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Ghost stories from United Kingdom: Page 9
The Old Cotton Mill by warby1
Back in the 1990s I worked in an old cotton mill in my home town of Oldham in the city of Manchester. One night I decided to go and have talk to my brother who worked on the floor below mine, so I went out onto the stairs to go down to visit my brother. The building was quite old about 120 years...
A Bad Demon? by SkullKid
A couple months ago I woke up in the middle of the night (which I rarely ever do) and automatically looked at the foot of my bed and there stood a very slender, lanky, inhuman looking black figure watching me. I was absolutely terrified and felt like a deer in head lights as I could not take my ...
Something Is Bothering Me by MoralityStrides
I would like to ask about recent experiences I've had. 1) My house is incredibly old, and I feel a strange feeling when in certain parts. I feel this feeling in other places and some of the places I've felt it I've researched and they are reportedly haunted. This strange feeling makes me feel di...
Is It Possible For Someone To Be Susceptible To Ghosts? by MrRonan
Now I personally have never believed in ghosts. However events currently taking place are changing my mind. Let me take you back three years ago. I was working in a pun as a chef, supposedly the place was haunted but I never saw anything as such. It was there though that I met my girlfriend who ...
Experiences In My Family Home by forthkind
I grew up in a beautiful house with my parents and 2 siblings. I've always been sensitive to spiritual activity and this house definitely had that. It all started when I was about 5 or 6 and I felt drawn to certain areas of the house. I'd spend hours playing by myself, or at least my parents thought...
Ghosts In Our House by abbiegallon
My name is Abbie and I recently have had some ghost encounters. I will tell you one of them. They don't hurt me they just make themselves known. Ever since I moved into my old house weird happenings happened. My house was on top of a graveyard. The graveyard was dug up and houses were built on to...
Some Interesting Happenings In My Childhood Home by brennessel
I grew up in the North East of England in a house built sometime during the 70s, which is where this story takes place. There was no bad feeling connected with anything that happened there, in fact I look back on it with a kind of fondness and interest. The only thing that scared me took place wh...
Feeling, Seeing And Suffering Sleep Paralysis Again by Surya
It's been a very long time since I posted on YGS. I don't expect any comments but any are welcome. Sunday 18th November. After an almost relaxing Sunday, cooking, cleaning, I called it a night about 9pm. I pretty much knocked of straight away, but I had a very restless night in that I kept wakin...
Am I Haunted? Please Help by betholivia
My name is Beth and I have a few experiences I'd like to share with you. I'm fourteen years old and live with my father, mother and my two younger siblings, Matt and Rea (Matt is nine and Rea's two). Now, these stories are told to me by dad, as I don't remember. Our old house was half of an old ...
Haunted Student House by rainbow-rose
I lived in a semi-detached house with 2 other girls for just under a year whilst in my final year of university in 2010/2011. I was friends with one of the girls that lived there the year before me and also had my room. The first time I heard about it being creepy was when my friends boyfriend got t...
A Ghost Corrupted Our Files? by unknown_madness
My story begins about a few days ago when my dad had a day off of work so we decided to spend this valuable day as a family and went to a place we had never been before - Oxford castle and prison. It was used mainly as a prison from Medieval Norman times until 1996 where it is used as a hotel, bu...
The Doors Upstairs by JakeO
My ghost story started a few days ago. I was home alone and nobody was going to be home until 6:00 pm later that day (this happened at about 4:30). Anyway I was sitting downstairs in the kitchen with my dog. I was making a sandwich when I heard one of the doors moving upstairs. I thought it was the ...
The Haunted Pub by MattyDude2009
I haven't written a story in a while but I have a corker for you! This story goes back to when I was 18; I had my 18th birthday a few days before. Anyway, I used to be a painter and decorator and I used to work for my dad. I usually painted houses, private work but on the odd occasion, we would get ...
The Little Girl In The Doorway by tweety5
I am a home carer. One night shift I had to care for an old lady in her own home. She lived in a modern, one bedroom ground floor flat. It had been a very quiet night so I sat in the arm chair facing the door and put my feet up. The front room light was off where I sat but the room was not dark a...
