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Ghost stories comments: Page 8

Anjarey, this is an interesting account that you have. I'm glad, for your sake, that you aren't having difficulties, or feeling uneasy.
My late husband, & I lived in a very haunted house almost 50 years ago now. It was a very traumatic time period for us. We ended up being chased out, & never went back. Sometimes it's just better to get out all together. That's exactly what we did.
As long as you have no issues with it, just maybe you 'can' cohabitate. Good luck to you, & it was an interesting read!

By the way-
Have a great Christmas! 😊 😁
TravisCannabis in The Unholy Night
Jeez bro! That's exactly what the other dude means. U have written a lot of stories but only a few have happened to you. πŸ™„ 😁
AnonMirrorBoard in Disturbing Audio Evidence

Boston and its greater area have such an insane amount of history! What's funny to me though is that lately (I could be wrong, just an observation), that the metro west/ Wistahhhhh areas are busy and more active. Not that I have an actual clue as to why. We fully intend on revisiting locations we've tried before with our newer method. My partner is absolutely something of a spiritual empath whereas I'm just a grunt lol. These small towns go unrecognized but have deep stories, it's intriguing!
Very interesting story! I grew up in the Boston area and with all that history, there's bound to be ghosts everywhere. There is a really creepy old cemetery in Marlboro, MA called the Goodale Cemetery. It is a small family plot located oddly enough, in a modern residential area. Might be worth investigating. If I remember correctly, the headstones are from the 17 & 1800s. I had a strange experience there while walking by one night in the late 1990s. Thanks for your account! It's always fascinating to hear things caught on a recording.

BeingStupid_666 in The Evil Ghostly Dog
Hi Amchi
Is This the Same dog which acted with Jackie Shroff in the 90s 😐
BeingStupid_666 in The Haunted Jungle
Hi Amchi
Is it possible that Spirit can't see through BLACk tints
Will They require a GPRS to reach a Destination? πŸ€”
Amchi1986 in The Unholy Night
I have written two to
Three stories on my experience. Just check them out. Don't jump to conclusions without reading all my stories.
The man in the top hat sounds ominous, what if he is not the spirit of someone deceased but something else instead?
Pelatiah, a chandelier in the bathroom? That must be one elegant bath. (My baths can be best described as 'functional'πŸ˜† So you might detect a wee note of envy there.)
I agree with you though. It certainly sounds to me that GVC8's seemed friendly.
Of course, as RC points out, there could be other explanations.
CantunSEEit74 in The Unholy Night
Amchi1986 You have 15 stories on this site and 10 of them are other peoples stories. Please bring your own experiences to the table.Itttssstttooommuucchh.
blosomes in Back To Where I Am
CoddyG πŸ€”
What reaction are you expecting?

Emm... Think back of this story it sure is odd 😳
Pelatiah in Supervising Ghost
Tigerfeet, I LOVE your story! First, I love the location and am about to go to a map to see where you might be. I've always wanted to travel to your area (I'm in Georgia, USA) and love the history of your country as well, going back to the Vikings! What a place!

Second, we share similar stories of previous owners... I just finished writing a comment on another story describing my former owner (you can see on the "Electrical Disturbances..." story).

When we re-did our entire kitchen, gutting it completely and starting over in 2020, I had the sense we were being monitored as well! Florence, our previous owner, was quite the Italian cook, and I've also felt her presence in the kitchen. I'm amazed you could see your lady and a bit jealous... Or maybe not:)

One of the things we did when renovating was to remove some decorative columns from the area between the kitchen and family room. They were a bit outdated and I wanted more wall there to put benches on. The day we removed them, I explained to Florence why... I was a bit worried because SHE designed the family room addition with them... That evening my teenage son and I were watching tv and all of a sudden, one of the majolica plates on my mantle slowly turned a quarter turn off it's stand and laid itself down on the mantle. It didn't break, it didn't fly off or fall. Just laid itself down. I saw it out of the corner of my eye, but my son was looking right at it before it moved (maybe sensed something). I said, "What just happened?" and he said, "It was a ghost mom..." (The fam always teases me). But I took that as an OK on the columns. So glad your lady can visit you. I'm not sure they can't come back, even after "moving on." Pretty sure they have free will to come back... I am visited by lots of my dead people (sounds so weird, sorry).
GVC8, I'm agreeing with Manafon here, I think it was supernatural.
My first experience with light was upon moving into my current home 12 years ago. The lady who owned my home, Florence, was known for her hospitality and people in the neighborhood loved her. She had passed away about six months before I moved in. I moved in while my husband was serving in Afghanistan, a tough move as we'd been in our previous home ten years (lots of stuff) and I had two toddlers in tow. When I first got here I had a distinct impression of the former owner, her name was Florence. She was a gen. Older than me, but we share a love of gardening, parties and decorating our home. She was from New Jersey and a big patriot and lover of things Americana. From her estate sale, I bought some pewter plates with scenes of the American Revolution as well as a large eagle wall hanging, and was thrilled to have them stay here at the home she loved. Anyway, I digress, but the first thing I did after purchasing the home was to bring some lamps and I cleaned the bathroom chandelier, which was quite dirty. I was compelled to clean it, even with all the other tasks ahead of me, I just couldn't wait, and had the thought, "Florence, I bet you wanted to clean this fixture for awhile, but I know you were sick..." Looking back, I'm not sure that was MY thought! Anyway, the lights would flicker, specifically the front hall light leading to the master bedroom, and sometimes it would be turned on. Later, I coincidentally found that one of my friends had also been friends with Florence, and used to take her to doctor appointments in her last months. I had her over to see the house and the changes I made, and she told me then that Florence always kept that front hall light on for security! The master bathroom lights, six ceiling lights, would also turn on and off at various times, nothing wrong with the electric. And the refridge would ding at me the minute I got into bed, as if open, but it wasn't. Many evenings I would be working in the kitchen and I never felt comfortable looking into the empty family room (sort of open to the kitchen and sort of cavernous as I was waiting for the furniture to be delivered and there were just boxes piled up). I just didn't look (and now, 12 years later, I often capture orbs and rods and "happenings" in here, unexplained, on my iphone).

