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Ghost stories comments: Page 10

Amchi1986 in Shadow Of The Devil
No I actually saw the shadow. Only me and my cousin sister were sleeping in that room.
I suppose when you tempt fate, it'll deliver. But why would only one room have supernatural activity and not the rest of the house? If you can share the experiences of your other family members it would be great.
lady-glow in Shadow Of The Devil
It might have been sleep paralysis.
Did all your relatives see the same thing?
I think you are exaggerating the event... Even if it was paranormal doesn't sound like a life threatening experience.
Vonakrolinas in The Dripping Wet Shadow
Since nobody seems to know this, or wanted to say this, B.S! Might have been believable until the helicopter. The police do not send out the helicopter because of some scared kids. Nice try, though. Also, that "ghost" in the picture could be literally anything other than a ghost.
Well, my honest opinion on this story is that the creature was none other than a Jinn. I understand that you're agnostic but that's what I as a Muslim believe in and I myself have heard various stories about them, might as well have had minor encounters with these beings. The Jinns are said to be creatures just like us humans, consisting of both good and bad. The bad ones however, like to disturb normal civilians and cause destruction. Hope this helps. Peace.
RCRuskin in Back From The Dead
Thank you, Val. There are some other comments on this story that probably deserve the same treatment for the same reason.
valkricry in Back From The Dead
It's painfully obvious that the commenting guidelines are not being read by some of you. "... People publishing their stories deserve to be addressed with respect so this web site can be a safe haven for people wanting to share their experiences. If you disagree with the authenticity and the veracity of a story, you can express your opinion, as long as it is respectful ("I have an another theory for what happened", "I do not believe this to be true because...", etc). However, you cannot be abusive toward the author ("your story is lame", "you're a liar", "you're wasting our time", etc)."
If you commented and it disappeared, I probably deleted it for those reasons. Your comment was tantamount to bullying and totally uncalled for. Here's a novel idea, if you do not like stories by a particular Poster, you just bloody-well don't read it. Questioning a story is fine, explaining WHY you find something difficult to believe is fine, but doing so cruelly is NOT fine.
CantunSEEit74 in Thinning The Veil
Kksharp71 Your alone at the kitchen table when in comes this horrible dude I can't stand. Please Tell us about your relationship with roger. I am happy for you that you are in a better state of mind now. Most of this seems to have happened in 2011, have you had any other experiences, visitations of that nature recently. When They said to you, you look like you seen a ghost, did you notice anything different about their looks, healthy, half dead, sounded like driver was being cocky, or did he say it in a caring way. How did you read their faces, up to no good. The very young seem to be put back into the system for reincarnation fairly quickly so if that driver that talked to you at the pump was in his early 20s and roger killed in his 20s in 2011 roger at the gas pump should be right around 40 give or take and killed young people. Did you hear anything about the deaths he committed. This is just my opinion of the afterlife.
Kksharp71 in Thinning The Veil
Thanks, all, for your never again thought of taking my was years ago. But thanks. And...I'm trying to address questions... I have no idea the murder victims age. No not at all. After my experience I no longer think people are crazy and I do listen to them! Lol... First song I played? The Byrds. Mr Tamborine Man
Hi Kksharp71

I believe that your dad is always around guiding you, it seems to me that you have/had some issues, I do hope that you are now in a good space, mentally and emotionally, but talking from personal experience and loss, I know that life can be really, really hard and some days you just feel like giving up, but remember that it's only when you at your lowest do you realize how resilient and strong you are.
Linjahaha in Thinning The Veil
Kksharp: Welcome to the site. This is a very touching account, but I honestly believe that your Dad would be 'very' upset, & disappointed in you if you take your own life. I'm sorry for your loss. Believe me, "I" know the feeling. I lost my dear husband some years ago, & just lost my father last year. I know 'that' kind of pain.
After the loss of my husband, I contemplated taking 'all' of his muscle relaxer pills-he needed them for a bad back. However, as I'm looking [at] the bottle of pills, I, 'very clearly', 'heard' him say "Come on Sweetie. You 'know' that's 'not' the answer. C'mon, you're stronger than that. I love you, & you'll be alright!". I heard him like he was right beside me talking. Honest.
It's tough being left behind, but 'they' would 'want' us to be strong, & continue on 'for' them.
I, like you, play my guitar in memory of my husband. We were musicians, & often played together. Every time I play, I 'feel' he is right there with me.
Keep playing. It will help you, & is very therapeutic. Trust me, I know.
As for the reincarnated victim. I dunno' about that. However, I have an open mind in regard to those subjects.
However, it would appear that something positive has come out of your circumstances. Just keep playing, & healing for your Dad's sake!

