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Ghost stories comments: Page 8

I suppose Peter decided to move on eventually, it's tragic that people sometimes feel the need to commit suicide, I can't imagine how desperate and alone they must feel to do something like that.
lady-glow in Reality Or Dreams?
Hello SashB.

This is a fascinating experience.
Personally, I consider all religions to be good in essence, but negative when followers become fanatic and narrow-minded.

Not judging your mother's teachings since, after all, a person's beliefs are a reflection of their circumstances and their upbringing but, in my opinion, the symbolism/message of your dream may have been to be more accepting towards others than what you were expected to be.

At the end, I think that Divinity is the same regardless of whatever name people call it, and it's willing to help anyone that prays with faith and an open heart.

"And Jesus told the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace."" Luke 7:50

Thanks for sharing.
Scratches on you by any entities is never good. That implies to me that it is a malevolent spirit. I've had numerous encounters in the nursing home and I've shared it here as well but I've never experienced being attacked by an entity. I suggest some protection to be with you at all times for example a holy crucifix if you're religious, anything that will help you. God bless.
Rajine in A Misty Memory
Sometimes the signs are there, it's just at that moment we don't realize it, but later on when we think back in retrospect we come to realize that there were indeed these little signs of warning, I've been through many myself over the years.
That definitely is strange, when you say black do you mean the color or the race?
From what I've read, you've only seen him at specific places, I wonder if there's a connection, especially since you hadn't seen him at the house on base.
Berggraf38: Thank you for your input. I agree that it was just a trick of perspective after all. Although it gave me pause at the time.
Thanks to all of you who helped figure out this interesting anomaly for me!

All the Best! 😊 😊
Berggraf38 in Fascinated And Shook
Hi Linjahaha,

Over 20 years ago when I was living in California, I was in a truck as a passenger driving by LAX and saw a full-sized airliner about 200 meters away, about to land (maybe 100 ft up), It looked like it was hovering in the air, motionless. As I drove by (at highway speed) I kept staring at it, and it just seemed to be stuck in the same spot in the sky. I was able to keep it in view for maybe 20 or 30 seconds. It was quite surprising and unbelievable to try to comprehend.
I've thought about it a lot and I think it's like CantunSEEit74 says, they are just so big that even though they land at well over 100mph (airspeed), that is relatively slow looking for something that huge. Planes tend to land into the wind as well, so if you have a headwind, it can reduce the speed even more.
I think the angle you see it from can make a big difference too. It's a bizarre visual effect for sure.
Hi Mbcmsj6.

I find both your experiences unnerving and fascinating, in my opinion, the way you have described the events is a bit confusing though. I'm not playing grammar police here, but I had to re-read both of your narratives trying to understand the time frame.

"So tonight, about 45 minutes or so ago, I was in a residents room..."

"This happened shortly after my last post. I no longer work there."

And from your first story: "This was about 4 years ago, I no longer work there."

My first thought after reading your story was that it had happened the night of 2024-02-07, not about 4 years ago.

Anyway, I hope this spirit has stopped disturbing the residents and the employees of that nursing home.

Thanks for sharing.
I always wondered, if maybe I upset it the 1st time? (In the first room?) And she didn't like me telling her to them alone. I know each time I'd go in that room after the scratches, I'd get this really strong feeling of being watched. I kept feeling an uneasy sensation in my stomach that it was peeking out of the bathroom or from behind his chair that was facing his bed.
Usually those scratches aren't a good sign, myself and people close to me experienced the same thing, so after doing a little research I found out that usually angry and malevolent entities leave their "mark" on someone, always in the form of three long scratches, in your earlier post this entity didn't seem to be aggressive πŸ€”
I'm sure your grandma must have been very happy that all of your'll were there at her house, she probably wanted to spend some time amongst everyone for a while.
CrimsonTopaz in The Weeping Woman!
harshmakwana2001, Those bungalows sound great. In Australia we call Halls lounge rooms. It sure would be nice to have 2 where I live. If only.
I know from previous snippets I've read online, not here but just random places here and there, that a spirit holding feet is symbolic. I can't remember exactly what it means. It may not have any relevance to your story but I thought I'd mention that. You can always research that online if you want to know more.
The spirit crying, and coming back could indicate her need to be noticed or acknowledged. She may have been trying to tell your father something.
Encourage her to go to the light and find peace as Lovely Lady has suggested.
What did the shadow do when you passed it to use the bathroom?
Rajine: Thank you for reading, & your comment. I always like hearing from you, & the others!

