirit there, because my parent's built the house. So it's not like anyone died in it. But as a young female teenager, going through a lot of childhood trauma, like watching my brother slowly die, and being known as the black sheep of the family (I wasn't exactly treated that great by my family members) I was a very depressed person. I would lash out a lot to my mom, and held so much anger. I thought this information would be important, because it helps understand what kind of things happened in the house.

As I was in the process of moving back in, I knew that I did not want to stay in that room. So I stayed in my room that I used as a teenager. It was right beside my moms. I could still feel that it was there. Like it was watching me. But I did my best to just ignore it.

One night, when I was dropping some stuff off, I had one of my male friends come with me, but he chose to stay in the car. I had told him before about what I felt to be there, and how I could feel it stare me down from my old room. He has never been to my moms house before, so he did not know which room I was talking about. It was night time, and being so far back in the woods, surrounded with trees, the yard was very dark. When I got back in the car, my friend looked freaked out. I asked what's wrong, and he pointed and asked me if that's the room that I told him about? I looked to see where he was pointing, and sure enough, it was the same room. I said "yes", "why do you ask"? He said he could feel something very evil like, staring at him, like it was pissed that he was there. He said it definitely felt very tall, because it felt like it took up the whole window. He claimed that he tried to just ignore it, and that he was just sitting there messing with his phone, when all of a sudden, he felt something staring at him, and could feel it looking at him from that room. He said no matter how much he tried to ignore it, he couldn't help but get freaked out, and feel hated, and unwanted. So we left and stayed that night in my old place, since I still had more stuff to move.

Fast forward to a few days, and I'm now living in my moms house. It was around midnight, and my kids were both asleep. So one of my other male friends, that stayed across the street from me (our family is close), but was still like half a mile from each other, since I stayed so far back. Came over to have a few beer's, and catch up. We sat outside, which was farely lite outside, due to the moon. As we were talking, he started to freak out saying that he was seeing something move around us. I looked, but didn't see anything. So we tried to ignore it. But he kept saying that he could still see it. The way he described what he kept seeing was some type of light, that kept floating around, and then dissapear. Eventually he just wanted to get back home.

I would like to mention that my friend has had an excorsism in the past, and has also seen a lot of ghost's. He does feel like he has this darkness around him, that freaks me out sometimes.

As he was going home, he could hear something following him beside him, but going through the woods. He then started to walk faster. I should mention that how my moms driveway is setup, there's a big size woods on one side, and my grandparents house on the other side of her driveway. As he starts to reach the big garden area, that's in a big opening, with a cow pasture on the other side of it, that follows the rest of the driveway to the road (the cow pasture that is), he said he could see something run out of the woods, through the garden, and into the cow pasture. Like it was keeping a distance. He said he couldn't get a good look at it, but it seemed animal like, but this isn't normal behavior for the kind of animals we have around us. As he was finally reaching near the end of my driveway, he could see the road, and that's when he said he saw something at the end of my driveway that was standing up on its back two legs, get down on all fours, and run across the road, into his yard.

By this point, he's really freaking out, but still has to go home. So when he got to his house, he went to his garage, that's not connected, but still beside his house, and sat in it with the garage door open, while he smoked a cigarette, and tried to think back on what he just saw happen. Then he starts to hear this growling noise coming from beside his house. He freaked out, and ran inside the house. Thinking he was safe now, he heard the growling noise again, but this time, it's coming from inside his house. He then goes to his room, and that's when I called to make sure he got home OK, and he told me what all had happened to him, when he was walking down my driveway. I couldn't believe it, but I noticed that I no longer felt that evil presence in that room anymore. I told him a few days later, that I think whatever was in my old room, might have been what followed him home. He said that since that night, he still hears that growling noise around him.

I just assumed that with his dark energy that he seems to carry, that the evil presence felt it when he was in my yard, and followed him home. I haven't felt that evil spirit anymore here. But I lost contact with him not long after that. He started to go down a dark path that I don't care for (if you get what I mean), but he still stays across from my family's property. I've been told by others, that they feel the darkness around him too, that he seems to carry with him.

I hope I didn't jump around to much with this one. I'm bad about getting to the point lol but hope y'all enjoyed it. I still have more stories to tell, if y'all want to hear them? Thank you

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Twilight1011, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

MysticFrance (5 stories) (95 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-08)

I hope his grandma is fine, not being bothered by entities. 😳
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-08)
MysticFrance, I hope you had a happy New Year as well 😊 as for my old friend, he had his own personal problems before that night, that I think I mentioned more details on this thread 😕 I'll have to check over to see what all I have already said on him. But to sum it up, he was already surrounded in dark things, that he had told me has attached to him over the years. Which is why I believe that whatever was here, left with him when it saw him. When I was friends with him, he was very much troubled, but I no longer know if he's since gotten better. All I do know about him now, is that he still stays across the street from me, with his grandmother.
MysticFrance (5 stories) (95 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-08)

Happy New Year! I hope all is well when you and your family welcomed 2019.

