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Tragic End By The Quija?


This is my second experience with a Ouija board. I had just married my husband, and it was during Halloween. It took place at his grandmother's house, during a family gathering.

I was 16 at this time, I know I was young. Three of his female cousins and one aunt (she is our age) as well decided to play just for fun. I already knew better and had decided to sit next to them instead of playing.

They all sat on the bed with the Ouija in the middle of them. My husband stood in the doorway, as I stood behind one of the cousins. My husband decided to dim the light, as they began the questions.

The first question they asked, was the typical question, is anyone here with us? The planchette moved slowly toward the yes. They started laughing believing it had been one of them slightly moving the planchette. So the next cousin asks a question, and I'm not sure what she asked or what the answer was.

But the next question asked is what still has my memory in pause. The aunt who was at that time engaged, asked a personal question. She asked, Will I get married to the man I'm engaged to? Immediately "NO", pops in my head. I look down as the planchette starts circling, in a rapid pace, then suddenly jerks to two letters that spelled No. Then jerks to the goodbye. His aunt jumped up, and started saying the board was just a game, and was highly upset at her nieces. She literally thought they had been toying with her. All the while we all fell silent and looked at each other in shock. I was terrified.

Soon after we all forgot about the board game, and continued our lives. The next holiday came and we all were together again, and started talking about the Halloween incident. We all admitted to being truly freaked out, and the cousins still held to their truth.

Around a couple weeks after that Thanksgiving, the aunt and her fiance were in a terrible car wreck. She barely made it out, having broken both hips and several other broken bones. And her fiance died instantly, never making it away from the scene.

They were due to marry in February of the next year. Only a few short months away. To this day, she won't talk about the Ouija board experience, nor will any of us.

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spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-28)
griff84, you are most definitley right. It would probably be much easier to follow something that doesn't have you work on the good in life,etc. Good point.
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-20)
I believe it would be easier to 'worship' the devil than it is to worship any god that was his foe. Its the same in any walk of life, you have to be stronger to do good than to take the easier option to do bad, especially with all that goes on in the world.

So, in conclusion, I think you are weak for apparently following the devil Satanas666 (although I think you were just looking for kicks) and all others are strong. And make no mistake, I don't believe in either.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-14)
satanas666, Ok I completely understand you and all the rest of us have our beliefs and thoughts. And I do believe the board is something never to be considered a game. But you have crossed a line by calling us all weak because we have different beliefs than you. You can believe and do as you please as a "Devil " worshiper or whatever you want to call it. But don't ever call any of us weak for believing in Something that's full of Love,Forgiviness,Good in all. If you can't respect others stories,experiences,and beliefs, I believe its best you stop commenting on my stories and others as well.

Respectfully Spiritwaiting
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-14)
[at] sds,I agree with you and Redwolf, it has been years ago now, and she has moved onto a new lovely relationship. She hasnt nor have any of us played with one since. And it really did terrify me when the word "No" was and it did seem as though it was screamed at me inside my thoughts.
[at] elfstone,thats definitely one scary dream! Ibwould have started praying!

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ghostlysmile (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
Hi spiritwaiting

I'm sorry bout hearing your aunt's fiance's death, well have some information about quija and it says don't trust the board always, did you asked the board is the spirit is from the sun or the moon I think it is a coincident
elfstone810 (227 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-27)
So sorry for your aunt's loss!

Odd things, Ouija boards. Spiritualists used them for decades with no stories of demons or opening portals. Now that's the first thing anyone associates with them. It makes me wonder what changed. Is it the demographic of the people using them? Do our expectations influence who or what comes through? Did negative entities push out positive and neutral ones?

I've only used one once, back in the seventies when I was a pre-teen. My niece and a friend of hers were sleeping over and I had a Ouija board I'd gotten for a nickel at a yard sale. For about half an hour we sat there with our fingers on the planchette going "is anyone there?". Nothing. It didn't even shiver. So we got bored and quit.

The postscript is that that night we all had the same dream. We dreamed that my three -foot tall stuffed rabbit (Chauncey) was possessed. When we went to sleep the rabbit was at the foot of my bed facing out the window. When I woke up, he was at the head of the bed facing me. 😕
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-27)
Hi spiritwaiting, I found it very difficult to read this narrative because it was so sad. I feel sorry for your husband's aunt because, as RedWolf said, it was a double jeopardy for her. That is the Ouija Board. We will never know what will happen or what answers would come out of it. Because we do not know what is on the other side, whether it is good or bad. But I was really shocked about what happened to you when you came up with a No in your mind before the Board said so. That means you were able to pick up what the spirit was about to answer, which means either you were sensitive enough or the spirit made you pick up the answer. Sad story indeed. Once again I feel sorry for the loss.

