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Real Ghost Stories

I'm Trying To Warn You


To those not familiar with my stories, I live in a house inhabited by 4 spirits. Both of my grandmothers, my friend Charlie, and a little boy who died in the house, named Adam.

Activity has been minimal for the past few months now. Gran still knocks on the fridge regularly, and Adam still comes to sit with me when I\'m watching TV alone. But nothing big has happened for quite a while. Since May this year, there have been 9 separate attempts to break in to my house at night. Last Wednesday, 26 August 2015 was the last.

On Wednesday night I was in bed early and clearly heard Gran knock on the fridge. Usually it is not very loud, Wednesday night I could hear it in my bedroom, from behind my closed door, on the opposite side of the house. Silly me, I did not think much of this, and fell asleep. I was only out a few minutes when a frightening sound suddenly broke the silence in the house and had my heart beating in my throat. I quietly slipped out of my room and in to the passageway, and I looked toward the kitchen. I decided to run back to my room, grab my pepper spray and then go to the kitchen.

On the kitchen counter, blaring white noise at the top of its volume was a little radio. It had been switched off before I went to bed, and no one had gone near the radio since, but the fact that Gran had knocked loudly and then this happened, was really very ominous to me. I went to bed and as I lay there I could feel Gran in the room with me. She was agitated and pacing, the air almost sparked with her presence. I finally fell asleep at some point though it was not deep or particularly restful.

The next morning I had left home for work and was only minutes away from work when my mom called me and asked if I had seen that our house had been marked during the night. White paint had been used to indicate one large figure and two smaller, one adult and two children. Easy target. I immediately knew why Gran had been so restless. She was trying to warn me.

We have upgraded the security systems at home, working through the weekend to try and "criminal proof" the house as best we can. I should know better than to ignore my grandmother.

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triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-28)
Hahaha Zigs
I can almost picture Charlie with his Yanky baseball bat, waiting for someone to come over the wall.
Zigs-Lotheon (3 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-24)
HAH who needs security systems when your best dead friend can crush their hands XD. 😐 but in all seriousness just stick a security guard cap on Charlie after all nothing says safety like a PROFESSIONAL bodybuilder who is now immune to physical human pain (or at least I believe that is how it works)
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-04)
Hi guys
The problem with our neighbourhood is that crime is running rampant. No one is safe. So any tips to try and defend ourselves are welcome. They posted on the CPF forum at 3:30AM this morning that there was an armed robbery just a few blocks away from us, and one perp was shot and killed. At the beginning of August an elderly lady was killed in her house, in broad daylight, for no reason. Nothing was stolen. And this was 3 streets down from us.

Its very sad thinking about moving and leaving Adam behind, but we are trying to get this house sold so we can move to a safer area. We never had this problem before, it's like crime sprees were suddenly ignited about 3 years ago.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Greetings, Triden.

I've read your stories with interest as you posted them, but I have had nothing useful to contribute since I joined the site officially (besides voting "+1" on sound advice given by others) until now.
A. The nearby Police station is of no help.
B. The criminal activity is occurring when people with the capacity to observe your home regularly know that your father is out of town.
C. What are the odds that some members of the Police Force are involved with the criminal activity, if only as lookouts?
D. Would it be of any use to create tripwire-activated traps, such as spray paint? Nothing lethal, nothing too damaging, just flourescent orange or bright yellow paint. Not only would this help the CPF to identify the perpetrators, but it would also require a fair amount of explanation if the clothing which was sprayed happened to be a Police uniform...
E. Normally, I'd be rather hesitant to accuse the Boys in Blue of direct criminal mischief, but their ignoring the signs of a crimewave just down the street beggars belief. This sounds more like men with something to hide than men interested in doing their jobs...

I'm going to go ahead and suggest you get the florescent paint anyway; it may not be as satisfying as using pepper spray, but (on the outside chance it is a policeman who is trying to break in) you don't want to be arrested for assaulting an officer who can claim he heard the noise and was investigating when you attacked him. Day-glow green paint sprayed onto his clothes would be a lot harder for him to use as justification for arresting you.

Stay Safe.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Triden, this is just a quick thought. Do you think it possible, your friendly, caring spirits, might not come to your defense, if needed. I can't think of a better way to make the potential thieves run away fast.
Jan 😊
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Oh and beware of chatterbox/nosey neighbours or friends who may give you away. DON'T discuss what you're doing with anyone who might 'talk about it down the local supermarket' or 'talk about it over the fence' where some idiot might over hear. Honestly, so many people give far too much away about their daily habits out in public AND the daily habits of others. Be careful of that.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Hi Triden,

I'm a newbie on this site and I just want to say how awesome it is to hear experienced members here say that the living suck way more than ghosts. Completely agree.
May I suggest leaving the TV on when you go out, lights on in the house when you go to bed (lights visible from the street and back of home).
Also don't just joke about painting their symbol for 'nothing here' DO IT! Seriously just DO IT! But when you know no ones watching of course!
Is it possible you could have someone park in your driveway? Like a friend or something or multiple people park at your place so the place looks fully occupied at all times. Know any people with two or more cars? Ask if you can borrow one to just sit in your driveway.