The other thing, sorry for the book, my mom died ten years ago and I would go to her house in the weeks following to clean and organize for the estate sale. One day I went over and turned off the porch light, wanting to switch it up in case anyone was watching the house. I went inside, did my stuff and took a small side table that she'd left to me... After I got it into the car and was backing out of the driveway, the same porch light that I KNEW I switched off was not only turned back on, but it was glowing with an intensity that seemed supernatural! The sun was out that day, but as I backed out of the driveway I saw it, knew it was unusually bright and thought about it all the way home, certain I had NOT turned it back on.

When I got back to my house, I was shuffling in the door with the table, talking to my dogs as they met me... "Look what I got from Nonny's house!..." and as I walked the small table back to the family room where it was to live, a lamp in that room (another of my inheritances from her, a significant little blue lamp that she knew I always loved) was turned on and shining brightly. That lamp NEVER goes on in the daytime, as my home is quite bright with tons of windows. I was so surprised and just knew that was Mom. I know she saw me getting that little table at her house and was with me when I brought it home. Mom was the type who had lots of great stuff in her beautiful home, it meant a lot to her, and she had already labeled things with our names "for when I die" she'd say. I never knew before then that spirits could manipulate lights, had never even thought about it. I've learned a LOT since then. You were brave in that little guest house in the pitch dark. Perhaps the spirit was trying to give you a night light?! I get the sense that it was friendly.
sushantkar in The Unholy Night
Hi Dear Amchi1986,

Hope you are doing good!

I have had quite a few paranormal experiences in my life so far, but none of them were as long as this. Most of these events only last for a few moments.
No paranormal entity has enough energy to sustain its form (whatever it may be) for such a long time. Since all of these entities are made up of some kind of energy/energies, they need fule to maintain their shape and form to travel, to communicate and even in cases if they want to possess someone they requires to save their energy to do so.
I am not denying your experience, but I do not want to coincide with it either.

tigerfeet in Supervising Ghost
Thank you for your comments.

We think we're very lucky to have such a wonderful lady living with us. From talking to people who knew her when she was alive, she was a much loved lady locally - no one we've talked to has had anything even slightly 'bad' to say about her.

We've recently found out that she was the second owner of our home, inheriting it from her father. So far she appears to approve of the modernisation of her home - she even seems to like the colours we've chosen!

Last week, when we got up, both of the oven doors were slightly ajar even though I knew they were closed the night before. I think she really likes my new cooker! I often feel her around when I'm cooking - particularly if I'm making something a bit 'exotic' like an Indian or Chinese meal. It feels almost as if she's interested in learning how to cook something a little different to what she used to make - but maybe I'm imagining this part!

I think she might stay with us until we've finally finished the modernisation and decorating of our (and her) home.
I have a few acquaintances who I chat with online from Mumbai Amchi1986. So I understand your way of expressing your take of sorts.

Apart from couple of typing mistakes with time (am/pm) and the use of your cultural speak you have expressed your take of events quite well indeed.

Understandably it may be confusing for some members who aren't used to your way of communication, but I do get what you are trying to say.

One thing I am a bit confused about, is why this ghost hung around for so long before getting scared and disappearing. Your uncle put the religious necklace as soon as he saw this ghost, right?

I do hope you and your family are safe now Amchi1986.


◝⁠ (⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠) β β—œ
Can I say something, if you don't mind you tried to interfere with the nature and it's forces which could prove dangerous to your and your's friends lives, despite you all knowing the fact that the bungalow was haunted. May be the girl's ghost was kind to you all, I don't understand the exact reason. Some things don't have any explanation in the supernatural world. May God be with you all always. Take care.
lady-glow in The Unholy Night
"My nephew did wake up and started crying, but none of everyone in my house saw the shadow except me"

I'm afraid you are mistaking not only both your nephews, but your own stories too... There's no shadow in this story. LOL.
lady-glow in The Unholy Night
"I am always ready to answer anyone's doubts."

Perhaps it would be a good idea to go back to all of your stories and reply all the unanswered questions you may have missed to read.

Hi Amchi.

I have been reading some articles about possession by devi. There's a lot of interesting information on this subject, from the ones that look at it from an skeptical angle, like in the following link:


To others with a more faithful approach. The latter seem to agree on these phenomena taking place during some sort of festivity, specially throughout Navratri.