Sending you the
Very Best! ❤ 😊
CantunSEEit74 in Back From The Dead
On the first page of this site, it states share your ghost story. YOUR GHOST STORY, YGS. YOUR! Not everyone else's stories. There are many Immediate family stories here that are shared but do you really feel anybody should have over 10 stories that they were not present at or did not witness themselves. That person should join this site and participate in the discussions and share their stories.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
Ok people if I am going wrong I am sorry. I have just narrated experiences which I and people known to me have had.
lady-glow in Back From The Dead
Freakedoutfreddy has a point, - what was the cause of death?
It is not unheard of people waking up after being pronounced dead.

As for what the man did once he enter his house, there's no way to know. Neither the three workers nor the OP were there to see what really happened.

"people do correct me if I am going wrong. Sorry once again."

In my opinion, it's wrong from you to retell stories that you haven't witnessed without asking more information from the people who experienced them. And this has been brought to your attention more than once but you have done nothing to improve your work... And keep on submitting poorly detailed and incomplete narratives.

"who wants to read more stories from this poster."

Personally, it's not like I wouldn't want to read anymore stories, but definitely would like to see better quality on his work... You can do better.
freakedoutfreddy in Back From The Dead
The only spirits I see in this story are the ones the morgue workers drank. What was the cause of death? Maybe the dead body was in catatonic state, woke up and went home to pee behind the bushes.
I propose a social experiment, ask who wants to read more stories from this poster. 😉
CrimsonTopaz in Thinning The Veil
I'm sorry for your loss. It's always hard losing a parent. But please don't think of taking your life again. I'm so glad you are spiritually connected with your dad and you can play music through him. Music is very therapeutic to listen to and so enjoyable learning how to play.
You have so much ahead of you, and hopefully music will keep you company along the way. Be strong, and be everything you desire to be.
I'm sending you positive energy and a big hug.
CantunSEEit74 in Thinning The Veil
Kksharp71 Very interesting life experiences, 41 years a truck driver the things that man has seen. Very sorry for your family' loss and his last 6 months that would really hurt my heart. Maybe now you're a beacon of light for spirits and they want to tell you their stories so you can help them find justice. I throw people out of my house for this crazy talk. If they are not threatening you and they are not acting crazy, have you tried to listen and maybe try to help them or do they seem demonic or untruthful. Your father would be so mad you are sitting next to him in the beautiful garden, and you got a flipping hole out the back of your head and chunks of bone stuck in your hair. You have shown a weakness and now you must get rid of all guns. I own no guns. Please fill us in on the crazy stuff.
RCRuskin in Thinning The Veil
Hi, Kksharp. Welcome to YGS. I'm the open minded skeptic. I believe people see what they say they see but not always that what they say they saw is what was actually there. If that makes any sense.

So first off I'm wondering, how old was the reincarnated murder victim that approached "Roger"? I'm just guessing that 20 years, at least, had passed between the murder and the chat about the murder.

Did your friend take your advice and go to see her father?

Assuming you remember, what was the first song you tried to play on your father's musical instrument?
CrimsonTopaz in Back From The Dead
Lovely Lady Glow,
I take responsibility for increasing karma points to all kinds of comments, be it repetitive or containing a bit of 'tit for tat'.
I know my sister also does this, we read a comment, then we give it a karma point, minus or plus, whichever we feel appropriate.
That way we know we've read the comment, as well as it being our system of voting based on the substance of the comment.
Sometimes some posters get picked on, which is sad, and other times they post stories that are just that, stories which our loyal and knowledgeable members debunk.
Hopefully that explains my contribution to the mystery of karma point
Linjahaha, funnily enough I did a few days back. There was a bus crash back in the early 30s that killed twenty kids and the bus driver, and teacher, who were coming back from some excursion and went over a drop. The driver WAS NOT drunk, so where this drunk bit came from, I have no idea. It's a nasty bend I have to say. And I believe over the years there'd been several cars that crashed coming around that bend. Dunno if any fatal like the bus.
Happy New Year! I'm smiling. It is a very cute bathroom, but not that elegant, I just love "antiquing" as often times the old stuff (rewired) is much less expensive than the new stuff and more dependable as well! My bathroom is a shabby chic style, so lots of white wood and gold/brass stuff painted white.:)
AzeemahFJ in Fiji Night
I'm sorry, what country do you claim you went to? Fiji? Because I'm Fijian and there is no city called Jahovas San Clemente here. From the sound of it, based on description and names, this certainly isn't Fiji.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
I will help you my dear friend. Just keep on asking questions, whichever come to your mind. I will definitely reply.
RCRuskin in Back From The Dead
Thanks for your answer. I just read up on Hindu beliefs and practices about death, and now realize my questions are better directed to the deceased's family.