But it is always better to avoid Ouija Boards, alone or with others.

Regards and respects to you.

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
[at] redwolf, Thank you for being so sweet. She did have an extremely long recovery, both mentally and physically. [at] charpam893,i get what your saying. I believe in spirit guides, with good reason. I chose to ignore my guide for a long time and horrible things would happen, now when I listen, only good comes from it. Everyone has great points of views, on here. I never thought it to be anything other than something bad telling me "No".And B4freya, I agree with you on the unknown and the exciting side to it. But with my early experience with the quija and my mom, I would never have the courage to touch one let alone play one. Thank you alk for reading and giving your thought.
charpam893 (2 stories) (10 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
I'm so sorry to hear about what happened within the family. I've read up on a lot of things on the internet about warning and signs from paranormal activities.

Some people don't believe or get too scared to want to believe, but they're only trying to help.

It may have been a family member or close friend that passed away. Or in some cases Guardian Angels?

But a very tragic end indeed. Sorry for your family's loss.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
I am so sorry about what your husbands aunt had to go through. Being in an accident that she got severe injuries was bad enough but having to mourn her fiance was a double tragedy that she had to deal with. I'm sure it made her recovery much longer.
I don't think that you having the word no pop into your head right before the Ouija Board answered influenced the board, I think whatever spirit was
There let you know the answer so you could brace yourself for what the answer would be.
My condolences to both familes especially you. This story was a hard one to read because it was so sad. It had to be harder for you to write because it brought back such sad memories.
God Bless
B4Freya (4 stories) (26 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-25)
What a powerful story! I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt's tragic experience and losing her fiance. I'm sure many of us have said it time and again, but I wish I'd known of the dangers inherent in Ouija boards, whether as direct threats or warnings or what-have-you, back when I was a child playing with it as a "game," as ChrisB said here. Yes, we played because it's fun to be scared. And back in the 60s there was a lot of what we would now call "new age" kind of stuff going on. We loved to "explore" unusual things. We did believe it was real, though; we just didn't know what might be unleashed in the process.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-25)
[at] hunter, you know you have a good point. I never thought that to be a possibility. I definitely know how dangerous playing with the quija board can be. I stay far from them. Thanks for reading.
_Hunter_ (2 stories) (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-25)
I'm sorry for the loss of her fiance. I think that spirit contacted from the Ouija board was someone who knew them very closely, and had knew about the accident that was due to happen. I think it wants the welfare of your aunt, and it gave her a chance to absorb the warning. But she still didn't believed. Ouija boards are very powerful objects. They shouldn't be toyed around. Whatever they say, just believe it and if threatened, you are on your own to be protected.

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-24)
yalisai, Exactly! I definitely don't believe in coincedence. I believe everything is tied together. Which is spooky for me. It literally terrified all of us, for the quija to say it and then something like that to actually take place.
Yalisai (1 stories) (26 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-24)
Really sorry for what happened your aunt. On reading so much about Quija Board here, am just afraid to spell it. Your story should send a warning message to those who would like to play with that.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-23)
thanks to notjustme,chrisb,and badjuujuu. It took her years to begin to talk about him. She still never talks about that night.
[at] Badjuujuu, it could definitely be my subconscience telling me no. I never actually thought about that. And to all of you, the quija board my mom had (the one I've mentioned in other stories) not sure if it was mentioned under this username or Taurus83, but that one gave me terrible vibes. So that scared me enough never to touch one. And again thank you chrisb, that's really sweet and greatly appreciated. ❤ 😊
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-23)
That is one of the saddest things I've read on here. It may have been someone trying to warn about the accident. I've also heard of people using the Ouija as a divination tool. Instead of using the board to contact spirits, the board is used to tap into the subconscious. I almost wonder if that may have happened in this situation, as you thought "no" before the board spelled it. Even without you touching it, your intuition may have influenced it.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-23)
Im sorry for your aunts loss. It must have been tragic for her. The oujia can give us answers we do not want to know. This "game" was once used by children. If somebody is looking for excitment watcha scary movie if you ant to play the oujia and don't know how to use it, it can make your ligfe a living hell. I hope your aunt is well and I shall pray for her and fiance. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-23)
Spiritwaiting- that's such a shame for the aunt. Tragic enough losing a loved one let alone a partner. I only played the Q.B once when I was about 11 with my best friend, and luckily nothing happened. At this age I would never fool around with it.
In my opinion, it could have been a family member who has passed on, or just a nice spirit telling the truth. Glad the rest of you is ok, thanks for sharing! -notjustme

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