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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 94
Stagecoach Inn Ghost by Krit
This was about ten years ago. I was about 12 years old when I went to spend time at my great uncles house in California. I really liked his house because it is a huge old stagecoach inn. There was just a lot of neat old things for a kid to explore and look around at. Unlike most kids I didn't b...
Haunted School And Neighborhood by SoliK
I am working at a new school this year. It's a building that was once an elementary school, then a high school and now is an all kindergarten school. It was fully remodeled when it became a high school. It is located in a very bad part of town that is known for gangs, drugs, and shootings. On many...
My Childhood At Coyote Trail by believer21
First off I just want to say how much this site has helped me. I live with some pretty terrible memories from paranormal encounters, and this place has become my refuge. This experience started when I was six and continued for as long as I visited my Grandmother's house. We moved in with her since ...
Very Haunted School In Hamilton, Ontario, Candada by Smuker121
Last year (2010) I was walking to my friends house at a very late hour around 2:30am. Now my friend lives a block away from the abandoned school. As I am walking to his house I pass the school finding my friend sitting on the steps, listening carefully. I ask him "what's going on here man"? He rep...
Holiday To Remember by XxelliesxX
When I was 12 my mum went into hospital for a small operation (hysterectomy) which went horribly wrong it left her stuck in hospital for around a year and now she still has some problems, during that year there was a 2 week gap in which she could take me on holiday so she decided to take me to Tener...
I Hear A Man's Voice by CJ621
If anyone has any feed back please let me know! Last night 7pm I said to my 3.5 year old "come on...bedtime"... and she said "ohhhh nooooo but I miss you". So I said "ok fine, a little bit longer"... I turned off the light in the living room and laid down on the couch with her where we were watching...
Whose Hand Was On My Shoulder And What Flew In Front Of Me? by werewolfluv
This happened about an hour before I got up for school. I woke up at five in the morning and I rolled back over to get a few more minutes of sleep. When all of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up thinking my mom wanted me to get up earlier. So I whispered "what". There was nobody ther...
Protective Spirit? by Nysa
In my previous story I mentioned that my daughter spooked me when she was about 8 years old by telling me she was having nightmares about things that sounded a lot like things I had been seeing that I suspected were some kind of apparitions. I empowered a dream catcher to keep things away from her a...
Ghost In Our House by RhysThomas
Hello, I randomly came across this site and thought I'd share my own personal experience. I never beleived that ghosts were real, I'd never experienced anything before. My family moved into a new bigger house around 4 years ago, now I do believe in ghosts. It started around 3 years ago. As I laid...
A Little Victorian Boy by PebblesnBammbamm
Just to let people know I am a 16 year old girl and I have had many experiences with the paranormal, some good and some bad. I will be posting my experiences when I can. This happened at an old family friend's house about 6 months ago. Their house is built on an old victorian graveyard in the so...
My Grandfather Telling Me Something? by KrystalJames16
I am 20 years old, and was recently living out of home. Since 1 year ago, I moved back in with my family to save up some money to move into my own place. In a small town called Calen, in QLD Australia. My first experience was when I was 10 years old. My occurrences began not long after my grandfa...
A Warning Or A Threat? by thetruthisoutthere
A few years ago I and a couple friends were into the whole ghost hunting deal. We had 2 video cameras and a tape recorder. We just went around everywhere trying to capture some kind of evidence. What was funny about it was, the guy who's idea it was to go to these haunted locations would always wait...
Ancestry by ultimaga95
So, about 3 months ago, during the middle of the summer, this weird apparition came to me. This never happened before and I was kind of scared because this was one of the first times I have ever come into contact with anything that was paranormal. At around 11:30ish pm I was going to go to sleep...
Call Center by iLoveChocolates
This story was told to me by my sister-in-law. To make things easier, she works in a Call Center somewhere in Manila. I do know what company it is but I do not want to mention it for it may scare some people who want to work in a Call Center. Anyways, let's head to her story. She and her friend w...