I'm pretty certain neither you nor your uncle could help further.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
They were hindus. And we hindu people cremate our dead bodies.
RCRuskin in Back From The Dead
Amchi, I'm still trying to figure out what questions I would like to ask your uncle. Some depend on answers to other questions, though. Happily, one of my questions was already asked and answered. As they neared the house, the corpse itself apparently got up and went to visit, but the occupants of the house reported no one came in. And this was the address the body was to be delivered.

What religion did this family practice? There are many religious and spiritual traditions in India, so I'm wondering what beliefs and behaviors were involved.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
See friends if you feel that I have angered you all Or hurt your feelings I am really sorry for that. My intention was not to hurt anyone. If you readers feel that I am going wrong somewhere, just correct me. Would be extremely thankful to you all. Take care. May God bless you and your families.
AzeemahFJ in Calls By The River
Hi there. I'm a local too and would be very eager for you to reach out to me so we can discuss some of your experiences. My email is on my profile.
AzeemahFJ in The Walkng Dead
Any idea which road it was? I'd love to go investigate other similar stories from the area.
I have to admit this story is really bizarre, I'm having a hard time believing it, I get that it's not your personal experience but do you think perhaps it's just a tall tale?
That's very strange and creepy, I wonder if what you and your gran experienced is the same entity.
lady-glow in Back From The Dead
Attention all.

It's obvious that we are dealing with a troll... Just look at the way good comments have been down voted while irrelevant and repetitive ones are getting positive points.

Sadly history is repeating again and unfortunately it has to happen again with a poster from India.

We have seen this pattern in the past, possibly created by a person or a group of people with too much free time and little to do other than trolling this forum.

I'm sure the moderators will put a stop to this circus.

In the meantime, please stop feeding the trolls.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
My intention was not to hurt anyone's feelings on this website. Sorry. It won't take place ever again.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
Friends I am really sorry if I have hurt you or hurt your feelings. I am sorry friends. This will never take place ever again. Sorry, people do correct me if I am going wrong. Sorry once again.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
Sorry if I hurt your all people's feelings. Really sorry. This won't take place never ever again.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
Cantun, please don't think this way and get angry for no fault of mine. We have a huge family background both from my mother's and father's side, so let me clear this fact. So don't feel angry at me, just clarifying my comment. Take care. May God bless you and your near ones.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
I have many uncles and aunts my dear friend, both from my mother's and father's side, since they both have a huge family background. Sorry if you mistaken me. Will answer all your questions
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
Ok I am sorry. Ask me now. I am free. Sorry if I hurt your feelings
CantunSEEit74 in Back From The Dead
At the rate you are going you're going to need your own website and you should not give answers to stories that are not yours. Usually if you call out the Yarn spinners they will stop and go away but you will not stop. You cannot believe everything your told let alone put them on this site. I really want to know how many relatives you have so if you have 6 aunts and 6 uncles each will have 6 stories. So 12 relatives X 6 stories from each relative let's see now 12 x 6 is way too many secondhand stories that you will also be commenting on and you were not there to witness and we haven't even mentioned all the second cousins. I feel they should not print another of your fabrications unless you're in the story. At least it will be coming straight from the horse's mouth. Ok I am done BITXHING.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
Yes rcruskin you can. But I will reply to them, only when I get time as currently I am busy with work. You can just make a list of all your questions, rather than asking one by one. It would be better for you and me, so I can answer them in one go, whenever I find time from my work. Take care. May God bless you and your family always. Bye for now.
RCRuskin in Back From The Dead
I can quite agree with the stay away from social media attitude. And I am on some [un]social media...

