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Ghost stories from Alaska, United States: Page 1

Objects That Move, Disappear And Reappear by Chadwik

It was 11:00PM and I was home alone. A grown man, who has had several paranormal encounters, I don't scare easy. It's a normal occurrence for household items to disappear and later reappear. It's also normal for lights to flicker around me, regardless of where I go. I'm living in a home wher...

A Sister's Love by ntzehn

My mother told me this story when I was in my teens. I loved hearing stories of the experiences my parents had with my dad being in the Army. But she told me this one was a little spooky and that it involved my older sister. In 1963 my father got stationed in Fairbanks, Alaska. It was a big chan...

Footsteps On My Bed by Rosebuds907

I remember one specific night when people tell me about their paranormal experiences and I can remember it so clearly. When I was much younger, maybe 5 or 6, I used to sleep with my mother on a king sized bed. We lived in a small trailer court in Alaska at the time and we lived a typical life, mun...

The Skin Walker by beastiifetus

The first experience. Aged 8. At first it would only run up and down the hallway. It would peek just around my door way some nights and leave me frozen in fear. I was too stiff to call out for my mother. Eventually it became brazen off my fear and would kneel down in my doorway. There it would ...

Terrorital Ghosts- Lacking Sleep by makenna2004

Things have been going on for awhile, but lately it has definitely increased. It started out this past summer with black shadows appearing before my boyfriend and brother, things moving with no explanation, and hearing walking or a girl's voice talking late at night. My brother on numerous occasio...

The Hooded Angel by GenjiGod

Now I love this site and read it all the time. But what you are about to read is what has and is still happening to me. This happened to me 5 years ago when I was about 11 years old, living in Fairbanks, Alaska. My family would always rent houses at Birchwood homes, a decent place to live outsid...

Still With Us by makenna04

My story isn't a scary story, but it does have to do with a spirit. My late cousin died in a car accident in January 2011, both her and her best friend out of the five passengers. The truck was driving at high speeds on an icy road, drinking was involved, and the driver ended up losing control causi...

A White Baby by Trumpjr16

This happened a couple of years ago, (4 years at most.) I was about 10. Me and my family lived in Delta Junction, in a nice house, no stairs, 3 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms. I have had a couple of experiences like this but this is my third one so I will post this one first. This is my first time so I a...

Cliche, A Bump In The Night by TG1991

Years ago my I had a friend named Josh. Josh and I had a ton of things in common such as video games, card games, running around outside and making up stories due to having overactive imaginations. We hung out most weekends and had always had a blast. His mother and father had unfortunately split ye...

A Sad Dream by TG1991

As I sit here at work staring at the screen, I can't help but feel a little absurd writing this. Anyway here is a little background on myself: Hello, my name is Tanner. I am a disciple and a believer and follower of Jesus Christ and of God. I have had a fascination with the paranormal since I was a ...

He Watches Over Me by ms_st0308

This is my first ever story on this site, and I will admit I was a little hesitant to even sign up at first. I've read several of the ghost stories on here, which I think are really interesting. I've always been interested in "ghost" stories and really just enjoy the history of places and people...

Living With Spiritual Sight by adqkid

This will be a few incidents that I've had with the spiritual. Only one I can honestly say scared me but all of them left me bewildered and seeking answers. As the App. Foretold: I downloaded a ghost hunting app on my phone. Everybody told me that it was just a joke. While at work I often would ...

From The Beginning by nikki2marie

I have lived in Alaska all of my life. My family mainly lives in California. My cousin that I barely knew died last night. I have always had weird feelings like I'm being watched or someone is always with me. I had gone to a shrink even and did many tests because I thought I was going crazy. But to ...

Am I Haunted Or Is It The House? by kristine021

I haven't ever really experienced paranormal activity until I moved into this house about three years ago, and it isn't that old. I've had dreams all my life that scare me to death and every once in awhile I'll have a night terror. The dreams are like set on another world setup with scary people...

The One Who Keeps Me by kuroneko52

It started shortly after I started openly saying that I thought that the house my parents and I live in is haunted. It's just this eerie feeling I got while we had a temporary bedroom built in our garage, which served as my bedroom throughout high school. At night, when I was getting ready for b...

