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Ghost stories from United Kingdom: Page 13
Is It My Nana? by MatthewFletcher
I've always believed in the paranormal and recently I have been experiencing some very strange goings on but this account starts a few years ago when my nana passed away which is who I believe may be behind the hauntings I am experiencing as this is when I started experiencing activity. After my ...
Haunted Family Home by ladycastlemaine
This is not really my story, but one of my family in general. It happened in a terraced house in Woodford which is in Essex/Greater London and was the home of several generations of my family from the early 1900s to 1970s. The house always seemed scary - it was cold, damp and depressing. From the...
Did The Spirit Reincarnate To Say Goodbye? by worlander_93
My earliest childhood memory is me seeing spirits. I've always seen spirits everyday from as early as I can remember. However it was rare for me to see the same spirit again. From the age of three I saw an old lady spirit everyday for 13 years, who is called Emilie. I saw Emilie as my best friend,...
My Cat And My Grandad by MarkMull
I've had a couple of experiences and I hope you enjoy reading them. The first if I remember correctly was many years ago when I was about 8/9 years old. My family had 3 cats, one of them was mine called Missy, a black and white short haired cat who was very affectionate. She developed a problem ...
Man On My Bed... Sleep Paralysis? by Brett_Hart89
This all started about 6 months ago in my bedroom. I went to bed one night and woke up to the sound of my sister talking to me. At first I thought I imagined it so I ignored it. Then, I felt something tug my pillow. I turned around to see no-one there... I told my mom about it the next day and of...
A Creature In Our Midst by houseoffools
A few miles from where I live is a Country Park. It is a lovely place with a wide range of different trees, plants and wildlife. People often picnic there, take children to play in the woodland playgrounds or simply to explore. It has even been nicknamed "Little Switzerland" by locals because of its...
My Teddy And The Doors by Amibear
So here I have two experiences, both of these, also my other experience 'My War Visitor' happened in the same house. As not to bore you I'll start explaining them now. My Teddy. When I was younger I used to have a big panda teddy, and one night when I was in bed asleep my teddy was on a chair,...
Visitation From Ghost Or Incubus by magicpixie
I wanted to post my experiences here to get people's thoughts on what is happening, and how best to approach it. I'm 20, living in a rented Victorian two bedroom terraced house; I use one of them as an actual bedroom, and the other as a kind of spare room for my stuff. Recently, the bedroom I usu...
Figure Of My Imagination? by ChasingDownTheDawn
The story I'm about to tell you is something I saw about 5 or 6 years ago now, but am still unsure if what I saw was real or not. Read on and figure out for yourself. My dad, my sister and I regularly visit my nan who lives in an elderly people's residence that we all love as it's surrounded by w...
Who Was Up Ahead? by ladycastlemaine
This happened ten years ago, when I was a teenager, but I can remember it very clearly. I was walking to meet my friend Peter at his house and for some reason I was feeling a little uneasy (at this age I rarely went out alone, because we used to live in quite a rough part of town). As I got to th...
Holiday Camp EVP Session by MagicCam
We own a static caravan on the south coast. It is a holiday camp and holiday campers arrive regularly. For something to do there is a Country club house on sight that is supposedly haunted. One day me and two other friends done a few EVP sessions. First off I was on my own and I started talking. ...
Haunting On Walker's Farm? by houseoffools
When I was growing up I often heard people speak of Walker's Farm. Local teenagers used to bunk of school and hide out amidst the trees, spend summer evenings capturing newts in the stream, or simply explore the miles upon miles of wasteland. My older brothers used to come home speaking of Walker's ...
Ghostly Grand by Robyn1996
About 2 years ago in 2009 my best friend Jordaine used to live in a pub called the Grand Hotel; we used to frequently sleep at each others houses and many times it has felt wierd on the landing of the little flat upstairs. We had heard stories of a man being hung in room 23 but just thought it was h...
Did We Leave Somebody Behind? by xXxDanii2k19xXx
I have experienced quiet a lot in my auntie's house now, but I am going to share one of the strangest. The only people living in her house is her, her son & her dog. One day me, my auntie and her son went down town for the day, both the back door, front door and kitchen door was locked (the dog ...