Take Care Always! 😜 😊
Rajine: Unfortunately, I didn't have time to go into my purse to grab my little trac phone to take a pic., but I was in moving traffic when the light changed.
However, what lady-glow sent me makes immense sense as to 'what' I may have really seen. You ought to watch the videos she sent me. Seriously, I feel rather sheepish now for assuming that it was paranormal, but I never profess to be faultless. It struck me as highly unnerving at the time, but after settling down, & observing those videos, I realize that it was probably a trick of perspective.
Thanks to all of you for trying to help me figure this out!

Best to All! 😁 😁
It could have been a passing spirit, or a resident one, but from reading your story, doesn't seem to be angry, vengeful or malevolent.
That's a feel good story for me personally, and I do believe that they are always around you, guiding you when you need it most.
It would have been amazing if we could see what you have seen, I've come across a few witness accounts of similar incidents throughout the years, but it's hard to determine exactly what it could have been.
I have a mirror on my desk directly opposite my bed, it's 02:25am here and as I'm typing this I'm looking at the mirror πŸ˜…, I don't really believe that mirror by the bed being dangerous, but if you choose to believe it, you are giving it the power to be true (not just with mirrors but stuff in general) that's why I chose to focus on only positive stuff.

Regarding the shadow, it could probably be a spirit, but that's still creepy nonetheless.
Hi Harsh

I agree with [at] lady-glow, but I guess there must be a reason that only your dad has seen her, also the time frame is quite far apart, so I guess she doesn't seem like a vengeful spirit.
I find the following video interesting and well explained.

CantUSEEit: Nope! I've never been on a plane. I rode a helicopter once up to the faces of Mt. Rushmore. The moment 'it' went up my stomach went down. After that, I was cured of flying. Sorry.
However, I thank all of you for the possible explanations. It was just so weird not to hear the familiar jet sound, & see it not moving. At least, that was how it appeared. Thank you!

Take care! 😜 😜
Hello! I was there at
Bout 2 1/2 years. A lot of encounters. I'll share what I remember
. But, as far as I know the facility was built about 2-4 years before I started. It was a new place. So I'm unaware of the foundation it was built on. We opened windows anytime someone passed. But, I've had a lot I've experienced in that place. I wish I still worked there. But, I don't. I'm in a different place now. I only have a weird feeling in the employee rooms. Not the rest of the building. I'll look up your posts! Thank you! 😊
Mbcmsj6: Interesting account. Very interesting. I, too, work in a senior healthcare facility. If you get a chance read my post about it.
This sounds like a ghost visitation, but of whom? Do you know any historical background on the facility? It might behoove you to look into it. You 'may' get some idea as to what might have happened there in the past.
Again, very good read. Thanks!

All the Best! 😁 😁
Twilight 1011: I'm glad if my account touched, or inspired you in any way. Yes, I often feel the presence of my husband, or her whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed, or depressed. Especially, I feel John. Him, & were exceptionally close, & so very much alike.
I sometimes hear Mary, in my mind, giving me helpful advice gleaned from her years-82 of them-of wisdom.
I don't expect anyone to think, or believe, as "I" do, but I find great comfort in knowing that 'they' are in a beautiful, & much better place, but 'do' pay us special visits in 'our' times of need.
I, likewise, am sorry for the loss of 'your' special mother-in-law, but am glad that you have a wonderful husband, now, after your rotten 1st marriage. I, likewise, had a terrible 1st marriage, & was so Blessed to meet John. We share 'that' in common.
Thank you for reading, & your kind comments!

