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Ghost stories comments: Page 3


You've come to the right place, no one here will think you're crazy. I think it's really cool that you acknowledge they're both still around you and I'm sure it means to world to them too. ❀
Jubeele, I'll probably always be in two minds about the photos being reflected sun or something more. If it wasn't for a spiritual connection to the place and everything else, the voice, the flying fox, I think I would've dismissed it altogether. In reading peoples experiences on here over the years one big repeated theme is that there are always signs around us from the other side it's only a matter of perspective and there's something really special and comforting in that.

Thanks for the link, the info on that page is really resonating with me. I always warn people not to touch flying foxes if they find one in the wild, because of a strain of rabies they carry in Australia. Never thought I'd have a spiritual connection to them, but maybe a connection has been forged over years warning people not to touch them lol.

I thought the message about the other path was a kind of blessing too. Before I reached the top of the final hill, where the sun was visible, I stopped to finish the water I had. When I stopped there was an intense pink or red light bouncing off everything but I couldn't see the sunset or the sky properly from where I was. Only a few meters ahead did I see the weird/wonderful sunset. Might have missed the full display while I was taking a breather, doh! I'm thankful for whatever it was I saw, it made the sun look black for a couple of seconds then it was gone. Really cool stuff, will never forget it.
Regarding the strobe light effect, where the being flashes in and out of your vision; I have heard of that. It was from a man who could see his Native American girlfriend walking along a river while having a conversation with a Sasquatch person. Of course his girlfriend could clearly see & hear the Sasquatch, but he could only see the Sasquatch in the strobe effect - flashing in and out as you saw your entity. This man felt it had to do with that being's frequency or vibration and his own ability to tap into that vibration. He said his girlfriend was very spiritual, which he felt was the reason she could interact so well with the Sasquatch person.

The glowing red eye thing... That is sometimes seen in Sasquatch, Dogman, other beings, but the theory is these beings may have the ability to see in the infrared light spectrum - and that is why their eyes appear red. Which is why trail cameras don't catch these beings... They can literally see the infrared lights on the trail cams glowing from miles away, and thereby avoid them.

You said you were distraught and having a bad day when the black winged creatures came toward you - be careful of your thoughts. Focus on love and gratitude and keep your vibration high so the lower vibration beings aren't drawn to you.
Hi Tweed,

You've painted such vivid scenes, bringing us right into the heart of your experience. I'm no expert on photography, and I've no idea about that ball of light. I'd have mistaken it for the afternoon sun.

But many cultures believe in protector deities and nature spirits. I feel that the land has its special awareness, a type of 'earth sense' derived from all living things, and once we set up roots in any place, calling it home, we belong to the land. It could be that the land recognises your connection to it, even after all this time.

I had the sense that the intent of the voice to take another path was to give you a blessing. To let you have a glimpse of the aurora, something special to lift your heart.

The flying fox is interesting. I found that the symbolism for it is: "caring for others and creating a sense of community and belonging". Maybe you had a special "welcome home".

This is an amazing and scary visitation. A dead guy is carrying a flashlight that actually is working and throwing light and it's coming at you. And finally standing over you, and one has a knife. I do not think you will ever forget this night. WOW
it looked like a little kid running in front of us the cemetery is in a small town it was I'm the middle of nowhere you could see miles around you there was no place for a big animal to hid thanks for asking
Welcome to YGS.

It seems like you guys were a little worked up with anticipation even before reaching the cemetery.

Years ago I went to a nature park in a city in southern Mexico, there were some local animals roaming freely in the forest and some others in enclosures.
At some point I felt watched and in danger, I turned around and saw no one but the feeling of uneasiness only grew more intense.
I turned around scanning slowly my surroundings and sure enough, there was a full grown jaguar few meters behind me crouched as if ready to pounce on my back!
Fortunately, at least for me, the jaguar was in an enclosure.

My point is, are you sure there was no living being watching you? Perhaps a nocturnal animal?

Can you elaborate more on the "small figure darting across the road in front of the truck."? Was it a human shape?
Did this happen within the cemetery's area or outside it?

I'm sure most graveyards have one, or more, resident ghosts. In the case of children ghosts, perhaps they remain earthbound because they were too young at the moment of their passing as to realize that they should move on, and stay in the cemetery because that's the last place where they saw their loved ones.

Was your experience consistent with the rumours about the hauntings taking place in this cemetery or different people have reported different events?

I hope you don't mind all my questions. Thanks for sharing.
Bienvenid [at] a YGS.

Hola Angel.

That sure was an unnerving and puzzling experience. Personally, I don't think these figures were trying to kill you, though they definitely seemed to have been curious about you.

Do you know if any other family member, specially your abuelito, ever had a paranormal encounter in that house?
In my opinion, since your grandfather's death had been so recent, it's possible that he was still around and the knife and flash light might have been important/symbolic during an event in his life.

I'm glad your dad took you to his room even if he didn't necessarily believed what you saw.

Do you remember if you covered your mouth during the time these events took place? Would it be possible that the marks on your cheek were those of your own fingers?
By this I'm not denying your experience but only trying to think of some possible logical explanation for these marks.