Shadows, Sniffling And Clicking Noises by kelziee1
I'm 14 and live in Australia next door to my grandparents, sadly my Nanny died. And about 4 days ago I was sitting in the lounge room while Mum and Dad were out with friend, and down the hall I saw 2 shadowed figures running up and down the hallway. I walked down the hallway to check if I was being ...
Haunting In A Women's Refuge by showgirls1980
First of all, let me tell you that before I had this experience, I was VERY sceptical. If someone had told me they'd seen a ghost or experienced paranormal activity, I would have laughed in their face! Until this happened to me. I had been in a womans refuge for about 6 months with my 7yr old Son ...
Scent Of Roses And Lilacs by cherokeekydd
There are only a few in my family that I know of that ever has this to happen to them. When I was younger, one of my aunts and her husband drove and 18 wheeler cross-country. My aunt had been having some health problems and while she had a few days off she made a doctor's appointment. After making t...
I Feel Like It Followed Me by josiexx
Hey everyone, my name is Josie. I'm from a small town in western Pennsylvania called Saltsburg. Over the summer I spent a lot of time at the house my friend Kyle rented. Before I started staying there Kyle warned me about strange things that happened there, and though I believed him I really didn't ...
The Voice In My Ear by Sweeternity
This happened to me one night as I was laying in bed at my parents house when I was about 20 years old. I live at home with my mother and father in Utah while I'm working and trying to pay off debt to go back to school. It was getting late when I decided to go to bed. I laid down to sleep when my...
The Moving Shoes by Sweeternity
This experience didn't exactly happen to me, but I was involved in a way. My boyfriend of two years lives in a 159 year old house in Utah; built by his great-great (I don't know how many 'greats') grandfather in the 1800's. He lived there alone because his father re-married after his mother died...
Something On The Stairs by alandhopewell
I'm pretty sure this was my first experience with the paranormal; at the very least, I can't recall anything similar occurring earlier than this. The year was nineteen sixty-eight, and we were living in an apartment on Washington Avenue, right at Nineteenth Street. It was a two story house divi...
The Bunny by Mercury93
This is my first post and my posts are probably going to be more about my sister, Bella and me. My family have told us that she and I have psychic powers to communicate with ghosts and spirits. They told us, that we were reincarnates of sisters who were mediums in the past life. I don't really know ...
The Attachment by snypeangelz09
This situation took place about a year ago, a few of my friends and I do some amateur ghost hunting, nothing too professional though I do have some nice equipment now... We decided to go to this one grave yard (like I said not professional extracurricular). I wouldn't call myself psychic or anythi...
Who Is It? by nicolecw
When I was 14, I had moved to my grandmother's after my parents divorced. The house scared me a little but nothing I couldn't deal with. One night I was watching TV on the couch and fell asleep. For some reason, I woke up around 2 and I felt scared. I decided I didn't want to walk to my room because...
Spooked Out Little Shadow In Salem 2 by Solomon
It's been a good while since I've posted my last supernatural event here, mainly because I haven't had anything new happen. That is, until last tuesday. The lanky little shadow creature I described in my last entry is still here, but has stopped scratching up my floor (thank god). He/She has found i...
Night Watch by amzrox123
My house is eerie beyond all compare. It's not old, but it's set far back off the road and has lots of antiques in it. It's also on a really old hunk of property, that used to be a farm where horses had perished. I know of a few spirits in my house, but there is one that I can't put my finger on, he...
My Ghostly Ancestors by overthelimit
I think I have a answer to why I'm experiencing these things. Before I was born my grandpa had past away. My Mom had said that on the day of his death at the funeral something happened that I had a hard time believing. She told me that when she was at his coffin she was kissing him goodbye. When she...
Variety Of Experiences by mott35
I am combining a lot of different experiences to save writing, I guess. When I talk to people about these things, people look at me like I am a nut. To set up part of the story, my grandmother passed away last year and so did my husband's. I was woken up about 3 in the morning with a severe burni...