Blessings to You! ❀ 😊
Twilight1011 in My Amazing Mother-in-law
Linjahaha, I really enjoyed reading your account. When I saw the name of your title for it, I just had to read. It made me think of my mother in-law. She passed away this past September πŸ˜₯ very unexpectedly 😣 I would always refer to her as my beautiful, amazing, mother in-law ❀ I knew I was very blessed to have her in my life, and loved the time I got to spend with her. After my horrible first marriage, to an abusive, narcissist, who's mother was just as bad, it felt so amazing to be with my husband now, and to have a mother in-law that I truly love & cared for. I'm sorry to hear that you've lost more, than just your mother in-law though. My heart goes out to you. I've been able to connect with my mother in-law, from the other side at least, by using special Oracle cards I purchased after her death, that was specifically for communicationg with the other side etc, and I can feel her presence around me at times as well, making it feel good to know she's still with me. I might submit a story about her sometime soon, sharing what I've experienced of her. But I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your story. Thank you for sharing it with us.
CantunSEEit74 in Fascinated And Shook
Linjahaha I lived above the Boise airport runway 4 years ago now and almost every morning the huge Fed Ex planes would come in from my left past the front of our home and far to my right is a runway and I could see the tires on the runway. These large lumbering monsters sometimes seemed stopped in midair, and I wondered why they don't just fall out of the sky. The engine noise and wash are blowing out the back, so they were very quiet throttling down coming in for the landing and watching them come in with my neighbors standing outside we were really in awe. There is a Navy plane here and it is the biggest plane I have ever seen and very slow in the sky. We hear wing brakes all day and night being 3 miles away from airport now. Have you been on a plane where it seemed they completely stopped when circling before descending to land I have?. Thats when I feel like I am going to throw up. 😟
I have heard and seen other reports of this phenomenon. But until yours, it seemed no one else noticed the weirdness going on.
Alright! I may need your help again πŸ˜†

Yes, I have been here quite long enough 😁
And yes everyone here is very very helpful and curious about every event of each stories πŸ˜‰
lady-glow, Thank you for that video. Far out! However, I didn't 'hear' any jet noise-which I'm quite accustomed to hearing, living not too far from a major airport. Also, it wasn't too windy of a day. Of course, the wind on the ground is minimal compared to what the wind must be [at] a higher elevation. That would make sense in that respect.
You gave me something to ponder about, so thank you very much for your helpful input!

All the Very Best! πŸ€” 😊

I'm sorry for your loss.

There's so much pain and negative emotions taking place in hospitals, not to mention the people who passed away by surprised and may be trapped in there unaware that their time to leave has come.

Not all spirits mean to harm the living, though it's always unnerving to see someone that 'should not' be there.
There's not enough evidence as to jump to the "it's a demon" conclusion... It may have been a resident spirit and an over reactive imagination.
lady-glow in The Weeping Woman!
Welcome to YGS.

Hi Harsh.

It's hard to say who this woman was and what is keeping her attached to the land, though she doesn't seem to mean any harm. As for why only your father has seen her, perhaps he reminds her of someone she met in her life, or she wanted to show him the existence of the paranormal world. It seems like he has changed his mind after the second encounter.

It may be a good idea to perform more cleansing rituals, even better to do something for this spirit to find peace.

Thanks for sharing.
Hi Linjahaha.

Interesting experience. Perhaps you should check YouTube for "hovering airplane", there are many videos of people reporting seeing something similar and, with some luck, there may be some explanation for this phenomena.

Look at this one, in which the wind affects the movement of the plane.


Thanks for sharing.
I wish I could have asked my grandmom more details. But, unfortunately she is no more 😒. However, I can tell you room details as its a very famous hospital (my cousin sister is a doctor and she worked for few years in the same hospital). I think the room was less than 100sqfeet since this was in 1960s.
It was a single room with single door where single bed was attached. Just in front of the door the bed was placed. (saying this perspective from a person who is inside the room) I remembered vaguely that se mentioned the hand was coming from the door... (Outside the door there was a huge hallway) it felt like the hand was coming from a distance. She only saw the hand no body no face nothing...
Also, my cousin used to tell me that she use to see figures having no legs & arms just floating around during night time. She is also a firm believer of god (datta maharaj) & keeps chanting his name. Thank you for your interest in my story LagyGlow:) ❀
Hi Priyu.

I'm glad you're going to participate in the discussion.

It is well documented that during sleep people are open to interaction with the paranormal realm. I'm not denying that what your grandmother saw was a supernatural being, though I would like, if possible, know a little more about the setting of this encounter.

"a red colored hand is coming to snatch the baby... Its hand was long as a 10-15 foot -building."

I have a very vivid imagination and what I picture is this hand taking pretty much the whole space of the room.
Would you be able to describe the dimensions of the room? Do you know if there were any other patients in there and if so, if anyone else saw the hand or reported any other unusual event?

Like I have mentioned before, I'm not denying your grandmother having a paranormal encounter, but perhaps it happened during a dream.