"In India during Navratri many people got possessed by Devi this happens specially during the first and the last day of the Festival... The worshipper of Nanda Devi goes in trance during Aartis... But now in todays period many peoples performs fake acting of this ritual to gather publicity..."


Although I wasn't able to read everything there's to read, the data seems to point that once the goddess leaves the body of a person, leaves it for good and said person goes back to their normal self.

My point is, why would a woman and her child be protected from negative entities when she's not possessed?

Thanks for your feedback.
Amchi1986 in The Unholy Night
My nephew did wake up and started crying, but none of everyone in my house saw the shadow except me
Hi GVC8-- I really enjoyed your intriguing account. I have had similar experiences involving different paranormal light anomalies. One of the most dramatic was in a very haunted apartment I lived in back in the 90s. A blue spinning luminescent light moved and seemingly "splatted" onto the wall next to my side of the bed. It glowed and seemed sentient, but when I put the light on, it was gone.

In another incident, two bluish orbs of light flashed from different parts of a room I was in. In that instance, I believe it was a communication from my deceased parents, as I had been discussing them with my wife.

Your "pulsing" lamp incident reminded me of a house my wife and I were staying at when suddenly multiple lights in the room--recessed ceiling lights, lamps--began dimming and brightening. I don't believe it was a power surge, as all the other lights in the house that were on didn't exhibit this phenomenon. That house had a lot of other paranormal incidents and that's why I felt it, too, was paranormal.

That's why I believe the electrical disturbances you experienced were likely paranormal. Sadly, it's usually impossible to ascertain who might be attempting these "communications." Suffice it to say that I usually find it just kind of cool that spirits occasionally try to make their presence known by light. It seems you had a spirit or spirits who were stopping in to let you know they were there.

Thanks for sharing your experience.
Supernatural entities have to been known to affect electricity, but what's fascinating is that this is the first story I've read that mentions ley lines.
From the way you describe her, she seems to be a wonderful woman even in the afterlife, I suppose she just wants to stick around for a while just to make sure her home is in good hands.
Hi Amchi1986

That must have been unnerving, but I have to agree with some of the commentors, howcome the baby didn't get up, or the wife, a lot of supernatural beings take human form I believe.
Thank you for your comment. I would love to be able to tell you more but that is all that happened. The first two happenings I explained away... The third was unsettling as I couldn't explain it. I wish I knew if it was communication & what the message was!
It might be attempts at communication.

It might be energy surges.

It might be curious spirits wondering about this technology.

It might be waking dreams.

I would love more data.:)
Linjahaha in Supervising Ghost
tigerfeet, I agree with Spockie. This 'is' a beautiful story. It seems she's just interested to see how you're taking care of her former home. It wouldn't hurt to 'talk' to her to let her know how much you love her house, & want to take care of it like she once did. She 'would' hear you. Apparently, she 'is' aware of you if she smiled at you.
You're lucky to have such a good, gentle spirit there. My late hubby, & I weren't so fortunate many years ago. We were chase out by the residing whatever that was there. It took us close to a year to readjust to relative normalcy once we got out of there.
I'm glad that you're coming along with the house, & that 'she' seems to be pleased with all your efforts. Very good read, here!

All the Best! ❀ 😁
tigerfeet in Supervising Ghost
RC Ruskin - I would really like her to help with the housework! But, failing that we've made it clear to her that she is more than welcome to stay with us for as long as wants to - if that is what she wants.

Our resident spirit, Charlie, doesn't seem to mind sharing the supernatural limelight with her either, which is brilliant as he can be a bit of a bugger when new spirits come to stay with us.
Oh, gosh. What a beautiful story and what a beautiful spirit. Who wouldn't enjoy sharing their space with her?
tigerfeet in Supervising Ghost
As she was really fond of her birds, I think she was a bit dubious at first about our four cats. Luckily all of our cats are either too lazy and well fed to hunt birds or just a bit too thick to manage a hunt. Whichever the answer, no birds have been bought in and given as presents for us dim humans. I think that she's accepted the cats - they've stopped sitting up from a dead sleep and watching something move around the kitchen or sitting room!

I suspect she will stay with her beloved house and garden until we've finished the repairs, updates and decorating and all the little jobs that need doing in the garden.
lady-glow in Supervising Ghost
It seems like she just wants to see what you are doing to her beloved house and approves of the changes.

Thanks for sharing.
RCRuskin in Supervising Ghost
Well, yes, she should move on to her current post-life life. But she seems harmless enough, so maybe she could stay and help dust or something. 😁
Amchi1986 in The Unholy Night
See ladyglow the main thing here is I am always ready to answer anyone's doubts. I am telling here, that my uncle had this horrible incident many years back. I don't understand about the origin of devi or goddess coming in one's body, but I have read somewhere that goddess comes in woman's body and it predicts everything accurately, except for life and death, which is in God's hands. It is said in our hindu religion that in any woman's body where devi i. E arrives, no supernatural or paranormal force can affect her nor her child.
lady-glow in The Unholy Night

I concur with your way of thinking though, in my opinion, 2 hours still sounds a little too long for the events described in the narrative.

Personally, I would like to know more about the "his wife used to have devi (a form of goddess) coming in her body on some auspicious occasions" part, and if at the time of this encounter she was under the influence of this divine being.