Thanks for sharing.
Lenape_Woman68 in Devil's Den In Gettysburg
The Devil's Den is, IMHO, one of the scariest places on the entire Gettysburg battlefield. I've had more than a few unsettling encounters there.
Lenape_Woman68 in The Ghosts Of Gettysburg
I've felt the "heaviness" you described. It was near the Devil's Den and felt like someone had slung their arm over my shoulder. It only lasted for a few seconds, but seriously gave me the shivers.
I would rather eat a truck load of Kryptonite than walk through a cemetery in the dark. Are you a Ghost Writer, Ha Ha see what I did there. Sorry, anyway seems like you are reading it to me. You are a good writer, storyteller for a young adult. Your wording makes you wise beyond your young adult years. For the hundreds of cemetery visit in the dark gone wrong TV shows 4 basics to follow. Do not stand on top of a grave. No laughing out loud. Touch nothing and Do Not urinate in the cemetery. Walk through a cemetery with your stomach and your heart. Spirits can read your mind. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for coming back!
And... Well ZashikiWarashi is a Japanese myth really, original maybe some hidden children when back in the time people are chased to pay tax according to each person in the household.
I have heard lots about stories related to banyan trees too. Some are quite creepy. πŸ€”
Loved ones that have passed on are always looking out for us, it's something I've believed in since my dad passed away over 2 decades ago, you will get little telltale signs, just their way of letting you know that they are around, watching and guiding you.
I don't think that "ghost" you saw was actually a ghost, I stand to be corrected, but in my entire history of paranormal experiences I haven't seen a red eye ghost, perhaps it was something else, not necessarily a demon, but something otherworldly, malevolent. There are a lot of other evil beings out there.
I also had wondered if my see through black stick figure had something to do with a fire. Something to look for around fire stations.
I need to find a Sashiki-warashi and hope he likes me so I'll be wealthy Blossome.

I have been told by a few people I look like Rick Springfield. I had to google him. Maybe if Sashiki-warashi likes me enough I could request looking like a modern day heart throb like Tom Cruise. (⁠*⁠_⁠*⁠)

All these Banyan tree myths are becoming very commonly told. I have read a couple just recently and that's why yours caught my eye.

It will be interesting to find out what is actually going on. I'll keep an eye out on the comments here to see what others think.

Kent *⁠⁠0⁠/⁠*
I wonder where they got their strength to be outside in the daylight. I had a see-through black stick figure walk through my Livingroom. But mine was almost complete skeleton except no rib bones. Skull and eye sockets, feet and hand bones were there it was all black and see through maybe over 5 ft tall. At one point it was less than 10 ft from me skull looking at me and it turned and headed down my hall back to the mirrored hallway in our bedroom. It did not even care about me it just wanted to get back to the portal mirrors. You should not acknowledge them they may follow you home. Are they loitering in an area of addictions. The face you described sounds like addiction demons, and they attach to you when you pass and torment you in death. Down the road in my neighborhood a truck has the Church of Satan sticker on his bumper, and I disliked walking on that side of the street. Nothing good happens playing with negative energy.
It seems like the small one acknowledged me. I'm not sure it seen me in the car or just seen my car. I have tinted windows. I truly feel they weren't supposed to be seen. Now, if they were spiritual and I was supposed to see them, I'd like to know what it means.
Yes, the smaller one did look at me. I was trying to get a good look. Aliens or spiritual beings I'm not sure. Not sure I was supposed to see them. The taller one was just dark. I saw no face just a dark cloak. And it was a little taller and different. It was standing there stiff and looking forward didn't move. The shorter one next to it had a face and still stationary but it did look. I don't know if it seen me but I've read not to stop so I didn't.
To answer the comments; I have not seen them again since.
After passing them I looked in my rear views and don't recall seeing them behind me. Soon as I got home I told my husband to go look if he sees them. He drove around the block which is not exactly where I saw them, and said he didn't see anything. When I saw them the darkness was thick. It was super dark like a heavy dark. It was as if my headlights were bent down. There's nothing wrong with my lights. Only seen a face on one which was slender smooth (didn't have expression) white with tiny holes for eyes. The closest thing I've seen as a look alike would be Ahriman.
Indigoalien in Unexpected Visit's
That is very good to know and I will do just that thank you for your feedback. My vibration at the time was at it's peak. I wish you nothing but the best. Have a great night.
Linjahaha in Loved Ones Visiting
Rebelmama: No! You do not sound crazy. You've had spiritual visitations. You see. Spiritual visitations are 'very' close to MY heart.
I wish to express my sincere condolences over your losses. However, they ARE with you in times of sadness, or uncertainty. I believe that.
Allow me to explain. I lost my WONDERFUL husband almost 12 years ago, & I still feel him with me from time to time. I realize he is in a much better place now, but he has visited me during times of great stress, or when I'm so overwhelmed as to what to do in certain circumstances.
He, first visited his sister, about a month after his passing to assure her he was alright, & tell her that he knew how we were feeling. He stayed for several minutes. He told her he loved her, & they talked for a while. Then he announced that he had to leave, but she begged him to stay. He told her that he 'had' to go, but he was alright. After which he left, & she was sitting on the bed with the lights on looking [at] an empty chair. She said she felt such peace, & joy after that visit.
I envied her, & asked 'why' he didn't see me first. She explained that I was so very deeply grieving that those emotions were putting up a barrier so strong that he couldn't penetrate it.
She was in a completely exhausted, & relaxed state [at] the time, although wide awake when it happened.
He came to see me a little over a month after he visited her. I was in bed attempting to sleep, but wide awake. However, I was completely exhausted from all the crying I had done over missing him. I, suddenly, felt his arm slip around my waist, & I heard his voice. He told me "that's right, Sweetie. It's really me!". I jumped up out of bed. He got up behind me. We embraced. I held him, & kissed him, then we sat down on the foot of the bed holding hands all the while. I touched him, & he was just as solid as anyone. We talked for several minutes. He told me he loved me, & that I'll be alright, & he knows how I was feeling, but I'll be alright, & manage. He said he had to leave, but I begged him not to go. He said he had to, but he was better than he'd ever been, & would always love me. I wound up sitting on the end of the bed staring [at] the empty spot he was sitting in with the bedroom lights turned on. This was not a dream. It happened. I felt such peace, & began crying, but they were tears of extreme joy knowing he was there with me, & loved me. He wasn't suffering anymore. He was whole again. He was alright, & he wanted me to know.
I'm crying typing all this, but I wanted to offer you my opinion. It's not cast in stone, but it sounds to me, like you've had spiritual visitations. I, still, feel him with me from time to time.
Now, 'you' can think I'm crazy, but nonetheless, I'm relating what happened with me to you, & offering up my considered opinion.
I hope you didn't mind, & this was a good read!

