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Real Ghost Stories

Couple In The Cloud


It all began while living in Olympia, Washington, around 1966, when I was approximately 6 years old. My family of five lived in a mobile home that was very small and my Mother had to sleep in the living room. My older brother and I shared a room.

On many occasions early in the morning, such as 2 or 3 a.m., I would wake to noises, then a pure white cloud would come out of the corner of the room above me with the faces of a dark-haired lady and man. I don't remember seeing shoulders and the noises were not normal and very strange and unrecognizable, as well as loud.

Often when this happened, I would try to waken my older brother, but he just snored louder and never woke up. I was very afraid during these instances and usually pulled the covers over my head until I would run out of the room, down the hall to where my Mom was sleeping. When I would look back, the cloud would be coming down the hall, sideways (so strange, like they couldn't come head on). I would yell," Mama, do you see them Mom?" She would say, "no, there's no one there, David. Climb in bed with me."

When I was around 11 years old, I began to realize that the ghostly images were laughing and having fun at my expense because I could see them, but at 6 years old, it was very scary. The ghostly woman had very puffy high hair with high curls on her head like in the old days. The man's head was lower in the cloud than the woman's and was shaped like a football with hardly any hair. I can still remember their faces after 54 years.

In 2014, I drove across town to go to the old trailer court on Martin Way Road. The trailer spot was about 4th in from the main road, and there was no trailer in the spot, if I remembered correctly. I didn't really recognize anything except for a missing tree. I managed to speak with the trailer court manager and told him about the ghosts and pointed to the lot and that I would like to talk to some people near it and possibly do some night recording. He asked me if I was crazy, and said, "this is a retirement community now and I can't have you coming in and making people think about ghosts."

I wanted to share this story and put it to rest. I have many more to share at a later date. Thank you for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, CantunSEEit, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

outofthemirror (guest)
4 years ago (2020-11-14)
Manafon1 I am glad white cloud has been experienced by others. I have had many sightings in our home in Olympia WA. I installed double door mirrored closets across from each other in our small master bath hallway and there was already a long mirror on bathroom door as you walked up to it. And our house came alive. Other sorts, Man came out of mirror. 3 diff boiling black clouds. Stick figure run of the mill stuff. Had medium cleansing of mirror guy. I will be sharing all.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
4 years ago (2020-11-14)
Hi outofthemirror--Your account interests me because what you describe is something that has come up several times in paranormal case studies I've read. One incident that sticks in my mind concerns a woman who woke up in the middle of the night to see the head and shoulders of her son floating in what she described as a small white cloud. He had a peaceful smile on his face and the mother stated she felt he had come to say farewell. The face of the floating young man was wet.

When the image faded the mother panicked as her son was in the Navy and she felt something terrible had happened. True enough, news came the following day that her son had drowned when his ship had been sunk by an enemy ship (this was, as far as I can recall, during World War One.) In this case the apparition of the floating head seems to have been what's commonly defined as a crisis apparition, which often appears at the moment, or near the moment, of the perceived apparition's death.

Your account is interesting because it occurred several times. I am not at home as I write this but I know I have other examples of this paranormal cloud-like element in various psychical research case study books I have. None of the cases I can recall ever mentioned a person being pursued by the "cloud-heads" but apparitions definitely do often focus on kids at the age you had your encounters.

What other sorts of paranormal experiences have you had?
outofthemirror (guest)
4 years ago (2020-11-14)
Also, in response to questions about the area, the trailer court was on Martin Way, nearest to the intersection of Marvin Road (a main thoroughfare off the I-5 Freeway). We looked up on the computer and believe it is the Martin Way Mobile Home-Rv Park. Didn't realize that people would be looking these up, so will try to be more accurate in the future, if possible. Would love to hear about anything relevant that could be found. Thank you for checking, as that is really cool!
outofthemirror (guest)
4 years ago (2020-11-14)
Haha, you are so observant, Lady-Glow! I am Dave's wife, and am editing and typing for Dave, as he is a one-finger typist and makes a lot of mistakes, so I edit or type his stories with his approval before publishing. To respond to your questions, he never asked his oldest Brother who moved out when they were young. His only Sister said she never experienced anything, and his middle Brother who slept in the same room is a non-believer. He didn't believe what was happening then, and does not believe in ghosts now. I will continue to edit longer stories for Dave as if he is the writer. Thank you for pointing out that I need to be more careful in my editing skills. =)
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-11-14)

They said "Marvin Rd."

Same difference with the search results though. I only looked at Google Street View because I was curious to see what it looked like... My dinner was warming up in the kitchen and time was on my side.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-11-14)

I felt the same way too. The syntax between the story and comments are different. I think they are written by the same person but that they had help making their story coherent by a friend or something.

I haven't been able to vote for your comments in about two weeks. I guess I don't understand the voting system here.

Also, after outofthemirror's first comment, I noticed that they said "Marvin Way" instead of "Martin Way" and then I looked up that road. It is also in Lacey, Washington and has mobile home parks - so it could be either one. It's been fifty years; so I'm not blaming anyone if their recollections are a bit fuzzy.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
4 years ago (2020-11-14)
What about your other two family members (siblings?), did they ever see the cloud or experience anything else while living at that place?

This is irrelevant to your story but, in my opinion, your comments seem made by a different person that the one authoring the story.
Perhaps the person editing your narrative had to make a lot of modifying?
outofthemirror (guest)
4 years ago (2020-11-14)
Only lived there 2 years or less. Around 11 I was always thinking about that beautiful white cloud and its travelers... Strang noises kind of sounded like laughter. But as soon as white cloud entered room it was loud like a ballroom or coming from a party. My brother in same room never believed me. I am sensitive. I am grateful of spirits I have seen none have caused harm, just eye opening.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
4 years ago (2020-11-13)
Welcome to YGS.

I got a bit confused by your following statements:

"When I was around 11 years old, I began to realize that the ghostly images were laughing and having fun at my expense because I could see them, but at 6 years old, it was very scary"

"Lived there less than 2 years."

Do you mean that, at age 11, you began thinking and analyzing these events in retrospective an reached this conclusion but you had already moved out of that park?
Sorry, it's just that, at first, I got the idea that you were living in this place and seeing the cloud and the figures for several years, at least from age 6 to 11.

Your experience is unique and hard to relate to anything else, perhaps knowing the use of the land before the park was established could shed some light on the identity of these apparitions. They didn't seem to be evil, perhaps only mischievous... And aware than you were the only one that could see them... Are you by any chance sensitive to the paranormal?

Looking forward to read more of your stories. Thanks for sharing.
outofthemirror (guest)
4 years ago (2020-11-13)
WOW, trailer park was closest to marvin rd. Had wrecking yard across hiway. 4 lanes. Lacey probably. Lived there less than 2 years. When I went back what I thought was our spot no trailer was there and big tree out side out sliding door was gone. As kids me and my brother were just learning about matches and fire. We got us kicked out. My poor mother. Sorry lacey in middle of olympia.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-11-13)
Hello outofthemirror and welcome to YGS,

That's weird. Do you remember how long your family lived there? I don't really have any insights to offer; but I looked up Martin Way Mobile Park and it brought me to a city called Lacey, Washington. Is this the same town? The mobile park that I saw on Google Street View looked pretty nice, from what I could see; but I could see that the area was built up with new commercial developments as far as the eye could see. I am sure the ambience of the area was much different when you were little.

I tried to look up paranormal activity in the area. I found stuff; but not much of it seemed reputable.

- Maria

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