What's Wrong With Me? by CammiAlice
So before I start I just want to say that this isn't an experience, more of a description throughout my life. I need some answers to my problem and I want to know if there is anyone else out there that is like me. People who are born with this 'gift' of seeing ghosts seem to have it all their liv...
My Nanny Visits My Son by Worried_Brit_Chick
It's been a long time since my last submission, and a lot has happened! I am now mother to a beautiful 7 month old boy, and he has been attracting some unusual visitors. Since he was about 4 weeks old, my son has smiled a big cheeky grin at those he loves, and whenever I would put him on his cha...
Jebb Street Ghost by sylviabonbilvia
From April 2011 to April 2012, myself and 5 friends (all mid-twenties) shared a house in Bow, East London. My bedroom which I shared with my then boyfriend was the only bedroom at the front of the house facing the street. There was one bedroom at the back, one at the side and one downstairs. The liv...
Spirit Follows Me? by georgyy
I don't really see myself as sensitive towards spirits but I've had this one follow me for some time and I'd like to know why or if it means me harm. It started when I moved in with my aunt and uncle, roughly a year ago. I always felt somebody watching me but assumed at first it was the new envi...
The Lady With The Lipstick by SineadKatShakespeare
I was only about two years old. My mother and grandmother were painting the house, and didn't want me to get dirty, so they put me in my travel cot in my bedroom. Once they'd left me for about half an hour, they heard me start laughing. Apparently, I was also screaming, yet I wasn't at all scared. T...
When I Was A Baby by JulianLewis95
I am currently a 17-year-old male and living in the South of England. Back in the Summer on 1997, when I was 2-years-old, my family and I went to Devon on a small holiday. For those of you who don't live in England; Devon is a very historic part of the country, famous for it's history of witchcra...
Fight With A Spirit by Bhoothnath
This is my first story and its very short so I apologize in advance if its not interesting. I will address the presence as IT. A few months back I had this really wierd feeling that there was something or someone's presence in the house apart from my family. The feeling I got was of darkness, whi...
Interesting Events In My Home by asd1
This is the first time I have submitted a story but have read quite a few off of here with some interest. My story probably isn't chilling or such. But its something I have been wondering for a while. I live in a house with from what I gather doesn't have any major history to it whatever. I have b...
My Unnerving Childhood Experience by fi
Before I go on I feel it important to stress that I strive to be a rational person, I hold no religious belief and take a sceptical approach to any form of the bizarre. However I find myself haunted (if you'll pardon the pun) by the events that I experienced as a child, which completely contradict a...
I'm Trying To Do My Homework by WeirdnFreaky
A few days ago I came home from school and found out I had homework. I was home alone and I fetched my homework diary and got a pad and pen and the laptop to make notes. I left my stuff on the sofa and went to go to the bathroom. I did call out a few times to double-check that no one else was in the...
Warwick University Ghost by MrsB1509
The following event happened to me some years ago, the reason I am now submitting my story to this site is that due to going on a recent Ghost Walk around the City of York on my honeymoon (romantic I know) what happened has been brought back to the forefront of my mind and has been playing on my tho...
The Girl In The Shadows by Mystery_Girl
I thought I would share my experience with you. I mean, I don't really know if the explanation for this was anything paranormal or maybe just my imagination. Who knows. For some reason I never feel safe. I constantly feel as though I am being watched. I don't know if the reason for this is becaus...
Spirit Or Dream? by Cliney1212
Dear readers, I'm not entirely sure what to make of this story so I've posted it for your opinion. We have been living in our current house for the past 7 years and around 5 years ago we had our loft converted. I have posted a few stories on here that mention my various experiences and also some ...
The Experience That Convinced Me Ghosts Were Real by tassle1991
I have never believed in ghosts until I stayed at my friend's house over the summer. What I experienced there has convinced me that ghosts are real. My friend lives in Leeds and her father believes that the house is built on an old battleground. In the garden there is also a small patio that was...