Unexplained Mysteries Of My Childhood House by mandynrattys
I used to live in a house in Crediton, Devon, from the age of 3 until I was 16, with my brother Richard who is a year older than me, and my mum and dad. The house was 100s of years old, it used to be 2 houses, and was made into one house in the 1800s. The left side which was one house didn't hav...
Cats In The Coach House by cjm64
I signed up to this site looking for some information on my Mums'behalf. Two years ago my parents bought a converted 200 year old coach house in Somerset, England. Along with them was their yorkie and 17 year old Himalayan, who passed away last year. Shortly after their arrival they (including th...
My Own Incubus by incubusoddid
I know some of you may think this is wierd but I am going to tell you my story which is 100 percent the truth. Ok so I'm 21 male I'm from Northern Ireland but currently living in England. It started when I was back home vistiting my mum and dad when I was on leave. When one night, I was lying o...
My House Or Me? by Sk99
This is my second post on here hopefully it will get posted. Ok where to start? Basically I'm no stranger to paranormal experiences. And I love reading the stories on this site. I found it through the internet. Any way I will start with my experiences since January. I woke up getting ready for w...
Ugly Troll Demon by Rustum
On a bright summers day in July 2000 I finished work at a local bank in West London and proceeded home. Once home I gathered all my files from my car and went straight inside. My mother and father were sitting down watching television. I went straight upstairs to my little box room and changed into ...
Ghost Hunting With Chris Conway by Simplyghostnights
Yet again the Simply Ghost Nights team were staggered at the help afforded to us by the Cusworth hall staff of, Phil and Craig, no job was too small for them as they provided a first class service that enabled the event to run smoothly and professionally, and we thank them for all their assistance. ...
Little Girl In Hospital by NellieFish
I was with my doctor friend Kate when I was about 13 or 14 in a hospital that she worked in, I would stay with her quite often and tonight she had to work late. It was about 1am and we didn't want to go back to her flat so we decided to stay in a room in the hospital that was made for employees on l...
Ghost Hunting At Chesleigh House by Simplyghostnights
Chesleigh House dates way back in fact it was once owned by Sir Hickman Bacon who at one time was one of the richest men in Britain, and who also owned Gainsborough Old Hall. By the turn of the 20th century Chesleigh House had become a Victorian school for boys and then went on to become Gainsboroug...
Ghost Hunting At Bolling Hall by Simplyghostnights
Firstly we must say a massive thank you to both Paul and Dave, the Bolling Hall staff who were so helpful in making the event run so smoothly. Their input and chat at the beginning of the night was first class and ensured a smooth running event. We must begin in the reputedly most haunted bedroom...
The Waving Girl by sportytiger-prettykity
I was at my friend Florence's house for a sleepover on the first week of the Christmas Holidays, when I was in year five and at about 1:30 in the morning we woken up by a thunder storm. We were a little bit scared so we got in the same bed, as we didn't want to disturb her mum. We were chatting to c...
My Eerie Bedroom by mok2k11
This story is about my bedroom. My room is the smaller one of the two bedrooms in my house. My bed is in front of you when you walk in, my cupboards in front of it and there's a treadmill to the left of the bed. Ever since I was 6 years old I have had a strong feeling of being watched when I slee...
Demon Dog by Rustum
It was around 11. 15pm on a mid-November evening in 2007. I was getting into bed when my mobile phone started ringing. It was a friend I had to get some important papers too for the next morning. I had totally forgotten so quickly I jumped out of bed got dressed and told my wife I'd be back in an ho...
Tap On The Shoulder by Imarealghost
I'm a strong believer that a lot of personal experiences on this site may well be related to that state between awake and asleep and not necessarily anything to do with ghosts or spirits and gave a pretty good explanation of this the other day, but this brought back a memory of something that happen...
Electrical Buzzing, Blowing On My Face, My Stalker by Surya
Saturday 18th June. It was one of those weird days, rain and shine all day. Boy did it rain. The wind was strong we even had some thunder. I actually love the rain. I love it when it goes dark and the rain is crashing against everything, followed by thunder and lighting, but that's me, always attrac...