The Very Best! 😊 😊
CantunSEEit74 in Unexpected Visit's
Wow there is amazing things out there. Don't forget they may have shown themselves to others that did not see them. One lady on TV in her rear-view mirror saw a carload of young Reptilians but when their car got even with her, they looked like normal kids in Nevada. Maybe you are putting out a high vibration and seeing it all. Never forget to ask for help from your spirit guide and guardian angel. Talk outload give thanks for 3 different things every day, your guides are your protective shield. I give thanks for my hot shower, my wife, my dog my beautiful flowers, my car, my health. Build a love shield around you. Just smile and know your stronger and not alone. Some people may have more than 5 spirits helping them at a certain time and it depends on what they are trying to accomplish. Good luck to you.
This is a very interesting read. Even myself as a reader, I would like to know what they were doing there. Creepy experience indeed. Have you seen them since this occurrence?
Kiestonia in The Silent Cowboy
Hello all.

Thank you for taking the time to read my experience and taking the time out to comment... Ill respond back below:)

[at] lady-glow: I actually never went back to that same location again but reading these comments I think it should be something I should look into. (thanks for the comment)

[at] Rajine: I haven't thought of it like that... Congratulations you've officially added a new layer of fear on top haha:D (thanks for the comment)

[at] Valkricry: Thanks for posting that article. Very interesting read iv'e learnt a thing or two so thank you (thanks for the comment)

[at] Linjahaha: Even still now I can't fully wrap my head around it, I would often question myself like "did I see what I thought I did", but the way I had reacted and was feared for the remainder of the holiday. (thanks for the comment)

[at] Tweed: Maybe that was the case, it was most definitely an experience, I am grateful for this happening as it had opened up my world to the whole paranormal side of life. (thanks for the comment)
Hi AmandaJF
I spent a lot of time as a child with my relatives in 214 and 216 Locks Road, that was in the 70's. Did you have a tortoiseshell cat called Dundee?
Neandarthunder in Apparition On Water

Very sorry for the late reply. I was involved with some political stuff and went to jail for some time and internet was down and a lot of people died. The point is that we overthrew our government.

Bangladesh doesn't have a history of Cult killings per se, as far as I know. There WAS the custom of burning widows among high caste Hindu families until the early colonial era (1750-1800). Could be something left over from that, maybe?

We found a very large snake skeleton on the north-west side. 16 feet long and wide as my thighs. Undoubtedly a python. That might not be old though. Catfish were farmed in that pond, and they're known to pick corpses clean. We also found portions of a moonboat. We're a bit inland for moonboats, but it's not uncommon to find old boats in ponds here. This place was part of the river not long ago.

Don't apologize for the superstition. It's what I'm here for. I don't need a definitive answer. I want people to tell me what they think. ❀
MichelleS: I am offering my 2cents here for a POSSIBLE explanation. I hope you don't mind.
I have done a lot of paranormal research over the years, & I've had quite a few unusual encounters myself. I have read that sites-such as a property/building-or even items can have attachments from the former owners. If the previous owner had a special attachment to an object that was special to them in life, that attachment does not not delineate after they are gone. Of course, a lot depends on the individual will of the previous owner. Most will pass on to the next level-such as Heaven-I believe in Heaven, personally. Then there are those that refuse to pass over for 1 reason or another. Those are the ones that become ghosts, & stick around either by remaining with a house/building, or, even particular items that feel a strong ownership of.
This explanation is what I've gleaned from my many years of research on this specific subject. I do not consider myself an authority. No way. I am merely offering some possible theories for you to consider. I hope this helps you in some way to, maybe, make some sense of what happened to you.
I'm glad that you weren't hurt, & I hope you're living in a nicer, event-free home. I hope you really didn't mind my 2 cents here!

