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Ghost Stories in Category: Demons / Possessions / Exorcisms: Page 3

Kapre? by senseye

In the apartment where I used to live, townhouse Apartment, my room was located at the left side of the house. I have one big window, outside there's one big old tree. When you look outside you will see other houses but the old tree blocked most of the views. I choose that room because of that tree ...

Demon at My Work Place by Harbringer_of_Doom

To understand this story you would have needed to read my last one as I explain in it that I can see spirits and now I have just found out I can see much darker things also. I guess I should also explain that only the women in my family on my mother's side have this gift and the men can only sense t...

The Devil, And The Graveyard by IBelieve

This story takes place in 1986 when I was eight years old. It was June and my Grandfather had passed away a week or two before father's day. All of our family went to the graveyard after the wake like families do. Most of the grown ups were gathered at the grave and all of us kids (probably 20 of us...

Demonic Group Attacks by Kira

This event happened when I was about 11. I was sleeping in my upstairs bedroom. At the time I had a bunk bed and a fear of heights. I was terrified every night thinking I would fall. This particular event still confuses me but that night I felt as if some one was watching me. I ignored the feeling b...

Dream Of Terror by ghostluver_aly

My best friend had a dream, in which I was in. The way she told it terrified me, because she said it was so vivid it might have been real. I might also admit that I was at her house when this happened, in case that makes a difference to the readers. She told me that late at night she 'dreamed' th...

Sleep Walking Gone Bad by ominousnyxx

This story happened when I was around 6-7 Years old. I was born in Portugal, but my nationality is Timorese/Chinese. We moved to Australia when I was 4. Obviously nothing has been going on since, but one night, I was sleep walking; when you sleep walk you don't know you're doing it right? WELL I ...

Angel of Death by chelleck

Living in the ever present sense of being watched from afar by unseen forces, I was at my parents' home on a cold winter day, when the doorbell rang. Mom came in with a few packages from shopping, took them in her room as usual and closed the door behind her. This house was arranged with a long corr...

Coldness at Buttermilk by Ramzey

I want to share with everyone about the experience that changed my life. I had been a ghost hunter for 7 months and was getting a team together. My team was called G.A.P.S. This stands for Ghostly Appalachian Paranormal Society. I've studied the paranormal for a couple years and thought I could hand...

Foul Smelling Demon by rafa19

Shortly after my second divorce, I went through a period of anger and depression. I found myself constantly questioning God, why my life was not going well. One Saturday morning it was about 2:00a.m. I was laying on the living room floor watching the television, I felt so restless and could not go t...

Story of Possession by Anonymouse

I will tell you about the different spirits or demons that have possessed me over the years. My first possession happened when I was 12 years old, it was around 3:00 o'clock and I was taking a nap, suddenly my body starts shaking and I feel paralyzed, I open my eyes and there's this "thing" next to ...

The Possessed Relative by uncanny

I am Hmong, and my religion is still very traditional. My grandpa was one of the gifted ones that god send to help people on earth. Hmong relatives from all over the world will come and dwell in our house just for him to see this possessed woman. This woman is very ill and sick when anyone is around...

The Demon Boy 2 by Kated9

Hi I am back again because this is getting weirder and weirder every single day! I have published the Demon Boy and it is again about him! One night, I was a my boyfriend's house and we were talking and watching a movie. I heard this weird creaking noise and a weird screeching sound. As I was got up...

The Demon Boy by Kated9

On september 12 of this year I started feeling very sick and tired. I wanted to rest for a couple of days and I got sicker and sicker. My grandma came over one day (she's a medium) and wanted to see how I felt, but as soon she came into the house, she felt cold and scared all over. She said that ...

The Figure Behind the Wheel by KkodakK

Last week, I went to visit my family in southern Wisconsin. My siblings and I are all in our late to mid-twenties and are married... so every chance we get, we gather at my mom's house for the weekend and just catch each other up with life. Usually on the first night of our get-togethers, it starts ...

The Warning by ghosthost

This story isn't a very long one but it does require a bit of explaining first. In my last story The Tiki Face Phantom I made mention of a girl that I had been dating. When we met it was a really bad time in my life so the relationship had some what of a rocky beginning that never got better, but go...

I Opened the Door to Demonic Spirits by Krysteen

When I was 17, I opened a door that should have remained closed. I was at the public library and checked out a book about demons. I was always an avid reader and to me, it was just another "horror" book, I checked out for 2 weeks. I really had no concept of demons, I believed in God, but just not so...

My Uncle Was Possessed by poltergeistfan

Hey everyone it's me again, and I'm going to tell you about the freakiest thing that happened to my uncle. My cousin just won a soccer game and my uncle wanted to celebrate with ice cream, so when we were walking down the sidewalk my uncle just suddenly stopped and his eyes turned kind of black and ...

Demonic Slumber Party by alona

The story takes place right outside of Millington Tennessee. At the time, I was twelve years old, and this was my very first encounter. My best friend was going to have a slumber party to celebrate her 12th birthday. She invited me and two other girls, and I was the eldest by a few months. We arrive...