As for the dog, I have many times dreamed about being attacked by malevolent spirits and, being a catholic, I repeat: "in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord I command you to leave", and either wake up or the nightmare stops or, should I say "the encounter stops"?
So, I'm sure the dog was protecting her.

I'll appreciate any additional context you could add to your narrative.
I doubt if it was a nightmare... As I mentioned the hospital was haunted so she did had a paranormal experience.
Lots of traditions around the world portray dogs as guardians of various places, people, etc.
Even in dreams, if a dog appears in one, it's either guiding or guarding, so I think that whatever that hand was, that puppy that your gran saw and felt was possibly there to protect her and your aunt.
blosomes: I enjoyed your account, but am fascinated with the responses that you've gotten.
I agree with lady-glow, & Val that there 'could' be a scientific explanation to what occurred. I, also, try to rationalize something before I 'accept' it as something paranormal. I, like you, don't 'want' any unexpected visitors, lol!
However, the explanations that you got 'do' make sense. I, also, have a winter coat for sub-zero temperatures. Would you believe that I feel a weight on my back when I bend over too? It's even felt so heavy that it gave me some back pain, & at my age "I" don't need 'that'.
I did enjoy the story, & 'you' had questions, & this site is for people trying to figure out what happened to them. The bulk of the people on this site are truly serious, & interested in discussing these subjects openly to try, & help each other understand what they've experienced. I've read some very intelligent, & sensible comments on this site. I'm glad if they helped you!

All the Best! πŸ˜† 😊
Roy, I'm happy to have been of help. And YES the atmosphere of a place can really mess with us!
Well that make sense then 😲
Perhaps this experience that I have may not be super nature at all but just the place πŸ˜•
But I am glad because I don't want extra neighbors around me lol
Hello GVC8, well, I would say someone wanted to contact you or at least have some fun with you during those days. Someone who had gone a time ago and who knows under what circumstances.
I had seen what you described as a fluffy bright small blub, and also the flashes of bright ice bluish light over the tree and the neighbor's house and it was several months after my brother died. I suppose he wanted to give a sign to me that he was still there watching over me. I have also experienced a lot of extraordinary things and guess what, they are all somehow connected with light, street lights, electrical lights in my house, and lamps. I guess that our energy that continues beyond our physical world is the most similar to light unless it's not light itself. Just wanted to say you're not going nuts, there are a lot of people who have witnessed more or less the same occurrences...
Given the size of that hand, I doubt there would have been enough space to fit the mass of that entity in the room!

Perhaps your grandmother had a nightmare and the dog came to save her from such a bad dream.

Thanks for sharing.
"The fog... I don't know how to explain, but it was not of the coldness, I mean I know it will steam up a bit during cold weather but not really fogging up like if I have just took the bombilla out of a fridge during a hot day... Or is that what you mean?" Yes, it is. Only compounded by the elements you were in. I imagine that straw as well as the cup were quite cold from the ride. Colder than the -5c, experienced when standing still, because of the windchill caused by being in motion (the wind rushing past you). Even inside a saddlebag, the cup and straw would have been well beyond freezing.
Maybe you have a point here... I was leaning at the side of the side-car side while resting... Yea, maybe it was my coat...

The fog... I don't know how to explain, but it was not of the coldness, I mean I know it will steam up a bit during cold weather but not really fogging up like if I have just took the bombilla out of a fridge during a hot day... Or is that what you mean?
Roy, a thought just popped into my head about the weight on your's cold, I assume you were wearing a heavy coat?
And were you, perhaps, squatted down during the making/drinking of your matΓ©? Were you near a campfire of some sort?
Bare with me here.
I have a heavy coat that's great for our subzero temps; the only problem I've noticed is that sometimes, especially if squatted down doing something, the weight of the coat will shift and it can feel as if something is on my back. This might be an explanation for you too.
As far as the fogging, if near heat, in the cold, it can produce a fog effect, as the cold surrounding air collides with the warmed air. Is it possible, that your bombilla (assuming one of the newer steel ones) as well as your cup, were cold enough from the ride, that between the hot water and fire heat, reflected this?
blosomes in Back To Where I Am
Hi! Thanks for commenting and sorry for my ver late reply 😐
She works in a dinning place and needed to taste test sometimes... Perhaps she did not get a chance to do any taste test during that night? πŸ˜†

Sorry for my really late reply...
Yes, I am Roy! I do not know happened but I think I deleted my old account... Should I post a story about that? Just joking 😁
Thanks for commenting! And hello again
Hello Valkricry!
Wow! That's a bull's eye 😳
Yes, it is URAL and they seemed to have this winter ride every year, for me this time is first and the last time perhaps... Frost bites are irritating and it hurts.