Annie 2 by DannyBaby

As for who don't know who Annie is, Annie is a little girl about the age of four or five. She has curly blonde hair down to her shoulders with a white gown and bonnite. Annie has been very interesting in the past couple of years. Like one time I was in math class with Deena and Rene. Now Annie has a...

Annie by DannyBaby

It has been a while since I have submited an event on here, so here we go. This one is about Annie. Annie was a litlle girl at about the age of four or five, with curly blonde hair down to her shoulders. She also had on a white gown with a bonnet, and clear blue eyes. Her eyes were like tropical wat...

My Boyfriend's House by DannyBaby

This event or should I say events took place at my boyfriends house. I now currently live with him, but anyways the actual first time I went to his house was when everthing started up again. Let's whine back a little bit. As for you who haven't been on my profile yet. I am able to see, hear, speak, ...

My Half Brother Mike by quixoticqt

I was 5 months pregnant and I hated every month of it. On May 25th (I remember it being a Wednesday) I felt unusually uncomfortable. I was woken up around 2 something in the morning like someone was looking at me. I turned around and saw nothing there. Being kind of irked I was thinking, "OMG, I hav...

My Seward Alaska Nuisance by quixoticqt

I transferred from my 3 bedroom duplex in Valdez, Alaska to a 3 bedroom apartment in Seward Alaska, October 2010. Unbeknownst to me I was moving into a place that something was already living in. He was a nuisance. I have hard wood floors and doors that are LOUD when opened and shut. In the middl...

Spirit Following Me by akgirl87

My first experience with activities was when I was 15 years old. It was the beginning of winter when it happened. Doing my laundry cleaning up one Saturday, I had the music playing; everything was a normal day for me. My cousin was watching television in the bedroom; both my brother and aunt were ou...

The Crying That Never Stopped by quixoticqt

My mom told me this story. My mother was in a little village called White Mountain, Alaska at the time. Its population is about 100-150 people where everyone is related to everyone. At night there would be family brawls, mostly just the parents so the kids would go outside and cry sometimes. My mo...

My First Experience At Work by DrDomVonDoom

My first experience all started about 7 years ago when I was a teenager, about 17 years old. I lived, and currently still live, in a little town of Fairbanks, Alaska, one of the first American settlements in the great north. I was working at the "Pump House", a local restaurant that is a historical ...

Goofy Ghost Chase by quixoticqt

Two years ago I used to live in an apartment in Kenai Alaska with my mother and kid. Kenai is known for having quite a bit of ghost activity especially in "old town Kenai." Random things would happen in Kenai. My kid would constantly see things that adults couldn't. Like when we were at the Toyatk...

The Little Boy by Eclipse2000

When I lived in Alaska; it was about a year ago and I moved from Alaska to Louisiana for Family reasons. When I lived in Alaska, is when my family had gotten this 3 bedroom apartment away from the city. The whole entire place was 15 stories high or 14 because there was no 13th floor at all. This...

Three Strange Stories. Is A Ghost Behind It? by EmmaWolfGirl

1) One morning, I remember thinking: "My hair is a mess. A clip would help." I looked in the mirror, brushed my hair and walked away. At this time I forgot about the clip and walked in to brush my teeth. That's when it happened. A clip. Which I didn't see slide toward me, flew out across the floor ...

Alaska Ravens by dragonwalker

After having to put my desire for children on hold for almost 8 years, my fiancé decided that he was ready to try for kids (he wasn't the man in my life for all 8 years, although I wish he could have been!). Last possible date of conception was January 26, 2011. The reason I know that is because ...

The Blue Scarf Provoked It by ThatBlueScarf

First off, I live in Delta Junction, Alaska. This is my first experience with the paranormal, and it scared me. I have this blue scarf that I like to keep hanging from my mirror. This blue scarf has somehow attracted something. I don't know what it is for sure, but I can feel its presence. I'm onl...

