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Real Ghost Stories

Memory Lane


The year was coming to an end, with it being late October, 2009.

This was when I was still in my first marriage, and had just moved out from our apartment. At this time, I recently had found out that I was now pregnant, with my second son.

With us having to quickly find a new place to rent, due to our lease ending at the apartment we were staying at, as well as needing the extra room for our new coming addition, I finally found a place that seemed to meet what we wanted.

I wasn't able to be too picky with what we found, as all our other choices were pretty bad (the other places I looked at before the one we settled on, were falling apart).

Our new home was directly beside a busy road, but at the beginning of a decent neighborhood, with the street name being, Memory Lane.

Before we moved in our new place, I remember not being able to shake the weird feeling I would get, when looking at our new home. It started to make me worry as to why I felt the way I did, in fear of us having to live in another haunted house. But I tried to just push my feelings aside, and be happy with our new place.

When we finally had moved in, I could feel something off in our home. I knew that my fear had to be true, and that we were not the only ones in this home. I just hoped that whoever was there, was at least not anything bad.

Not long after living there, my oldest son (who was 4 at the time) started to wake me up at night, saying that the little boy in his room wouldn't let him sleep. I remember asking him more on the details, and him telling me that this boy keeps wanting him to play with him, and won't let him sleep. Naturally that had me freaked out, that not only do we have a child spirit in our new home, but that it's trying to play with my son, to the point that it won't let him go to sleep.

I would let my son sleep with me, whenever he came to me saying this, so he was able to sleep.

After being told about this little boy, whenever I would go into my son's room, I could sense a presence in there, that would try to hide really fast, either in my son's closet, or behind a wall that stuck further out, to where you had to go all the way into the room, to fully see that area.

There were times when I would be down stairs in the living room, watching tv, and I would keep seeing something in my peripheral vision. It looked like something was running into the living room, from the bottom of the staircase, to hide behind the couch, or recliner.

I have a male friend that would stay on our couch a lot, and he would constantly talk about seeing the same thing, and referred to it like a child playing hide and seek.

I thought it was crazy how he thought it to be a child, when my son was saying how he can see a little boy.

There was also times when my son's toys would randomly go off. One in particular toy, was a big car that had a remote to steer it with. It seemed to be the toy that went off the most. It got to the point where I was tired of it going off so much, that I just put it on top of the refrigerator. Not long afterwards, one night while sitting in our living room with my then husband, and a friend, we heard something in the kitchen. We realized that it was my son's car going off, that hasn't been touched in a few days, maybe weeks (sorry, I'm not sure on the details of how long it was). Freaked out by what we're hearing, we all slowly creep into the kitchen, and see the car on the fridge, flashing lights, going off (not actually moving or driving though, just noise). The remote to the car was still turned off, as well as the switch to the car itself. Needless to say, we all were pretty unnerved by seeing that.

There were times when we had people over, and they would ask us about my son being up stairs, when to their surprise, would see that he was down stairs. Apparently some of our friends and family would see a little boy at the top of our stairs, as they came into our house, because our front door was directly in front of our stairs, where you could clearly see to the top of the stairs as you came in.

After experiencing so much activity, I asked my friend to come and see our new place, and tell me what exactly I am dealing with here. This is the friend I mentioned being a lighthouse to spirits, and is able to see and communicate with them, in one of my previous submissions on here, called "Living with a lighthouse".

When my friend came over, as she walked through our front door, she immediately looked up to the top of our stairs, saying that she saw a little boy watching her come in. She decided to go upstairs, and sit in my son's room, since it seems to be where the little boy is at the most, and she said that she can see him trying to hide in the closet. I told her that I could feel him try to hide from me, whenever I would come in there.

I asked her about the little boy, and why does it seem wherever I go, there's always something where I live. She told me that the little boy was lonely, and what she believed was that he may not have exactly had any ties to this home, but was more so attracted to me, because I'm a mother, and pregnant.