A Selection Of Experiences by sariah
I have recently been discussing ghostly encounters with my close family and friends and have heard some very interesting stories that I'd like to share. Around 20 years ago my husband attended a college in the UK at a rather famous old RAF base in Bircham Newton that had been converted into a const...
The Demonic Dead by Subtle_Poetics
The following account details a series of unexplained happenings that occurred on Tuesday 18th September roughly between the times of 8 pm and 10. 20 pm in Northern Ireland. For those of you who remember, I am a Journalism student with a special interest in the paranormal. My mother is a medium ...
Coincidence Or Did I Hear An Incident 20 Miles Away? by Lakota73
This story happened in August 2011. My old workplace is situated on a fairly new industrial estate with a main carriageway and a motorway running along either side. This particular morning, I'd just pulled into the car park. Nothing out of the ordinary, to begin with. My routine was pretty mu...
Scary Times by sariah
About 10 years ago (when I was in my early 20's) I was staying with my new boyfriend and his friend who shared a house in small village in Bedfordshire, it was by no means an old spooky house, just a regular semi detached approx 30 years old. I would usually stay at weekends often arriving on a Frid...
Pushy Robert by chimchim
I was visiting a friend who lives in Sheffield, UK. She rents a row house, which was probably built around 1900 for steel workers, like all the other houses in the neighborhood. The garden shed was originally an outdoor toilet, so that gives you some idea of the date of construction. My friend an...
Footsteps In The Night by chimchim
In 2010, my cousin and I went to Wales on vacation. My family have been visiting Wales almost every year for decades, but this was my first trip (although I had been to England on my own). Whenever they go, my family always pays a visit to St Davids in southwest Wales, and they stay in a holiday cot...
Haunting Of An Old Teacher by tulisafan123
The maths department at our school used to be the chemistry department, where Bunsen burners were used. There was a story of an old chemistry teacher whose hair got caught in the Bunsen burner. She panicked, as any normal person would, so she fled the room, not remembering that there was a balcony o...
Voice In The Night by Spirit_Juggler
I'm curious to hear what people think on this site. I came here simply to read peoples personal accounts of the paranormal and seeing the site thought I'd share my own most recent experience. I live with my wife and son in the West Midlands England in a 1930's built red brick house that's never ...
The Family Legacy by Lastingdreams
This story is more a plea for assistance. Two years ago, the woman who raised me passed, who I called auntie but was in fact a distant cousin once removed, leaving me all her worldly possessions and the rather beautiful country house she had brought me up in. Though not a day goes by in which I d...
Banging Heard An Figures Seen On My Backyard by LukeW2012Xx
I am Luke and I am from the UK. I live in a quiet area thirteen miles away from Derby and I am going to share with you one of several strange situations which have occured in my house. For my first story, I will talk about the stuff me and my brother have witnessed/heard this year. I am not 100% sur...
The Three Ghosts by thisisthelife
I was young when my parents split up, and I didn't really understand what was going on. Me, my sister (Aimee) and my Dad, all moved into a flat with mine and my sisters best friend (Shinea), and her dad. I loved it, as any young child would love living with their best friend, but there was someth...
Poltergeist Or A Spirit Meaning No Harm? by Gingexo
For the past several months my parents and I have been experiencing several things in our home. We have seen figures of people and animals. There has been many of times where there has been large orbs flying across the lounge and my parents' bedroom. I've heard groaning noises and whispering in my...
The Girl In The Lane by LisaS
I live in Kilmarnock in Scotland and for the past three weeks there has been a girl following me down the lane from the side of my house. It is always a flash of fear I feel then I turn around and she's standing behind me, wearing black. She has black hair, black eyes and a short black party dress ...
The Lady In The Cottage by jmaster123
About a few years ago my parents had split up, my dad had moved down to Norfolk as he had found a new house to live in. A year passed and he struggling to pay the bills and taxes for the house, so he found a small cottage (and I mean small) by the Norfolk coast in a village called Winterton-on-sea. ...
The Little Boy And The Footsteps In The Living Room by kittyalice
I have always been a little skeptical about ghosts, thinking they were just things that other people saw and I never would. But after reading about the experiences of some people on here, I discovered that a few of the experiences I have had were unusual and (I hope) worth posting. I'll write the tw...