Like most of the previous stories from this poster, he's retelling someone else's experience, something that he didn't witness, and seemingly without taking the time to ask for more details and without providing other useful information to bridge the cultural differences between his beliefs and those of the readers'.

I have several questions about this story, unfortunately I have seen in the past that the OP is not one for answering questions even though he has agreed to participate in the discussion.

Rant over.

Mods, please delete if inappropriate.
valkricry in The Unholy Night
I guess this is where I differ than many others. Because of this sentence, " As soon as dawn rose, he drove his car madly though the jungle..." I assumed the P.M. Was a typo, and should have been A.M. Making the ordeal 2 hours long.
RCRuskin in The Unholy Night
MythBelieve: there are many things in "real life" that do not make sense. But "real life" is in many ways entirely nonsensible. So I for one believe that Amchi is telling us what happened exactly as he recalls it happening. Like Travis in his comment, I find it a bit hard to believe that the baby did not awake during the night and cry from hunger, but maybe the baby had a big meal before the trip? I don't know.

As is usual with these stories, I'm wanting to know more. Ghost videos? I want more angles! I want better resolution video or photos! Where was everyone in relation to the strange event? Can't really get these answers now, so many years after the experience. Heck, can't even get them 5 seconds after the experience unless there were multiple cameras already taking video/pictures.

Amchi, I am glad your uncle and his family were unharmed.
Amchi1986 in The Unholy Night
My dear mythbelieve I have told only what we have experienced in life and all my stories are cent per cent true. If you think that they don't make sense, it's your wish
MythBelieve in The Unholy Night
Your entire family seem to experience some form of ghost and many of the stories don't make any sense
TravisCannabis in The Unholy Night
It makes no sense bro... Didn't your aunt have to feed the baby at least once during the 15 hours the ghost was there? πŸ€”
As if! 😁 😁
I really enjoy the moral to this story. *Don't take what's not yours* Too many people think it's ok to help themselves in similar situations.
Thanks for sharing.
[at] Rajine...Yeah... It may... But I really suspect that hotel too...
Hello Kent! Thanks for commenting again!
I was just wondering why would you run away from calm spirits 😁
No worries!
Arh yes Blosomes, I do believe I meant red and not blue.

Well spotted.
Lady Glow, wow there's a lot of questions I have to answer. All I know about the hairbrush was yes the ghost was attached to it, why? I have no idea but she was. How it got in the wardrobe, well, maybe Mary placed it there, again I am only the messenger, so to speak. I always found the story damned creepy anyway. The hairbrush was something, I believe, that reminded her of her late mother. I've my late mother's hairbrush, though I got no hair to brush anyway but it's memento I suppose? About the quilt, I would've burnt it.
Fantastic story... I was in middle school in the 70s (we used to call it Jr. High too) and I can just imagine how fun that trip was! Nice writing.

Love the comments here as well. I'm in Atlanta, GA and we have many battlefields here. I live in a neighborhood in the suburbs that was the location of one of Sherman's field hospitals and the home they used is still standing, with it's backyard backing up to the homes across the street from me. The young girls who live there have mentioned to me that they see ghosts regularly there, and I'm fairly convinced my yard hosts some of them every now and then. Like you I've always had a fair interest in ghost stuff... Shows like the Twilight Zone, the Ghost and Mrs. Muir, etc. Probably primed the pump, but I'm a regular suburban mom, former journalist and military wife, husband is a retired Marine. The event that caused me to REALLY believe happened a few years ago on a nearby battlefield. Https://
Thank you for the story!
Pelatiah in Tap On The Leg?
Here it is, months later and I haven't been to this site in a long time. Isn't it wild that I completely forgot about this incident until I was reminded about it just now, here?

I find that when things are "paranormal" they get very fuzzy, which is why I recommend writing them down.
bryandavid019 in Houses Are Evil Too
[at] Rajine... The house did have an influence on us and our lives... Until now we think about it and it gives us chills... I tried finding out what was there in the room but whenever I went into the room... I used to feel so so so cold I used to go all numb and my head would just start paining. Also on the roof we tried finding out... But the landlord always had it locked... There was a room on the roof that used to stay locked. And landlords would often visit the room on the roof at night only... We were so scared to go even on the roof.
Hello lady-glow!
Hmm... πŸ€”
Well I am not familiar with that yet... And I will not get one not because of the anti comments of the device... Just being myself πŸ™„ lol

Sure I will do more research especially while I am still having my life on the land itself!

Hello sir! Hmm... I will not run if it is blue... But I might be worried if it is red for awhile 😨
I can not say I am familiar with the device your friend uses Blosomes, but I do know all about chilling eerie feelings. I would run away if the light was blue indicating spirits. That is for sure.

Good luck,
The_Lost_Voyage_11 in Our Haunted First Apartment
Hello Linjahaha, I had a note to add to your last comment, it is true about the free will aspect and spirits can remain behind for sure, and they are also bound to unwritten rules as well. Some are harder to manage than others, but there are many if you tell them to leave you alone or back off, they have to honor that. It's why we can banish them and send them away if they become a nuisance to the living, this dimension we're in is primarily for those in physical bodies. I'm not sure what these 'rules' are that spirits have to follow and as I said not all of them seem to 'obey' easily, but nonetheless there is something to it.

