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Ghost stories comments: Page 5

Hi Linjahaha

As very interesting and intriguing account, going back to ancient times, one can imagine what it must have been like during those times and the experiences people went through.
It's unnerving to have to go through that while you alone, this is the first time I'm reading about a random supernatural incident that has the number 5 attached to it, usually it's 3's, perhaps numerology will help explain the meaning of the number 5?
I would check for Bigfoot sightings in your area. There is an online database by state and county. BFRO
Does it sound like a person whistling? Or more like a train whistle? I ask because the Cherokee say that the "Hairy Man" - their term for Bigfoot, periodically makes a sound like a train whistle.
Sounds like a portal, possibly. Do you think your family would be willing to have a medium come to investigate and try to close it if need be?
Zander in Historic Haunt
WOW! That was him, surely! Just curious ~ do you happen to remember the title of the book that had shown up by the chair? Another great story! ❤
How fascinating! Another great story! I'm going to check out that Renner book! ❤
Hi Linjahaha,
Thanks for another wonderful account! That house sounds amazing.

DreamBird in My Dad's Story
Hi Rajine and Tweed,
Thank you both for your comments. From what I've learned, the ancient belief of animals not having souls is because they believe animals couldn't praise God. I read somewhere that the current Pope is trying to change that.

Yes, what my Dad saw was crazy. It didn't sound connected to the land either so I would have to say it was some type of guardian watching over two young boys during their camp-out. Thanks for the well wishes,too!

Hi lwgrn4real66,

Just read both your experiences. I haven't heard of paranormal occurrences happening in number patterns but that's not to say it doesn't happen. For example some people believe hearing knocking three times indicates a loved ones presence and there are many instances of this happening. I believe all paranormal events are unique and there's no one answer fits all. The significance of five could mean a lot of things.
Five wounds of Christ maybe, are you or your family religious? Five points on a pentagram, Wiccan or satanic. Five appears a lot in nature and natural structures. In numerology it's associated with a midpoint, balance between opposing forces.

Just spitballing here, maybe something will resonate with you. If you're noticing a pattern to a haunting, like the fives, maybe it's a harbinger. I look forward to reading more of your experiences if you'd like to share them. I was very interested in your other experience with all the dogs and voices. I've only heard of that happening once, it was to a family member but it didn't last as long as yours did.

Thanks for sharing.
Jubeele, so glad you're still active on here. I owe you such a big apology. A couple of years ago I was going to send you an email about my less than crappy attitude towards you but I never did because there was a bunch of stuff happening and I was busy BUT that's no excuse really. As you know there's a quite a few idiots who like to waste everyones time on here and I lumped you in with that mob. As time went on I could tell I was so wrong and just because someone is really nice, doesn't mean their hiding something or over compensating for dodgy behaviour. So I am sorry I didn't bite my tongue and give you the benefit of the doubt. If any good has come of this it's that I'm now a bit less cynical and not so quick to jump to bad conclusions about people in general. So, ah I guess you taught me some humility. Looking back I've been a bit of a know all cow to quite a few people, mostly offline, and I've been working on changing that. A big part of that change has been you. You've had a big impact on me.

Okay, I think that's enough sickly sweet back peddling and sucking up from me!

The monarch butterfly, that is the one I was thinking of! I don't know if it was them but it looked like them. Haven't seen any since that day, unfortunately. But so many cabbage moths this year, don't know what that means. I know gardeners hate cabbage moths but I kind of like them.

Don't get me started on the housing crisis. Ugh capitalism at its finest. I grew up in rentals and we always had good landlords and well maintained housing so it wasn't always this way. Seems over the last twenty or so years 'investment properties' have turned people into the step sisters from Cinderella. It's less and less about profit and more and more about arrogance and a struggle for dominance.

"My mother believes that every home who has ever housed the living, will develop a certain awareness." THIS! I've always felt homes and their gardens have some kind of soul and I really love your mother's take on this.

I don't know what to make of the power outage coincidence. Oddly I was half expecting it to happen, though not at the time that it happened, unlike with the previous place. Do you know what made the beep sound at your place? Never heard of anything like that.

Thanks for your insight, all the best to you too!
I'm not trying to alarm you, scare you, or be negative. I was staying with my dad helping him out. He was 81, and had a leg amputated,

He went to the rest room one night around 8 or 9 pm. He used a walker in the house. He had a prosthetic leg.

I was in the kitchen. All of a sudden, I heard a walker around 3 steps away so I look up.

What looked like my dad came within 4 ft of me, passed me going to the living room. I looked away and only heard the walker sound fade out in about 3 sreps. Same clothes and it looked as plain as I were looking at you physically right now.

He never looked at me or talked. Usually, in the physical world, you hear a walker getting louder as it's getting closer to you, and as you know, you hear it fading away as the walker gets further away from you.

I went towards the living room like in ni more than twenty seconds to tell my dad something, but he wasn't there.

I went to the restroom door, he was still there and said he'd never left the restroom.

I know whatever passed by me never passed back by me to go back towards the restroom.

I saw his doppelganger. He didn't. Long story short, I'm nit trying to scare you. But, my dad passed away 8 weeks later.
Just please be careful. Get rid of the motorcycle if it's a daily driver. They're very dangerous.

My dad was a fireman for over 30 years and he told me of slot of stories of picking up people as a paramedic (pieces o of them) after having a motorcycle accident.

I really don't know what doppelgangers represent nor does anyone else know exactly. Be careful but don't live your life worrying or walking on egg shells.

Be careful. Let go of what you saw and don't "look" for it again. I've heard,"if you look for it, you'll find it! DON'T!

My sister doesn't think she had abilities spirit wise. My niece and I experienced most things there. My brother in law never experienced anything there he said.

And my sister felt touching same time as my niece once and saw an old lady in the kitchen.

Word is my niece did a Ouija board years ago. She said she's seen 2 demons inside the main house and one outside. I never saw that when I was living there.

I was wondering about the dogs barking in 4 even directions.

I haven't read on it, but I've heard that Indians would pray or whatever to the north, south, east, and west.

That's all I could try to relate that to. But I heard one foreign language person, sounded maybe from England, and all of the rest of the voices were American.