Yes, I did a more scientific research and perhaps the sound wave theory is right 😊 we constantly learn new stuff here really.

The weight on my back... Is perhaps... Tiredness? So far I am good and I don't hear any of the members during that day having odd events πŸ€”
Are you by chance talking of the URAL motorcycles?
For those who are Celsius impaired: -5c = 23F, that's darn chilly!
Lady-glow does have a point about sound waves. You can hear someone from 360 meters away (about 1,180 feet) and in the cold even farther. Then you have to take into consideration the terrain (mountainous it can echo around for quite the distance) and the atmosphere, it might even travel 10 miles! Or so I've been told.
But the weight on your back...hmmmmm
Wandering: This is a head-scratcher. I agree with Rajine. Possibly you, & the other passengers were to ones 'passing by' 'her' area.
Maybe something tragic happened to her who knows how long ago, & she is confused, & trapped in 'that' particular area. Thanks for the read. It's a good one!

Take Care! πŸ˜† 😊
Hello lady-glow!
Hmm... πŸ€” Interesting fact...

Oh, yes I do remember the temperature,
It was -5℃, and yes, all these side-car owners are crazy enough to ride in the breeze! (I know, crazy... I swear I will not want to go anymore lol)

Hmm... If you say a cold spirit is coming around and wanted to share my drink... I am willing to give it some warmth... 😒

Hey Rajine!
What an observation 😳
Maybe that is why that place is known to be haunted.

Well, I did not feel any vibe... I think the spirits felt that following us will not do any benefits lol
As close as I am to Iowa (Missouri), I'd loved to had got them just so I could observe them. If by chance they show up again, I'll take them.
lady-glow in The Flash
Hi Spooderman.

I'm sorry for your loss.

I really don't know what Muslims believe it happens to a persons soul and consciousness after death. In my own experience and within my own set of beliefs, I wouldn't discard the possibility of this flash being your aunt coming to say goodbye.

Thanks for sharing.
Hi blosomes.

A possible logical explanation for the whispering could be that sound waves travel longer distances in colder temperatures. Perhaps what you heard was a conversation taking place some where not too close to your location, hence making it difficult to make the words with clarity?

Do you know what the temperature was at that moment? Although I supposed it couldn't be below freezing if you were able to ride a bike.
And of course this wouldn't explain the weight on your back... So, maybe a cold spirit was trying to warm up drinking some of your mate.

Thanks for sharing this puzzling experience.
Hi Wandering24fox

It could be a passing spirit, or we're you and the bus gang the ones passing by...πŸ€”... I'd say that you and the others were the ones passing by and you happened to come across the resident ghost of that specific area.

Have you spoken to anyone with you that day to confirm what you experienced? Someone is bound to know something.
Rajine in The Flash
I think you must have encountered, what is known as the shadow man, no one really knows what or who it is, and how it came to be, God knows I've encountered plenty in my life until date, but as long as it doesn't directly harm you I'd say it's harmless, unless provoked...
Hi blosomes

As the name suggests, I think the spirits in the "Chinese cemetery" probably want to go home, it's one thing to be stuck in a foreign country and without anyone familiar, but it's something else and I feel it's tragic to be a spirit trapped in a foreign country.

Did you get any sort of vibe or anything to suggest the spirits may be angry or possibly malevolent?
Roshhh: Maybe it's not so much the building, but the 'land' itself that has something there. Possibly it's 'been' there for centuries.
Are you aware of 'any' history regarding the actual 'area'?
This was very frightening, & I'm glad that you got out before something happened to either you, or your cute cat.
I lived in a 'very' haunted house with my late husband back in the '70's'. Therefore, I 'can' identify with the fear, & apprehension of living in such an environment. We ended up fleeing, also. We must've left a vapor trail behind us, we drove out of there sooooo fast. We never went back either.
We met with a brick wall when we 'tried' to learn the history of the house, but it was all to no avail. It took us about a year to calm down, & adjust to relative normalcy. Believe me.
It took me over 40 years to settle down enough to even 'write' about it. To this day, I won't go near that place.
I'm glad that you're in a nice apartment now. However, events like this tend to stay with you, but 'that is' what 'this' particular site is for. It's for people like us to talk about the experiences, & share our thoughts, & even help each other with advice, if we can.
I'm just letting you know that I 'can' identify with you, & this was a fascinating account!