As humans become attached to places in life, they do so in the afterlife too. There have been countless times, I have read stories where in bad storms, residents were warned to evacuate and many refused to leave their homes. They paid the price with their lives when those homes were destroyed, so it definitely makes sense that ghosts would refuse to leave too, even though it would be the logical thing to do! Lack of common sense doesn't seem to shift when a person passes on in some cases!
Lost V., & Rajine, I always appreciate your comments, & do agree.
This haunting wasn't a problematical one. It just startled us a bit until we realized 'what' was taking place.
As for sister Doris looking so real & solid. Well, there could be 2 possible explanations for that. 1: her personal will & determination to continue serving others, or 2: coupled 'with' the personal will she was able to manifest enough ectoplasm to appear solid, instead of ethereal.
As you know, ectoplasm is the solid manifestation of the spirit form. Like I mentioned, these are 'possible' explanations. They aren't written in stone. In the field of parapsychology we can only come up with 'possible' explanations to a degree.
I'm glad that you enjoyed the account, & Thank you both!

All the Very Best! 😁 😁
Rajine, that's a huge possibility. After all, the unwed mothers' home was located in back of the hospital.
She kind of frightened Trish when she first saw her, & startled 'me' when she brought down the case of paper towels. I think she was trapped, or confused, & no doubt lonely wondering 'why' she was there. I didn't 'see' her, but I felt her there.
Once I explained to Trish the possible reason for the ghost's presence, she felt rather sorry for her, as did I.
At any rate it was an intelligent haunting. She 'knew' about 'us', & helped us with our search by finding, for us, exactly what we needed. Didn't seem to hear, or see her too much after that episode. Maybe we helped her to move on!

Thank you, & all the best!
😊 😊
I do believe that there's a supernatural world out there that we barely know anything about, Sister Doris seems like she was a very dedicated and helpful person, so much so, that she couldn't move on it seems.
Hi Linjahaha

Back then single mother's were heavily frowned upon, however even though now the world has progessed there's still groups of people all over that finds it disgraceful/amusing,

I feel that ghost could be a unwed mother from during that era.
Hi jeeva1995

Do you think that maybe something followed you, and was not necessarily already in the room?
Hi again

Yes researching the history of your place will put a lot of things into perspective I feel, do you by any chance know the meaning of the chanting, assuming that you can hear the actual words being said?
The_Lost_Voyage_11 in The Old Maternity Hospital Part 2
Hello Linjahaha, what a fascinating story! I will comment on both parts of your story here, since it's easier. It was so nice to see that from a few of your more harrowing experiences you encountered ghosts who were of a more friendly and helpful nature. I always enjoy these kinds of stories.

The first ghost from the basement sounds like she was just as surprised to see Trish, as Trish was to see her, although I'm sure she doesn't think so, I would almost find it comedic! Her helping you out with the hidden paper towels verifies that she's aware of her surroundings and able to interact!

I also know what is meant by those kinds of basements, my fist job was at a hospital and the huge basement was like another country, mainly used for storage. It could be accessed by the stairs and was part of the original hospital. It could also be accessed by an old elevator, the kind that had the brass gates you slid across with the old window that allowed you to see the floors as they passed. We rarely had to go down there, and though I never saw anything, I sure sensed it, it was not a comfortable place to be in! The elevator was hard to resist though!

It was also interesting, that you saw this Sister Doris, in broad daylight and she looked solid! It brings to mind the question of if it's easier for helpful, friendly ghosts to manifest than those of the more negative variety? Perhaps it has more to do with their intention? This story also reminds me of something I've pondered many times myself, how many of us have encountered ghosts in the fashion you have, even on busy streets or crowded stores and not even realized what we were really seeing? Sister Doris also seems to be somewhat aware of her surroundings, she knows where help is needed, but I get the feeling she's more focused on her 'tasks' so she's not fully aware and present if you get my meaning.

In either case, an enjoyable read, thanks for sharing!
Hi Roy.

Interesting story.

I read some reviews for this item (Baketan) and, not surprisingly, there's some in favour and some others against its value as a paranormal activity detection tool.


Thanks for sharing.
Hey Rajine!
What an observation 😳
Now that you said... Maybe πŸ€”
So were there strangers at the first place then the chanters? 😲
Wow! I sure need to learn more about my place then
Hi blosomes

I knew from when I commented on your last post that the chanting wasn't malevolent, technology has been used extensively in supernatural cases so I do feel that it works, from your narrative the baketan device was red at first, and after that turned blue just after the chanting outside and then green when it ended, so on a way I guess those spirits outside could be protecting you I suppose...
Whatever it was, could be anything, it's natural to be scared, maybe it was bad or maybe it could have been good, a deceased family member perhaps. But generally the birth of a baby, attracts all kinds of "beings", well that's what we believe anyway.
Hi AussieRedDog