Would it be possible, with permission from you and your uncle obviously, for me to ask some questions and he answers?
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
Sorry friends my uncle always keeps away from social media. And can I say something if you don't mind Mr poliexterly
It is not like that as if I have a answer for everything, I have just spoken the entire story as it happened with him and his friends. Please don't misunderstand me. I have spoken what is the truth.
TravisCannabis in Back From The Dead
Really dude, don't your uncle know there's social media? 🤔 🙄
PoliexterLy in Back From The Dead
My friend Amchi, you always seem to have a convenient answer to everything. Even if it's not the most convincing
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
See, my uncle left this area where we stay and now stays far away from here. I don't know much more about the above mentioned question, I only have the information which he told me and I don't know about other things. Just want to know reader's opinion on this story, based on the story I have written.
CantunSEEit74 in Back From The Dead
Amchi is this uncle still alive. How long was dead body at morgue, did they clean him after he relieved himself of solids and fluids when we pass, no body bag? Was ambulance refrigerated, did they mummify him so he could lay around the house I know some religions burn their dead, and some push them into the river. If uncle has passed than you cannot answer these.
RCRuskin in Back From The Dead
It is a thing I say often, and I say it again here. I want to know more. I want to hear so much more of the background on this case, and then I want to ask a lot of questions.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
My uncle and his friends were going to the same place where they were supposed to deliver the dead body, he says when they were nearing the place, some ten fifteen minutes prior to their respective destination, the body started making movements. Before that every thing was going finely and my uncle and his friends were happily talking with each other.
Amchi1986 in Back From The Dead
My dear lady glow, he was not the driver of the ambulance. And even if he he and his friends had really had lots of alcohol, until this date he and his friends still clearly remember the face of that dead man so freshly as if he was related to them and can describe it so clearly that they can even tell a sketch artist and get it finely done.
lady-glow in Back From The Dead
Also, I find this part confusing:

"were on their way to deliver the dead body to its destination, when suddenly it started making movements by itself!"

"Stop your ambulance here. I want to visit my home."

Did the man ask them to stop at the same address they were meant to deliver the body, or were these two different places?
lady-glow in Back From The Dead
It was very unprofessional on their part to drink during work hours, and very irresponsible to drive under the influence of alcohol.

Perhaps they hallucinated the event, perhaps the spirit of the man really asked to stop at their relatives' place. One thing is for sure, the involvement of alcohol gives the whole experience some degree of questionability.

I hope your uncle decided to make better choices as for when and where to drink alcohol.
CantunSEEit74 in Room 113
Ragine Will never really know, but what a great place to be a wandering spirit always somebody new renting a room. Most people are not into ghosts, or the likes and the staff probably keep spirit stuff quite. It is too far a drive to take my equipment and try to communicate with it and it may not show at that room. Tomorrow is Christmas and I will be using my rem-pod and SBox and see if my Mom stops by. Her b day was oct 3 and myself and wife got great and quick and crackling responses on rem-pod asking her questions and wishing her a happy b day. And I will ask if any other friends are visiting. She passed in 1999. Happy holidays to all.
Rajine in Room 113
Perhaps it must have been a passing spirit, since you mention that the bed is very secure and various people never heard of or experienced anything out of the ordinary in that room (they could be lying, I'm assuming but if not then, oh well...🤔) or what if it was something that followed your'll and spent the night...😳
This has helped me, thank you! I've saved and read your story many times. Bless you, hon!
CantunSEEit74 in Room 113
RC Thats what I mean NO box spring only big mattress and springs 4 inches long holding 1/2 inch metal bands corner to corner and length wise like the old-style hospital frames you see laying around on ghost hunting shows. A very smart idea for hotels one less thing to break and replace and it was a firm mattress, and I woke feeling great. A physic told me always go with your gut instinct. I say it was a spirit visitation. Could you imagine a 200 room motel all with this bed system and 200 people mulling around check-out counter every morning complaining their mattress is ALIVE.
RCRuskin in Room 113
Being you are a metal fabricator, you do know more about this stuff than I do. I only took a course back in middle school, sometime in the last millennium. Just want to ask if you checked under the box spring?
CantunSEEit74 in Room 113
Yes it is kind of a head scratcher. And I must apologize it was May not March and puppy was 8 months old. I should pay better attention to my wife on times and dates.
AussieReddog, this sounds like a possible residual haunting. I'm no expert, but I'm aware of such things. Yet, the little boy 'seems' to be an intelligent haunt. Like he wants his story told.
Apparently, you are not the only person that has seen this. Have you learned anything else about the area itself?
This was a very interesting read. Thank you!