She said that she doesn't believe that everywhere I live is haunted exactly, but that I'm somehow attracting them to me.

Which I guess makes me more sensitive to the paranormal, but I'm fine with how I feel them, as having the ability to actually see and talk to them, would scare me too much.

At one point, towards the end of my pregnancy, my son had asked me where his dad just went, and I told him that he's been gone for a few hours now. He said that he saw him walk through the living room, into the hallway, as he was about to walk into the living room. For some reason, I was curious if he had actually saw his grandfather, that had passed away before I knew his dad. My son's dad, looked just like his own dad when he was his age. So I grabbed the one photo we just recently got at that time from a family member, of my husbands dad, and showed it to my son. He said that's who he saw.

I told this later to my husband, and after what all happened in our personal life while living there, he said he couldn't help but wonder if his dad visiting was a sign to him. As far as I know, that was the only time my son ever saw his grandfather.

Living in this home for me, never really felt warm, or inviting, but honestly I consider that to be because of my personal life while living there, affecting the mood. As for that bad feeling I got whenever I would look at this home, I also believe to be because of my personal life. Unfortunately while living there, I found out that I was being cheated on, and was abused to the point of our family breaking up, and since then, was never able to fix what all went wrong in that marriage, despite how much I tried.

I believe the feeling I got when I first saw this place, was because I knew it would be where my first marriage would end. That feeling of dread, and nothing but negative energy is what I had in that home.

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Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-10-30)
Hello Twilight1011,
I got your email and replied a few days ago. Ask your hubby to check.
I can't wait to read about your new experience. I'll be looking out for your post.

Best wishes,
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-29)
Hey Miandra, and to whoever else who may care to know 😜 I finally submitted a new experience of mine, so y'all can read whenever it comes on here. I had said that I would let you know, when I did submit it, since I have talked some about it on here previously, and said I would share it soon. Hope it's ok, I don't feel that it is that scary or anything, but it was definitely freaky to have experienced.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-29)
Hey Miandra, I sent you an email the other day, and wanted to make sure if I sent it to you or not? Just wanting to know if I got the right email? Hope all is going good your way 😊
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-10-24)
Hello Twilight1011,
I'm sorry that you have been having migraines. I have never experienced them myself but have heard it can be unbearable. You should visit the doctors. Sometimes stress can cause headaches and you sound like you are going through a busy time and perhaps you are stressed. I'm not a doctor and have no idea what could be wrong or what you need to do other than perhaps some meditation. I have heard that it can help with tension.
I can't wait to read your next post and what your hubby is going through. There was a time when your child spirit only visited you when your hubby left the room and now your hubby has paranormal visits too. It's a difficult situation for both of you.
I use Rookdygins cleansing method regularly. I find if I slack off, then I get visits or have strange dreams.
Thanks for getting back to me about your house guest, the child spirit. Poor thing must be very lost and looking for comfort.

Try and get some timeout for you Twilight1011.
Best wishes,
Miandra 😘 ❤
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-23)
Hey Miandra, it has definitely been crazy around here, I just can't seem to catch up on everything. Then on top of it all, I keep getting bad headaches, and the other day I got a bad migraine (which I never get) that really put me down for 2 days. I know this isn't the place for talk about our personal life problems like that, so I'll just leave it at that. I'll try to get my husband to help me send you an email tonight. As for your question about my submission I've been wanting to post here, unfortunately I still haven't been able to get around to posting it, but I'll do my best to try and get that done within the next week, so you and others can finally read it. As far as the child spirit, I haven't felt it recently, but my husband has been having something messing with him lately, that has become a frequent problem. I hate that whatever it is, keeps targeting him the way it has. It's weird how it only seems to mess with him though. I couldn't imagine having the experiences he has had happening lately, to me. It would have me terrified. I'll probably write about his experience too, in hopes that someone may know what to do, or why it is targeting him. I'll let you know soon when I get those experiences posted here. Hope all is well your way 😊
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-10-20)
Hello Twilight1011,

Thanks for letting me know. I can only imagine how busy you are with your little one's.

