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Ghost stories from Germany: Page 1

We Saw A Shadow Figure And Red Glowing Eyes by whyismynametrash

A few years ago, I think it was in around 7th or 8th grade, we went on a school trip to Bad Tölz, Germany. From the beginning on my best friend and I -who both tend to pick up on energies at lot more than most people- already felt something was just off about the place. But it really kind of esca...

Shadow Figure, Cloud Of Smoke, Floating by Halston

One night I was sleeping and felt like I was floating in the ocean and like I was sleeping and at the same time fully awake. I saw a dark cloud of smoke above me moving up to the ceiling and some shadow figures moving so fast my eyes couldn't really follow them. I was so tired and it was sooo hard...

Max And His Goodbye by ClutchCain

So this happened to my uncle and when he told me what had happened I was almost in shock. My uncle is a small musician and was traveling for a tour they were doing last year (2018). The tour was going very well and they were having a good time until they got to Germany. About 30 minutes befo...

Something Followed Me by FrauFluff

In 2017 my mom, dad and I, went to a family gathering in Graal-Muritz (a small german city on the coast of the Baltic sea). We visited my mom's aunt, who lived in the house my grand-grand-parents built in the early 20th Century. My story begins on the start of our trip. We arrived at the house ...

Just Wanted To Share by Unknownclgtohh

My girlfriend and I moved together early 2016. In the first apartment my girl acted weird from time to time as we were sleeping. In fact she told me that she's feeling something near her when she's sleeping and one time she even woke me up crying my name and rattling my arm. She was acting super afr...

Can It Be An Incubus? by MyStory15

Before I begin telling you my story, I want you to know that English is not my first language so there may be some errors and this is my own experience. I don't post this for attention or stuff like this, I post this for some help from people that went through similar things as me, that can give me ...

The Mysterious Woman I Saw by SpookyCheesecake

It's my first story on here and I hope I could get some feedback. I remember it was November/December and must have been in the 9th grade (back in 2011), because we had to prepare sandwiches for the canteen to save money for our school trip. Anyway I had to get up earlier as usual and it was pret...

Wartime Experience In A Haunted House by Thureos

Greetings. As English is not my native language, I would like to beg your forgiveness for my dull writing. I'm willing to discuss it later in the comments, so feel free to ask. This experience happened not with me but with my grandfather, back in 1944 or 1945. At these days, he were serving Germa...

Was It A Spirit? 2 by FluffyCloud

So, if you already read my last story, you know what my story is about. Everything started again... Everything was good for 3 months after I did "Rook's Cleansing and Shielding Method ". But for some reason I started to feel the same presence again. I thought that after that experience maybe I was j...

Playful Ghosts by youka

The house I grew up in was build by my dad in 1989. Its located I a quiet family house area in a small old town in the north of Germany. Strange things started already to happen under the building process. My dad would be at the building area every day, while my mum was back home with me and my si...

My Childhood Ghost Experiences by ConfusingxRain

There are many stories I want to post here but I will start with my first few experiences with the paranormal. First: I will write the word "cousin" a lot but they are actually my great-cousins. It's already a little confusing so I tried to make it easier by just writing "cousin"! I never thou...

Was It A Spirit? by FluffyCloud

Warning: English is not my first language so, sorry if I made any grammar mistake. So it started at the end of school year. I'm a girl and I'm 14 years old in 7th grade and I live only with my mom. I was tired because of the final exams so I decided to go straight to bed. My mom's laptop crashed,...

How It All Began by GhastlyGloria

Being born into a heavily military based family, I was quickly stationed with my father and mother in a small, two bedroom apartment right outside of infamous Freihung, Germany. Growing up, my father was very busy, so me and my mother traveled around the cities, looking at castles and reveling in th...

Mr. Fire Plug by JerryB

Here's a story from when I was in the U.S. Military. My place of assignment was Baumholder, West Germany. The year was 1965: The work day was over and I was in the Day Room in my civilian clothing sitting and speaking with a friend. As you may not be aware, a Day Room is a location designated spe...