The Very Best! 😊 😊
In '77 when I was 12, I was in bed. I woken just after 1am. I had my lamp on. My sisters bed was straight in from the door and I was across to the left far end wall of the room. You walked through my brothers room to get to our room. Something drew my attention to the door. I saw it standing there. I was wide awake & can still see it in my mind. A figure in a black hooded robe holding what I then described as a sword with both his hands & right in front of him. I was staring at it while crapping my pants. It would've been in excess of 6' tall but unsure of his full height. I jumped into my sisters bed and still couldn't sleep, so I bravely walked through my brothers bedroom, got the sleeping bag, snuck into my parents room & slept on the floor. The funny thing was, their bedroom always scared me. Lol. I told a friend at school & she said, it was the grim reaper. I had never heard of it before that night.
Lost Voyage, I hadn't even thought of portal but it makes perfect sense. Probably explains all the local sightings of a ghostly woman all those years ago. A portal hadn't occurred to me because I'm so preoccupied with nostalgia when I visit these places. But it's that fascination that makes the connection so strong. There's a give and take of energy when I visit places like the creek which was strong when I was a kid and even stronger, or more refined, now. I've always been sensitive to energy in locations, never put a name to it but I guess it's empath. (I'm great at diagnosing everyone else but not myself lol)

It's like I'm reinforcing old tracks and creating new ones all at once. There's a neighbouring suburb that I'm very drawn to and visit often, both in dreams/astral and physically, this place definitely has high vibrations as well, the same creek runs up through there too.

You've given me another layer of reality to attune with thanks!
Hello Tweed, Interesting story!

I believe that area especially in the vicinity of the playground is a portal and what you picked up on as well caught on film were the beings that guard and use the portal. The area is also used as an entrance for high vibrational energies to come into this world. There are many more in the world, I live near and have encountered one.

My feeling and sense is that as a child you forged a connection with this portal and as such don't even need to be physically there to have an energetic connection. You can astral travel there as you did in your dreams and I'm willing to bet while you're awake as well. You have a higher vibration that is aligned with this portal, even more now than when you were younger. The more time you spend there, the more closely aligned your energy will become.

I feel there's much more to it, but I encourage you to continue to explore this connection and area and more will be made available to you there. These areas can be like giant tuning forks and you can pick up more.

Of course this is what I pick up on, but keep us posted on this place! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks and I can tell that you really know well!
I haven't talk about it in front of my friend yet... Well I might just see and will be more alerted on her. Stress hey... I know well how stressful Japanese are now a days... Oh well. 😟
I know a few, but it is actually a coded name for a group of Disney fans.
Hi Tweed--Interesting thought connecting the sound to that speaker thumping many years ago, but I don't think there's a correlation. Whatever the tapping was/is, it seems to have calmed down dramatically. I'm glad it did because I had a weird feeling it wasn't going to.

We haven't moved yet, but I still feel that whatever was making the tapping noises was responding to a tension that had briefly fallen over our house. I do still hear the occasional tapping, but it's much more infrequent and doesn't bother me any longer.

Thanks for your input.
blosomes, I was hesitant to mention a doctors checkup because I know a bit about how some doctors in Japan tend to treat more than listen. But I thought I'd speak up incase you've found a GP who's a good listener. Hope you guys can get to the bottom of this because it's pretty serious to be fainting and pretty scary too. I hope it doesn't happen to her again.
RC the only thing a fire department means to me is an old fire station near where I live. I grew up listening to the old siren going off as a kid and am hearing it all over again now whenever it goes off. It sets off all kinds of nostalgia, it's cool. So unless you've got a connection to a random heritage fire station in Australia I'm clueless. To my knowledge I've never known anyone who worked for the fire department.
Hmm... That is so true πŸ€”
I might want to bring her to a check one day... But you know... It hard here sometimes because of lack of understanding... They still treat everything just giving medicines that's why I hate it πŸ™„
Tweed, I don't know. Just a gut feeling. But if 'fire department connection' doesn't mean anything to you, then we wouldn't. And I tried to code it a bit but not too much.

I'd urge her to rule out any physical or psychiatric reasons behind this if she isn't already. I used to know someone who suffered fainting and lost time but hers was a psychiatric condition, one that can lay dormant for many years until triggered by stressful events. Also I don't know much about diabetes but that would be something else to rule out as it can cause all kinds of freakish symptoms. Best to rule out the physical before ruling in the paranormal, to be on the safe side.
RC, in the photos I'm facing the sun through the trees. What makes you think we share a connection? Not that it's a bad thing, just curious. πŸ€”
Lost-soul in A Helpful Soul
Hello Tweed,
Thanks for reading my story
And I think I still wouldn't have been working at that place even if he wouldn't have told me anything. It was suffocating to work under such people who were sexist and toxic. You know they used to make fun of me and pass comments about how my parents are incapable of taking care of me because I was working and studying simultaneously and I used to get very upset because I was just a kid who wanted to do everything on her own and help her folks. I used to cry sometimes too but nevermind, some people just need to get a life.