I read comments on YGS almost every day and I will see any messages you direct to me here, so it's ok. (We can't have general chit-chats here though. This site is just for comments relating to posts) Speaking of posts, have you started typing your new ghost 👻 experience yet? I can't wait to read it.

Have you had any further visits from the child ghost? Has anything else happened?

Chat soon.
Best wishes from Australia, Miandra.😘 ❤
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-19)
Hey Miandra, I'm sorry I haven't gotten to emailing you yet, I've been so busy, and keep meaning to ask my husband to log me onto his email account to message you there. I seem to have trouble logging onto his email through my phone. I'm really not great at using anything technology, even when it comes to using email 😕 I use to be able to use my email years ago, on my old phone, but after having trouble with that email account, I haven't been able to figure out how to use my husband's through my new phone. So I wanted to at least message you here to let you know that I'm sorry for taking so long to email you, and that I will try to send you one soon. Hope all is well for you 😊 hopefully you'll see this message.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
4 years ago (2020-09-30)
Hey Miandra, thank you for your email 😊 I'll just send you an email letting you know it's me, so you can get mine that way. I'm not exactly sure how to add mine on here like you did, so hopefully me sending you a message, will get it to you that way. The email I use is my husband's email, because my last one gave me trouble. I tried to give you an up vote, but have to wait now, for up voting you too much lately. I'll try to send you an email soon, so you can have mine though. Hope all is well for you.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-09-30)
Hello Twilight1011,

I've just put my sister's email up on my profile page. It's the email I use. I'll remove it once you have it.

It's nice making new friends even if you do live on the other side of the world.

I talk to Lealeigh on email too. She's a lovely person. A lot of members that I've come to know on here are lovely and are welcome to email me.

I won't talk about anything related to posts and comments through my personal email because I understand that should be done on the relevant threads.

Talk soon,
Email anytime. 😊
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
4 years ago (2020-09-27)
Hey Miandra, I would love to be able to message you through email, if you would like 😊 I know as far as being able to talk to one another over the phone, like you said, would most likely be difficult due to our different time zones. But honestly I'm not very well at keeping up with people over the phone, because I'm normally so busy with everything going on in my life. It's so hard to find the time to call my friend I've been wanting to catch up with, when I'm not able to even really find the time to go do something that I enjoy doing, for myself. As a parent, you know how we always put the needs of our kids, and my husband, before our own, so I'm constantly struggling just to keep up with everything. I still would love to be able to message you though when I can. That's sad that you now have an empty nest, that I dread when the day comes for me with that as well. I'm glad that your kids do make time to come see you, as I know that must brighten your day (not meaning you aren't able to be happy when they aren't around though). You get so use to being a mother, always taking care of your children, doing everything for them, and when the day comes that they are all grown up and ready to leave the nest, I'm heartbroken to think of how I'll be at that time. I know it can also be a time to rediscover your self again, and finally have the time to do the things you were unable to do when you had your kids, so I try to keep that in mind. I just hope that I can be blessed enough to have all my kids want to stay close by to me, so they won't be so far from me, and will always be sure to come spend the holidays with me every year with their family's. I worry if that will be a problem though. My kids tell me now that they would do this for me, but I know they're just kids right now, and that things change as you get older, where you can't predict how your life will be at that time. But I still want to hold onto the hope of what I want, to happen. Sorry to ramble on about all that, and I hope I didn't say anything upsetting towards you by what I said. Let me know how we can give each other our emails, so we can keep in touch with one another. I hope you're doing well. Oh, and also, I didn't even notice about the name thing, so it's no problem. It's just a name I use on here. I have even had to double check how I spelt it at times lol. I think I had misspelled your name as well before, so I apologize for that, and hope that I've been spelling it correctly now?
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-09-26)
Hi Twilight1011,

I've just realised in my earlier messages to you, I've been spelling your name wrong. Ooooops, sorry. 😕

Yeah, I guess it doesn't matter how old an unborn child is, a soul is given at conception. I'll have to google that one and research some more before commenting, but it could be possible.