Ghost In An Old Cinema by johntravis28
The location of this experience is the same as a previous one I posted called "An Edinburgh Pub Haunting" though not directly related as it occurred in a different part of the premises. Bit of background first. The pub was opened in a building that used to be a snooker hall and before that a cine...
Mr Adams Vs Mental Health Professionals by 27flowers
As an Occupational Therapy student in August 2006 my final university placement was working in a small Mental Health team specialising in Rehab and Recovery - patients varied in diagnosis but all were severe and enduring- none particularly harmful to themselves or others, most stable and just strugg...
My Past Potentially Paranormal Experiences by marvel_hero
I have only had two experiences in my life that I have thought could possibly be connected to something paranormal; my first experience occurred one night when I was sleeping on my bedroom floor - I had just switched bedrooms with my brother in my house, which I have lived in all my life - and did n...
Am I Being Targetted By Demons? by Zik
I don't really know where to start, some would say the beginning, but I'm still unable to identify that place or time at this stage. The things I have been experiancing have been happening since I was young (8-9 years old.) with both minor and major intervals, coming and going, but lately getting wo...
Touching My Face by AlishaaC
I've always experienced little ghostly things, never full up in your face like you nearly crap your pants. But I would just be lying in my bed trying to sleep and I would feel things stroking my face and it feels like something is touching me, it's never violent, and it's been happening to me since ...
Demon, Alien, Imp Or Something Else? by ravenofmidian
This occurred when I was 8 years old. I was in bed though not asleep, when I heard what sounded like 3 taps on my bedroom window. I sat up in bed to look at my window and what I saw scared the living daylights out of me! This 'thing' was sat on my windowsill on the outside, humanoid, about the s...
What Happened To Me Last Night? by mxpoppy
I am looking for some help please. I am totally serious about what happened to me last night, and can totally admit that this is the first time I have been absolutely petrified. I live in a small village in Derbyshire, England, in a terraced house with my two children and two dogs. Last night, I ...
A Possible Medium? by Ghost_gal123
I first contemplated having 'The Sight' at the tender age of 15. I am now 21. I was sitting, home alone, at the kitchen table. The kitchen has a large pair of french windows which lead out to the garden. There is a large graveyard behind the garden. I have never been afraid of graveyards, or spirits...
Resident Spirits by raggedwolf
I have read a few accounts on this site, and must say that I found a few of them rather unsettling, and certainly very intriguing. At the time of these experiences, I was 29, now 32, living near London. To be precise a small leafy suburb near Croydon. Having recently separated from my then girlfr...
Demonic Hand And Enraged Ghost by multinathan911
This story happened to me when I was about 10 or 12 when I was living in a 4 bed roomed house in Waterloo. The first time I entered my house I felt an eerie unwanting presence in the hallway sort of like a warning to go way. But the excitement of moving into this massive new house just made me think...
That Didn't Happen - My Brothers Problem by Gizzy
There are 3 of us children myself and my identical twin brothers. My mum seems to have some psychic abilities which I will tell you about in other stories. But I believe my brother to have the most out of all three of us. These are all things that have happened to Martin. Now I will just start by ...
Who's That Sleeping In My Bed? by lankyloo98
We have lived in many houses where 'things go bump in the night' as we English like to say, but this made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. As a family we have moved many times in the past to get away from seeing people/figures, smells, the television turning over, etc and have decided at ...
I Felt Paralysed by nighthawkman
It happened while training to be an Infantryman in the army around January 1976, I can still hear ABBA on my little transistor radio now! We had been on a two day exercise somewhere up in Staffordshire, England, the name and place escapes me as it was over thirty years ago now. My mates had been...
Stairway To Grandad by BellaPixieNinja
I have had a few strange experiences in my life. I have always found myself to be one of these people that are close to the paranormal. When I was a young girl, I lived with my mother and my younger sister Janie. We lived in a Council flat and I and my sister shared a room. When I was growing up my...
Silent Stroker by believer008
This event happened in 2006, a few weeks after I had moved into my room at university. I had been taking a nap on top of my bed, around midday and woke up when I needed to use the bathroom. Now I've heard of sleep paralysis but what happened this day, was definitely not this. I was lying on my b...