Uncle Paul by samtillie
In 1990 when I and my twin sister were 14 years old our Uncle Paul, Aunt Sharro and their baby daughter died in a car accident. This was absolutely devastating for our families but this was the first time we had ever experienced a bereavement, obviously we were young and very confused as no one in o...
I Think They're Connected by TheFatalSoul
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been busy. If you've seen any of the other things I've posted, you'll know that me and my friend have both been experiencing some scary entities (Emma, Nicole, the red-faced man, the shadow, etc). For a while, my friend (let's just call her J) wasn't allowe...
My Haunted Flat by tuttseysboy07
I had split up from my wife in the back end of 2001 and moved out of my home town of Liverpool and through a family friend found a one bed roomed flat below his in part street Southport. It was a nice flat in a quiet area just outside town centre and handy for pubs and clubs that I loved going too. ...
Deep Breathing by Hunni4898
This is starting to freak the hell out of me. I've been ignoring it for a while now but its getting worse so please help me?! It all started this one night when I got into bed I was on facebook on my phone for a while but eventually decided to curl down and go to sleep. It was about 3am when I fi...
Red Man by Hunni4898
This story is genuine it's not my first experience although I am planning on posting others. It was about six at night and I was at my aunties house sleeping there, as my parents were out of town. I was sat with Jake, my younger cousin, he was about 4 when this happened. We was playing with his r...
Coming To Say Sorry? by Lakota73
In 1994 I had a whirlwind romance and we conceived a daughter. Like many whirlwind romances, we soon hit the reality ground hard, discovering we were not so suited afterall. We parted on bad terms and I was left alone to bring up our daughter. The only contact we had was the monthly paid child s...
Miles Apart... Dying Friend Wanted To Say Goodbye by Lakota73
In 1987 my family and their friends holidayed in Spain. I wasn't the only teenager in the party and for the first few days of the two weeks there was plenty of fun and laughter. Like many teenagers, we didn't seem to have a care in the world and spent the days playing in the sea and the evenings try...
The Vanishing Little Girl by hammy97
Contrary to popular belief, a cemetery is the last place in which I would expect a so-called "ghost" to be seen. Even so, there are innumerable accounts of ghostly appearances in cemeteries. Several people have related their stories of the vanishing little girl in Anfield cemetery in Liverpool. O...
Mischevous Happenings by Kelari
I believe I had had paranormal or unexplainable experiences since I was a child. One of my earliest memories is of when I was around 5. (I know I was under the age of 6 because my dad still lived with us at the time) It was a morning and I was walking along our landing heading to the stairs to...
Did My Great-nan Visit? by xmeggymorgan99x
My little sister, let's call her Kate, was staying at my auntie's when this happened. My auntie was washing the dishes and all of a sudden the pot she uses for gravy flew off the table. No-one was near the table when the pot flew. A few seconds later, Kate was watching some tapes. There is a basket ...
Overwhelming Fear by CherchezLaFemme
This is my first post on here! Something happened last night (on my birthday of all days) and I'm not sure how to explain it so I've come here for some help. I am currently sleeping in my mother's bedroom and have been for about 1 month. We thought we were moving house until about 4 days ago, so ...
The Ghostly Whisper That Saved My Life by Lakota73
I can't remember exactly what age I was when this happened, but at a rough guess I was between 10 and 12. My parents had bought me a dog, Dasha, in 1984, and he became my best friend. I'd take him for a walk before I went school and couldn't wait to finish my lessons to run and play about with him. ...
Watching Over Me? by Dizzy
Ever since I was little I have this recurring thought that someone was in my bedroom waiting for me to go to sleep, this "thing" wasn't like a scary person, it was just something. I would jump into bed (literally) and catch a glimpse of him. I would shuddered in shock and cover every part of my ...
Weird Sounds by WeirdnFreaky
Over the past fortnight I have found that the activity in my home has risen and I have begun to notice little things like sounds, or shadows or things moving so I just wondered if anyone could help me figure out what is doing these things? My first set of experiences was about a eight days ago. I...