Wow, I didn't know the drought exposed graves! I don't read up on this stuff, I just tell what I've experienced. It's crazy though... When something like this happens, in a little bit, you realize it's not physically happening and then, even if back to back experiences, the next experience still gets the benefit of the doubt that it's real, but, lo and's not physically happening again! What a trip!
"However, I kept walking when I felt like someone is walking behind me. I turned around but no-one was there. I continue to walk when I saw in some distant there was a woman in saree (Indian tradition cloth of a woman) that seemed like my neighbour aunt. I was relieved thinking that now I don't have to walk alone on that creepy road.

I shouted, calling her name but there was no response so I started to walk faster towards her but however couldn't get closer to her, so I started to literally run towards her still calling her name and she was still walking in a normal speed but somehow the distance between us kept unchanged."

The details make no sense... She was behind you and you started to walk towards you while she continued to walk towards you but there was no change in the distance. You need to take more care when you compose a story... Get the details straight.
Hi Tweed,

I think the orange-and-black butterfly is the Monarch butterfly, also known as the Wanderer. They are mainly found in North America, but have been known to be seen in Australia. Wanderer Butterfly - The Australian Museum.

The housing situation is pretty bad in Australia these days. It is good that you managed to find a place. My mother believes that every home who has ever housed the living, will develop a certain awareness. Loving households will have a loving house spirit, and the same will apply to unhappy homes. If the previous occupants loved the house and the garden, it is likely that there is a house spirit that is protective of the home.

We've also lost power recently at our place on two occasions. Each time, there was a loud beep and a complete power outage for a few seconds, before coming back on. It happened to our neighbours as well, so ours could be due to a momentary interruption in the power supply. But your power outage could very well be your house spirit or a visiting ghostie, trying to get your attention.

Thanks for sharing your experiences. All the best in your new home.
Hi DreamBird,

I really loved reading yours and your dad's experiences, thanks for sharing! I wasn't raised religious but one of my uncles married into the catholic faith. I was really upset to learn that a lot of catholics don't believe animals have souls when I was a kid, still don't understand it today. Well, I don't mean to throw shade on other faiths, I just love animals is all and I think they're a lot more intelligent than us most of the time. When you said the apparition looked gelatinous it did make sense but I don't know why. That was an amazing thing to have happen. It must have been maddening to have your sister not believe you and WOW how your dad surprised you with the most amazing experience! Honestly, I'm gobsmacked at his apparition. I too would like to think of this man as some kind of guardian.

Thanks again for sharing, wishing you and your dad all the best. ❤
Did your sister have any abilities. Some people have a line of spirits waiting to be heard. When Lake Texoma was filled many cemeteries were not relocated and were flooded over. There are some pictures from the 2011 drought from the Oklahoma side showing grave markers from the 1880s still standing in a flooded cemetery. It looks like property is around 20 miles from lake, did Iron Ore creek go through her property. Very interesting but also kind of disturbing encounters there with a group moving around. Also, Choctaw and Chickasaw and others were roaming this land before being forced onto reservations. Between the lake dead and Native dead who knows what's moving on that property. There sure is a lot working cemeteries on your side of the lake. Take Care
One last thing! I promise (fir tonightanyways! Lol!). There will be three experiences of mine on the five's issue. One's already posted. One's still waiting to be published.

(I sent it in yesterday morning around6:15 am), and the third experience of the "five's" issue will probably be written tomorrow and sent in. That second experience is taking them longer to approve than the first one.

To everyone,
I do have another experience still waiting to be published. It was one of my experiences that happened in five's. It happened in town at my dad's house. Something followed my from my sister's I think.
I really appreciate you taking the time to read about my experiences that mid day. I've had very few other unexplained experiences ever happen in the daytime. Thank you and you take care too!
I apologize for taking your comments wrong. I'm new to this site.

Also, for everyone... I have three more experiences that happened in five's at my sister's (used to be her property). I have many other ones. Just nothing else in five's. It repeated itself 3 different nights. It was like a recording. Sound by sound. I'll probably post that tomorrow.

I've been putting up fence today out here at my place on the lake. I'm old! Lol! Well,57. Anyways, going to shower and go to bed early. Thx for everyone's input and questions. I really appreciate it!
My sister and brother in law sold the house about 3 years ago. Someone bought it to "flip it". She told me she has heard footsteps and seen an old lady in the kitchen before. And my sister told me my niece was being touched a lot and my niece was around 16 years old at the time, very immature.

She sister said my niece was being touched a lot and she said my niece would go sit in her lap and my sister said she would start getting touched also with her in her lap. I was touched only one time, outside one night, during my living there.

It felt like a finger tip and it was on the side of my upper left arm like where you'd get a shot at the doctor. Firm pressure but not hard. Only lasted enough to push, then quit. Nothing else happened that night. Oh, my brother in law never experienced anything so he said.
Lady-Glow ---
Yes most of the spirits I had encounters with were playful jokers but I also had a couple of bad encounters as well including my husband and our cat. I'm going to post those stories on here shortly. I know the spirits try to communicate with my cat the most. I have a sage smudge stick but I can't light it in the hotel room. I've been wanting to smudge my rooms for a long time but there's smoke alarms in every room.
Seems like there's a lot of ghostly activities going on there, perhaps the history of the place would help in understanding why it's so haunted, and by the experiences you has, it sounds like there's more than one ghost there.
Considering what it was prior to the hotel that's there now, it's not surprising that there will be supernatural activity in and the surrounding area.
The activity seems harmless enough though, my guess is a few playful spirits are trying to have fun even in the afterlife.
Rajine in My Dad's Story
Hi DreamBird

I personally believe that every living being, from humans to the tiniest of creatures all have souls, that's my belief and I understand that not everyone will have the same opinion.

I remember when I was a teenager and I had this pet maltese/poodle and she unexpectedly passed away, it was very tragic and I was not fine at all, and a few days after that happened I saw an apparition of her (height, size, tail length, everything) just walk past me, it happened in the blink of an eye, but I know what I definitely saw and I stood frozen in the spot for a few minutes looking at the spot she walked to and vanished.

It's interesting what your dad had experienced, from the way you describe it, it doesn't seem bad, more like a guiding spirit rather.
Hi StarBird

You know the sounds and sights around you best, when you rule out the reasonable and logical then it's safe to say that what you experienced was supernatural, also I think it's a good idea to ignore the whistling sounds, should you hear it again in the future.
RCRuskin, nothing else weird happened after it seemed to calm down about an hour after the eclipse ended and stuff was back to normal so at least there was that.