1700s House With Ghost Children by krista_is_awesome

I've been reading this site for quite a while so I decided to post an experience that has happened to me. So right now I live in Germany, it's really nice here, but I live in a really crowded town. My house was built in the 1700s (this all happened October 21, 2015) and it's a beautiful house. S...

Very Special Forces by JerryB

In 1965 I was eighteen years old, and a Private in the U.S. Army away from home for the first real time, and on reassignment orders to an overseas facility located at Kaiserslautern, Germany. Being new to the army I had never heard of the place. I was aware of Germany, of course, but never had a...

Did We Talked To The Entity? by SushilRj

So I was having these encounters with an unknown power for a little while. For details you can read my last story. In short I was seeing some shadows, hearing voices and once something left a mark on my hand while I was sleeping. As you can imagine I was afraid as it went for a while. I did Rook's c...

Mark On Hands And Shadows Lurking Around by SushilRj

I would like to share some recent events. I moved to Germany last year and I am living in a shared apartment. My room is on the third floor and I share the floor with ten other people in as many rooms. We have a long narrow doorway that opens to a small balcony and also connected to kitchen in the l...

The Big Man And The Little Girl by SuperAust88

This event took place in Qiudersbach Germany and was in a very old house there. This happened when I guess was 13 and it scared the living crap out of me. So sometimes I would wake up in the night not a big deal right? Use the restroom and maybe to check the computer to see if it was off. The wa...

Heavy Steps In An Old Hut by Viktoria123

First of all, I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes because English is not my mother tongue and I'm still trying to improve it. Anyway...on to my experience. I live in Stuttgart (Germany southwest) and this is were it takes place. My city is sourrounded by many vineyards, so my friends and I used t...

Ouija by Okayyouthere

Everything started one year ago. Since then strange things have happened in our house a lot of times and it's getting weirder and weirder. Neither my sister nor me can explain what's going on but let's start from the beginning. Ok so around five years ago my family moved into that big, old house...

School Ghost? by Chrisandhisdogs

I have an older sister, and when she was about 16/17 years old, she used to give some younger students extra lessons in english. Most of the time, she met her students in a local school. Last year, however, this school was closed. But now I want to tell you my story. One day, my sister waited for...

I Hope You Can Help Me by Mirela

My name is Mirela. I was born in Romania but have lived in Germany with my family since 2012. I want to share my experience and I am asking you for help, if you can. I have experienced I can say a lot of weird things which I am not going to tell you now, because what I am going to write what happ...

Unexplained Lights by CuriousGuy

First off let me say this. I spent a short bit of time in Germany and this is what happened when I had the chance to drive on the autobahn one time. It was a week day and it was in the evening. We had spent a long time in one of the towns visiting and had started heading back to another town where w...

Hitler's Eagles Nest by Taynevada

This is a story that my mom told me from when she was in the military about 15 years ago. All the troops were taken to Hitler's castle, called the Eagles Nest and they got to stay the night in the rooms there. My mom said that everyone else was at this party thing except for her and her few roommate...

Ghosts Of Children? by Tash1982

I would like to share my experience and get your opinions if possible! Basically I used to live in Germany on an Army camp and when I was about 12 I started to wake in the middle of the night, always in the early hours (from what I remember it was always between 1am and 3am). This only happened a...

And Suddenly The Room Was Cold by azhar

Before I come to the actual story or incident, I would like to share something about myself. It was back in 1992, when I was just a 14 year old girl, single child of a single parent. I was never the typical teenager, always a bit withdrawn, serious and very quiet, and drawn to religion and sp...

The Ghost Of My Great-grandmother by Xiao

At first, sorry for my grammar, English is only my third language. About 11 years ago, when I was 5 years old, the Grandma of my father died. My Mother and I, really loved her and used to help her with everything. She also liked my Mother like her own daughter. My mother, which is Chinese reall...

Who Is There? by daydreamer24

My father, being in the military, relocated our family a lot. We were used to living in new homes and strange places, but for my younger brother Jonathon and I no where was quite as strange as our extremely old house in Germany. When we first moved in both he and I felt odd living in the three story...