My Creepy Apartment by ParanoidGirl
So it was around 11:00 pm. I was sick and was watching Cake Boss. My dad was asleep on the floor and I was on the couch wrapped on my blanket. Then I stared at my bedroom door. I swear I saw something! Anyway about a half hour later I really had to go to the bathroom. When I got up and was walking I...
The Galley Road Ghost by Galleyroadghost
My story started when I was 3 years old. Not only was it me that remembered this but my family had remembered and have recalled the exact experiences as well. We had lived in Colorado for as long as I can remember, and this story occured in that same state. On Galley road was a house that my mothe...
Ghost Hunting At Warmsworth Hall by Simplyghostnights
Once again we must begin with a huge thank you to the manager of the hall Eddie, who helped so much with the ghost event in going beyond anything we had asked of him, Eddie again gave a fascinating chat about the history of the hall as well as some of the ghostly happenings that have been reported t...
Ghost Hunting At Armley Mills by Simplyghostnights
Once again we were helped so much on the event by Linda, and Lee who helped make sure the night ran smoothly and effortlessly and we at Simply Ghost Nights could not thank them enough for their help. The night was a mixed bag of activity for some groups with several groups experiencing more para...
Dangerous Imaginary Friend by jetaimeteamo
To start my story you need to know about my family. I have a son who is 4 years old and unfortunately, I am a single mother. My mom is very in touch with paranormal entities, spirits ect. I however have not recieved this "trait" but I am starting to assume my son is capable of seeing such... Things....
Spooky Warehouse Incidents by thero
So, I've worked in a warehouse, in the east of England, for almost four years now. Since, I've started working there, I have noticed a couple of strange things going on; as well as hearing from other people some strange events happening and I was wondering what other peoples' thoughts are on it. ...
The Old Lady Of The House by zerocool_29
This is the second story that I have for you guys. These happened to me and couple my office mates. After work KARLA invited us to have a drink at their place, we agreed because she said that it's her treat. When we got to their house, we looked around. The house is pretty old (not old as in it's...
My Great Grandmother's Old House by jrthompson
Almost eight years ago, me and my Family, got my great-grandmother's house from her will. The weird things didn't start happening until about four years ago. I was laying in my bed at about 2:03 am, I was previously asleep but I woke up to use the bathroom, and when I came back, I lied on my bed......
The Staircase Of That Old House by shanta_may22
It was last December. I went to visit a colleague's house with my other colleagues. We all are of the same office. On the occasion of Christmas we went there. My colleague was a Christian and she invited us in her home. Her name was Ruby. We all have been living in Calcutta city, but Ruby had been r...
The White Figure by ScarletRose
This happened to me a few months back. I was so scared I thought I might have let my mind create something. I don't know but I need your help! I was getting ready for bed one night. As I was all cozy and warm in bed, I began to fall asleep. It was raining heavy outside as the thunder roared and l...
Shared Ghost? by Seermoon170
To start of my story I should mention that both I and my friend have been encountering problems though our whole lives, I'll start with my story first. When I was seven years old I remember waking in the middle of the night and not being able to move, my body was frozen and out of the corner of ...
Black Figure Appears During Storms by PebblesnBammbamm
This happened when I was about 14 years and 5 months old. I was staying in my grandmother's house whilst my parents were on holiday. It was about November, 2009, and in the south of England the weather is normally very wet and cold with a lot of storms. A couple of months earlier I had been in my...
Innocence Of Children by rickhelm
Most of us know that for the research that's been done, it is said that babies and young children have a 6th sense, and because they haven't experienced "life" yet, their minds and thoughts are also very innocent and young, therefore easily manipulated. That being said, I have a story to tell about ...
Haunting Sounds. True Rumors? by hanamomoya
This Story didn't actually happen to me personally, it really happened to my mother. It happened when my mother was in her 20's and she had gone to stay with her father and step-mother for a few days to celebrate their moving into their new house. The house itself was a simple terrace house it wasn'...
Babysitting Nightmare by Murraymints
One night I was asked to babysit for my mums friend. She had already told me that Ghostly happenings happen in her house so I was a bit frightened but kind of thought that nothing would happen. As I was babysitting and also had to stay over which I was bit scared about. Anyways I was staying and...