Of course you're a good mother. I've read enough of your experiences and posts to know how much you care for your children. My children are in their mid 20's now and live far away with their partners. I miss them so much that it breaks my heart. I talk to them on Facebook, text, and call but I miss the hugs and just being able to pop in and chat.

Anyway, It would be so nice if we could chat on the phone. Being in different countries makes it hard. I know you don't have time to email much, if ever you want to email me, let me know and I'll post my email address.

Take care,
😘 ❤
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
4 years ago (2020-09-25)
Hey Miandra, It makes me happy to know my shared experiences are so popular to read about, I worry about how long I can make them to read. I have definitely been through a lot in my life, and I'm only 32 (which I still can't believe I am that age, to where I constantly have to make sure if that number is right lol). I use to question why I've went through what I have, at such a young age (most of my painful experiences in life has happened from childhood, until I was 26). But to have the family I have created now, has helped me understand what I went through was to make me a better me, to be who I am now. So for the most part, I've accepted my past painful memories. Thank you for your kind words about how you think of me as a mother ❤ that's something as a mother, you constantly question about yourself, feeling as though you're not doing good enough. I try my best to be very understanding with people, and not to judge, because there's always a reason why someone does the things they do. I know I hate to be judged by my past mistakes, or failures. As for your thoughts on if the hand I felt could be that little boy from this experience, I never really thought about that 🤔 I know my friend I speak of on here a lot, had told me that when she came to this place, that she doesn't believe that the spirits there were all necessarily from there. That she believed I was attracting them to me. So I guess it's possible he could have followed me from there. Now I'm very curious if that's the case. After writing you the message I wrote last about that hand experience, I started thinking about who it could be, and wondered if early miscarriages could still go on in afterlife, as in if it has a soul at that time, to go to the afterlife? I had one 2 years before I had my now 5 year old daughter. So it made me wonder if that could also be a factor in it? I've heard of other people's stories with similar experiences, but I think those were people who had gotten further in their pregnancy then I had (I was under 3 months), that had said they had saw/felt what they believed to be their passed baby. I don't know, it might me far stretched, but I couldn't help but wonder about it. I will do my best to try and post another one of my experiences on here soon. I really want to share them. I'm glad to hear thing's have gotten better around your place since using Rooks cleansing method, best wishes to you aswell 😊
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-09-25)
Hello Twilight1011,

I just had to come back to this post. When you mentioned it in your reply to me, something clicked. I remembered reading this post and how deeply sad I felt for you with each paragraphed I read.

You went through so much. I think you have a kind motherly nature that the little child ghost is attracted to. Do you feel like he's the one who held your hand in this house? Perhaps he needs comforting. That poor child ghost. He's obviously lost between earth and the next realm.

I can't wait to read your next post Twilight1011. I'm sure you're busy with home schooling and daily parenting, but, if you do get time, please post it. Your experiences when posted here are popular because they are so informative, and interesting to read.

I'm doing regular cleansing which has been great in keeping paranormal activity to a minimum. I do still have the odd experience from time to time, but, nothing I can't deal with thank goodness.

Anyway, its 11:42pm here in Australia. Time to get some sleep.

Best wishes,
Miandra. Xox 😘
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
5 years ago (2019-03-05)
Thank you Jubeele for the information. I'm very interested in learning about my Japanese side, and wish my Mamaw was more opened in sharing that side with us. I've heard of the Lions you mentioned. I couldn't remember if it was Japanese or Chinese culture, but for some reason, my mom has tiny ones of those. There's 2 lions, I think different from one another, but I forgot what exactly they're supposed to mean. But either way, I doubt my mom getting them had anything to do with what they mean, and probably more so got them just because.
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
5 years ago (2019-02-11)
Hi Twilight, I came across this article about Shisa protection statues. They are of the Ryukyuan culture, from Okinawan mythology. The female, with the mouth closed, retains good spirits, while the male has the mouth open to scare off evil.