A Christmas Visit by 7DaysToGo

First of all I want you to please excuse any mistakes I might make while writing this. I'm from Germany and have learned English only as a second language, so there might still be a little bit more to learn until it might be perfect. My story isn't so much scary as a few others I have already rea...

Ghosts In Germany by Shafawn

This is my first time sharing a ghost story. I have had several experiences in my life but these are the ones I had in Germany. I have always been sensitive to "feeling" things in the spiritual realm. I've never been a scared type of person. I have always had a strong faith that God loves me and ...

A Dark Crying Shape In My Bedroom by lenaS1991

First, I want to apologize for all sorts of mistakes. I'm from Germany and this is my third language. I hope you can understand what I wrote. I don't clearly remember all paranormal experiences I had since I had some when I was just a kid. My first childhood memory is actually the encounter with ...

Black Figure In Bedroom by dying_beauty

Sorry for any grammar mistakes or stuff like that, I'm from Germany. Well, I'm 26 by now and just discovered this site, so I'll take the chance and share some experiences I had as a child. I can't remember how old exactly I was, but I still slept in a cot. One night I woke up, stood up and looked...

Cat In My Room On Anniversary Of Fire And Destruction by brennessel

This is my first post, and I'm not sure if it means anything but I'd like to hear other people's opinions. I live in Germany and my apartment (where I've lived for just over a year) is on the site of a synagogue that was set alight and destroyed by Nazi rampaging and violence known as 'Kristallna...

Unwanted Spirits? by KristaMae

I've been a victim of abuse by both my father and brother and I believe they're sins dragged UN wanted spirits, for as long as I could remember I'd always felt something poking at the back of my head or my legs or etc, and a couple of times when I've felt something rub on my side or my thigh when I'...

The Graveyard Prank Gone Wrong by Emo

It happened last year in Uberlingen, a small suburb town in south Germany. It was dusk, almost nightfall, and me and my friends were walking through the graveyard on the way to a party. The graveyard in itself is pretty clean and well kept, but has a older portion as well as a newer portion. Me, my ...

Girl In The Bathroom by lorrraaiinnee

This is my first story on the site and my experiences happened while I was about 15 living with my parents. My dad was in the british army and we were posted to an area in Germany that used to be a Royal Air Force base. We moved to one house but got moved to another soon after on the same base du...

Silent Lucidity by jerryhend1

This story is from my mother, a loss in war, to make a long story short I will say the following. Nuremberg/Furth in November 1943 my mom was walking down her street, it was just after an American daylight bombing and just before the Brits would come during the night, so the ground was littered with...

Was I Saved By The Shadow Dog? by Anette

Before I start, I just wanted to let you guys know that it was not just in one place. I am being stalked, but this is the most real experience so far. Most of it really started when I was 9. Growls in the silence of night and such things. What really spiked it is when I heard a woman's voice. She...

My Black Hooded Guardian by sjdillon

I have always had strange experiences, and seen things I can't explain. This is one of those times. I had been living in Germany for a year and a half before I saw him first. He just appeared in the corner of my eyes in the beginning, but I could see a black hooded figure, almost as if he was wearin...

This House... Haunted? by mondmadlin

As first, I should say that my english isn't very good, I am sorry about that but I will try my best. I am the only one in this house who believes in ghosts, just when friends or my halfsister is here, I am not alone anymore with the thought, this house is haunted. The house we live in is over 100 ...

Man On The Square by Luna0794

I had another strange experience recently and this site was so helpful with my previous experiences I would really like your help figuring it out. Over winter break from school my family went to Germany to visit family. My moms older sister was stationed there when she was in the military and she ...

Dachau by Claws

This story is very short, but very deep in my opinion. Anything to do with this terrible chapter in history should be. Around a year ago, my dad and I took a trip to Munich, Germany for Easter. I absolutely fell in love with Germany, it was one of the best trips of my life. Even though there are w...

Ouija Board, And The Room Got Bright by Felidae

Before I tell my story, I have to say that I am not a religious guy. I love to use my reason to explain things (And that doesn't mean, that religious people don't use their reason), to question everything and to find answers to these questions. Nevertheless I am attracted to the supernatural, I'v...