By the way your Granny rocks!
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
hahahaha Rook.
Funny enough, if you study the markings there is one that actually tells the criminals when a house has nothing worth stealing. Tim joked that we should paint that on a wall.
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
It is me and my boys in the house itself. That's 3. My mom in the granny flat. And the nanny in an extended room behind the flat. AKA - 3 women and 2 children. 5 people. The reason why I say they are watching the house, every time an attempt has been made, it is when no men are around. Co-incidental, maybe, but 4 times were the nights after my dad went back to Mozambique.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Triden - if it's just you and your sons, why would they have marked 5 lines on your home 3 weeks ago? 😕 If they are watching your home they would know, even if you had company, that you are the only woman who lives there. They obviously could/would pick a time when you didn't have visitors.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
This is me being a bit 'far fetched' and perhaps a wee bit silly as well but I wonder what would happen if you 'painted' a picture of 1 large indivdual, 2 smaller individuals all with guns on the side of your home... Would that send the wrong message?

Sorry couldn't help myself... 😉


triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Thank you Rook, I definitely will. The more protection we have, the better. You never understand fearing another human being until you realize someone is trying to get in to your house while you sleep. And you wake up to the sound of your dog growling and then someone is chased right past your bedroom window. Being only myself and my kids in the house, that's frightening.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
This may sound a wee bit odd, but please try my Shielding technique (posted on my profile). It tends to keep 'negative energy or individuals with negative intent' AWAY from ones home... I have actually had people drive driectly past my house... Even though they were roommates at the time. The individual in question was going through some very negitive things and about 3 times a month he would have to circle around the block becasue he 'missed' the house somehow.

Your physical security sounds good and GRANNY gives a 'great heads' up and the neighborhood patrol is 'nice' but extra precautions never hurt.


triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Oh, the markings were made with a water based paint, we washed them off. 3 weeks ago 5 black lines were drawn on a wall inside the yard. # women and 2 children.

When this last event happened I told the head of CPF that we are convinced the attempts are coming from people who are watching the house. They know when t try their luck, because it always is when no men are home.
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Hi guys! We have an alarm system and a dog. We are also listed with our neighbourhood community protection forum (CPF). The police are only 800 metres down the street, the police here are so lax they just don't care. With the fact that the attempts started occurring regularly, and we have a vacant house next door that we alerted authorities about, we have put up razor wire and spikes on the walls. But they still got in. In the past 2 weeks we have now placed "traps" in flower beds, put spikes in between spikes, we now have motion sensor beams outside and we are getting cameras put up. Ironically, we hoped to sell the house before any of this was necessary, and yet, here we are.

My boys are traumatized. H does not want to go to bed because he is afraid something will happen to mommy if he is not there. Being on CPF, in one week the attempts occurred 3 times. But then the patrollers pitch up with bright lights and loads of noise and the intruders run off. They have actually started thinking the reports are hoaxes.

Thus far I have not seen the man from my vision. But that exact thought has occurred to me as well.
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
triden very scary indeed. As soon as I read it I wondered: could this have something to do with the "dream" you had back August 2013 of the man standing at your gate as you were locking it? The one Tim verified as being more premonition than dream? 😊

That may explain what's happened since May and your Grans reaction. Just a thought 😊
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
I'm with val and granny with everything they say. Why didn't you call the police or at the very least go to the police to make a report? As scary as it is for you to deal with attempted break ins think about your children how traumatized are they? What about your ghosties they don't like to feel helpless. Your mother must have been a nervous wreck when she saw those markings.
If there were 8 other attempts to break into your house since May why haven't you upgraded your security system before now? It may be difficult to cover up the marking on your house and if you are successful it may be
Re-marked. I know I'm rambling but as granny said you have more to fear from living than the dead. Okay ramble over.
Please be careful.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
Triden, I'm with Granny and hope you managed to remove those markings. And, yes! You should know better than to ignore your ghosties.
Glad to see you posting again.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
triden: This is very scary. This won't be the last time I've said this, but there's more to fear from the living than the dead. I'm glad your Gran's keeping tabs, but please be careful. Have you notified the police? Is there any way to remove the markings?

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