The Very Best
To You!

😊 😊
Hello Rudradity,

Indeed that was a scary incedent tht left me horrified.

Btw I read your story too... Tht must be horrifying.
It's perfectly fine to be skeptical, but I believe that if people who have psychic or supernatural abilities, they will be able to tell you stuff without you having to say anything.
Sounds like a really tragic and strange story, maybe that girl and her family decided to move far away from the gossiping and ignoring and disdain from the society around them.
8-bit, Very interesting story here. I work in a senior health care facility, & years before that, I worked in several hospitals.
I have, myself, had experiences in hospitals/nursing homes. Therefore, it's entirely possible that you 'did' experience something.
As far as what happened in your house 'that' is open for debate here.
You may, in fact, have untapped psychic abilities. I am slightly psychic, also. People like us tend to be a beacon to earthbound spirits that 'want' to communicate a message, or, simply just tell their story to an understanding person. In other words. They may have something bothering them that 'they' want to get out of their system before they move on.
I'm just giving you some food for thought. I have no clear-cut answers as nobody does on this site. I, still hope this was helpful to you even in a small way!

All the Best! 😁 😁
Hey Roshi, hope you're doing well!
Encountering such incidents in a group is so scary let alone you facing it all by yourself.
As you rightly said in your previous comment that the building may have been built on the spirit's home which is why such incidents were happening but I'm glad you got out of the house.
Take care.:)

I wish I knew someone like that, but most of the people I know are full on skeptics.

Part of me wants to visit a psychic. I know of two of them in my area, but even I'm a bit skeptical of that.
RCRuskin in Story Of That Girl
Hi. Thanks for the fascinating narrative.

I'm just curious about the time the young lady is seen. Is it in the morning or at night?

The_Dark_Soul in Jeju Island's Snake God
My heart broke after reading the whole story. How bad the snake god must have felt leaving your house. I think it had developed a special bond with you guys.

A very sad story.
The_Dark_Soul in Story Of That Girl
I tried to take a photo but Amit refused. Said that this is not the right time, we will take it later.

Since this incident happened between the late 90s and early 2000s, it is difficult to say anything about the news and articles related to this incident. But Amit is very interested and therefore he's already busy doing this work; I'm doing whatever is possible to do by me.

The lady said that 5-6 people had disappeared in total. She's not sure. I don't blame her and also can't force her for two reasons: First, there is no one to ask about that family and second, after so many years, it is not possible to remember the correct numbers and facts.

But we shall try to find out as much as possible.
lady-glow in Story Of That Girl
It seems like you wrote this story shortly after visiting that haunted location but, did you do a proper research to corroborate if the information provided by the woman is true?

I imagine the disappearance of several members of the same family would have made it to the official news and there must be some sort of 'paper trail' about these missing persons.
How many people went missing?
When did this happen?
Did the whole family disappear or did the surviving members abandon the house?
Did you take any pictures of the mango tree?
Have you come across any videos of the place in social media?

I agree, it will be interesting to go there again in the future, though, in my opinion, before that it would be useful to research the facts and see if they are true or how much truth it's in them.

I'm sure Bajirao Sinham would have no problem solving this mystery.
Hi 8-bitDemigod

Maybe you can try talking to someone who has knowledge of the supernatural, that's if you know anyone like that.
Hi Rajine...

That building was newly built (3-4 years ago) and no such incident like death or suicide have been reported there.

It was definitely something else (malevolent) like you said.

As I mentioned in my previous comment... A priest told me that the "area" was his home and I was affected the most because he was attracted towards me.

And no, he didn't follow me... Now I am in a new apartment and everything is peaceful here (till now)
Thank you for commenting CrimsonTopaz!
Sorry for the confusion... Hope my correction will help 😐
Sorry, it seems that my comment had made everyone confused here... Let me correct please...

I have not spoken to anyone else since my friend's uncle's death was so sudden and everyone was not in "the mood to communicate" πŸ˜•
Well, I was going to ask my friends's aunt about it but... You know timing

This is what I wanted to type... Really sorry πŸ˜•

Something tells me it won't be a game of patty cake.