Active House Next Door by ladycastlemaine
This is about my neighbours Cheryl and Dave and involves me and my mum as well. We were telling them about our experiences of corner of the eye phenomenon in our house. Sometimes we think we see a small dog or cat in the dining room that seems to jump off a chair and run away, usually when we are wa...
Dreams Of People In My Home by GraceyB
I often have bad dreams where I see people in my house. Sometimes they shout at me, sometimes they say nothing, they feel more like hallucinations than dreams most times. I sometimes think I can hear people walking around the house, and only recently on my day off, I thought I could hear my boyfrien...
She Lives On by Lethalintent
I've always been a lonely guy. No brothers or sisters, not that many friends, to be honest I prefer my own company. But you can only be alone for so long before depression and loneliness kicks in. This all started when I was 9 years old. My mother had lost her second child due to the baby (Who wa...
The Lady That Was There And Then Wasn't by hauntedfarm
This happened to me yesterday. I work in a residential care home and some of the people there have some behavioral problems too. Anyway I had to take one of them to the doctors. It was only a 20 minute walk. I have a slightly faster pace than my resident, let's call him John, who was only 3 step...
Experiences In An Old Orphanage by RabbitHeartedGirl
Early this year I started a cleaning job at a high school to get by until I found another job. Every cleaner had their own specific areas of the school where they cleaned. Mine was an old creaky building what looked like a big old house. You can see where this is going already. The house is old aro...
Strange Ghost Cat by cookieismine
I've had a few ghostly cat experiences in my house, one of the most recent ones was one I experienced with my sister. Unlike other ghost experiences, it didn't scare me. I think the reason it didn't scare me is because it was an animal. I have two cats, Sooty, black and white, and Nibbles, a grey...
Peculiar Night Visits by Lakota73
Before my parents extended their first home it was a modest two-bedroom bungalow. Both bedrooms were situated at the rear of the the bungalow with my parents in one and my older sister and I sharing the other. As a very young child I can't say sleeping on the ground floor bothered me at all, even th...
Ridgeway by Laurosawrrrr
Once in a while I search for ghost stories etc. Which is how I came across this site two weeks ago, when it reminded me of my own experience/dream. I'm still not sure if it was real, but I remember it as though it was. It was in my old house (council) which sat on the end of a road named Ridgeway...
Smoking Ghost by rainbow-rose
Firstly a bit of background on my house. I've lived here for the vast majority of my life except for a 3 year gap whilst at university. My parents bought the house when I was 6 months old from a group of elderly siblings after one of them died (the remaining 2 moved into a bungalow across the road)....
My Good Friends Phone Call by Staceyanne1985
So I'm not entirely sure if this site has genuine people but I have read a few stories and believe that there are a few so here goes my encounter or I hope it was as some sort of comfort. In November of 2011 a very good friend of mine took his own life. He was the partner of my best friend and th...
What Do I Do? by teenagewitch21
This story relates to my first story 'Was my dad visiting his granddaughter?'. Just a quick reminder of that story, one night when I was trying to settle my daughter I saw the shadow of a man walk from the doorway of the bedroom stop at my daughters cot then carry on and stop next to my bed... Si...
My Mothers Childhood Experience by Buzz_man123
My story is one my mother told me of her child hood experience and I found it interesting enough to want to publish it. My mother used to live in a detached house in London, (I don't know the exact address though if it really matters I could ask) It was an old house and had been around for a whil...
I Can't Sleep Anymore by Eya96
I've been trying to submit this for a while now, I was either busy or the page was down so I'm glad I can finally get this out of the way. In my first post I said I sometimes had sleep paralysis and it didn't affect me to the point that I needed to go into detail about it. After having it once a ...
Stories - The Tree, The Man And The Mob Cap Woman by ladycastlemaine
Here are a few short stories from people close to me. Last December my boyfriend and his mum were driving on the roads between Chelmsford and Ongar, in Essex. It was a dark winter evening and they were passing by a cluster of trees on the left. In the beam of the headlights, an apparition drifted...