The first story is absolutely crazy, like something out of a horror movie, this just goes to show that spirits can have an attachment to objects and places.
Thanks for your reply. I know have a bunch more questions that probably can't be answered all these years later.
It appeared on the wall itself and when I saw it it disappeared in one go in the wall. I don't understand but that night I felt that someone was eyeing me secretly. It was indeed an unsuspicious night for me.
A dark shadow that, I'm assuming, has something of a human shape to it. Did it appear to be on the wall itself or standing in the room as shadow people are said to? Have to be careful asking questions since I do not want to lead you to a specific answer, but to better describe what was happening.
Ladyglow, it's hard to say in regard to that question! I read, in a book by the renowned parapsychologist, Hans Holzer, that we all have free-will choice. Not only on 'this' plane, but in the next. If a spirit 'wants' to remain they, simply, will do so.
It depends on the individual. However, you'd think that they 'would' want to move on since there really isn't any future in being a ghost.
Why stick around in empty, run-down surroundings when you could go on to those that you love & loved you.
Then again, it depends on the person. I heard it said by a well-known psychic that if someone wasn't a nice person in life, that they won't change in the afterlife.
Like I said it depends on the person, their individual personality/circumstances, & their own personal strength of will.
Some move on effortlessly, while others are bound for their own personal reasons to a residence, or a particular area. Such as the land.
Just putting forth some possible scenarios from what I've learned, & to some degree, experienced for myself. There are no concrete answers here!

Thanks for reading!
😊 😊
Hello ARD.

I know these are not your own experiences and, perhaps, you won't be able to elaborate more on the following points that are not clear to me.

About the hairbrush story.

A hairbrush is a rather too mundane an item to be attached to, not saying that I consider this impossible, but I'm curious if Mary ever asked Eileen for her hairbrush while still alive.

Also, did they explain to you how come the brush happened to be in Elieen's wardrobe? Did Elieen know why the hairbrush was so important to her sister?

I mean, the hairbrush seemed to have been a very precious object to Mary and she seemed to be well aware of its whereabouts, so perhaps she left/forgot it after a visit to Elieen and Thomas' place or did the wardrobe come originally from Mary and Elieen's house? But then, why wouldn't she ask her sister for her hairbrush back once she realized it was missing?

As for the quilt... I hope it got washed before using it! If it had been me, its musty smell would have been enough to keep me awake all night!
What an unforgettable place to live at, though not for the right reasons.

I wonder if the ghost was able to move on once the place was demolished or if he is still around recreating the location he remained attached to.

Thanks for sharing.
I don't know whether this comment reach you but you should consider protecting your house with some yantras prepared by knowledgeable people. And never stop prayers to god. I advise you to get sudarshan yantra/prathyangira yantra/shoolni yantra/ aghora yantra. Pray to goddess kali maa and aghora moorthi. Your problem will be sloved
Rajine, That's right! They never admitted that there was something going on that they were not able to explain, but rather fluffed it off by promising to allegedly 'look into it'. Ha!
The landlord never did get back to me. Did they honestly think that we would just overlook it, & continue to live there with all that going on above us without a satisfactory explanation?
They 'wanted' their money though. Just like the house on Erie Road, the landlord was 'always' there with his hand out for his rent.
Like I said. It was an annoying beginning for a newlywed couple in their first place!

Thanks for reading & take care! 😊 😁
Seems like someone had a very intense attachment to that specific apartment, but from the looks of it, the landlord seems to be money greedy.
Just googled Celia Heart it's a name of a character in the video game called harvest Moon.
Whatever your friends saw must have scared him real bad for him to refuse to talk about it ever again and telling you that was evil maybe it's better to be ignorant of the situation for now unless it happens again that's my recommendation.
Saw the image of the door and it didn't look like a face it looked like something that happens the doors when exposed to environmental weather or I'm not sure what the proper word for it I suffer from mild cases of Dyslexia so the best I described it looks natural I've seen would look like that a couple times I'm sorry you went through that.
Hello Twilight1011,

I'm glad you're enjoying reading from that astrology site.

I can stay up hours reading the astrology content.

Click 'synastry' chart.
It's a partner comparison method of describing your relationship.

So much to read, so much to know. 😊

Lost Voyage, Thank you for your compliments! I always was a good writer in school. Going all the way back to English class.
However, I consider myself more of a lyricist since I write songs primarily being a musician/singer. I recorded a CD several years ago, & the guys I recorded it with have asked me to do another one after I write some more songs. It was fun. I wrote songs dedicated to the memory of my late husband. 'That' writing & keeping busy with my music 'helped' me to get through my loss tremendously.
As for the house in Willoughby. Yes, the apartment house was located in a different section of Willoughby, we did cruse by it several times after we vacated. The landlords never told us 'anything'. Like the jerk landlord of the house on Erie Road, all they were interested in was collecting the rent. I'm quite 'sure' that they were well 'aware' of the situation there but wouldn't ever 'tell' anyone. Let alone reveal it to prospective tenants,
Oh, no! They just kept it clean, but only came in the daytime to do that. What does 'that' tell you? They wanted to get in & get out quickly.
To my knowledge, after we moved out the lady, & her husband followed shortly after. After a few years, we went by that place only to find it was torn down. I mean gone. A brand-new structure was erected on the site. Only it was, no longer, apartments. It was now a small office building. To my knowledge, it still is.
I'll be submitting a couple more incidents on here in future posts.
Like I've said. I've had paranormal occurrences happen throughout my life. However, the most frightening one was the house on Erie Road in Willoughby. In retrospect, it shouldn't surprise me since there are a lot of homes there that are Century Homes. They even have plaques on them designating them as such. Therefore, it should be no surprise that a lot of them 'may' be haunted owing to the history of the structures. I hope I was able to answer some of your questions here!