I don't know if it followed me from work. Wish I knew a way to find out.
It's hard to imagine what would have happened if you did follow that hand, do you think whatever it was could have followed you from work?
I wonder if it was a spirit of someone who once lived, or something else, more malevolent in nature, I'm inclined to think that way going by your story, but nonetheless it's good that you left that place and whatever it was didn't follow you.
Hello lady-glow.
Thanks for your concern!

Those boys were students and used to sleep early everyday so they didn't encounter anything like shadow but they did heard wierd sounds from outside like someone is whimpering, and knocks on the door, windows was usual for them... But they weren't tht afraid because they were in a group.

I don't know the reason behind why I was affected the most but the day it all started from the parking lot, I was on my periods and was applying ittar.

I consulted one of a family priest regarding this and he said that "thing" was attracted towards me and also that area was his home so I better vacant that place.

The hand was a small woman's hand and it seemed like it was moving playfully more than anything. Almost like it was dancing. We don't have a crawl space.
Welcome to YGS.

I'm glad you left that place before the activity worsen. That spirit sounds like something nasty.

I wonder if the rest of the tenants got to see this shadow too, or if the entity was more aggressive towards you only for being a woman. Though, based on your narrative, it seems like the first floor was the more affected by this presence.

Thanks for sharing.
8-bit did you ever feel something might have been trying to say I am here please help me. Under this table is it the crawl space under the home. Was it a large male hand. Something happening outside also, maybe a friend in spirit trying to help the hand. Paranormal hunters are free if you have no equipment. I would be under that dining area looking around.
Did you live in the same house when candy bar fell. Maybe hand knew you were hungry and could speaker noise be related to hand. Very interesting and thanks for sharing.
Blosomes, I'm with Lovely Lady G. You mentioned asking your Aunt and said since your uncle's death. It gets tricky trying understand who's who. All that aside, it's pretty much time to face the veil and know it can't hurt you.
KATS, You must be so afraid, you poor thing.
I'm not saying it is, but it sounds a bit like sleep paralysis.
Different cases, different types of sleep paralysis. Here's a link that will help you understand about sleep paralysis and hopefully help you rise above all this
Were you awake when you felt like your soul was being "taken"? And do you know where it was taken to? I don't understand how that happened especially if you were awake anyway... Whatever that was, I wonder what it wanted you to give.
D.D.: You do say the same thing all around the circle of the person lying on the floor.
How did it feel? Strange, is the only word I can use. She lifted effortlessly, but "I" didn't feel 'anything' static going on.
She, quite literally, floated beyond our fingers to the ceiling. I 'think that' is what truly freaked us out.
I'm just glad that she didn't get hurt when she fell from that height. I hope this answers some of your questions!

Take care! 😊 😊
Hey there. I just wanted to say that I'm a Bangladeshi kid as well. So I would highly recommend reciting surah Baqarah in the house. Just try it for at least a day. InshaAllah whatever was whispering, good or bad will stop its activities.
Welcome to YGS. The monster/ghost under the bed got cold too, I suppose.

I'm just wondering, since I do not see this addressed in your experience, how do you know it was not your dad? Was he ought of town, perhaps.
Hi Tweet!
Thanks for that, I was going to remain myself, so it's ok 😊
I love to read all kinds of comments, except those meaningless ones seen in other people's story, I am glad it had not happen to me yet πŸ™„
Lady Glow your poor grandmother. 😒
What a bitter sweet experience she had. It seems like she allowed it to help her with loss in the future. I'm so sorry she had to experience any of that at all.
Hi Roy,

Sorry you're having a bad time, and it's ok to be emotional. I had a similar experience to yours when my cat passed away. I don't know if it's related or what it would mean, but it's interesting that it happened all the same. Anyway don't feel bad for feeling strong emotions, nothing wrong with that.
Linjahaha your story resonates with me because I also work in the healthcare field. When I was a freah grad nurse, I was working in a nursing home and I too have some good experiences with the residents. This resident always love it when I work because I tend to be more empathic and genuinely care for this resident. She was very sick though with cancer so she also passed away on my off day. It makes me wonder on how similar your experience is mine. It's like they waited for us to be on our off days before they moved on to next life, probably because they wouldn't want us to be sad on that very moment? Anyway I love your story. I always like stories from hospitals or nursing homes. God bless.
πŸ˜• hmm...
I see a confused fool here... I don't even want to greet that fool with a name...
Lady Glow, you do not have to put any effort dealing with that. Believe in the Mods.
This story is well written and should be read by more people. There maybe negative comments but those are not worth taking care of, they just need some good research and a heart to respect others.
talib - exactly which site rules do you believe this story to be breaking? And why do you believe so?