Dropping In On Sunday Mass by pervy_ninja
Saturday night and early Sunday morning 4 friends and I got the idea to go look at a few supposed haunted places in Haywood and Madison county in West Tennessee. The first place we went to was an old church in Mason that was desrecrated by a satanic cult in the early 20th century. Old Trinity Ch...
Light Shining In My Eyes While Sleeping by JustAshleigh
Last night was the 20th year 'anniversary' (I hate to use that term) of my fathers death. I am 25 years old. He passed away 5 days before my 6th birthday. Yesterday seemed to be one of the hardest... Living all this time without your father is far from easy. I am engaged and wonder who I am going to...
My First Paranormal Expierences by SugarySweetGirl
This is my first ghost story entry and I am so excited to share it with you. I haven't had many expierences, but the ones I have were, in my opinion, very interesting. Okay, it was about ten or twelve years ago, I'm not sure. I hadn't graduated from High School yet, so it was somewhere between '...
Are They Really My Friends Spirits? by Angelfox118
I know this needs a little back story so here it is, I have three friends that have died in tragedies, car accidents to be exact, 3 years apart. I think I saw them one night at around 1:15ish in the morning, it was the summer of last year and I was trying to fall asleep. For some reason I couldn't f...
Crying Girl by ultimaga95
Last year I got my bedroom switched from upstairs to downstairs. I have always hated my basement because it just gave off a bad feeling like something wanted to harm me. I never wanted to stay in my room I only went in there to go to sleep. About a month or 2 after my sister and I switched rooms I w...
The Mysterious Hooded Figure by vivalav
This experience happened to my younger brother. This happened in our second house, many years after my experience with the young boy in my room. Just quickly, I will describe my brother's room. My brother had a single bed that faced his doorway, so you could see into the hallway if you were to lie o...
That Old House by FlockofSeagulls
I remember it all clearly. My mom divorcing my dad and moving out across the country. It was a big adjustment for me being in a totally new town with hundreds of people I didn't know. But anyway, we had found this old house by a lake that my mom fell in love with. To me, the house was a mess. It was...
A Summer Camp Haunting by Jaida857
This happened to me a couple years ago. I was ten years old, in grade five. My class went to summer camp for two nights. It started on the first night. My friends and I were talking and telling stories when I noticed that there was some writing on my bunk. Someone had written a story in pencil. I re...
A Little Dose Of Reality by PriclessMike1974
Since I was young, as far back as I can remember anyways, I have always been interested in the paranormal. The idea of ghost hunting, searching for aliens, and working with Mulder and Sculley seemed like it would be a cool thing to do. Of course the thought of ever actually seeing a ghost scared the...
One Heck Of A Party by Bonnie_13
So, this is going to sound really strange and even I haven't been able to work out what really happened and I'm now four years older, post any ideas you have at the bottom. This all started when I was 11 years old. My best friend, Sophie, was having a birthday party (just a small one) and she had...
Strange Breaths And Movements by ellie7
I am 15 years old and I lived in a house which I believed had ghosts living with me. I was the only person out of my family that experienced the events. I am the youngest in my family and I get scared of things like this quite easily. My mother and I both believe in ghosts. My dad had been living in...
Grandmom Still Cares by mhalditah
I was my grandma's favorite grandchild because I am the eldest granddaughter. They gave me the nickname Apple because I was her apple of the eye and I had naturally red cheeks and really chubby when I was baby. My mom got separated from my dad when I was still in her womb then she got married to ano...
Darkness Shows Something by venky
This is Venki from India and what we call them ghost or sprits whatever a paranormal thing is real. These are not fake entities but there world is different than us which we can't see so we are not supposed to understand. I am not a Psychologist not even any ability person who can see them or feel t...
Haunted Rental Property by Landlord
I bought a rental property in 2007, and first let my brother and his wife live there for about six months, the only strange thing that happened was my sister-in-law fell down the stairs in the first week that they had moved in, and sprained her ankle. Then when they moved out, I rented out the pr...