Thanks, Again, For Reading! 😁 😁
The_Lost_Voyage_11 in Our Haunted First Apartment
Hello Linjahaha, what a fascinating encounter, you sure seem to have the lucky streak (with a sly grin) of ending up in some pretty supernaturally active places over time!

It's sad that this man couldn't move on after his death, although from the sounds of it, his end was swift and sudden, so like Chester, I agree with you, he may not be aware he's passed on from this plane. He sounds like he still wasn't satisfied with the place even beyond death! I have to wonder what would have happened if someone had moved in, he probably would have lost it (if a ghost can lose it, since they don't really have anything left to lose) when someone came in and started messing with the 'place' he was already unhappy with. Of course when and if he becomes aware he's passed on, perhaps he would be eager to move on if he was so unhappy with the apartment in life! Most likely he threw off a 'get out of here' vibe to any potential renters which would explain why no one ever returned.

Did you ever follow up with the landlords and find out why they acted in such a bizarre manner when you complained about the noises? I mean why didn't they just come clean that the place was vacant? Their response leads me to believe they knew about the strange goings on in that apartment. I mean they should have known you would just keep hearing the noises and complain again. Did they ever rent it out? Did the old gentleman you spoke with next door, ever note anything strange about the place? What ever became of the house itself, do you know?

Hopefully you don't mind the questions, but this story has tickled my curiosity for sure! It was a most enjoyable read, you have a unique way or writing/relating your stories that pulls the reader in! I look forward to hearing more from you on your paranormal adventures!
DarriuxDarkk in The Gettysburg Soldier
Would it be possible that you and the other girls actually saw a reenactor or of some sorts and probably just that one girl missed it?

When that one girl asked you who you are waving at, did you see the boy actually vanish on sight?
The light as a feather trick intrigued me. Do you guys have to chant it while imagining them floating to work or just simply say the magic words and done. How does it feel when you tried to lift your friend with just your finger? Was it heavy? Was there static feeling? So curious.

Anyway in regards to ouija board, it's been known from time and time again that it is always a bad idea to play with those things. I always think that if you invite to play with spirits expect to get spooked especially if the ones you made contact with are mischievous ones.
Twilight1011 in Lost In My Room
MiaG - Before I forget again πŸ˜… I keep meaning to thank you for sharing that site with me πŸ˜„ The one you had sent me, is actually the exact kind I've been trying to find online, so that's awesome that you were able to share it with me 😊 The one's I had done, didn't have it where it used your birth time, and I knew there was a better detailed version of it, if you could apply your birth time. I couldn't ever seem to come across it though. I feel the one you had sent me, is way more on point, with most of it's description of me. Thank you again, for sharing that website with me.
WOW! Thank you for sharing your very emotional and very frightening journey. I truly believe everything you said. I've always have been a believer in paranormal/hauntings/EVP, etc. (And I learned never to attempt or even be around EVP from the movie 'White Noise')

Although I have never experienced anything of the sort (except 2 separate times with my deceased mother (one in a dream and another in reality) and both of those encounters were very pleasant, welcomed and cherished). I'm a firm believer of what one brings or welcomes into one's life (be it positive or negative) will easily manifest into one's reality (be it positive of negative). I love paranormal movies, so I watch them. I love paranormal stories, so I read them. I will take a deep dive on 'paranormal ticktok' occasionally. But I do this in moderation. And if I feel I've watche and/or read is 'too much', I will clean and bless my home (smudging), and will call on God to protect me, my loved ones and my hoome. Evil is out there - everywhere. It's up to us as individuals as to how we react to it.

I'm curious though, you mentioned in the comments you have "tried various means of expelling these malevolent spirits". What all have you done? You wrote this back in 2016. Do you still hear these voices?
Thank you Darkangel73, The_Last_Voyage_11 and Rajine. And to answer your question Rajine. Rice does work. It especially works for SIM cards and sometimes a phone, depending on how long the phone was submerged. What happened with my father, cell phones weren't what they are now. The phones were only meant for making and receiving calls and texting (using the old ABC/123 way - it was 2011). We never tried to use the phone he that he dropped in the bucket of water, I just ordered him a brand new phone.
CrimsonTopaz monkeys are adorable from a distance. If you get close they WILL try to take your stuff. Monkeys like random trinkets.
FarEndofSpectrum,Thanks for your reply.
I've seen on tv documentaroes and photos from relatives who have visited your country, monkeys seem to feel quite comfortable mixing in with us humans. Lol
Its always cute to watch, but unless I experience it firsthand, I won't know.
That's a beautiful story ❀ to know our loved ones are still watching over us ❀
Dear Lost, & Rajine, Thank you again for seeing the wisdom-I 'hope' I 'have'some-offered up in my post!
I'd like to think, after all these years, that I do have a modicum of wisdom, & knowledge to offer.
Learning the hard usually is the best teacher. Unless it comes back to bite you. I hope our younger readers pay some heed to our experiences.
On 'this' site I 'can' share my true accounts without being thought of as cuckoo, lol!