All the Best! 😁 😁
Linjahaha in Room 113
Cantuseeit, I have never 'heard' of such a thing. Except, of course, in a haunted room.
Did you ever 'hear' anything about it's past. Like something terrible happening there, etc.?
If you're a metal fabricator you should 'know' what can, & cannot happen with something like that.
I wish I had an answer for you, but this has me scratching my head!

Take Care! 😲 😲
Hi anjarey

Animals are known to see what we cannot, also they great at sniffing out the good vs bad guys (alive and otherwise) so as long as you have doggys approval I think it's all good.
Hi AussieRedDog

I previously just finished a tragic story regarding a child spirit and now I read yours 🤦‍♂️, it's quite sad especially since it could have been prevented if the driver wasn't drunk, I think this kid is still looking for his way home.
It's kind of tragic especially since the spirit is a child, I hope this child spirit eventually moves on to somewhere beautiful.
CrimsonTopaz in Playful Resident
That's really scary.
Thanks for the translation.
Hi KnightRaven,

Thanks for sharing this and it's great your wife was able to get some answers. Can relate to how you describe seeing the woman half with your eyes and half with your mind. Total mind bender and all the more bizarre that you were able to get a confirmation about the woman's history there.

I'd guess that plumbing was already dodgy before you moved in. But you may have guessed correctly that the woman was readying for a shower or bath. Perhaps the plumbing in your time was compromised because of whatever plumbing was there in her time. I mean as in a cheap, shoddy patch up job somewhere down the line that people were putting up with years later. In all the time I've been here I've never heard of exorcising a toilet, that was quite a surprise!

Thanks for sharing and please post anything if you find out more. Very interesting experience, it sounds like a nice community too.
robmkivseries70 in Back To Where I Am
Ask your sister if she was thinking about the snacking whilst at work, that could explain the Doppelganger that you saw.
nesty_khuletz in Playful Resident
I am sorry for the confusing statement at the end.

What I mean in "Yung nag pepest control nga kahapon huminto sa ginagawa dahil daw dun sa tumatakbong bata." is, since we are conducting company's pest control program every first Monday of the month, one of those staffs from the pest control services who conducts routine walk-through around plant (who happened to have open third eye also), told us he stopped spraying because he saw a child running.
nesty_khuletz in Playful Resident
Hello lady_glow, thanks for reading.

Actually there is one reported death, but of an adult man, who fell and suffocated. We do not know if a child died there, but we sure are aware that before the company grounds were built it was an open grassy area.

Actually we do not know if a yearly mass offering for different celebratory occasions has helped these spirits.
CrimsonTopaz in Playful Resident
Nesty Khuletz,
I don't understand the paragraph at the end of your story. Philippines, I presume. I don't know why this spirit is playing near your computer only that the spirit is trying to tell you something. Maybe, somehow guide you to a link, news story, or article that associates with what happened.
Thanks for sharing.
RCRuskin in Playful Resident
Uh... What? Google translate reports "Those who did pest control yesterday stopped what they were doing because of the running child."
lady-glow in Playful Resident
In my opinion, the spirit could be a little kid that didn't know where to go after their passing, perhaps even unaware of their death.

Do you know the history of the building? Perhaps it has served different purposes in the past and the ghost is a previous resident trapped or attached to the place.

Do you know if someone has ever tried to help him to move on? It's possible that the only thing he needs to move on is a little push on the right direction.

Thanks for sharing.
[at] Rajine yea that's what i'm thinking as well and like I said, my dog seems to like whoever is playing with her... She doesn't like everyone.

[at] Linjahaha Merry Christmas to you! I'm happy that so far we didn't get chased out or something.
KnightRaven in The Haunting On Midway
Sure, go ahead. When you're done send me a link to the video. 😊
Hello HiloHaole,

This is such a sad out come.

How long did it take to track down the family.

My thoughts go out to them. It must be very heart breaking to find out their infant was put in a bag under a tree to be forgotten.

Thank goodness you persevered and found the poor little girl, may she RIP.

