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Ghost Needed To Use The Bathroom 2: Shocking Update


What I'm about to tell you both shocked and answered a lot of questions.

The other night my four children and I were talking about our ghost experiences, as we do every Saturday evening. They asked me to retell my experiences, and always somehow come up with new interesting questions. Just so happened my 12 year old son wanted me to retell some of my experiences at the "Purple House" as they still call it to this day.

I told them about the "Bathroom" story, and a few others and was about to take a quick break for a refreshing glass of cold water when he asked me a question I wasn't expecting.

He asked me, "Mom, remember the maid that would clean our house when you or dad would leave"? I turned around and asked, "What maid, Xavier"? He said, "The tall old woman that would always vacuum the floors."

I sat down and calmly told him we never had a maid, and in that particular house we didn't have carpet, it was all wood floors throughout. At this moment my heart was racing because I was excited. I instantly knew he had seen what I believed was one of the spirits in the home.

I asked him a series of questions. What would she do? When did you see her? What did she look like etc.

He answered every one with conviction. He said she would stand behind me while I washed dishes, and in front of me when I talked to them. She was taller than the door, and she always wore worn clothes with an apron and head band on her head with a bun. The detail he went into without me asking him to do fully had me completely shocked.

I asked him what made him remember her? He proceeded to tell me one evening while their father was outback mowing the lawn, I decided to go to the corner store for a bottle of pop to go along with dinner (I remember this because I saved pennies, and I used it that one time for it, embarrassing I know).

When I told the kids I would be right back, he said he remembers her standing there right in front of me, waiting for me to leave and I never said anything to her. When I closed the front door, she automatically started vacuuming the floor, but she never went to get it, the vacuum just appeared in her hand.

He said he was yelling and goofing off in the living room as she was doing this, and she turned around and yelled at him. She said, "Go back to your room or you're not getting any pop from your mother!".

My son was scared so he slid behind the couch and she lifted it up with one hand, vacuum still in the other, and told him to move. So he ran into his room until I came home.

After my son told me this, I was absolutely shocked! My oldest son, walked back into the living room after using the bathroom and saw the look on my face and asked me what was wrong. I asked him if he had any unusual experiences there.

He proceeded to tell me...

He used to see a man in a business suit in my bedroom in the closet. And an old maid with a rag and soap in her hand. He said the reason why my closet doors wouldn't close was because he didn't want them closed, and the maid would always stand behind me while I was washing dishes, etc.

I asked him why he never told me about this until now. He said, "Because I thought she was a member of the family, like a grandma or something." I asked him if he ever talked to her or what he would see her do. Apparently she would never talk to him, just stare at him. And when I would cry or be upset for any reason she would always appear behind me and tap me on the shoulder.

My oldest son told me on a number of occasions he would throw his toys up in the air and they wouldn't fall back down, they would altogether disappear.

They both told me, they would have dreams of her arguing with their father, and she told my oldest son, "If your father continues to disrespect me, he will go away for awhile." So in another dream he had, my husband had called her an offensive name. Needless to say he ended up "going away" for around two weeks.

After all the questions and talk about her "The maid" we all were in shock. And this has been 3 days since then and I haven't been able to stop thinking about her, and I've since then started looking online to try and figure out who she is.

I tried looking up deeds from the house. Because of the style of maids uniform or outfit she wore and head dress, I have found out the home was built in 1915 and has gone through multiple owners, renters, etc and is currently being sold.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, spiritwaiting, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-01)
I loved your story. Yes those meetings were quite uncomfortable but most of the teachers were understanding. Some of them even believed in ghosts! 😆 But of couse there was a lot of squirming on my part when the teacher brought it up.

It's been good talking to you too.

Regards & Respects
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-31)
[at] Redwolf, Oh my goodness! I can only imagine the meetings and conferences. (Literally picturing it) 😆! It's nice to talk to you once again 😁.

Thank you for reading and commenting.
Sincerely spiritwaiting
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-30)
It's great that you and your kids can sit and talk anout these sort of things. When my kids were of school age they would tell their teachers that I grew up with a ghost in my basement that didn't like me, or they would tell the teacher that I'm a psychic and also talk to their dead grandfather when he hid things on me. Made for some very uncomfortable parent teacher conferences. 😆
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-30)
[at] wish-not, my children and I are very interested in the unusal ie ghost spirits etc. Theyve had many experiences as well as I have. We share our experiences with each other. They love for me to retell my experiences as a child all the way up until today.

I'm definitely glad you like this site. Everyone who comments etc give me another perspective on the ordeal.
Thank you very much for reading. And sorry for being gone so long I have a few more experiences I need to share soon
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-30)
[at] Tweed, I never thought about height for people back in the olden days. That makes sense. It could be they were shorter and felt she was but they said she was taller than me so lol well that couldn't have been to tall. Also it could be she was towering over them to show authority.
Appreciate you reading and glad you enjoyed:)
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-30)
[at] littlewriter&Kshaya,
She may have definitely been a helpful spirit. I still think about her all the time. I searched through everything I could possibly think of. Nothing except for previous owners names and dates. And nothing on the man in the business suit.
Thanks for reading my experience:)
migelito23 (32 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Creepy but interesting story, this ghost lady was one of the servants of the first previous owners when they first live in that house that you live in, in their energies are still attach to the house, but the really creepy thing is when your son said that she lifted the couch with one hand and her other hand the vaccum cleaner its just weird isn't? The man in the business suit looks less creepy than the maid lady.
migelito23 (32 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Creepy but interesting story, this ghost lady was one of the servants of the first previous owners when they first live in that house that you live in, in their energies are still attach to the house, but the really creepy thing is when your son said that she lifted the couch with one hand and her other hand the vaccum cleaner its just weird isn't? The man in the business suit looks less creepy than the maid lady. 😁
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-03)
Yes that must've been VERY shocking. I can see why your kids thought she was just a normal alive person, but I'm surprised they didn't catch on sooner. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
Have you had any luck finding out who she was?
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-02)
spiritwaiting- It fascinates me the abilities some ghost have. To pick and choose who gets to see them is quite intriguing to me.

I enjoy the thought of you and your family discussing everyone's experiences. I would like to be able to do that type of thing. Guess that is why I enjoy this site so much.

Anyways, great story. Keep us updated.
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-02)
Another great one Spirit! The curiousity would eat me alive as well. But all in all, awesome possum!
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-02)
Wow! Simply love this story Spiritwaiting.

I read your story which it follows on from and can only imagine your shock at this development.
I'm intrigued by her height. Your kids indicate she's around door frame height. I wonder if that's due to their perspective, being small, and perceiving her as much taller. Or she really appears quite tall.

I'm intrigued about this because of the clothes she's been seen wearing, the date of these. Generations back we humans were much, much shorter than we are today. Average height wise. So an over 6ft woman would be an extreme rarity generations ago. Or maybe she's a tad otherworldly and owes her height to that.

Whatever the case she is quite literally larger than life in presence and appearance. She sounds like a formidable force, you guys are lucky to have her!
Kshaya_SL (4 stories) (13 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-02)
Agree with LittleWriter, seems like she is a nice ghost woman, have you ever seen her? And who is that man in the bedroom? Have you searched about him?
LittleWriter (4 stories) (10 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-01)
Sounds to me like this woman is a nice ghost, but I don't think you should worry about her too much, because she seems to have been comforting you when you were sad and she seems to have been watching over you and your kids. I think you were dealing with a kind spirit that meant no harm.

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