They remind me of Chinese stone lions (石獅 shíshī) or "Fu dogs" guarding the outside of buildings.

Just something for you, as a matter of interest. Take care. 😊
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-30)
Thank you all for the positive comments, they're very much appreciated ❤ to AugustaM, I hate that I never really took the time to put much thought about those visions, and what could have been causing them, up until after writing about my experience. I think your opinion sounds possible, and now wonder what type of life that little boy must of had. During that time, I had way too many other things going on in my life, to where I didn't think too much on the reasons of the paranormal happenings. I'll try my best to see if I'm at least able to dig up any kind of information, as to who the little boy may have been. I do think that I am in a much better place now, than where my mind was back then. It took a long time for me to be able to believe that things were not my fault, and that I and my boy's deserved much better. Getting through that time in my life, was one of the hardest things I ever had to go through, but I'm proud of myself for staying strong, and coming out the other side of all that pain and heartache. Which is why I want other women going through similar experiences, to hear my story, and see how far I came, despite what all I had to go through. I love to give women their power back, to where they can feel that they are amazing women, and deserve to be happy. The few women I've helped, brings me such great joy in seeing how happy they are in their new life, that before talking to me, they never thought was possible to have. I do hope that the little boy was able to find peace, and will definitely be praying for him. I like to believe he helped me see my light, and I only hope that in doing so, he was able to see and go to his.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-30)
Your second response, Twighlight, really made me smile. Being able to openly talk about experiences like the one you went through with your ex is the best sign of having taken your life back and being able to take that one step further and help other women is the absolute best thing you could possibly do both for yourself and for others. Thank you for helping and may the positivity and care you send out come back to you ten fold! ❤ ❤

Tragic as it is to think of, that little boy's behavior and what you experienced in that home lead me to think that he saw parallels between your life and the one he knew on earth. I get the impression he may have been abused by the father figure in his life and likely his mother was too. Perhaps she tried to shield him as you did your children -something that would have attracted him to you for protection. Maybe he sent those images to you as a way of trying to help and to warn you of things to come. It would seem as though his mother's attempts to protect him may not have been successful - as his spirit lingered on as a child, it may be that he passed at that age and if the circumstances I am leaning towards were the case, it may have been at the hands of his father or at very least, neglect. I am very glad you and your children made it out of there and have found a good life going forward!

Maybe this interaction with you and having seen his own efforts pay off as you left for good allowed him to cross over. Just in case, maybe say a few prayers for him. I am not Catholic, but I still light candles now and then for things like this - I feel like it still works and maybe that's all that matters ❤
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-30)
Twilight - Well done. As we say in South Africa: "Life am hard, make it soft"

Regards, Melda
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2019-01-30)
Hi Twighlight,

You are a great mother and don't you ever forget that. You believe your children because you yourself have seen and felt spirits. Despite everything that has happened to you, you have put your little ones first and protected them.

You have been through so much and only you know the pain. I feel for you.

I'm sending you big hugs.

😘 ❤ 😘
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-30)
Thank you SWS and Melda, that was definitely a very hard time in my life, that now I'm able to look back on, and see the lessons learned in it. After getting therapy for the trauma caused, it's made it much easier to talk about, and I actually have not only helped other women in similar situations like mine, but was asked at one point to talk for a support group of women in domestic violence relationships/marriages. I never really thought about those visions I use to get while living there, until I was telling my experience on here. It's crazy how I only got them while living there, and never afterwards. I can't help but wonder if the paranormal some how played a part in that. But when it comes to my kids and the paranormal side, I've made sure to let them know that I believe in it, and that they can talk about it with me. I didn't want to be that parent that refused to believe my child, when they're trying to tell you what they're experiencing.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-30)
Twilight - Thank you so much for your open and honest response. Thank heaven that you kicked that unsavory no-good man to the curb. You went through so much pain and I am truly happy for you that you have now found a good man to share your life with.