Ghostly Smell? by haylzxx
I haven't had many paranormal experiences but the few times I have had one it's left me wondering about what really happens after death. The experience I'm writing about happened to me when I was 13 years old. I was staying at my Mother's flat for the weekend, which only had one bedroom so I slept o...
Haunted House And Pool by muzikgirl819
I can't believe I'm writing this but I need to get this story out! It has bothered me for years and only close family and friends know of what I'm ready to share publicly. When I was about 12 years old my Mom began searching for our first home, we lived in west Los Angeles area and she decided she r...
Little Duplex Of Horrors... The Beginning by Roccox4
I've been reading stories on this site for a little over a year now, but this will be my first submission. I was able to relate to a lot of the stories told, which allowed me a sort of validation to the things I experienced in the little ol' duplex my family used to live in during my youth. This sto...
Possible Experience Or Just Stress? by Liayleith
The past year has been hell, I'm not sure if my experiences may be from stress, so I'm posting here to see if anyone can explain what exactly it is. We moved back in with my moms ex abusive husband, due to money issues and the fact he welcomed us in until we could find a house. We though he changed...
Final Goodbye? by jetaimeteamo
Since posting my last story, I had an overwhelming response! Thanks to those people who replied and helped with any information if the event re-occurs. That story was for help, this story is for enjoyment! Now, this isn't my story, it's my mothers. And this was about 2 weeks after her Nanna had pas...
Maria by zzsgranny
In one of my earlier stories, I mentioned a trip that I and my kids and grand-daughter made, back to my home state of Ohio. While there, we visited the gravesite of a young girl who'd been murdered by my fraternal grandmother's uncle, in 1832. All my life, I'd felt compelled to pay my respects to th...
Is There Something In My Own House? by Murraymints
My recent story that I wrote was a very recent one that has happened but I am going to tell you what has actually happened to me and my mum especially in my own house. Story 1. I was only about 13 or 14 and I was getting ready to go to bed. As I switched off the light and turned around I saw a s...
What Happens At Work by mj1171
This might sound strange, but it's what I went through. I work where an old sub shop used to be. I don't know any of the history about it, if anyone died there, or accidents happened. While I am working I see different things, I will try and look for it after I see it but it just goes away. I'll...
The Lady Who Scared My Aunt by Mercury93
This was a time I was living in Kent and my parents hadn't split up yet. I was 5 or 6 and Bella 3 or 4. My half brother was about 8 or so and my cousins were there, between Belles age and my age and there are three of them. My parents were out of the house and had my great grandmother watching us un...
Always In The Darkness by BatsuTora
This is from when I was really young so I don't remember how old I was. It's something that I'll never forget and I know I didn't imagine this, since no one I know really believes my stories about it I thought I would publish it here. I live on a small island named öland in Sweden, with my parents...
Shadow And Mist by Luna0794
This strange thing happened to me just a few weeks ago. I was staying at my sisters, I had been there about three weeks because I was watching her son while she was in a summer program for college. She was in classes all day and often had to stay late to work on projects. That night she called me an...
Golden Demon Dog by TIGERKING
When I was 21 (I am now 28). I had gone from the south island, to the north island of New Zealand to visit my father and my brother who lived in the city Auckland. My brother was living with some flatmates about half an hours drive from my fathers house, where I spent my days, and slept at Dads at n...
My Tennesse Ghost Story by Nesha
About a couple months ago on the beautiful summer night of August 16, 2011 my aunt, uncle, cousins and I headed out for a long drive from New York to the Great Smokey Moutains located in Tennessee. I was excited because this was my first vacation away from my parents and my sister who I spend most o...
Was It My Maternal Uncle? by priyakolkataproperties
It was the first paranormal experience in our life. Yes, it only happened to my mom and myself. This incident happened on the time of 1987, when I was only 5 years old and my younger maternal uncle died by a serious road accident. He was truly lovable person, very intelligent. On 1986 he had passed ...