Waking Up To The Lock by tlbay

I live up here in Juneau, Alaska, and have had a number of unexplained events happen to me or close to me. But the only one that has ever scared me happened yesterday morning, at 8:15am Alaska Standard Time. I woke up at exactly 8:15 that morning. I know because I was really tired, from falling a...

Little Goodbyes by dragonwalker

I've been getting braver about posting on here. For me, a lot of this stuff is kind of subtle and hard to prove. There are a few loose stories I'd like to tie up in here, just to get them down, share them and make sure I'm not really out of my tree. The first incident to be recorded took place s...

Ship Creek Power Plant by dragonwalker

I commute from Wasilla to Anchorage five days a week for my job. Depending on traffic and whether it can take anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes to get to work. I'm usually out of the door between 7 - 7:15 in the morning. This was one of those mornings where I was feeling draggy and had acquired a c...

Should I Be Worried? by MilitaryWifeMS

My family and I moved here a few months ago. We were told this house was built in the 50s so I'm sure there's plenty of history behind it and being a military house people are moving in and out all the time. Well we always get a creepy unwelcome feeling in the basement, but it's an unfinished baseme...

Howling Shadows by RubberBandBall

There are times in my life that I just get a feeling. I do not mean that I have premonitions or experiences I just mean to say that I have gut feelings. I'm sure that it is a universal thing; just imagine the feeling of falling on a roller coaster mixed with a car crash (that is the closet as I can ...

House On Soapstone Road by dragonwalker

Three month after I turned 14, we moved into a house about fifteen minutes outside of Palmer - towards Sutton, as a lot of locals say. Not even a day after we fully moved in and spent our first night there odd things started happening. Our second morning, it was early around six or so on a Satur...

Dogwood Ave. Apartments by dragonwalker

The end of June in 2008, my now ex-husband and I separated. For two weeks I stayed in the income based apartment of a friend and then moved into the same building that she lived in on Dogwood Avenue in Palmer. The first day I spent in my new home, arranging my few belongings, it was deathly quiet. I...

Half Asleep Feelings by ohcrayonsimdead

My name is Ashley Smith, and I'm eighteen years old. I would like to tell you all a little about my past experiences before I start into this. Ever since I was five I could see things that other people could not. Whether it is Auras or ghosts. When I was around six or seven I realized that when I...

The Door Closed by born2race87

When I was about the age of five years old I lived in the state of Anchorage Alaska. My family and I lived in an apartment on Donna Drive. At the time my dad was in the military and my mom had no job. The layout of the apartment was simple. We lived on the second floor and to the left when you walke...

Real Incubi? by canthisbereal

I had gotten up early because I needed to call my school to see if my teacher was going to show up to class. So I called and said they did not know annoyed I drove the 45 minutes to school and walked to my class room after getting an amazing parking spot. I walk up the 2 flights of stairs to a note ...

I Saw A Ghost That Looked Like My Mom, She's Still Alive? by AlexZeee

I was 12 when this occurred. I came home from school, walked through the doorway and started to take off my shoes. My mom then walked up to me, not saying a word but it looked as if she had just woken up, very tired looking. She stared at me for awhile, I looked up and say "hi mom!" She then tur...

Strange Happenings On Erwin Court by deannah

My husband re-enlisted for Fort Wainwright, Alaska in April 2002. We left Fort Benning in September of that year and took 1 month leave to go home before we flew out. We knew we were heading into one of the coldest places on earth during the winter months and an active earthquake zone to boot. But w...

Sweet Ghost Dog by FoxyPheonix

I'm not quite sure if this took place in Alaska or not, actually, but this is a story that my Grampa told me. (And no, it's not fake. He said it actually happened to him.) One day, quite early in the morning, my Grampa woke to the sound of a dog barking. When he opened his eyes, and looked around, h...

The Cat in my Room by sister

A couple months ago, before my latest birthday when I turned 14, I woke up in the middle of the night (not an uncommon thing for me). My door was shut, I was completely dark in my room, and I was right next to the wall. Nothing interesting had happened to me before bed, but when I woke up, I felt my...