Your experience is really creepy and who knows what would've happened if the entity did not leave and follow your friend. What happened to your (former) friend? Did he involve himself into something illegal? Poor him. It must be that evil thing.

I hope all is well with you and your family.

Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-23)
SWS, thank you for taking the time to read all my experiences on here. This was definitely one of my scariest experiences I've had. I've since wondered what could have happened, and how bad things could have gotten, if this darkness didn't follow my friend home. I feel that it would have been very bad for us here, if it didn't leave. The fact that it was able to somehow mess with my dreams, when I didn't even live here, freaks me out on how strong it must have been. It's like it knew ahead of time, that I would be back here, despite it being 2 month's before I even knew I was going to move back. Whatever it was felt so evil, and it watching me leave through my old bedroom window, taking up the entire window, was terrifying. Maybe with my mom not really being able to sense spirits, made it mess with me more, knowing that I could feel it. As for my friend it followed, he's always had something dark around him, and he knew that. So I felt that what followed him from my moms that night, was because it saw the darkness around him, and figured he would be better to mess with. I still don't talk to him anymore, just because I don't like the negative energy he brings around. But I do still see him every once in awhile, whenever I come and go from our driveway (as I've mentioned, he lives directly across the street from me), but that's it.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-23)
Hello Twighlight1011,

Wow, what a great read! You had me until the end.

I'm so sorry you had to go through so much pain growing up with your brother's death and father's, and not seeing eye to eye with your mum. You grew up to be a strong person and a fantastic mum. Reading the pride you have for your kids tells me your everything and more to your kids.

It's a shame your friend went to the dark side. Maybe the evil spirit who followed him from your home had a lot to do with that...?

Thanks for sharing.

😘 ❤ 😘
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-15)
Lol yeah me too. I loved they did that, and it made it even funnier to know the point of it. I never really thought that they would do something like that though. I've seen Facebook post of them making jokes of the two characters, but to see them do it on the show was priceless 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-03-15)
I did see a clip on Facebook of him with the baseball bat. Now I'll get the joke LOL I love when they do that; make references to other shows. Like the one with Linda Blair and the pea soup 😆
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-15)
Yeah I understand that. But I know Facebook was making jokes about the bat he would use in the walking dead, and in last weeks episode of Supernatural, they made a joke about it. One of those where you'd have to watch both shows to get, but still really funny.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-03-15)
Twilight - no, I have this thing about zombies. They scare me to death 😨 I did know Jeffrey Dean Morgan was cast in the Walking Dead but even that isn't enough to make me watch LOL

I haven't seen the latest episode of Supernatural yet, but I'll watch for the reference. Thanks for the heads up 😊
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-15)
Hey miracles, I'm curious, do you watch the walking dead? I ask because after watching the newest episode of Supernatural last week, Dean made a funny reference to his dad, but with it being directed towards their dads character in the walking dead. I couldn't help but laugh. Just wondering if you caught on to it?
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-24)
That's really interesting to know about him. I don't know why I never thought to look up on him lol. From what I was told though, where they actually shoot the sets at, is in Canada. And I think that's also where Jared (Sam) lives as well. I want to say Jensen too. It blew my mind to find out that Jared was really married, and had kids with, the demon Ruby. It's nice to know just how close they are now. Before the series, they didn't know each other, and now their very close, and Jensen was even Jared's best man, in his wedding. Eric kripke definitely has one awesome imagination though. I dread when the show comes to an end. At least they went far past the season they thought they wouldn't (season 4 or 5 I think). Definitely a show that makes you think about! Also, I learned that Jared's middle name is the same first name as my middle son, Tristan 😁
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-02-24)
Twilight - one thing I am so happy to be able to say is Eric Kripke is from Ohio 😆, which explains why so many of the episodes take place, or at least reference, Ohio.