My Daughter Sees Them by mhalditah
This happened when my daughter was I guess 2 or 3 years old in my Mom's previous house. I and my daughter moved to my Mom's house when I got separated and when my uncle (with his family) took over my grandma's house (they also took care of my grandma and grandpa). I am not close with my other uncle ...
The Suitor by mhalditah
When I was 12 or 13 years old, I already had suitor. He was our housemaid's cousin; let's just call him Raymond (I forgot his name actually). They're both from the province of Bicol. The guy was working here in Manila and I think he was 16-18 years old that time. One day, when he visited his cou...
Invisible Horse And Animal Disturbances by sacul
I'm not sure what I believe, only what I cannot explain. That being said- the following is a true story that took place on a nature reserve, after dark, on a land that was once used by confederate soldiers. I cannot say whether or not a battle was fought on this land, but there is evidence of soldie...
Different Demon Encounters At Takysie Lake by quixoticqt
When my mother and I were in British Columbia Canada in 2009, we had an AWESOME time finding different free camping areas. Some were FANTASTIC places such as Tchesinkut Lake; One of the most pristine lakes in British Columbia. I only say this place because not far from Tchesinkut Lake there's a diff...
My Dad Is At It Again by buttercup4
I submitted a story several months ago about a long conversation I had with my deceased father one night. Since then, things have been exactly as he said they would be. Life has gotten harder. But, I think he's doing exactly what he said he would do. He said he would be right there with me. I have...
Wall Banging, Growls, And Children Playing by smixie
I have always had an interest in the paranormal but never expected anything to happen to me. That changed when we moved into our first house. We lived in a trailer park for the first 12 years of my life. My parents went and looked at a house and fell in love with it and made an offer before us kids ...
Marietta Ghost Tour by Nysa
This is not the scariest experience but I think people in the area would like to know about it and I can't find any stories listed for this location so I have decided to post it. A few years back, I think it was the summer of 2009, my husband, daughter and I went to Marietta Ohio for a weekend get...
Strange Things Are Happening To Me by lala91
Once when I was around 3 or 4, my mean older brother locked me in a trash can, the big kind you put on the curb. I stood in the dark trash can crying and peeing my pants waiting for my father to find me and save me. It felt like someone or something was holding my hand. Once I felt it, I wasn't that...
The Lady In My Room by ILoveTacos
I had just moved to a new house a few months ago. I thought it was nice and comfortable and spacious but within the first week I started hearing loud banging on the walls and doors slamming when I was home alone. I figured it must've been just the doors being pushed by the wind from the fans so I th...
Black Out by ultimaga95
Backstory- About one or two years ago my uncle died from cancer. Now, he was close to everyone but especially my immediate family because we were always there to help him. When he was in the hospital no one but my immediate family would visit him. But anyway, back to the main story. Just today, o...
Haunted Hershey by timidtim
This tale of a haunting takes place in a town which some call "the sweetest place on Earth." Hershey, Pennsylvania is well known for its famous chocolate bar's and candies and also for its amusement park but some know very little about the horrors which take place in this small American town. I rec...
Are Aliens Really Ghosts? by Bodhisattva
I would like to start by saying I do not require any advice, I share this story for the purpose of provoking discussion, and for allowing people to share similar thoughts or experiences. Ever since I was a child, living with my parents, I was very curious about 'aliens' and the thought that there...
Ghosts Encounters Happening To My Family For Years by missquinn
Like everyone, I know that people have their beliefs and disbeliefs when it comes to ghosts and encounters, some choose to believe others dont. I'm not asking for you to believe what I have to say, I'm just looking for a way to talk about it without being made fun of for things I have seen or been t...
Robin, I Have To Tell You Something by RLea91
My name is Robin. I am 20 years old and have been experiencing things since march of 2008. I lost my maternal grandfather March 20, 2008. It hurt so bad for so long, as I was very close with him. About a week after he died I saw something move out of the corner of my eye, and when I looked to se...
Tatay by donna74ph
I had so many paranormal experiences that I don't even know which one to start talking about but I decided to start with this. I've always been sensitive to seeing things but not on a regular basis. I feel I am more sensitive with the presence of death, that is why I always avoided going to wakes. ...