Best wishes, M.G
It seems that both the lady who passed away and dog has an attachment to the house, but it's good that you don't get a menacing feeling from your experiences, I suppose she's just making sure that her house is in good hands and will probably leave in time.
valkricry in Love You Boy
Hi Tweed! Just thought I'd let you know that link does work as is. It's good to 'see' you!
Tweed in Love You Boy
Thought the good folks of YGS may find this interesting. It's the origins of The Rainbow Bridge. It's quite the eventful journey. With one beautiful woman behind it all.

Https:// -bridge-the-true-story-behind-historys-most-influential-piece-of-animal-mourning-literature/

By sheer coincidence I found this not long after my cat passed away. Became randomly interested in whatever may be behind The Rainbow Bridge verse, so went a-searchin'. Oddly enough the truth behind it all had just been unearthed as it were. Cool beans. Kept meaning to post it here, but I guess better late than never. Sorry if someone's already posted this somewhere

(Oops no, link drama ensues. You'll have to remove the space between 'rainbow -bridge' in the link. YGS wouldn't let me post the long link)
😲 I remember you, Roylynx or something like that! I only recognised who you were because of Henrique! It's nice to see you around here again!

Sorry I don't have anything to add to your experience here that hasn't already been covered by others. Just wanted to say hi more than anything. I like RC's time slip theory, good idea to be aware of your sister eating rice snacks.
Hi RussLesco,

Was Trooper a bloodhound by chance? Apparently bloodhounds have a ramped up sense of smell compared to other dog breeds. Maybe this is true for all dogs in the hound family. Anywhoo it might explain why Trooper was tetchy about the room. I'd be willing to bet it was something paranormal he was picking up on. Dogs love exploring they don't just not enter a room without a very good reason.
SpookyGrrl in Night Knocker
Hi, LadyMonticello! I have a podcast in which I narrate ghost stories to music and special effects. I know it's been a few years since you posted this so hopefully you will see my message. I'd love to showcase your knocking ghost story. Let me know!:) ❤
robmkivseries70 in The Lime Tree
Well written story, sometimes the recovery is enough. Did the manifestations, smells, visual and humming go away after the recovery?
isaacjerome in The Haunting On Midway
hey can I use this story for my video I will give you credits 😲
Anjarey, this is an interesting account that you have. I'm glad, for your sake, that you aren't having difficulties, or feeling uneasy.
My late husband, & I lived in a very haunted house almost 50 years ago now. It was a very traumatic time period for us. We ended up being chased out, & never went back. Sometimes it's just better to get out all together. That's exactly what we did.
As long as you have no issues with it, just maybe you 'can' cohabitate. Good luck to you, & it was an interesting read!

By the way-
Have a great Christmas! 😊 😁
TravisCannabis in The Unholy Night
Jeez bro! That's exactly what the other dude means. U have written a lot of stories but only a few have happened to you. 🙄 😁
AnonMirrorBoard in Disturbing Audio Evidence

Boston and its greater area have such an insane amount of history! What's funny to me though is that lately (I could be wrong, just an observation), that the metro west/ Wistahhhhh areas are busy and more active. Not that I have an actual clue as to why. We fully intend on revisiting locations we've tried before with our newer method. My partner is absolutely something of a spiritual empath whereas I'm just a grunt lol. These small towns go unrecognized but have deep stories, it's intriguing!
Very interesting story! I grew up in the Boston area and with all that history, there's bound to be ghosts everywhere. There is a really creepy old cemetery in Marlboro, MA called the Goodale Cemetery. It is a small family plot located oddly enough, in a modern residential area. Might be worth investigating. If I remember correctly, the headstones are from the 17 & 1800s. I had a strange experience there while walking by one night in the late 1990s. Thanks for your account! It's always fascinating to hear things caught on a recording.

BeingStupid_666 in The Evil Ghostly Dog
Hi Amchi
Is This the Same dog which acted with Jackie Shroff in the 90s 😐
BeingStupid_666 in The Haunted Jungle
Hi Amchi
Is it possible that Spirit can't see through BLACk tints
Will They require a GPRS to reach a Destination? 🤔
Amchi1986 in The Unholy Night
I have written two to
Three stories on my experience. Just check them out. Don't jump to conclusions without reading all my stories.
The man in the top hat sounds ominous, what if he is not the spirit of someone deceased but something else instead?
Pelatiah, a chandelier in the bathroom? That must be one elegant bath. (My baths can be best described as 'functional'😆 So you might detect a wee note of envy there.)
I agree with you though. It certainly sounds to me that GVC8's seemed friendly.
Of course, as RC points out, there could be other explanations.
CantunSEEit74 in The Unholy Night
Amchi1986 You have 15 stories on this site and 10 of them are other peoples stories. Please bring your own experiences to the table.Itttssstttooommuucchh.
blosomes in Back To Where I Am
CoddyG 🤔
What reaction are you expecting?