I have often wondered, and even mentioned it on one of val's stories, where some of the lore comes from. Yesterday I Googled and found that he has always been fascinated by the paranormal and studied different cultures, their beliefs, fears, etc. (I'm totally paraphrasing here LOL.) I often wondered if there was some traumatic paranormal encounter in his background but apparently it all comes from research, and probably a wild and creepy imagination 😆

But this remains one of my all-time favorite series ❤ I really like that Sam and Dean learn, or are taught, that some of their life-long beliefs are proven wrong.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-23)
Wow! Just read what tweed posted (the kid who claims his family are "hunters"), and wow lol. These fans are going overboard! He really wants someone to believe that he's telling the truth though. I notice he wrote that a lot in other people's comment's. I just highly doubt that his life is just like supernatural. I bet his mom was also killed by the yellow eyed demon too 😆
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-23)
I'm so happy to hear from you 😁. No I haven't read that until now. All I can say is omg lol. He really felt VERY confident about that comment 😆. I believe there is some truth to this show, but as you said, I wouldn't recommend digging up someone's grave, and burning their bones lol. Makes you wonder just how far this "Sam Winchester" has actually gone into character. I'd only hope he's not out there traveling in stolen vehicles, using fake credit cards etc. As well as digging up, and burning bodies lol. Not sure if any of the stores around you had this AMAZING deal around Christmas, but I found season 11 (which I'm sure you know cost over $30), for like $10! I couldn't believe it lol. I paid more for other seasons that were older. The only ones we need now is 5 & 9. Hopefully when 12 comes out, it'll have a special on it's price around Christmas too. I've also noticed a lot of comments on here, where people bring up their show. I love it. Glad to find another that's in love with it too!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-02-23)
Tweed - did you miss this one? 😉 Personal opinion, but I think Mazahir and SamWinchester are either the same person or brothers.

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-23)

Some speculative reading material for the discerning Supernatural fan:

Oh yeah. 😉

Disclaimer: Never actually watched this show. Though am rather partial to a spot of Medium. But for a good old fashioned fictional ghost story show I recommend Marchlands. Mini series following the history of a haunted house through the perspective of three families who lived in it at different times spanning three generations. Told with nonlinear time sequences. Very cool. No explosions or hunky guys, however, *yawn* 😜
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-02-23)
Twilight - absolutely! I'm at work right now but will try and get back to this when I can. I still need to buy Seasons 9-11, and 12 when it's available 😉
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-17)

Take your time, this will be here, when you have time for an update.😊

I love large spaces and land. The energy it gives off during the day, with the sun shining and insects buzzing and birds chirping. Lol Sorry I guess I just miss the country life!

Anyhow yeah good catch, other family members may have been told about the land.

Can hardly wait for your other experiences!

Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-17)
Spirit waiting,
My parents had built the house in the early to mid 80's. I hate I forgot exactly when 😕, but I have been very curious about the land it self. Like you said, it's very beautiful in the day, but at night, it can get creepy. But my husband loves that about it lol. As for me, it causes me problems being outside alone, after it gets dark. I've had other thing's happen that I can't explain, and plan to submit them soon. But as far as bringing this up to my grandparents (they're the ones that originally bought the land, and at one time, had cattle on it), they don't believe in ghost etc, but I guess I could try and see if they know the history. Unfortunately they both are getting very old now, which brings on their forgetfulness. But like I said, I have other family that live on the property, I can see if they know anything. I'll be sure to get back to you on that soon! Sorry for writing so much, a lot of what I wrote were thoughts in my head, that I wrote out lol but thank you for the helpful questions. I've been meaning to find this out, but never really got around to doing it.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-12)

Thank you for responding back.

Hmm it makes me wonder about a few things.

The way you describe, during the day this land must be quite beautiful and peaceful but at night a little eery.

Is this a big piece of land the home resides on?
Have you tried asking your mother about the land, or even your grandparents?

Do you know when this home was built? It could have been the land and spirits connected to it, or even the home.

But I'm not sure since this spirit or presence has been absent since your friend left that evening.

And again Thank you for responding it's greatly appreciated.

KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-11)
Twilight, that was a very disturbing story, but thank-you for being honest with the Readers.

I am going to tell you something now which will not make the situation any better or any worse, but, it will frighten you because it brings-to-light or reveals that the spiritual realm, particularly, where demons and good spirits reside are operating consciously, and taking action.

You may have been unaffected or completely unattached by the spirit when you were a child. When a spirit has an intention for a person, even if it is an action, undertaking or influence that will take place in the future, sometimes that person may receive a warning or premonition about the event. I can't say, if you will receive the premonition because it is a dark entity which is scheming or because it is a good energy/spirit trying to warn you about a place, person or event. Either way, people definitely do, sometimes, receive vibes, premonitions and/or warnings to avoid a place, person or event which may endanger the persons well-being - either emotional, mental or otherwise.

People think that spiritual occurrences/events/crisis's happen almost at random which is not always the case. A dark entity can be drawn to a person because of many reasons which includes a terrible misfortune, family curse, inexorable grudge, religious ring or taking part in different religious practices, even a abominable/corruptible partner or relationship and for many, many other reasons. It can also just be because you happened to live in a house which had a very dark atmosphere with reason/s, and that is the reason/s for YGS fellows encouraging people to look up the history of a house which has paranormal activity.