Valkricry, Rajine, Linjahaha, it wasn't a bird, or a chipmunk. I'm familiar with the birds around the area here and it didn't sound like a bird, it sounded more like if a literal person was whistling to get your attention? The property is private property so no one else should be on it. We have little monitors that alert us if someone walks past them, and there's only two ways in and out of our wooded area. The entrance near the back of the property in the woods and the trail I came down on. I could see both from where I was at the time and I saw no one around me.
Jubeele in Wth Case Files 2
Val, you've got visitors! Your house probably has absorbed enough energy over the years to allow the occasional visitor to manifest. Plus, you've got the Sight to see them. I suspect the reason why most people are oblivious to the spirit world is probably for our collective peace of mind.

That man could have stepped through a glitch of some type. Perhaps a crack between worlds or time periods? A friend who taught quantum physics once explained to me about space-time continuum theory, in that space and time are interwoven, and time is not linear the way we usually perceive it.

The shirt button and plastic ball seem to be something that a cat might play with, and leave behind. If not Kirb, maybe another ghostie cat? Didn't you and Kirb once watched little white paws reaching up from under the table?

But no idea about the black goo. Except that it sounds quite icky. Like some ectoplasm or dark matter by-product thingy. Yep, that's a very technical term.

Sounds to me that someone is curious about the books in your place and is having a quick peek at them. Sometimes, I see a shadow flit by the corner of my eye (which could be an optical illusion) and get that prickly feeling that someone is peering over my shoulder as I type or read. Other times, I get the odd smells that tell me I have a visitor. Like smelling Estee Lauder's 'Beautiful', Miriam's favourite perfume after her passing, which I still do on occasion. Or the baby lotion scent last year, when I was knitting a jumper for one of the teddy bears.

Whatever the reason, it certainly reminds us that there's more to life than as we know it.
Sorry lwgrn4real66, I did not all intend on casting any negativity or doubt on your account.

I said that it veered into new territory, and it did, but I meant it in a positive way only. I truly enjoy reading most stories on this site but yours stood out with some new types of experiences such as the chorus of dogs, the multitude of voices outside, etc... And all in the daytime. Stories like yours really keep my interest.

With few exceptions I take these accounts at face value. The whole field has already "veered" from the "norm" so who am I to cast my doubts on these experiences. Besides all that, I have had my own occurrences that defy the status quo.

You lived it and were kind enough to share it and I thank you for it.
lwgrn4real66: This is a truly fascinating account. Apparently, your sister has just grown accustomed to it, I guess. I, certainly, wouldn't be.
Has she ever offered ANY explanation at all to you for what could be happening there, or why it could be happening? I look forward to any additional posts you submit to this site. Incredible read!

Take Care! 😊 😊
Her reaction at the time? Nothing! She's lazy.

She didn't get up out of the recliner to go to the room where I went into to experience that part. Not everyone present sees the activity. So they say.

I don't know any facts about who, what, or why about these kind of experiences. I just know EXACTLY what I've experienced. I do apologize for the last comment.
My sister's reaction? She knows her house is haunted. She told me she's seen and experienced things there before. An don't try to "Shrink" what I experienced. And veering to new territory rapidly? Guess you're just a skeptical. Who knows why these things make or don't make sense. But, Rhanks gor your input! Follow my other experiences I've had. All I know is what happened to me. I don't go off anyone else's experiences. Please let me know where you saw the experiences you're insinuating I copied. Thank You!
TheNewBritishMan in Graveyard And Bike
Hello there SJn85
Could you have inadvertently engaged the brake before you considered going into the graveyard?

Good story, I'm just a bit of a skeptic.
Many of the accounts on this site have similar themes to each other. Yours certainly has a few of those elements but then veers to new territory rapidly.

Wow! Very strange.

You say that your sister was present in her house at the time. You did not, however, mention her reaction. Was her experience the same as yours while in her house?

I am looking forward to your other accounts.
Welcome to YGS.

In my opinion, though unnerving, none of your experiences seem to be harmful or negative, perhaps one, or more, resident/s from the past are only following the routine they used to do while still alive.

Does your cat react to the activity?
Do you think any of these presences are trying to communicate with you?

Have you performed a blessing or a cleansing of your room/apartment?
I'm not sure if it would be possible or if you would be allowed to bless the whole hotel, but it would be worth to protect your living quarters, either by yourself or asking for religious help.

Thanks for sharing.
lwgrn4real66 in Haunted Encounter
I truly believe, "if you look for it,you'll find it"! I've had many, what I call "unexplained experiences" off and on through the years. No demons. Nothing ever tried to hurt me. But all of my unexplained experiences, I've NEVER, EVER messed with any of it! Meaning, what happened,happened. I never pursued any of it. I couldn't tell anyone what's out there, I just know what I've experienced.
lwgrn4real66 in Wth Case Files 2
Yes. Alot of experiences are overlooked due to being so unexplainable. You realize even though it may have seemed so real, and then you realized it wasn't. They're easy to get blown off... At the time!
lwgrn4real66 in Wth Case Files 2
I've been told by a true Christian man once that there are three "plains" that exist. We're on one of them, and he didn't say what was on the other two "plains" but he did say he had learned through studying the Bible that those 3 "plains" shouldn't be "mixing", but they are. Don't get me lying! I don't know!
lwgrn4real66 in Rum Runners Torment
God has a reason for everything. I've had many unexplained experiences before through the years. But I've been no saint along the way! Recently, with me, I'd get over one bad thing, and three more would happen. I got so tired of such bad "karma or bad luck", so tired of it! I'm not sure if any of it had to do with any of my experiences or if something could have been or still could be attached to me. But, like you, I just Recently gave my life to God and my bad luck and bad karma changed immediately! God bless you and your family...
I met my dad's doppelganger in the house one night walking passed me. No talking. No eye contact either. Strange! He had been in the restroom the whole time.
How's it going? You're not crazy or even just imagining those activities. I'm not sure if the meds are adding to it or not. I don't think they really would be. My experiences were weird also but some of them seemed to relate to stories or shows I've seen before. Just bits and pieces though. Some making perfect sense but still unexplainable. I'm not getting on one of my experiences I had, but in one of them, I would hear what sounded like people whispering outside at my camper windows and the sounds of knives scraping the windows at the same time while totally awake at night while watchingtv or whatever. Anyways, that's another story. I'm not sure why, who, or what any of my unexplained experiences were but it happened. So don't talk about meds or being crazy or whatever! I'm not sure what all is out there or why. Not sure I really "want" to either! All I KNOW FOR SURE THAT'S THERE, IS WHAT I EXPERIENCED! So, if I were you, sounds like yours was weird enough. Mine was. So I truly think you just had true unexplained experiences. GO WITH THAT. GOOD LUCK! Nothing ever tried to hurt me ever but if it does, I'll look for help for sure! You'd the same bro!
Hey Starbird,