Emm... Think back of this story it sure is odd 😳
Pelatiah in Supervising Ghost
Tigerfeet, I LOVE your story! First, I love the location and am about to go to a map to see where you might be. I've always wanted to travel to your area (I'm in Georgia, USA) and love the history of your country as well, going back to the Vikings! What a place!

Second, we share similar stories of previous owners... I just finished writing a comment on another story describing my former owner (you can see on the "Electrical Disturbances..." story).

When we re-did our entire kitchen, gutting it completely and starting over in 2020, I had the sense we were being monitored as well! Florence, our previous owner, was quite the Italian cook, and I've also felt her presence in the kitchen. I'm amazed you could see your lady and a bit jealous... Or maybe not:)

One of the things we did when renovating was to remove some decorative columns from the area between the kitchen and family room. They were a bit outdated and I wanted more wall there to put benches on. The day we removed them, I explained to Florence why... I was a bit worried because SHE designed the family room addition with them... That evening my teenage son and I were watching tv and all of a sudden, one of the majolica plates on my mantle slowly turned a quarter turn off it's stand and laid itself down on the mantle. It didn't break, it didn't fly off or fall. Just laid itself down. I saw it out of the corner of my eye, but my son was looking right at it before it moved (maybe sensed something). I said, "What just happened?" and he said, "It was a ghost mom..." (The fam always teases me). But I took that as an OK on the columns. So glad your lady can visit you. I'm not sure they can't come back, even after "moving on." Pretty sure they have free will to come back... I am visited by lots of my dead people (sounds so weird, sorry).
GVC8, I'm agreeing with Manafon here, I think it was supernatural.
My first experience with light was upon moving into my current home 12 years ago. The lady who owned my home, Florence, was known for her hospitality and people in the neighborhood loved her. She had passed away about six months before I moved in. I moved in while my husband was serving in Afghanistan, a tough move as we'd been in our previous home ten years (lots of stuff) and I had two toddlers in tow. When I first got here I had a distinct impression of the former owner, her name was Florence. She was a gen. Older than me, but we share a love of gardening, parties and decorating our home. She was from New Jersey and a big patriot and lover of things Americana. From her estate sale, I bought some pewter plates with scenes of the American Revolution as well as a large eagle wall hanging, and was thrilled to have them stay here at the home she loved. Anyway, I digress, but the first thing I did after purchasing the home was to bring some lamps and I cleaned the bathroom chandelier, which was quite dirty. I was compelled to clean it, even with all the other tasks ahead of me, I just couldn't wait, and had the thought, "Florence, I bet you wanted to clean this fixture for awhile, but I know you were sick..." Looking back, I'm not sure that was MY thought! Anyway, the lights would flicker, specifically the front hall light leading to the master bedroom, and sometimes it would be turned on. Later, I coincidentally found that one of my friends had also been friends with Florence, and used to take her to doctor appointments in her last months. I had her over to see the house and the changes I made, and she told me then that Florence always kept that front hall light on for security! The master bathroom lights, six ceiling lights, would also turn on and off at various times, nothing wrong with the electric. And the refridge would ding at me the minute I got into bed, as if open, but it wasn't. Many evenings I would be working in the kitchen and I never felt comfortable looking into the empty family room (sort of open to the kitchen and sort of cavernous as I was waiting for the furniture to be delivered and there were just boxes piled up). I just didn't look (and now, 12 years later, I often capture orbs and rods and "happenings" in here, unexplained, on my iphone).

The other thing, sorry for the book, my mom died ten years ago and I would go to her house in the weeks following to clean and organize for the estate sale. One day I went over and turned off the porch light, wanting to switch it up in case anyone was watching the house. I went inside, did my stuff and took a small side table that she'd left to me... After I got it into the car and was backing out of the driveway, the same porch light that I KNEW I switched off was not only turned back on, but it was glowing with an intensity that seemed supernatural! The sun was out that day, but as I backed out of the driveway I saw it, knew it was unusually bright and thought about it all the way home, certain I had NOT turned it back on.