A few ghosties here and there? That's okay as long as you know how to deal with them. Your children have inherited this ability, so assist them and do your best to guide them.

Regards, Melda
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2019-01-29)
Hi Twighlight,

Hopefully all the horrible things you went through with your first husband will fade. You sound like you've been through so much. You are a very brave lady.

Stay strong.

😘 ❤ 😘
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-29)
To Lady Glow, Melda and SWS, as for knowing anything really about the little boy, I unfortunately never learned who he was, or what happened to him. After moving from this home, I no longer felt his presence around me anymore, and my oldest son never saw him again. I do remember talking to previous occupants of that place, and heard that they noticed little things there, but I wasn't given much more details than that. As for your question Melda about if I believe the paranormal played a part in the end of my first marriage, I highly doubt it. If anything, I believe certain things tried to let me know the truth about my marriage. Like for instance, while staying in that home, I started to have visions of my then husband, being with other women. I never had these kinds of visions before, or after living at this place. They were like quick flashes of images put in my head, that happened even while I was awake, and walking around. I would also have vivid dreams as well, that later my then husband admitted to how crazy it was, on the accuracy of what I would see. I would question him after seeing the visions or dreams, which of course then he would deny, but as I said, later admitted to how it freaked him out that I saw and knew what he did. He is not a good person, and still to this day, is in and out of prison for constantly hurting other women. As for my oldest son now, he no longer sees anything anymore, which I believe stopped around the time he turned 7 or 8. He has told me that he does still remember living in this home, and seeing the little boy though. My second son I was pregnant with during this time, never really seemed to see anything where we've lived, but our youngest child has been talking about seeing ghost for the past year now, and she's about to turn 4 next month. Which if I remember correctly, it was around 2 to 3 year's old, when my oldest started to see things too. My first marriage was definitely a life lesson to me, as I still have to live in fear over him, but at least I've found an amazing best friend in my second husband, who has been there to pick up all the broken pieces. I really believe that moving to memory lane was a good move, despite the pain that happened there, as it opened my eyes to what was really happening around me.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2019-01-29)
Hello Twighlight,

I love your posts. This one brought a tear to my eye at the end. No one should be abused or mistreated. I'm sorry you had to go through that ordeal. No one can understand the pain you went through unless they've experienced the same thing. 😭

I wonder what happened to that poor little boy and how he died. It's very sad that he can't get to the next plain. Maybe he hides because adults scare him. Maybe he was hurt by adults and finds you safe and a mother figure like Lady-Glow said.

Keep us posted and thank you for sharing your memories with us.

Best wishes,
😘 ❤ 😘
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-29)
Twilight - It would seem that your son inherited your ability to tune into the supernatural with the added ability that he sees the spirits and you say you don't.

I'm very pleased that you can offer him help and support because you understand what he is experiencing. Not many of us had that understanding as children. I certainly did not.

After a number of paranormal experiences in your previous home you then moved in with your friend who you describe as a "lighthouse". Being so sensitive she must have attracted a number of entities, good and not so good. Obviously she knew how to deal with them on her level but it couldn't have been very comfortable for you, your ex and your son.

You also mentioned that you knew that this was where your marriage would end. I know this is personal so please ignore it if you would rather not reply to it. I know that negativity breeds negativity on all sorts of levels. It does not have to include the paranormal. Do you believe that the circumstances in which you found yourself, that is all the paranormal activity, was at least in part responsible for the breakdown of your marriage?

I don't ask this in idle curiosity but I have come across this theory on a number of occasions and even if you don't feel inclined to answer that question I would be very interested in the opinions of other readers.

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-29)
Hello Twilight - this is quite interesting. What happened to the little boy's spirit? Did your friend help him to move on or did he stay in the house until you moved out, and/or he followed you to your next new house?

Funny the way the little boy would hide from you and show himself to other people, perhaps he was only trying to play with you.

Anyway, I hope both of you have found peace.

Thanks for sharing.

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