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Ghost stories from Singapore: Page 1
Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home by Akkikad
This is not so scary experience but a mild one. But still the questions remains same, how did it happen? FYI, I don't use perfume neither my wife uses it when in home. This incident happened while I was staying in Singapore along with my wife and my 3 year old kid. I got a job there and we had...
Weird Things That My Dad Has Seen by ThirteenStars15
It's been such a long time since my last story! I really missed being on this site (I still do come here from time to time to read the submissions). As our family is quite sensitive to the supernatural, the topic about supernatural stuff usually come up during dinner time. (Maybe at least when ...
The Spirit House by Jubeele
I have previously shared a number of strange tales about my grandmother's house in Cairnhill, with its shadowed past. During WWII, when Singapore fell under the Occupation from 1942 - 1945, several violent deaths had occurred in the area. Such troubled memories can linger on. My elder sister, Lil...
Marble From The Dark by jabond99
This instance is my third (and last) experience of things that I have come to believe were a ghost or spirit. This one, however, was considerably simpler than my two other experiences, so it will be shorter. However, it was definitely more personal as it happened in my home. I will first describe...
Reflection In The Mirror by fairseren
This happened to me regularly. I saw the evil side of me in the reflection. This happened when I was 10. Reading ghost stories is my favorite pastime. I always read with my friend, let just call her "E." She is always brave and fearless, believing that ghosts do not exist. Well, I'm superstiti...
Paranormal Experiences Or Coincidences - Part 2 by the22centuryboi
It seems like forever since I wrote my first post. For anybody who wants to read my first post please check my profile. I would suggest you read that post before you read this. Assuming you guys have read the first post, I am going to continue from where I left off in the first post. The last pa...
Gingerbread Man And A Disembodied Voice by auntylulu96
STORY NO:1 THE SEVENTH MONTH This is a real life encounter that happened when I was staying at the block opposite Khatib camp, my Dad owned a provision shop (no air-con mini market) on the ground floor and we slept on the second floor. Here's the story that happened on the first day of the Hu...
Shadows On Sentosa by Jubeele
Sentosa Island, located off the south coast of Singapore was once a little fishing village called Pulau Panjang. Then a severe epidemic (most probably malaria) wiped out most of the British signal station staff on the island, along with many of the local villagers. It took such a dire toll that by 1...
Adrift On A Mattress by Anno_Domini
I apologise that there isn't much drama to my story, but it was strange and I haven't had the time to recount this experience until now. This happened in 2007 when my parents' home was undergoing renovations and I stayed over at night to watch over the place. My dad was ill with cancer at that time ...
The Children At Cairnhill by Jubeele
Children have always been a common sight at the Cairnhill house. As a child, I loved the house which had belonged to my paternal grandmother during the 1950s to 1970s. It was like this beautiful lady with a mysterious past; a stately, three-storey colonial with white-washed walls and a gently slo...
The Perfect Orange Peel by Jubeele
A few years ago on a sultry afternoon, I was sitting at the kitchen table with my mother at her flat in Queenstown. We were remembering departed family members and friends from times long past over a pot of Chinese "oolong" tea. The fragrance of the black tea rose before us in little wisps of hot, c...
Why Is She Just Standing There? by Jubeele
The housing estate of Queenstown, where my Mum still lives in Singapore, is reported to have been built over a Chinese cemetery during the early 1960s. This may explain to some extent my own unsettling experiences there as a child, as shared in "Disturbed By The Spirits". In my father's family, S...
Grandma's House At Cairnhill - Part 3 by Jubeele
Grandma's house at Cairnhill had its share of secrets from the Occupation in 1942-1945. My family suspected that certain atrocities took place under its roof when it was a base of operations for Japanese army officers, but we were glad that the full history was never made known to us. Sometimes, it ...
Grandma's House At Cairnhill - Part 2 by Jubeele
Whenever anyone in my family refers to "Grandma's House", I would always think of the Cairnhill place in Singapore. The sprawling, half-acre property was presided over by a stately, three-storied colonial house, with white-washed walls and a gently-sloping terracotta roof. The house belonged to my p...
Grandma's House At Cairnhill by Jubeele
When I was a child growing up in Singapore, the weird and inexplicable was something rarely discussed in my father's family. It was not that the family did not believe in such things, but whenever the subject came up, Grandma would firmly squash all "irresponsible" talk. No one was allowed to speak ...
The Thing In My Room (or Ex-room) by ThirteenStars15
A bit of background of my rooms and who occupied which room at that timeline. We lived (and still living) in a 4 room HDB flat in the eastern part of Singapore. There is this room next to the corridor, facing the main road, which was my late Grandaunt's room before she was placed in an elderly...