The Shadows in my Room by sister

I've had a few experiences ever since I moved to my current house, though not all of them have occurred here. I'm Christian, so I don't believe in ghosts as much as I believe in demons, but sometimes I catch myself doubting that fact in itself. A few years ago (possibly about two or three, but I ...

This Wasn't Funny Anymore by dee_taylor_85

My husband was stationed at Ft. Wainwright, AK with the Army. We lived on base in some of the oldest family housing there. It was built in the 1930's and had been used as barracks before it was family housing. Almost as soon as we moved in, I sensed that we weren't alone in the house. I started h...

There's Always Something Going On by unguided_traveler

Hello again, dear friends. I regret that it has been so long since I have submitted anything to you, but life gets in the way you know? I've decided to put together a collection of what happened while I've been away from you all. So, here it is. This first one has been happening for a while. ...

Communication Through Speakers by unguided_traveler

I realize that people here will probably think I'm nuts, but I swear on my immortal soul that this happened. I'd decided that communication was the only solution to my problem with the Shadow People, so two nights ago, I began trying to make contact. Last night, I finally got a response and even I c...

The Shadow People Remain by unguided_traveler

I have to say that I am now officially freaked. The shadow people in my room are still there, only now they've started messing with me. And I mean REALLY messing with me. Every time I go to walk out of my room, I feel someone pull my hair, hard enough to yank my head back, and hear distinct growling...

Ghost in the Car by ocean

Tuesday night, about ten years ago, me, my mom, Melanie and grandma, Julie were driving in Kenai. It was pitch black and raining really hard. We saw a woman with black hair hitchhiking. So we picked her up. What was so strange about it all was that she didn't say anything the whole time. She just po...

Animal Ghost? by NMS

Before I begin, I must say that my house is only about fifteen or sixteen years old. We are only the second family in it and the first lived here for about eleven years. I don't know if any of their pets died here, but I know I had a chinchilla who died in the room I am in. Well, this morning I hear...

Bathroom by hannahbmarie101

Last year I was at my mom's cousins house cleaning with my cousin and my sister. My cousin and I were in the bathroom cleaning. But I had to go to the bathroom. There was a trash can under the counter... and as I walked by it, the lid of the trash can opened. But I knew it wasn't me because I didn't...

Pet Psychic by NMS

I have a friend who sometimes sees the spirits of dead pets. Her brother sometimes sees the spirits of animals. For instance, when her brother was two or three, their family was at a cabin. A man had shot himself recently and he had had a swinget in his yard. My friend's brother had been swinging on...

Third Party Encounter by unguided_traveler

I've changed the names of the individuals involved. We've all known that if we could just get someone besides ourselves to see and hear what we do, then we won't feel so crazy. At least, that's how I've always felt. After so long of experiencing activities in my bedroom and not being able to capture...

What the Shadow People Want by unguided_traveler

Everyone remembers my story about those shadow people at the end of my bed right? Well, I've been working up the nerve to turn off the lights and confront them for awhile now, and last night, I decided that it was time. I spent as much of the night watching TV as I could, trying not to talk myself o...

The Abandoned Mine in the Mendenhall Valley by unguided_traveler

Most of the paranormal encounters I've shared have occurred in my home. This one, however, took place miles from my home and only I was the witness. I live in the Mendenhall Valley in Juneau, and the high school I attend is downtown, so it's quite a ride just to get to school and back. Sometimes, my...

Early Hauntings by unguided_traveler

My mother and I were talking last night and I happened to mention something odd that had occurred in my room recently. Well, one thing led to another and we found ourselves discussing some of the experiences the entire family had had when we lived in a decrepit trailer in Valdez, AK (we moved away w...

Shadow People by unguided_traveler

Most people who read this will remember my story about the incident at the river... well, this is just one of the recurring encounters that I have in my bedroom every night without fail. Every night, when I get into my room to sleep, (which I never really get a chance to do) I will always find so...

Incident at the River by unguided_traveler

This happened to me last summer. I was sitting at home alone because all of my friends were out of town. I was getting pretty bored so I decided to ride my bike out to a nearby park. When I got there, I saw that no sports teams were having practices and no one was out playing. Finding myself alone, ...

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