On a different point, I have heard that once a person has been possessed and even, after an exorcism, their soul and body will in a way of sorts, never be as whole as a person / as one who has not undergone such a spiritual oppression. Therein, will lye a link between dark forces and that person because they were spiritually weakened and controlled and enslaved by a link/demon - physically, emotionally and psychologically. It is said that if a hungered demon that is strong enough should cross such a humans path, the demon will naturally ensue the host because they sense that the person has already had such an experience in their past / because of the link. Can I say, this is definitely true? No, I can not, but this is something I have heard on religious awareness programmes.

In a way, you are fortunate that your friend has taken the demon from your house. We may very well draw up a conclusion that subsequent to visiting you, he was pursued by a demon. BUT, on the other hand, we do not know what his spiritual role was in all of this. He could have very well already had his own connection, of sorts. And as discussed - connection - in the paragraph/s above, there may be real answers, maybe even completely different answers there for us to consider.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-10)
Oh and to spirit waiting, I didn't feel this dark thing since I was little, I had other thing's mess with me then, that I'll write about some time soon, but nothing evil. This dark presence seemed to come to my moms, a few months before I moved back in. Like I said, it started out with dreams of it, as if it was taunting me, or making sure I knew it was there. My mom doesn't feel spirit's etc, so she doesn't notice anything out the normal.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-10)
To answer some of the questions asked about my friend on this story, here's some answers. Like I mentioned in what I wrote, our family's are close to each other, so that being said, I hear about him a lot through his family. As far as I've been told, he's always been a disturbed child, to the point he moved in with his grandparents (they are Christians), so they can help him calm down. He's told me about seeing ghost in his grandparents house, and I've told him about the young teen I saw die in his yard when I was little (it was his grandparents yard, that's across from us, I was around 6 or 7), my grandpa was picking me and my cousin up from the bus (long driveway), and I heard a crash, then looked behind us to see a girl had flew out the windshield. My grandpa rushed to her, as well as my friends grandmother (the yard it happened in owner), but she was dead. There's more to that, but being side tracked. Point being is he's had so many of his family and friend's try to help him, in all the thing's he's been struggling with, but he always falls back into the same old thing. So really at this point, all we can do is pray that he'll finally want to change. But I haven't heard about him in about year now, so not sure how he is. As far as it being some other animal, highly doubtful. He saw what was following him, and it doesn't match up to any animal we've ever heard of, well... From this world that is. It matches more along from what he heard is a demon that changes in a wolf, or something like that. I haven't looked into that thought exactly, only because I rather not draw attention to it to come back. But that's what my friend believes it to be. Sorry to write so much, hopefully I helped answer some of your question's. Let me know if there's anything else y'all want to know.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-10)
Hi Twilight,

Just a thought about the growling your friend heard. It could have been an animal who was growling at the presence that followed him home, and not the actual presence itself.

I'm glad you're rid of it now, but I'm sorry it followed him. If you're religious maybe say a prayer for him, or otherwise send positive thoughts. You don't have to be friends again but maybe something like this could help him a bit.

Thanks for sharing.
Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-02-10)
Twilight, thank you for that definitely frightening account.

Some places and people emit a vibe, a very negative one. The sense of that vibe, that presence actually following someone from one place to another takes my breath away.

Your neighbor must have been and probably still is terrified.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-09)
Sorry I got way off track with my last post...

It could be very possible, the dark evil presence you had been feeling, and dealing with since a young child, could have seen its chance to go where it could grow stronger.

It saw or knew the evil around your friend, and saw its oppurtunity, and went with it.

You say your friend since then has gone down a bad path, this could very well be what is causing all this.

But like in my last comment, I wonder if anyone has tried to get help for your friend.

Sorry about the long comments.

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-09)

After reading this post of yours, I remembered something I read. Not really sure where I read it at.

But from what I remember,
People who have gifts such as your friend (lighthouse) and your male friend in this experience, and you. They tend to attract eachother like magnets.
Which gives good reason as to why you have had these experiences.

Scary for your friend in this experience, to have gone through and most likely is still going through some truly dark times.
If he has this evil presence or feeling around him, do you know if hes contacted another priest to possibly help him again?

Did he ever go and find professional help, maybe rule out any mental illness, or sickness within the body?

Has anyone tried to help him, instead of just letting him live his life, going down a destructive path?

I'm just wondering,it's a truly saddening thing to watch a friend or family member end up on a path as such.
I have a few family members who have gone and are still going there.

Thank you for sharing

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