The Presence, The Dream And The Coloured Lights by ladycastlemaine
I used to live in a small flat in Harlow, Essex. When I was young, (under 7) I used to leave my bed in the dark and run to my mum's bed most nights. As I lay awake, little coloured dots used to fly around the room, up by the ceiling and then they would swirl around the bed. They would always start r...
Breathing In My Bedroom by RabbitHeartedGirl
I want to share some experiences that have happened in my house that I have been living in for nine years now. I am a believer of the paranormal and have been reading stories on this site for a while. I'm just curious to see what everyone else thinks as your comments are very helpful. -- --- --- --...
A Shadowed Encounter by Parapowerless
I'm not entirely sure where to begin as I have no extensive knowledge of the paranormal nor its relative terminology, though I'm hoping to isolate what exactly I experienced many years ago at the age of 6. Straight off the bat I understand it's a rather young age though what I experienced one aut...
The Little Boy And Tapping Walls by teenagewitch21
This really freaked me out the night it happened and still does when I think about it 7 years later. When I was a teen I lived with my dad but stayed with my mum a couple of nights a week. When I was there we would be more like sisters or friends, act silly have drinks watch films and so on... One...
The Man Coming Through My Wall by tarr
Some teenagers post stories that are not true. I'm 14 and this is most definitely true. I'll get on with the story now. My house has been in my family for years. It was my great-grandmother's mother's house and it's been passed down throughout my family. Anyway, there was a family living next do...
News From The Clairvoyant by Unexplained
A little over ten years ago I lived in a maisonette with my ex-girlfriend (a visual artist), and her pet cat. My ex never talked about the supernatural back then. Before she met me, she had an experience late one night, while cycling over a bridge, that terrified her. So, knowing that, I rarely brou...
Strange Happenings In A Hotel by alisonclare
Note: This is my first story so I'm sorry if it's not well written. I recently quit working at a local B&B, but before I did some really strange things started happening. The first few months of working there were fine, nothing out of the ordinary but then I started getting the feeling that I w...
The Man's Friend by MissEmoVampire
You need to read my previous experiences to understand this new experience. It is all about the man I have encountered twice in my experiences, and I have found out more and more things which are good enough to explain. This man I encountered months ago has now decided to follow me everywhere I g...
Let Me In by Monkey99
This happened just about a year ago. My mum had gone out to pick up my brothers from school and I was alone in the house. I was sitting drawing at the kitchen table when I heard this really loud knocking. Then someone called out my name, and then said "let me in", in a really cliched thin waily ghos...
The Abandoned Cottage by blondiexisxmex
This happened a few years ago and it's always made me rethink my thoughts on the afterlife and the paranormal in general. It all started when I was in school and I was sitting at a table with some friends in a lesson. One of my friends started talking about when she went to this abandoned house ...
The Ghost by sky4net
I'm 33 years old, and all through my life I have been haunted by an event which took place in my childhood. More so by the fact that I do not believe in ghosts; however, this leaves me conflicted as to what I saw. When I was 10 I lived in South East London on a council estate. My cousin had come ...
Watching Us by pringles
My story begins 2004, my boyfriend had moved in with me. I was renting a depressing council house on an estate called Kendray. Nothing ghostly or creepy ever happened to me here before he moved in, but once he did all kinds of taps, bangs and voices came out. Whenever I was falling to sleep I'd h...
My Strange Experiences At School by unknown_madness
This story takes place about one or two years ago when I was in my primary school. I was in year 6 and I was about 10/11 years old. My primary school years were pretty strange. I disliked most of my teachers and the only two I actually did like were last year's. The school was pretty old, it had ...
Running Water Mystery by enyapcire
My wife and I live in Lincolnshire, UK. In the following tale please don't expect any ghostly figures, or people walking through walls, etc. Nevertheless, I would like to relate the following, as yet, unexplained mystery. Back in 1996 my eldest daughter, who at the time was living in a small v...