The Whisperer by aisyah1987
This incident happened when I was 19 years old and pregnant with my first child. I never believed in superstitious beliefs during that period of my life, as I was still young and carefree! Like... Who would want to put a bulb of garlic in the bra while sleeping? However, it was believed that...
Disturbed By The Spirits by Jubeele
The 10-storey apartment block in Queenstown, Singapore has been our family home for over 50 years. It was among the very first government flats built by the Housing Development Board (HDB) during Singapore's fledgling years in the 1960s. We were fortunate enough to have a corner unit on the 7th floo...
Shadow Man On Cairnhill Road by Jubeele
For much of my childhood days in Singapore, my parents often worried about me as they felt I was "sensitive" to spirits and prone to "seeing" things others couldn't see. My mother thinks this may stem from the fact that Dad's grandmother was the village head woman in the old days back in Thailand. I...
The Women In My Room by Siara
A couple of months ago, although I slept by 10pm, I would still wake up the next morning exhausted to go to work. During the second month, one morning I just sat on my bed, asking myself why do I still feel exhausted after having enough hours of sleep. Few days after that (it was the weekend- Sat...
The Djinn by aisyah1987
Greetings from Singapore! This is my first time posting and to be honest, I am superbly glad that there is a website for me to share my experiences with! I'll just have a short intro' about myself, and I will proceed with the incident! During my pre-teen all the way to my young adulthood, I...
Did I Get Attacked At My Campsite? by dykj9
I went on an OBS course about 2 years back (2017 now). In that camp, everything was going fine until the second night, where we were asked to do a guard duty at the 3am shift to chase away wild boars and other animals that were potentially there. When my friend and I started, it was all going fine u...
Select Army Experiences -- Old Mowbray (provost) Camp, Sg by Anno_Domini
As mentioned in my first story, I am a Christian. I have had "supernatural" incidents happen around me, but mostly not affecting me exclusively nor directly. I believe the Holy Spirit keeps unwelcome entities at bay. On to my next topic, Mowbray Camp. While each experience below might not be signifi...
Select Experiences From The Army -- The Door Slams by Anno_Domini
First up I want to say that I am a Christian (Protestant, but not that it matters what kind of Christian you are), and believe in God the Almighty. I also believe that there are "supernatural" entities among us (just read the Bible you would know that from the beginning to the end they are also ment...
Disturbance In The House by royalbitchnesss
This happens to me last year 2015. It happen 3 nights straight. |First Night| As usual my grandmother, my sister and I were in the our room. It was around 11.30pm, my parents already asleep in their rooms, except for me, my sister and my grandmother. We were still chatting while listening to s...
Seeing Black Shadows by MoonGoddess1900
So My family and I are catholics and I was always a skeptic about the paranormal. I did not believe that ghost actually exist until I kept watching this series called Ghost Adventures where I started to believe that ghost actually exist. I never in my life played with an ouija board or did any spook...
My School's Ghosts by ProjectGrenade
This is my first post here so I hope it's okay. Just a little background, I spent the first 10 years of my life in Singapore, (I'm now 14. Yeah.) And I moved to Australia right before my 10th birthday. I first went to the school in this story in year 1, and I started experiencing these things, an...
My Grandmother's Village by royalbitchnesss
This story take place when I went to my grandmother's house Kota Tinggi, Semenchu at Malaysia. It was a December Holiday, so my family and I make a plan to go to my grandmother place since we never been there foe quite long. My siblings and I were excited to go to the Kampung (Village). So we goi...
The Vanishing Guy by chetchet17
This is my second story. It happened just 3 days ago in the city of Singapore, where I am currently residing. Last Sunday, I woke up at 5.45 in the morning to meet my friends for early jog/exercise. I left house at 6 o'clock. In this country, the sun normally rises around 7 AM, so by the time I ...
Black Widow Woman by sereneamour
This are my own experiences even though I didn't see the "them", I can feel their presence as I have stronger sixth sense since young. Let's start by letting you all know that my current house was already more than 20 years old. This house was the first building built back when Singapore Citizens mo...
Mother's Doppleganger by sbst_gh
This incident happened a few months ago in my bedroom, where most of my encounters have been. I always get an uneasy feeling in the bedroom, like someone's there with me. First, the light in the cupboard. Then, the door opening by itself. This incident confirmed that something was in my bedroom. ...