Hi, Tweed. I somehow get a strange feeling you and I share a connection in the past, but the odds of that are quite low, much less than finding a fire department connection, if you know what I mean?

Anyhow, I was wondering about the photos. Were you facing towards the sunset?
We met 7years ago and lived together almost the same long time.
I would know her more than she knows about me... I think. πŸ€”
She said she had been dreaming during the time she fainted the first time, I told her that she acted strange but she could not remember all that. 😳
Hi Manafon, bit late to party on this one, hope it's better now. Read you say in one of the comments you were moving, has it followed you since then?

Guessing you must have thought of this but it reminded me of that banging speaker you guys had troubles with many years ago. Hope it's not connected. Well, if something had followed you from that place you'd surely know by now.
It seems to mean well. Preventing sleep is a bridge too far though. Ghosts be pesky. πŸ™„
Thanks Rajine and Blosomes, I'd never thought about the flying fox being anything more than a premonition of how the park had changed over the years. But it could be symbolic of something else too. Huh, hadn't thought of that.
I wanted to get a picture of the cartoony bat thing in the playground but it would have looked way weird me standing there pointing my phone at the playground from the other side of the gate. Next time I'll go into the playground area and explain what I'm doing to any near by parents. I really want a picture of the bat decoration. Will post it when I get one.

Rajine, I wondered the same thing and thought it might be an old visitor or inhabitant of the park/creek. Perhaps something that remembers me growing up there. I wondered that because the dream was vivid before I went and it was just an all out spiritually charged afternoon. Which was nice. 😊
Hi blosomes,

How long have you known her? Something like this could be a lot of different things, some paranormal and some not. I think only time will tell and you'll have to spend more time with her. It's very tricky to say but it seems from what you've shared that she has a lot of stress about Kyoto, and what it means to her family, even if she was trying to downplay it.
I think only time will tell what happened to her. Is she talking about it now? Or does she not want to talk about it? If something like that happened to me out of the blue it'd be pretty much all I talked about. But if it had happened before I might be embarrassed and reluctant to open up. Well, that's how I think I'd act if I were her. But I'm not her so maybe I should just shut up lol.
Wow, so sad...
This kind of made me think of one of the ghost stories at the legendary most haunted place of earth, Pluckley Village, England.
I mean not that spooky but it reminds us of the living life of the spirit.

Sending love ❀
Hi Tweed!
First, I thought it was a title scam! "Possible Sprite And A Special Sunset"
Where is the Sprite! (Sorry, just joking)

I believe too that the flying fox that you see maybe something that had been protecting you.
People who claims to have protectors around them will report that there strange forms around them, like shadow person, light beings, flying fireballs, ectoplasma, orbs, etc. Flying fox maybe a form that you will see. (My case, I hear them but I had not seen them)

Hey, what a beautiful sunset be the way. 😊
I asked my friend after the trip, she said she knew that she was going to faint when she realizes she said I was right beside her in our room. I kind of also said that she was dreaming of a scenery like in some Samurai Movies they call Jidai-Geki (Time era Drama? Like they will dress in old style and speak in old ways and things). πŸ€”
I could tell that at that time in the elevator she acted like if she would have a knife or even a sword with her and would draw it out anytime... Luckily she did not even bring her hand bag with her... Or else I might be attacked 😳
Sorry for the incomplete response and typo. What I meant to say is that, guardian angel keeping you safe especially when you need it. In times of possible danger and crisis.
Hi Tweed

I think maybe it was your guardian angel looking out for you, keeping you safe especially when you really needs
Hi blosomes

Does your friend remember this incident? And after she went through that how was her behavior?

If I were to guess, perhaps it was a resident spirit that took over your friend for a few minutes 🀷
Hi AussieRedDog

I agree that not all ghost or spirits are other supernatural beings are all bad, there always has to be a balance between good and bad, and in some cases, like your experience, this still innocent child's life ended before it could even begin, I do hope she eventually is able to move on.
[at] valkricry and [at] ladyglow

I guess we learn something new on a daily basis, I suppose the more popular image of a cowboy is the "American" version that you find in the movies.
Linjahaha in A Helpful Soul
Hi, again, Lost: I once worked on a Call Center several years ago. It was more out of desperation than because I wanted to. I hate telemarketers/telemarketing. It's a VERY big company (I'm withholding the name of it, but I think it's the 'biggest' one around.).
We had scripts to read to the customers. Pardon me. Victims. Because we had to lie to these poor people to sell their lousy magazines. I despised lying to those people just to make a sale. You were not allowed to have cell phones in plain sight. They would fire you if you did. They were afraid of 'whistle-blowers'. You know. People that would 'expose' their unethical practices.
We were required to tell the customers that a big percentage of the profits from the magazines were going to local, or national charities. Not true. Only 3% of the profits went to the charities. The rest to the vendors, but the biggest percentage went to the OWNERS of the telemarketing company. Whose kidding who?
They were vultures. I took 8 months of 'that' dishonest, & essentially toxic environment. One night I told them 'what' they could do with their stinkin' job. I walked out. I didn't have another job lined up, or anything, but I just couldn't take the possible ulcers that were brewing in me.
You REALLY did the RIGHT thing by leaving there. Places like that can definitely affect ones health. Take it for me.
I sincerely hope all is so much better for you. I just had a little more to associate with your account. I hope you don't mind!