Thanks, & the Very Best! 😁 😁
L.V., & Rajine, Thank you both for reading the post, & the comments. Incidentally, the girl in blue died in 1933, but I was trying to be vague out of respect for the family. They discovered her true identity in the late 90's actually.
If you go on Google, & type in 'The Girl in Blue-Willoughby, Ohio', it'll bring up the entire story. I know that people can 'get' that information from Google. I'm imparting this to you as you're both interested, & are very respectful of the story regarding what transpired with her.
I assure you that 'she' did exist, & Lamebrain Larry got what he 'asked' for in my opinion, LOL!

Again, Thank you, &
All the Best! 😊 😊
Hi there!
Yup it's nothing bad. As you said I might have been hearing the ancient Ainu chanting.

True, I think I should let it be the way it is.
I should live it, respectfully.
Could be the spirits of the past doing their rituals even in the afterlife, but if it's not happening inside your home I think you should let it be, just close your doors and windows and curtains at night.
I always say that our loved ones who have passed on are always around us even though we can't see them, but they are here, guiding us.

Does the cellphone in the rice actually work? I always thought it was a joke πŸ€”
I feel like this is just one of many unidentified "ghosts" from all over the world, we have a few here in South Africa as well, but I hope that now that she's known she can finally rest
Ouija boards or basically anything that calls spirits should never be used, we don't know what we letting in when we do...
Also apologies to both of you for the tardiness in replying.
CrimsonTopaz it is definitely possible that fatigue and long hours caused both of us to experience those things, however late night has never been a problem for me before this. I don't need 8 hours of sleep to function, I'm a college student.

Sundarbans are in the southwest of the nation. I'm in the northeast. Very unlikely a tiger found its way there. It's more likely to find a bear around these parts. Or a monkey if it fancies a non-veg meal.
Rajine I don't know what he saw. He won't spill. But it's believed here that talking about evil things can cause them to cross paths with you.
Giffy in The Lime Tree
What an amazing and deeply sad story. Very credibly written. Thank you for sharing it.
Hello blosomes, intriguing story to say the least!

Based on your narrative, perhaps it would just be best to keep an eye out and see if anything further develops, it doesn't sound sinister. Other than your cat alerting you to something, it doesn't seem as if, other than losing a little sleep, anything was disturbed.

It's possible you may have heard something from the past. Maybe some kind of ceremony took place on the land your current home occupies. If that's so it's just an echo from the past and nothing to be too concerned with. When I was a boy, I awakened to drums beating that sounded like they were close by, but no one else heard anything and my parents suggested it might have been the kids down the street partying, but I never heard anything like it before or since and it was too close to have been what they thought, especially considering they didn't hear anything!

My feeling is at this point, what you heard is not malicious in any way, you could just keep alert and see if it happens again and if anything else accompanies it.
Hello Pegasus593, welcome to YGS and thanks for sharing your touching story!

It is nice to know our loved one's watch out for us even from the other side and your story reaffirms it. It also speaks volumes to the connection between your parents! Love transcends death and never ends!

I so appreciate hearing your story, it's a wonderful addition to the many on this site and one with a positive spin as well!
Hello Linjahaha, thank you for sharing another great story!

I appreciate the footnote too, regarding the girl in blue. Although it was sad what happened in her life, at least part of the mystery at least regarding her identity was resolved, hopefully it not only puts her family at ease but her spirit as well! She is the only one who truly knows the circumstances around her death, but the revelation of her identity helps a community and perhaps will end the stories and curiosity's of those less informed. Her wanderings were not something to be tampered with by the living, with the exception of someone maybe trying to help her get home, but most who visited the site were probably looking for a cheap thrill and in the case of this Larry (hilarious reference to the three stooges) got more than he bargained for! I actually wonder if they came across the so called lover of this girl in blue, perhaps that's what they saw?

Ironically my dad had a friend named Larry, and while nothing like the man you spoke of, he was a good friend but still unwittingly participated in a supernatural encounter with my dad and some other friends, although they weren't looking for it! Larry is now my uncle!
The_Lost_Voyage_11 in The Slumber Party Incident
Hello Linjahaha, a cautionary tale for sure, thanks for sharing!

Most kids (and many adults) don't really understand the whole concept of Ouija boards and seances, to them, they're curious but it's almost like a game. Unfortunately like the old 'don't put your hand on a hot stove' wisdom, many have to learn the hard way. They open portals they cannot close and let in all kinds of spiritual energies and beings/entities. I've seen normal houses, suddenly become very haunted after just one session! What's worse is in the case of teenager's, the spirits let loose by the session can feed off all that pent up and developing teen energy to manifest everything from horrifying visions to moving objects around. I can imagine it would be a full time job for a group of people, maybe a small army to go around the world closing all these open portals! I wonder if it influences much of what we see going on in the world, that is curious.

In either case, nowadays, people have even more options available to summon up spirits, from these apps developed to 'speak' with the spiritual realm to detect changes in atmosphere and temperature. If people go looking for trouble, there are plenty of ways to find it beyond Ouija boards and seances!

I've had my fair share of paranormal experiences, and most of mine are tame compared to what other people have encountered, but still I would never attempt to mess with a ghost or conjure up one! I'm respectful of sites like the one containing the portal I wrote about and even making sure I protect myself adequately before writing or speaking about the paranormal. On sites like these, we can only speak about our experiences and offer up our wisdom and advice as well as intuition, but it's up to those that read it whether they want to take it or learn by their own experience. Ironically experience can be quite a teacher, however the price paid can be high!

It's always good to hear from you my friend!

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