I just wanted to let you know, that after reading your story and analysing all the comments, whoever it is, means no 'direct' harm. In my opinion, it may be a jinn or even an angel. I have had angel encounters in my life a few times but since this one has 'red eyes' i'm doubt it of being an angel. All I want to say is that you probably did something which hurt the being with the red eyes. In my religion, we believe that there are both bad and good Jinns. However, if we throw random stuff in random places, they could get hurt as they are unseen. It doesn't matter whether the Jinn is good or bad; if they get hurt they might want to take revenge or at least just let you know that you did something wrong. In order to avoid hurting someone, me and other people of my religion (muslims) just recite the phrase, "In the name of God" before pouring or throwing something somewhere, especially if it's outside the home.
There's nothing to be worried about but it would be great if you could ring up someone who knows about these unseen beings. Like, someone who can sense their presence and tell you about what it is actually there for.
However, the places that you're seeing this being might just indicate that this particular thing may be a bit harmful even if it can't directly get in contact with you. Notice too, that it is always outside your house, which may mean that your house is guarded by angels which is why it can never get inside. Also, please stay alert of the different smells you can sense around your house, especially outside. Although, it's better not to spend time outside the house during evening and the after hours. So I would highly suggest contacting some religious personnel who could help you further with this situation. As for now, stay safe.
Hi, Starbird: The whistling MIGHT be a bird, or even an animal. I know for a fact that chipmunks make a whistling sound to alert to danger, or to call to their young. However, the perpetual knocking has me perplexed. Hopefully nothing more than that comes of it. Good luck!

All the
Best! 🤔 😊
I've experienced the knocking on the doors a couple of times, and my stupid self opened it both times only to see nobody/nothing at all, this happened over a decade ago so thankfully I'm still fine and nothing bad has come of those incidents, I know it can be unnerving.

How best can you describe the whistling sounds you hear? Would you say that it belongs to a person or animal, the history of your house and general area might hopefully give you some insight. But like the other commenter's the whistling could be a bird.
Starbird, I wonder if the whistling you heard may have been a bird? I looked online, and it said that Maine has a number of birds that sound like a human whistling.
Even so, that doesn't explain the knocking.
Is the knocking on the screen door or on the door itself?
You might consider getting a house blessing done, in accordance of whatever faith you follow. Side note, even if you aren't a member of their church, most will still do this, and there usually isn't any charge for it.
valkricry in Wth Case Files 2
Rajine, not sure that 'grand' is how I would describe this house. More like farm or working class. Unlike what you see in the movies and on TV, not all Victorians have the large rooms, and sweeping staircases. There are a number of Victorian homes nearby. And some are very fancy, with gingerbread trim, turrets, and stained glass windows. Not to mention two sets of stairs, the more sweeping 'family' stairs at the front of the house, and the steeper, narrower servant stairs at the back - hidden from company.
I too wonder what these walls would say if they could talk. Most of them are still the original plaster and lathe, so they'd have witnessed a lot.
I should have skipped going outside to watch the eclipse myself. I live near the southeastern edge of totality in upstate New York. 100% overcast but I did catch a glimpse through a brief break in the clouds 15 seconds before totality.

But to the point of your experience, I read from many sources that animals would behave weirdly during totality. So how did things go for you during and after the eclipse? Did anything else weird happen?
Hey Rajine!
I don't really know 😕
But there is an urban legend that he was a victim in a gang fight and was shot by the police when he was trying to help an old man just passing by... I don't know if that is true or if that gang fight ever happened 🤔
After reading what you have written, maybe the family shouls consider some form of spiritual assistance. A prayer or a cleansing. I pray all works out for you and your family
Being a Victorian house over a century old, one can imagine how grand it must look, not to mention the amount of history it has, If only the walls could talk, I'd wonder what they would say.

Like you I also have what I call the "wtf moments" 😅
The illogical incidents could be resident spirits or passing by spirits or both, but at least they seem harmless and not menacing.
Hi again blosomes

I can imagine how strange it is to see him, definitely would creep me out as well, also I wonder what's the connection between him and the mall since he's only seen there...
valkricry in Wth Case Files 2
That's an interesting thought. I don't think pipes leave puddles of nicotine/tar, but would phantom ones? I don't know the history of these cabinets. They're rather newish. A contractor buddy of the landlord did a reno and installed these here. So, 'used' but new to me. Got some really nice counter tops too. This was 2 or 3 years ago now. But you bring up an interesting thought; could these cabinets and fixtures have brough their own spirits with them? Possible, right?
valkricry in Wth Case Files 2
Twilight - ectoplasm, can't say I've ever heard of it actually being found. I know, back in the day it was thought to be a substance that supposedly exuded from the body of spiritualists. Here's a very short, but interesting article on it:
I, myself, don't believe that all spirits are necessarily anchored to a particular place or item or even that they can't cross over. Although I'm sure it is the case for some. Perhaps the ones who pop up here, lived here at some point. Sure would be interesting if one that could speak would hang around long enough for a conversation.
Val, these be some WTH moments indeed. Don't think I'd be as calm as you if I opened my eyes to a stranger, even a polite one!
The sticky weird substance I thought might be something from the pipe smoker. Maybe where someone used to stash their pipe. Kinda sucks if you have to clean up after ghosts lol.