Strange Noises And Panics At Home by LuiDesu

In this story, I would like to tell you about the place where I live. I am a little afraid that I might ruin my credibility with that, the girl with the haunted school and the haunted flat and the haunted whatnot. But I actually am a very sceptic person. I really want to believe in ghosts and parano...

Is My School Haunted? 2 by LuiDesu

I already wrote about my creepy school in my last post. And when I described it, I got curious again and since there was a free period today, I decided to go investigate a little. Because I have a really bad feeling about the basements of the building (there are multiple buildings which were connect...

Holiday From Hell by CF

Me and my family decided to go to Europe a few months ago. When we arrived at our apartment, the weather was dark and stormy, with a light rain pouring down. However, we brought all our luggage inside the apartment and saw a bookshelf groaning with the weight of tons of old fashioned books all w...

Is My School Haunted? by LuiDesu

I know that the idea of a haunted school is very cliché-like. But please read this before you judge because this place really freaks me out and I just need reassurance that I am not insane. First of all, you should know that the town I live in has a really violent history, there have been severa...

Time To Re-arrange The Bathroom by deannah

We were in our house in Wallhalben for a year when this happened. It was the beginning of August 2009 and my husband was already in bed since he had to work early the next morning. Me and my kids were upstairs watching movies and having a little slumber party. It was no surprise when things woul...

Did I Meet My Guardian Angel? by Lady_Night

This happened to me on the night of the 9th August 2010. At this time, I was really sad, almost depressed as I know today, because my life just seemed useless. I had trouble with love, my sister (whom I always loved and always will love) had moved to the other side of the country one year before,...

Weird Experience At My Father's Home by Lady_Night

First of all, I'm 15 and I'm from Germany, so my English isn't the best, but I'll try to write as good as I can. My parents got divorced years ago, and I'm staying with my father and his girlfriend at least once every month. The room where I sleep in is their living room and it's quite weird in t...

Confusion by Dedar

It all started when I met my first husband, I was only 18 years old and strange things began to happen as soon as he entered my life. I always had a feeling of someone watching over me, but it wasn't until we became engaged when I was 19 where I first saw what I can only describe as a ghost. It wa...

Nick The Nazi by The-Red-Daisy

There is another ghost who resides at my house, though I don't often mention him. He and I are like oil and water; we just don't mix. There are rare times when I enjoy his presence and there are times where I wish he'd simply go away. This doesn't mean he's a harmful spirit. In fact, he's rather ben...

The Mystery With My Girlfriend by Concerned

I have lived closely with my girlfriend, whom I will call Ann, which is not her real nam. She is the person of my life. For 3 years have I spent my life with her, we have shared sorrow and happiness, mostly happiness if I am to be honest. I registered on this site just so that I could write this...

Ghosts In The Cellar by NineVolt

My grandmother wasn't much for telling us about her personal life. About how hard her life was living in Germany during World War Two. She was strict to a point and wouldn't think twice about whacking you upside your head if you screwed up. Her accent was rough, but growing up with her we were able ...

Steps In The Sleeping Room And Another Story by Pou88

Dear readers, I hope my English is good enough that you can understand my story. It is completely true and happened to my mum. It is about 10 years ago, July 1999. I lived with my parents in a 5 year old 2 storey home. My parent's bedroom was on the first floor, just as my sisters' and my bed...

Some People Decide To Stay by sheba_buckley

I was nine years old when we moved to Germany. My step father had received orders to return to Schleswig-Holstein, and my mother and I followed him shortly thereafter. We moved into a 64 year old house that was occupied by my step dad's parents. They were 68 and 75 years old. Grandma's parents had b...

Playful Spirit by EireRaven

When my husband and I moved into our current residence, we'd notice quite often that our light bulbs were burning out at an incredible rate. Our bedroom light fixture was basically just a long cable and buld hanging from the ceiling with a shade over it. One evening while getting ready for bed, I no...