The Best
To You! 😁 😁
Lost soul,

I'm glad you have left that toxic workplace. I wonder if you had not encountered this man if you would still be working there, it seems like he saved you a lot of stress. He seems like such a nice soul and it's tragic he's no longer in this physical realm. I believe the UK and Australia need to be aware of the stress that call centre workers from India are under on a daily basis. It's simply not fair and it has to be one of the most stressful jobs out there.
Thanks for sharing and I'm happy to hear you're out of that place and doing better. All the best navigating your gifts. It's great you keep diaries they're a big help. 😊
Kiestonia, hello and welcome.

Might be letting my imagination run away again with this but I got the impression your cowboy figure was a protective entity. The voice you heard, which convinced you it was your mum, was possibly some kind of trickster entity, which the cowboy was guarding you against.

I was the same level of confused as the others with the presence of a cowboy in Ireland. But heck, maybe you encountered one of the wee folk who took the form of one of your action figures to make you understand their intentions. A wild experience indeed. Thanks for sharing I really loved reading this and I hope you're glad of the experience. It's a doozy.
Thanks Val, no problem.
And I need to put more characters blah blah
lady-glow in The Silent Cowboy

Not meaning to answer for the OP but 'cowboy' is a profession/job performed in any place in the world where there is cattle. I imagine not all cowboys dress like the Marlboro man.

In most of Latin-American cowboys are known as 'vaqueros', except for Argentina and Uruguay where they are called 'gauchos', not to mention that their attire differ from one region to the other.
Linjahaha in The Silent Cowboy
Hi, Kiestonia: This was a perplexing read. I'm quite sure your young mind simply couldn't wrap it's head around what you saw. I'm trying to figure it out myself.
Possibly it was a former resident that had clothing similar to that of a cowboy, & upon first glance you, naturally, thought it to be a cowboy.
I believe you saw something though, & it was an interesting read. Thanks for submitting it!

Take Care! 😊 😊
valkricry in The Silent Cowboy
Rajine, I'm with you, I was like huh? A little sleuthing and I found this interesting article: http://www.lrgaf.org/articles/irish-cowboys.htm "As early as 1,000 AD Irish minstrels were recording songs about "the cowboy." Medieval poems such as "The Triads" spoke of Irish men rounding up cattle from horseback. The Irish horse was as famous as the men who rode it. These natural pacers, imported into England as early as 1350, were favored mounts of squires, merchants and other gentry. The solid little Irish horse had a gait "as comfortable as a rocking chair on the hob."" reads part of the article. However, I could not find any images of Irish cowboys, aside from those that were herding in America.
Theomniscient in Possessed By A Spirit
Here in India, exhumation of the body is legal. So your dad had every right to excavate that place, but as you have narrated that no actions were taken is actually kind of sad. Hope that spirit is in bliss
Hi blosomes

It was a cloudy, dull day neither hot nor cold at all, what creeped us out the most wasn't the warm gust of wind, it was how quick and abruptly it ended and the eerie spooky silence that followed after.

There's so many strange things that happened to me over the years I don't know where to start, maybe when I have some time I'll post it on here as random things over the years. πŸ˜…
Hi Kiestonia

Were there cowboys in Ireland πŸ€”? I thought it was just an American thing, or perhaps the spirit liked dressing up as a cowboy, nonetheless that sounds like a scary experience, the spirit you saw looked like a man, but you heard a female voice calling out to you, specifically your mother, do you think it was the cowboy spirit or something else that called out to you?
valkricry in House Haunts 2
Hi, Tweed! First, thanks for the heads up, it will make things less complex. You may certainly resubmit your story, as the first copy you sent has NOT been posted yet. I'll need to 'reject' that submission, so when you get it, don't worry. Looking forwards to reading it!
Val/mods, I submitted something to the site last night and I realised I left something out. Is it possible I could resend it?
lady-glow in The Silent Cowboy
Welcome to YGS.

I imagine the cowboy was a previous resident from a bygone era checking on the strangers invading 'his' space. He didn't mean any harm though.

Did you ever go back to that place or investigate the history of it?

I imagine how scary it must have been for you to see this apparition at such young age.

Thanks for sharing.
You have had this tape since the early 1990s and it is still lying in your old cupboard. Just seeing that tape has to take you back to that moment. I would have thrown it away long ago like in the 1990s.
jessica2k67 in Possessed By A Spirit

Usually what happens is that you do report to the police. Even if it is someone else's body, there will be interrogations upon the questions "How did you know there was a body here?" or "Do you have any hand in this case?".
It's definitely not normal to not let the authorities know that there was a body buried in a construction site. As far as letting the police know that the body should be properly with all rituals and then later on burn the body (Since Indians burn the body instead of burying it)

I do not know the case of why this wasn't informed to the police or given to higher authorities. Hopefully, the husband was found and got his well-deserved punishment.
I did speak. But they choosed to ignore this and thought this was just my hallucination.
Hi and welcome!

I kind of agree with lady-glow, this made me thought that if this was another unsolved case πŸ™„ I know, different but still...

Well at least the ending is kind of understandable and hopefully this kind of cases could be reduced as soon as possible.