Is This Sleep Paralysis? by ThirteenStars15
I've been suffering from some kind of sleeping disorder for many years. What kind of sleeping disorder? I am not sure to say. I've tried searching up the symptoms on the Internet and the closest I could relate to is 'Sleep Paralysis'. But yet, I wasn't sure... For most of the examples I read on t...
House Hauntings Part 1 by igotnorolemodel
I live in the west side of Singapore and my family has moved a total of 2 times. The first was moving from my grandparents' house to our own in a new estate at the time. I was a baby then so I don't remember the actual move. The second was when I was about 10 years old, we moved from that one to ano...
What's That In The Back Corner Of The Classroom? by igotnorolemodel
It was during school choir camp when I was in Sec 1. My school was (and still is) located in the western side of Singapore and in that particular neighbourhood, the surrounding area is well-known to have weird happenings. By the time it got dark, the school did look creepy. There were 2 blocks, of w...
My Bedroom In England And Singapore by sbst_gh
This will be a compilation of all the ghost encounters that I can remember. When I was in England, I lived in this 2 story brick house in Chandlers Ford. It was a spacious, cozy house with my bedroom door directly in front of the staircase to the 1st floor. The walls were painted blue, with a tex...
White Woman Of Singapore Mrt by AngeLeeS
One day, I had an appointment at Clarke at noon. I finished the meeting with my client early and being near Orchard Road, I went for shopping. By the evening I got ready to go back to the flat (the same flat which is in my story "An Invisible House-mate"). I was filled with dread due to the previous...
Invisible House-mate by AngeLeeS
After finishing my education in India, I left my parents & shifted to my country, Singapore. I moved in with my cousin Neo & her boyfriend Eden (For privacy sake, I'm using their nick names). She had rented a flat in Geylang. It was on the ground level. Before I write down the incident, everyone...
Sleep Paralysis Or Something Else by symphony
I'd like to share my story on this page as it puzzles and scares me until today, and is very real in my mind. I would appreciate any helpful comments on what it could mean. I'm a mother of three. I was sleeping on a mattress in my children's bedroom. They were unwell and it was easier to attend ...
The Girl Beside Me by auntylulu96
By Aunty LuLu Year 1968 (Aunty LuLu - 7 years old.) I grew up in this Malay's kampong in Andrew Avenue just opposite Sembawang Park and I remember that during my childhood, my parents did not show 'love' or 'concern' towards their 8 children. My parents owned a provision shop and in the 60's, ha...
Tending To My Flowers by auntylulu96
Aunty Lu Lu. Year 2006 After dinner (6.30 to 7.30pm), I went out to the corridor to tend to my 20 over pots of plants, so pride of them, I loosen up the soil, and tidy up the dead leaf then I notice from corner of my right eye, I saw some one tall in white went very fast into my right side neighb...
Blood Vein Jade by auntylulu96
By Aunty Lu Lu. Year 1977 (16 years old) My Ah Mm was talking about Taiwan jade and china malau (Red jade), colour that she had seem but one that caught my attention was the jade bangle with blood veins in it. Actually I don't really believe it unless I see with my own eye. A person have to w...
The White Candle by auntylulu96
By Aunty Lu Lu, Year 1965, at the age of 4 to 5 years old. This is my first time sharing my stories. For the half of the centuries of my life, I had encountered many unnatural incidents in my life, so I'd like to share them with you. I was born and raised in a Kampong, opposite Sembawang park (An...
A Little Lesson by wfkiwi
This is one of my Dad's experiences and he's given permission for me to share them. If you ever go to a country with Chinese traditions and practices, you would not be surprised to see the locals burning incense paper (so called hell paper money). These are burned for a variety of reasons but mos...
Chalet Incident by wfkiwi
Came across this site and decided to share some of my experiences. A little something about me: I've been living in Singapore all my life and believe I was spiritually inclined when I was younger but has since tuned most of my sensing abilities out as I grew older (mostly due to my late grandmother...
The Door Banging Ghost by GladysJ8
This story happened when I was at a sleepover at my best friend's house. She lived in a condominium, and I was really excited as this was the first time I was going to her house. She lived on the eleventh floor, and when I looked down from her balcony, I could see the huge swimming pool. Anyway, ...
Hotel Horrors In Taiwan by GladysJ8
When I was about six (or five), my parents took me to Taiwan for a vacation. If you went to Taiwan before, you should know that it is a bustling place, with skyscrapers towering above you. Anyway I was very excited at that time. Mum wanted to shop for cheap goods at the famous Shi Lin market and alr...
Camping Next To A Cemetery by Desir3
I was still living in Singapore when it happened. I was in grade 6 I think, not so sure. But one day it was decided that my class and two other classes were going on a camping trip, 3 days and 2 nights. It turned out that the place where we were camping at was right next to a cemetery. I don't reall...