My Shadow Man by EireRaven

I've mentioned in my previous posting "Shy Footsteps" that I'd started to wake up in the night to find a shadow man in the corner of my bedroom just watching me. Well, this did occur quite often until I moved in with my husband. My husband travels a lot due to his job, so I'd be home alone quite oft...

Shy Footsteps by EireRaven

In January of 2000, our family dog died. My family had been living in this house already for about ten years, with never a strange occurrence. About two months after the passing of our beloved pup, while home alone during the day, I heard heavy footsteps upstairs. So I actually went upstairs to look...

Dachau Concentration Camp In Munich by bamastrick07

I am in the Army I am stationed in Germany. My wife and I recently took a trip to Dachau Concentration Camp in Munich. I watched Ghost Hunters a lot and was really interested in paranormal activity. When we arrived there you could feel a strong presence in the air. The camp was really big and it...

Two Shadows And The Dream by themurph

Friday night walking back to my room, my roommate was gone for the night. When I walked in my room I just felt something was wrong. I was getting a strange vibe. Never felt it before. I ignored it so turned off the light and went to bed. After couple minutes I saw two dark shadows standing by the wa...

Footsteps In The Attic by SNICKERS

When we lived in Germany for 6 years I would always hear footsteps in the attic of the house we lived in. I would be so scared to go up there and check so I asked my mom if someone was up there and she would say no. She would always tell me that it was my imagination, but I knew it wasn't because wh...

Grandma's Always With Me by deannah

This story is about the unbreakable bond I have/had with my grandmother even as she lay dying fighting to stay alive until I made it home and even after her death. I hope you enjoy reading this and that it gives you some insight into the relationships we're able to have with one another. I've al...

No Spaghetti For You by deannah

This is a rather short story but a very interesting one. I was in the kitchen last night cooking dinner and my husband was working on a fruit tart for dessert near the sink. Our kitchen is really small in comparison to what we've had over the years, but this isn't base housing and we're not in the s...

The Spirit Who Needed My Hairdryer by deannah

We've been in Germany now for almost a year. When we got here last July we were told that there would be a six month wait for base housing so we decided to look off base in the various villages surrounding Ramstein and Vogelweh. We came out here to Wallhalben and took the second house we looked at. ...

Strange Sexual Dreams At Night by sweetsteffi

I am new here and my English is not the best. I am confused about something and maybe you can help me. My husband and I moved into our apartment a few weeks after moving in I started to have strange dreams. The dreams only occur when my husband is on nightshifts and I have to sleep on my own. ...

Suffering Spirits by DoctorSinister

When I was eight years of age my father joined the military. My family and I left Austin, Texas and moved to Vilseck, Germany because my father had to be stationed there. We settled into our new home and everybody was happy especially my brother and I because we never encountered snow before and it ...

My Incubus Story by Cordare

My story goes back 10 years. It all started with sensual feelings when I would just sit on my couch watching TV or reading a book. I would feel an arm around me, warmth and comfort. This went on for quite some time. It would be followed by noises in my bedroom next door, but somehow it never scared ...

A Real Face To Face Ghost by xXselinaXx

About three years ago when I was twelve years old, my mother couldn't pay the rent of our big family house anymore. We had to move into this new house, which belonged to my mom's friend's mother before. The thing about it was, when I first entered my room, everything seemed great, until I looked out...

Growling Ghostly Dog by lpagan

This story was told to me by my best friend whose father was in the army and station in germany. She said that even thou she was only 8 years old when this occurred, she can still remember it like was yesterday. They had just moved into this house that was made into 2 apartments. Her grandparents li...

Great Grandma's Last Farewell ? by Butterfly84

I was about 10 or 11 when this happened but I still remember it clearly as if it was yesterday... While our house was being renovated, we (my mom, my sister and I) were staying at our Mom's Parents house. My Great Grandma had died a few years earlier in that same room we were sleeping in. In the hal...

Zooming Shadow by CardinalNinja

This encounter happened when I was about 8 years old. My father was stationed in Germany (he's in the military). I had a lot of friends, my best one being Chris, who experienced this with me. It was about 8:30 PM, which was a little late for us to be outside, because we were young. We were just walk...

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