Paranormal Witness? by KuriousKendall
There is this new show on tv called "Paranormal Witness" and in one of their episodes there was a family who used the ouija board then had a bad experience so they locked it in a closet and left there and a year later weird stuff started happening but more in there child's closet because the place t...
Scary Experience With A Friend by Thomas98
I'm new to this site and I just wanted to share this people who believe in this stuff. It happened in 2010 when I went to my friend's house after school. We were on the computer playing games when we heard the bathroom sink start running. We thought nothing of it because we thought it was just my...
My Visit To Alcatraz by zzsgranny
I'm on vacation this week, and my husband and I took a short trip to San Francisco for the sole purpose of touring Alcatraz Island. Just getting there was an adventure in itself, but I won't bore you with the particulars of that leg of the journey. I never realized the close proximity between the ...
Beloved Dog Comes Home After Death... A True Love Story by yabba830
These are my true accounts of what happened to me after my beloved dog Yabba died. I felt compelled to tell my story to those people that are suffering with the loss of their furry companions to try to give them some comfort and hope in knowing that death is not the end, but a transition. I hope wit...
The Restaurant Experience by stephyw2001
At long last, I would like to share with you a compilation of experiences from my last job, here in the small town I moved to. Before I begin, I would like to make a note that other co-workers and myself have spoken with the owner of the restaurant I am about to tell you about. We have tried to ...
The Letter by OhMyGoshThatWasScary
Let me start of by saying I've never believed in spirits or ghosts. But something happened last night and now I am for sure a "believer". My boyfriend has been telling me about this "shadow" that he has been seeing in his room. He said that he'll just be sitting in his computer chair doing homework ...
Entities As Orbs by Patricia
We moved into our house in 1989. My daughter was in a serious motorcycle accident in 1993. While in the hospital, a voice was behind me and said in my ear, "HEY!" Ever since that day I have had numerous unexplained happenings. For the most part I have lived with and tolerated all them. Then Christm...
Did It Follow Me Home by ladymoondust
Some of you might know my other story, if not you can read it to get a better explanation of what followed me home. I moved away from my parent's house and into my own apartment with my boyfriend (the one who had that funny but awful experience with my ghosties). I thought my problem with the ghos...
Strange Events In Thailand by LondonLady
In September 2005, I was studying at Derby University for a BA Degree in Tourism, as part of my dissertation I was looking into the effects of the tsunami and the socio-economic impact on the area of Krabi in Thailand (a popular tourist destination.) I had a close relationship with a Thai family, ...
Help Me Identify This Being by KatieTemples
I live in Chatham, Louisiana. I am submitting my story because I need help determining what the thing/being/apparition was that I felt and my fiancé saw. I feel I should tell you some minor details about myself. I am a scary movie junky, and I am fascinated by other worldly things. However, I woul...
My Grandmother's Dog by jrthompson
My grandmother found a puppy, on the side of her street, about 13 years ago. She brought the poor thing into her home and loved, and took care of her. She named her Baby. We never knew what breed of dog she was, but none of us cared. She was the cutest thing. But about 2 years ago she was found to h...
Apparitions In The Bedroom Mirror by mrcode6
I will start off by saying this is the first time entering anyone of these sites. I am a healthy and sane 30 year old person with a respectable job and nice family. I, as many of you, have encountered strange sightings as a youth, but I have always eliminated those memories as real. I was a youth, a...
Being Watched At Night by clever210
This is the first experience that I had with seeing something in my room at night. I am positive that I was completely awake and not in any type of a dream like state. This happened when I was 16 years old, and back then I was a VERY sound sleeper. Nothing would wake me up. As an example of this, th...
My Grandma's Many Ghosts by Gleekgirl92
I asked my grandma if I could share her ghost stories with you guys and she said yes. She is a psychic, as are myself and my aunt. My grandma, even at a young age has never been afraid of ghosts and so on (well sometimes). The first thing that has ever happen to her was when she was 8 years old. O...
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