When I got back to my house, I was shuffling in the door with the table, talking to my dogs as they met me... "Look what I got from Nonny's house!..." and as I walked the small table back to the family room where it was to live, a lamp in that room (another of my inheritances from her, a significant little blue lamp that she knew I always loved) was turned on and shining brightly. That lamp NEVER goes on in the daytime, as my home is quite bright with tons of windows. I was so surprised and just knew that was Mom. I know she saw me getting that little table at her house and was with me when I brought it home. Mom was the type who had lots of great stuff in her beautiful home, it meant a lot to her, and she had already labeled things with our names "for when I die" she'd say. I never knew before then that spirits could manipulate lights, had never even thought about it. I've learned a LOT since then. You were brave in that little guest house in the pitch dark. Perhaps the spirit was trying to give you a night light?! I get the sense that it was friendly.
sushantkar in The Unholy Night
Hi Dear Amchi1986,

Hope you are doing good!

I have had quite a few paranormal experiences in my life so far, but none of them were as long as this. Most of these events only last for a few moments.
No paranormal entity has enough energy to sustain its form (whatever it may be) for such a long time. Since all of these entities are made up of some kind of energy/energies, they need fule to maintain their shape and form to travel, to communicate and even in cases if they want to possess someone they requires to save their energy to do so.
I am not denying your experience, but I do not want to coincide with it either.

tigerfeet in Supervising Ghost
Thank you for your comments.

We think we're very lucky to have such a wonderful lady living with us. From talking to people who knew her when she was alive, she was a much loved lady locally - no one we've talked to has had anything even slightly 'bad' to say about her.

We've recently found out that she was the second owner of our home, inheriting it from her father. So far she appears to approve of the modernisation of her home - she even seems to like the colours we've chosen!

Last week, when we got up, both of the oven doors were slightly ajar even though I knew they were closed the night before. I think she really likes my new cooker! I often feel her around when I'm cooking - particularly if I'm making something a bit 'exotic' like an Indian or Chinese meal. It feels almost as if she's interested in learning how to cook something a little different to what she used to make - but maybe I'm imagining this part!

I think she might stay with us until we've finally finished the modernisation and decorating of our (and her) home.
I have a few acquaintances who I chat with online from Mumbai Amchi1986. So I understand your way of expressing your take of sorts.

Apart from couple of typing mistakes with time (am/pm) and the use of your cultural speak you have expressed your take of events quite well indeed.

Understandably it may be confusing for some members who aren't used to your way of communication, but I do get what you are trying to say.

One thing I am a bit confused about, is why this ghost hung around for so long before getting scared and disappearing. Your uncle put the religious necklace as soon as he saw this ghost, right?

I do hope you and your family are safe now Amchi1986.


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Can I say something, if you don't mind you tried to interfere with the nature and it's forces which could prove dangerous to your and your's friends lives, despite you all knowing the fact that the bungalow was haunted. May be the girl's ghost was kind to you all, I don't understand the exact reason. Some things don't have any explanation in the supernatural world. May God be with you all always. Take care.
lady-glow in The Unholy Night
"My nephew did wake up and started crying, but none of everyone in my house saw the shadow except me"

I'm afraid you are mistaking not only both your nephews, but your own stories too... There's no shadow in this story. LOL.
lady-glow in The Unholy Night
"I am always ready to answer anyone's doubts."

Perhaps it would be a good idea to go back to all of your stories and reply all the unanswered questions you may have missed to read.

Hi Amchi.

I have been reading some articles about possession by devi. There's a lot of interesting information on this subject, from the ones that look at it from an skeptical angle, like in the following link:


To others with a more faithful approach. The latter seem to agree on these phenomena taking place during some sort of festivity, specially throughout Navratri.

"In India during Navratri many people got possessed by Devi this happens specially during the first and the last day of the Festival... The worshipper of Nanda Devi goes in trance during Aartis... But now in todays period many peoples performs fake acting of this ritual to gather publicity..."


Although I wasn't able to read everything there's to read, the data seems to point that once the goddess leaves the body of a person, leaves it for good and said person goes back to their normal self.

My point is, why would a woman and her child be protected from negative entities when she's not possessed?

Thanks for your feedback.

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