I'm really glad you compile these moments because it just goes to show how odd paranormal happenings can be and it's the oddness that so often leads to them being dismissed.
What a coincidence 😳
Since blue is not a natural color and in some culture it is supposed to be... Very holy? Ah... No, I don't know lol
I asked one of my local friends here they said the Ryokan I stayed was actually quite new but the location there used to be a dairy farm 🤔? Now, I don't think this information will have something to do with the boy...
Linjahaha in Historic Haunt
Tweed, Thanks for sending the link for the virtual tour. However, there are some items they didn't show. Like the display cases with the mannequins wearing the clothing, & the other artifacts. Maybe they rearranged them. I assure you those things were out when I worked there, but the State is running the show now as opposed to the historical society.
To everyone else: I'm so glad that you enjoyed the post, & even got a little history lesson in the deal. Like my former history teacher, Mrs. Kaji, would say-"How do you know where you GOING, until you know where you've BEEN?". She was a good teacher. Thanks to all for reading!

The Very Best! ❤ 😁
Twilight1011 in Wth Case Files 2
From the mystery substance, you found in your kitchen cabinet, I couldn't help but have ecto-plasam (I think that's how it's spelled 😅) cross my mind, but aside from seeing that type of thing in ghost movie's & show's, I don't know how real it is, in the real world, as to being a sign of the paranormal 😕 but I still wanted to mention. From what you said about having ghost, that just pass through your home, verses lives in your home, made me wonder if that's possibly some of our experiences in our home, that I haven't really considered before. I'm possibly believing we have a few ghost in our house, when in reality, I may have less, as the other's could just be popping in, every now and then. I can't believe I never considered that theory before 😅 Thanks for adding more to your WTH File's, as I enjoy reading your updates, about the odd activity you have around your home.
valkricry in Wth Case Files 2
No, RC, since 2020 there's been only me here. So when something is wonky, or weird and I can't contribute the cause to me or the cat... Gotta wonder.
RCRuskin in Wth Case Files 2
Just want to be sure but you don't have any roommates other than your elderly feline companion?

Certainly weird events to make you take notice. But the fisherman makes me wonder, how many timeslips might be ghost stories from the other time period?:)
Yes. That is one way to do rhymes.:)

You mention a mask with a blue feather in your house growing up as just decoration. But now I wonder more about the mask. But the mask, and probably some of the people who could shed light on it are no longer among the living, so answers are not likely.

And as I type this, a blue baseball cap sitting on the filing cabinet next to me fell off. Hm.
Hey Rajine!
Hmm... Not in my memories... But I did see him often back when I was in Brazil but never out of Brazil... Also he only appears at the shopping mall I always go... It feels really strange to see him around me 😕
"bound to have some residual energy replying itself"

It should be 'replaying itself'.
Rajine in Historic Haunt
Hi Linjahaha

This definitely qualifes for being creepy, seems like the spirits you encountered are earth bound due to their mortal attachments.
Rajine in Linkwood House
Hi and welcome K8lyn003

I know how hard it is when you experience something that defies all sense of reasoning and logic and when you try to tell someone about it they think you going crazy.

I have to agree with your mum, sometimes the more you pay attention to paranormal stuff, the more it will happen, I must say though, that your experiences are quite scary.
Hi blosomes

Has he presented himself or have you seen him prior to this incident? If no then I think he did go all the way to see/visit you.
Leeannheffernan in The Lore Of Texas Road
Hey old dude. I am wondering which side of the bridge you walked along to find the Alter stone.

Great writing!
Hey Twilight!
Thanks for sharing that! I do have Japanese blood in me, my father half Japanese half South American Tribal, my mother half Japanese half Taiwanese Tribal, so not too much of political problems (yup, no worries) am I a full Japanese then? Lol
Well my family did not really had a strong bond in Japan, when I first went to the immigration they didn't even know where my roots in Japan was (well it was obvious because my grandfather's side moved to Brazil like in Meiji Era, don't know about my mother's side... Probable much more complicated?) yea, we all had most of our life out of Japan...
Some reason I had chance to work here and here's my second life in Hokkaido. 😉

Anyhow, well I am sure that the " boy" was just trying to help and do no harm. The thing is I am not sure that if I am seeing the same being, he actually talked to the staff there so... I am really not sure 🤔
Welcome to YGS.

Hi love_ducks.

I can't help but to feel disturbed at the fact that your parents didn't rush your sister to the hospital or call an ambulance after she had stopped breathing. Was this an isolated incident or does your sister suffer of a chronic condition that causes frequent episodes of apnea and they are used to help her regularly?

Regardless of the answer, I wouldn't discard the possibility of your astral body warning your father of the danger whilst your physical body was resting rather than a ghost mimicking you in order to help.

Did your dog react in any aggressive way when your father took him to check the rooms after the sound of footsteps?
A house that old is bound to have some residual energy replying itself between its walls and, perhaps, those footsteps are just echoes from the past but not exactly mean that a ghost was walking around.

Other than your dad getting "thrown with his chair across the living room", the activity doesn't seem to be threatening. Did he get hurt?

The spirits staring at your closet and then disappearing makes me wonder if there's a portal in your room and you either are just witnessing these spirits go through or you might be a sensitive.

Have your family asked for any religious help or tried to perform a blessing or cleansing of the house? Now that you are older you could discuss this with your family and work together toward looking a solution to stop this situation.

In the meanwhile, you can pray and ask these entities to respect your space and to stop scaring you. I know seeing these apparitions must be unnerving, but they don't seem to be trying to harm you.

Thanks for sharing.
The_Lost_Voyage_11 in Historic Haunt
Another fascinating read Linjahaha, I enjoyed the history as much as I did the ghost encounters!

It sounds like you could easily slip back into this job as a tour guide at this place without needing any kind of refresher! I believe being a tour guide is much smoother and fun for people who really have an interest in the history of the place for sure! I've always thought it would be a blast to be a tour guide for the Titanic Museum on the other other side of the state, as I wouldn't really need any prep for that 😁

I enjoyed the bizarre encounters you relayed, especially the sighting in the study, I can only imagine you sighting a ghost in such a casual setting, as lounging in a favorite chair reading a good book! Tots normal!

Still amazes me what the older homes had. (I enjoy Victorian architecture as well, and also always loved the houses with towers on the side!) Nowadays you rarely find a home with a parlor anymore, unless it's historic!

All in all an incredible experience, so glad you shared!
Hi Brooke.