My Personal Chinese Child-ghost Wedding Story by thx11
Have you guys ever heard of a Chinese Child-ghost wedding? According to long time straits time news reporter Sit yin Fong's Tales of Chinatown of the Malayan Federation of the 1950's, this phenomena occurred when some family members in Singapore and Malaysia received a dream visitation from the neth...
Hungry Ghost Festival by dithium
For those who are unfamiliar with the Chinese culture, the Hungry Ghost Festival falls on the 7th month of the lunar calendar. It is the month where all the ghosts are released from Hell, like a spring break. So as tradition goes, every start of the 7th month, we will prepare offerings like rice, ro...
Let Sleeping Flowers Lie by Snlde
The story you're about to read actually happened to my parents and not me. My parents were on a weekend getaway and booked a room in one of the hotels here. The furnishing was pretty standard; a queen sized bed, floor to ceiling windows, office desk, etc. But what caught their attention was a vas...
Cats by Yurei
The story I'm about to tell you happened to my mother. If you may not believe it, I can assure that they really happened. Over the years cats have been known to be spiritual creatures and have appeared in many cultures. In Egypt, cats were worshiped as descendants of the cat Goddess Bast. In Euro...
What Are They? by TTraveller
I am actually not very comfortable sharing my experiences so openly, but my curiosity got the better of me to find out more about one type of spirit that I have seen. A brief background - I have experienced two types of spirits. One is what you would call the "shadow people", which are rather well-d...
The White Lady 2 by SapphireChild
I was 16/17 back then and worked at DFS venture. That Wednesday night, I was in the graveyard shift. As we all knocked off at 4am, the company cab would pick us up and send us home. So if you were staying in the North, you would be in the same cab as I am. And since I stayed the farthest, I was the ...
The White Lady by SapphireChild
I have several encounters with the white lady. For those who do not understand cultures from Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, let me explain. In non-Muslim society, many refer as a white lady. But for those who understand religions from these 3 countries, it is referred to as 'Pontianak/Langsuir/...
Black Figure Of A Man by SapphireChild
This incident happened 2 or 3 years back. I can see and feel things but not as frequent. I remembered it was on a weeknight and me and my then boyfriend (now husband) went to Hotel 81 at Kembangan and stayed there overnight. The following day I was in the afternoon shift and he's in the morning. H...
Judicial Deity, Er Lang Deity by VictoriousFightingDeity
I was walking along a road to school at about five o'clock in the morning. I was walking when I noticed that a dark figure was hiding in the bushes. Then suddenly, it rushes out of the bushes, shouting:"Help me! Help me!" Then another figure rushed out of the bushes, but this figure is different, h...
Polite British Soldier by anikenlee
My friends, Ying Jie and Marcus were walking Long East Coast beach. We were tired because we are working on a project called Save The Earth. We went to a wooden bench and took a seat, we are chatting about a new game when suddenly, a young man, arm with a rifle and dress like a British soldier w...
Japanese Spirits At Pulau Ubin by anikenlee
This story happened last week, when my friends and I were camping on Pulau Ubin Beach, Singapore. I was packing my haversack with food and drinks, my friends and I intend to camp over night on the beach. We met in the port and we were excited because this is the first time we are camping on Pulau...
Ghostly Swing In Pulau Ubin by anikenlee
Have you ever heard of ghostly swing? I don't think you have! Now I am going to tell you a incident that happen a last year. My friend and I was walking down a slope, to see if any paranormal thing would happen. Then, we came across a large tree, with a swing attach to its branch. Ying Jie i...
Nui Tou Arrest Spirits That Escape From Hell by anikenlee
I posted an earlier story about Ghost Of Pulau Ubin. Today, I am going to tell you about a story that happened during the hungry ghost festival. I and my two friends, Yeo Ying Jie and Marcus, were preparing to take a stroll along a path that leads to a temple. After we walk a few minutes, we foun...
Ghost Of Pulau Ubin by anikenlee
This is the first time I am telling my paranormal experiences to the public. I wish that you like my story. My two friends, Ying Jie and Marcus are paranormal investigators, so am I. We always wanted to go to Pulau Ubin to find some ghosts because we went to the internet and we found some ghost enco...
Pontianak by victoria
I am Victoria. I have always had the interest in listening to ghost stories. In fact, I always believed them. These are really true. My dads cousin, troy, was one day at his army camp. After taking a shower, he switched off the lights. Then he went down the stairs. Suddenly, the light turned on. He ...
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