Sending Love ❀
What an experience!
Was the day hot? Because I am wondering if it maybe a heat-stroke for your high temp. And illness.
Wind and things maybe part of mother nature, but if you feel any other strange phenomenon maybe your can write it in more detailed form πŸ˜‰ Or even start to your own story time to discuss with all other members? 😊
It is strange that only you saw this and the video cassette played differently after that, supernatural beings are known to tamper with electronic devices, did you speak to your family about it? And if so what did they have to say about it?
A tragic story but at least this earth bound spirit has finally managed to move on. Makes one wonder how many restless souls are out there needing help and wanting to move on but cannot.
Kiestonia in Weird Night
First story I've read on this site... And I'm glad I chose this one first. Thank god for that old man.
No dear friend nothing untoward or wrong happened with me. I was also exactly fearing the same thing, but due to god's grace I was unharmed. I vowed never ever to touch that video cassette ever in life. People known to me have also viewed that video cassette when they visited our home but the most strange thing is that they never experienced anything wrong with that video cassette, only I saw that demonic face, that demonic voice with an evil smile on it's face and lips. I don't understand why it didn't took place with other people who watched that specific video cassette. Anyways I thanks god for saving me from any kind of harm. Waiting for your views on this strange event that took place with me.
Hi, Amchi. What Lady Glow asked. Did anything untoward happen to you or around you after you saw this most frightening movie?
See, after seeing what I saw on that video cassette, I decided not to ever touch it ever again.
Correction: "unless any paranormal activity developed in the house after this vision or if you have seen the demonic face again."
Welcome to YGS.

You might be a medium.

It's a shame that you have decided not to participate in the discussion but I'll ask in case any Indian member can shed some light on this part of your story.

Is it a normal practice in India not to report the authorities of the finding of human remains in a construction site?

Would the removal of the skeletons be legal without
Informing the police even if the intention was to give them a proper burial?

My outlook may be culturally biased, but I find it hard to understand the apparent disregard for the law in the way this double homicide was treated after the spirit revealed the cause of her and her daughter's deaths.
Hopefully the abusive husband's name was revealed too and he was punished for his crime.
I'm inclined to think that this event was a product of your imagination, unless any paranormal activity developed in the house after this vision or if you haven't seen the demonic face again.
Thank you again Tigerfeet. You have piqued my curiosity. It would be quite satisfying to know if their copy is the same as mine, or even a different edition. They might even know how many were printed. Quite a few I would imagine. I will try to get in touch with the library and let you know.
tigerfeet in The Arp Warden
Hi Limey

The book is in the library collection at University of Kent, where I did my degree in history - as a mature student. They also hold the national collection of cartoons which is well worth a look. In their WWII collection they have things like the National Statistics which was a selection of 'ordinary' people, usually housewives and women working in the factories who were asked to write down things such as what was for dinner and if their rations were enough for a family - it does make for interesting reading!
Thank you Tigerfeet. I remember those bomb sites very well, and of course the bomb shelters, so many of which are still around. One more comment about the Air Raid Warden; the daytime bombing of London stopped early on in the war because the enemy losses were so high. So your sunny afternoon vision would indicate it was from that time. And may I ask which university you were at? I would like to contact the library to see if their book is the same as mine. (I try not to think of Dick van Dyke's attempt at a cockney accent. Too painful).
This incident happened to me when I was in my teens, at the time it was just myself and two of my other cousins, I remember our older cousin was preparing for her wedding and everyone else was gone to drop off invitations to various other family and friends, so it was just the 3 of us at home at the time, bored and without adults around generally does spell trouble πŸ˜‚.

So we decided to go for a walk by the huge field behind the house, which also serves as an informal soccer field and then the river, I'm not sure why but we had this brilliant idea of stone skipping and to see who could throw the furthest in the river, this went on for a bit when out of nowhere there was this sudden gust of warm, dry wind that blew over me and everything went eerily silent, there wasn't even a sound from the birds and other forms of wildlife, not wanting to stay any longer and being creeped out ourselves, we decided to go back home, immediately after that I felt very sick and even had a high temperature and just went to sleep until everyone else came back, the strange part was I was fine and fit before and I was sick for roughly an hour or so and felt fine after that, even my high body temperature returned to normal, I still have no idea what happened that day and why I was sick for that short amount of time, but I often wonder...
Hi blosomes

I've read the add ups and I have to agree with the other commentors, I feel that child revealed himself to Bryan for help and to show him how he died.
tigerfeet in The Arp Warden
Hi Rajine
I think about the family and the ARP Warden a lot, how happy the family were and how the Warden must feel because he couldn't save the family. I hope that he realises that he did as much as he could to try and save the family and himself. In my opinion he should have had some kind of posthumous acknowledgement, but at the time so many people gave up their lives and they were not all recognised for their sacrifices.