Visiting Pets by Valentine19
During my life I have had a lot of pets but had never been "haunted" by one, until I moved in with my now ex-girlfriend. She had a pure white German Shepherd that I had met a few times before my ex and I were together but sadly she died. After my ex and I started living together we bought a pool tab...
Ghost Breath - My First Experience by anonymous
NOTE: The following ghost experience happened when I was about 11 or 12 years old, so only a few years ago. It was my first ghost experience, but my whole life I have felt different. I think I might be some kind of psychic, or something of that nature, because I always sense things, physically, and ...
My Experience With Ouija Boards by Valentine19
When I was 17 me and a group of friends found out about an old abandoned building that was near to an old unused mental health hospital or care home (I can't really remember which it was but the name was Winterton and it was in a village called Sedgefield). We thought it would be a cool place to han...
Ghostly Goings On by Valentine19
Haunted Stereo? When I was around 14 I was playing a computer game called Alone in the dark (if any of you played these games years ago you'll know how scary they could be). My computer was on the landing at the top of the staircase and the only people in the house were me and my friend who was s...
Gwrach Y Rhibyn by WelshmanTrezise
As I get older, I am realizing more and more that ghostly things to and around me all the time as this I just realized was a one of them. It's about the Gwrach y Rhibyn the harvester of the dead in Wales. When I was young, I remember in the countryside of northern Wales near Blaenau Ffestiniog, ...
Dreamsharing? Or Apparitions? by Unexplained
In late January of this year, I woke up in the middle of the night and had to go to the toilet. To get there, I had to go down a flight of stairs. As I reached the top of the stairs I looked down and saw two young girls in naval uniform playing with each other - they looked as if they were playing n...
Growing Up With A Ghost by Daveb
This story is something I have wanted to write down for a long time. It combines a mixture of personal memories from myself and stories from my family. I was born on a council estate in North Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, England. There was my Mam and Dad and, at the time, my younger sister. I reme...
The Dog Is Back by WeirdnFreaky
My Gran used to own a black and white Collie dog but it was killed when it was about 2 by a fox because it got out from the house and was attacked. But I believe that my Gran's house is haunted by her old dog, who is buried outside in the back garden. My first experience was from when I was ten. I...
The Red Lady, The White Lady And The Shadow Child by aquakirin
The first time I rember seeing something was when I was around 6. Me, mum, dad and my little sister were sitting on mum and dads bed. All we were doing was talking while mum and dad tried to tidy the bed. So as I do usually I stare at something just randomly and it just so happened to be the door ...
A Collection Of Real Family Ghost Stories by Scythe
Now you may be wondering why I'm posting these together, but the stories are quite short and are nothing spectacular. Anyway, the stories are from several family members of mine who swear that these encounters were real. The first one is quite boring. My grandparents were on holiday in a beach i...
Mysterious Hooded Figure In Woods by liam667
My name is Liam and I would like to share with you something me and my best friend Julian experienced recently, any feedback would be great as it would be brilliant for someone to shed some light on this phenomena. So I was spending the day with my friend, and I was around his house for a while j...
Parents Experiences In Childhood Home by charthebanshee
This is more about the goings on in my childhood home. I have posted another story previously about the poltergeist activity that went on. This was the main form it took (poltergeist) but a couple of instances it showed itself to both my parents on separate occasions. What was strange was that we l...
Let There Be Light by Hanbobs
Sometimes when things happen I often wonder "Is it just me?" but lately things have been happening in front of other people. I'm unsure whether to call this a Ghost Story but I am interested in your feedback... The first time I noticed something odd was when I walked into a friend's house. As I ...
Explainable Fact by Moen
I am an Indian born doctor. In a nutshell I am a psychiatrist. I work in UK. Coming to the incident which has happened in the year 2009; I am still in dilemma to believe what I had witnessed. On July 22nd 2009 (I remember the day as it was solar eclipse which was recorded as longest in history) I...
Shadow Man In My Home by WeirdnFreaky
For a few months, since late April, everything was pretty quiet in my house, nothing out of the ordinary happened. That was what was creepy, nothing happened. But after a little while a "shadow man" began to show up. If you search it on Google you will find pictures of black silhouette men in trench...
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