Am I Experiencing Something Paranormal? by Underdog
Right to start off with I have yet to form an opinion on the paranormal... Is it real or not I can't say for sure... But lately I've noticed strange things happening around me. My first unusual experience was when I was a teenager. It was a night like any other; I went to sleep as usual... But fo...
Leon by taz890
To all who have felt the pain of a lost baby please don't read this story. Its 1991 I'm 17 and my friend Lisa and her partner Darrel had just had a baby boy named Leon he was so sweet but tiny and was a month early due to complications but healthy with strong lungs. You could hear him cry in Lisa...
Church Yards And Ouija Boards Don't Mix by taz890
I can hear you all now DONT USE OUIJA BOARDS! I know and have said the same plenty of times, this is why! Back in 1996 I was 22 and at a friends place (deb) was around 10:30pm. Deb was a friend of Abby, girlfriend to Spike, whose friend Rick was dating Deb so full circle. We were just sat chatti...
Woolston, Southampton, Hampshire by chazy_1
The title shows where the house that this took place is. All this happened when I was really young. I was too young to remember what happened but my family have told me the story's repeatedly. I guess it started when we moved. It was my parents first house and was in desperate need of redecorat...
Friday The 13th Ghost Hunting Event by Simplyghostnights
Ghost Hunting at Warmsworth Hall, Doncaster, with Simply Ghost Nights on Friday the 13th of May. The Simply Ghost Nights team attempted with the guidance of their senior technical guy Ian, the task of providing a live stream of the event at Warmsworth Hall and in fact achieving their aim once the...
The Night We Visited Hyde Town Hall by Simplyghostnights
The haunted Hyde Town hall was built in 1885 by Mr. J W Beaumont and it certainly was built to impress! The building is huge with so many areas to explore each being completely different in its own unique way. Hyde Town Hall even boasts its own war memorial to the great war of 1914-1918. Paranor...
Mysterious Ghostly Interaction And Bad Dreams by multinathan911
Firstly I would like to start of by saying that this is my first time writing a story on this site, so please excuse me if my writing skills aren't up to a high standard. Anyway this happened to me when I was about 8. I am 16 now but I remember this experience like it happened ysterday. I lived i...
A Haunting At My Nan's by Kenco16
I've always been a lover of ghost's and hauntings and have had a few experiences with them myself, but the story I'm about to tell you has got to be the scariest experience I've had yet. My friend Kirsty and I were at my nan's house while she was out at a friends and we decided to watch The Grudg...
First Ghostly Experience by Stephyk94
I've been reading people's own personal experiences of ghostly encounters for a little while now and I've decided it's time to share my own. This happened eleven years ago when I was only six years old. My parents had just bought me bunk beds and I was excited to sleep on the top one. I took a b...
The Baby Handprints by Emm_xoxo
I live at home with my mum, my dad and my 16 year old brother in Kent, England. I have had a few paranormal experiences in my lifetime, but this one is the scariest for the simple fact it occurred within seconds of me leaving my bathroom and that I believe there is a very sad story behind it all. ...
Grief Or Grandad by Gizzy
In my last story I submitted I explained my user name. My grandad was part of that story but I believe that he deserves his own. My parents divorced when I was four and my mum being a single mother was out working a lot trying to feed and clothe us and pay the bills. My nan and grandad looked aft...
Gizzy by Gizzy
I am a new writer but not a new reader I have lurked on these pages for a couple of years now. I have always had an interest in the paranormal but just never submitted a story. I have a few stories to share of strange happenings but thought I would start with the first which explains my username. ...
Little Forest Boy by ElfEars66
Back when I lived in Scotland, we lived near a forest and I'd go walking all the time. Once I saw what looked like a little boy. He looked to be about two or three with blonde hair, and jeans and a blue tee-shirt on. He was hiding behind a tree, and I knew that there was a rather big hole behin...
My Comforting Friend by nighthawkman
It all started in a little town called Aylesford, which is situated on the outskirts of Winchester and lies roughly within central Hampshire in England. I have a very good memory from most of my childhood days, but these memories of being 2-3 years old which is the age I was at the time of this ...