I have few, or maybe several, questions about your story.

"it walked weird, like as if it had more than one pair of legs but was trying to hide it to appear like it only had 2 pairs of legs"

Were the entity's four legs positioned like those of a quadruped, or were they lined up side by side facing forwards or one behind the other?

"his gatekeeper came back to him and my dad said he felt like his gatekeeper was limping"

Could you elaborate more about the previous statement? I'm asking because, in my opinion, if these beings had a confrontation it would have been in an energetic level rather than a physical one, hence my trouble understanding a spirit sustaining any kind of injuries.

"he felt like he needed to go back to the theater to retrieve his guides"

What would he had done in order to remove them from the place? I mean, it's not like one could grab a spirit by the ear or the arm and pull it away. Wouldn't it had been enough to invoke/call them for them to get out of the theater?

"This creature has been in your house, it has seen your children, and when you go back home you'll find that your oven is switched on because of it."

Did your father sense that something was off at home after the visit of this entity? He seems to be blessed with the help and protection of numerous positive spirits but, did any of them alert him of this negative intruder visiting his and your home?

"John, I can't leave this attic. There's spirits of kids in here and they're begging us to please not go. They're terrified."

Was your father aware of the presence of these spirits in the attic before the guest medium's visit? If so, have they tried to communicate with your father before?

What do you know about the history of the theater? Is there a motive that justifies the presence of the kids' spirits in this place?
Let's keep in mind that ghosts tend to stay attached to places where they experienced some traumatic event. Do you know if this theater was something like an orphanage or boarding school where children may have died in the past specially in a violent way?

In my opinion, it would be a good idea to stop the psychic nights and wait to see if the activity escalates or diminishes. Which makes me wonder if there's a link between these sessions and any increase on the frequency and intensity of the activity.

Have any one tried to leave a recording device during the nights when there's no one in the theater? Perhaps some EVP's could be capture and help to get a better picture of whatever happens when no one is watching.

Lastly, I agree with the previous posters advice, don't face this situation alone... Your father is a medium, not an exorcist.
Twilight1011 in Linkwood House
Welcome to YGS ☺ I don't mean this to come off wrong, but having to read your experience, with you calling your grandmother, mom, really started to confuse me, in certain parts of your experience. It's probably just me though. I know you said before hand, that you was going to call your grandmother mom, yet my brain refused to accept that apparently 😅 but I still understood what you was saying. Anyways, I agree with Tweed, on having a woman, performing some ritual, that you saw dancing around at the foot of your bed. When you described it, it made me think of the women in New Orleans, back in our history (maybe even still today as well), that did voodoo and whatever else, that involved rituals being performed, through dance movements. I'm not very educated in that stuff, so I apologize if I said anything wrong, in my description. But it sounds like a good bit of activity happening there. I had similar, but not as many, experiences like some of what you said, at my grandparents house as well. I haven't fully decided yet, if I believe it to be anything negative, at my grandparents home, but at least nothing seemed to harm anyone there. Like Tweed was also saying to you, I too believe from what you said about yourself, that you have special abilities, like of an empath, among other things. I consider myself an empath/clairsentient, as I've been experiencing the paranormal world since childhood, not understanding why I seemed to be so different from everyone else around me. Thank you for sharing your experience with us, as I really enjoyed reading about it. Oh, and I'm very happy to hear your dad denied you, to be able to use a Ouiji board, inside the home! That most definitely would have possibly made things much worse there.
The_Lost_Voyage_11 in Linkwood House
Hello K8lyn003, what a fascinating series of encounters, thanks for sharing! It sounds like your childhood was certainly spiritually active.

You have a gift, no doubt, and it can seem a bit much when one isn't trained in how to use it, it can be downright overwhelming.

I believe the term Tweed was looking for is Tulpa, which is when a thought form is heavily believed in, it can become real and take on a life of it's own. I'm not sure if this is what Alesha was or not. I also agree with Tweed on the tear you saw on that doll, I know it freaked you out, but I don't feel it was meant to, it was almost the same reaction a child would have when they get hurt.

Your stories remind me so much of my grandfather's old place which I posted about. They did play with a Ouija board there and it wasn't good, so I would heavily advise against that. If you're truly curious, beyond the history you already relayed you could research further back. There are also reputed psychics and mediums/groups that could tune in and share what they pick up on as well from the place. Like remote viewing, some don't even have to physically be at the location. I would do your due diligence and research as well if you utilize one's services in that capacity.

Either way it was an interesting read, I enjoyed the encounters you shared and wish you good luck!
I bet being able to live in Japan, and just have that whole scenery view of it all, is breathtaking 😄 I would love to go there someday, as my grandmother, who I was very close with (she was like my 2nd mother, helping raise me as a child 🥰), was Japanese, and had lived in Okinawa, before she meet my grandfather, when he was serving in the army. She was truly an amazing woman, and growing up around her, helped me see her Japanese side, making me love how it's culture seemed to be. With my grandmother being Japanese, and my grandfather American, that made my mother and her sister's, half Japanese, so then that makes me a quarter, ☺ and I truly cherish having apart of me. I do have family of my grandmother, that are living in Japan, and even had a cousin that decided to move there, when he turned 21 years old, and has been living there ever since, making a new life for himself there. Sorry to go on about all this, as it's not about your experience, I just wanted to say how much I admire, where you're living at right now. As for your experience though, I think it's amazing to have someone on the spiritual side, that's helping you, and looking out for you. I'm not sure if it's a spirit, or a Guardian, but whatever it is, I believe it means you no harm, and is only there to help you out, when needed. I think if you feel a connection, with it being the boy in the blue jacket, to trust your instinct. Thanks for sharing your experience with us, and I hope you figure out soon, who you believe it to be.
Linjahaha in Historic Haunt
Crimson, & Tweed: Thank you for enjoying the post. I, personally,
DID ENJOY working there.
It, literally, brought history to life in a whole new perspective.
The history books, back then, were rather boring, but BEING there, & touching those gorgeous gowns that Mrs. Garfield wore, touching the furniture, & actually feeling the atmosphere brought them to life. I loved the dinnerware, also, in the dining room. Beautiful Wedgewood, & Cloisenne China adorning the grand dining table, & cabinets. Wow!
That dinner bell was the only rub when little kids of the touring families began banging on it. Ouch!
I'm glad that I worked there It was truly a fascinating experience. If you have teenagers, encourage them to work as a tour guide in an historic setting. It's a terrific learning experience, & a great way to encounter people from, possibly, all over the world. I met families from Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Japan, & China. Just to mention a few. It's something that they won't forget. I sure didn't. Thank you so much for reading!