Spitting Demons? by Mountaineer63

I am 44 years old. When I was about 4 or 5 years old I had an experience that I have tried to make sense of ever since. I had just gone to bed on a summer's night. I know it was summer because it was still light outside, probably about 8:30 p.m. I had not been in bed long and I looked up to the t...

Possessed by fawn23

This took place July 18, 2007 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It was in my bathroom. I was standing up in my bathroom looking in the medicine cabinet and then all of a sudden, I felt like I was pushed from the side. I felt like I had just been stabbed, it hurt and stung really bad. I "woke-up" on the...

My Aunt's Possession by looney85

I used to live in a small city (I would rather not say city for protection), where our next door neighbor was the worst ever. My grandmother never told us why this lady next door hated her so much. She sure got revenge at whatever the grudge was, but she was nice to us. Until this day, I do not know...

My Niece's Possession by Salsero1536

My story takes place in Guayaquil, Ecuador (I'm from there)... I was spending part of my summer there, about the second week I was there visiting my family, when things started to happened. One night my niece just started feeling sick and we took her to the doctor but the doc said that she just had ...

My Encounter with the Demon Itself by Hartzell_grl3

Everyday I woke up late at night about 3:00 in the morning. I was always tired, I got no sleep, and I was never hungry. My mother, Linda, was always worried about me because I was always in my room and always listening to music that I would never listen to, which was Hard, Hard rock music. I had no ...

Followed by Evil by Sn0wAng3l

This story happened a few years ago. I was in fourth grade at that time and only 10 years old. I had always had an interest in magic, ghosts and the unknown and so did two of my friends. We didn't quite believe in that stuff then though, so we only played around to see if something would happen. One...

My Sister in Law's Haunted House by saddy1943

In 1988, my second wife and I were living in a house that I had bought from my brother and his wife. Her first husband had committed suicide by shooting himself in the master bedroom and she could not stand to live in the house. They had been renting it out, until they moved out of state and I bough...

Was This a Demon? by tiffany achtemeier

I'm very close friends with two very "sensitive" girls. Sensitive in the paranormal sense. They both told me this story and it really creeped me out. They are pretty sure they saw a demon. The two of them were walking downtown here in the wine country. It was still light out, and they were heading f...

Responses to my Possession Story by Anne

I would like to respond to the comment made by Shane and bittersweet about my possession story. I realize that I was not very specific in my story about everything I experienced. You see I was telling my story from the perspective of assisting those that claim to understand demon behavior, to start ...

Attacked by a Dark Entity by Shane

Most of you are regulars here and know me quite well. You know I am not a man prone to flights of fantasies and I am pretty well grounded. I offer advise freely and with out malice or judgment. I have had a few heated debates with a person here, whom I will leave nameless, and this person they hate ...

Possession by Anne

My name is Andrea and I want to share with you briefly my experience of demon possession. I had a demon follow me for most of my life. I of course was not aware of this at the time but after I was released from the demon about two years ago, I actually was able to do a very fascinating thing. I was ...

Breathless by fourthgeneration

When I was a freshman in college, I had what is to this day the most terrifying experience of my life. One night I had been up hanging out with friends until around 1:00am, when I decided it was finally time to get ready for bed. I lived in a freshman dorm, with LONG hallways of bedrooms and common/...

Evil Presence by slexis burton

I'm am 16 years old and I live in algona, washington. I recently moved into an apartment with my dad, my sister and my brother. My sister and I share a bedroom. One night, my sister told me that she knows how to contact the dead. I was a little freaked out, but I wanted to try it. I said that we sho...

The Offer by Luke Smith

WARNING: This story may contain religious bias. My view of the events have been influenced by my religion. Please don't read it if you think you may be offended. My name is Luke. I am a Christian. The reason I state that first is because I believe this event that happened in my life is because o...

Shadowy Legs by Mathy

This happened last saturday. I've never been freaked out like this in my life before. It was about 2.30pm, my sister came home to have lunch with me. We were sitting in the living room. My sister was seated facing to kitchen walkways and I was sitting facing the wall. For a few second we chatted, su...

3:00 am Phenomenon by Valerie

I did have a bad experience about 4 years ago. But I think that I might have brought something with me when I went to that country where they worship demons (praying and giving them offerings so that they don't get troubled by them). I went to visit ancient sites when they had a lot of those worship...

A Christian Perspective on Demons by tom

I did not write this material to make anyone feel indifferent or uncomfortable if you do not believe in the same beliefs I have on demons. Furthermore, I tried to offer resources that are available and where I got some of my information I just wanted to offer this to help anyone and I am hoping it d...

My Boyfriend Was Attacked by a Demon by jessy

This is my ex-boyfriend's story. The same story that got me interested in the other world. I wasn't there when this happened, but here is the story he told me; Apparently, one night while he was laying in his bed, not quite asleep yet, he felt as if a hand were going through his chest, and grabbi...

Demons Among Us by chicano457

When I was 17 years old, I was attacked by an evil spirit, or, as some call them, demons. Me and my family lived in a three bedroom home, in Danville Ill. One day, when I got home around 5:30 pm from work, my mom was still cooking dinner and I walked up to her saying Hi and looked at what she was co...

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