Little Cottage In Suffolk by Blacktears
This happened about a year ago. Again it was on holiday, what's with me and holidays? It was a beautiful day, right as rain and it was again time for me to go on holiday to Suffolk. But this time we took our adorable puppy Sprinkles. She was just as excited as me. Still I always found something diff...
The First Cat I Ever Had by TheNathanNS
This is my only encounter with the paranormal. I had a cat since the day I was born his name was Tinker and he died when I was 7 years old. I know how he died. My Uncle had his dogs taken off him by the RSPCA for starving his dogs which my other uncle (who was living with me and my mother at the ...
Contact In The Dining Room-kitchen by nighthawkman
The year was around 1983-84, I relate roughly to this time because my oldest Daughter by my first wife was around 3 or 4 at the time, being born in 1980. There was Me, My Dad, my Sister Trish, my Brother David and Dave my Brother-in-law. We were having a family chat around the Dining room table wh...
An Edinburgh Pub Haunting by johntravis28
An Edinburgh Pub Haunting I am an Irish guy currently living in my hometown of Dublin. I was living in Edinburgh, Scotland for 5 years up until January 2011 when I returned home. While I was in Edinburgh I spent my time working in the pub trade. It was in the first pub I worked in that this happene...
Ghost Hunting At The Manor House by Simplyghostnights
As the team enjoyed the delights of this 3 star hotel prior to the night's paranormal activity commencing, none of us could anticipate what would happen when the spirit world would come out to play later that evening. The Manor House Hotel is truly a quintessential old hall, with a checkered history...
Simply Ghost Nights Versus The Dark Side by Simplyghostnights
Ghost Hunting at Newcastle Keep, with Simply Ghost Nights. Where do we start about Newcastle Keep; the whole night shocked the Simply Ghost Nights team on this paranormal investigation. It was an event that nightmares and films are made of; we experienced it all at Newcastle Keep, the good, the bad...
Guardian Shadows by silverflowers
I have always been a person who is unsure of ghosts but I still feel that there is something, that I find intriguing and I want to know more. I guess my story would start when I was between 3 and 4 years old as I remember having half days in primary and on those days I would go with my mum to my ...
Callum 2 by taz890
I told you a few weeks back I had been invited to a party to meet the new owners of the house mentioned in 'Callum'. This is what happened. I was feeling a bit nervious meeting this couple that had bought the house that frightened my friends so much when they had lived there but I had promised to...
Who Was The Person In Front Of Us? by Imarealghost
The question I ask in the title is rhetorical of course. My writing skills (or lack thereof) are such that this story will probably be longer than it needs to be so bare with me. This happened in around 2002 when my nephew (M) was about 14. He usually stayed with me on the occasional weekends when...
A Grandfather's Wish by spamhead24
When I was 12, we lived in a private house in England, Chesterfield Derbyshire, It is quite known for its ghost hunts in the town centre, Much like Sheffield. One Night I was sleeping with my brother, (we shared a room not a bed), I was lying on my back, even though I knew that causes sleep para...
If It's Not One Thing, It's Another by EmergencyDecoy
My name is Charlie, I'm 13 and I'm a girl, some pretty crazy **** has happened in the past 6/7 years. So I guess I'll start from the beginning. I was about 7 when it started, it was in The middle of July, and I know that. But I would wake up with creaks in the middle of the night, Early in the mo...
Some Sort Of Spirit Or Entity by JakeMS
My parents have always gone to be at-least 5/6 hours before me, I usually stay up until the early hours of the morning, 2am, 3am sometimes up to 4am. I went to stay with my father in Germany, before that I had never had experience with ghosts, spirts or however you wish to refer to them, so here's m...
18 Years In A Haunted House by Candicelt86
The house I got bought up in for 18 years always had strange things going on! I want to share a few of my experiences! My parents bedroom that later became my room was the room with most activity. We would always hear someone walking up and down the stairs and into that room. My dog wouldn't lik...
At The Golden Fleece by Simplyghostnights
On a ghost hunt to The Golden Fleece in the city of York in the U.K, this Tudor fronted public house is reputed to be one of the oldest inns in York and its origins can traced to around 1500. It is rumored to be one of the most haunted buildings in Yorkshire, let alone York, paranormal activity reco...
