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Someone Looking Out For Her


First, some background...

I broke up with my boyfriend (later husband) when I was five months pregnant. When my daughter was about two months old, I moved from San Diego, and rented a two-bedroom apartment across the border (Mexico) to be closer to my parents; I was too scared to leave my baby in day care and they offered to help. Since my work was in California (US) I would have to cross the border every day to get to work, I would have to up get around 4:30 AM and was not back at the apartment until around 8:00 pm. By the time I put the baby down, got all my stuff and hers ready for the next day I would fall asleep exhausted.

One typical night, I was sound asleep when someone calling my name awakened me. I was not sure if I had imagined it so I stayed really still waiting to see if I heard it again. After a few seconds of silence, I decided I had been dreaming and was starting to fall right back asleep when I heard the female voice urgently calling my name. I was so tired that I could not open my eyes; I am ashamed to say that my mother instincts were not kicking in, I was just too tired. Suddenly I felt someone poke me in the ribs, I mean, this was so painful that I immediately shot up with a big "OUCH". I looked all around the bedroom and there was no one in sight. I sat there confused for a few minutes when I suddenly felt the urge to go check on my baby.

When I approached her crib, I saw that somehow her blanket got wrapped around her head and was covering her face. I pulled the blanket off and saw that her face was purple and sweaty and she was gasping for air. I panicked and ran out the apartment with her screaming bloody murder. I knocked on my neighbors' door and they came out and took her from me. At this point, she had already began to cry and was breathing again. After making sure she was going to be okay I found myself back in my apartment unable to go back to sleep.

That is when I remembered the poke and the voice calling my name. I got up and checked in the mirror, there was a very faint bruise forming on my side. I was both scared and grateful; I cried just thinking of what would have happened if I had not gotten to my baby when I did.

This was my very first experience with this woman "entity" but was not my last. A few times after that, when my daughter would cry in the middle of the night as I was getting up from bed to go to her I would hear a woman's voice in her bedroom go "ssshh, shshsh" in a very soothing voice.

Once, when she was about 6 months old, I made the stupid mistake of sitting her on the breakfast bar and turned to pick up my keys that had fallen. As I was turning back to get her I saw that she was falling, and just before she hit the floor it seemed like she had been lifted and gently placed on the floor by someone I could not see. I know some of you are thinking guardian angel, right?

That's what I thought until she was about two years old and then her "guardian angel" turned into our worst nightmare. All the bad things started when my daughter's dad and I decided to give it another try and he moved in with us. I'll put that in another story since this one got too long.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Haven, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-26)
Hi Miandra -

Thanks for reading and commenting. I went through some scary stuff with my first born. Thankfully, we made it out okay.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-22)
Hello Haven,

Wow... What an incredible experience. I want to know what happened next.

I'm so glad you made it to your baby and took the blanket off her head in time. I'm also glad she didn't fall off the bench and was saved by the spirit.

You're such a dedicated mum. Like Mrs Rizzo says, ' it's good to read about mums that go to the ends of the earth for their kids'.

I can't wait to read your next post.

😘 ❤ 😘
MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-03)
I have to say that it is nice when you get to read about mothers that go to the ends of the earth for there kids I wanted to say you seem like a great mom. I am a mom as well so I totally understand. I thought you wrote your story In a easy way for the readers to understand and get a good picture of what you went through. I hope you keep us posted and good luck to you!
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-27)
Granted, I haven't yet seen "Part II" but just based on what I see here - perhaps the entity went bad as a reaction to the presence of the baby's father. Either the entity thought he was bad news and was trying to run him off or the entity was jealous of him and felt that it had filled his spot in his absence just fine and didn't appreciate his coming back onto the scene.

Eagerly awaiting Part II!:)
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
Hi again, Haven. Looking forward to the rest, but about that ER doctor... What everyone else said! Had a friend visiting from out of town wake me up at about 2 in the morning with intense abdominal pain. We drove to the ER and they tried to talk us down.

Happily, it was only a kidney stone, but we don't know that. We're not MDs here.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
Miracles - I know exactly what you mean which is why the doctor was not too happy with me. By the time I made it to the emergency room the fever had almost always gone down.

My youngest daughter would hallucinate when her fever was high. This would scare the heck out of me. She would point at nothing and tell me to "tell them to leave". I use to think she was seeing ghosts until I was told she was hallucinating and that it was not unusual for children with high fevers.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
Haven - I have a 4-year old who had febrile seizures three times and it is terrifying. His fever spikes and then before I can even get the thermometer to take his temp, it's back down again. 😲
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
Thanks for your input, Miracles. I had an emergency room doctor actually tell me to stop using my insurance card like it was a credit card. He said I was taking up the time from someone with a "real" emergency. To me, having my child seize and convulse from a high fever or having her nearly suffocate or hit her head from a fall were emergencies but I guess it wasn't for him. Like I mentioned before, I got a lot better with my other 2 kids. With my first child I was young, inexperienced and raising her on my own so I panicked easily. Boy, if I knew back then what I know now...
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
Tweed - trying not to step on Haven's toes here, but if this situation had happened to me and one of my kids, once they were breathing I wouldn't have called an ambulance. A lot of people don't have insurance and even those that do don't want to incur the exorbitant cost of an ambulance ride to the hospital unless the situation was life or death.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
Hi RCRuskin -

Till this day I've had my doubts about there being two separate entities or one that suddenly turned evil. I will submit that part later and would love to know your opinion.

Thanks for reading!
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
Hi Tweed,

I did not take offense to your comments, I totally understand your concerns. The first draft of my story was very long so when I edited I cut out some parts I thought were irrelevant. I substituted the part where my neighbor drove us to the hospital with "after making sure she was going to be okay...". My neighbors called an ambulance and they suggested we bring her in, so we did. I guess I should have left that part in the story. 😊

This being my fist child, I was the type of mother that would rush to the emergency room at the tiniest sniff or sneeze. I wasn't so bad when my other 2 kids came along but I've always been a worrier. I raised 3 healthy, happy children so I think I did all right.

Thanks for reading!
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
Hi Haven,

I actually walked away from this and thought about whether or not to comment. Because I don't want this to come across like a criticism. But I think it's going to no matter what. Nevertheless I think this needs to be said.
I can only imagine what I'd do if this were my Godson. If an infant has had a suffocation scare an Ambulance would be called. Even if a child has resumed normal breathing. A paramedic would still be called to assess everything. I know you were completely exhausted and must have suffered impaired thinking as a result. But I would imagine the neighbours would have made a call on your behalf.

Given I'm not a parent, forgive me if I've missed something completely obvious with this scenario.

I don't know what to think about the child falling and being slowed down. But I do know everyone needs eyes in the back of their head where little ones are concerned. So I'm not having a go at you about that. I just don't know what to think about the breakfast bar accident, because of the lack of emergency services in the first scenario. Jeeze Louise I'm not calling you a bad parent either, but I realise my last sentence came across that way, sorry. Hopefully you can clear up my confusion. Like I said, not a parent here, but I have looked after young kiddos over the years and have a sort of mental 'emergency scenario' list I abide by, and finding a child in that condition would warrant an ambulance. Unless I'm missing something totally simple here?
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
This one is not too long, but thank you for breaking it into two parts. I'm reading this having just rolled out of bed. Demons sometimes do work this way: be nice, build up your trust so you let your guard down, and then pounce. I'd like to hear more before coming to any conclusions, though.

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