The Best
As always!
😁 😁
Hi RCRuskin!
Thanks for commenting! Don't worry about the rhyme, I know it was time. (Is it how you do rhyme?)
Well, I kind of agree on that this is just one-off events, true. I will need to be more aware of things around me first of all because reading my stories in my old account I seemed to have became "a boring person". Need to change that then I might see what really is going on around me.

Hello Tweed!
Blue... Not really,, but thinking of the tribal stuff from my grandma, I do remember a bluish feathered mask on the wall at the house where I used to grow up... Sorry not a person though. That mask seemed just to be a decoration in my knowledge.
Oh yes, everything was fine I was worried that they might take some of my money out but thinking again... I don't carry any cash with me because I am a beeper lol
robmkivseries70 in Gaping Black Holes For Eyes
[at] Different444,
I have a bit of a different take. The missing eyes would seem to be related to the ability of the ghost to appear. IIRC all your ghosts' were children. E.g. Sometimes people report a pair of legs walking around a 'haunted' location. Since you are/ were able to see the ghosts it would seem that you have some level of MEDIUMISTIC talent. The thing with the eyes, as black holes, is not really unusual. Whether it is related to your particular gift or a short coming of the ghost's abiltiy to appear I have no idea.

True ghosts, according to Hans Holzer, are entities who for some reason are stuck, "between worlds" in their location for some traumatic reason related to their passing. HTH
Oh man dream job sign me up! For anyone curious check it out (remove spaces if need be)


Thanks for sharing Linjahaha, this was a real joy to read!
Oh, I forgot to touch on Alesha. If she was an imaginary friend I believe it's possible to create some kind of 'being' just by putting time and energy into it. Some schools of thought term this a 'thought form' or a erg its like 1am here and I can't think of the other term for it. Well anyway, this might explain why Alesha disappeared when you stopped paying her attention. Or she may have been a once living soul. Either way it doesn't sound like she ever meant any harm.
Hi K8lyn003, thanks for sharing your vivid encounters. Not sure what your personal spiritual beliefs are but if you believe in psychic abilities it seems like you have them. These abilities can be hereditary and there are details in your narrative which suggest your mother shared this ability. Her seeing your father when he wasn't home could be her psychic link to your father, at least in that moment. Likewise your apologising to the doll and seeing a tear. Although it was frightening I felt a strong pang of bitter sweetness as I read that part and I find it very beautiful. I still talk to (so called) inanimate objects and always will. I also like to thank busted objects for their service before I throw them away. It's a nice way to be I think.

I'm not sure how you'd feel about being termed a 'sensitive' or an 'empath' or 'psychic' but sometimes putting a name to something can be liberating. I guess what I'm trying to say is not all unexplained encounters are evil. That said, trust your feeling about the home. If it feels depressive to you, trust that. I'm not anti ouija boards but I think using one in that house, with those depressive vibes, well not the best idea in the world.

I'm at a complete loss as to what the woman figure was doing at the end of the bed. I wondered if it wasn't some kind of tribal ritual, that's the only thing I could think of to explain the way she moved about. Fascinating stuff. But not so much when you're trying to get to sleep!

Thanks for sharing all these encounters, I've really enjoyed reading them. This site is a great place to share and exchange ideas about weird and wacky experiences so you've come to the right place, welcome!
CrimsonTopaz in Historic Haunt
What a learning experience it was reading this story.
You have so much knowledge on this museum, I reckon you can go back and pick up where you left off.
Sounds like some kind of guardian if the boy is paranormal. Does blue hold any significance for you? Was everything still in your wallet? Would there be any security footage of the front desk area where your wallet was handed in? I ask a lot of questions!

Very interesting experience blosomes!
Please keep us posted so we can figure out if the Boy in Blue followed you. (Did not mean for that to rhyme. Anyhow...)

One-off events don't convince me much. However, this did happen as you say. So it must be the boy came to at least visit you.
Freakyfilespodcast in Grandmotherly Touch
Hi we loved this story I was very close with my Nan. Do you mind if we share your story on our podcast? We would obviously credit you
Freakyfilespodcast in The Lady On The Abandoned Road!
Hey this literally sent shivers down my spine, would you mind if we featured your story in our podcast?
Freakyfilespodcast in What Is This Entity?
This is a really interesting read. Would you mind if we told your story on our podcast?
lol Lady Glow well I may have an update already.

Replying on phone sorry if this turns out unreadable
I've been streaming movies on the SBS on demand thing we have here. Last night and the night before there was a loud beep through the speakers while the film was playing. Both nights it happened once during both films. Movie sounds still present but a loud beeeeeep for about two seconds over the top, kind of drowning out the film sound.
Tuesday I watched Fargo (original movie) no beep.
Also Tuesday watched What's Eating Gilbert Grape. No beep.
Wednesday Kill Bill vol 1 one loud beep.
Thursday Kill Bill vol 2 another loud beep.
Tonight I didn't stream anything. Not because of beeps just wanted to sort through some books instead. If anyone in Aussie is streaming Kill Bill on SBS and recieving a loud beep please let me know. Otherwise maybe someone's trying to say hello. Don't know 🤷‍♀️.
lady-glow in New Home New Haunts
Hi Tweed.

Don't take me wrong, but I hope your house is haunted, that way we will be reading more of your always interesting, entertaining, well written and wonderful experiences!

Perhaps the spirit was aware of your sensitivity from the very first time you enter their space and was trying to get your attention.

Great read. Thanks for sharing.
I'm a little bit confused. First you say the knocking came from outside your window, but then you say, "Beside the window, or rather, a little in front of it, was a girl with long, dripping wet, black hair cascading down her face and body, basically hiding all of her from how long it was. She was wearing this worn-out white dress that ended on the floor." If she was outside your window tapping, how did you see how long her dress was? Am I missing something?
Sign Me Up: Did that ever happen before? You mentioned that your family has been going there for 5 years now. It seems rather strange that this would occur now, & not previously.
I agree with Rajine that it could've been a passing spirit. I hope that you do not encounter it again. If you do, try to remain a little calmer. I know. Easier said than done. Let it know that you are not a threat to it, but would prefer it go away to it's loved ones that are waiting for it. Gently persuade it. I'm not guaranteeing this will resolve it, but sometimes, a gentle persuasion is what it may need to hear. She may have been confused, or even asking for help. Who knows!
Good post, & I hope we've been even a little bit helpful!