The Bells by Poppett91
Ever since I was little, I have come across many strange things; I've felt things, seen things, heard things and even smelt things that are sometimes very familiar to me. Ever since my grandma passed away, which was about 10 years ago in June, my experiences have weirdly increased. I will post many ...
My Friend's Ghost Dog by chibicoolcat
When I was 9, I slept round my friend's house. She had recently lost her dog (Ben) who had died of old age... It was about 11:30 Pm and we were talking about spirits and ghouls. Suddenly, we heard the sound of claws pattering on the stairs. This was strange, as she did not own a dog. "It's probabl...
Figure Through The Glass by BloodRed
I haven't had many paranormal experiences but I remember this one clearly. I live with my mum and two dogs. She was working that night so it was just me and the dogs. Our back door is attached to the kitchen. The door is plain glass so you can see straight out to the back garden. I went down to the...
The Library Girl by motorquest
I experienced something very odd when I was in primary school. I attended, as a kid, a small village school called Woodseaves Primary. It's located in the west-midlands of England. This happened 5 years ago. I was in year 5 at the time, 10 years old and towards the end of the academic year. In our ...
My Own Haunted House 2 by Ami
Following my recent story about the ghosts I believe inhabit my house, I am posting this update about the situation. Thanks to all of you for the comments - they really have helped me. I took one suggestion and attempted concentrating then trying to talk to the ghost. I was alone, with the rest of ...
The Full Bodied Apparition At The Doncaster Air Museum by Simplyghostnights
Some years ago whilst taking part in a ghost hunt at Doncaster Air Museum, I was in a group of fellow ghost hunters in the middle of a vigil, just calling out for some form of spirit communication. We were sitting in the large hangar that was said to be where the planes were repaired during the Seco...
Henry... Our Office Ghost by xXelliemayXx
Hello everyone! I need some advice about an ongoing experience we are having in my office. Most days we have a visitor (we've nicknamed him Henry) twice, once in the morning at about 11 and then again at 4 in the afternoon. I'll explain my office layout from the fire exit so this doesn't get con...
I Will Never Forget The Day I Heard The Following by Simplyghostnights
It was a dark cold March night in 2005, when I traveled to participate in a paranormal investigation with an amateur group of ghost hunters from the Yorkshire region of the United Kingdom. It was before I had gone down the path of running my own ghost hunting company Simply Ghost Nights. It was m...
Pretty Sure The Bathroom Is Weird by laurenemmam
This was one of the weirdest things that has ever happened to me, and it happened in the most unlikely of places! So I hate school. I don't enjoy it; only sticking around for university. My friends are awesome because they put up with me and my many habits, one of which is that I don't like going to...
Party At Mine And It Appears Everyone Is Invited by laurenemmam
Big apologies for not being around here as much; I am off to university in September so have been studying for all of my exams! This is a story about the recent stuff that has been going on in my house. My house wasn't built on any burial ground or anything, its quite modern (1990's I think-I was bo...
Tilly by ebony1997
This story will start off describing my old house. It is built on a collapsed mine and before we moved in, an old woman used to live across the road called Tilly. My little sister wasn't born but my little brother was and he would often say he was playing with the 'nice old lady'. He was about two y...
The Cat Lady by Aljohn34
When I was younger I moved into a Georgian terraced home with my family of six (how my family were able to afford it I am unaware). The basic history of the building was it began as a school and later became a soup kitchen. It later became lodgings for a groundskeeper and his family; the groundskee...
History Of The House by CrystalJewel
I remember being five years of age, moving into a large, beautiful ivy-covered house with my parents which dated back to the First World War. Of course, due to my age at that current time, I didn't really take in the house's history, I just heard of what the house was built on, which was a First Wor...
Dwarf Black Demon by inclement
I had a black shapeless entity peek at me from behind the TV one morning last May. It was black, and had tiny pinprick white eyes, extremely bright but the smile was 'ear to ear' and red... It rushed at me too, seemed to like chasing me at first, my boyfriend was in the house at the time, and this w...