I really hope that the family and the Warden have been able to move on to a happier place, maybe to meet their families, born before and after them.
tigerfeet in The Arp Warden
Hi Linjahaha

It was extremely upsetting and emotional to see. I think I was badly affected because of the age of the children - around 2 and 4 - and the fact that the family were so happy at that moment in time. Who knows, that could be why they are re-enacting this wonderfully happy time of their lives.
tigerfeet in The Arp Warden
Hi Limey - This happened in around 1982, and I moved away from London shortly afterwards. I have, I'm afraid, no idea whether the house is still there, but there was a lot of modernisation going on in the area - in fact there were still a substantial number of bomb sites in the area that were slated for redevelopment. As this was with my ex-husband, I have no connections in the area anymore to ask.

I've seen a very precious copy of your ARP book when I was at university - you have to book an appointment with the librarian to see the book and it's only handled with white gloves on!

Hi accent was pure south-east London - working class but not quite cockney and definitely not a Dick van Dyke cockerney accent!
tigerfeet in The Arp Warden
Hi Bergraff - It was a profoundly sad experience, made worse by witnessing it again.

Hi Lady-glow - the house had an unusual feeling, like a lot of bad things had happened there, and it was very 'loud' as well. It felt like lots of radios were off channel with only a few words getting through occasionally. I am also convinced that the ARP warden and the family were a residual haunting, maybe bought about by their sudden and violent deaths - but that is pure supposition by myself.
Thank you!
Read the add-ups too, Bryan my friend had odd experience and very different point of views that always chills my spine.

Anyhow, back in Brazil, same thing. We are always warned not to hang out too long nearby the rivers, and every year there will be sad stories told by parents with little children...

Hey, I am kind of interested in your experience too, Rajine.
Rajine in The Arp Warden
If only there was some way for those trapped souls to move on in peace, but after all this time I do hope they finally moved on, instead of being trapped and earth bound.
Also within our community, especially with the elders, we were always warned never to hang around long enough by river banks, but we as kids never paid much attention, your story reminds me of one incident that happened to me which prompted me to never go back to the river by my uncles house.
I was not expecting that endingπŸ˜… despite having many of my own paranormal/supernatural experiences over the years, reading other people's encounters still creeps me out.

For a while (4 and a half years to be exact) I lived with an uncle who's house was near a river, 2 to 3 minute walk, during my time staying there, there numerous deaths due to drowning, I can't begin to imagine how many more occurred before I went to live with him and after I moved out on my own, but I believe that due to the close proximity of the river and the deaths that happened there, was the cause of most if not all the supernatural experiences I had while living there, most of which I posted on here.
Rajine in Landlord Lady
If it was the spirit of the landlady I wonder why she would push your mum down the stairs, but apart from this and the dream with the creepy smile the other incidents don't seem to be malevolent.
tigerfeet in The Arp Warden
Thank you RCRuskin for jogging my memory! The film is 'High Spirits' - it's really worth watching 😁
Hey Imperfect,
Sorry but a lot of storyline here doesn't make sense in the comments, I can understand when paranormal activity doesn't make sense but your real life incidents like the police one are also not making sense and stop saying this happens in india, and which part of India are we talking about here, please tell me, if not the locality, just tell me the city's name.

Thanks for sharing.
Linjahaha in The Arp Warden
tigerfeet: This was extremely fascinating to read about. I agree with lady-glow that this is a residual haunting. The traumatic, unexpected, emotional imprint left behind from that catastrophic event is being replayed when atmospheric conditions are right, or sensitive individuals are present to observe it.
It's very sad, but not frightening, or intimidating. That was an interesting explanation about an A.R.P. Warden. I was wondering about that when I read the title. Thank you, it was a very good read!

Take Care! 😊 😊
Hi Tigerfeet; a very interesting story. A long time ago, but have you checked to see if the house is still there? It would be interesting to know if subsequent or current tenants have had the same experience as yours. The clarity of your vision is quite remarkable, since you could identify the naval uniform in the garden below. Usually apparitions tend to be blurry or foggy. Hearing the warden's voice in such close proximity to you is interesting too. Did you notice his accent? Not important, but it may have been identifiable. How and why these replays from the past can occur are also fascinating questions, and ones that will probably not be answered anytime soon.
On a related subject, I have in my possession a smelly old book called Common Sense and A.R.P. It was published in London by His Majesty's Government in 1939, with the expectation of what to expect in the months and years ahead.
RCRuskin in The Arp Warden
Tigerfeet, that sounds like a fun movie, so I went to look it up on IMDB. There is a movie called Haunted Honeymoon, but Peter O'Toole is apparently not in it. The plot summary from IMDB:

At the peak of their careers, the brilliant radio actors and Manhattan Mystery Theatre's superstars, Larry Abbot and Vickie Pearle, have finally decided to tie the knot. However, with their marriage just around the corner, inexplicably, Larry is starting to experience noticeable speech impairments and debilitating, on-air panic attacks. Now, under those strange circumstances, what better way to cure poor Larry's problem than by spending a long, lavish weekend on dear Aunt Kate's magnificent castle along with the entire family? The idea is to help overworked Larry relax; however, after an unaccountable disappearance and the blood-curdling sighting of something wicked, this brief vacation could be a cure worse than the disease. Can Larry survive the night and the haunted honeymoon? - Nick Riganas

Still looks interesting to me.

Here is a list of Peter O'Toole's movies https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000564/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_0_nm_8_in_0_q_Peter%2520O Maybe something will jump out at you since I so much want to see this movie you mentioned.:)

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