Take Care!
😊 😁
Can't, the best answer I can give you is I'm really not sure. It all depends on the encounter and the elements surrounding it. Strictly speaking, is it a ghost story? Probably not. But does it fall under the category of paranormal? Absolutely. I say send it on in, and I'll see if it works?
CantunSEEit74 in Ironing Board & Drowning
Val Are UFO stories accepted. Under spiritual encounter?XOXOXOXOXOXO
Hello Granpaul,

Scary stuff.

Limey has some good questions.

Are you still around? It's been a few weeks since this post was published, but I was wondering what's going on there now with the new residents.

Thanks for sharing.
Linjahaha in New Home New Haunts
Hi, Tweed, Linjahaha here! I enjoyed your narrative, & am glad, for your sake, that it appears to be harmless. Hope it stays that way for you.
I'm glad that you read my account about the new rental house with a ghost. The landlord never acknowledged to the young couple that there was any paranormal activity going on, but I believe that he was well aware of it to begin with. The rent was extremely reasonable for such a lovely house. That was the initial warning sign. Caveat emptor-Buyer beware. A truer word was never spoke. However, it did all work for for them in the long run. I really hope that all goes very well for you in your new home. Please, keep us posted. Once again, a good read!

Take Care! 😆 😁
Hi StarBird,

Sorry this is happening it sounds very creepy. However these red eyed beings have been freaking people out for years and years. Honestly if you click around on this site you're bound to find loads of other experiences similar to yours. Good news is nothing bad ever happens to the people experiencing them. They seem to want to observe but that's all. Personally I feel they're nature spirits, some kind of guardian of wooded areas. You'd be surprised how often people see them in rural or garden settings. Most of the time people call them shadow entities or shadow beings or shadow people. They're often reported as tall, with long 'shadowed' bodies and red glowing eyes. I saw something like this a few years ago I would describe what I saw as having a dark 'smoke' like body and slightly glowing red eyes, not super bright like others have described. This entity was inside my home. But I wasn't freaked out. (I'm a bit of an oddball like that.) What was curious about my encounter was the face of the being started to morph into that of old teacher. Said teacher passed away about a year after my encounter. My feeling about that was this entity was trying to tell me this person was ill and that I should contact them before its too late. But I made that connection years after the fact. I believe the entity entered my home because it was aware I talk to the trees it was connected to. (I'm an oddball remember)

I don't know what the entity in your area is up to but maybe it mimics your movements because its curious you can see it. I got the impression from my experience that eye contact is their strongest form of communication with us. As Twilight says as long as you're cool with nature your red eyed being should be cool with you.
I suppose even resident spirits are concerned about who will be roommates with them, from the looks of it 😅, but I'm glad that everything seems to be calming down.
Hi Sign_Me_up

Have you ever experienced anything after this incident? If not then perhaps it was a passing spirit, certain entities feed of people's fear, as hard as it is in such situations, try not to show fear.
Hi H0ph4t,

Sounds like some kind of thought-form, not a nice one though. I got the impression it saying 'GET THEM OUT' was this thing begging your dad to get the spirits doing the banging out, not that it was doing the banging itself. Trust your father's instincts about this entity. Whoever was doing the banging might have been attempting to get rid of the thing your dad saw.
Keep yourselves and your home cleansed and shielded. The theatre, being a large venue filled with many different energies, will be harder to cleanse and shield by yourselves. I suggest your family get as many open minded folk as you can muster to do a group cleansing of the theatre. It sounds like this entity has been dwelling for a while so you might need to do a few group cleansings to disperse the negativity and restore calm. Make a note of the date this happened. It might be activated or stronger at this time of year. It would be great if your father could communicate with the children spirits. But perhaps right now isn't the best time to do this. Sorry this has happened, don't let it get in the way of your youth theatre school, that sounds like a heap of fun!
Rajine, definitely a bit more than I bargained for lol. I think they're pretty harmless whoever they are. Things seem a lot more settled so far, paranormal speaking at least. These ghost/s might have been concerned about who was going to be living here and decided to act up.

Twilight, I love the thought of someone sighing because they were fed up I wouldn't take them seriously lol that's a really cool theory and makes a lot of sense. It's very possible they were trying to warn me of a couple of serious faults with the place. Which brings me to an update of sorts. This week it rained really hard here and the freaking roof leaked all over my recording equipment. To say I'm angry is putting it mildly. I put the estate agent on blast for this. The other little chestnut unearthed was when the electrician said the place has no darn safety switch. Which the estate agent said they hadn't received the report for. Estate agent put on blast for a second time. Safety switch was installed today and the roof is being fixed as soon as the weather dries up. I can't believe the landlady and her family who lived here before me didn't know about the leak because it's HUGE. All the rain from the other day has pealed off what looks like a cheap patch job of wallpaper over old water marks. It leaked from the light bulb, the roof and the wall in one room creating a pond on the floor. Unfortunately I didn't know until after it had been raining super hard for about six hours on my desk with my expensive kit on it. Such is the state of renting in these modern times. A lot of sharks out there. Ghosts I don't mind. It's the living I can do without. On a lighter note it's really cool to be here again. So maybe said ghost/s were trying to warn me of the faults? Don't know, that'd be nice though.
AussieRedDog: Wow! This is a good account of a spirit that is probably completely unaware that he is 1-not living, & 2-going on with a routine that was significant to him when he was around.
There is a 3rd, & 4th possibility: 3-It is a residual haunting just playing out like a loop on a tape recorder, or 4-He may be hoping someone will figure out who killed him to give him some justice.
Nothing etched in stone here, but just some possibilities to consider. It's interesting what you discovered regarding the event that took place there in the past. Quite interesting that you learned some background about the area.
This was a very interesting read, & I love your Aussie slang. Honest!

Take Care! 😊 😁

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