How The Spirits Entertained Us At The Old Nick Theatre by Simplyghostnights
What a night of paranormal activity, no superlatives can describe the amount of paranormal phenomena that occurred at the creepy Gainsborough Old Nick Theatre. In the group séance at the start of the ghost hunt, everyone heard unexplained banging and tapping from within the main theatre room in...
Matilda, Smokey And Flash - My 3 Ghosts by Emm_xoxo
To really understand the background of this story, read Angry Ghost I Need help first. As I have said in my other stories, I believe I have a ghost. I now believe I have 3 however. Out of the corner of my eye, I always see three shapes. Ones slow and steady, ones fast and goes seconds later and t...
It was on a Friday when I just escaped. My parents were in the Hospital because my Aunt was pregnant, so it was just me and my 7 year old brother. We watched some cartoons and he wanted to go bed so he went. In the living room we have a mirror which my Dad was going to sell and it was right next to ...
Reality Can Be Mistaken For Dreams by eleanoranne
Please read my previous story of everything I have already experienced. Sometimes, incredibly strange things happen to me during my sleep. At the time, I am aware of what is happening but it feels like a dream. One night, I was deep in sleep when I felt a prodding in my back, and whatever it...
Honey I'm Home by serenitylopez
This story is pretty damn lame compared to some of the ones that I have read on this site but anyway, here goes! I've been with my boyfriend for almost two years now. He lives in a very old house in Streatham, South London and surprisingly I have never found it to be at all creepy. It's a house w...
My Sister's House 2 by Mosha
This story is a continuation from my other story "My Sisters House". Every time I looked after my niece I would find her (After I put her to bed) sleeping in her doorway to her room. When confronted about this she claimed a man in the corner of her room kept scaring her and she could not get to ...
My Sister's House by Mosha
What I am about to share with you is a collection of strange events that have occurred at my sister's house within the last 2-3 years. This all started about 4 years ago. At the time my sister and her, then, husband had just had a baby girl and were planning to buy a house and move closer to our...
My Papa's Spirit by ciaracarr
I haven't really spoke about this to people other than my family, now that's its been 6 years I think I should let the world know my story. When I was 7 my papa died a while before Christmas. He was old and died while he was asleep. This is when it all started... Since his room was going to be emp...
Hotel Hauntings by serenitylopez
When I was between the ages of 7 and 8 my mother left my father and we all moved into a hotel which was a short bus ride away from our old flat. I'm now 23 and have always and still live in Clapham, London. The hotel was called The Parkside Hotel in Clapham Common but it's since been demolished to m...
The Shadowy Figure by Emm_xoxo
If you live in Kent, you'll know that this weekend was a particularly warm one (19-20th March). This information is important for my story by the way. Anyway, connecting to the side of my house is a garage where my dad keeps all his work tools, two exercise machines, a tumble dryer and an American...
A Connection... Good Or Bad? by doodlebug1996
Let me just start by saying that all my life, it had been the norm to believe in ghosts and have ghosts around me. My family is not particularly deeply interested in the supernatural - they have been to clairvoyants once or twice - but most have had ghostly experiences. My grandma, grand dad, auntie...
Callum by taz890
All of you have read 'Mandy's Home' will know Spike was a good friend of mine. This story starts after Spike moved out of my flat. Spike and his girlfriend Abbie had been going out together for about a year when they had their first son Callum. I don't mind admitting I got very broody when I saw ho...
An Entity Or Am I Just Crazy? by Obvious_Game
We have been living in the same flat for almost 7 years now. When I was about 13, I'd been going to bed quite late so I didn't get enough sleep especially when it's weekdays. That was when I started to experience Sleep Paralysis. I usually get woken up unable to move and unable to make sounds. It ha...
A Ghost Story, Second To None by Simplyghostnights
These are the paranormal occurrences that we encountered at The Old Fire & Police Museum in Sheffield, Yorkshire, England. How the spirits came out to entertain, at the spooky Sheffield Fire & Police Museum. As the staff at the museum showed us around the building, none of us could anticipate th...
Ghost Stomping Around The Room by Georgiee
About 3 years ago my family and I moved into rented accommodation, and we all started having problems with the ghost. My dad suffered the most and none of us could understand why. The ghost would hit him while he was sleeping and stomp around the bedroom. She would call my mums name while my mum...
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