"instead of answering my doubts about your story you conveniently ignored them and criticized my (YOUR?!?!? Ha, ha, ha!) comments"

IF you want to be taken seriously, start by acting serious... You didn't just "used a part of comments of CantunSEEit74", you plagiarized the whole thing without making the proper changes, but as a token for the much you made me laugh with 'YOUR' comment I'm going to help you with the math, out of my 16 stories, 12 are my own experiences and 4 have happened to a close family member, as opposed to the poster you're talking about: 17 stories, 6 his and 11 from someone else.

"seems you got quiet flustered tasting your own medicine of nitpicking on stories from India."

Nah...if anything, I almost spat out my milk and took me a long time to control my laughter...thanks, you made my day!

And since you seem to be so interested on finding holes in my story, here are some facts about it's background.

My Grandmother was borne in 1904, I'm not sure of the exact date when she got married, but she was in her early 20's, then my little aunt was born some time before the "Cristero War" broke in 1926.


The family was living in Mexico City but, since it wasn't a safe place, my grandmother and the baby went to live to a small community in the Hidalgo state whilst my grandfather stayed behind due to his job.


The war lasted from 1926 to 1929, and some time after things were back, or close, to normal, my grandmother and her daughter went back to Mexico City to join my grandfather. The times were tough and the little girl got sick and passed away around 1930.

As you can see or, should I say, if you want to see, the time frame makes sense and explains why the girl was an only child for such 'a long time'.

If you have any more questions don't be shy and ask... I don't promise to answer right away because it's time for me to sleep and will be busy tomorrow.
[at] lady-glow instead of answering my doubts about your story you conveniently ignored them and criticized my comments, ad hominem fallacy (google it for more information), seems you got quiet flustered tasting your own medicine of nitpicking on stories from India.

I only used a part of comments of CantunSEEit74 as it perfectly fits your post, my comments is not breaking any rules, don't know why mods have removed it.
On the other hand your story is breaking YouGhostStories site rules and should be removed, are the mods reading?
I deleted Talib's comment. Lady-glow, personally I don't find fault with either yours or Cant's comment, and am letting them stand. To quote from the Comments Guidelines, "... To keep a certain level of maturity and civility on this site, moderators may delete comments that are deemed too juvenile, inappropriate or troublesome, to their discretion." Neither of yours fall under any of those. Talib's comment on the other hand not only hit all three reasons but underscored them... To attempt to plagiarize another poster's comment to criticize a story - is beyond childish. To do so just to try and cause trouble is both inappropriate and troublesome. I'm so sorry you had to bear his idiotic attempt at maligning you, lady-glow.
CantunSEEit74 in Mom... Please Let Me Go
It seems Talib was more interested in leaving a negative comment instead of reading and understanding the last paragraph of a well written story. Thanks for sharing Lady-glow. Dick move Talib.
Hi Talib.

Wow! Do you really need to plagiarize other poster's comments to criticise my story... You should have, at least, made an effort and fix the math.

"CantunSEEit74____+2___4 weeks ago

On the first page of this site, it states share your ghost story. YOUR GHOST STORY, YGS. YOUR! Not everyone else's stories. There are many Immediate family stories here that are shared but do you really feel anybody should have over 10 stories that they were not present at or did not witness themselves. That person should join this site and participate in the discussions and share their stories."

You are funny... In a not exactly fun way. LOL

Mods, please delete if inappropriate.
They are, Lady Glow. Beef stew is probably the best dish in history. My opinion anyway.

But this story is very touching.
I am glad I am reading this at my home alone... I can't stop crying... 😭
Oh, I did not realize that...
Sorry for the confusion... I meant there my friend's uncle...

You know, sometime not only people bonded with blood worth to cry for... May be I am just a very emotional person... I even cried during a street cleaner (city cops?) 's open funeral in Brazil few years ago...
Maybe too local? There were a street gang gun fight and the "street cleaner" got shot... I wonder why that had not been a big news like any other gun shot, gun kill cases... It was really sad...
Hi guys.

Thanks for reading my story and for commenting on it.

RCRuskin: once cooked, onions are yummy.

Spooderman: except for one, all of my grandmother's children are in heaven now. No pun intended.

Rajine: thanks for reading.

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